World History 2nd Semester Final

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A west African empire that flourished from 1235 to the 1400s and grew rich from trade


Abbas the Great strengthened the Safavid empire by A. tolerating non-Muslims and encouraging their economic contributions. B. increasing the treasury by raising taxes on farmers and herders. C. centralizing the government and scaling down the military force. D. relying on military solutions rather than pursuing diplomatic ties.


According to Marx, what would be the main characteristic of communism? A. a community in which work was shared and property was owned in common B. a society in which the economy functioned without government interference C. a classless society in which wealth and power were equally shared D. an economy in which private individuals owned the means of production


According to laissez-faire economists, what is the benefit of a free market? A. A free market would encourage government economic policies to try to reduce poverty. B. Under a free market, the population would continue to boom, creating rapid economic growth. C. As production increased, the supply of goods would also increase and prices would drop so more people could afford goods. D. In a free market, capitalists would reinvest in new businesses, which would create new jobs and raise the price of goods.


According to mercantilists, what was the purpose of colonies? A. to export manufactured goods to parent countries B. to import luxuries from parent countries at discounted prices C. to provide inexpensive resources and raw materials to parent countries D. to reduce competition and tariffs


By 1900, women in Britain and the United States had not yet won the right to A. own property. B. work outside the home. C. get an education. D. vote.

What did Tang rulers do to extend their control over the Chinese people?

Created a system for the recruitment of officials. Sui had re instituted the Han system of examinations, reasserted the principle that officials should not be local aristocrats....the Tang continued and expanded the gov schools and examination sytem of the Sui.


Describe How did radicals such as Robespierre justify the use of terror? A. They wanted to recruit people to fight against foreign invaders. B. They feared the growing power of the Jacobins and sans-culottes. C. They sought to preserve the republic from its enemies. D. They were afraid the king would attempt to seize power again.


Devastated by the two invasions, Korean rulers adopted a policy of isolation, excluding foreigners except the Chinese and a few Japanese. When European sailors were shipwrecked on Korean shores, they were imprisoned and held as spies. Which country carried out one of the invasions in Korea discussed in the text?


Didn't think caliphs had to be related to Muhammad's son-in law, Ali, to lead

Planters in the Americas began to use African slaves for labor because

Disease had killed millions of native Americans.

Balance of Power

Distribution of military and economic power that prevents any one nation from becoming too strong.


Christian humanists contributed to the reformation because they A. suggested that religion should be tailored to meet the needs of the people. B. urged people to return to the values and practices of the early Christian church. C. supported a powerful Roman Catholic Church that exerted influence in secular matters. D. taught that the Bible should be interpreted by well-educated scholars who would then teach others.

Which of the following is to travel completely around the world?


Claude Monet

Claude Monet (1840-1926) was one of the leading figures in the French Impressionist movement. Much like the Romantics, the Impressionists found inspiration in the outdoors and rejected traditional European artistic conventions. Monet sought to create an accurate depiction of nature through his use of color, tones, texture, and brush strokes. He often painted the same object or scene at different times of day to see how light and shadow changed its appearance. Two of his most famous series are the grain stacks and water lily pond.

Olaudah Equiano.

"The first object which saluted my eyes when I arrived on the coast was the sea, and a slave ship which was then riding at anchor and waiting for its cargo. These filled me with astonishment, which was soon converted into terror when I was carried on board." The speaker, who was seized from a Nigerian village at the age of 11 by slave traders, is


"conqueror" in Spanish; a leader in the Spanish conquests of America, Mexico, and Peru in the sixteenth century

The system used to bypass the guilds in Europe was the __________ system.



(1304-1374) lived in Florence and was an early Renaissance humanist, poet, and scholar. He assembled a library of Greek and Roman manuscripts gathered from monasteries and churches, helping to preserve these classic works for future generations.

Prince Henry

(1394-1460) was a Portuguese prince and patron of explorers who helped his father capture the Moroccan city of Ceuta, became its governor, and sponsored voyages to the Madeira Islands and the West African coast. He raised money for expeditions and established a base for explorers in Sagres, later adding an arsenal, an observatory, and a school for studying geography. His support of cartography, advances in navigation, and exploration provided a foundation for Portugal's rise to international dominance and acquisition of its colonial empire in the sixteenth century.

Christopher Columbus

(1451-1506) was an Italian explorer and navigator who went on Mediterranean and Africa expeditions, thought up a plan to sail west to reach India and China, and found support from the Spanish monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella. In 1492, he sailed west from Spain and reached the Caribbean Islands, which he mistakenly thought were the Indies of Asia. He made other voyages, but strained relations with the Spanish royal officials led to his arrest and dismissal as governor of the settlements on the island of Hispaniola.

Leonardo da Vinci

(1452-1519) was an Italian artist considered the ideal Renaissance man due to his varied talents. His interests included botany, anatomy, optics, music, architecture, and engineering. His sketches for flying machines and undersea boats resembled the later inventions of airplanes and submarines. His paintings, such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper , remain famous today.

Afonso de Albuquerque's

(1453-1515) was a Portuguese admiral who helped found Portugal's trade empire in the East. He captured and built strategic forts at Goa, Calicut, Malacca, and Hormoz; reconstructed other forts; set up shipbuilding and other Portuguese industries in India; and built churches.

Niccolò Machiavelli

(1469-1527) was born in Florence. He was a Renaissance political philosopher, statesman, and writer. His most famous work was a guide for rulers on how to gain and keep power. The Prince was realistic about political power. He argued that the end justified the means in politics. The term _______________ is still used today to describe deceitful politics.

Albrecht Dürer

(1471-1528) was born in Nuremberg, Germany. A painter, draftsman, and writer, his greatest artistic impact was in engraving. He traveled to Italy, studied the Italian masters, and helped spread Renaissance ideas to northern Europe. Many of his famous works, such as The Apocalypse , and Adam and Eve , had religious themes.

In some cases the population of native Americans in Spanish colonies dropped by more than


Until what year was this legal tender?



19th-century artistic movement that appealed to emotion rather than reason


19th-century artistic movement whose aim was to represent the world as it is

What did the spanish create out of silver at Potosi?

2.5 million silver coins


A main economic cause of the new imperialism of the 19th century was A. an increased demand for European manufactured goods. B. the need for raw materials for industrial production. C. a move from capitalism to communism by many European governments. D. an increased demand for goods manufactured in Asia.

The Europeans had more footholds on coastal Africa than the inland areas.

A map of Africa shows major slave trading regions in patches along the western coast, one section each at the southern tip and eastern coast, with vast regions along the northern coast. Asante and Oyo are located along the southern coast of the western section of Africa. What can be inferred about the slave trade in Africa?


A multistoried temple with eaves that curve up at the corners

An increase in business activity due to colonization caused which of the following?

A new class of wealthier merchants emerged in Europe.

Sui Wendi

Conquered the Chen dynasty and restored a unified Chinese empire. "Cultured Emperor"

Which were Spanish explorers who claimed lands in the Americas for Spain?



Control of the Red Sea trade with Rome and Persia helped Axum become A. a rich kingdom and introduced it to Christianity. B. a rich kingdom and introduced it to Islam. C. a vast empire that controlled the gold and salt trade and introduced it to Christianity. D. a vast empire that controlled the gold and salt trade and introduced it to Islam.


A painting depicts ships near a shore, bearing red, white, and blue horizontally striped flags. The painting depicts ships near Table Bay close to Cape Town in the 1600s; the ships most likely belong to the

Commercial Revolution

A period of European economic expansion, colonialism, and mercantilism which lasted from about the 1500s until the early 1700s. It included the growth of capitalism, banking, and investing.

Tributary state

A person or state that pays tribute to another person or ruler


A title that Muslims use for the highest leader of Islam

The ultimate goal of the early Portuguese explorers was to

Find a water route around Africa to India.


Founder of the Mali empire

Which conquistador led the successful conquering of the incas in Peru in the 1500's?

Francisco Pizarro

Which of the following was a conquistador?

Francisco Pizarro


French Protestants of the 1500s and 1600s


French Protestants of the 1500s and 1600s.


French for "philosopher"; French thinker who desired reform in society during the Enlightenment


French port city; troops marched to a patriotic song as they left the city, the song eventually became the French national anthem

New France

French possessions in present-day Canada from the 1500s to 1763


How did enclosures contribute to the development of the Industrial Revolution? A. They enabled farmers to rotate crops. B. They were used to pen animals for domestication. C. They helped reclaim land from the sea. D. They consolidated fields to gain larger pastures.

What was the effect of Shah Abbas centralizing the government and the economy, creating a powerful military, and tolerating non-Muslims?

It enabled him to revive the glory of ancient Persia and establish the Safavid empire to dominate the Middle East.

How did the Edict of Nantes affect Hugenots?

It guaranteed them religious toleration and other rights.

What did Louis XIV choose the sun as his symbol?

It symbolized his role as the all-powerful center of the nation.

Edict of Nantes

Law issued by French king Henry IV in 1598 giving more religious freedom to French Protestants.


Martin Luther helped shape the Protestant Reformation by A. successfully challenging abuses of the Catholic Church. B. setting up a theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland. C. encouraging and supporting the Peasants' Revolt. D. working with Anabaptists to form a united Protestant front against the Catholic Church.

European traders seeking access to Chinese markets would be wisest to follow the example of

Matteo Ricci

Tenochtitlán is what Mexican city today?

Mexico City

Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday (1791-1867) was a British chemist and physicist who made significant contributions to the field of electricity. Some of his most important discoveries include electricity generation and transmission, the electric motor, and the chemical benzene. His discoveries have shaped the modern world.


Military and political leader with absolute authority over a Muslim country


Minority Muslim sect, usually seen as more militant than the Sunnis Muslims who thought the caliph should be descendant of Muhammad's son-in-law

Why did members of the gentry have the leisure time to study the Confucian classics?

Most came from wealth, land-owning class. They alone could afford to spend years studying the Confucian classics in order to pass the civil service exam. (when not in office, served in provinces as allies of emperor's officials)

Which statement is true about the Spanish colonial system?

Mulattoes were people of Native American and Africa descent.

Mughal empire

Muslim empire that ruled most of northern India from the mid-1500s to the mid-1700s; also known as the Mogul empire

How did the Delhi sultanate change Indian government and society?

Muslim traditions of government replaced Hindu rule; Turks, Arabs and Persians migrated to India and influenced Indian life; trade increased; Persian art and architecture flourished


Name one example of social reform during the French Revolution. A. The military was disbanded. B. Government pensions were instituted. C. New religious schools were built. D. Slavery was abolished in France's colonies.


Native American group encountered by Columbus when he first arrived in the West Indies

Which statement is false about Bartolome de las Casas?

Natives were treated much better as a result of his work.

The French called Canada

New France

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) was an author, lecturer, and activist who played a major role in the women's right movement. She drafted speeches and many of the movement's important documents, including the women's "Declaration of Rights." Stanton helped plan and lead the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention. Later in life, she began to focus more on social reforms, including child care, divorce laws, and temperance. Stanton died 18 years before women were granted the right to vote.

Which is a right the Spanish government granted to colonists for labor from native Americans?


How did Ethiopia's geographic isolation shape its culture?

Ethiopia's geographic isolation allowed the kingdom to remain independent while helping it develop a unique sense of identity based largely on religion.

Explain how the Song dynasty grew rich and powerful.

Ethnically Han, Tang are ethnically non-Han. The "real Chinese" values, everyone else is barbarian

the Ming dynasty

Europeans, by contrast, wrote enthusiastically about China. In 1590, a visitor described Chinese artisans "cleverly making devices out of gold, silver and other metals," and wrote with approval: "They daily publish huge multitudes of books." Which era of rule in China is referred to in this text?


Evolved from the Indian stupa, multistoried temple with eaves that curve up at the corners.

Between 25 and 30 million Africans were shipped to the Americas against their will.


Slaves were people who worked for a set period in exchange for passage to the Americas.


The first country to launch large-scale voyages of exploration was Spain


What led to the decline of the Tang dynasty?

Tang emperors lost territories, corruption, high taxes, drought, famine, rebellions, in 907 a rebel general overthrew the last Tang emperor. The fall was followed by the Five Dynasties period

How did the Tang dynasty compare to the Han in the area it controlled?

Tang power extended over a vast area. Similar centralized government, but the Tang government was more affluent than it had ever been under the Han.

How did the Tang dynasty re-unify China?

Tang rulers conquered territories, restored a uniform government, and enlarged the civil service systems.

capital of the Aztec empire


Describe the cultural achievements of the Tang and Song dynasties.

The "barbarian" invasions had exposed north China to foreign influences, Buddhism stimulated close cultural contacts with distant regions, Interregional trade by sea and land had grown much, Early Tang brought Chinese into direct contact with great centers of civilization in India and West Asia. Never again would cultural achievements be this great until the 20th century.

Why did Korea adopt a policy of isolationism in the 1600s and 1700s?

The (Chinese) Qing Dynasty turned Korea into a tribute state.

What events led to the decline of the Abassid dynasty?

The Abbasid dynasty fragmented, and other peoples gained control


The Abbasids made changes to the Arab Muslim empire to A. create an empire based on equality for Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. B. appeal to all classes of Muslims, people of different religions, and conquered Persians. C. give more authority to wealthy Muslims and create distinct social classes. D. concentrate on further conquests and enlarge the empire to include much of western Europe.


The Byzantines and Persians had not expected to lose land or battles to Arab Muslims because A. the Arab Muslims had already lost many battles. B. the newly united Arab Muslims had not posed a threat before. C. Sharia prohibited the use of military force. D. many different groups of Arab Muslims attacked at once.

How can historians analyze art created in these dynasties to learn about Chinese life at the time?

The Chinese seemed to have more time to enjoy artistic talents. Chinese put emphasis back on life of Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism. Tang Chinese perfected techniques in making porcelain and took time to make beautiful glazes.


The Council of Trent is important because it A. brokered a peace between Protestants and Catholics in Europe. B. began the process of change that became the Catholic Reformation. C. reinforced the idea that people could still reach salvation through Protestantism. D. established the Catholic doctrine that the Bible was the only source of religious truth.


The Declaration of Independence stated that governments were formed to A. insure complete equality among all citizens. B. protect each individual's natural rights. C. protect the power of monarchs. D. provide a nation with stability.


The Five Pillars of Islam A. say Muslims must fast until sundown every day. B. require Muslims to give 25 percent of their income to charity. C. encourage Muslims to pray up to three times a day. D. require a statement of faith.


The __________ empire, which began as a relatively small forest kingdom, arose from successive waves of settlement by the Yoruba people of present-day Nigeria.

The Spanish who came to the Americas to conquer were known as the



country with its own government but under the control of an outside power


The difference between Shiite Muslims and Sunni Muslims is A. Sunnis believe Imams are descended from Ali and Fatima; Shiites do not. B. Sunnis are devout and mystical; Shiites are never devout and mystical. C. Shiites believe only descendants from Ali and Fatima can be religious leaders; Sunnis do not. D. Shiites are devout and mystical; Sunnis are never devout and mystical.


The discoveries of astronomers like Copernicus and Galileo A. established that the universe was sun-centered, or heliocentric. B. reinforced most of the traditional teachings of philosophers and the Church. C. were supported by most scientists of the time. D. proved that ancient philosophers, like Ptolemy, were correct in their views of how the universe works.

What was an effect of the Columbian exchange?

The exchange had a dramatic impact on later


The ghetto in Venice was an example of how A. restrictions on the Jewish community increased. B. there was greater tolerance for Jewish populations. C. Christians were willing to have Jews live among them. D. efforts to convert Jews to Christianity increased.

Why did the colony of New France grow slowly?

The harsh Canadian climate attracted few French peasants


The ideas of Francis Bacon and René Descartes led to a new scientific method because they both believed that A. the discoveries of the ancient philosophers were valid but should be documented in a modern way. B. truth could only be determined after a process of investigation. C. the traditional teachings of the Church should form the basis of all scientific inquiry. D. basic scientific fact is obvious to those who look hard enough at available data.


The kingdoms of Ethiopia and Axum were both shaped by A. their extensive trade networks. B. their Muslim faith. C. their geographic isolation. D. their Christian faith.


landowning noble in Russia under the tsars


large estate run by an overseer and worked by laborers who live there

Edict of Nantes

law issued by French king Henry IV in 1598 giving more religious freedom to French Protestants

Stamp Act

law passed in 1765 by the British Parliament that imposed taxes on items such as newspapers and pamphlets in the American colonies; repealed in 1766


parliamentary advisors to the king who originally met in a small room, or cabinet

Treaty of Paris

peace treaty made final in 1783 that ended the American Revolution


people originally from Manchuria, north of China, who conquered the Ming dynasty and ruled China as the Qing dynasty from the mid-1600s to the early 1900s

Industrial Revolution

period beginning in the 1700s in which production shifted from simple hand tools to complex machinery and sources of energy shifted from human or animal power to steam and electricity

price revolution

period in European history when inflation rose rapidly


period of reduced economic activity


person who assumes financial risk in the hope of making a profit


person who assumes financial risk in the hope of making a profit


personal, elegant style of art and architecture made popular during the mid-1700s that featured designs with the shapes of leaves, shells, and flowers

What Spaniard invaded the Incan heartland?


What new commodity is sweeping the world, but also changing the destiny of another continent ?

plantations of sugar

Which of the following diseases was NOT one of the particularly devastating ones for Native Americans?


laissez faire

policy allowing business to operate with little or no government interference


policy by which a nation sought to export more than it imported in order to build its supply of gold and silver

social democracy

political ideology in which there is a gradual transition from capitalism into socialism instead of a sudden, violent overthrow of the system

warm-water port

port that is free of ice year round

Nur Jahan

The wife of Jahangir who did most of the ruling, most powerful ruler in Indian History

what book inspired Columbus to want to go exploring?

The wonder of the world by marco polo

Why did the Abbasids make changes to the Arab Muslims empire?

They wanted to appeal to all classes of Muslims, to people of different religions, and to conquered Persians

Who were the men of the sword, the men of the pen, the men of negotiation, and the men of husbandry, and what was their overall purpose?

They were the four divisions of Ottoman society that helped the empire to function smoothly. They included soldiers (sword); scientists, poets and lawyers (pen); merchants, artisans (negotiation); farmers and herders (husbandry).


Thinkers of the Enlightenment sought to use natural law to A. solve social problems. B. find cures for major diseases. C. create lasting works of art. D. explain the workings of the solar system.

natural rights

rights that belong to all humans from birth, such as life, liberty, and property

natural rights

rights that belongs to all humans from birth, such as life, liberty, and property

Both Cortés and Pizarro encountered

rival spanish factions


royal French residence and seat of government established by King Louis XIV

natural law

rules of conduct discovered by reason

Molasses was often turned into what for shipment to Europe?


How did the Aztecs treat conquered peoples?

sacrificed many of them

After Columbus survived a shipwreck and pirate attack, what did he believe about himself?

saved by God for a special purpose


school of painting of the late 1800s and early 1900s that tried to capture fleeting visual impressions


sculpture made by the young Michelangelo that captured the sorrow of Mary as she cradles the dead Jesus on her knees; housed in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

mutual-aid societies

self-help group to aid sick or injured workers




separate section of a city where members of a minority group are forced to live

English Bill of Rights

series of acts passed in 1689 by the English Parliament that limited the rights of the monarchy and ensured the superiority of Parliament

Peace of Westphalia

series of treaties that ended the Thirty Years' War

War of the Austrian Succession

series of wars in which various European nations competed for power in Central Europe after the death of Hapsburg emperor Charles VI


shares in a company

How did Malinche help Cortés?

she translated for him

New England developed what industry to benefit form the Atlantic trade network?



shoguns, descended from Tokugawa Ieyasu (1542-1616) who were supreme military leaders; ruled Japan from 1603 through 1869; reunified Japan and reestablished order following a century of civil war and disturbance

Inflation in Europe was fueled by the importation of what?

silver and gold

deficit spending

situation in which the government spends more money than it takes in


slender tower of a mosque, from which Muslims are called to prayer

More than any other weapon ________helped Cortes defeat the Aztecs

small pocks


social classes


soldier serving in a foreign country for pay

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison (1847-1931) applied for his first patent while working as a telegraph operator for Western Union. Although this first invention was a flop, Edison did not give up and went on to become one of the world's most prolific inventors. Throughout his life he patented 1,093 inventions and improvements in several industries, including telecommunications, electric power, mining, sound recording, automotive, military defense, and motion pictures.


someone sent to do religious work in a territory or foreign country

Land reform

To change or reform agriculture

Describe what impact did trade have on the West African kingdom of Ghana.

Trade made Ghana prosperous as trading cities arose. In addition, trade gave Ghana's rulers new ideas about government as they were introduced to Islam.

What was the impact of trade on the city-states of East Africa?

Trade was responsible for bringing different cultures to the cities, which led to the spread of Islam. Trade also helped change the regions architecture and assisted in the development of the Swahili language.

British dominance in North America was ensured by the

Treaty of Paris

Which statement is true in the context of early European exploration?

Treaty of tordesillas was signed between Spain and Portugal.

Explorer Amerigo Vespucci concluded that the land discovered by Columbus was not part of Asia


Viceroys were officials chosen by the Spanish King to rule large areas of his American holdings



Turkish imperial dynasty, fourteenth to twentieth centuries.

prime minister

the chief executive of a parliamentary government


the first dynasty of Arab caliphs whose capital was Damascus

Cape Town

the first permanent European settlement in Africa, established by the Dutch in 1652

Columbian Exchange

the global exchange of goods, ideas, plants and animals, and disease that began with Columbus's journey to the Americas

Mansa Musa

the greatest Mali ruler

Middle Passage

the leg of the triangular trade route on which slaves were transported from Africa to the Americas

standard of living

the level of material goods and services available to people in a society


the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter; focused on converting base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir


the middle class

free market

the natural forces of supply and demand are aloud to operate and regulate business

Prince Henry

the navigator and Portuguese king who creates navigation school which will lead to the Age of Exploration.


the policy of one country's political, economic, or cultural domination over other lands and territories

urban renewal

the process of fixing up the poor areas of a city


the process of taking over and consolidating land formerly shared by peasant farmers


the right, granted by Spanish monarchs to conquistadors, to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans in a particular area

germ theory

the theory that infectious diseases are caused by certain microbes

Why did Columbus believe he could sail around the world?

the world is bigger than he realizes


Nomads who lived in the Indian subcontinent and established a powerful empire there

What African wrote a narrative about the slave trade in English in 1789?

Olaudah Equiano

Why did the aztecs prefer to take their captives alive?


The people who take on financial risk to make profits are known as



established East African coastal city and hub of international trade, attacked in the 1400s by Portuguese explorers to expel the Arabs who controlled East African trade routes, so they could take over those routes for themselves


everyday language of ordinary people


everyday language of ordinary people (ie Latin)


existing East African coastal city and hub of international trade, attacked in the 1400s by Portuguese explorers to expel the Arabs who control East African trade routes, and then take over those routes for themselves

Tennis Court Oath

famous oath made by on a tennis court by the Third Estate in pre-revolutionary France

means of production

farms, factories, railways, and other large businesses that produce and distribute goods

guerrilla warfare

fighting carried on through hit-and-run raids

Abu Bakr

first caliph after death of Muhammad

The French first crossed the Atlantic to Canada for



fleet of ships

Because of the number of deaths aboard slave ships, they were known as

floating coffins.


force that pulls objects in Earth's sphere to the center of the Earth


form of socialism advocated by Karl Marx; According to Marx, class struggle was inevitable and would lead to the creation of a classless society in which all wealth and property would be owned by the community as a whole.


fortress in Paris used as a prison; French Revolution began when Parisians stormed it in 1789

The war between Britain and France during the 1700s was called the

french and indian war


french for philosopher; french thinker who desired reform in society during the Enlightenment


give up or step down from power

limited monarchy

government in which a constitution or legislative body limits the monarch's powers

federal republic

government in which power is divided between the national, or federal, government and the states


government in which the ruling power belongs to a few people


government run by religious leaders

constitutional government

government whose power is defined and limited by law

Council of Trent

group of Catholic leaders that met between 1545 and 1563 to respond to Protestant challenges and direct the future of the Catholic Church


having full, independent power


having unlimited power

The nomadic peoples of western North America benefited greatly from the European importation of


divine right

idea that a ruler's authority came directly from God


idea that the goal of society should be to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people


idealistic or visionary, usually used to describe a perfect society

cult of domesticity

idealization of women and the home

interchangeable parts

identical components that can be used in place of one another in manufacturing

A resistance to a disease is a(n)



in Spanish colonial America, a person born in Spain


in Spanish colonial America, a person of African and European descent


in Spanish colonial America, a person of Native American and European descent


in Spanish colonial America, an American-born descendant of Spanish settlers


in the Roman Catholic Church, pardon for sins committed during a person's lifetime


in the Roman Catholic Church, pardon for sins committed during a person's lifetime


industrial city in northern Britain that was part of the first major railway line; it went from Liverpool to Manchester


industrial city in northern Britain that was part of the first major railway line; it went from Manchester to Liverpool

An increase in overall prices is called



informal social gathering at which writers, artists, philosophers, and others exchanged ideas


informal social gathering at which writers, artists, philosophes , and others exchanged ideas

Most African slaves were taken from

inland villages

Asante kingdom

kingdom that emerged in the 1700s in present-day Ghana and was active in the slave trade

What factors contributed to the success of the Ummayad conquests?

Years of conflict had weakened both the Byzantines and the Persians. Many people looked to the Umayyads as liberators. The Umayyads used bold and efficient fighting methods.

Oyo empire

Yoruba people formed this state in present-day southwestern Nigeria in the 1600s. This empire used wealth from trade, including slave trading, to maintain a trained army and to eventually conquer the neighboring Dahomey kingdom. The Yoruba people then traded with European merchants from Dahomey's ports.


Read each question, and choose the best answer.Why were the first factories more efficient than the earlier putting-out system? A. They did not require an outside source of power. B. They allowed laborers to build a product from start to finish. C. They brought workers and machines together in one place. D. They could be built in any location.


Protestant whose views and opinions differed from those of the Church of England


Qianlong (1711-1799) was a Chinese emperor who expanded the size of China's empire to include Tibet and much of central Asia, creating a multiethnic state that included Han Chinese, Mongols, Tibetans, and Manchus. Qianlong saw himself as a "Universal Monarch" both within and beyond the Chinese empire. He patronized the arts, commissioned great literary works, and formed China's national palace museum with art collections that remain important today.

The first French permanent settlement in Canada was


How was the Song dynasty able to continue its prosperity despite threats from the north?

Rising productivity in farming created surpluses that could be sold. This strengthened China's economy and allowed people to pursue commerce, learning or the arts.

Robert Koch

Robert Koch (1843-1910) was a German physician who was one of the founders of bacteriology, or the study of bacteria. Koch discovered the bacteria responsible for tuberculosis and cholera and determined the cycle of the anthrax disease. Koch also improved methods for studying bacteria, including cultivating pure cultures and staining bacteria to make them more visible and identifiable. In 1905 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.

Sui dynasty

Roles were similar of the Qin, Sui rulers were too ambitious, created foundation for Tang. Famous for Buddhist sculpture. 2nd great imperial period, strong centralized gov, Great Wall, Long canals, Huge Palaces, prestige of Chinese empire was restored.


Royal French residence and seat of government established by King Louis XIV.

Shah Abbas the Great

Safavid Empire peaks under his rule; Reduced Taxes on Farmers; Allied with Europe; Tolerated all religion

What Massachusetts' port city grew wealthy from trade with Europe?



Salt played a key role in the development of West Africa because A. it encouraged trade and brought new religion to the region. B. it began the process of European colonization in the region. C. it caused fierce rivalry among neighboring kingdoms. D. it allowed outsiders to dictate what African culture should be.


_________ is a policy by which a nation sought to export more than it imported in order to build its supply of gold and silver.


an intellectual movement at the heart of the Renaissance that focused on education and the classics


an island chain in present-day Indonesia, which Europeans in the 1400s called the Spice Islands because it was the chief source of spices


an unproved theory accepted for the purposes of explaining certain facts or to provide a basis for further investigation

sphere of influence

area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges


area of eastern and central Europe which came under Polish and German rule in the Middle Ages and from 1701 was ruled by the German Hohenzollern dynasty

Continental System

blockade designed by Napoleon to hurt Britain economically by closing European ports to British goods; ultimately unsuccessful

Napoleonic Code

body of French civil laws introduced in 1804; served as a model for many nations' civil codes

The Prince

book by Nicollo Machiavelli published in 1513; a guide to rulers on how to gain and maintain power; ignored Plato's ideas of leadership and urges leaders to take charge in an age of ruthless power politics, using whatever methods necessary to achieve goals

scientific method

careful, step-by-step process used to confirm findings and to prove or disprove a hypothesis

The southern colonies relied on what for profits?

cash crops such as tobacco


chief builder of the mughal empire, baburs grandson


city located on the Malay Peninsula near the strategic Straits of Malacca

A war fought between groups of people in the same nation is a(n)

civil war


coastal city in southeastern China, also known as Canton, where, during the Ming dynasty, the Dutch, English, and other Europeans could trade with Chinese merchants under the supervision of imperial officials, only during each year's trading season and only at Canton

triangular trade

colonial trade routes among Europe and its colonies, the West Indies, and Africa in which goods were exchanged for slaves

Cape Town

colony in S.Africa, 1st settled by Portuguese, then taken over by the Dutch. Serves as weigh-station for ships going from Atlantic to Indian Oceans and vise-versa

The Pilgrims made a __________, or agreement, before coming ashore.



complete control of a product or business by one person or group

Louis XIV

(1638-1715) served as king of France (1643-1715) and is considered the symbol of absolute monarchy.

How did Buddhism influence art?

Buddhist themes dominated sculpture and influenced Chinese architecture.

Nicolaus Copernicus

(1473-1543) was a Polish astronomer who concluded that the sun is the center of the universe around which Earth and the other planets revolve. This contradicted the religious and scientific belief that Earth was the center of the universe. Although he did not suffer immediate challenges from the Church, his most important work did not appear in print until after his death.


(1475-1564) was an Italian painter also known for his sculpture, engineering, architecture, and poems. His famous marble statue, David , shows the influence of ancient Greek traditions on Renaissance artists. He painted biblically themed ceiling murals for the Sistine Chapel in Rome. As an architect, he designed the dome of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, later a model for the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C.

Baldassare Castiglione

(1478-1529) was an Italian courtier, diplomat, and writer. His handbook, The Book of the Courtier, was widely read for its advice on the manners, skills, learning, and virtues that court members should display. He described an ideal courtier as well-mannered, well-educated, and multitalented.

Sir Thomas More

(1478-1535) was born in London. He became a lawyer, scholar, writer, and member of British parliament during the reign of Henry VIII. He wrote Utopia , describing an ideal society. The word utopian came to mean idealistic or visionary. In 1521, he was knighted.

Ferdinand Magellan

(1480-1521) was a Portuguese navigator and explorer who as a young man went on Portuguese expeditions to India and Africa, and later won Spanish support for his September 1519 expedition to sail west to reach the Moluccas. Beginning with five ships and a crew of 270, the long voyage through unknown waters encountered rough weather, scurvy, starvation, and eventual mutiny. Magellan was killed in 1521 during a battle in the present-day Philippines, and only one of his ships, carrying spices and 18 of the original crew, circumnavigated the world and at last returned to Spain in September 1522.


(1483-1520) was a Renaissance painter who blended Christian and classical styles. His famous paintings include one of the Madonna, the mother of Jesus, and School of Athens , showing an imaginary gathering of great thinkers, scientists, and artists including Michelangelo, Leonardo, and himself.

Martin Luther

(1483-1546) was a German monk and theologian who was the catalyst of the Protestant Reformation. Trained to become a lawyer, he changed his path, joined a strict order of Roman Catholic monks, and studied theology. Seeking to reform abuses within the Church, he challenged Church teachings with his 95 Theses. This led to his excommunication and the development of Lutheranism, the first of several Protestant sects.

Thomas Cranmer

(1489-1556) was a Catholic theologian who strongly supported reform. When Henry VIII broke with the Roman Catholic Church, he became England's first Protestant archbishop of Canterbury. He distributed English language Bibles to parish churches and, later, developed the Book of Common Prayer. He also acted as an adviser to both Henry VIII and his son, Edward VI.

Henry VIII

(1491-1547) was the second Tudor king of England. Well-educated and athletic, he was initially a favorite of the English people. He lost much of that popularity with his constant involvement in wars. His desire for a male heir was the catalyst for his eventual break with the Roman Catholic Church and the formation of the Church of England.

Ignatius of Loyola

(1491-1556) went from an early career as a Spanish nobleman soldier to become a theologian and an influential participant in the Catholic Reformation. While recovering from leg surgery, he read a book on the lives of the saints and decided that serving God was holy chivalry. From that time until his death, he studied, preached, and did missionary work as founder of the Society of Jesus, an order of religious men who came to be known as Jesuits.

Jacques Cartier

(1491-1557) is credited with naming Canada. He is also recognized for his limited exploration of the St. Lawrence River, stopped short by severe weather and hostile Iroquois Indians.

Charles V

(1500-1558) served as Holy Roman emperor (1519-1521), king of Spain (1516-1556), and archduke of Austria (1519-1521), and inherited the Spanish and Hapsburg empires.

Charles V

(1500-1558) was the Holy Roman emperor during the time of Martin Luther's reformation efforts. His immense empire included large areas of Europe. A staunch Catholic, he rejected Luther's doctrines. The Protestant upheaval, along with political pressures, led him to voluntarily give up his throne. He divided the empire between his son and his brother. He entered a Catholic monastery where he remained until his death.

John Calvin

(1509-1564) was a French theologian and lawyer. Influenced by the humanist philosophy of Erasmus, He became involved with the Protestant movement while a student at the University of Paris. He later moved to Geneva, Switzerland, where he set up a theocracy and wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion.

Teresa of Avila

(1515-1582) gained renown as the author of several books on spiritual matters. She was a key influence during the Catholic Reformation. As a Carmelite nun, she dedicated herself to a simple religious life built on quiet reflection. She dedicated most of her life to the reform of the Carmelite order, founding many convents throughout Spain.

Mary Tudor

(1516-1558) was the first queen to rule England in her own right. The daughter of Henry VIII and his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, she was a staunch Catholic who failed to turn back the tide of the Protestant Reformation in England. Her vigorous persecution of Protestants earned her the nickname "Bloody Mary."

Philip II

(1527-1598) served as king of the Spaniards (1556-1598) and king of the Portuguese (1580-1598), and strong supporter of the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation. Under his rule, the Spanish empire was at its strongest; however, he was unable to control the revolt of the Netherlands and failed in his attempt to invade England.


(1533-1603) became Queen of England upon the death of Queen Mary. Shifting politics made her early years quite hazardous. She used her experiences to become a shrewd and powerful monarch. Under her reign, England became an important European power. England prospered both economically, and culturally. Her balanced handling of the English religious conflicts earned her the nickname Good Queen Bess.

El Greco

(1541-1614) was a master of Spanish painting who also worked as a sculptor and architect during Spain's Golden Age.

Tycho Brahe

(1546-1601) was a Danish astronomer who produced the most accurate measurements and locations of the stars before the use of the telescope. His observation that a new star had appeared in an existing constellation challenged the belief that the stars were fixed and forever unchanging.

Miguel de Cervantes

(1547-1616), a Spanish novelist, playwright, and poet, was the most important figure in Spanish literature. His novel Don Quixote is his most well-known work.

Matteo Ricci

(1552-1610) was an Italian scholar and Jesuit priest who traveled to China. In 1589, Ricci began to teach Chinese scholars European mathematical ideas. Later he lived in Nanjing, where he worked on mathematics, astronomy, and geography. He became famous in China for his knowledge of astronomy, writing books in Chinese, and his talents as a painter.

Henry IV

(1553-1610) served as king of Navarre (1572-1589) and first Bourbon king of France (1589-1610). At the end of the Wars of Religion, he renounced Protestantism and converted to Roman Catholicism to help reunify France.

Francis Bacon

(1561-1626) was a distinguished English philosopher, statesman, and lawyer. A man of many talents, he promoted rational thought. He was held in high regard by philosophers and scientists in Europe as well as England.

William Shakespeare

(1564-1616), born in England, became a famous poet and playwright during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Between 1590 and 1613, he wrote 37 plays that are still performed around the world. He invented words and phrases still used today. Like other Renaissance writers, he took a humanist approach to his characters.

Galileo Galilei

(1564-1642) was an Italian astronomer and mathematician whose discoveries using a telescope supported the heliocentric universe theories of Copernicus. His discoveries challenged established scientific and religious thinking. He was an important contributor to the development of the scientific method used by modern scientists.

James I

(1566-1625) was a king of Scotland who also became king of England and Ireland. He deeply believed in the divine right of kings to rule over all their subjects without interference from anyone. His views were in sharp contrast to Parliament, leading to constant conflict. He was also the author of the King James version of the Bible.

Johannes Kepler

(1571-1630) was a German astronomer whose discoveries expanded on Copernicus's heliocentric universe. His research showed that the planets move in a particular orbit around the sun. His achievements included a correct description of how vision occurs, as well as how a telescope uses light.

Cardinal Richelieu

(1585-1642) considered one of the greatest politicians in history, he played an important role in France's history while serving as chief minister to Louis XIII.

Thomas Hobbes

(1588-1679) was an influential English political philosopher, best known for his work Leviathan . In it, he strongly advocated that only a powerful government was capable of protecting society. He believed that people entered into a social contract with their government to avoid the inevitable chaos and lawlessness of life in "the state of nature." his political philosophy was foundational for later thinkers of the Enlightenment, including Locke, Rousseau, and Kant.

René Descartes

(1596-1650) was a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist. He was one of the first to abandon traditional methods of thought based on Aristotle's teachings. Instead, he promoted a new science based on observation and experiments. For this, he has been called the father of modern philosophy.

Oliver Cromwell

(1599-1658) was an English soldier and gentleman who led the forces against Charles I of England during the English Civil War. He made himself Lord Protector of England in 1653, leading the country as a republic until his death.

Charles I

(1600-1649) was the second Stuart king of England, Scotland, and Wales. His belief in the divine right of kings brought him into constant conflict with Parliament. This conflict eventually led to the English Civil War and Charles's defeat and execution for treason.

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

(1619-1683) served under King Louis XIV of France as controller general of finance (from 1665) and secretary of state for the navy (from 1668). He carried out economic programs that helped make France the strongest power in Europe.

Robert Boyle

(1627-1691) was one of the leading minds of the late 1600s. An English-Irish philosopher and writer, he focused on chemistry, physics, and natural history. His work with pressurized air led to the development of his Law, which describes the relationship between pressure and the volume of gas. He was one of the founders of the Royal Society of London.

John Locke

(1632-1704) grew up during the tumultuous era of the English Civil Wars. A prolific writer on political philosophy, his works strongly influenced the U.S. Constitution and the development of American government. He proposed that people are born with certain natural rights that cannot be taken away, including life, liberty, and property. His radical ideas on government's responsibility to the people were fundamental to the leaders of the American Revolution.

Isaac Newton

(1642-1727) was one of the most important figures of the Scientific Revolution. An English mathematician and physicist, his three laws of motion form the basic principles of modern physics and led to the formulation of the universal law of gravity. His 1687 book, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy , is considered one of the most important works in the history of modern science.

Peter the Great

(1672-1725), tsar of Russia, reigned jointly with his half-brother Ivan V (1682-1696) and alone (1696-1725). He was proclaimed emperor in 1721. He was one of Russia's greatest statesmen, organizers, and reformers.

Frederick William I

(1688-1740) was the second Prussian king who helped transform his country into a prosperous state.


(1689-1755) was born Charles Louis de Secondat into a family of wealth and inherited the title Baron de Montesquieu from his uncle. Like many other reformers, he did not let his privileged status keep him from becoming a voice for democracy. His first book, titled Persian Letters , ridiculed the French government and social classes. In his work published in 1748, The Spirit of the Laws , he advanced the idea of separation of powers—a foundation of modern American democracy.


(1694-1778) was born François-Marie Arouet, but was known as Voltaire. He was an impassioned poet, historian, essayist, and philosopher who wrote with cutting sarcasm and sharp wit. Voltaire was sent to the Bastille prison twice due to his criticism of French authorities and was eventually banned from Paris. When he was able to return to France, he wrote about political and religious freedom. He spent his life fighting what he considered to be the enemies of freedom, such as ignorance, superstition, and intolerance.

Benjamin Franklin

(1706-1790) was a man of many talents. Born in 1706, he was an author, inventor, and a statesman who helped persuade France to enter the Revolutionary War on the side of the Americans. He was actively involved in framing the Declaration of Independence.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

(1712-1778) was a Swiss-born philosopher and writer whose works inspired leaders of the French Revolution. He revolutionized thought in politics and ethics, had an impact on how parents educated their children, and even influenced people's taste in music and in other arts.

Frederick II

(1712-1786) succeeded his father to serve as king of Prussia (1740-1786).

Maria Theresa

(1717-1780) was the archduchess of Austria and queen of Hungary and Bohemia (1740-1780), wife and empress of the Holy Roman emperor Francis I (1745-1765) and mother of the Holy Roman emperor Joseph II (1765-1790).

Adam Smith

(1723-1790) was a Scottish economist most remembered for his masterpiece, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations . His argument for free markets with minimal government interference has helped shape productive economies around the world for more than 200 years. He has been called the father of modern economics and remains one of the most influential economic philosophers in history.

Catherine the Great

(1729-1796) was the German-born empress of Russia (1762-1796) who led her country in becoming part of the political and cultural life of Europe.

George Washington

(1732-1799) was a wealthy Virginia planter before becoming the commander of American forces during the Revolutionary War and first president of the United States. He owned a vast estate named Mount Vernon. Using his skill as a politician, negotiator, and general, Washington was able to keep the American cause of liberty alive during and after the revolution.

Jacques Necker

(1732-1804) was director of the French treasury before the revolution, he attempted to reform the country's finances, although he also tried to finance France's participation in the American Revolution through heavy borrowing, while trying to conceal the country's huge deficit. Later, his calls for reform were thwarted by Louis XVI.

James Watt

(1736-1819) of Scotland invented the steam engine. He first developed an interest in building models and measuring instruments in the workshop of his father, who built houses and ships. He apprenticed with a maker of mathematical instruments. In 1765, he worked on his steam engine. It had a separate condenser that helped keep steam from escaping. Later in life, he worked as a land surveyor and then returned to inventing and perfecting machines, until his retirement in 1800.

George III

(1738-1820) was the longest reigning monarch in British history, ruling at a time when Britain and France struggled to dominate Europe; he shared the blame for the loss of Britain's American colonies.

Joseph II

(1741-1790) ruled as Holy Roman Emperor in Austria and is considered the most radical of the enlightened despots. He continued many of the modernizing governmental reforms introduced by his mother, Maria Theresa, with the goal of equal treatment for all his subjects. He abolished serfdom and encouraged freedom of the press. Most notably, he supported religious equality for Protestants and even Jews. He is also remembered for traveling among his subjects in disguise to learn about the everyday problems of the peasantry.

Thomas Jefferson

(1743-1826) is known mainly as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson also served as minister to France and later as the third president of the United States.

Olaudah Equiano

(1745-1797) Olaudah Equiano was captured in West Africa when he was a boy of 11, sold into slavery, and transported to the Americas. Later, he found paying work and earned enough money to buy his freedom. In 1789, he wrote his autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano. He died in London in 1797.

Olympe de Gouges

(1745?-1793), author of the Declaration of the Rights of Women, railed against the treatment of women in France, addressing her concerns directly to Marie Antoinette.

Jeremy Bentham

(1748-1832) was a British philosopher and economist who advocated for utilitarianism, the belief that right and wrong can be measured by the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people. He was trained in the law but did not become a practicing lawyer. Instead, he focused on legal reforms. Not content to simply suggest new laws, he also detailed plans for how to implement his proposals. His ideas were influential during his lifetime, and some of his reforms were enacted.

James Madison

(1751-1836) was a renowned U.S. statesman and fourth president of the United States. He is often called the "father of the Constitution" for the major role he played at the Constitutional Convention of 1789, which framed the federal Constitution.

Louis XVI

(1754-1793) was king of pre-revolutionary France. He failed to support his ministers, who tried to reform France's finances and social institutions. Although he agreed in 1789 to summon the Estates-General, he resisted demands for reform by the National Assembly. He was later branded a traitor and executed in 1793.

Marie Antoinette

(1755-1793) frivolous ways, conduct, and various scandals helped discredit the monarchy. She told her husband, Louis XVI, to resist reform demands by the National Assembly. Like Louis, she was branded a traitor and executed.

Marquis de Lafayette

(1757-1834), a French noble, fought alongside the Americans in the Revolutionary War. Upon his return to France, he led the call for reform and in 1789 presented a draft of the Declaration of the Rights of Man to the National Assembly. He was hated by some for his moderate stance, and fled to Austria, but later returned.

Maximilien Robespierre

(1758-1794) was a French revolutionary elected to the Estates-General in 1789. He later became an important member of the Jacobin club and a member of the Committee of Public Safety. As a member of the Committee he began the Reign of Terror. He was later arrested and executed by the revolution's leaders.

Eli Whitney

(1765-1825) showed mechanical and engineering skill at a young age. After he graduated from Yale College, he headed south where plantation owners learned of his mechanical skill and asked for his help. The cost of the labor to process cotton was too high. In response, he invented the cotton gin, which revolutionized the textile industry and helped the South's economy. Unfortunately, he did not profit from his invention. He left the South in debt but continued to design new inventions until his death.

Thomas Malthus

(1766-1834) was a British economist. He was born in Surrey to a wealthy family. After being educated at home, he attended college in Cambridge, where he earned a master's degree. His most well-known work is An Essay on the Principle Population. In it, he argued that population increases would eventually use up the food supply, leading to poverty. He was a professor of history and political economy until his death.

Napoleon Bonaparte

(1769-1821) was a huge figure in European history. He was a military genius who was elected consul for life. He later crowned himself France's emperor. His legal, educational, and militaristic reforms impacted French society for generations.

Robert Owen

(1771-1858) set up a model community in New Lanark, Scotland based on Utopianism. At New Lanark, he established revolutionary changes by limiting the age for children workers and providing a school for all children. In 1824, he invested in an experimental community in America called New Harmony. He became a leader in the labor movement in England and continued his involvement in the movement until his death.

Louis Philippe

(1773-1850) was king of France from 1830 to 1848. He was known as the Citizen King because the people put him on the throne. He ultimately lost power because he did not support the working classes.

Louis Kossuth

(1802-1894) was a Hungarian lawyer, journalist, politician and ruler of Hungary during the revolution of 1848-89.

Napoleon III

(1808-1873) was the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte. He was president of the Second Republic (1850-1852), then emperor of the Second Empire of France (1852-1870). He built France's economic and political power, but his foreign policies were unsuccessful. He was deposed in 1870 after France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War.

Karl Marx

(1818-1883) was a German political thinker whose ideas became the foundation for communism. He trained as a lawyer and later studied philosophy, with plans to enter the academic world. His radical ideas, however, left him with few prospects, so he turned to writing. His most famous work was the Communist Manifesto, which criticized capitalism and predicted that alienated workers would rise up to overthrow the bourgeoisie. In the 1860s, he was an influential member of the International Working Men's Association.


(Moctezuma II, 1466-c. June 30, 1520) was the last Aztec emperor, who mistakenly thought that the conquistador Cortés might be the god-king Quetzalcoatl. He was defeated by Cortés and forced to sign over his land and treasure. He was taken prisoner and killed as the Aztecs attempted to drive the Spanish from Tenochtitlán.

Afonso I

(born around 1460-died 1542), was the ruler of Kongo, a historical kingdom in west-central Africa, in the early 16th century. Afonso encouraged trade with Portugal, promoted European culture in his kingdom, and adopted Christianity as the state religion and as his own religion.

John Cabot

(c. 1450-c. 1499) had his early roots in Venice, Italy, working in a mercantile firm. He became a navigator and explorer who, during 1497-1498, claimed parts of Canada for Britain.

Francisco Pizarro

(c. 1476-June 26, 1541) was born into a very poor Spanish family and in 1513 joined Balboa's expedition to discover the "South Sea." In 1532, he arrived in Peru with his brothers, deposed the Incan ruler Atahualpa, conquered Peru, founded Lima in 1535, and was later assassinated by Spanish rivals.

Hernán Cortés

(c. 1485-1547) was a Spanish landowner in Cuba and conquistador who in 1518 led an expedition to Mexico. Allied with some Native American groups, he conquered the Aztec empire, including its capital Tenochititlán in 1521. The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1522 appointed him governor of New Spain, but Cortés was eventually removed from power and retired to Spain in 1540.

Johannes Gutenberg

(c.1400-1468) was born in Germany. He became a goldsmith, printer, and publisher. His pioneering invention of a printing press with moveable type changed the world. Around 1455, he printed the first complete edition of the Christian Bible using his press

Vasco da Gama

(c.1460-1524) was a Portuguese explorer and navigator who in 1498 was the first person to directly reach India by sailing around Africa. He returned to India in 1502, fought Arab Muslim ships along the way, and established trading posts along the East African coast. After serving as an advisor to Portugal's king for 20 years, he returned to India in 1524 with the title of viceroy, but fell ill and died soon after arriving.


(c.1466-1536) was a Dutch priest, writer, and scholar who promoted humanism. He wrote texts on various subjects and produced a new Greek edition of the Christian Bible. He also called for a translation of the Bible into the vernacular, or everyday language, to help spread learning, ideas, and education. He also wanted to reform Church corruption.

What was unusual about Wu Zhao (the Empress Wu)?


How much are tulips selling their weight in gold for?

100x their weight

How many enslaved Africans are believed to have reached the Americas?

11 million


A Payment that a women brings to marriage

Taj Mahal

A beautiful tomb built by the Mughal ruler Shah Jahan to honor his wife.

Song Dynasty

A dynasty was founded by the general Zhao Kuangyin

Absolute Monarchy

A form of government in which a ruler has complete authority over the government and lives of the people he or she governs.


A key component of the U.S. government under the Constitution is A. an executive branch that has final authority over all decisions. B. a legislative branch whose members are picked by the president. C. the separation of powers among different branches of government. D. a judicial branch that has the power to make laws.


According to the economic policy of mercantilism, how did colonies benefit the parent European country? A. Colonies sent raw materials to the parent country and bought the parent country's manufactured goods. B. Colonies sent manufactured goods to the parent country and bought the parent country's raw materials. C. Parent countries sent industry and profits to the colonies. D. Colonies sent immigrants and cultural items to the parent country.


Adam Smith defined the free market as an economic system in which A. the market functions with little or no government interference. B. the government regulates prices to benefit all. C. workers control the means of production. D. entrepreneurs cooperate to set wages and prices.


Adam Smith favored an economic system in which A. business put the public good ahead of the desire for profit. B. prices were determined by supply and demand. C. the government played no role in the economy. D. the government ensured a favorable balance of trade.

How did Tang rulers carry empire building to new heights?

Advances in technology & administration, but more so the growth in population. The Imperial City of Chang'an was the capital of the Tang Empire (at eastern terminus of the Silk Road, almost 2 million people)


After the American Revolution began, which of the following actions did the Continental Congress take FIRST? A. It declared independence from Britain. B. It gained the support of France. C. It demanded that George III repeal colonial taxes. D. It raised an army and put George Washington in charge.


Akbar is called "the Great" because A. he conquered all of India and brought it completely under Mughal rule. B. his works of poetry and literature were considered to be as powerful as his armies. C. his wise trade policies brought enormous wealth to his family and government appointees. D. his policies of religious tolerance and diversity contributed to a strong central government.

Shah Jahan

Akbar's Grandson and king. ruled 1628-1658, built the Taj Majhal

Alfred Nobel

Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) was a Swedish chemist, inventor, engineer, business man, and author. Although dynamite is his most well-known invention, he holds 355 patents. In 1895, Nobel bequeathed most of his fortune to create the Nobel Prize in order to honor men and women for important achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace.

Which statement is false about the Atlantic Slave Trade?

Although chained African slaves had good conditions on ships

What are they stealing from the spanish Galleons?

American silver

free enterprise system

An economic system, also known as capitalism, in which private businesses are able to compete with each other with little control by government. Products, prices, and services are driven by free market laws of supply and demand rather than government regulations.


Anabaptists believed that A. baptism was a Catholic ritual that Protestants should reject. B. babies should be baptized immediately after birth. C. infant baptism should be followed by an adult baptism. D. infants were too young to be baptized.


As Europeans struggled for power in North America, Native Americans dealt with them by A. trading Native American gold for colonists' weapons. B. selling land claims and receiving permanent rights to live on the land. C. joining the conflict and playing the Europeans against one another. D. moving north to avoid the conflict.

How did the Confucian attitude towards merchants affect some Chinese economic policies?

As the lowest members of society, their activities were restricted, included where they could live and sell their goods.


Bantu language with Arabic loanwords spoken in coastal regions of East Africa.

Bartolomé de Las Casas

Bartolomé de Las Casas (c. 1474-July 17, 1566) was a Dominican priest and historian famed as an early advocate for human rights in the Americas. Knowing the evils suffered by Native Americans under the encomienda system, his vivid reports of abuses helped the passage of laws prohibiting enslavement and abuse in 1542. He spent the rest of his life fighting for the rights of peoples in the Americas.


Based on the text, which northern European Renaissance writer would have most appreciated the printing revolution for eventually allowing everyday people to purchase and read their own copies of the Bible? A. Desiderius Erasmus B. Sir Thomas More C. François Rabelais D. William Shakespeare


Based on the text, which statement BEST describes William Shakespeare's genius as a writer? A. he always pressed for social reforms B. he explored radical ideas and institutions C. he rejected ideal societies of peace and harmony D. he expressed universal themes in everyday settings

Period of Disunion

Before Tang, China was pervaded by a spirit of cultural tolerance; the time of disorder following the collapse of the Han Dynasty

Describe how other cultures influenced Benin and the Hausa city-states.

Benin's rulers built on the achievements of earlier forest cultures. They also learned from Ife's artisans how to cast bronze and brass. In addition, the Arabic alphabet influenced the Hausa writing system.


Besides financial reform, what else drove the Third Estate to declare itself a National Assembly? A. The Third Estate wanted more appointments to bureaucratic positions. B. The Third Estate wanted the king and ministers to leave their positions. C. The Third Estate wanted political and social reform. D. The Third Estate wanted more of a say in foreign affairs.

Tributary state

Beyond vassal states (Japan and Korea are examples of Tributary States)

Gutenburg Bible

Bible printed using a printing press with movable metal type; beginning of European age of printing


Both Korea and Japan followed a policy of isolationism because A. they did not respect the power of European rulers. B. they thought Europeans and other foreigners were a threat to their independence. C. they had close ties to China and followed China's wishes. D. they had no interest in new ideas and technology.


Both the French "splendid century" and the Spanish "golden century" were marked by A. a renewed emphasis on religious art. B. the emergence of opera and ballet. C. royal patronage of the arts. D. the rise of the novel as a form of literature.

What themes did Song and Tang arts address?

Buddhist an daoist themes as well as social issues.

Why were pagodas multi-storied?

Buddhist themes


Calvinist belief that God long ago determined who would gain salvation

At the end of the Seven Years' War, France gave Britain what lands in North America?

Canada and its lands east of the Mississippi River


Capital of Iraq; Abbasid capital


Capital of the Ottoman Empire; named this after 1453 and the sack of Constantinople.

Which is a mapmaker?



Catherine the Great built on Peter the Great's accomplishments by A. sponsoring Russian expansion across Siberia and the Bering Strait. B. allying with Poland to expand Russia's European territories. C. destroying the wealth and privileges of the nobility. D. acquiring new territory and expanding serfdom.

Hapsburg empire

Central European empire that lasted from the 1400s to the 1900s and at its height included the lands of the Holy Roman Empire and the Netherlands

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was an English naturalist who developed the theory of evolution through the process of natural selection. In 1831, he set sail on a five-year voyage around the world. While in the Galápagos Islands, Darwin observed that the four species of finches on the islands had different beaks and eating habits. He theorized that isolation, time, and adapting to local conditions, leads to new species. His observation and the samples he collected helped him develop his theory of evolution.

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author who began his writing career as a freelance reporter. In 1836, he began publishing installments of his first novel, The Pickwick Papers , which launched his career as a novelist. Dickens created some of literature's most famous and vivid characters. As a realist, Dickens was dedicated to depicting real life. He hoped to bring about reform, so his novels often focused on the problems of the poor to expose social ills.


During the Industrial Revolution, how did economics drive political change? A. Wealthy entrepreneurs entered the upper class and became members of Parliament. B. The working class lost political power as they sought jobs in cities where they had no influence. C. The growing middle class demanded more democracy, so voting rights gradually expanded. D. The Luddites caused economic damage, so authorities deprived workers of the vote.


Dutch farmers who settled in Cape Town, Africa, and eventually migrated inland


Dutch settlers in South Africa


Dutch, English, and French pirates who preyed on treasure ships from the Americas in the 1500s, operating with the approval of European governments


Dynasty that succeeded the Umayyads as caliphs within Islam; came to power in 750 C.E.


Early Islamic laws changed the treatment of women by A. allowing them to marry outside the faith. B. encouraging women to own businesses. C. allowing women to reject marriage offers. D. granting women equality.


Early socialism was most concerned with A. distinguishing the rich from the poor. B. sharing all property and means of production. C. producing and distributing the most goods. D. creating a Utopian society for all.


East African highland nation lying east of the Nile River.

What country in Sir Frances Drake from? Who is funding his plan of piracy?

England. Elizabeth the first


English Protestants who rejected the Church of England

Thomas Hobbes

English thinker that set forth ideas key to the Enlightenment, believed people were naturally cruel and greedy

John Locke

English thinker that set forth ideas key to the Enlightenment, believed people were naturally good and moral


First sultan of the Mughal Empire; took lots of land in India.

The economy of New France was based on

Fish and fur trading


Fleet of ships.

Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) was a nurse in the British military hospital in Crimea. When she arrived at the hospital in 1854, she was shocked by the state of the hospital and the rate at which the men were dying. She fought to have the barracks cleared, latrines dug, laundry washed, and the sick cared for. Six months after her arrival, the death rate dropped from 60 percent to 2 percent. When she returned to Britain, she pressured the government to reform hospitals to improve sanitation and care.


Ghana became a wealthy kingdom through trade, and its government A. forced all members of the court to convert to Islam. B. banned all Muslims from serving at court. C. employed Muslims as officials and counselors. D. banned Islam from Ghana society, preferring to maintain local traditions and beliefs.


Given the importance of class divisions in the Ottoman empire, the best hope for the sons of those peoples the Ottomans conquered was to become A. merchants. B. tax collectors. C. janizaries. D. farmers.


Great Ottoman leader, expanded land area of Ottomans, and restructured system of law.

Guglielmo Marconi

Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) was an Italian inventor who received the first patent for a wireless telegraphy system. In 1900, Marconi proved that wireless waves were not affected by Earth's shape when he transmitted a wireless signal across the Atlantic ocean for a distance of 2,100 miles. He continued to study waves, which resulted in a beam system for long distance communication, the first microwave radio, and the principles of radar. He received many honors and awards, including the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Gustave Courbet

Gustave Courbet (1819-1877) was a leading French painter in the Realist movement. While he more painted traditional subjects, such as seascapes, portraits, and landscapes, he also focused on representing daily life by painting the rural middle class and bohemian culture, as well as social issues by depicting the harsh lives of the poor.

How did the policies Akbar put in place help to strengthen his empire?

He created a strong central government with paid officials recognized and tolerated diversity, modernized the army, encouraged trade, standardized weights and measures, and introduced land reforms.

What were some of Mansa Musa's accomplishments when he ruled Mali?

He expanded the kingdom and worked to ensure peace and order. He based his system of justice on the Quran. He also forged ties with other Muslim lands and promoted education.

How did Louis XIV secure support from the nobility?

He kept them tied to the court and continued their privilege of not paying taxes.

What were the levels of Chinese society from highest to lowest?

Head: Emperor. Court: supervised a huge bureaucracy. The scholar-official class formed the top stratum of society (most came from wealthy, land-owning class). Most Chinese were peasants (market towns, some produced handicrafts, self-sufficient villages, peasants could move up in society through education & gov service, slavery did play a role) Merchants are lowest (riches came from labor of others, ambitious merchant might buy land and educate one son to enter rands of scholar-gentry, some acquired wealth) Women had higher status in Tang and early Song than later. (Man's wife and mother had authority, young woman married into husband's family)

Henry Bessemer

Henry Bessemer (1813-1879) was a British inventor and engineer. His greatest invention was the Bessemer Converter, which could create high-quality steel quickly and inexpensively. In 1956 he patented his process for making steel. His process was essential to advances in transportation, construction, and defense. Today, steel is still made by a method based on the Bessemer process.


Here is a general sequence of events in the development of the Renaissance. Which statement BEST completes the second event? Event 1: Italy's location encouraged trade. Event 2: Event 3: Italy's families became art patrons. A. Italian merchants helped artists and writers study in Muslim lands. B. Italian merchants gained wealth and political power. C. The Renaissance spread beyond Italy to other countries in Europe. D. New Italian city-states emerged to sponsor the Renaissance.

How did Hobbes and Locke differ in their views on the role of government?

Hobbes believed that the government needed to impose order and compel obedience. Locke through governments should have limited power and be sanctioned by all citizens.


How did Balboa's discovery affect European exploration? A. It encouraged explorers to seek a direct sea route to the Pacific and the East Indies. B. It challenged explorers to find a shorter route past the Cape of Good Hope to India. C. It allowed explorers to form alliances with Native American groups in the Caribbean. D. It discouraged explorers from searching for a northwest passage to the East Indies.


How did Balboa's search for a direct route to Asia differ from Magellan's voyage? A. Balboa reached the Caribbean; Magellan first saw the Pacific. B. Balboa found Cuba; Magellan sought a "northwest passage." C. Balboa crossed Panama; Magellan sailed around the world. D. Balboa found the Spice Islands; Magellan was shipwrecked.


How did Catherine succeed where Peter the Great had failed? A. She strengthened the institute of serfdom. B. She expanded Russia's borders. C. She introduced policies to westernize Russia. D. She won a warm-water port for Russia.


How did Charles V and Philip II expand the Spanish state? A. They supported Protestant rebels in the Netherlands. B. They fought wars and tried to expand Catholicism. C. They united separate Spanish kingdoms into a unified state. D. They carried on a successful war against Britain.


How did Copernicus and other astronomers affect the way people viewed the universe? A. Their observations supported the Ptolemaic view of the universe. B. Their experiments proved that the ancient classical astronomers had been correct about how the universe functioned. C. Their discoveries reinforced traditional Church teachings on Earth, the stars, and other planets. D. Their observations proved that the universe was heliocentric.


How did England become the dominant power in North America? A. by paying mercenaries and privateers to fight the Indians B. by winning a global war against France C. by staying neutral in the French and Indian War D. by buying Canada and Florida from Spain


How did England's political traditions affect the types of government established in England's American colonies? A. English colonies were direct democracies with rights and freedoms. B. English colonial governments prohibited discrimination based on race or religion. C. English colonists had some limited representative self-government. D. English colonists elected members of Parliament.


How did European exploration and expansion cause the African slave trade to expand? A. European traders shipped enslaved Africans to work on plantations in European colonies in the Americas. B. European explorers discovered the slave trade and expanded it across the Indian Ocean into South Asia. C. European explorers captured African people and forced them to work on their ships. D. Arab armies captured European explorers and forced them into slavery.


How did France change under the National Assembly? A. The French countryside dissolved into violence. B. Order and peace were restored in Paris. C. France became a constitutional monarchy. D. France became a republic.


How did France's radical revolutionaries try to protect the revolution? A. by writing a new constitution B. by compromising with the monarchy C. by dealing harshly with enemies of the revolution D. by seeking peace with neighboring countries


How did France's social divisions in the late 1700s contribute to the French Revolution? A. All of the estates in French society believed the government should be changed. B. Members of the First Estate believed those in the Second Estate should have greater rights and privileges. C. Members of the Second Estate demanded significant social and financial reform. D. Members of the Third Estate were dissatisfied with social and economic inequality.


How did Henry IV help reunite France after the Wars of Religion? A. He converted to Catholicism, but granted rights to the Huguenots. B. He revoked the Edict of Nantes. C. He had the Huguenots expelled from France. D. He built a new royal palace at Versailles.


How did Kublai Khan organize Mongol rule in China? A. He said that only Mongols could rule in the provinces and that both Chinese and Mongols could serve in the military. B. He divided the highest government jobs between Mongols and Chinese and said that only Mongols could rule in the provinces. C. He permitted only Mongols to serve in the military and reserved the most powerful government positions for Mongols. D. He reserved the highest government jobs for Mongols and said that only Chinese could serve in the military.


How did Marco Polo characterize Mongol rule in China under Kublai Khan? A. He reported that it was very prosperous and well run. B. He revealed that it was unfriendly to foreign merchants. C. He observed that it had many towns and no great cities. D. He noticed that it was often subject to ethnic conflicts.


How did Ming rulers restore an earlier style of Chinese government? A. They founded a new dynasty, moved the capital to Nanjing, and encouraged Buddhism. B. They restored the civil service system and renewed the emphasis on Confucian scholarship. C. They repaired the canal system increased manufacturing output. D. They reorganized the imperial ranking system and added government offices.


How did Philip II influence the art of Spain's golden age? A. He ruled that all art depict religious subjects. B. He was skilled at drawing and painting. C. He gave work only to Spanish-born artists. D. He provided financial support to artists.


How did Portugal and other European nations challenge Spanish power? A. Portugal colonized Brazil, and other nations backed privateers and explorers. B. France colonized Brazil, and Portugal and others invaded Peru and New Spain. C. Netherlands captured the Philippines, and Portugal and others backed privateers. D. Portugal attacked Spain's colonies, and other nations aided the Spanish.


How did Renaissance humanists differ from medieval thinkers? A. They focused solely on religious subjects and emphasized individual achievements. B. They were interested in inquiry and exploration, as well as the idea that humans could perfect themselves. C. They rejected the classical works from Greece and Rome, focusing their work on Biblical studies. D. They looked to the classical works from Greece and Rome, focusing on a narrow, specialized area of study.


How did Spain benefit from the Treaty of Tordesillas and Line of Demarcation? A. Portugal had to surrender its African forts. B. Spain no longer had close ties to the Catholic Church. C. Spain won exploration and trading rights over half of the non-European world. D. Spain gained territory in Europe.


How did Suleiman govern the Ottoman empire? A. Suleiman was a dictator who made all decisions and ruled by force. B. Suleiman was a strong ruler who governed with a grand vizier and a council. C. Suleiman created a small army to keep peace and make decisions. D. Suleiman was a weak ruler who let the empire fall into decline.


How did Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb affect industry? A. Brighter lights made people more productive so they worked fewer hours. B. Bulb manufacturing became the biggest industry in the United States. C. Having better lighting largely eliminated industrial accidents. D. Electric lights made it possible for factories to run after dark.


How did Westerners justify their right to rule over other people? A. They believed that Western culture was superior to others. B. They adopted traditions of the colonized cultures as their own. C. They convinced colonized people that they would improve their lives. D. They convinced Africans and Asians that they only wanted to protect them .


How did Westerners justify their right to rule over other people? A. They believed that Western culture was superior to others. B. They adopted traditions of the colonized cultures as their own. C. They convinced colonized people that they would improve their lives. D. They convinced Africans and Asians that they only wanted to protect them .


How did city life change during the last 1800s and early 1900s? A. Neighborhoods became more crowded. B. Improved sanitation slowed the spread of disease. C. Urban workers began to move to the suburbs. D. Standards of living fell as wages dropped.


How did local East African rulers deal with Arab and Persian merchants in the 600s? A. They provided funding to facilitate trade. B. They protected Muslim communities. C. They banned the merchants from certain areas. D. They forced the merchants to pay high tolls along the trade routes.


How did nationalism impact Napoleon's conquest of Europe? A. Many Europeans saw Napoleon and his armies as foreign oppressors and fought back to save their countries. B. Most nations became more nationalistic after welcoming Napoleon and the ideas of the French Revolution. C. Nationalism across most of Europe waned as Napoleon's armies conquered one nation after another. D. France became less nationalistic despite Napoleon's success on the battlefield.


How did philosophes and other writers avoid censorship? A. by disguising their ideas as fiction B. by winning the support of the aristocracy C. by limiting access to books D. by speaking in salons instead of writing


How did realism reflect the culture of the Industrial Age? A. Realism portrayed the social ills brought about by industrialization. B. Realism emphasized the importance of reason and restraint. C. Realism depicted the important achievements of the Industrial Revolution. D. Realism celebrated the growing middle class and its beliefs and values.


How did religious groups respond to the challenges of industrialization? A. They built new churches. B. They found women and children jobs. C. They taught women new skills. D. They worked for reform and social services.


How did the Atlantic slave trade benefit the economy of Britain's New England colonies? A. Plantation owners were able to grow more crops. B. New Englanders employed many slaves on their small farms. C. New Englanders became wealthy by leading the anti-slavery movement. D. New England's shipbuilders earned profits by providing ships for the triangular trade.


How did the Atlantic slave trade contribute to the rise of some African states? A. Europeans brought some African leaders to Europe to teach them how to be kings. B. Europeans encouraged African empires to fight against each other. C. Some African groups moved inland to avoid the slave trade. D. Some African states participated in slave trading to gain wealth and power.


How did the Delhi sultanate affect Hindu society? A. It united the warring Hindu princes against Muslim rule. B. It forced the Hindu rajas to convert to Islam in an effort to destroy the Hindu religion. C. It limited trade between India and Muslim lands. D. It introduced Turkish, Persian, and Arab social and artistic influences to the area.


How did the Directory's actions ultimately lead to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte? A. The Directory was well regarded by the population. B. The Directory was weak and corrupt. C. The Directory wanted to restore the monarchy. D. The Directory had supported the Reign of Terror.


How did the English Civil War change England's government? A. It restored complete freedom of religion. B. It led to the creation of a republic. C. It established a limited monarchy. D. It gave power to an oligarchy of nobles.


How did the Mongol rulers change once their conquests were complete? A. They were insecure and always preparing for invasion from their neighbors. B. They were not oppressive but permitted people to continue with their lives with relatively little change. C. They were intolerant and increased the tribute people were required to pay. D. They were generous and eliminated the burden of paying tribute.


How did the Portuguese establish footholds and trade on Africa's coasts? A. They explored inland and then established many permanent settlements around the Indian Ocean. B. They fought sea battles with the Spanish to control access to the East African trade routes. C. They established forts and trading posts on the coast and seized key ports around the Indian Ocean. D. They formed commercial alliances with the Arabs who dominated the East African trade network.

not populated by people

How did the Portuguese establish footholds on Africa's coast?

caravels for better sailing,

How did the Portuguese use education and technology for their voyages of exploration?


How did the Portuguese use geographic factors to help them control the spice trade? A. They used diplomacy to establish alliances with inland Indian rulers and Arab traders. B. They used force and diplomacy to set up coastal trading posts and seize key ports around the Indian Ocean. C. They conquered inland kingdoms, which they turned into a trading empire. D. They used European technology and expanded agricultural production to set up a trading empire.


How did the Qing emperor respond to Britain's diplomatic mission? A. Lord Macartney misunderstood Qing court manners, insulted the emperor, and war resulted. B. Lord Macartney and the Qing emperor discussed Britain's requests and agreed on increased trade. C. The Qing emperor received Lord Macartney but rejected Britain's requests for trade. D. The Qing emperor and Lord Macartney disagreed but scheduled future talks. Check Answer


How did the Scientific Revolution lead to the Enlightenment? A. It revived the scientific thinking of ancient Greece and Rome. B. It undermined the authority of the Church. C. It encouraged people to use reason to solve problems. D. It proved the existence of natural rights.


How did the Song dynasty survive despite military setbacks? A. They paid tribute taxes to the forces that had defeated them. B. They broke apart the countries they controlled into smaller kingdoms that would be easier to defend. C. They encouraged innovation in technology and agriculture and supported an extensive trading system. D. They adjusted their social structure, making it easier for lower-class peasants to move up in society to become gentry.


How did the Tang land reform policy strengthen the central government? A. by increasing revenue through more land taxes B. by breaking up the localized power of large landowners C. by allowing peasants to own the land they worked D. by creating more civil service employees who owed their positions to the central government


How did the Tokugawa shoguns end feudal warfare? A. They imposed central government control over all Japan and dissolved the feudal system. B. They imposed central government control over all Japan but maintained the feudal system. C. They formed individual governments on each of the islands of the archipelago. D. They imposed a harsh military rule led by the samurai.


How did the fact that the Safavids were Shiite Muslims affect relations with the Ottomans? A. Ottomans attacked Shiite Muslims in Afghanistan, forcing the Safavids to fight Afghanistan. B. Both were united in their determination to win a holy war against Christian Europe. C. Religious differences increased conflict between the two empires because each was composed of a different sect of Islam. D. Even though they shared a common religion, they were also neighbors, so they constantly fought over disputed territories.


How did the hijira influence the development of Islam? A. During the hijira, Muhammad created rules that governed and united Muslims. B. It was where Muhammad went to meditate on the moral ills of Meccan society. C. It allowed Muhammad to destroy the idols in the Kaaba. D. The hijira brought Arabs together under loyalty to their family clans.


How did the lives of middle-class women change during the Industrial Revolution? A. They spent more time buying items than producing them. B. They had more children and stayed at home. C. They worked in professions such as medicine and law. D. They worked longer hours than men.


How did the printing press impact Europe? A. It allowed ideas to spread quickly among many people. B. It encouraged the continued use of Latin as the common language. C. It made the Counter-Reformation possible. D. Printed bibles united the various Protestant sects.


How did the prosperity of West Africa's smaller societies compare with Africa's much larger kingdoms? A. As in larger kingdoms, military might was key to prosperity. B. As in larger kingdoms, roads were key to prosperity. C. As in the larger kingdoms, farming and trading were key to prosperity. D. As in larger kingdoms, Christianity was the key to prosperity.


How did the social status of merchants reflect Chinese ideas about society? A. They had low status because their wealth came from the work of other people. B. They had low status because many merchants were women. C. They had high status because they could interact on an equal footing with foreign merchants. D. They had high status because most of them were wealthy.


How did trade affect the culture of East African city-states? A. Trade brought less and less cultural diffusion to the city-states as time wore on. B. Trade caused East Africa's city-states to become more culturally isolated from one another. C. Trade forced many city-states to adopt strict policies to inhibit the spread of religion and absorption of languages. D. Trade attracted people from many regions to the city-states, bringing more cultural diffusion.


How do direct and indirect rule differ? A. Direct rule set up Western democracy over colonies; indirect rule allowed colonies to govern themselves. B. Direct rule set up governments run by local people; indirect rule set up a government controlled by royal officials. C. In direct rule, a European monarch ruled the colony; indirect rule let colonies self-govern with no intervention. D. In direct rule, European officials and soldiers governed colonies; indirect rule used appointed locals to govern colonies.


How do the Quran and Sharia differ? A. Sharia is the holy book of Islam; the Quran is a system of laws. B. The Quran can be read by anyone; Sharia only by holy men. C. The Quran is the holy book of Islam; Sharia is a system of laws. D. The Quran applies only to men; Sharia applies only to women.

It shows horses brought to the Americas from Europe being adapted by Native Americans.

How does this image best show a result of the Columbian Exchange? A painting features Native Americans on horseback, holding native spears and bow and arrows.


How was France's Second Republic divided from the start? A. Some people supported Louis Philippe and others wanted a liberal government. B. Liberals wanted moderate reform; whereas socialists wanted far-reaching social changes. C. Peasants and the upper-middle class did not believe in rights for workers. D. Nationalists wanted to throw off foreign rule.


How was Sonni Ali able to create such a wealthy kingdom? A. He forged military alliances with other nations, bringing more wealth to Songhai. B. He converted to Islam, strengthening commerce between Songhai and other kingdoms. C. He expanded the exploitation of Songhai's natural resources, allowing Songhai to prosper. D. He brought trade routes under Songhai's control, allowing the kingdom to flourish.


How was the Song dynasty able to continue its prosperity despite threats from the north? A. More productive farming created surplus food, which could be sold. B. The government's issuance of paper money created more wealth. C. Technology innovations such as gunpowder and the compass led to industrialization. D. The Great Wall and the Grand Canal allowed major cities to remain unoccupied.


How were Austria and Prussia similar? A. Both sought to consolidate power and expand their territory. B. Both were ruled by the Hohenzollern family. C. Both emerged from the Thirty Years War as strong Catholic states. D. Both were formed by the Peace of Westphalia

strengthen catholicism

How were Ferdinand and Isabella's reasons for sponsoring Columbus' voyage similar to or different from Prince Henry's for sponsoring Portuguese exploration?


How were Western nations able to expand their control over Asia and Africa so quickly? A. They had strong governments, advanced economies and technology, and military power. B. Their reliance on enslaved people gave them enough manpower to conquer Asian and African territories. C. They adopted the traditions of the local peoples that they hoped to control. D. They brought industry to Africa and Asia, setting up factories near the sources of resources.


How were the Aztec and Inca empires impacted by Spanish conquistadors and European colonization? A. Conquistadors made peace with the empires, and then Europeans set up colonies. B. The Aztec and Inca empires shrank and survived only into the 1700s. C. Conquistadors destroyed the empires, and then Europeans built new settlements. D. The Aztec and Inca resisted and expelled both conquistadors and European settlers.


How were the government and religion of Vietnam affected by outside influences? A. Its civil service system and Theravada Buddhism were based on Chinese models. B. Its civil service system and Mahayana Buddhism were based on Indian models. C. The Trung sisters made Vietnam a Chinese Daoist tributary state. D. Its civil service system and Mahayana Buddhism were based on Chinese models.

Divine Right

Idea that a rule's authority came directly from God.


Identify two major effects of new technology on business during the Industrial Revolution. A. Production became faster and less expensive. B. Workers made more money and worked fewer hours. C. The streets were less traveled and cleaner. D. Fewer goods were manufactured and sold.


Ignatius of Loyola was a key figure in the Catholic Reformation because he actively put into practice the Church's new emphasis on A. maintaining the authority of the pope. B. spiritual discipline and religious education. C. identifying and executing heretics. D. establishing a military order of priests.


In The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith argued that A. the free market should regulate business activity. B. freely elected governments should make economic decisions. C. government power should be divided into three branches. D. the state should regulate foreign trade to insure national wealth.


In order to protect liberty, Montesquieu proposed that A. the press should have complete freedom. B. government be divided into separate branches. C. people entrust their rights to a strong monarch. D. property be distributed equally among all people.


In the early 1800s, the main goal of conservatives was A. to restore power to monarchies. B. to write constitutions with a separation of powers. C. to obtain independence from foreign rule. D. to form a more liberal government.

they had to search for alternate routes

In the late 1400's and early 1500's, how was exploration of the America's by the English, Dutch, and French similar to or different from exploration of the Americas by the Spanish?


In what way did George III impact the British government? A. He worked closely with Parliament and the cabinet. B. He was unable to appoint his own ministers. C. He imposed policies that strengthened Britain's empire. D. He tried to make Parliament bend to his will.


In what way did the Congress of Vienna try to limit French ambition? A. It created a multinational army to stop future French aggression. B. It surrounded France with strong countries. C. It let France keep the territory it had conquered during the Napoleonic Wars. D. It kept France from participating in the Congress.


Indian soldier who served in an army set up by the French or English trading companies


Industrialization spread because A. Britain shared the new technology in order to gain new trading partners. B. other nations wanted to have the same economic opportunities that Britain enjoyed. C. Parliament relaxed Britain's monopoly on industrial technology. D. Britain had to trade its technology for labor and natural resources.


Instead of granting Macartney's trade requests, the Chinese asserted that their empire was self-sufficient and that they granted the little trade that they did only as a special favour. The emperor and his court considered Macartney's presents to be "tribute presents," and the whole mission was viewed imperially as one of "submission." Which ruler was responsible for the failure of the Macartney mission described in this text?


Isaac Newton's contributions to science are sometimes referred to as the "Newtonian Revolution" because he A. was directly responsible for advances in all the fields of science of his time. B. totally disproved the traditional Ptolemaic belief that the sun and planets revolved around Earth. C. combined physics, mathematics, and astronomy to explain why the planets moved as they did. D. developed the laws of geometry that are still used today.

Who were the Spanish fighting in Illora?


Christopher Columbus

Italian explorer who sailed for Spain, attempted to sail to India, but landed in Hispañola.


Jacques Necker angered the First and Second Estates by proposing that A. the government borrow more money. B. clergy and nobles be stripped of their political power. C. the Third Estate be given a voice in government. D. taxes on clergy and nobles be raised.

What were the first two permanent English colonies in North America?

Jamestown and Plymouth


Japanese city; on an island in its harbor, the Tokugawa shoguns in the 1600s permitted one or two Dutch ships to trade with Japan each year

John Dalton

John Dalton (1766-1844) was an English teacher, lecturer, meteorologist, physicist, and chemist. His interest in the atmosphere led to his development of the Atomic Theory in 1803. His theory stated that atoms have mass, that elements are made up of atoms, and that chemical reactions could be explained by the combination and separation of atoms. Although parts of his theory have now been proved wrong, it remains the foundation of modern chemistry and physical science.


Joseph II was considered the most radical of the enlightened despots because he A. reorganized the Prussian government's civil service and simplified laws. B. granted nobles a written charter of rights. C. expanded his empire and strengthened the monarchy. D. dealt directly with his subjects to understand their problems.

Joseph Lister

Joseph Lister (1827-1912) was a Scottish surgeon who furthered medical knowledge by recognizing that the lack of cleanliness in hospitals directly correlated to deaths after surgeries. By studying the works of other scientists, he became convinced that microorganisms in the air entered the body through open wounds and caused infections that often led to death after surgery. He began using carbolic acid to clean patient wounds. He also began using an antiseptic liquid to treat dressings and later developed techniques to clean surgical instruments and keep wounds clean during surgery. He is known as the "Father of Antiseptic Surgery."


King Henry VIII hoped that by breaking with the Catholic Church he would A. end papal authority in England. B. become the leading figure in the Protestant Reformation. C. ensure the right of his daughters to inherit the throne. D. free Church worship from Catholic rituals.

Tang Taizong

Li Shiman/ Li yuan's son/ general, government reformer, historian, and master of the calligraphy brush

Summarize how the Tang dynasty reunified China.

Li Shimin founded the Tang. Extended over a vast area. Around the borders of China were vassal states, beyond were tributary states (such as Japan and Korea). While these states remained self-governing, their rulers had to acknowledge Chinese supremacy.

Tang Taizong

Li Shimin took the name Tan Taizong meaning "Grand Ancestor", captured Sui and founded Tang

Lord Byron

Lord Byron (1788-1824) was a member of the House of Lords, a political and social satirist, and one of the most memorable, fashionable, and captivating Romantic poets. He became the model for the Romantic hero and the embodiment of the movement. Byron believed in liberty, which he often focused on in both his works and deeds. Although Byron died before he completed his poem Don Juan , it is considered to be his masterpiece and one of England's great long poems.

Lord Macartney

Lord Macartney (1737-1806) Born to a Scots-Irish family in Ireland, Lord Macartney served as a member of the British Parliament, chief secretary for Ireland, and governor of several British colonies. King George III sent him on an unsuccessful mission to persuade Emperor Qianlong of China to allow British traders into northern port cities. He later became governor of the colony at the Cape of Good Hope.

Louis Daguerre

Louis Daguerre (1787-1851) was a French painter and physicist who invented photography. Before Daguerre invented the camera, he was a printmaker and painter. For years he had been experimenting with ways to capture detailed, photographic images. Finally, in 1839, he showed his process to the Académie des Sciences and the Académie des Beaux-Arts. He astounded everyone, and his invention revolutionized both the arts and the sciences.

Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was a French chemist and one of the founders of microbiology. Pasteur developed the germ theory of disease and identified the causes of many diseases, including rabies, anthrax, small pox, and chicken cholera. By discovering the causes of these diseases, Pasteur determined that they could be prevented by vaccines. He helped develop several vaccines, including the rabies vaccine. He also invented the process of pasteurization for wine, beer, milk, and vinegar.


Louis Pasteur helped improve public health by A. finding a cure for tuberculosis. B. improving conditions in hospitals. C. encouraging new surgical practices. D. applying germ theory to combat disease.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was a German composer trained in piano and violin by his father Johannes. At the age of 12, he published his first work and began playing viola in the symphony orchestra in Bonn, Germany. In 1792, he went to Vienna and began studying with Haydn. Beethoven remained in Vienna, where he wrote most of his symphonies, concertos, sonatas, and string quartets. Although he began to lose his hearing 1798, he continued to compose music he could hear only in his mind.


Malinche (c.1501-1550) was a young Indian woman, called Donã Marina by the Spanish, who spoke Maya and Aztec languages, learned Spanish, and served as Cortés's translator and advisor during his conquest of Mexico. Malinche converted to Christianity, later married one of Cortés's soldiers, and visited Spain, where she enjoyed a friendly reception at the Spanish court.


Mansa Musa was the greatest ruler of Mali. During his reign he A. ensured peace and prosperity when he unified the kingdom by making his subjects convert to Islam. B. ensured peace and prosperity by waging preemptive wars against his enemies. C. expanded the kingdom's borders and forged ties with other Muslim lands. D. expanded Mali's borders to the Atlantic Ocean and unified the kingdom by making his subjects convert to Islam.


Many nobles resented the bourgeois because A. the bourgeoisie had more money. B. the bourgeoisie held all of the political power. C. the bourgeoisie won government positions that had once been reserved for nobles. D. the bourgeoisie did not pay taxes.

How did Daoism influence painting?

Many painting focused on water, rivers, and nature. People were not a focus at all.

Ferdinand Magellan was killed in the Philippines when the fleet reached there in 1521.

On September 8, 1522, nearly three years after setting out, the survivors— one ship and 18 sailors—reached Spain. The survivors had been the first people to circumnavigate, or sail around, the world. Antonio Pigafetta, one of the few survivors of the expedition, observed: "I believe of a certainty that no one will ever again make such a voyage." Which statement is true about the voyage referenced in the text?


One of the most important effects of the introduction of hangul during the Choson dynasty was A. an increase in the literacy rate. B. easier communication with China. C. the replacement of Buddhism with Confucianism. D. an increase in the production of celadon pottery.


One way in which imperialism changed the economic lives of colonized people was by A. making them grow cash crops instead of food for themselves. B. making them grow more food to feed the increased numbers of workers. C. giving them money in exchange for land sold to Westerners. D. encouraging them to buy into Westerners' businesses.

Orville and Wilbur Wright

Orville (1871-1948) and Wilbur (1867-1912) Wright were bicycle mechanics who used their knowledge of science and their experience in mechanics to create the first flying machine. After nearly 1,000 flights in gliders and testing in wind tunnels, the brothers built a powered plane. On December 17, 1903, the brothers tested their machine at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The first flight lasted 12 seconds; the longest flight that day lasted 59 seconds.

Osei Tutu

Osei Tutu was born around 1660 and died in the early 1700s. He was a founder and first ruler of the Asante empire in present-day Ghana. He started as the chief of the small state of Kumasi. But he realized that small separate Asante kingdoms needed to unite in order to protect themselves from powerful Denkyera neighbors.


Over time, Muslims and Hindus resolved their initial conflict by A. passing laws that allowed religious freedom. B. keeping to their own areas and maintaining their own traditions without interference. C. mutually influencing each other's traditions and culture. D. agreeing to work together to establish a blended government.

What did gentry gain through success on their studies?

Pass the civil service exam.


Petrarch's work was an example of typical Renaissance characteristics because he A. studied poets and playwrights. B. valued education and classical learning. C. assembled manuscripts for churches. D. revived an interest in medieval scholarship.

Which were English Protestants who rejected the Church of England?


Vasco da Gama

Portuguese explorar who rounded southern tip of Africa and was the 1st to reach India


Portuguese explorers created a trading empire by A. marrying local women and building settlements. B. negotiating agreements with local leaders. C. discovering a sea route around Africa to India. D. discovering new inland trading opportunities.

Which statement is true about Portuguese exploration?

Portuguese found a trade route via the Indian Ocean to Asia


Predict the economic consequences if Chinese goods in high demand in Europe became almost impossible to obtain during the Ming period. A. Prices of the goods in Europe would fall dramatically. Smuggling would decrease. B. Prices of the goods in Europe would not change. Sales in China would increase. C. Prices of the goods in Europe would rise dramatically. Smuggling would increase. D. Prices of the goods in Europe would not change. Sales in Europe would increase.


Read the following quote from Bishop Jacques Bossuet. "The prince (king) is not regarded as a private person; he is a public personage, all the state is in him; the will of all the people is included in his. As all perfection and all strength are united in God, so all the power of individuals is united in (his) person." According to Bossuet, what is the role of the king? A. to carry out the will of the people B. to listen to the opinions of his subjects C. to rule with complete authority over his subjects D. to unite with his subjects in their quest for God


Reformers saw John Calvin's theocracy in Geneva as a model community that A. inspired German Lutherans to unite with Calvinists against the Catholic Church. B. was rejected by French Lutherans, who clashed with French Calvinists. C. gained many followers, leading to religious wars in Germany and France. D. gained a peaceful acceptance, particularly in Germany, France, and Ireland.

Tang dynasty

Restoration of a stable centralized Government. Porcelain, pagoda, chinese home (wealth compounds), followed by Five Dynasties Period, gunpowder, smallpox vaccine, block printing, wheelbarrow

Samuel de Champlain

Samuel de Champlain (1567-1635) was a French navigator and explorer who established the colony of Quebec in 1608. He became known as the "Father of New France" and was honored by the court of King Henry IV.

Louis XIV

Served as king of France and is considered the symbol of absolute monarchy.


Sikhism was founded in A. Persia and brought to India by Persian scholars during the reign of Akbar. B. the Punjab area of India by Guru Nanak. C. northern China, but flourished in Delhi, India. D. Delhi, during the early years of the Delhi Sultanate.

the Middle Passage.

So that the largest possible cargo might be carried, the captives were wedged belowdecks, chained to low-lying platforms stacked in tiers, with an average individual space allotment that was 6 feet long, 16 inches wide, and perhaps 3 feet high (183 cm by 41 cm by 91 cm). Unable to stand erect or turn over, many slaves died in this position. The text is most likely describing


Socialism is based on the belief that A. the means of production should be shared by everyone in society. B. governments should interfere in business only to prevent harm. C. industrialization is an evil that must be stopped. D. workers will unite and overthrow the ruling class to form a classless society.

Sojourner Truth

Sojourner Truth (1797-1883) was one of the most well-known African American women during the 19th century. She was born a slave, and when she earned her freedom in 1826, she changed her name to Sojourner Truth. In 1843, she began travelling the country to spread the truth about injustice and to preach for human rights. Truth was an important figure in several movements—including the women's rights movement, temperance, racial equality, and prison reform—and she was not afraid to petition the government for reform.


Some of the most profound work of the Scientific Revolution came from Isaac Newton. His work included A. the discovery that motion in the universe can be measured and described mathematically. B. the development of a microscope that could see tiny organisms. C. the discovery that certain chemicals are the building blocks of life. D. the discovery that the heart pumps blood through the circulatory system.


Swiss city-state that became a Calvinist theocracy in the 1500s; today a major city in Switzerland

Which nation had become the richest and most powerful nation in the world by the 1500's?



Spain's seizing control of the Philippines in the 1600s caused the Tokugawa shoguns to A. persecute Japanese Christians and ban European traders. B. encourage diplomatic and trade activities with the Dutch. C. limit Buddhist practices and celebration of seasonal festivals. D. dispatch an ambassador to Rome to learn about Christianity.

Ferdinand Magellan

Spanish explorer who was the 1st to circumnavigate the globe.

What made the Song economy strong?

Stable, wealthy society...Economy expanded because of improved farming methods. An open broader policy → allowed a new type of faster-growing rice to be imported. Farmers could produce two crops a year (Increasing the food levels by just two was a huge advancement, saved people from famine and desperation) -> Population could rise because of health of women and more food to feed mouths (The rise in productivity created surpluses)


Swahili city-state on east African coast and part of the Indian Ocean trade network


Swahili city-state on east African coast and part of the Indian Ocean trade network


The Five Pillars of Islam are central to the religion of Islam because they A. are a way of showing increased status in the Muslim community. B. make up the complete sacred text for believers in Islam C. are requirements that all "People of the Book" must follow. D. are the most important requirements for practicing the Islamic faith.

What was the result of the growth in the economy?

The Grand Canal, foreign trade flourished, the gov issued paper money -> money economy. Expansion & Urbanization (China's cities: centers of gov -> prospered as centers of trade)

What happened after Inca leader Atahualpa was kidnapped by the Spanish?

The Inca paid a ransom and he was killed anyway.


The Kingdom of Benin prospered through A. the achievements of other forest cultures. B. war and conquest. C. the monopolization of the gold trade. D. its relationship with Portuguese merchants.

How did the Hindu and Muslim cultures interact?

The Muslim and Hindu religions and cultures differed. Hindus believed in many gods and sacred texts, social castes, and reincarnation; Muslims believed in one God, equality of all believes, and an afterlife. Cultures blended as the sultans became more tolerant of Hindu subjects and adopted some Hindu customs Urdu, a new language, combined Indian language with Persian and Arabic


The Napoleonic Code was a reform of France's A. political system. B. educational system. C. legal system. D. economic system.


The Ottoman empire impacted the non-Muslim peoples of the empire in eastern Europe by A. barring them from conducting trade in the empire. B. organizing them into millets, or religious communities. C. requiring all non-Muslims to convert to Islam. D. placing all the men in the army.


The Ottoman empire's society was organized A. only by religion, with Muslims, Jews, and Christians each forming the key class. B. based on the role of aristocrats, landowners, soldiers, artisans, farmers, and slaves. C. by classes of men of the sword, the pen, negotiation, and husbandry. D. by ethnic background, with each ethnic group responsible for self-government.


The Pagan kingdom strengthened Buddhism in the Irrawaddy Valley by building A. stable trade networks operated by Arab merchants. B. stupas, magnificent dome-shaped shrines. C. a great temple called Angkor Wat. D. a government bureaucracy based on Chinese ideas.


The Pilgrims created the Mayflower Compact because A. they needed to establish their religious beliefs before landing. B. they wanted to set some guidelines for governing their colony. C. they wanted to make sure all men and women had the right to vote. D. there were royal officials onboard who required a constitution.


The Protestant Reformation swept through Northern Europe when Martin Luther called for A. an end to Church corruption and the selling of indulgences. B. an end to papal authority and a peasants' revolt against the Church. C. the pope to end the abuses of the Church and then resign. D. the clergy be allowed to marry and a redistribution of Church lands.

How did ideas about leadership differ between Shiites and Sunnis?

The Shiites believed that only descendants of Ali and Fatima could lead, while the Sunnis believed that any pious male from Muhammad's tribe could leada


The Sikh belief system was radical for the time it was founded because it taught A. that Sikhs were special people and were set above others. B. that there was one God. C. that all people were equal in the eyes of God. D. that Sikhism was the only path to enlightenment.

Why were the Sikh beliefs a radical change from existing Indian beliefs and customs?

The Sikhs believed that all people are equal regardless of race, gender, social status, or religious beliefs. This differed from the Indian caste system and the traditional inequality between men and women.

Which of the following was one result of the treaty of tordesillas?

The Spanish empire was larger than the Portuguese empire.


The Ummayad caliphates successfully conquered and then ruled a vast empire by A. aligning with European and African forces. B. attacking weakened empires and using advanced weaponry. C. promising fewer laws and no taxes for non-Muslims. D. getting the Byzantines and Persians to submit peacefully.

the Manchus

The art of the Qing dynasty, even the painting of many of its finest eccentrics and the design of its best gardens, is similarly characterized both by lavish decoration and ornate effects as well as by superb technique and conservative taste.Which non-Chinese group contributed to establishing the dynasty discussed in this text?


The best place for Muslims to find guidelines for solving legal issues is A. Sharia. B. any holy text. C. the Five Pillars. D. the Quran.


The branch of Islam that believes in a more mystical connection with Allah.


The chief goal of the Congress of Vienna was to A. preserve peace through a balance of power. B. restore Napoleon to the throne. C. establish a republic in France. D. combine France and Prussia.


The colonies of New France expanded into a vast territory, but grew slowly due to A. France's focus on receiving revenues from imported goods and taxes. B. the difficulty in maneuvering through the dense wilderness along the east coast. C. the difficulty in farming in the Canadian climate. D. England's obstruction of French trade routes along the Mississippi River.


The commodities gold and salt were important to many regions of West Africa because they A. helped create great wealth and vast trade networks that spread new ideas. B. were both vital to health and very rare in the region, which made them valuable. C. were abundant in the region, allowing it to develop self-sufficiently and become wealthy. D. increased trade, bringing in great wealth and spreading new ideas such as Christianity, which became the official religion.


The control of most trade between Asia and Europe in the 1400s by Arab and Italian merchants caused A. disruption in trade of luxury goods brought overland to Europe. B. Europeans outside Italy to search for direct access to Asia. C. Renaissance curiosity to spark a major religious revival in Europe. D. Europeans outside Italy to seek direct access to North Africa.


The main focus of utilitarianism was A. providing help for the working class at the expense of the middle class. B. ensuring benefits for the growing middle class. C. preserving the privileges of the upper classes. D. ensuring the greatest happiness through individual freedom for all classes.

Which statement is false about the Columbian exchange?

The measles and small pox were exported to Europe.

The Spanish colonial economy was based largely on

The mining of gold and silver.

What are the characteristics of an absolute monarchy?

The monarch has complete authority over the government and people; usually inherits the throne by lineage and right of birth; and often claims a divine right to rule.


The most significant result of the 1763 Treaty of Paris was that A. Britain became the dominant power in North America. B. France gained control of valuable Caribbean islands. C. Britain ceded Canada to France. D. The French and Native Americans had a strong alliance.

Why do you think Byzantines and Persians were surprised by the strength of the Arab Muslims?

The newly united Arab Muslims had not posed a threat before


The painting depicts a scene from the rich __________ empire in India, which was established by Muslim leaders. A painting depicts a rich man holding a falcon.

Prince Henry

The portrait depicts ________, who sponsored the Portugal exploration. A portrait depicts a man praying.


The purpose of the Navigation Acts was to A. regulate colonial trade. B. build a global trading network. C. increase the size of the British navy. D. assert British control over the slave trade.

Magellan's ships entered a bay at the southern tip of South America.

This chart lists a sequence of events that may not be in the correct order. Which event should be listed correctly as the first event in the sequence? A chart lists four events: Olaudah Equiano was seized from his Nigerian village by slave traders; Jacques Cartier began exploring the coastline of eastern Canada, eventually discovering the St. Lawrence River; Magellan's ships entered a bay at the southern tip of South America; Manchus invaded Korea.

The Dutch built Cape Town.

This chart lists a sequence of events that may not be in the correct order. Which event should be listed correctly as the last event in the sequence? A chart lists four events: the treaty of Tordesillas was signed; the Dutch built Cape Town; Ferdinand Magellan set out from Spain with five ships to find a way to reach the Pacific; Columbus returned to Spain.

Vasco da Gama

This photograph shows a place which was also the departure point for _______________, a Portuguese navigator who set out for Asia in 1497. A photograph features a sign on a coastline reading,


Under which type of imperial rule would Westerners run the government within the colony? A. direct rule B. indirect rule C. sphere of influence D. protectorate


Unlike most Spanish and Portuguese traders in East Asia, most Dutch East India Company traders A. sailed around the Indian Ocean in search of spices. B. wanted to spread Christianity to East Asia. C. worked for a trading company with sovereign powers. D. used force and diplomacy to seize coastal towns.

Which is a representative who ruled one of Spain's province s in America in the king's name?


Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo (1802-1885) was a leading literary, intellectual, and political figure in France. His works were not only extremely popular—most notably Notre Dame de Paris and Les Misérables —but also highly influential and respected. Hugo believed in the cause of the common people and saw in them both strength and potential. He sought to portray both their virtues and their plights in his works. Although Hugo did not live in poverty, he associated with the lower class, and, according to his wishes, he had a pauper's funeral and grave

In what ways did farming affect the growth of African villages and cities?

Villages began to produce surplus food, which they traded with other areas. The growth of trade helped those towns develop into cities.

Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) was an artist for only ten years, yet he produced more than 2,000 drawings, sketches, and paintings. Early on, the Impressionists greatly influenced his style. Van Gogh later moved to Arles, France. While there he had a breakdown and committed himself to an asylum. During this time, he began to use more vibrant colors, wide brushstrokes, movement in form and line, and thick layers of paint. He was released in May 1890 and died two months later.

Heliocentric Theory

based on the belief that the sun is the center of the universe

How did Louis XIV's actions weaken the French economy?

Waging war drained his treasury; expelling Hugenots removed some of his mos productive subjects.

Tang dynasty

Was a time where china was being restored (in 618)


What events caused the decline of the Abbasid dynasty? A. The Umayyads and the Abbasids waged a civil war that destroyed the empire. B. The Abbasid empire fragmented, and other peoples gained control. C. The invaders from Spain created small kingdoms throughout the former empire. D. The Abbasids willingly gave up their lands to the Seljuk Turks and the Mongols.


What factor(s) might have led to the decline of Great Zimbabwe? A. wars with its neighbors B. civil war and dwindling trade C. invaders from North Africa D. dwindling stockpiles of gold


Wealthy landowners and peasants

Understand how China created an ordered society.

Well ordered society. Reclaiming Chinese tradition


West African state that supplied the majority of the world's gold from 500 CE-1400's


What Renaissance artistic theme appeared in the works of Van Eyck and Bruegel? A. peasant life B. the rise of the merchant class C. poverty in the cities D. religious scenes


What can you conclude about Japanese values based on what they borrowed and did not borrow from the Chinese? A. The Japanese valued Buddhism over Confucian ideas of merit. B. The Japanese valued Korean culture over Chinese culture. C. The Japanese valued inherited status over merit and competence. D. The Japanese valued their own technology over Chinese technology


What characteristic was shared by all the important scientists of the Scientific Revolution? A. The belief that the ancient philosophers were correct in their original observations of the laws of nature. B. The belief that traditional methods of inquiry and discovery were correct, but needed greater accuracy. C. The importance of challenging authority at all times in the pursuit of truth. D. Truth is only achievable through a process of inquiry and observation.


What common goal did the revolutions throughout the Austrian Empire have? A. Louis Kossuth led the revolutions throughout the Austrian Empire. B. Metternich was successful in stopping the spread of revolutionary ideals. C. Many countries won their independence from the Austrian Empire. D. People demanded independent governments and written constitutions that defended basic rights.


What did Zen Buddhism contribute to Japanese culture? A. a focus on self-reliance, meditation, and devotion to duty B. a focus on increasing military power C. a decrease in the development of art and drama D. a dependence on the customs and traditions of China


What did romantic poetry, music, and art have in common? A. They appealed to their audience through logic and reason. B. They stressed the importance and power of love. C. They stirred strong emotion and intense feelings in their audience. D. They sought to express social ills and offer ideas for reform.


What did the British East India Company do to dominate most of India? A. used alliances, armies, and its wealth to weaken the Mughal empire B. used diplomacy to unite Hindus and Muslims C. partnered with the French to exclude Mughal goods from Europe D. encouraged Mughal emperors to make destructive political decisions


What did the Concordat of 1801 accomplish? A. It kept the Church under state control but recognized religious freedom for Catholics. B. It punished the clergy who supported the monarchy in pre-revolutionary France. C. It kept the peace between France, Austria, Great Britain, and Prussia. D. It took away all the rights gained by women during the Revolution.


What did the priest Johann Tetzel do that prompted Martin Luther to take action? A. Tetzel sold Bibles printed in Latin. B. Tetzel accused Luther of heresy. C. Tetzel challenged Luther to defend his 95 Theses in public. D. Tetzel sold indulgences, promising buyers an assured entry into heaven.

convert Africans to christian,

What early steps in exploration did the Portuguese take under Prince Henry's sponsorship?


What encouraged revolutionaries in Central Europe to fight the old order? A. The ideas of liberalism and nationalism. B. The people wanted one government. C. The desire to gain freedom of religion. D. The conservatives wanted to gain more rights.


What event led Muhammad to undertake the hijra from Mecca to Medina? A. Muhammad believed that he received a message from God telling him to do so. B. Muhammad faced threats on his life in Mecca. C. Many Muslims already lived in Medina. D. Muhammad wanted to build a Kaaba in Medina.


When the Spanish first encountered Native Americans, they A. unknowingly exposed them to new diseases. B. set up trade colonies. C. established a treaty to maintain peace. D. initiated a civil war among Native American groups.


What factors helped Britain become a global power? A. limited trade restrictions, location, territorial expansion B. limited trade restrictions, location, alliance with France C. high trade restrictions, low national debt, mercantilism D. high trade restrictions, control of slave trade, territorial expansion


What feature of Japan's geography allowed it to develop its own distinct culture? A. the high mountains that dominate central Japan B. its distance from the mainland of Korea and China C. the many volcanoes that surrounded the islands D. the fact that Japan is a peninsula


What goal did Frederick the Great pursue as monarch of Prussia? A. extending Prussian power through military might B. imposing Catholicism on the German states C. winning the Thirty Years' War D. destroying the power of the Junkers


What important contribution did James Watt make to the Industrial Revolution? A. He developed ways to increase crop yields. B. He perfected a new source of energy. C. He developed a seed drill for planting. D. He improved methods of iron smelting.


What important factor helped China reunite under a strong leader like Tang Taizong? A. Everyone in China spoke the same language. B. The fragmented states had maintained growth, education, and advances in technology. C. The leaders in the separate areas were weakened by constant warring with each other. D. Northern China hoped to gain security from being aligned with relatively peaceful southern China.


What inference can you draw from the social structure of Tang and Song society? A. The Chinese lived in constant fear of outside invasions. B. The Chinese placed a high value on maintaining a well-ordered social structure. C. The Chinese valued education above everything. D. The Chinese were willing to make social mobility possible, even at the cost of social stability.


What inspired the outbreak of uprisings in Europe? A. Metternich's fear of liberal ideas. B. The revolts and changes of government in France. C. The difference in cultures in different states. D. The difference in religious ideas.


What is the BEST description of the relationship between Muslims and Hindus during the Delhi Sultanate? A. harmonious throughout the time of the Sultanate B. violent, then peaceful as sultans began to convert to Hinduism C. harmonious until the Muslim rulers began forced conversions among Hindus D. violent, then relatively peaceful


What is the main feature of a constitutional government? A. Its power is defined and limited by law. B. Its people are represented in a parliament. C. Its power is split between a monarch and a parliament. D. It is not ruled by a monarch.


What main catalyst drove Henry VIII to establish the Church of England? A. The pope offended Henry by not recognizing his efforts to defend the Catholic faith against Martin Luther. B. The pope would not grant him an annulment so he could remarry and produce a male heir. C. A staunch Protestant, Henry wanted to break away from the Roman Catholic Church. D. Henry wanted to dissolve Catholic monasteries and use the money for the English treasury.


What military advantages helped Western nations dominate much of the world in the late 1800s? A. airplanes and armored tanks B. chemical and biological weapons C. cannons and automatic rifles D. Maxim machine guns, repeating rifles, and steam-driven warships


What new Renaissance artistic technique, partly revived from classical times, did Leonardo da Vinci use? A. realism, as in his painting of the Mona Lisa B. panel painting, as in his painting of The Last Supper C. two-dimensional views, as in his sketches of inventions D. angular style, as in his sketches of architectural buildings


What purposes and themes were common to the writers Erasmus, More, and Rabelais? A. using the vernacular and rejecting realism B. humanism, education, and social reforms C. promoting justice and valuing organized religion D. ideal societies and how to achieve them


What religious differences existed between the Ottomans and the Safavids? A. The Ottomans tolerated other religions and the Safavids did not. B. The Safavids were Shiite Muslims and the Ottomans were Sunni Muslims. C. The Ottomans enslaved all non-Muslims; the Safavids encouraged the economic contributions of non-Muslims. D. The Safavids deported all non-Muslims from the empire.


What statement best describes the industrialization of other western nations after Britain? A. Some nations learned about the new technology and had more resources than Britain so they could advance quickly. B. Most other nations were slow to adopt industrialization practices because they were unaware of the benefits. C. All nations had equal access to factors of production and copied Britain's model. D. Britain shared knowledge with other countries to gain trading partners.


What statement best describes the lives of women who worked during the Industrial Revolution? A. They worked 12 hours or more a day for half the pay of men, and they tended to the family and household when at home. B. They avoided working in the mining industry because mines were too dangerous. C. Employers made efforts to protect them from the most dangerous jobs and allowed them to work shorter days. D. In textile mills, they changed spools and crawled under machinery to fix broken threads because of their small size.

took 5 ships that sailed both south and west to search each bay

What steps did Magellan take during his attempt to reach the Pacific Ocean?


What stirred the sans-culottes to riot? A. attempts to restore the monarchy B. rising bread prices C. the emergence of Napoleon Bonaparte D. the return of the émigrés


What strategy did the Portuguese use most successfully in building a trading empire in South and Southeast Asia? A. alliances with other European countries B. military force against some Asian peoples; diplomatic relations with others C. invasions deep into Asian lands; then divide and conquer D. an alliance with China to drive out rival Europeans


What style influenced the work of the architect Filippo Brunelleschi? A. Classical forms from ancient Greece and Rome. B. A Gothic style that created orderly buildings. C. Medieval designs that emphasized religious themes. D. A blend of Gothic and Medieval styles that created uniform buildings.


What territorial changes resulted from the Peace of Westphalia, ending the 30 Years' War? A. The Holy Roman Empire was united under a single ruler. B. Spain separated from the Hapsburg empire. C. The Netherlands and the Swiss Confederation became independent states. D. The German states became Protestant.


What theme did Machiavelli address in his writing? A. high ideals to improve society B. how to gain and maintain power C. guidance for men and women to develop multiple talents D. instruction for rulers and courtiers on how to improve themselves


What was a goal that the writers Erasmus, More, and Rabelais all had in common? A. translating biblical stories B. telling comical tales C. changing and reforming society D. abandoning old religions


What was a political impact of Machiavelli's book, The Prince? A. It made people reconsider views of government and political power. B. It gave courtiers political and social ideals to follow. C. It encouraged citizens in Italy to oppose corruption and oppression. D. It led to the formation of a new government in Italy.


What was an effect of the movement of foods like corn and potatoes from the Western Hemisphere to the Eastern Hemisphere? A. Foods from the Americas contributed to population growth around the world. B. Foods from the Americas contributed to a rise in food prices around the world. C. Foods from Europe did not grow well in the Old World and famine resulted. D. Foods from the Americas became widely grown in Africa.


What was one economic effect of the Renaissance? A. Increased trade led to thriving Italian banks. B. The Roman Catholic Church gave money to artists. C. Wealthy Italian merchants invested in improving Muslim port cities. D. Wealthy families like the Medicis purchased ancient treasures of Athens.


What was one effect of the Industrial Revolution on education? A. All women went to high school and college. B. Universities began stressing science and engineering. C. Children from every social class were required to go to school. D. The literacy rate sharply decreased.


What was one impact of the printing revolution on European society? A. European readers learned classical languages as books became widely available. B. More people had access to knowledge because books became less expensive. C. Books were published in great numbers but were a luxury that only the wealthy could afford. D. The printing press made books more elegantly designed than in the past.


What was one important result of the Catholic Reformation? A. At the Council of Tent, the Catholic Church ended Protestantism in Europe. B. Catholics and Protestants established a spirit of cooperation. C. The Council of Trent reaffirmed traditional doctrine, tried to end abuses, and established new schools. D. Martin Luther's teachings were incorporated into Church doctrine.


What was one long-term benefit of the Industrial Revolution? A. Factory work allowed women to earn as much money as men. B. Over time, poverty was eliminated in industrialized nations. C. Governments took greater control over the economy. D. In industrial countries, the overall standard of living improved.


What was one main reason why slave trading greatly expanded beginning around the 1500s? A. Africans gave up trying to resist capture by European slave traders. B. Europeans started depending on slaves for free labor in new colonies. C. Europeans needed more slaves in their countries to manage the arrival of new colonial goods. D. Arab merchants expanded the slave trade into South and East Asia.


What was one of Britain's primary contributions to industrialism? A. Britain developed new farming practices that led to the second Agricultural Revolution. B. British inventors developed new machines for the textile industry that led to the factory system. C. The British government freely exported new technology, allowing industrialization to spread. D. British entrepreneurs invested in manufacturing and transportation all over Europe.


What was one of Maria Theresa's successes as an absolute monarch? A. forcing Frederick out of Silesia B. uniting the German states C. adding Hungary to the Hapsburg empire D. strengthening royal power


What was one of the effects of Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca? A. He forged new diplomatic and economic ties with other Muslim states. B. His opulence and wealth angered many pious Muslims. C. He discouraged the teaching of Islam in Mali. D. He encouraged Europeans to trade with Mali.


What was one of the impacts of Spanish colonization on Native Americans? A. Native Americans lost most parts of their culture. B. Tens of thousands of Native Americans died from disease, war, and forced labor. C. The Maya and the Incas, realizing victory was impossible, surrendered and never again fought against the Spanish. D. Native American culture became the dominant aspect of Latin American culture.


What was one of the policies Akbar enacted that helped strengthen his empire? A. He decentralized the government, allowing nobles to rule their areas as they saw fit. B. He imposed high tariffs to make trade more profitable. C. He promoted diversity within his government and court. D. He rewarded the most loyal of his followers with government positions.


What was one reason for Spain's decline in power? A. The defeat of the Spanish Armada weakened Philip II. B. Spain lost its American colonies. C. Supplies of gold and silver from the Americas dwindled. D. The fight against Protestantism led to costly wars.


What was one result of Puritan rule in England? A. Cromwell was eventually overthrown. B. The poor gained a greater voice in Parliament. C. All religions except Puritanism were banned. D. More people learned to read and write.


What was one result of the English Civil War? A. Charles I was executed. B. Parliament was disbanded. C. Cromwell organized the New Model Army. D. The Long Parliament began.


What was one way that Henry IV reunited France? A. by becoming Catholic B. by becoming Protestant C. by joining the Huguenots D. by expelling the Huguenots


What was one way that James Watt's steam technology contributed to the Industrial Revolution? A. Steam engines powered the flying shuttle, helping weavers make cloth faster. B. The water frame used steam to improve the speed of spinning thread. C. Steam engines improved the shipping of goods and raw materials. D. Steam engines helped miners gather more coal to help power factory machines.


What was one way that the French Revolution changed life in France? A. It eliminated feudal class privileges. B. It separated church and state. C. It led to greater social disparities between the Three Estates. D. It discouraged the rise of nationalism.


What was one way that working-class women differed from middle-class women? A. They were expected to take care of the home and children. B. They often worked outside the home in factories. C. They supported temperance and the women's suffrage movement. D. They enjoyed greater financial independence.


What was the encomienda system? A. a system in which the Spanish conquistadors granted Native Americans the right to demand labor from peons B. a system in which Spanish monarchs shared with Native Americans the right to demand labor from peons and Africans C. a system in which the Spanish monarchs granted the conquistadors the right to demand labor from Native Americans D. a system in which the Spanish settlers granted the conquistadors the right to demand labor from Native Americans


What was the goal of impressionist painters? A. to inspire people to celebrate beauty B. to give readers a sense of unchanging reality C. to capture the eye's first impression of a scene D. to portray the harsh realities of life in cities


What was the goal of realist writers and artists? A. to present reality and comment on social wrongs B. to provide suggestions for political reform C. to give the lower class hope and strength D. to denounce all doctors and scientists


What was the impact of the English Bill of Rights on the development of democracy in England? A. It ensured Parliament's total control over the monarchy. B. It made Parliament dependent upon the monarchy. C. It gave Parliament essential powers independent of the monarchy. D. It upheld the principle of social equality for all citizens.


What was the main goal of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen? A. to assure equality of all male citizens B. to abolish all wealth and private property C. to end the French monarchy D. to establish the National Assembly


What was the main reason Elizabeth I worked with Parliament? A. She wanted Parliament to approve her royal marriage. B. She needed to raise funds. C. She wanted to be popular with her subjects. D. She rejected the notion of divine right.


What was the main reason that the population of Japan increased after a central government was imposed? A. People can travel freely from their homes to the capital. B. Fewer people died during constant warfare. C. Agriculture improved due to lack of war. D. Merchants began to lend money to daimyo and samurai.


What was the one key belief shared by the different Anabaptist sects? A. Violent protest was the best way to quickly achieve social change. B. Only adults should be baptized. C. Property should be distributed equally among all people. D. There should be a state religion.


What was the purpose of court ceremonies such as the levée? A. to keep nobles under the control of the king B. to encourage literature and the arts C. to share power with the nobles D. to help the king govern more efficiently


What was the significance of the Long Parliament? A. It established a constitutional government. B. It led to the restoration of the monarchy. C. Its support of Oliver Cromwell created a dictatorship. D. Its struggles with Charles I led to the English Civil War.


What was the significance of the Paris Commune? A. It could imprison aristocrats and other government supporters. B. It could directly challenge the king's power. C. It could rally the citizens of Paris for protests. D. It could distribute food to the poor.


What were some themes explored by the artist Jan van Eyck? A. royalty, urban life, freedom B. nature, upheaval, upper classes C. classical themes, mythology, history D. religious themes, townspeople, peasant life

search for spices

What were the major causes of European exploration?


What were the two main rivalries after 1750? A. England and Austria; France and Prussia B. England and Russia; France and Austria C. England and France; Austria and Prussia D. England and Prussia; France and Austria

the right to have representative assemblies and Parliament

When colonists later protested British policies in North America, they viewed themselves as "freeborn Englishmen" who were defending their traditional rights. Which of the following describes one of the "traditional rights" being referred to in the text?


Which BEST describes a main cause of the northern European Renaissance? A. the end of the plague B. the discovery of realistic painting techniques C. the invention of the printing press D. the shift from urban to agricultural lifestyles


Which best describes the foreign influences on Vietnam? A. The civil service system, the language of the upper classes, and the form of Buddhism were Chinese. B. The civil service system, the language of the upper classes, and the form of Buddhism were Indian. C. The civil service system was based on China's, while the form of Buddhism was Indian. D. The dominant Hindu religion was from India, while the civil service and language was Chinese.


Which best describes the impact of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen? A. It abolished the monarchy and set up a republic. B. It put into practice ideals of the Enlightenment. C. It protected the feudal privileges of the First Estate. D. It represented a compromise between the monarch and radicals.


Which country was able to remain outside Napoleon's European empire? A. Belgium B. Britain C. Italy D. the Netherlands


Which describes the main reason why European powers expanded their presence in Africa? A. to explore African rivers and learn about African plants and animals B. to make agreements with African leaders to work and trade together with Arab traders C. to expand their trade in Africa, the Indian Ocean, and India D. to cooperate with other European powers to spread Christianity throughout Africa


Which development helped improve working conditions in many mines and factories during the late 1800s? A. the formation of monopolies B. the growth of labor unions C. the rise of the middle class D. the introduction of the assembly line

Vasco da Gama made an expedition to the west coast of India.

Which event can be inferred from the map? A map shows early voyages of European exploration, 1487-1609. Explorers for Portugal include Dias (1487-1488), traveling to the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa, and Da Gama (1497-1499), traveling around Africa to the west coast of India. Explorers for Spain include: Columbus (1492-1493), traveling to the West Indies, or Caribbean islands; Balboa (1510-1513), traveling from the West Indies around Panama to the Pacific Ocean; Magellan and Elcano (1519-1522), traveling around Southern America, across the Pacific to the East Indies, through the Indian Ocean, around Africa, and back to Spain. The explorer for England is Cabot (1497), traveling to Newfoundland, in Canada. The explorer for France was Cartier (1534-1535), traveling to Newfoundland and deeper into Canada. The explorer for the Netherlands was Hudson (1609), traveling up around Norway into the Artic before traveling to the northeastern coast of the United States.


Which event was one of the causes of the French Revolution in 1830? A. Citizens were angered by the recession. B. Men were not given the right to vote. C. Charles X suspended the legislature and restricted the press. D. Workers demanded better labor laws.


Which factors aided the Spanish conquest of the Incas? A. European weapons and Indian allies B. Peruvian geography and continuing famine C. Larger number of soldiers and guns in Spain's army and Atahualpa's ransom and conversion to Christianity D. Inca poverty and disunity


Which factors caused the population of Europe to soar between 1800 and 1900? A. Medicine advanced, and the death rate fell. B. Cities grew, and families had more children. C. People bathed more and ate less. D. The poor were treated at hospitals and survived surgeries.


Which goal was most likely to be supported by both poor peasants and wealthy city merchants in the early years of the French Revolution? A. an end to feudal privileges B. overthrow of the monarchy C. destruction of the power of the Catholic Church D. suppression of the Third Estate


Which group did Louis Philippe's policies favor? A. The monarchy B. The working class C. The upper bourgeoisie D. The elderly and children


Which is an example of Peter the Great's legacy? A. He created a more democratic monarchy. B. He expanded Russian territory. C. He established Russia's first warm-water port. D. He put an end to all serfdom.


Which is the best example of a monarch supporting Enlightenment reform? A. Maria Theresa modernizing the Austrian government B. Frederick the Great inviting Voltaire to Prussia C. Catherine the Great expanding Russian's empire D. Joseph II abolishing serfdom in Austria


Which made it possible for Mongol armies to conquer Chinese walled cities? A. Mongol archers on horseback B. cannons and other new weapons C. Mongol spies and siege engines D. famine and civil war inside China


Which of Calvin's beliefs set him apart from Catholics? A. papal infallibility B. predestination C. link between personal wealth and salvation D. acceptance of religious rituals


Which of the following BEST describes Peter the Great's approach toward westernization? A. He shrewdly gained the support of the boyars before introducing western ways. B. He upheld Russian tradition and introduced western ways gradually. C. He used autocratic power to introduced rapid change. D. He imposed French language and customs on the Russian court.


Which of the following statements BEST describes the spread of Islam under the first four caliphs? A. Arabs conquered the peoples east of Persia and converted them to Islam. B. Arabs united under Islam and defeated nearby empires. C. Byzantine emperors embraced Islam in the region. D. Persians were united and spread Islam as they conquered.


Which of the following BEST summarizes the causes of imperialism in the late 1800s? A. Westerners wanted to spread Christianity, gain raw materials, sell manufactured goods, and compete with other countries. B. Westerners wanted to attract non-Western workers for their new industrial factories. C. Westerners wanted to help Africans and Asians establish representative governments. D. Westerners wanted to conquer as much land as they could because they needed more territory.


Which of the following best describes France's government according to the Constitution of 1791? A. a limited monarchy B. an absolute monarchy C. an oligarchy D. a republic


Which of the following best describes Napoleon's impact on Europe after the Napoleonic Wars? A. He spread the ideals of the Revolution but failed to create a lasting French empire. B. He supported nationalistic feelings in all the lands he conquered. C. He promoted goodwill among European nations by spreading revolutionary ideals. D. He was successful in making France into a world power with an overseas empire.


Which of the following best describes the new middle class that emerged as a result of industrialization? A. It was made up largely of industrial workers and miners. B. It was made up largely of wealthy rural landowners. C. Many of its members owned and operated the businesses that hired urban workers. D. Many of its members lived in overcrowded conditions in industrial cities.


Which of the following changes to city life would be most likely to reduce the crime rate? A. constructing sewer systems B. installing street lights C. erecting fine buildings D. offering public entertainment


Which of the following conclusions about the slave trade is most valid based on the historical record? A. It affected millions of Africans. B. It prevented Brazil from becoming a prosperous country. C. It caused Europeans to establish colonies in the Americas. D. It caused Africans to unite and support the abolition of slavery.


Which of the following had the greatest impact on transportation during the second Industrial Revolution? A. the steam engine B. the internal combustion engine C. the dynamo D. the Bessemer process


Which of the following helped the rulers of the Tang dynasty reunify China? A. They strengthened the government bureaucracy and reformed the civil service. B. They opened up higher education to all talented people, including women. C. They raised taxes in order to help the military fight off foreign invaders. D. They seized land from peasants and gave it to powerful local rulers.


Which of the following influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence? A. Montesquieu's theory of the social contract B. Locke's idea of popular sovereignty C. Voltaire's idea of an enlightened monarchy D. Hobbes's idea of the need for a powerful government


Which of the following is TRUE about England's American colonies? A. They had some power to govern themselves. B. They had a poor economy with few resources. C. They were free from English royal authority. D. They abolished slavery and guaranteed rights.


Which of the following is a belief held only by the Sunni? A. Only descendants of Ali and Fatima could lead. B. Any pious male from Muhammad's tribe could lead. C. Any good Muslim could lead. D. Only Sufis could serve as leaders.


Which of the following is an example of how the Delhi Sultanate changed society in India? A. Many lower caste Hindus converted to Islam because the religion did not recognize a caste system. B. Hindu rajahs were completely excluded from having any social influence in their territories. C. Traditional Hindu marriage and inheritance laws became illegal. D. The government was decentralized, with Muslim sultans ruling their own territories.


Which of the following is an important theme in Tang and Song paintings? A. a balance of color and light B. the glories of war C. personal achievement D. the spiritual essence of nature


Which of the following is one main reason the Industrial Revolution was a turning point in world history? A. People no longer needed to travel on foot or in horse-drawn carts. B. The traditional rural lifestyle ended for most people. C. People stopped exchanging goods in outdoor markets. D. Anesthetics became available for use in dentistry and surgery.


Which of the following is one of the key policies Akbar put in place to strengthen his government? A. He appointed trusted advisors and made the government posts hereditary so they could pass from father to son. B. Officials in Akbar's government were paid employees and could not automatically pass on their positions to relatives. C. Akbar brought in his most successful generals to ensure peace in the largest cities of his empire. D. He called in scholars from all the different religions to blend their traditions into one state religion.


Which of the following is true about the structure of the feudal society developed in Japan? A. The emperor was the most powerful individual. B. The samurai controlled the daimyo, the large landowners. C. The artisans had high status because they made swords and armor. D. The shogun was the true ruler.


Which of the following is true of the Umayyads? A. The Umayyad caliphate declined when it was invaded by the Mongols. B. The Umayyads did not tax non-Muslims. C. The Umayyad capital of Baghdad was a center of art and learning. D. The Umayyads expanded into Spain.


Which of the following made Paris "ripe for revolution" in 1848? A. Socialists were demanding the return of Louis Philippe. B. The economy was in a recession. C. Only Liberals supported the government. D. Radicals had taken sole control of the government.


Which of the following statements BEST describes how the Abbasid caliphate expanded? A. The caliphs conquered Persia and incorporated Persian traditions. B. The caliphs conquered India and incorporated Indian traditions. C. The caliphs moved their capital to Damascus and expanded into North Africa. D. The caliphs brought their Arabic language and traditions to Spain.


Which statement BEST characterizes the hajj? A. It was the journey Muhammad took to Medina. B. Muslims are required to make this journey every year. C. It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. D. Muslims pay this tax, which is collected for charity.


Which of the following statements BEST represents an example of Daoism's ideas? A. Disputes should be settled by village leaders and a council of elders. B. Social order should be based on duty, rank, and proper behavior. C. Pottery has no value unless it is beautiful and delicate. D. Painters should portray a harmonious relationship between heaven and earth.


Which of the following statements about population trends during the Industrial Revolution is most accurate? A. Towns built near coal and iron mines suffered a loss of population as workers left for factory jobs in cities. B. People left cities to move to farms because of improvements in farming. C. Population decreased during early industrialization because of unsafe working conditions. D. Demand for labor in factories was one cause of the population shift toward urban areas.


Which of the following statements best explains the conditions that led to the Reign of Terror? A. The Committee of Public Safety had absolute power. B. The Directory had limited power. C. Napoleon Bonaparte had taken control of the Directory. D. The Jacobins had lost influence in the Legislative Assembly.


Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The Asante kingdom used its growing power to end the slave trade in West Africa. B. European traders introduced the slave trade to Africa. C. The slave trade harmed some African states, but benefited other African states. D. The slave trade devastated all the African states on Africa's Atlantic coast.


Which of the following supports the idea that the Industrial Revolution led to social change in Europe? A. Labor unions were against the law during the early 1800s. B. Lack of sewage systems in cities helped spread disease. C. The poor lived mainly in neighborhoods with overcrowded buildings. D. Entrepreneurs earned enough wealth to rise above the working class.


Which of the following was a chief characteristic of Britain's constitutional government in the 1700s? A. elimination of the monarchy B. voting rights for all citizens C. suppression of religious dissent D. a cabinet system


Which of the following was a difference between capitalist entrepreneurs and guild masters? A. Guild masters hired many more workers than capitalists. B. Capitalists let supply and demand set prices; guild masters regulated prices. C. Guild masters invested their profits in global businesses; capitalists gave their profits to cottagers. D. Capitalists were reluctant to compete and take risks; guild masters were eager to expand into risky overseas markets.


Which of the following was a long-term cause of the Thirty Years' War? A. the Defenestration of Prague B. the Protestant Reformation C. the depopulation of Europe D. the Peace of Westphalia


Which of the following was a problem that limited the growth of New France? A. Long, harsh Canadian winters made farming difficult. B. Louis XIV did not support the growth of New France. C. Native Americans taught the French how to harvest cod for export. D. French explorers were unable to find inland water routes in North America.


Which of the following was a provision of the Petition of Right? A. Parliament had the right to appoint the king's successors. B. The king could not marry without Parliament's permission. C. The king could not levy taxes without Parliament's permission. D. Catholics and dissenters had the right to practice their religion freely.


Which of the following was a significant result of the Glorious Revolution? A. England became a limited monarchy. B. The theaters were reopened in England. C. English kings lost all their power. D. Parliament accepted the divine right of kings.


Which of the following was an effect of the Columbian Exchange on population? A. Millions of people moved to the Americas. B. Some populations thrived as they developed resistance to new diseases. C. Exchanges of food plants decreased populations in various regions. D. Millions of people moved to Europe.


Which of the following was most responsible for Napoleon's rise to emperor of France? A. disruption of British trade with India B. the spread of nationalism in Europe C. defeat of the British navy at the Battle of Trafalgar D. a series of military victories against Austria


Which of the following was most responsible for Napoleon's rise to power? A. his use of absolute power B. his reputation as a military leader C. the support given to him by the pope D. his devotion to republican ideals


Which of the following was one of the ways Louis XIV increased his power as an absolute monarch? A. He brought nobles under his control. B. He encouraged religious freedom. C. He restricted government jobs to the aristocracy. D. He fought a series of successful wars across Europe.


Which of the following was the leading cause of the high death rate of enslaved Africans during the Middle Passage? A. The slave traders' ships often sank in the stormy waters of the Atlantic Ocean. B. Many of the enslaved people died from dysentery, smallpox, and other diseases. C. The crews of the slave ships murdered large numbers of the enslaved people. D. Some enslaved Africans rebelled and were killed; many others committed suicide.


Which of the following would Locke most favor? A. absolute monarchy B. theocracy C. republic D. oligarchy


Which of the following would be most likely considered rococo? A. a watercolor depicting a realistic portrayal of people harvesting grain B. a portrait using size and bright colors to symbolize power and glory C. a tapestry featuring delicate shells and flowers using pastel colors D. an oil painting that glorifies a historic battle and invokes religious symbolism

decks of slave ships with African captives

Which phrase best explains the scene depicted in this image? An illustration depicts views of a ship, with dark bodies lined close together and three decks.


Which sequence of events best describes the role of textile manufacturing in initiating industrialization? A. The flying shuttle was developed, demand increased for a faster weaving machine, and the spinning jenny was developed. B. Demand for cotton cloth grew, cottage industry developed, and machines replaced cottage industry. C. Demand for cotton grew and the textile industry was consolidated into factories. D. India demanded more cotton textiles, inventors created weaving machines, and factories housed those machines.


Which statement BEST describes the impact Muslim traders had on Africa? A. Muslim traders kept to themselves and had little impact on African life. B. Muslim traders created tensions between African kingdoms. C. Muslim traders brought Islam and the Arabic language to many places. D. Muslim traders brought political and cultural stability, but only to a few African kingdoms.


Which statement BEST explains an artistic impact of the Italian Renaissance? A. The use of religious themes in art diminished drastically. B. Art moved away from realism and toward mystery. C. Art became more stylized to appeal to wealthy patron families. D. The use of perspective in art allowed more accurate representations.


Which statement BEST explains how Christianity influenced the development of Axum after A.D. 600? A. Axum became increasingly isolated from its Islamic trading partners. B. Axum drew closer to its European trading partners. C. Axum became stronger economically and culturally. D. Axum culture flourished even though the kingdom was isolated.


Which statement best describes Spanish colonial society? A. Poor Spanish immigrants were the lowest class. B. Except for Native Americans, all people were equal. C. Social rank was based on wealth and education. D. Social rank was based on a person's ethnic background.


Which statement best describes child labor during the early years of the Industrial Revolution? A. Child labor did not exist before the Industrial Revolution. B. Mines and text factories employed large numbers of children. C. Laws kept children from working in dangerous mines and factories. D. Most child laborers spent part of each day in school.


Which statement best describes the impact of the Napoleonic Wars on many of the nations France conquered? A. Napoleon's armies brought economic ruin to most of the conquered nations. B. Napoleon's armies helped install new monarchs in many of the conquered nations. C. Napoleon's armies backed liberal reforms in the lands they conquered. D. Napoleon's armies terrorized conquered nations, leaving many in ruins.


Which statement best describes the overall impact of Muslim merchants on the city of Kumbi Saleh? A. Muslim merchants were a small part of the city's society. B. Muslim merchants controlled the city's government. C. Muslim merchants and traders made the city a bustling center for commerce. D. Muslim merchants displaced local residents in many neighborhoods of the city.


Which statement best explains how transportation technology advanced the Industrial Revolution? A. Improvements in shipping led most industries to send goods to markets overseas. B. Railroads allowed goods to travel over land, but shipping by sea remained the most important method of transporting goods. C. Rivers, ports, canals, and railroads aided the shipment of goods to many places. D. Transportation played little role in industrialization until the arrival of railroads and the ability to move goods over land.


Which statement best summarizes the difference between baroque and rococo art? A. Rococo paintings glorified the lives of saints, while baroque paintings celebrated historic battles. B. Rococo paintings were huge, colorful, and full of excitement, while baroque paintings were lighter, elegant, and charming. C. Baroque paintings were grand and complex, while Rococo paintings often showed noble subjects in charming rural settings. D. Baroque paintings often featured pastel colors and delightful love scenes, while Rococo showcased formal lines and dark colors.


Which statement correctly summarizes an economic development that was part of the Commercial Revolution in the 1500s? A. Entrepreneurs made sure that no new laws imposed taxes or tariffs on businesses. B. Entrepreneurs were more interested in investing in agriculture than in global trade. C. Prices rose as more money, silver, and gold became available. D. Colonies were forced to import raw materials and export manufactured goods.


Which statement describes a characteristic of the free enterprise system of capitalism that expanded in Europe in the 1500s? A. Most businesses were owned and regulated by governments. B. Most businesses were privately operated by risk-taking entrepreneurs. C. Most businesses had to follow the rules established by churches and town guilds. D. Most businesses were freed from burdensome bank loans with interest.


Which statement describes the third and final leg of the triangular trade? A. American goods were sold in Europe. B. Enslaved Africans were sold in the Americas. C. European goods were sold in Africa. D. European profits were used to buy plantations in the Americas.

Columbus's men assaulted Taíno men and women and claimed their land for Spain.

Which statement is true about European conquests in the Americas?

The Portuguese found a trade route through the Indian Ocean to Asia.

Which statement is true about Portuguese exploration?

Portugal seized the island of Goa, making it their major military and commercial base.

Which statement is true in the context of European exploration in Asia?


Which statement summarizes advantages that Dutch East India Company traders had over Portuguese and Spanish traders? A. The company had helpful agreements with English merchants. B. The company was not permitted to raise armies or sign treaties. C. The company was closely supervised by the Dutch government. D. The company could wage war and govern overseas territories.


Which two events were most directly responsible for major population migrations in the 1700s? A. the African slave trade and potato famine B. the Commercial Revolution and Atlantic slave trade C. the Commercial Revolution and price revolution D. the Columbian Exchange and Atlantic slave trade


Which type of government did the Constitution of 1791 establish? A. an absolute monarchy B. a limited monarchy C. a totalitarian system D. a republic


Which value most shaped middle class home life during the later Industrial Revolution? A. laissez-faire economics B. social Darwinism C. the cult of domesticity D. the social gospel


Which was a major cause of European exploration? A. a desire for better fishing grounds B. the need to reduce Europe's population C. the need to limit the growth of Arab empires D. a desire for direct access to spices


Which was a major impact of Spanish colonization of the Americas? A. It gave Spain absolute control over all of South America. B. The cost of maintaining overseas colonies quickly drained the Spanish treasury. C. All traces of Native American culture were wiped out in the Americas. D. For the first time, sea routes connected much of the world.


Which was an effect of Spain's regulation of trade in its American colonies? A. Colonists could only trade with other Spanish colonies. B. Colonists could export raw materials only to Spain. C. Colonists could trade silver with other European nations. D. Colonists could not buy Spanish manufactured goods.


Which was part of the Ming dynasty's restoration of Chinese rule? A. Great Wall and extensive canal system fell into disrepair B. gradual decline of Chinese arts, sciences, and technology C. heavy taxes, widespread corruption, and peasant revolts D. Only gold or silver accepted in exchange for Chinese goods.

Christopher Columbus

Who said this about the Taínos who lived in the West Indies? "Artless and generous . . . to such a degree as no one would believe but him who had seen it. Of anything they have, if it be asked for, they never say no, but do rather invite the person to accept it, and show as much lovingness as though they would give their hearts . . ."


Who supplied the capital that helped Britain industrialize? A. the rapidly growing labor force B. talented inventors with new ideas C. the British government D. investors willing to take risks


Who were the Jacobins? A. aristocrats who fled France as the Revolution became more radical B. working-class men and women who wanted to abolish the monarchy C. radical members of the Legislative Assembly who supported republican principles D. members of the clergy who sought to restore the power of the Catholic Church


Why did Austria shift alliances in the mid-1700s? A. Austria was afraid of Britain was an expanding power. B. Austria began to see Prussia as a greater threat than France. C. Austria saw Prussia as an ally against the Ottomans. D. Austria sought to create a united German state.


Why did Charles V have difficulty governing his empire? A. Nobles were unwilling to give up their feudal privileges. B. Constant warfare had exhausted Spain's money supply. C. Ottoman forces threatened to invade Spain. D. Hapsburg lands were spread out over too wide an area.


Why did Columbus reach the Caribbean islands rather than the East Indies? A. He did not know that he had sailed far off course. B. He greatly underestimated the size of Earth. C. He was unaware that Earth was a sphere. D. He ran out of food and water and landed too soon.

provisions were running low

Why did Columbus' crew become anxious when no land was sighted after sailing for many weeks?


Why did Cortés want to conquer the Aztecs? A. The Aztecs had attacked Spanish merchants. B. He wanted to bring enslaved Aztecs to Spain. C. He needed more soldiers for his army. D. He wanted Aztec land and riches.


Why did Louis XIV appoint attendants? A. to check the power of the middle class B. to impose mercantilist policies on French colonies C. to extend royal authority throughout France D. to advise him on foreign policy


Why did Matteo Ricci make such a strong impression on the Chinese? A. He did not attempt to convert them to Christianity. B. He was a Renaissance scholar with very limited interest in China. C. He did not share information about China with curious Europeans. D. He offered them knowledge about Renaissance Europe.


Why did Metternich urge conservative leaders to suppress revolutionary ideas? A. He believed conservative leaders would defend peace and stability. B. He believed conservative leaders would protect basic rights and freedoms. C. He wanted conservative leaders to bring change themselves. D. He wanted conservative leaders to replace European monarchs.


Why did Ming China demand that Europeans pay for goods with gold or silver? A. The Ming needed money to pay for European goods. B. No European trade items interested them. C. No Ming trade items interested Europeans. D. The Ming lacked access to precious metals.


Why did Peter the Great strengthen serfdom in Russia? A. to punish people who opposed him B. to follow the example of Western Europe C. to help pay for his reforms D. to win the support of the boyars

could convert africans to christian, could gain control of gold trade

Why did Prince Henry think it was worthwhile for the Portuguese to explore Africa?


Why did big business emerge during the Industrial Revolution? A. Competition between businesses became unnecessary. B. Labor unions demanded and won higher wages. C. New technologies required the investment of more capital. D. Governments passed laws regulating monopolies.


Why did colonists resent the new taxes imposed by Parliament after 1763? A. because the tax money would not be used to benefit the colonies B. because people who lived in Britain did not have to pay taxes C. because the colonists did not have a say in Parliament D. because the taxes were higher than the colonists could afford


Why did conquering Constantinople strengthen the Ottoman empire? A. It prevented the rise of Portuguese and European navies. B. It gave the Ottomans a trading center and a governmental and cultural capital. C. It allowed expansion into Africa. D. It helped in overcoming the Safavids.


Why did liberals support a free market economy? A. They believed in fighting for workers' rights. B. They believed everybody should have a say in how the government should run. C. They saw it as an opportunity for capitalist entrepreneurs to succeed. D. They wanted those who shared a cultural heritage to have their own businesses.


Why did most of the uprisings fail in 1848? A. Military force was used against revolutionaries who didn't have mass support. B. Revolutionaries formed weak constitutions. C. The Pope helped defend the monarchies. D. Nationalists could not unite and fight among others from different heritages.


Why did new artistic traditions most likely develop following the end of the earlier feudal period of warfare? A. People now found time and money for the arts. B. They appealed to the lawless nature of the Japanese. C. These traditions came out of military culture. D. They were an extension of control of the population.


Why did some business owners form corporations? A. to buy more stock in competitors' companies B. to regulate the free-enterprise system C. to create a laissez-faire economy D. to raise money to expand into different areas


Why did some workers organize unions? A. to support large corporations B. to reduce work stoppages C. to help women get factory jobs D. to improve their working conditions


Why did the Abbasid caliphate decline? A. The Turks took over Baghdad; then the Mongols invaded. B. The Seljuk Turks invaded Spain from North Africa. C. Timur the Lame swept into Spain and defeated the Abbasids. D. The Mongols put a figurehead on the throne; then the Turks invaded.


Why did the Dutch and the English form an alliance against France? A. to overthrow Louis XIV B. to defend the Huguenots from persecution C. to maintain a balance of power in Europe D. to enforce the union of France and Spain


Why did the Fujiwara have to use marriage to gain power? A. They could not perform traditional religious ceremonies. B. They could not produce great works of literature. C. Their heirs could not become emperors. D. Their marriages established elaborate rules of etiquette.


Why did the Mughal emperor recognize the right of the British East India Company to collect taxes in northeastern India? A. The emperor decided that only the British could effectively collect these taxes. B. The French and Dutch East Companies made the weak emperor grant this right. C. The British East India Company forced the weak emperor to accept this right. D. The emperor was secretly plotting with the Dutch to attack the British.


Why did the Portuguese think that they could find an easier way to reach Asia? A. They had alliances with European nations to send out expeditions. B. They had a large country and a long tradition of Asian exploration. C. They had a large fleet and had defeated Spain in recent sea battles. D. They had expert knowledge and advanced navigational technology.

The harsh Canadian climate with long winters attracted few French peasants.

Why did the colony of New France grow slowly?


Why did the majority of the European uprisings fail? A. The uprisings failed as a result of fighting between the classes. B. The uprisings failed because rebels from different countries did not work together. C. The uprisings failed as a result of military force and a lack of popular support. D. The uprisings failed because more people supported the monarchs.


Why did the population of Britain increase in the mid-1700s? A. People moved to cities from farming villages to find employment. B. Better farming led to a food surplus, so fewer people died of starvation. C. More people were needed to work in factories on the new machines. D. Population statistics clearly show that people were healthier.


Why did the radical Legislative Assembly declare war on Austria and then Prussia in 1792? A. to stop the monarchs in Austria and Prussia from conquering France B. to stop émigrés from returning to France C. to increase the size of France's borders D. to spread the revolution and destroy other monarchies


Why did the shogun hold all the real power in the 1400s? A. The Emperor was not descended from other emperors. B. He controlled all the land in Japan. C. Military strength was the only real power at the time. D. The samurai were unorganized and disloyal.


Why do tsunamis pose a great threat to Japan? A. They cause the Ring of Fire to get worse. B. They strike coastal areas where many Japanese live. C. They occur at the same time volcanoes erupt. D. They create hurricane strength winds that sweep inland into populated areas.


Why had colleges and universities changed their curriculum by the late 1800s? A. Companies and factories were demanding people who could read Latin. B. Women were now attending colleges. C. All jobs required people to read and write. D. More people were working in industries that required science and engineering skills.


Why is it important that the scientific method is a structured step-by-step process? A. It ensures that all scientists start with a hypothesis. B. It ensures that observations and discoveries are the result of steps that can be repeated. C. It makes it harder to duplicate the final result. D. It makes it possible for the hypothesis to always be proven correct.


Why was Darwin's theory controversial in the 1800s? A. It contradicted the biblical view of creation. B. It was used to condemn the actions of big business. C. It was considered unsound by most scientists. D. It challenged older views of the age of the Earth.


Why was James I resistant to working with Parliament? A. He believed in the absolute power of kings. B. He did not agree with the policies of the prime minister. C. He wanted to strengthen the Church of England. D. He wanted to create a limited monarchy.


Why was Napoleon unable to successfully establish a French empire in Europe? A. Most nations' people resented the imposition of French culture. B. Most nations were allies of Great Britain. C. Most European governments welcomed Napoleon's armies, but their people did not. D. Most nations wanted to establish a system of joint rule, but Napoleon did not.


Why was the Bastille an important symbol to the French? A. It contained guns and ammunition. B. It represented the social injustice of the ancien regime. C. Its destruction forced Louis XVI to step down. D. It held political prisoners that demanded reform.


Why was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point in the American Revolution? A. It was a major setback that forced the Americans to retreat. B. It persuaded other nations to ally themselves with the American colonists. C. It convinced the Continental Congress to declare independence. D. It forced the British to surrender, ending the war.


Why was the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, an important event in the French Revolution? A. It challenged the king's authority. B. It allowed revolutionaries to seize guns and ammunition. C. It allowed political prisoners to escape. D. It showed the king's determination to put down the rebellion.


Why was the work of Andreas Vesalius so important to medicine? A. His development of a more powerful microscope allowed scientists to see microorganisms for the first time. B. His studies of the human circulatory system correctly identified the heart as a pump that pushed blood through the human body. C. His work with ointments to prevent infection led the way for later discoveries in disease prevention. D. His book accurately describing human anatomy helped other medical scientists' research and discoveries.


Why was there such a high death rate during the Middle Passage? A. Slaves were branded and separated from their families. B. Slaves died of diseases and mistreatment. C. Many ships were sunk by pirates and privateers. D. The captains of slave ships committed genocide.


Why were the results of Columbus's first meeting with Native Americans in the West Indies important? A. It had a sudden, short-term effect on European expansion. B. It had a serious, far-reaching impact on Native Americans. C. It had a major but gradual effect on Portuguese colonization. D. It had an unexpected, long-lasting impact on trade with Africa.


Why were the theories of Charles Darwin controversial? A. They challenged long-held beliefs about human life. B. They proved that the Earth was older than previously thought. C. They disproved notions of racial superiority. D. They supported Marxist ideas about class struggle.


Why would absolute monarchs claim divine right? A. to seize the lands of feudal nobles B. to justify their authority to rule C. to ensure the good of the people D. to satisfy the demands of religious leaders

William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth (1770-1850) was instrumental in launching Romanticism and wrote some of Western literature's most influential poems. While touring Europe, he encountered the French Revolution, which sparked in him an interest in the plight of the "common man." His sympathy for people and recognition of societal ills—particularly in urban areas—served as an inspiration for his work and his strong focus on emotion. It also inspired his view of the poet's role in society and his political ideals.


Witch hunts were most deadly in the German states, Switzerland, and France because A. those countries had higher populations of social outcasts. B. Protestants had a special fear of magic, which they believed came from the devil. C. those countries had the most religious conflicts. D. the Inquisition was most powerful in those areas.


With which of the following statements would a framer of the U.S. Constitution disagree? A. Government works best when it is founded upon the consent of the people. B. Government should respect all basic human rights. C. Government works best when it gives unlimited rights and freedoms to its people. D. Government should allow people to follow any religion they choose.


With which statement would Enlightenment thinker John Locke have agreed? A. An enlightened absolute monarchy is the best way to ensure an orderly society. B. The Glorious Revolution violated the rights of the English people. C. People have the right to overthrow a government that violates their rights. D. Monarchy is necessary because people are naturally cruel and selfish.


based on the belief that the sun is the center of the universe


belief that one racial group is superior to another

Song dynasty

Zhoa Kuangyin reunited much of China and founded Song Dynasty. Ruled for 319 years. Agricultural advances, Grand Canal, paper money, trade, expansion and ubanization -> China's cities which had been mainly centers of government, now prospered as centers of trade.


capital of India


a Hindu prince or king in India


a Shi'ite Muslim dynasty that ruled in Persia between 16th and 18th centuries


a West African empire that conquered Mali and controlled trade from the 1400s to 1591


a ballot in which voters have a direct say on an issue


a branch of mathematics in which calculations are made using special symbolic notations, developed by Isaac Newton


a business owned by many investors who buy shares of stock and risk only the amount of their investment


a city in northern Germany, where Luther drew up his 95 Theses


a city in the Tuscany region of northern Italy that was the center of the Italian Renaissance


a coastal city seized in 1510 that became the commercial and military base of Portugal's India trade


a country in southeastern Asia made up of several thousand islands; seized by the Spanish in the 1500s; became an important link in Spain's overseas trading empire as the destination of silver fleets sent from the Americas


a distant military station or a remote settlement


a division into pieces

absolute monarchies

a form of government in which a ruler has complete authority over the government and lives of the people he or she governs

Council of Trent

a group of Catholic leaders that met between 1545 and 1563 to respond to Protestant challenges and direct the future of the Catholic Church


a group of companies that join together to control the production and price of a product


a group or clique within a larger group that has different ideas and opinions than the rest of the group


a machine used to generate electricity


a member of a radical political club during the French Revolution


a monotheistic religion founded in Punjab in the 15th century by Guru Nanak.


a muslim ruler


a person who flee his or her country for political reasons


a person who makes maps


a person who provides financial support for the arts

laissez faire

a policy allowing business to operate with little or no government interference

St. Petersburg

a port city in northwestern Russia founded in 1703 by Peter the Great

assembly line

a production method that breaks down a complex job into a series of smaller tasks


a region that included parts of present-day northern France, Belgium, and the Netherlands; was an important industrial and financial center of northern Europe during the Middle Ages and Renaissance


a relationship in which people agree to work together

Napoleonic Wars

a series of wars from 1804 to 1805 that pitted Napoleon's French empire against the major powers of Europe


a strong feeling of pride and devotion to one's country

Dutch East India Company

a trading company established with full sovereign powers by the Netherlands in 1602 to protect and expand its trade in Asia

civil war

a war fought between groups of people in the same nation


a worker forced to labor for a landlord to pay off a debt that is impossible to pay off in his or her lifetime, which is incurred by food, tool, or seeds the landlord has advanced to him or her

An economic system in which most businesses are privately owned is called


enlightened despots

absolute ruler who used his or her power to bring about political and social change


add a territory to an existing state or country


adoption of western ideas, technology, and culture


an agreement among people

social contract

an agreement by which people gave up their freedom to a powerful government in order to avoid chaos


an agreement in which each side makes concessions; an acceptable middle ground

Treaty of Tordesillas

arranged by the Pope, divides the world outside of Europe between Spanish and Portuguese


art form in which an artist etches a design on a metal plate with acid and then uses the plate to make multiple prints

What else other than fighting did the Aztec civilization admire?

art, literature


artistic technique used to give paintings and drawings a three-dimensional effect

Congress of Vienna

assembly of European leaders that met after the Napoleonic era to piece Europe back together; met from September 1814 to June 1815


assembly or legislature


business organization in such areas as shipping, mining, railroads, or factories

Scientific method

careful, step-by-step process used to confirm findings and to prove or disprove a hypothesis

temperance movement

campaign to limit or ban the use of alcoholic beverages


capital city of the Aztec empire

How is this globalization?

more productive in the mines the more they produce


deceit in politics; derived from Nicollo Machiavelli, a political philosopher who was supposedly against oppression and corruption, but urged leaders to gain power with cynical advice

what strategy did Sir Francis Drake use to raid shipping



device used during the Reign of Terror to execute thousands by beheading

balance of power

distribution of military and economic power that prevents any one nation from becoming too strong


drug that prevents pain during surgery


dynasty established by the Manchus in the mid-1600s that lasted until the early 1900s; China's last dynasty


money or wealth used to invest in business or enterprise

Why were potatoes such an important crop in Europe?

easy to grow and store


economic cycle that involves a rapid rise in prices linked to a sharp increase in the amount of money available

free enterprise system

economic system in which commerce and business compete for profit with little or no government interference


economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit


elite force of the Ottoman army


money taken in through taxes


legislative body made up of the representatives of the three estates in pre-revolutionary France

popular sovereignty

limited government based on the separation of powers and a system of checks and balances

Line of Demarcation

line set by the Treaty of Tordesillas dividing the non-European world into two zones, one controlled by Spain and the other by Portugal

Line of Demarcation

line that divides 2 different territories ex: Treaty of Tordesillas which divides Portuguese Brazil from Spanish South America

Yorktown, Virginia

location where the British army surrendered in the American Revolution

Concert of Europe

loose peacekeeping organization whose goal was to preserve the agreements set up by the Congress of Vienna


map makers

free market

market regulated by the natural laws of supply and demand


melt in order to get the pure matter away from its waste matter


member of an English Protestant group who wanted to "purify" the Church of England by making it more simple and more morally strict


members of the working class who made the French Revolution more radical; called such because men wore long trousers instead of the fancy knee breeches that the upper class wore

Countries that established foreign trading monopolies were following the policy of


The stretch in the trade network from Africa to the Americas was called the

middle passage


more than needed


morning ritual during which nobles would wait upon French king Louis XIV


movement of people from rural area to cities

social gospel

movement of the 1800s that urged Christians to do social service


multistory building divided into crowded apartments

Revolts by crew or captives on a boat are called


Which of the following groups did not profit from mercantilist societies?


English navigators searched the northeast coast of North America for a

northwest passage to Asia.


notebooks used in pre-revolutionary France to record grievances


official appointed by French king Louis XIV to govern the provinces, collect taxes, and recruit soldiers

ancien régime

old order system of government in pre-revolutionary France


one of seven German princes who would choose the Holy Roman emperor


one who favors extreme changes

labor unions

organization of workers who bargain for better pay and working conditions


ornate style of art and architecture popular in the 1600s and 1700s

School of Athens

painting by Raphael that pictures an imaginary gathering of great thinkers and scientists, including Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, and Averroes

The Last Supper

painting made by Leonardo da Vinci in 1498 that depicts Jesus' last meal with his disciples; used perspective to make it more realistic


principle by which monarchies that had been unseated by the French Revolution or Napoleon were restored


private road built by entrepreneurs who charged a toll to travelers to use it

Medici Family

prominent banking family in Florence that turned their wealth into political power; large patrons of the arts that played a part in starting the Renaissance


recognize a person as a saint


reduction in the number of people in an area


region of southeastern China made up of a peninsula and two islands; the Ming dynasty allowed the Portuguese to set up a trading post here


representative of the king of Spain who ruled colonies in his name


resistance, such as the power to keep from being affected by a disease


restriction on access to ideas and information

Income from all kinds of taxes are



revolt, especially of soldiers or sailors against their officers

universal manhood suffrage

right of all adult men to vote

women's suffrage

right of women to vote


right to vote

Moluccan (spice islands)

strait of water between Malaysia and Sumatra leading to the spice islands.


study of subjects such as grammar, rhetoric, poetry, and history that were taught in ancient Greece and Rome


subgroup of a major religious group

putting-out system

system developed in the 18th century in which tasks were distributed to individuals who completed the work in their own homes; also known as cottage industry

checks and balances

system in which each branch of a government has the power to monitor and limit the actions of the other two


system in which the people as a whole rather than private individuals own all property and operate all businesses


system of thought and belief

Taxes on imported goods are



tax on imported goods

social mobility

the ability of individuals or groups to move up the social scale


the belief of complete and unrestricted power in government

Reign of Terror

time period during the French Revolution from September 1793 to July 1794 when people in France were arrested for not supporting the revolution and many were executed


title given to kings who ruled Iran


to travel around the world


to travel completely around the world


trading center, and powerful ancient kingdom in northern present-day Ethiopia

Romeo and Juliet

tragedy written by William Shakespeare where two teenagers fall victim to an old family feud

Peace of Augsburg

treaty between Charles V and the German states in 1555, allowing each prince to decide whether their lands would be Catholic or Lutheran

Treaty of Paris

treaty of 1763 that ended the Seven Years' War and resulted in British dominance of the Americas

Treaty of Tordesillas

treaty signed between Spain and Portugal in 1494, which divided the non-European world between them

rade routes linking Europe, Africa, and the Americas were called

triangular trade

natural laws

unchanging principle, discovered through reason, that governs human conduct

free market

unregulated exchange of goods and services


valuable product

French and Indian War

war between Britain and France in the Americas that happened from 1754 to 1763; it was part of a global war called the Seven Years' War

Besides the Portuguese, who captured African slaves?



working class

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