Word Unit Exam Study

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Increase the indent for the text by one level.

In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Paragraph Ribbon Group, you clicked the Increase Indent button.

Split the current cell of the table into three columns and one row.

In the Layout Ribbon Tab in the Merge Ribbon Group, you clicked the Split Cells button. Inside the Split Cells dialog, you typed 3 in the Number of columns input, clicked the OK button.

Open the dialog where you can review the number of words in the document.

In the application footer, you clicked the Word Count button.

Change the column width of the Scarsdale column to 1.25".

You clicked Cell 4, 1. In the Layout Ribbon Tab in the Cell Size Ribbon Group, you set the Width: to 1.25".

Use a single command on the Ribbon apply inside horizontal borders to the table.

You right-clicked the visible column. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Borders Ribbon Group, you clicked the Border Styles button arrow, clicked the Borders button arrow. In the Borders menu, you clicked the Inside Horizontal Border menu item.

Apply the Ion theme to the document.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Document Formatting Ribbon Group, you clicked the Themes button. In the Themes menu, you selected the Ion option.

Text has been copied to the clipboard. Without opening the Clipboard task pane, paste the text above the text electric nerve stimulation.

In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Clipboard Ribbon Group, you clicked the Paste button.

Replace all instances of the word flight with level.

In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Editing Ribbon Group, you clicked the Replace button. Inside the Find and Replace dialog, you clicked the More > > button. Inside the Find and Replace dialog, you typed flight in the Find What input, typed level in the Replace with input, and clicked the Replace All button. Inside the Microsoft Word dialog, you clicked the OK button.

Reject the current change.

In the Review Ribbon Tab in the Changes Ribbon Group, you clicked the Reject button arrow. In the Reject menu, you clicked the Reject Change menu item.

Reject the current change and move to the next one.

In the Review Ribbon Tab in the Changes Ribbon Group, you clicked the Reject button.

Delete the selected comment.

In the Review Ribbon Tab in the Comments Ribbon Group, you clicked the Delete button.

Select the greeting line of the letter Dear Mr. Wilson:

You clicked the document text , selected the text beginning with: Dear Mr. Wilson:.

Using the drag method, make the picture smaller.

You clicked the document text .

Change the document so the first page has a different header from the rest of the document.

You clicked the undefined Object, double-clicked the document header. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Options Ribbon Group, you checked the Different First Page check box.

Change the reference style for the document to use the APA style.

In the References Ribbon Tab in the Citations & Bibliography Ribbon Group, you clicked the Style drop-down arrow. In the Style: menu, you clicked the APA menu item.

Convert the footnotes in the document into endnotes.

In the References Ribbon Tab in the Footnotes Ribbon Group, you clicked the Footnotes dialog launcher. Inside the Footnote and Endnote dialog, you clicked the Convert... button. Inside the Convert Notes dialog, you clicked the OK button.

Display the task pane where you can view copied items and then paste them into a document.

click clipboard on the home page

Clear the formatting from the selected text.

highlight the text and on the home page next to Aa click the A with an eraser

Select the table.

You clicked the Table Move Handle.

Use the change case command to change the text from lowercase to all capital letters.

In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Font Ribbon Group, you clicked the Change Case button. In the Change Case menu, you clicked the UPPERCASE menu item.

Apply the Heading 1 style to the selected text.

In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Styles Ribbon Group in the Styles menu, you clicked the Heading 1 gallery option.

Check the document for writing errors. Fix the grammar error that is found.

In the Review Ribbon Tab in the Proofing Ribbon Group, you clicked the Spelling & Grammar button. Inside the Editor dialog from the Spelling Corrections List list, you opened the undefined Context Menu, clicked still located. Inside the Microsoft Word dialog, you clicked the OK button.

Turn on Track Changes and delete the selected text.

In the Review Ribbon Tab in the Tracking Ribbon Group, you clicked the Track Changes button. You selected the text beginning with: alongside the clinics and health, pressed the Backspace key.

Cut the selected text.

In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Clipboard Ribbon Group, you clicked the Cut button.

Change the font size for the selected text to 11 pt.

In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Font Ribbon Group, you clicked the Font Size drop-down arrow. In the Font Size menu, you selected the 11pt font size.

Change the text so it is justified.

In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Font Ribbon Group, you clicked the Font drop-down arrow. In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Styles Ribbon Group, you expanded the Styles Gallery. In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Paragraph Ribbon Group, you clicked the Paragraph dialog launcher. Inside the Paragraph dialog in the Alignment drop-down, you clicked the Justified list item. Inside the Paragraph dialog, you clicked the OK button.

Decrease the indent for the text by one level.

In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Paragraph Ribbon Group, you clicked the Decrease Indent button.

Add a cover page to the document using the Retrospect style. Add MediSport, Inc. as the company name.

In the Insert Ribbon Tab in the Pages Ribbon Group, you clicked the Cover Page button. In the Cover Page menu, you selected the Retrospect option. You clicked the Company text input, typed MediSport, Inc in the Company text input.

Change the right indent to be 0.3".

In the Layout Ribbon Tab in the Paragraph Ribbon Group, you set the Right: to .3.

Add a bibliography using the Bibliography style.

In the References Ribbon Tab in the Citations & Bibliography Ribbon Group, you clicked the Style drop-down arrow, clicked the Bibliography button. In the Bibliography menu, you selected the Bibliography option.

Add a footnote that reads: Testimonials from professional athletes available upon request. When you are finished, press Enter.

In the References Ribbon Tab in the Footnotes Ribbon Group, you clicked the Insert Footnote button. You typed Testimonials from professional athletes available upon request., pressed the Enter key.

Using the Thesaurus, replace the selected word (founded) with the synonym created.

In the Review Ribbon Tab in the Proofing Ribbon Group, you clicked the Thesaurus button. Inside the Thesaurus dialog from the Thesaurus Suggestions list from the originated (v.) list, you clicked the arrow next to the word created. In the Thesaurus Insert Item menu, you clicked the Insert menu item.

Use the Undo command to undo the last action taken.

In the application header, you clicked the Undo button.

Select the third row in the table.

You clicked Cell 1, 3, clicked the row|2 row, clicked the document text , clicked the document text , and clicked Cell 1, 3. In the Layout Ribbon Tab in the Table Ribbon Group, you clicked the Select button. In the Select menu, you clicked the Select Row menu item. or You right-clicked the row|2 row, clicked Cell 1, 3, clicked Cell 1, 3, clicked the row|2 row, clicked the document text , clicked the document text , clicked Cell 1, 3, clicked Cell 1, 3, clicked Cell 1, 3, clicked Cell 1, 3, clicked the row|2 row, clicked the document text , and clicked the document text . In the Layout Ribbon Tab in the Table Ribbon Group, you clicked the Select button. In the Select menu, you clicked the Select Row menu item.

Change the Quick Style gallery display so formats with first column and banded row formatting do not display. Only Header row should be selected.

go to design under the table tab, and on the left corner check or uncheck the boxes, and then go to the fun looking tables and choose the requested one.

Check the document for writing errors, and make the following changes: fix the grammar error that is found, change all instances of the word nead to need using a single command, and accept the writing suggestion to change are able to to can.

go to grammar and spelling, click change all from drop down

Add a company property control to the document that reads MediSport Clinic.

You opened the backstage view, clicked the Show Fewer Properties link, clicked the MediSport Clinic field, changed the MediSport Clinic field, pressed the MediSport Clinic field, and clicked the back arrow button. In the Insert Ribbon Tab in the Text Ribbon Group, you clicked the Quick Parts button. In the Quick Parts menu in the Document Property menu, you clicked the Company menu item.

Insert a column break.

You right-clicked the Stage Area view, clicked the medisport-finance-chart image, and clicked the Tell me what you want to do field. In the Layout Ribbon Tab in the Page Setup Ribbon Group, you clicked the Columns button, clicked the Breaks button. In the Breaks menu, you selected the Column option.

Using the right-click method, fix the spacing error in the second paragraph. Do not open the Spelling and Grammar task pane.

You right-clicked the still located text. In the Spell Check: Right Click Menu menu in the Grammar menu, you clicked the still located menu item.

Select the second paragraph in the letter.

You selected the text beginning with: We are still located one.

Apply a top border and bottom border to the first paragraph under Executive Summary (starts with "The MediSport Clinic ...").

In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Paragraph Ribbon Group, you clicked the Borders button arrow. In the Border menu, you clicked the Borders and Shading... menu item. Inside the Borders and Shading dialog from the Apply to list, you selected the Custom Image Button. Inside the Borders and Shading dialog, you clicked the Options... button, clicked the Options... button. Inside the Borders and Shading dialog in the Apply to drop-down, you selected Text. Inside the Borders and Shading dialog, you clicked the Options... button. Inside the Borders and Shading dialog in the Apply to drop-down, you selected Paragraph. Inside the Borders and Shading dialog, you clicked the Border Top button, clicked the Border Bottom button, and clicked the OK button.

Open the Borders and Shading dialog with the Page Border tab displayed. Add a Shadow border to the document. The border should be 1 1/2 pt wide and use the Green, Accent 6, Darker 50% color (it is the last color from the right in the sixth row under Theme Colors).

In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Paragraph Ribbon Group, you clicked the Borders button arrow. In the Border menu, you clicked the Borders and Shading... menu item. You clicked the Page Border tab. Inside the Borders and Shading dialog from the Apply to list, you selected the Shadow Image Button. Inside the Borders and Shading dialog in the Width drop-down, you clicked the 1 1/2 pt item. In the Border Color menu, you selected the Green, Accent 6, Darker 50% color option. Inside the Borders and Shading dialog, you clicked the OK button.

Open the Tabs dialog and set a left tab stop at .2".

In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Paragraph Ribbon Group, you clicked the Paragraph dialog launcher. Inside the Paragraph dialog, you clicked the Tabs... button. Inside the Tabs dialog, you typed .2 in the Tab stop position box.

Add a footer to the document using the Facet (Even Page) format. Add the author Sue Chur to the footer. When you are finished, close the footer.

In the Insert Ribbon Tab in the Header & Footer Ribbon Group, you clicked the Footer button. In the Footer menu, you selected the Facet (Even Page) option. You clicked the Author text input, typed Sue Chur in the Author text input. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Close Ribbon Group, you clicked the Close Header and Footer button.

Add a header to the document using the ViewMaster format. Add the text MediSport Clinic Business Plan. When you are finished, close the header.

In the Insert Ribbon Tab in the Header & Footer Ribbon Group, you clicked the Header button. In the Header menu, you selected the ViewMaster option. You clicked the undefined Object, clicked the undefined Object, clicked the Title text input, and typed MediSport Clinic Business Plan in the Title text input. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Close Ribbon Group, you clicked the Close Header and Footer button.

Open the Online Pictures dialog and search for pictures using the key terms health club using the Bing search engine. Insert the first picture in the results.

In the Insert Ribbon Tab in the Illustrations Ribbon Group, you clicked the Online Pictures button. Inside the Online Pictures dialog, you typed health club in the Search Box input, clicked the first picture, and clicked the Insert button.

Insert the benchPress picture into the document from the Pictures folder on your computer.

In the Insert Ribbon Tab in the Illustrations Ribbon Group, you clicked the Pictures button. You clicked benchPress. Inside the Insert Picture dialog, you clicked the Insert button.

Open the Insert Hyperlink dialog to add a hyperlink that reads See the Appendix to the document. The link should take the reader to the Appendix section in the same document.

In the Insert Ribbon Tab in the Links Ribbon Group, you clicked the Link button. Inside the Insert Hyperlink dialog from the insertHyperlinkLinkToTabList list, you clicked the Place in This Document item. Inside the Insert Hyperlink dialog, you typed See the Appendix in the insertHyperlinkTextToDisplayInput input. Inside the Insert Hyperlink dialog from the placeInDocHyperlinkSelectAPlaceTreeList list from the placeInDocHyperlinkHeadingsTreeList list, you selected Appendix. Inside the Insert Hyperlink dialog, you clicked the OK button.

Add WordArt above the photograph in the brochure that reads A new approach to healing. Insert the WordArt using the first option in the second row of the WordArt gallery.

In the Insert Ribbon Tab in the Text Ribbon Group, you clicked the WordArt button. In the WordArt menu, you selected the Gradient Fill, Gray option. You selected the text beginning with: Your text here, typed A new approach to healing.

Use the distribute command to change all the rows to the same height.

In the Layout Ribbon Tab in the Cell Size Ribbon Group, you clicked the AutoFit button, clicked the Distribute Rows button.

Use the AutoFit command on the Ribbon to resize the table so it fits the contents of the table.

In the Layout Ribbon Tab in the Cell Size Ribbon Group, you clicked the AutoFit button. In the AutoFit menu, you clicked the AutoFit Contents menu item.

Use the distribute command to change all the columns to the same width.

In the Layout Ribbon Tab in the Cell Size Ribbon Group, you clicked the Distribute Columns button.

Change the row height of the current row to .4".

In the Layout Ribbon Tab in the Cell Size Ribbon Group, you set the Height: to .4".

Sort the table in ascending order based on the content of the first column.

In the Layout Ribbon Tab in the Data Ribbon Group, you clicked the Sort button. Inside the Sort dialog, you clicked the OK button.

Insert a new column between the first and second column.

In the Layout Ribbon Tab in the Rows & Columns Ribbon Group, you clicked the Insert Left button.

Delete the third row in the table.

In the Mini Toolbar, you clicked the Delete button, clicked the Delete button. In the Delete menu, you clicked the Delete Rows menu item.

Delete the second column in the table.

In the Mini Toolbar, you clicked the Delete button. In the Delete menu, you clicked the Delete Columns menu item.

Add a new source for a bibliography. Enter the following information for the source - Type of Source: Article in a Periodical, Author: Celia Woods, Title: Wrap It Up, Periodical Title: PT Today Magazine, Year: 2019, Month: July, Day: 29, Pages: 40.

In the References Ribbon Tab in the Citations & Bibliography Ribbon Group, you clicked the Bibliography button. In the References Ribbon Tab in the Citations & Bibliography Ribbon Group, you clicked the Bibliography button. In the References Ribbon Tab in the Research Ribbon Group, you clicked the Smart Lookup button. In the References Ribbon Tab in the Table of Contents Ribbon Group, you clicked the Add Text button. In the References Ribbon Tab in the Citations & Bibliography Ribbon Group, you clicked the Insert Citation button. In the Insert Citation menu, you clicked the Add New Source... menu item. Inside the Create Source dialog in the Type of Source drop-down, you selected Article in a Periodical. Inside the Create Source dialog, you typed Celia Woods in the Author input, typed Wrap it Up in the Title input, typed PT Today Magazine in the Periodical Title input, typed 2019 in the Year input, typed July in the Month input, typed 29 in the Day input, typed 40 in the Pages input, and clicked the OK button.

Add a citation that references the Celia Woods source.

In the References Ribbon Tab in the Citations & Bibliography Ribbon Group, you clicked the Insert Citation button. In the Insert Citation menu, you clicked the Woods, Celia menu item.

Use the Researcher to look up information on "dry needling" and from the results, add a citation to the second source in the task pane.

In the References Ribbon Tab in the Research Ribbon Group, you clicked the Researcher button. Inside the Researcher dialog from the Navigation Headers Tab list, you typed dry needling in the Search input, pressed the Enter key. You clicked the Add this source as Citation Button.

Accept all the changes in the document.

In the Review Ribbon Tab in the Changes Ribbon Group, you clicked the Accept button arrow. In the Accept Format Change menu, you clicked the Accept All Changes menu item.

Accept the current change and move to the next one.

In the Review Ribbon Tab in the Changes Ribbon Group, you clicked the Accept button.

Move to the next change in the document.

In the Review Ribbon Tab in the Changes Ribbon Group, you clicked the Next button.

Add the comment and therapists to the selected text.

In the Review Ribbon Tab in the Comments Ribbon Group, you clicked the New Comment button. You selected the text beginning with: doctors, commented and therapists.

Check the document for writing errors, and change all instances of the word nead to need using a single command.

In the Review Ribbon Tab in the Proofing Ribbon Group, you clicked the Spelling & Grammar button. Inside the Editor dialog from the Spelling Corrections List list, you opened the Spelling Error Suggestions Context Menu. In the Spelling Error Suggestions menu, you clicked the Change All menu item. Inside the Microsoft Word dialog, you clicked the OK button.

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