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A combination of decaying and carbonized mosses and other vegetation in the area


A type of freshwater habitat that is typically found in the northern hemisphere, similar to a bog. Unlike Bogs, ______ have soil that is more nutrient rich and less acidic, can support a greater range of plants including wildflowers.


A type of wetland environment where water covers the ground for longer periods of time and sometimes it's waterlogged


A type of wetland that exist where large glaciers that once were. These habitats are covered with mosses, stunted evergreens, and shrubs. (This low laying vegetation helps to create Peat which covers the ground)

Mangrove trees

Act as a nursery or safe zone for small and juvenile organisms, do you to the way the roots grow, it blocks bigger animals


And environment with plenty of moisture.

Diamondback terrapin, and Blue crabs

Animals found in saltwater marshes:


Consists of very saturated soil or flooded land that are heavily forested. Can either be fresh or marine environments. Freshwater _______ are characterized by high standing water and towering trees and shrubs. Contains nutrient rich soil that supports the growth of large trees such as cypress and cedar tress.

Saltwater marshes

Found in low lying areas surrounded by estuaries(brackish). Have halophilic plants(salt loving). Emits a rotten egg smell, sulfur.

Hydric soil (General Characteristic)

Has poor drainage that is the result of it being constantly wet.

Freshwater marshes

Located in open areas near rivers and lakes. Are known as the most productive ecosystem on the planet. Soil is both saturated and mineralized. Soil becomes mineralized due to decomposition.

Spartina Altinaflora

Plant found here:


Plant found in freshwater marshes:

Covered by lots of vegetation (General characteristic)

Plants: lots of trees, Can find water lilies, bultongue, cattails, tamarisks. Are Divided into emergent, floating, and submerged plants.

Known as the "Nursery of Life" (General characters)

Provide food, shelter, breeding ground, resting place, and a nursery for the animals that live there.

Wetland Hydrology

Refers to the saturation of the land. Wetlands are generally saturated for a majority of the year. This water soaks the soil causing it to be hydric.

Emit Sulfurous (General characteristic)

Rotten egg odor, this smell means that wetlands are working

Hydric Soil

Soil's that have very poor drainage. The water soaks into the soil where it is retained, this causes the soil to have low oxygen levels

Hydrophytic vegetation

This is what the vegetation in wetlands is called. Because the soil in wetlands are so highly saturated, the vegetation that lives there has to be able to withstand the conditions.

Seasonally wet (General Characteristic)

Wetlands are wet for a majority of the year

Bullfrogs, Painted turtles

What are some animals found in freshwater marshes?

Wetland Hydrology, Hydric soil, hydrophytic Vegetation

What are the 3 major factors for a Wetland?

A transitional area between water and land that consists of many different types of habitats

What are wetlands?

tiny anaerobic bacteria are working to break down the dead stuff

What breaks down the organic material in wetlands?

it is caused by decomposition of dead organic materials from plants and animals.

What causes the egg-like odor in Wetlands?

The broken down material will become the top soil for wetlands

What happens to the broken down material?

-provides nurseries and protection -acts as a sponge to absorb excess water from water and helps to retain moisture -Are home for many animals -Filter small impurities from water and keep chemicals from seeping through -Provides food for the animals that live there -neutralizers toxic substances -Mixes nutrients and oxygen into the water -Strains debris from the water and keeps water clean -resting place for migratory birds -Helps clean the environment

What is the importance of wetlands?

Marine swamps

also called mangrove swamps and are found on Florida's coast line. The mangrove trees that live there make up this habitat and are considered to be halophilic (Start loving.)

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