World History

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How could the spread of AIDS in Africa affect the economies of that continent?

A drop in the number and productivity of workers

Which of the following best describes the internal political turmoil that contributed to the decline of the Byzantine Empire?

A group of wealthy landowners attempted to control the empire by gaining control of the military.

The creation of the Index of Forbidden Books by the Church was in part a result of which of the following?

A lack of trust in the ability of the faithful to read texts without being led astray

Which of the following would not be considered an artifact by historians studying early Mesoamerican and South American cultures?

A modern scholarly article

Which of the following individuals would likely have had the most education in the medieval society?

A nun

When Emperor Lalibela established the kingdom of Ethiopia around 1185 CE, what religion was widely practiced there?


Which of the following represents one of Desiderius Erasmus's main contributions to the move toward the Protestant Reformation?

Exposing corruption in the Church

What impact did the Frankish leader Charles Martel have on Christian Europe's relations with Muslim Spain in the eighth century?

He stopped the Muslim advance from Spain into France.

How did Mehmet II overcome the strategic blocking of the Golden Horn by the Byzantines?

He used gunpowder artillery.

Who was Sunni Ali?

He was a great leader of Songhai.

Who was John of Damascus?

He was a writer who strongly defended the use of icons.

Which statement best describes what happened when Constantine tried to establish "New Rome"?

He was successful in building a new political center in the East, unified by the Christian religion.

What was Ibn Rushd's contribution to the Islamic Golden Age?

He worked to translate and preserve the works of Aristotle into Arabic.

Which correctly describes the religious atmosphere of medieval Japan?

Practice of both Shintoism and Buddhism

How did Constantinople's Church of Hagia Sophia demonstrate how the Byzantine Empire blended with the old Roman Empire?

The church combined both Greek and Roman architecture, and became a melting pot where Eastern and Western cultures came together.

(03.01 MC) Use the map of Africa below to answer the following question. Notice the scale in the lower left corner of the map, which shows that .5 inch is equivalent to 500 miles and 1 inch is equivalent to 1,000 miles. Map of the continent of Africa. Various trade routes connect kingdoms of West Africa (Mali, Ghana, and Songhai) with North Africa, Egypt, and the Arabian Peninsula. The scale shows that half an inch equals 500 miles and 1 inch equals 1,000 miles. The cities of Tripoli and Marrakesh are approximately 1 and a half inches apart. The cities of Tripoli and Taghaza are approximately 1 and 4 tenths inches apart. The cities of Tripoli and Timbuktu are approximately 1 and 7 tenths inches apart. The cities of Tripoli and Gao are approximately 1 and a half inches apart. © 2012 The Exploration Company Based on the map, which of the following cities was closest to Tripoli


Christian monks taught laypeople the art of stained glass, which served which of the following functions in medieval Europe?

Taught religious scripture to illiterate peasants through images

A Spanish soldier describes Tenochtitlan: "The great city...has many broad streets, though among these are two or three pre-eminent. All travel by...canoes, as I have said, and without these they could neither leave their houses nor return to them." —Anonymous Spanish soldier Aztec Civilization by Lois Warburton, Lucent Books, 1995, page 60. Which of the following does this excerpt imply?

Tenochtitlan has water canals throughout the city.

Which of the following statements best describes the Triple Alliance under Moctezuma I?

Tenochtitlan was the dominant partner in the alliance

Why was terraced farming such an important development for the Chavin and later Andean cultures?

Terraces allowed farmers to plant crops on mountainous terrain.

In what way was the Mayan civilization different from the Aztec and Inca civilizations?

The Aztec and Inca had large, united empires, but the Maya did not.

Use the timeline below to answer the following question: Timeline with the following entries, 1195 CE Aztecs arrive in the Valley of Mexico. 1250 The Aztecs settle near Lake Texcoco. 1325 The city of Tenochtitlan is founded and the first Aztec temple was built. 1350 Canals and Causeways are built in the city. 1370 The Tepanecs are defeated. What does this timeline demonstrate about the history of the Aztecs?

The Aztecs were not originally from the area where Tenochtitlan was built

Use the photo below of an ancient Aztec calendar to answer the following question: This circular calendar is carved in stone. It has a face in the center and is intricately decorated with details and Aztec symbols. Public Domain What does this Aztec calendar indicate about Aztec culture?

The Aztecs were very interested in measuring time.

What does this Aztec calendar indicate about Aztec culture?

The Aztecs were very interested in measuring time.

Which of the following bodies of water did the Eastern Roman Empire border?

The Black Sea

How did the political and religious ideas of the Byzantine Empire compare with the Western Empire?

The Byzantine emperor was considered to be the highest political and religious figure. In the Western Empire, the highest political and religious figures were two different people.

Which was a major difference between the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire?

The Byzantines had Greek as their main language.

Bushi who served a lord eventually came to be called


Jan Hus is known for his criticism of

simony and the sale of indulgences

Venice was located in an ideal position to trade with

the East

Works like the autobiography of Olaudah Equiano helped expose

the brutal conditions of slavery

Scholasticism provides an example of which of the following?

The blending of Greek and Roman philosophies with Christian ideas

How did Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks demonstrate the inventiveness of the Italian Renaissance?

They included plans for machines too advanced to be built at that time.

How did native leaders hold on to power after the Spanish and Portuguese conquests?

They made alliances with the Europeans.

"But when the corn-lands had no more grain and all the Romans (Byzantines) had come into an exceedingly evil plight, they surrounded Belisarius and tried to compel him to stake everything on a single battle with the enemy (Goths), promising that not one of the Romans (Byzantines) would be absent from the engagement." —History of the Wars, Book VI, Article III According to the passage, why did the Byzantines want Belisarius to stake everything in a single battle against the Goths?

To prevent starving to death

. Why did merchant guilds form in the Middle Ages?

To protect merchants and their goods

Why did craft guilds form in the Middle Ages?

To provide structure and support for artisans who shared a trade

Which of the following had the most influence on the rise of the Italian city-states?


How did Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks demonstrate the inventiveness of the Italian Renaissance?


Which of the following contributed to Venice's rise as a city-state in Italy?

Venice's position on the coast

What role did the conversion of Vikings to Christianity play in integrating them into Europe?

Vikings became less willing to attack Christian lands.

How did political turmoil contribute to the decline of the Byzantine Empire?

Wealthy families competing for power with the emperor weakened the emperor's ability to rule

Which of the following were members of the aristocracy in Byzantine society?

Wealthy landowners

The primary disagreement between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church in the eleventh century stemmed from which of the following?

What kinds of art should be shown in churches

If a historian knew the dates of all the pyramids, what could he or she tell by comparing the 10 different styles?

Which cultures influenced each other

Which of the following describes both the meaning of the word "Swahili" in Arabic and the location where most Swahili-speaking peoples lived?

"Of the coast"

Based on the timeline, in which year did war between the two cultures give way to peace?


This book illustration is from the Materia Medica, a 1229 CE Arabic translation of a Greek medical text from around 70 CE. Use this image to answer the following question: folio from De Materia Medica, 13th century Arab translation of an ancient Greek medical text Public Domain Which of the following statements can be inferred from this primary source document

13th century Arab doctors were learning from Greek medical traditions

Use the map of Africa below to answer the following question. Notice the scale in the lower left corner of the map, which shows that .5 inch is equivalent to 500 miles and 1 inch is equivalent to 1,000 miles. A map of the continent of Africa. Various trade routes connect kingdoms of West Africa (Mali, Ghana, and Songhai) with North Africa, Egypt, and the Arabian Peninsula. The scale shows that half an inch equals 500 miles and 1 inch equals 1,000 miles. The cities of Kumbi Saleh and Timbuktu are approximately 4 tenths of an inch apart. © 2012 The Exploration Company Based on the map, the cities of Kumbi Saleh and Timbuktu were about how far apart? (1 point)

400 miles

A museum holds an exhibit of Muslim art from the Golden Age. Which of the following is a primary source?

A Persian miniature painting, showing the shah hunting

Which of these choices best describes Italy in the 15th century?

A collection of small kingdoms and city-states

A person who takes a thing belonging to another by force is liable to an action of theft, for who can be said to take the property of another more against his will than he who takes it by force?" —Justinian Code, Institutes, Book IV, Chapter 2 According to the law above, which of the following is a thief?

A person who takes another person's wallet by force

With which of the following would John Wycliffe not agree?

A priest telling his congregation that bread and wine turned to the body and blood of Jesus during communion

What was the result of Huayna Capac's military campaigns in the north?

A second capital was built at Tumibamda.

What led to a decline in Great Zimbabwe?

A shift in the gold trade

What is a jizya?

A tax assessed on non-Muslims

Who were the Ottoman Turks?

A warrior people in Asia Minor

What contributed to the rise of Mwenautapa?

Abundant salt and copper resources

. How did the Atlantic slave trade benefit the Africans?

Africans eliminated warriors in rival tribes by selling or trading captured prisoners to slave traders.

Which conclusion is supported by the timeline?

After Pachacuti took over, the Inca Empire focused on building projects.

The history of the ancient empire of Ghana is largely drawn from written observations made by outsiders to the area. The two most common descriptions come from the eighth-century Arab geographer al-Fazari and the 11th-century Arab geographer al-Bakri. Why might someone be skeptical of these accounts?

Al-Bakri and al-Fazari were both Muslims who tended to be biased against non-Muslim groups.

Why is there such a contrast between the expressions on the faces of the two figures?

Because the man is afraid of Death, but Death is happy to have another victim

Which of the following was not true of serfs?

All serfs were created equal and had no freedom.

What is one characteristic that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share?

All three sprang up in Southwest Asia.

Which event marks the final stage in the collapse of the Songhai Empire?

An invasion from Morocco

The Moche civilization was located to the south of which Andean civilization?


What influenced the development of both Aztec and Mayan calendars?


Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the existence of this type of art in Spain today?

At one point, Spain was part of the Islamic world.

Which of these civilizations was located in the Andean mountains?


Which of the following contributed to the fall of the Songhai?

Battles over succession

The Mughal Empire was established by?


Which of the following cities did the Byzantine Empire not control during its height?


What city did the Abbasid dynasty build in a strategic location to serve as the capital of the Islamic Empire?


Which was not an impact of the slave trade on Africa?

Because millions were enslaved, the population of the continent fell dramatically.

Use the following image showing a map of the swine flu pandemic to answer the following question: A world map shows the spread of the swine flu. The map uses dots to indicate that the disease had spread to all the world's continents. © Science Photo Library/Image Quest 2012 Based on this image, what effect did the swine flu most likely have on travel during its outbreak? (1 point)

Because the swine flu left no region untouched, travel slowed, as people feared exposure to the disease.

In modern day monasteries, monks remain silent during certain parts of the day. To which figure can this practice be attributed?

Benedict of Nursia

How were the Mutapa Empire and the Songhai Empire similar?

Both empires used natural resources as the basis of their economies.

How did historians determine that the Mayans had a written language?

By analyzing glyphs and codices

Historical Figure Role in Crusades Peter the Hermit inspired the People's Crusade Frederick I Barbarossa led the army of the Holy Roman Empire Pope Urban II St. Bernard of Clairvaux preached for the Second Crusade Which of the following correctly completes the chart?

Called for Christians to retake the Holy Land

Which of the following represents a contrast between the ideas of Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin?

Calvin believed in the creation of a Christian state, while Zwingli thought church and state should be separate.

Which best describes Timbuktu and its importance to the Mali Empire?

Center of learning and trade

Which ruler was crowned as the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire?


Who was crowned emperor of the West in 800 CE?


Which of the following is true of the Roman Empire at the end of the fourth century CE?

Christianity was the official religion, as established by Constantine the Great.

Which of the following best describes a long-term effect of the recognition of Christianity in Constantinople?

Christians were no longer persecuted for their beliefs in the region.

How did Huayna Capac's decision to divide the Incan empire between two of his sons contribute to its downfall?

Civil war between the two sides weakened the military.

Use the image of a building in Rome below to answer the following question: An image shows a building in Italy with several stone columns lining the front entrance of the building. © DK Images/Image Quest 2012 The styles shown in the Renaissance architecture above were influenced by which of the following?

Classical traditions

What caused the downfall of Ghana?

Climate change and Berber battles

Who was the first king to unite the Franks under one rule?

Clovis I

Which works demonstrate that the Chavín civilization was highly organized?

Complex drainage systems to keep structures from flooding

What influenced the Japanese belief that merchants did not contribute much to society?


Which Chinese philosophy had a major influence in shaping the values of medieval Japan?


Which of the following was not a primary concern of Charlemagne?

Conquering the Norse-held lands of Sweden and Denmark

From what city did Belisarius and his army originally set sail to make their attack on the Vandal Kingdom?


Which of the following was considered the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire?


Who was the author of Divine Comedy, a medieval work of literature?

Dante Aligheri

Why do developing nations tend to be more heavily affected by pandemics than developed nations?

Developing nations lack the resources to control the spread of disease.

. What was the goal of Chinese expeditions in the early 1400s?

Diplomatic missions

What was the goal of Chinese expeditions in the early 1400s?

Diplomatic missions

Which of the following is true about Christianity, Judaism, and Islam?

Each religion has sects and denominations in different parts of the world.

In 726 CE, Emperor Leo carried out an important act, which completes the timeline above. What symbolic act did he carry out?

Emperor Leo III announces he is against icons.

Use the map of the routes of the slave trade during the colonial era to answer the question: The map shows the entire continent of Africa and parts of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, Southwest Asia, and Spain. African kingdoms from which large numbers of slaves were taken are labeled and shaded: Segu, Dahmoey, Asante, Oyo, Benin, Bornu, Darfur, Rwanda, Burundi, Kongo, and unlabeled areas on the coasts of southern and eastern Africa. Lines representing trade routes extend from the African locations, across the Atlantic to the Americas. Lines from east Africa, Darfur, and Dahomey also extend to Southwest Asia. © 2012 The Exploration Company What inference about the slave trade does the map not support?

England was the European nation most involved in the slave trade.

What inference about the slave trade does the map not support?

England was the European nation most involved in the slave trade.

Which is an example of how non-European cultures made the era of European exploration possible?

European explorers used non-European inventions such as the astrolabe, the compass, and gunpowder.

Use the photograph below to answer the following question: Image of a caravel seen in a museum setting. The two white sails have crosses on them. An image of a map lines the backdrop. © 2012 PHGCOM Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic How did this invention help promote the diffusion of European culture?

European explorers were able to sail long distances to new foreign territories.

Why did the Atlantic slave trade from Africa begin?

European powers needed African workers for their sugar plantations.

Which of the following best describes how European powers responded to Islamic expansion?

Europeans viewed the spread of Islam as a threat, and actively worked to stop it.

What religious idea did John Calvin and Martin Luther disagree on?

Every human's spiritual destiny is determined by God.

Suppose an archeologist finds a 10th-century gold coin from the Abbasid Caliphate in a Viking grave in Norway, thousands of miles away. For what purpose is the coin most useful as a primary source?

Evidence about 10th-century trade networks

Which of the following about the expansion of Islam is not true?

Expansion was a slow process because it was met with strong opposition from the Islamic world.

Which of the following describes trade in the Late Middle Ages?


Which of the following explorers led a voyage that ultimately circumnavigated the globe?

Ferdinand Magellan

What inference about the Mesoamerican view of time can be made on the basis of the sign?

For Mesoamericans, each day in the calendar had a distinct identity.

What effect did the collapse of the Western Roman Empire have on Western Europe?

Former Roman lands were divided into several Germanic kingdoms.

Which statement describes an impact of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire on Europe?

Former Roman lands were split up and claimed by Germanic kingdoms.

What did Mayan stoneworkers use to decorate their buildings and other large stone structures?


This cathedral is built in the style known as


What is the best way to describe a Gregorian chant?

Haunting sounds without harmony

What criticism did John Wycliffe have about the Roman Catholic Church?

He argued that the Bible was higher in authority than the pope.

How might a second-born son hope to achieve success under the system of primogeniture?

He could seek training to become a knight in the military.

How did Henry VIII respond when the pope excommunicated him?

He declared himself the head of the Church in England.

How did Alfred the Great contribute to the development of a national identity in England?

He defeated the Danes and drove them out of England.

Which of the following actions by Moctezuma I indicate that he was an skilled politician?

He maintained the Triple Alliance while keeping Tenochtitlan dominant.

How did Charles Martel impact Europe during the Middle Ages?

He reunited the Franks to fight off Muslim invasion.

Which explains how Giotto changed the way that art looked?

He revolutionized the use of space, light, and color to create vivid images of people.

Why did Justinian I fail to regain all of the former provinces of the old Roman Empire?

His army and finances were weakened by plague.

How did Mansa Musa elevate the standing of the Mali Empire in the world?

His lavish pilgrimage to Mecca made the empire of Mali and its wealth widely known.

How did the invasions of Japan by Mongols from Korea (1274—1281) affect Japan?

In response to the Mongol threats, Japanese lords achieved greater unity.

The diagram below shows linked causes and effects for economic factors in medieval Europe. Use the diagram to answer the following question: A diagram with three boxes where an arrow connects the first box to the second and the second box to the third. The first box reads 'three-field system.' the middle box holds a question mark, and the last box reads 'increased population.' Which of the following best completes the diagram?

Increased food production

What gave the Kingdom of Ghana a military advantage over its neighbors

Iron and horses

What was the most influential religion in the Songhai Empire?


The Songhai people practiced both

Islam and traditional spiritual beliefs

What does the phrase "People of the Book" imply about Islam's relationship to Judaism and Christianity?

Islam granted respect to certain religions that lived by written scriptures.

Why did the Abbasid dynasty encourage, but not force, non-Muslims to convert to Islam?

Islam's holy book teaches respect for all knowledge and people of faith.

What conclusions can be drawn about the spread of Islam from 632 through 1000 A.D. (CE)?

Islamic armies conquered major cities to help spread Islam in three continents.

The Taj Mahal, built by a Mughal emperor, is an example of how architecture in India was inspired by

Islamic influence in the region

How was the Estates-General useful in uniting France under one national identity?

It allowed noblemen, clergy, and townspeople to serve together as a legislative body in the French government.

How did the excommunication of Emperor Leo III affect the Roman Empire during the eighth century?

It caused major tensions between the East and the West.

How did the Hundred Years War impact the Church?

It contributed to the end of the Age of Faith.

What does the trade deal Vasco da Gama made in India demonstrate about some of the motivations for exploration?

It demonstrates that the Portuguese were hoping to profit from exploration.

How did Venice acquire the nearby cities of Verona and Padua?

It hired professional soldiers called mercenaries to conquer the lands.

How did the encomienda system affect native society?

It hurt traditional village life by taking men away to mines and plantations.

Which statement accurately describes the Zapotec city of Monte Albán?

It included pyramids, tombs, and a ball field.

Why was Japan isolated from other nations for long periods of its history?

It is a group of islands located far from mainland Asia.

How does this image illustrate a contribution of the Byzantine Empire?

It is an example of sophisticated mosaic art commonly found in Byzantine structures.

The historian Procopius attributes this speech to Theodora. She supposedly said it to Justinian when he wanted to flee from the Nika Riots. "Now if you wish to save yourself, O Emperor, this is not hard. For we have much money; there is the sea, here are the boats. But think whether after you have been saved you may not come to feel that you would have preferred to die. As for me, I like a certain old proverb that says: royalty is a good shroud (burial garment)." —History of the Wars, Procopius Which of the following reflects Theodora's attitude about dealing with the Nika Riots?

It is shameful for an emperor to flee the rioters.

The Magna Carta played a key role in the development of the system of checks and balances we use today. What purpose does this system serve?

It keeps one person or group in government from having too much power.

How did the signing of the Magna Carta affect the lives of ordinary townspeople of the 13th century?

It limited the power of the king to tax them and granted people jury trials before punishment.

How did the Inca Empire's policy of mandatory public service contribute to development of its empire?

It made the construction of roads possible.

Which of the following is true about Justinian's legal code?

It protected some individual rights.

Which of the following is true of the Solomonic dynasty of Ethiopia?

It resisted takeover by Muslim and Portuguese invaders.

What was the significance of the battle at Poitiers in France in 732 CE?

It showed that Europeans were unwilling to allow further Islamic expansion into Europe.

How did the establishment of "New Rome" contribute to the decline of the Roman Empire?

It split the empire into two separate halves.

Considering this excerpt written by the Arab geographer Yakut in the 13th century, what can we say about Islamic Baghdad at that time?

It tolerated a diverse population.

How did the Reconquista affect Spanish national identity between the 1060s and 1492?

It transformed Spain from a nation of three major religions into a nation of one religion.

Use the following excerpt from the decrees of the Fourth Council of Trent (1546) to answer the question: [The Council] decrees, that no one, relying on his own skill, shall,--in matters of faith, and of morals...presume to interpret the said sacred Scripture contrary to that sense which holy mother Church,--whose [skill] it is to judge of the true sense and interpretation of the holy Scriptures,--hath held and doth hold...-- excerpt from the decrees of the Fourth Council of Trent, 1546 In what way does the passage respond to the Protestant Reformation's view on biblical interpretation?

It upholds a doctrine that goes against the Protestant idea of individualism

Why was Timbuktu an important location in Mali's empire?

It was a center for learning.

What role did Monte Albán play in the development of cities in Mesoamerica?

It was considered the largest socio-political and economic center in Mesoamerica for approximately 600 years.

Which of the following is true about the Mali Empire?

It was founded by Sundiata Keita

How did tax exemptions for land reclamation programs affect the central government of Japan?

It was weakened and could not provide military protection.

What is an appropriate title for the map?

Italian City-States and Trade Routes

What was the source of Axum's prosperity in the fourth century CE?

Its strategic location in the middle of African, Mediterranean, and Asian trade networks

What geographical feature of Japan made the nation difficult to unify and govern?

Japan's population is spread across multiple islands.

How did the role of religion differ between feudal Japan and feudal Europe?

Japanese nobles and warriors did not pursue religious wars.

What is one way Feudal Japan was different than Feudal Europe?

Japanese peasants owned the land they farmed.

Which of the following is not an example of a belief associated with the Muslim faith?

Jesus was a false prophet.

Which Byzantine emperor is famous for codifying Roman laws?


Which of the following leaders attempted but failed to regain the provinces of the Western Roman Empire under the Byzantine Empire due to financial problems?

Justinian I

The samurai in Feudal Japan were similar to what social class in Feudal Europe?


Which of the following did not cause the decline of the Byzantine Empire?

Lack of freedom for women

Which of the following made Ghana an important trading center?

Large deposits of gold and iron ore to use as trade goods

Apart from military conquest, what features do the reigns of Pacal the Great, Huayna Capac, and Moctezuma I have in common?

Large-scale public works projects

Which of the following rights in the Magna Carta is still a basis for British and American law today?

Legal decisions are based on judges' interpretations of previous court decisions.

The shogun and daimyo in Feudal Japan were similar to what social class in Feudal Europe?


Which was a "pull" factor leading to European migration to the Americas in the 16th and 17th centuries?

Lure of access to new trade routes in the New World

Modern democracies are founded on ideals of fairness and that everyone must follow the same laws. Which of the following established the same basic ideas in the 13th century?

Magna Carta

What might be the cargo of a ship moving from Europe to West Africa in the trans-Atlantic slave trade?

Manufactured goods from France

How did the Islamic Empire impact the areas it ruled?

Many people in lands subject to Muslim rule adopted Islam.

Which of the following routes involves trade outside of the Byzantine Empire?

Massilia to Carthage

What did conquered peoples have to do in Incan society?

They had to pay a labor tax by working for the government.

. "Slaves are in the power of masters, a power derived from the law of nations: for among all nations it may be remarked that masters have the power of life and death over their slaves, and that everything acquired by the slave is acquired for the master. 2. But at the present day none of our subjects may use unrestrained violence towards their slaves, except for a reason recognized by law. For, by a constitutio of the Emperor Antoninus Pius, he who without any reason kills his own slave is to be punished equally with one who has killed the slave of another." —The Institutes, Book I, Chapter VIII According to the above law, which of the following statements is true?

Masters were allowed to kill their own slaves, if they had a reason for doing so.

Which of the following leaders was victorious in the fall of Constantinople?

Mehmet II

The Catholic Church was interested in gaining new converts to the religion.

Mercantilism pushed some states to find more profitable trade routes to the east.

How was Islam spread to India?

Merchants and conquerors

Which of the following is an example of a medieval guild?

Merchants with common trade interests who joined together and formed associations for their mutual benefit

In which modern country was the Olmec civilization located?


Which of the following statements best describes Islam's spread from the 7th century through the 17th century?

Military conquests by the Arab Empire and traders of Islamic faith were the primary means for spreading Islam to Africa, Europe, and Asia.

Which of the following geographic features most likely hindered the Byzantines from expanding north of Italy?

Mountainous terrain

What effect did the Muslim conquest have on Spain?

Muslim culture influenced Spanish languages and architecture.

In the Andean valleys, the Nazca civilization is best known for its attractive pottery and mysterious

Nazca lines

One triangular trade route moved slaves, rum, and goods between

New England, West Africa, and the Caribbean

Which fact provides clear evidence that the Maya were influenced by the Olmec?

Olmec-influenced artifacts have been found within Mayan ruins.

What are arabesques?

Ornamental designs with flowing lines

Which of the following best describes the architectural style of the Islamic Golden Age?

Ornate and patterned

The Songhai followed what system of succession to the throne?


Use the following chart summarizing the Columbian Exchange to answer the question: Europe and Africa to Americas Americas and Europe to Africa Plants coffee, sugar cane, bananas, melons, olives, barley, wheat, oats, rice, ragweed, bluegrass, dandelions, daisies, clover maize (corn), potatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, squash, pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers, papaya, guava, avocado, pineapple, manioc, cacao, chicle, tobacco Animals cattle, chickens, horses, goats, sheep, pigs llamas, alpacas, turkeys, guinea pigs Humans African slaves, European merchants, officials, priests, and settlers few Diseases smallpox, yellow fever, malaria, measles, chicken pox, influenza, common cold syphilis Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the descriptions of humans brought from the New World to the Old World? (1

People from the New World had an insignificant impact on the culture in Europe.

The Nazca civilization was established in the valleys of the Andes on the coast of which South American country?


Which of the following describes Byzantine mosaics?

Pictures made of glass

Which was not a feature of Romanesque architecture?

Pointed arches

Feudal estates sent knights to the Holy Land in the Crusades for religious reasons. What fueled warfare in Feudal Japan?

Power and wealth

What was Empress Theodora's role during the Iconoclastic Controversy?

She restored the use of icons after her husband's death.

Use the following chart summarizing the Columbian Exchange to answer the question: Europe and Africa to Americas Americas and Europe to Africa Plants coffee, sugar cane, bananas, melons, olives, barley, wheat, oats, rice, ragweed, bluegrass, dandelions, daisies, clover maize (corn), potatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, squash, pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers, papaya, guava, avocado, pineapple, manioc, cacao, chicle, tobacco Animals cattle, chickens, horses, goats, sheep, pigs llamas, alpacas, turkeys, guinea pigs Humans African slaves, European merchants, officials, priests, and settlers few Diseases smallpox, yellow fever, malaria, measles, chicken pox, influenza, common cold syphilis What does the type of animals and plants brought to the New World demonstrate about the needs of Pre-Columbian civilizations?

Pre-Columbian civilizations had an abundance of animals for food, but Europeans also wanted to continue using their traditional animals for food.

Which idea did John Calvin support?


Which describes the status of priests in pre-Columbian civilizations?

Priests were generally part of the nobility.

Which of the following correctly describes Prince Odoacer's role in the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

Prince Odoacer forced Augustulus to hand over his crown, and Germanic kingdoms claimed the land.

How do scholars believe slavery most likely began?

Prisoners captured during war were forced to farm land for their captors.

How were Aztec chinampas constructed?

Raised plots for crops were built from mud in the lake bed with canals between them.

In which of the following cities would people have found the center of the Byzantine government in Italy?


How did religious leaders attempt to resolve the Iconoclast Controversy?

Religious councils were formed to try to settle the issue.

How did religious beliefs lead the Byzantine Empire to depart from the culture of Rome?

Religious disputes led the two empires to follow two different versions of Christianity

What was reflected in both the Aztec and Spanish calendars?

Religious traditions

How did Joan of Arc become a symbol of the unification of France?

She led an attack against an English army and freed the city of Orleans in only 10 days.

Which of the following is not associated with one of the pillars of Islam?

Rest on the Sabbath

Byzantine architecture often combined elements of

Roman and Greek architecture

How did the rise of Constantinople contribute to Roman culture?

Roman culture did not disappear because the traditions were kept alive by leaders in Constantinople.

Which historic city did the Byzantine Empire lose between 565 CE and 1360 CE?


Which of the following led to civil wars and contributed to Mali's decline?

Rules of succession

What geographical feature accounts for why camel caravans were an important innovation in trade in West Africa?

Sahara Desert

What geographical feature contributed to why North Africa developed so differently from southern Africa?

Sahara Desert

Which leader in the Crusades is revered for his acts of compassion?


In which way was the serf different from the slave?

Serfs could pass on their inheritances.

Which was a "pull" factor leading to European migration to Asia in the 16th and 17th centuries?

Silver discovered in South America

According to Boccaccio, what did some people believe to be the cause of the plague?


Who was at the bottom of the Aztec social order?


What did the writings of Bartolome de Las Casas reveal about slavery in colonial Spanish America?

Slaves often fell victim to illness, injury, or death

How were slaves used by the Maya and the Aztecs?

Slaves were sometimes used as a sacrifice to the gods.

This mosaic shows a Byzantine emperor and his attendants. Examine the image and use the clues you find there to answer the question. Which of the following types of attendants are represented in this mosaic?


What were the two opposing opinions during the Iconoclastic Controversy?

Some believed the use of icons and their veneration was fine, and others felt that icons should not exist because it could lead to idolatry.

The kingdom of Ghana arose from which group of people?


Which of the following was not an effect of the Great Famine of 1315?

Southern European countries were more heavily affected than northern European countries.

Which of the following would be the longest distance to travel by sea?

Spain to Palestine

At its point of greatest extent, in which regions did the Byzantine Empire hold territory?

Spain, Asia Minor, and North Africa

Mayan people were known for participating in which of the following activities?


Why did the Catholic Church express interest in the exploration of foreign lands?

The Catholic Church was interested in gaining new converts to the religion.

Use the image below to answer the following question: Stone carving of a head. Intricate designs have been carved into the head, which appears to have both human and feline characteristics. Public Domain What does this image suggest about the Chavin civilization?

The Chavin included human and animal motifs in their art.

Which best describes the relationship between the Church and feudal states?

The Church and the states constantly struggled for supreme power.

What does the map suggest about the Crusaders in the Holy Land circa 1100 CE?

The Crusaders had difficulty gaining control of interior lands.

How was the Dutch expedition to the Indies different from the Portuguese attempts to find new trade routes?

The Dutch expedition was funded as a private enterprise.

The cause-and-effect table shows information about the split in the Western Christian church: Event Description ? Split in Western Christian church that led to two rival popes before the church reunited and became Roman Catholic. Which of the following completes the table?

The Great Schism of 1378

The area around Palestine and Israel is referred to by Christians, Jews, and Muslims as which of the following?

The Holy Land

What cultural information does the architecture of Machu Picchu provide?

The Inca were organized to achieve complex projects.

Which of the following statements on the innovations created by ancient cultures is true?

The Incas focused on innovations in transportation, while the Aztecs focused on agriculture.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Incan economy?

The Incas had a centrally-planned economy centered around the mita

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the Incas?

The Incas spoke Quechua and did not have a written language.

By looking at the areas depicted on the map, what observation can be made about the spread of the Islamic faith empire?

The Islamic faith expanded into areas with different languages and religions.

Which of the following Byzantine contributions formed the basis for much of medieval European law?

The Justinian Code

The hajj is a pilgrimage to what holy site?

The Kaaba in Mecca

Which best describes the significance of the Magna Carta as a precursor for modern democracy?

The Magna Carta began to make the ruler responsible under the law

Which of the following represents a difference between the Mayans and the Incas?

The Mayans used complex calendars to plan activities, but the Incas practiced divination.

At its height, the Byzantine Empire controlled which of the following waterways?

The Mediterranean Sea

The following passage from the medieval history book The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle describes King William I (William the Conqueror) of England (r. 1066—1087). Amongst other things, the good order that William established is not to be forgotten. It was such that any man...might travel over the kingdom with a bosom full of gold unmolested; and no man durst kill another, however great the injury he might have received from him.—"Assessment of William I." Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Medieval Sourcebook. Paul Halsall, Fordham University, 198. What does the information in this excerpt indicate?

The Norman Conquest brought some positive changes to England.

Which of the following gives evidence of continuity across cultures in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and South America?

The Olmec and Maya demonstrated an interest in astronomy

Which two civilizations had such a great influence on later cultures that they were called the "mother cultures"?

The Olmec and the Zapotec

What was significant about the Olmec civilization?

The Olmec civilization had a great deal of influence on neighboring and later cultures.

Which of the following statements gives evidence to support the conclusion that the Olmecs were a "mother culture" of the Mayas?

The Olmecs built cities to align with the constellations.

Which of the following is evidence that France viewed the Muslim conquest of Spain as a threat?

The battle of Poitiers

. How did the Reconquista act as a pull mechanism for Spain to explore and conquer new lands?

The Reconquista created generations of men trained and ready to reconquer lands for Spain and the Church.

Why might the action of the Seljuks in conquering Southwest Asia have ignited the Christian Crusades?

The Seljuks conquests had cut off Europe from access to Jerusalem.

Who founded the Kingdom of Ghana?

The Soninke

Which external enemy proved to be the greatest continuing threat to the Byzantine Empire in the 15th century?

The Turks

Which nation had the highest number of casualties resulting from the Spanish flu pandemic in October of 1918?

The United States

Justinian is considered to be the last Roman Emperor to speak Latin as a first language. What does this fact imply about the changes in the Roman Empire at that time?

The Western Empire had lost most of its political, religious, and economic power.

How did historical events in parts of Europe encourage European feudal lords to operate differently than Japanese feudal lords?

The act of checking the power of the king encouraged the development of representative government.

The image depicts John VII destroying an image of Jesus with a sponge attached to a pole. Use the image to answer the following question:Based on this image, what can be deduced about the artist's attitude toward John VII?

The artist is ridiculing John VII by comparing him to the soldiers who taunted Jesus.

What locational problem did using the astrolabe help to solve?

The astrolabe could determine the correct latitudinal location of the ship.

Further, since it has been their custom to slaughter oxen in sacrifice, they should receive some solemnity in exchange. Let them therefore, on the day of the dedication of their churches, or on the feast of the martyrs whose relics are preserved in them, build themselves huts around their one-time temples and celebrate the occasion with religious feasting. They will sacrifice and eat the animals not any more as an offering to the devil, but for the glory of God to whom, as the giver of all things, they will give thanks for having been satiated. Thus, if they are not deprived of all exterior joys, they will more easily taste the interior ones. For surely it is impossible to efface all at once everything from their strong minds, just as, when one wishes to reach the top of a mountain, he must climb by stages and step by step, not by leaps and bounds... What does this passage indicate the church is willing to accept in order to unify Europe under a single faith?

The church is willing to accept some remnants of pagan culture.

Use the diagram below to answer the following question: Timeline with the following dates, 711 CE Conquest of Spain by Islamic Army; 1236 half of Iberia reconquered by Christians; 1492 Treaty of Granada signed; Christopher Columbus lands in Dominican Republic; 1511 Spaniards conquer Cuba; 1519 Cortes puts Moctezuma under house arrest. The success of the Spaniards in conquering Cuba contributed to which of the following? (1 point)

The continued Spanish conquests of civilizations in the Americas.

Which of the following does not describe Europe after that fall of the Western Roman Empire?

The culture of the Byzantine Empire became less diverse.

In what way did climate change affect Ghana's position in the trans-Saharan trading networks?

The desertification of Kumbi Saleh made it less important as a trade post.

Which was a major cause of the birth of the Age of Exploration in Europe in the 15th century?

The desire for knowledge about the non-European world

Why might the Italian city-states have resisted the exploration around the world?

The discovery of new trade routes to the east threatened the city-state's control over that trade.

In the Byzantine Empire, who had the final say on church matters?

The emperor

Use the following image of "Sacrifice of Isaac" by Il Bronzino to answer the following question: An image shows a boy lying on a rock. A man stands next to the boy and looks up at an angel who appears to be stopping the man from harming the boy. Several other people are shown walking up a hillside toward where the man and the boy are. A few of the people are leading donkeys. In the distance and surrounding the people, natural elements such as trees, mountains, and flowers are shown. © The Granger Collection/Image Quest 2012 Which of the following is a characteristic of Renaissance humanism shown in the painting?

The emphasis on human actions within the natural world

What impact did Emperor Constantine's establishment of the "New Rome" (Constantinople) have on the Roman Empire?

The empire became divided into an eastern half and a western half.

Which answer correctly compares the first medieval merchants to merchants of the High Middle Ages?

The first medieval merchants were peddlers who held little status or wealth, while merchants during the High Middle Ages formed guilds and often served in government council positions in their towns.

This image illustrates which belief of Aztec leader Moctezuma?

The god Huitzilopochtli desired more blood from human sacrifices.

Feudal lords granted charters to guilds, allowing them to regulate trade. What did guilds do for their lords in return?

The guilds paid taxes, helped raise armies, and provided other services for their lords.

Which of the following contributed to the Iconoclast Controversy in the Byzantine Empire during the eighth and ninth centuries?

The iconoclasts' fear that adoration of icons would lead to idolatry

Humanism placed the value on which of the following?

The individual

What resulted from the Moroccan invasion of Songhai?

The last great West African empire fell.

In the picture, the skeleton is wearing a religious hat. Which of the following statements best describes the meaning of this image?

The lavish lifestyle of church leaders may have caused the plague.

What happened to the laws and traditions of the Western Roman Empire once it fell?

The laws and traditions lived on, flourishing through the Byzantines who lived in the East.

What political practice that is still in effect today has roots in the Magna Carta?

The leader of the country should consult with others before making important decisions for the people.

The map shows all of the following except

The map shows all of the following except

Which of the following was a major step in reunifying the kingdoms in Spain?

The marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella

Which of the following is a characteristic of illuminated manuscripts?

They featured decorated borders and artwork that often overshadowed the text.

at were fairly mild; aches, temperature, and other symptoms. I returned to my dorm room and fell asleep without dinner. I slept until late morning, missing class and breakfast. I still had some mild symptoms, but the aches and elevated temperature were gone. I felt well enough to go to lunch and then on to my afternoon classes. I noticed that the dining room was not as full as usual. Later, in class, I also noticed a lot of students missing. By the next day, I had no symptoms at all. However, there were even fewer students in the dining room and classrooms, and several professors were also missing. My girlfriend was quite sick and through her I learned that her roommates and a large number of dorm mates were in bed very ill, too. Eventually over 80% of the student body was "hospitalized" in the dorms.—David Rex, Influenza Storybook, 1957

The pandemic was widespread and moved quickly from person to person.

Which of the following is an accurate description of religious practices in Songhai?

The people of Songhai practiced both traditional spiritual beliefs and Islam.The people of Songhai practiced both traditional spiritual beliefs and Islam.

How did the Catholic Church respond to the Protestant Reformation?

The pope called for a meeting of all church leaders.

Use the following excerpt from Rule VIII of the Council of Trent's "Ten Rules Concerning Prohibited Books" to answer the question: Books whose chief contents are good but in which some things have incidentally been inserted which have reference to heresy, ungodliness, divination or superstition, may be permitted if by the authority of the general inquisition they have been purged by Catholic theologians. ...Hereafter, however, these shall not be printed till they have been corrected.-- Rule VIII of the Council of Trent's "Ten Rules Concerning Prohibited Books" What power does the Church give itself in this passage?

The power to censor parts of otherwise permitted books

What contributed to the fall of the Mughal Empire?

The revolt of Hindus against forced conversion

What was an effect of the Iconoclastic Controversy?

The revolts against Byzantine rulers began, illustrating a severe break in relations between East and West.

The route from Regensburg in modern Germany to Constantinople was followed during several Crusades. What geographical factor accounts for the popularity of this particular route?

The route followed a large and major river.

Which of the following has helped historians learn about the Inca Empire?

The ruins of Machu Picchu

Which Reformation idea did Martin Luther support?

The superiority of faith over works as a path to salvation

Considering the dangers associated with spreading a disease, why are people who are affected by communicable diseases told not to travel on airplanes?

The tight cabin space makes it easier for the disease to spread.

Use the map below that shows Spanish and Portuguese trade routes of the 16th century to answer the following question: This map of the world, with the Western Hemisphere on the left, contains arrowed lines of various colors for the explorations of different European nations. Blue lines for Portugal extend from that country southward along the west coast of Africa and the east coast of Brazil, eastward around the Cape of Good Hope, and eastward to India, Indonesia, southern China, and Japan. White lines for Spain extend from that country westward to the Caribbean Sea, across Central America by land to the Pacific Ocean, southwest to the western coast of South America, westward across the Pacific Ocean to the Philippines, then across essentially the same path in the opposite direction to return to Spain. Public Domain Which conclusion can be drawn from the map about the Portuguese and Spanish trade situation in the 16th century?

The two nations carved out different trading spheres in Latin America, Africa, and Asia

Which conclusion can be drawn from the map about the Portuguese and Spanish trade situation in the 16th century?

The two nations carved out different trading spheres in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

Use the following image to answer the following question: Photograph of the Ospedale degli Innocenti in Florence, taken from outside the building. The building appears to have multiple stories. The front of the building is lined with several cylindrical-shaped pillars made of stone. Each pillar is spaced evenly. There is a curved symmetrical structure that spans the opening between each pillar. © 2012 Thinkstock Which major architectural influence is illustrated by the photo above?

The use of Corinthian columns and semicircular arches demonstrates the influence of classical architecture.

Which major architectural influence is illustrated by the photo above?

The use of Corinthian columns and semicircular arches demonstrates the influence of classical architecture.

Who held the most power in the Italian city-states?

The wealthiest people

Which of the following individuals would likely have had the least power in the medieval hierarchy?

The wife of a villein

How did Italian city-states like Venice and Florence become major banking and trade centers?

Their location made them a natural route for travel between Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Which of the following did the Maya, Aztec, and Inca all have in common?

They all grew corn as their primary crop.

Which of the following best describes the Muslim view of Hebrew prophets in the biblical Old Testament?

They are honored as prophets.

How were the bushido of the samurai and the code of chivalry of knights similar?

They both emphasized courage in battle.

Based on the image, how might medieval monks have contributed to learning in their time?

They copied Latin manuscripts to preserve and study ancient works.

Which of the following is true of the time measurement systems used by both the Aztecs and Mayans?

They had more than one calendar.

Why did plantation owners begin to import African slaves to work their farms?

They realized that people from Africa were more resistant to disease than Europeans were.

How did most citizens of the Byzantine Empire relate to the Roman Empire?

They saw themselves as part of the Roman Empire.

How do we know the Olmecs were technologically advanced?

They used latex from trees to create rubber.

What contributed to the rise of the Soninke people over their neighbors?

They were expert horsemen.

Major city-states in eastern and western Africa frequently shared successful trading as a foundation. What characteristics of their locations would make this possible?

They were located near or along important and lucrative trade routes.

Which of the following describes the rights and legal standing of a European villein?

They worked the land on behalf of their lord but did not receive wages.

Why did Pacal the Great make a connection between his mother and the divine First Mother of the Mayan religion?

To add legitimacy and stability to his reign

Why did the Spanish begin to introduce enslaved Africans into South and Central America?

To obtain a more disease-resistant labor force

In the 11th century, ____________ brought Islam to India?


Ibn Rushd is known for

Translating the works of Aristotle

. Which of the following groups would be most likely to create a song out of Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales?


The Council of Trent did all the following except

approve the sale of indulgences

When Constantine rebuilt Byzantium, it was called "New Rome" because Constantine ?

built it to resemble "Old Rome"

The Emperor Justinian is well known for

codifying, editing, and updating Roman laws

During the Middle Ages, merchants, artisans, and their guilds contributed to the

creation of the middle class

The image shows a model of Tenochtitlan. Moctezuma I prevented this city from being flooded by constructing a

dam around the city

Urbanization of Europe in the High Middle Ages resulted in the

development of medieval guild towns and cities

Unlike the monarchy in a feudal system, the wealthy and powerful citizens who controlled Italian city-states were more focused on

economic activity and development

Rome's income was mostly provided by

religious pilgrims and church business

Each of the following was a cause of urbanization in medieval Europe except

growing threats from northern invaders

Beowulf and The Divine Comedy are similar in that both works

influenced the development of the language in which they were written

During the High Middle Ages, monasteries were considered religious centers, as well as

learning centers

Medieval monks filled all of the following roles for secular communities except

lending money to lords and farmers

The Bafuku style of government was controlled by

military warlords

(03.02 LC) African griots passed down the history of East, Central, and South African civilizations through

oral tradition

Use the excerpt to answer the following question: "The precepts of the law are these: to live honestly, to injure no one, and to give every man his due. The study of law consists of two branches, law public and law private. The former relates to the welfare of the Roman State; the latter to the advantage of the individual citizen. Of private law then we may say that it is of threefold origin, being collected from the precepts of nature, from those of the law of nations, or from those of the civil law of Rome." Source: From The Institutes of Justinian, B. Moyle, trans.3rd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1896), pp. 3-5. This excerpt from the Justinian Code shows how the Byzantine Empire

preserved Greco-Roman culture

All of the following represent innovations in land use in the Middle Ages except

the ownership by individuals of small farms

Cyril and Methodius were missionaries to the Slavs who

translated the Bible into the new alphabet written for the Slavic language

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