White Collar Crime E1

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The occupational system includes businesses and corporations that carry out business activity as part of the capitalist system. White-collar crime is found in all levels.


A study on the characteristics of white-collar offenders concluded that they have families, are mostly college-educated, are connected to their communities, and commit crimes later in life.


Drug use by a pharmacist is not considered to be white-collar crime.


Having substitute workers provide medical care in the home health care industry is considered fraud.


If a doctor deceives a medical board, the crime falls under the category of fraud.


More medication errors take place in the month of July than any other month of the year.


The legalization of marijuana has increased the crime of underage sales.


What did criminologist Michael Levi conclude after from his study of white-collar crime?

B. Cases of white-collar crime are used as entertainment stories in the media rather than taken seriously. A. White-collar crime offenders are given more leniency in the courts compared to traditional criminals. B. Cases of white-collar crime are used as entertainment stories in the media rather than taken seriously. C. Structural changes in economic policies promote individual greed D. An "ethical work climate" leads to fewer white-collar crime offenses.

What is a system of social control?

B. professions that directly or indirectly control human behavior. A. oversight groups who provide information about potential white-collar offenses. B. professions that directly or indirectly control human behavior C. government groups tasked with monitoring known white-collar offenders. D. systems designed to decrease white-collar crime activity.

What type of police misconduct is defined as accepting bribes from offenders in exchange for not enforcing the law?

B. shakedowns A. corruption of authority B. shakedowns C. fixing cases D. kickbacks

Which of the following is not a variety of white-collar crime as described by criminologist Gary Green?

B. societal occupational crimes A. individual occupational crimes B. societal occupational crimes C. state authority occupational crimes D. organizational occupational crimes

What did Sutherland define as the "most general" characteristic of white-collar crime?

B. violation of trust A. large economic loss B. violation of trust C. large number of victims D. violation of natural law

Which of the following is one of the goals of the National White-Collar Crime Center?

A. provide training to those investigating white-collar crime A. provide training to those investigating white-collar crime B. provide economic support to victims of white-collar crime C. assist law enforcement in apprehending white-collar offenders D. investigate cases of white-collar crime independently from authorities

How can attorneys be sanctioned for actions of misconduct?

A. public reprimand A. public reprimand B. having to pay a fine C. written apology and fine D. suspension of license

A successful company being forced out of business due to employee theft over a long period of time is which consequence of white-collar crime?

A. secondary societal economic loss A. secondary societal economic loss B. physical harm C. individual economic loss D. emotional consequences

What type of abuse occurs while a provider is caring for a patient?

A. sexual assault A. sexual assault B. mental health controlling relationship C. drug-induced relationship D. power/prestige relationship

What steps have been taken to reduce the home repair fraud scandals in the United States?

C. Criminal laws have been passed in some states. A. Consumer review websites have been made to alert people to fraudulent companies. B. The media has tried to increase public awareness. C. Criminal laws have been passed in some states. D. People do their own home repairs.

Why do criminologists rarely study insurance fraud?

C. It is hard to understand and people don't know they've been victimized. A. It is not as common as home or auto fraud. B. It is hard to find examples of insurance fraud. C. It is hard to understand and people don't know they've been victimized. D. It is hard to define insurance fraud and many companies are just considered to have poor deals.

What role does one's job play in defining white-collar crime?

C. The crime is committed during the course of one's job . :A. The crime is committed to steal from the company or employer .B. The offender's occupation requires working in a group. C. The crime is committed during the course of one's job. D. The offender's job is not related to the crime.

Which of the following is not an example of a consequence of home repair fraud?

D. higher insurance rates A. additional damage to the home B. additional costs for the homeowner C. stress within the family and on family relationships D. higher insurance rates

What category of auto repair fraud does enhancing or creating damage fall under?

D. insurance fraud A. airbag fraud B. billing for services not provided C. unnecessary repairs D. insurance fraud

The emergence of a legalized marijuana industry in 33 states has brought white-collar crimes to the industry by and against whom?

D. marijuana business owners against other marijuana business owners A. customers against other businesses B. employees against marijuana business owners C. marijuana business owners against their customers D. marijuana business owners against other marijuana business owners

Which type of criticism against Sutherland's definition of white-collar crime was said to have created a "disconnect" between those studying white-collar crime and those responding to white-collar crime?

D. policy ambiguity A. conceptual ambiguity B. methodological ambiguity C. legal ambiguity D. policy ambiguity

Criminologist Sam Wheeler used which type of documents to gain insight into the dynamics of white-collar offenses and how offenders are sentenced in court?

D. presentencing reports A. case records B. work history C. media reports D. presentencing reports

Which type of sales-directed insurance crime is defined as "persuading the customer to cancel an old policy and replace it with a more expensive 'better' policy?"

D. rolling over A. sliding B. misrepresentation C. stacking D. rolling over

A pharmacist who fills a customer's prescription with fewer pills than prescribed by a physician has committed what type of crime?

D. short counting A. mislabeling drugs B. phantom treatment C. double billing D. short counting

According to a 2020 National Retail Security Survey, an estimated $61.7 billion was lost in the retail system in 2019 to which of the following?

D. shrinkage A. the economy B. high employee turnover C. loss of business D. shrinkage

Changes in which system have led to direct changes in the criminal justice system?

D. technological system A. educational system B. occupational system C. social system D. technological system

Which system has changed how white-collar crime occurs?

D. technological system A. social services system B. religious system C. economic system D. technological system

How are crimes committed in the military system addressed?

D. within a military justice system A. by the department of justice B. through state criminal justice systems C. through a special justice system D. within a military justice system

Experts believe that official data supplied by the government on white-collar crime greatly underestimates the extent to which it occurs.


Government definitions of white-collar crime tend to be broader in nature than research definitions of white-collar crime.


Insurance fraud can occur in the sales/services system as a type of repair fraud.


Investors sharing information about stocks is an example of white-collar crime as a violation of criminal law.


Most white-collar crime offenders have some college education.


Ninety percentage of all crimes committed in hotels are due to employee theft.


One reason white-collar crime statistics published by the UCR are disputed by many criminologists is because many of the crimes included in the statistics occur outside the scope of employment.


Society's general mistrust of insurance companies has played a role in the large number of unnecessary surgeries or medical procedures performed.


A restaurant that fails to follow health and cleanliness standards is an example of what variation of white-collar crime?

A. workplace deviance A. workplace deviance B. violations of criminal law C. violations of civil law D. violations of regulatory laws

What do white-collar crime surveys of victims reveal?

.B complaint patterns :A. easy targets B. complaint patterns C. offenders' preferred type of victim D. the magnitude of money lost

Which of the following types and categories of crime are explained by researchers with the "bad apple" theory?

A. police corruption A. police corruption B. military crimes C. attorney misconduct D. sexual abuse by priests

Why is telehealth fraud becoming a growing problem?

A. Certain crimes can be committed more easily through telemedicine. A. Certain crimes can be committed more easily through telemedicine B. Telehealth offenders can sell more services to patients through online meetings C. It is easier for telehealth offenders to make physical contact with patients. D. Users of telehealth services must share their medical history online.

Who first introduced the concept of white-collar crime?

A. Edwin Sutherland A. Edwin Sutherland B. Philip Stinson C. Henry Pontell D. Michael Cosentino

Which of the following is a true statement about the sexual abuse and misconduct that has occurred in the Catholic Church?

A. Four percentage of acting priests between 1950 and 2002 had allegations of abuse. A. Four percentage of acting priests between 1950 and 2002 had allegations of abuse. B. The church has paid out about $100 million in settlements C. Over half of the priests sexually abusing children were substance abusers as well. D. The majority of victims were older than the typical victim.

What was Sutherland's response to the criticism he faced concerning his definition of white-collar crime?

A. He was trying to call attention to an area of crime previously overlooked. A. He was trying to call attention to an area of crime previously overlooked B. The traditional theories of criminal behavior needed to be discarded. C. White-collar crime was growing rapidly and needed to be identified. D. The concept of white-collar crime was the same as traditional crime.

Why are there high rates of occurrence for medication errors in the month of July than any other month?

A. New doctors and residents begin practicing in July. A. New doctors and residents begin practicing in July. B. It is unknown why .C. Doctors who fill-in for colleagues are unfamiliar with the patients and their medication history. D. There are more patients in the hospital in the middle of the summer.

In their research on the church sexual abuse scandal, White and Terry drew parallels between the police and clergy as offenders and came to which conclusion?

A. Police officers are supported by deviance prevention programs and the clergy are not. A. Police officers are supported by deviance prevention programs and the clergy are not. B. Both groups face justice for their crimes when accused. C. Both police and clergy engaged in the same type of crimes. D. Police officers commit more crimes than the clergy.

What was the effect of Clinard and Quinney's research on white-collar crime in the 1970s and 1980s?

A. Research on white-collar crime conducted by other criminologists increased. A. Research on white-collar crime conducted by other criminologists increased B. Flawed white-collar crime prevention strategies were developed. C. Research on white-collar crime conducted by other criminologists decreased D. A final definition of white-collar crime was finally agreed upon.

Which of the following is an example of a crime that would be classified as white-collar crime?

A. a doctor performing unnecessary tests on a patient A. a doctor performing unnecessary tests on a patient B. an employee stealing money out of the cash register after his shift C. sexual assault of a student by a professor D. a patient not paying a hospital bill

Which research strategy involves reviewing official records, reports, and other documents in a study white-collar crime?

A. archival research A. archival research B. case studies C. analysis D. experiments

Bernie Madoff's crimes resulted in what major consequences for society?

A. demoralization costs A. demoralization costs B. loss of money for victims C. increased media attention to this type of crime D. stricter policy enforcement in the workplace and by the government

What led to the increase in allegations of judicial misconduct in the early 1990s?

A. development of formal commissions A. development of formal commissions B. increased media attention C. public demand D. new laws

Which of the following describes some of the consequences for police corruption?

A. diminished effectiveness and demoralization in the department A. diminished effectiveness and demoralization in the department B. lack of accountability in courts and diminished effectiveness C. lack of accountability in courts and demoralization in department D. spread of corruption and lack of accountability in courts

Which system attributes the typical young age of its employees and low wages to employee theft?

A. entertainment A. entertainment B. sales C. insurance D. retail

Which type of elderly abuse occurs more often than physical abuse?

A. financial abuse A. financial abuse B. sexual abuse C. neglect D. emotional abuse

Which type of crime in the military system is defined as crimes committed against citizens of another country?

A. foreign friendly civilian crimes A. foreign friendly civilian crimes B. extra-occupational crimes C. intra-occupational crimes D. enemy civilian social system crimes

What is a potential role for students in white-collar crime?

A. future policy makers A. future policy makers B. current researchers C. future investigative journalist D. current advocate for victims

Which of the following contains three of five principles necessary to study white-collar crime from a scientific perspective?

A. parsimony, skepticism, relativism A. parsimony, skepticism, relativism B. verifiability, determinism, objectivity C. objectivity, parsimony, reasoning D. relativism, determinism, verifiability

Which of the following form of fraud occurs when a doctor or health care professional bills Medicare/Medicaid for a service that was not provided?

A. phantom treatment A. phantom treatment B. misrepresenting services C. upcoding D. unbundling

What idea was Sutherland initially trying to call attention to when he defined white-collar crime in 1949?

B. Crimes are committed by individuals of high social and economic classes. A. More economic losses occur due to white-collar crime than traditional crime B. Crimes are committed by individuals of high social and economic classes C. White-collar crime losses can be diminished with the proper research and development of prevention strategies. D. White-collar crime would only get worse without intervention.

Why did Sutherland provide little discussion about doctors in his research into white-collar crime?

B. He believed doctors were more honest than other professionals. A. He wanted to leave the regulating to the medical boards B. He believed doctors were more honest than other professionals. C. He classified most of the crime in the health care industry under insurance fraud. D. He considered most incidents involving doctors to be accidental in nature.

How does the medical malpractice category of crime differ from other categories of white-collar crime in the health care industry?

B. It never enters the criminal justice system A. It easier for victims to get justice B. It never enters the criminal justice system C. It is not taken as seriously by authorities D. It is not a type of fraud or abuse

What surprising conclusion did criminologists Benson and Moore come to about white-collar crime offenders?

B. Offenders are not so much motivated by greed. A. Other employees often look the other way if they know their colleague is committing a crime. B. Offenders are not so much motivated by greed. C. Offenders often have a desire to be caught. D. Employers often do not take white-collar crime seriously and fail to implement strict prevention policies, making it easy and tempting for possible offenders.

What was founded in the 1990's as a response to the rarity of experimental study in the white-collar crime area?

B. The Academy of Experimental Criminology A. The Journal of Experimental Criminology B. The Academy of Experimental Criminology C. The Journal of Research on White-Collar Crime D. The White-Collar Crime Experimental Database

Why are financial crimes in the religious system hard to uncover?

B. There is little oversight of a church's financial transactions. A. Financial crime is not that prevalent in the religious system. B. There is little oversight of a church's financial transactions. C. Clergy are unaware they are committing a crime. D. Church members believe the clergy are using the funds on behalf of the church.

How are crimes in the military system, or khaki-collar crimes, defined and developed?

B. U.S. Uniform Code of Military Justice A. Department of Justice B. U.S. Uniform Code of Military Justice C. Armed Forces Code of Justice D. Law of the Armed Services

What are the two factors that make it difficult to measure the extent of white-collar crime?

B. Victims don't report it and the concept of white-collar crime is ambiguous. A. The concept of white-collar crime is too ambiguous and the government definition of white-collar crime varies too much from the research definition B. Victims don't report it and the concept of white-collar crime is ambiguous. C. Victims don't report it and the government definition of white-collar crime varies too much from the research definition. D. The government definition of white-collar crime varies too much from the research definition and there is disagreement about how to go about measuring the extent of white-collar crime.

How do organizational culture strategies work to prevent employee theft in the retail business?

B. With managers promoting a sense of community in the workplace and highlighting the company values from the start, employees are less likely to steal A. With police targeting organized crime families who develop large complex employee theft schemes, employee theft drops on large levels B. With managers promoting a sense of community in the workplace and highlighting the company values from the start, employees are less likely to steal C. With an organized system for employees to anonymously report colleague wrongdoings, people are more likely to come forward D. With an organized structure, or ladder, with employees and managers always having someone right above them to hold them responsible for their actions, theft is less likely to occur

Which of the following is a possible consequence of prosecutorial misconduct?

B. breeding crime A. diminished effectiveness B. breeding crime C. negative community perceptions D. demoralization in office

What type of elderly patient is more likely to fall victim to sexual abuse by their health care provider?

B. cognitively impaired patients A. physically disabled patients B. cognitively impaired patients C. patients with more life-threatening illnesses D. patients with little family involvement

If a judge takes too much time to give a ruling in a court case, the judge engages in what type of judicial misconduct?

B. decisional delay A. pressuring the jury B. decisional delay C. appearance of bias D. failure to ensure rights

Which of the following is a type of crime typically committed by a correctional officer?

B. drug smuggling A. payoffs B. drug smuggling C. shakedowns D. kickbacks

What category of crimes by health care providers does deceiving a medical board fall into?

B. general offending A. fraud B. general offending C. abuse D. medical malpractice

What is an advantage to archival research?

B. gives researches access a large number of subjects A. allows researchers to study a bigger picture B. gives researches access a large number of subjects C. allows the researchers to study how well prevention policies are working D. gives the researcher an inside view into white-collar crimes

What has been identified as a cause for misconduct of officers in the prisons?

B. high degree of discretion given to low-level officers A. high turnover of officers B. high degree of discretion given to low-level officers C. officers work without partners or supervision D. opportunity and easy access

What type of corruption do shakedowns, fixing cases, and opportunistic theft describe?

B. police corruption A. correctional officer misconduct B. police corruption C. attorney misconduct D. political misconduct

Which of the following is an example of employee theft in the retail system?

D. giving sweetheart deals A. not giving customers sale prices B. billing for services not provided C. buying goods at a lower price D. giving sweetheart deals

Who do door-to-door scam artists in the home repair industry target and why?

C. The elderly because they are home during the day and are more vulnerable. A. The poor because they are more likely to jump at what they think is a good deal B. The wealthy because they are less likely to shop around for the best prices. C. The elderly because they are home during the day and are more vulnerable. D. Women because they are more vulnerable and know less about home repairs.

What did criminologists argue to be the result of conceptual ambiguity in regard to Sutherland's definition of white-collar crime?

C. The term was in turn used vaguely by other scholars and authorities. A. The public could not grasp the idea of white-collar crime. B. The definition did not reflect reality C. The term was in turn used vaguely by other scholars and authorities. D. Criminologists viewed white-collar crime as similar to traditional crime.

What was one of Benson and Choi's conclusions regarding the characteristics of white-collar offenders?

C. They come from all racial and ethnic groups. A. Offenders follow demonstrated patterns of offenses. B. Offenders are usually experiencing instability in their family life. C. They come from all racial and ethnic groups. D. They began engaging in white-collar crime early in their lives.

Which type of auto repair fraud can go undetected unless the driver has a serious accident?

C. airbag fraud A. unnecessary repairs B. insurance fraud C. airbag fraud D. billing for services not provided

To what are the majority of crimes committed in a hotel attributed?

C. employee theft A. There is no one major type of crime in hotels B. theft by guests C. employee theft D. fraud

Which of the following is an example of a crime classified as attorney misconduct?

C. failure to provide competent representation A. giving advice to clients B. making statements to authorities C. failure to provide competent representation D. charging fees for extra work

Viatical settlement fraud and promissory note fraud are examples of which type of insurance fraud?

C. investment focused crimes A. crimes by agents against the company B. sales-directed crimes against the consumers C. investment focused crimes D. crimes by agents against the consumers

When Exxon Valdez crashed his ship, causing extreme damage to the environment and resulting in billions of dollars in fines, what variation of white-collar crime is this an example of?

C. violations of civil law A. social harm B. violations of regulatory laws C. violations of civil law D. moral or ethical violations

An angry employee who destroys company records after being fired is an example of what variation of white-collar crime?

C. violations of criminal law A. moral violations B. violations of civil law C. violations of criminal law D. violations of regulatory laws

Why is it easier for investigators to prove fraud in the mental health professions?

D. It is easier to prove time violations. A. The way their records are kept leaves little room for error. B. It is easier for insurance companies to catch. C. It cannot be claimed as an accident. D. It is easier to prove time violations.

Why is drug use among pharmacists such a large problem, more so than in other professions?

D. Pharmacists fall victim to the paradox of familiarity. A. What pharmacists consider self-medicating others consider illegal drug use. B. Pharmacists have easy access to drugs. C. Pharmacists think because they have such a trusted position they will never get caught. D. Pharmacists fall victim to the paradox of familiarity.

How does the sales/service system differ from the retail system?

D. Retail system sells various goods, whereas the sales system sells basic goods and services. A. Retail system sells smaller goods, whereas the sales system sells larger item in price, like homes. B. Sales system sells all types of goods, whereas the retail system sells luxuries. C. They are the same system D. Retail system sells various goods, whereas the sales system sells basic goods and services.

Embezzlement, forgery, and falsifying account information are all examples of which type of insurance fraud?

D. crimes by agents against consumers A. investment focused crimes B. sales-directed crimes against consumers C. crimes by agents against the company D. crimes by agents against consumers

When church leaders lie to constituents and promote a "holier than thou" appearance, what type of crime is being committed and why?

D. deception because church leaders can engage in scandalous activities as well A. corruption of authority because they are gaining trust under false pretenses B. abuse of authority because they are using the church for personal gain C. financial because it leads to more donations D. deception because church leaders can engage in scandalous activities as well

Which type of crime occurs in the military system?

D. enemy civilian social system crimes A. prosecutorial misconduct B. shakedowns of civilians C. protection of illegal activities D. enemy civilian social system crimes

Archival research on white-collar crime can provide insight into the culture at a given time.


Because pharmacists have been typically been viewed as very trustworthy professionals, more effort and research has focused on them in order to protect the public from something they might not be aware of.


Ever since the founding of the Academy of Experimental Criminology, experiments have been used on a regular basis to study white-collar crime.


Insurance fraud is studied thoroughly by criminologists because it is hard for the public to understand, and people do not typically know if they have been victimized.


Mental health controlling relationships occur when patients become "enamored" with their doctors.


Most medical malpractice victims receive some type of retribution from the hospital before the case makes significant progression.


One of the main factors that makes the extent of white-collar crime so difficult to measure is that many offenders are not caught.


Relativism, meaning all things are related, focuses on explaining the causes of white-collar crime.


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