Windows Commands
The first step is to enter the directory by running the command\: cd Bootcamp_Time The second step is to create a text file along with its content. The echo command shows strings that are entered into it as arguments. So here, enter the command\: echo Hi all! I love this Bootcamp > Announcement.tx
Enter the directory Bootcamp_Time.In the new directory you created, what command would you use to create a text file named "Announcement.txt" with the content "Hi all! I love this Bootcamp"?
Task Manager, Performance, Ethernet, Send
Following are the steps to finding how many ethernet kbps are sent right now. What is the correct order of operations
Task Manager, Users
Following are the steps to finding how much CPU the user "administrator" is using. What is the correct order of operations?
Task Manager, Details
Following are the steps to finding how much memory the process Task Manager is using. What is the correct order of operations?
Task Manager, Details
Following are the steps to finding the user. What is the correct order of operations? Incorrect answer:
Task Manager, Performance, Memory
Following are the steps to finding what percentage of memory is currently being used. What is the correct order of operations?
Task manager, More details (background processes), Sort by CPU
Following are the steps to finding which background process utilizes the most CPU. What is the correct order of operations?
The first step is to enter the correct directory, do this by typing the command\: cd c\:\users\public The second step is to rename the file, and change the extension by running the command\: rename SeeYa.txt SeeYa.html
From the c:\users\public directory, what command would you use to change the extension of the file SeeYa from SeeYa.txt to SeeYa.html?
Only running services have PIDs
In the Task Manager, under Services, why do only some services have process IDs (PIDs) displayed?
The ampersand (&) syntax is used to execute multiple commands on one line. To restart the Internet Explorer browser process in one line (kill and start again> run the command: taskkill /f /im iexplore.exe & start iexplore.exe
Start the Internet Explorer browser again. What command would you use to restart the Internet Explorer browser process in one line?
change the current directory
The <cd> command is used to:
The ipconfig command is used to find the IP address information of a Windows machine.
What command would you enter to display the IP configurations?
The netstat command displays statistics for all network connections. So to display the network connections/ sockets on the machine run the command: netstat -noa -n displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.-o displays the owning process ID associated with each connection.-a displays all connections and listening ports. Notice that the order of the parameters defining the commands is not important; as long as all the relevant parameters appear, the command will be executed correctly.
What command would you enter to display the network connections/ sockets on the machine?
The ping command is used to verify connectivity between devices.
What command would you use to check if the default gateway is active?
The copy command duplicates a file to a specified location. In this case, run the command\: copy c\:\users\administrator\desktop\Bootcamp_Time\SeeYa.txt c\:\users\public\SeeYa.txt
What command would you use to copy the file you created to the location: c:\users\public?
The mkdir command is used to create new directories. To create a new folder in this directory, run the command: mkdir Bootcamp_Time
What command would you use to create a new folder named "Bootcamp_Time" in this directory?
The del command is used to delete files. In this case, type\: del c\:\users\administrator\desktop\Bootcamp_Time\SeeYa.txt Did you know the erase command has the same function as the del command?
What command would you use to delete the old file located in the Bootcamp_Time directory, leaving one copy of the text file you created in c:\users\public?
The | (pipe) command combines two or more commands. So to display only the network connections that are localhost ( run the command: netstat -noa | findstr
What command would you use to display only the network connections that are localhost (\:
The findstr command searches for patterns of text in files. So to display only the network connections where the local port starts with 5 run the command: netstat -noa | findstr :5
What command would you use to display only the network connections where the local port starts with 5?
To display only the network connections/sockets that are TCP connection run the command: netstat -noap TCP -p shows connections for the specified protocol.
What command would you use to display only the network connections/sockets that are TCP connections?
The arp -a command displays the current ARP entries by interrogating the protocol data. This command displays the ARP cache table.
What command would you use to display the ARP cache table?
The all parameter of the ipconfig command shows detailed information. To display the IP and MAC information of the interface run the command: ipconfig /all
What command would you use to display the IP and MAC information of the interface?
The type command displays the contents of a text file. So to display the content of the new file you created on your screen, run the command\: type "Announcement.txt"
What command would you use to display the content of the new file you created onto your screen?
The tasklist command displays a list of currently running processes on the local or remote computer.
What command would you use to display the list of all processes?
The route print command displays and updates the network routing table.
What command would you use to display the route table?
The cd command is used to change the current directory. So to enter c:\users\administrator\desktop, run the command: cd c:\users\administrator\desktop
What command would you use to enter the directory c:\users\administrator\desktop?
The taskkill command is used to kill or stop a running process or application. Specifically, to kill the Internet Explorer browser from the command line, run the command: taskkill /f /im iexplore.exe
What command would you use to kill a process using the command line?
The dir command lists the files and folders in the current directory.
What command would you use to list the files and folders in the current directory?
The start command starts a separate window to run a specified program or command. iexplore.exe is the executable file of Microsoft Internet Explorer. So to open the Internet Explorer browser through the command line run the command: start iexplore.exe
What command would you use to open the Internet Explorer browser through the command line?
The move command is used to move files from one directory to another. You could perform the previous two steps by running the single command\: move c\:\users\administrator\desktop\Bootcamp_Time\SeeYa.txt c\:\users\public\SeeYa.txt Did you know you could use the move command to rename programs, and "move" a file from one name to another.
What command would you use to perform the previous two steps using only one command?
Enter ping for the first part of the command, followed by the default gateway IP address and finally add -n10 to ping the default gateway 10 times. The parameters below produce the following actions when added to the ping command: The -n parameter is used to define the number of echo requests to send. The -r parameter records the route for count hops. The -s parameter if outputs the timestamp for count hops. The -t parameter pings the specified host until stopped.
What command would you use to ping the default gateway 10 times?
The rename command changes the name of a file or files. So to rename the file you created from "Announcement.txt" to "SeeYa.txt," type the command\: rename Announcement.txt SeeYa.txt
What command would you use to rename the file you created from "Announcement.txt" to "SeeYa.txt"?
ipconfig /all
Where do you need to look to find the DNS server?
Look in the results of the ipconfig command to locate the default gateway.
Where do you need to look to find the default gateway?
Which user ran the process csrss.exe?