Western Civilization II-Chapter 21

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How did the peace settlement in 1815, following Napoleon's second defeat, compare to the initial peace plan in 1814, after his first defeat?

The settlement in 1815 was still moderate but with more sanctions.

What was the "Congress System," established in the early nineteenth century?

The settlement of international crises through conferences and balance-of-power diplomacy

Which statement describes the new German Confederation formed in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars?

The states in the confederation retained their independence but met each year at an assembly.

What did the nineteenth-century thinker Charles Fourier believe about women's rights?

The total emancipation of women would benefit society.

What was the impact of the revolution in Paris in 1830?

It helped trigger an armed rebellion in partitioned Poland.

What was the achievement of the Reform Bill of 1832?

It increased the number of voters from 8 to 12 percent of adult males.

What was the significance of the Battle of Peterloo in Britain in 1819?

It reflected the hostility of the British aristocracy to any attempts at changing the status quo.

What was the reaction of Spain to the liberal uprisings in its South American colonies?

It sent troops but could not defeat the movements.

What was the attitude of the majority of Europeans to the Greek struggle for independence?

Leaders in Great Britain, France, and Russia finally yielded to popular opinion and by the end of the 1820s began to support Greek independence.

What was established through the Karlsbad Decrees, issued by the German Confederation in 1819?

Liberal political organizations and ideas were banned, and a network of spies was created to clamp down on reformers.

Why did the ideas of liberalism and nationalism go hand-in-hand during the early nineteenth century?

Liberals believed that each national group had a right to its own national government.

Which socialist eventually led the provisional government in France that was established in February 1848?

Louis Blanc

Which composer used contrasting themes and tones to produce a tremendous output but, at the peak of his fame, almost despaired to learn he was going deaf?

Ludwig van Beethoven

What territorial principles guided the victors of the Napoleonic Wars as they debated the peace at the Congress of Vienna in 1814 and 1815?

They should receive territorial compensation without provoking a desire for revenge in the defeated country.

Why did workers in France first begin to embrace the socialist message?

They tended to favor collective action and government intervention.

How was the Romantic movement captured by musicians and composers?

They used a wide range of forms to evoke a host of powerful emotions.

To which of these purposes did the Grimms's hope to put the folk tales they collected?

They wanted to use them as the foundation for the study of the origins of German poetry.

What happened to the early liberal governments formed across Latin America after independence had been won?

They were difficult to implement and often failed.

Why did French king Charles X invade Algeria in 1830?

To rally French nationalism as a way to restore the old order

How was the revolution in Hungary finally ended in 1849?

Tsar Nicolas I of Russia sent troops into Hungary.

Which author's writings exemplify the Romantic interest in fantastic characters, exotic historical settings, and deep human emotions?

Victor Hugo

Shelley's "Ozymandias" reflects the Romantics interest in

history and antiquities

Austrian foreign minister Prince Klemens von Metternich believed that

liberalism was responsible for the bloodshed of the Age of Revolutions.

The vision of a people united by a common language, history, and culture and with a common territory is known as


In the months following the initial revolutionary victories of 1848,

newspaper publishing exploded

Austrian foreign minister Prince Klemens von Metternich believed that

organized religion is a key pillar of a strong government.

Why did Jules Michelet's works appeal to Romantics in the nineteenth century?

Michelet promoted the growth of France's national aspirations.

What was Prince Metternich's view of the revolutions in America and France?

Middle-class revolutionaries stirred up the masses and bore responsibility for untold bloodshed.

What statement describes an important view of early nineteenth-century socialists?

Modern capitalism created selfish individualism.

What impact did Romanticism have on music?

Music no longer simply complemented a church service but became an end in itself.

Since the fifteenth century, the Greeks had lived under the domination of the

Ottoman Turks

What thinker of the mid-nineteenth century claimed that "property is theft"?

Pierre Joseph Proudhon

What did Count Henri de Saint-Simon, active in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, believe was the key to progress?

Proper social organization

The revolutions of 1848

ushered in a new era of mass politics.

The Holy Alliance

was composed of Austria, Prussia, and Russia.

By 1848, Karl Marx's statement about "a spectre" of communism haunting Europe

was highly exaggerated

The Holy Alliance

worked to repress reformist and revolutionary movements.

The Holy Alliance

worked to stifle desires for national independence across Europe.

What two fundamental principles made up the doctrine of liberalism?

Representative government and equality before the law

What was a result of the identification of liberalism with upper-class business interests?

Republicans expanded liberal ideology to include universal male suffrage.

Which of the following was true of republicans in the early nineteenth century?

Republicans supported universal adult male suffrage.

Which of the following was true of republicans in the early nineteenth century?

Republicans were willing to endorse violent upheaval to achieve their goals.

What is the name of the art form that championed emotionalism, imagination, and spontaneity?


Which of the following statements is true about Romanticism and political beliefs?

Romanticism was compatible with many political beliefs.

How was the reign of Louis Philippe brought to an end in February 1848?

A diverse group of opponents rose against the king.

What was the Frankfurt parliament's proposal of a "Greater Germany," issued in 1848?

A proposal of national unification that included German-speaking lands of the Austrian empire

Why did Irish peasants live in abominable conditions during the nineteenth century?

Absentee Protestant English landlords set high rents and easily evicted tenants.

At the Troppau conference in 1820, Prince Metternich and Tsar Alexander I agreed to what principle?

Active intervention to maintain autocratic regimes

What was one result of the Great Famine for Ireland?

Alone in Europe, Ireland experienced a declining population.

Why was the Great Famine in the late 1840s so disastrous for Ireland?

Already impoverished peasants were struck with sickness and disease.

What resulted in Tory prime minister Robert Peel's repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846?

An alliance of liberals and the working class

What key aspect of Romanticism does Keats's "Bright Star" exemplify?

An emotional connection with the natural world

Which characteristic describes an early nineteenth-century Romantic lifestyle?

An obsession with love affairs, duels to the death, and strange illnesses

How was Prussia's Frederick William finally forced to give up schemes to unify German territories in 1850?

Austria, supported by Russia, forced Prussia to renounce all plans for unification.

How did the Karlsbad Decrees seek to ensure that university faculty would promote the interests and point of view of the government?

By installing a government overseer in each university

With which of these statements would Wilhelm Grimm have agreed?

By the early nineteenth century, early German poetry had been neglected and all but forgotten

Which of these proved crucial to the re-establishment of conservative rule?

Cannons and field artillery

Austrian foreign minister Prince Klemens von Metternich is often associated with which political ideal?


Which of these assumptions was central to the Grimms's project?

Folk tales are extremely old

Where did workers first begin to embrace the socialist message?


What policies were called for in the doctrine of laissez faire?

Free trade, unrestricted private enterprise, and no government interference

While under the control of the Ottoman Empire, Greek national unity was encouraged in part by the

Greek Orthodox religion.

How did Louis Blanc, head of the provisional government in France, respond to the depression of 1848?

He encouraged the creation of a system of national workshops for the unemployed.

What was the problem with the response by Prussian king Frederick William to the riots in Berlin of March 1848?

He made promises to create a liberal constitution that satisfied no one.

Why did Austrian foreign minister Klemens von Metternich not want to see the breakup of the Ottoman Empire?

He wanted a stable Ottoman Empire to serve as a check against Russian power.

How did the work of German thinker Georg Hegel influence Karl Marx?

Hegel argued that history had patterns and purpose.

What was the response of Tsar Nicolas I to the December 1825 liberal uprising in St. Petersburg?

His troops suppressed the group, and its leaders were punished.

What term do scholars use to define an all-embracing national unity, as envisioned by nationalists in the nineteenth century?

Imagined communities

What was Romanticism's general conception of nature?

Romantics were inspired by nature's tempestuous beauty.

Economic planning, greater social equality, and state regulation of property were all principles of what nineteenth-century position?


Which of these was established by the Karlsbad Decrees?

State censorship of the press

Which group triggered several of the South American revolutions that eventually led to independence?

Subordinated people of color

Who was Simón Bolívar?

The "people's liberator," who defeated the Spanish forces to form "Gran Columbia"

Which statement characterizes the Austrian Empire in the nineteenth century?

The Austrian Empire contained a large number of different ethnic groups.

What was the British reaction to the Great Famine in Ireland in the 1840s?

The British reacted slowly, and efforts were inadequate.

Early socialist thinkers shared a sense that which of the following had contributed to the creation of a profound spiritual and moral crisis in Europe?

The French Revolution

Prince Metternich's antiliberalism and antinationalism were echoed by which other multiethnic empires?

The Russian and Ottoman Empires

What argument did Karl Marx make in his economic analysis of history?

The bourgeoisie would exploit the workers until being overcome by the working-class revolution.

Why did Frederick William of Prussia reject the crown offered by the Frankfurt parliament?

The crown offered to William did not include Austria.

Who saved the Austrian Habsburg monarchy in 1848?

The emperor's sister-in-law, Sophia, demanded that Ferdinand abdicate in favor of her son, Francis Joseph.

Which class benefited the most from liberal political and economic ideals?

The newly wealthy and business elite

What was a major obstacle to national unity in the nineteenth century?

The numerous local dialects that existed even in cohesive countries

How did Alexis de Tocqueville explain the election of the centrist Constituent Assembly in May 1848?

The peasants and the middle classes, bound together by their ownership of property, opposed the growing socialist movement.

How did the Quadruple Alliance guard against the possibility of renewed French aggression?

It combined Belgium and Holland in an enlarged Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Early socialist thinkers shared a sense that which of the following had contributed to the creation of a profound spiritual and moral crisis in Europe?

The rise of laissez faire

Romantics in central and eastern Europe were well known for

their study of peasant life and transcription of folk songs and tales.

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