World History Chapter.23

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(agreement) between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII. Showed church's influence, but gave them no power on national affairs.

What did Napoleon consider his greatest triumph in domestic policy?

His Napoleonic Code.

What did the constitution that Louis sign in Sept. of 1791 have on the government?

It limited monarchy power

What was the long-term legacy of the Congress Of Vienna?

It maintained a balance of power, diminshed the size and power of France, started the spread of Nationalism in Western Europe leading to more revolutions and new nations

Congress Of Vienna

It was a series of meetings in Vienna to set up policies to create a new European order. (security)

Holy Alliance

It was an agreement between emperor of Austria and czar of Russia and king of Prussia. They pledged to base their foreign relations on Christian principles. It was aimed at combatting the forces of revoultion.

Where did france conquer during napoleons reign in the army?

Italy and austrian netherlands

Robespierre killing Danton would be like

Jefferson killing Adams

Storming of the Bastille

July 14, 1789 when mob and some of the king's soldiers attacked the Bastille which was a jail where the gun powder was kept the effect was the people getting left out, only 7 but the impact was great and all the guards got killed

Flight to Varenne

June 20-22 1791, Louis XVI and family fled to Belgium because Marie was from Austria and they were going to be with her emperor brother, a postmaster recognized them in Varenne and they were forced back, this plan would have succeeded but the children were sick and Marie Antoinette would not leave without them

Why did people in other European countries resist Napoleon's efforts to build an empire?

Because they didn't want him taking over their country and due to Napoleon's mistakes, he never did take over and he lost.

Why was the congress of vienna considered a sucess?

Because they eventually set up a new European order

Why were the members of the Third Estate dissatisfied with their way of life under the Old Regime?

Because they thought that all men were born and created equal and it wasn't fair that the first and second estate had more rights and power than them and they wanted equality. They wanted to abolish the three estates and have everyone be treated equally and all be able to have the same amount of rights, such as participation in government and being allowed to vote.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Born 1769 in Corsica. Became a military leader at the age of 16.

Main Naval Power in Europe


Who were the constitutional monarchies?

Britain and france

Battle of Toulon

British took port of Toulon with navy, artillery captain (France) Napoleon Bonaparte re-takes Toulon causing Bonaparte to become a hero at a young age

Scorched-earth policy

Burning crops and killing livestock so the enemy had nothing to eat.

Africans fought under the leadership of Touissaint L' Ouverture

Civil war


Closed all the ports to stop trade and communication from happening between Europe and Great Britain.

Developed by metternich, ensured nations would intervene to prevent revolutions

Concert of europe

European leaders wanted a plan to stabilize power in europe

Congress of vienna

Radical Lawyers in the Jacobin Club

Danton, Robespierre, Desmoulins, St. Just

The Crowning of Napoleon

December 2, 1804, Napoleon was crowned emperor. He walked down the aisle at Notre Dame, and there the pope handed him a crown, and he crowned himself making a gesture that he had more power than the church.

Klemens Von Metternich

Decisions made in Vienna were done secretly by five great powers; King Frederick William III of Prussia, Czar Alexander I of Russia, Emperor Francis I of Austria, Britain and France by Foreign ministers, and Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria—the most powerful. Metternich distrusted democratic ideals of the French Revolution. Napoleon's dictatorship was a result of experiments with democracy.

Declaration of the Rights of Man

Declaration of Rights of Man was a statement of Revolutionary Ideals which reflected the influence of enlightenment ideas. "Men are born free and Remain equal in Rights". The declaration did not apply to women.

"Men are born and remain free and equal in rights"

Declaration of the rights of man

What was the most advanced European country in the 1700's?



France's population was divided into three groups based on their wealth, the first, second and third estate


French middle class or city-dweller


French upper class

Marie Antoinette

From Austria (enemy) Louis XVI wife, led France into debt by spending money gambling and on hairdos and jewelry.


German city-dweller


German mayor

In your opinion, was Napoleon the creator or the creation of his times.

He was the creator because he was doing things that some people had not done before and he succeded in some of them

Klemens von Matternich

He was the most influencial person, foreign minister of Austria.

System of law, sacrificed individual rights for national stability, restored control and slavery to french colonies in the carribean

Napoleonic code

Continental System

Napoleons name for his set of blockades.

Who sent Robespierre to be executed?

Nation convention

3rd estate reforms into the

National Assembly

After the legislative assembly disbanded, what was the new governing body called?

National convention

If you had been a member of the bourgeoisie, would you have been satisfied with the results of Napoleon's actions?

No, because even though he did things that were beneficial to France, he made three very stupid mistakes that cost him everything and he eventually was exiled away and left to die.


Nobles and others who fled France during the peasant uprising. They hoped to undo revolution.


Nobles and others who had fled France and hoped to undo the revolution and restore the Old Regime.

Wrote declaration of rights of women,was declared enemy of the revolution and was executed

Olympe de gouges

Who became leader of jacobins in the early 1793 & later a dictator of france?


M. Robespierre

Robespierre and his followers set out to build a government of virtue. He tried to erase France's past, no household item would go unnoticed. He became the leader of the Committee of Public Safety. He governed France almost as a dictator, and his reign was called the Reign of Terror. The famous victim was the former queen, Marie Antoinette. Fellow revolutionaries challenged his leadership. The National convention feared defending him, but joined in condemning him to death. Thousands of people were sentenced to death under the flimsiest charges.

When there was a republic

Robespierre made a new calander

Ruling Family of Rusia

Romanovs until 1919

Great Fear

Rumors of nobles hiring outlaws to terrorize the peasants were circulating. A wave of senseless called the great fear hit. Many ordinary citizens became outlaws. Women rioted and killed two guards. The king and his servants had to leave, and never saw the magnificent palace Versailles again.

Great Fear

Rumors spread that nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorize the peasants. Peasants destroyed and burned nobles houses and attacked Versailles and demanded the king and queen move back to Paris.

What similarities and differences do you see between these political factions in the Legislative Assembly and those in the U.S. government today?

The Legislative Assembly represented different points of view (conservatives, moderates....) Today, our government represents different points of views such as republicans and democrats.

How did Napoleon become a hero in France

The National Convention told a young Napoleon to defend the delegates. Napoleon greeted thousands of royalists with a cannonade and within minutes, attackers fled the field in panic and confusion. He was known as the hero of the hour.

Coup d etat

The directory lost control of the political situation in France, but their control over the Army kept them in power. Napoleon was urged to seek political power with his wife Josephine. They tried to influence the directory to give them power, but the next day, negotiations ended and his army drove members out of the chamber. Three consuls were developed, and Napoleon was head of one of them. Coup d'etat is a sudden change of power. When he took power, France was at war. He took his troops to fight, and eventually a treaty was signed making peace. It had been 10 years since France wasn't fighting. Napoleon worked on restoring order to France.

How did the slogan "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" sum up the goals of the Revolution?

The goal of the revolution was to make everyone equal and the same and the slogan is three things that the revolution hoped would happen as an outcome.

Who did Napoleon's reforms help?

The little people, lower class, because he did not like the upper class/aristocracy because they made fun of him as a kid

Tennis Court Oath

The national assembly met together in a tennis court and refused to leave until they instituted a new constitution.

Reign Of Terror

The period of time when Robespierre ruled.


The principle that as many as possible of the rulers that Napoleon displayed would be restored to power.

Old Regime

The social and political system of France, three estates- first, second and third

Coup d'etat

When a military leader forces the government out of power and becomes a dictator.

How did the Reign Of Terror come to an end?

When the National Assembly eventually became frightened by Robespierre and he was guillotined.

From France's point of view, do you think the Congress Of Vienna's decisions were fair?

Yes, because in the end, they did many things that benefited France such as maintain a balance of power in France.

Do you think this chain of events could have been changed in any way?

Yes, if certain people had not gotten involved. Such as Robespierre, he was a dictator who had many people beheaded, even those who were supporters of the revolution. He thought that any problem could be solved by having a few people killed.

Do you think that changes in the French government were inevitable?

Yes, if they had a better ruler that was more prepared to take over and if that ruler cared and listened to his people, things could have change. People would not go to the extreme of killing each other over a piece of bread.

Hundred Days

a brief period during 1815 when Napoleon made his last bid for power, deposing the French King and again becoming the emperor of France.

Committee of Public Safety

a committee established during the French Revolution to identify "enemies of the republic"

Jacobin Club declared France

a constitutional monarchy


a forcible closing of ports, Napoleon signed in November 1806. Prevented trade and communication between Great Britian and other European nations


a jail

What did Louis inherit from the previous kings?

a large amount of debt

Code Napoleonic/Napoleonic Code

a law code that mainly addressed civil matters, reformed marriage/divorce, reformed ownership of land by ending feudalism and serfdom, reformed the army

Death of Robespierre brought in

a more conservative era


a revolutionary leader who was devoted to the Rights of Paris's poor people, joined the club as a talented speaker.

Congress of Vienna

a series of meetings in Vienna were called to set up policies to establish long-lasting peace and stability. Metternich had 3 goals at the Congress of Vienna; Prevent future French aggression -surrounding them with strong countries, Balance of Power—no country a threat to others, and restore royal families to the thrones before Napoleon's conquest

At the Estates General meeting of 1789, the Third Estate...

called for a constitutional monarchy which was influenced by England NOT America - there was a vote taken but the First and Second Estates voted together and the Third Estate's vote only counted as much as either the First or Second Estate even though they had more people so Third Estate ignored the outcome

Estates General of 1789

called in spring of this year because Necker pushed to get it together causing King Louis XVI to call it and it was the first time in 175 years, since 1614

Friends with Robespierre's brother -

caused Bonaparte to not be in the army at first

What did napoleon restore to france?

church properties

During the Revolution what were people encouraged to call each other?


Battle of Trafalgar

combined French and Spanish fleet was defeated by the British fleet led by Horatio Nelson in this naval battle, Nelson died during the battle and now there is a statue of him in Trafalgar Square

Admiral Horatio Nelson

commander of the British fleet that defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar.

Right Side


Napoleon became emperor by a

coup d'etat, seizing power with 2 cohorts whom he soon dropped as they were only there to make it seem like Napoleon was not power hungry, he did this because he thought government was not solid


device used during the reign of terror to execute


dissenting group of people

Trial and Execution of the Monarchs

during the Reign of Terror, execution - payback

napoleonic code

economic reform; body of french civil laws

Committee of Public Safety

established to control other committees of convention, Jacobins under Robespierre set up trials and executions, Robespierre/Danton - committee supervisor, during the Reign of Terror was responsible of thousands of executions including Dantons

What were France's social classes called?


Clergy, tax exempt, owned 10% of land

first estate

Exile to Elba

following the Treated of Fontainebleau, Napoleon was exiled to Elba after a forced abduction, he was there 300 days before leaving, allowed to rule there

What were the king and queen known for?

their extravagant spending

Riots break out in Paris because of Necker's firing

there are mob attacks including the storming of the Bastille

What was the second estate's response to being told they were going to be taxed?

they called a meeting of the Estates-General

Napoleon's Date of Death

May 5, 1821


Members of radical or political or specific organization.

Marie Antoinette spent a lot of government money to pretend to be a _________________

Milk Maid


Most radical group in 1792, where violent speech making was the order of the day. They wanted to remove the king and establish a republic

Who did france assign to command their army?


Who escaped from exile in Elba, was emperor of france again, but eventually defeated by british and prussian troops?


Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte went to Military School at the age of 9, and finished at the age of 16 when he became a lieutenant in the artillery during the revolution. Napoleon was handed his fate when an official told him to protect the delegates. The attackers fled in panic and confusion as he was called the hero of the hour. He was appointed to lead an army against Austria. He won a series of battles, and crushed the Austrian threat to France. He went to Egypt where he was pinned down, but made sure that General was only related to Napoleon.

Hundred Days

Napoleon came back from his exile in Elba and made himself emperor again and had battles with the counties who had defeated him to prove his strength, but failed at the Battle of Waterloo so was again exiled

Egyptian Campaign

Napoleon decides to take the Middle East to piss off England so he invades Egypt, he wins against the Turks on land, British Admiral Horatio Nelson destroys Bonaparte's fleet at Nile Delta leaving the troops stranded in the desert

Napoleon's French

Napoleon did not hear French until age 8, made fun of for his accent, and in his diary as he was dying he said that he would never get the hang of the language

What percent of their income did the first estate pay to taxes?


What percent of the land did the nobles own?


Reign of Terror

30,000 killed and mostly from the upper class, angry with clergy so they made them take oaths to France because they were against the revolution so some of the people killed were also of the church, it lasted 1 1/2 years, originally Danton but Robespierre put him to death when Danton accused Robespierre of being to radical and losing it and he lost it for good when he killed Danton, Robespierre also put Desmulins to death, Robespierre thought that Danton and his followers had relaxed methods of dealing with emergencies, time when few men tried to govern France, time of war and crisis, time that should be associated with poor people filling the court and cheering on people's executions, Austria, England, Russia invade so their people do not hear about what is happening in France because the royal houses are scared, they do not want their people hearing "liberty, equality, fraternity," Robespierre and Danton governed, financial problems worsen, thousands arrested and executed, members of Convention had Robespierre killed out of fear that he would turn against them, other members were hung

The Directory

3rd Constitution written, placed power firmly in the hands of the upper middle class and called a two-house legislature and an executive body of five men. The five men were moderates, not revolutionary idealists.

Tennis Court Oath

3rd Estates found themselves locked out of meeting room so they broke into a Tennis Room and stayed until a new Constitution was written.

Women's March

6,000 Women rioted over the rising price of Bread. Men and Women broke into Versailles and ordered Louis, Marie, and the kids out and banished them to Paris.

What percent of the population were the peasants?


About what percent of people belonged to the third estate?


Maximilien Robespierre

A dictator who's rule was known as the Reign Of Terror and believed all problems could be solved by beheading people. Many people became afraid of him.

Legislative Assembly

A legislative body that had the power to create laws and approve or reject declarations of war. However, the king still held the power to enforce laws.


A machine that beheaded people in a quick and humane manner.

Middle class, well educated, no privileges but could be very wealthy



bread in French

national assembly

made up of third estate

Camille Desmoulins

man who got up and said "to arms" causing the storming of the Bastille for gunpowder


means citizen, makes people seem equal, got nobles angry but they could not do anything about it


members of the radical group; middle class


middle class/top of the third estate

Scorched Earth Policy

military tactic where people voluntarily burn land and run away to prevent attacking groups from being sustained of their supplies


most prominent radical leaders. During the Revolution he edited a radical Newspaper. His fiery editorials called for "five or six hundred heads cut off: to rid France of the enemies of the Revolution.

Concert of Europe

nations would help each other in case of revolutions.

Balance of Power

no country a threat to others. Leaders of Europe wanted to weaken France, not take to much so they wouldn't seek revenge. Breaking up France could give another country great power. All land gained by Napoleon would be given taken away from France.

Marie Antoinette

not popular with people, spends all money, named Madame Deficit


notebook used during french revolution to record grievances

tennis court oath

oath made in tennis court by third estate vowing to never separate

Change is in the air because...

of political events in England and America (the American Revolution), writings of the Enlightenment Thinkers, calls for change in France, Estates General

In relation to Napoleon's age, Josephine was ______



person who flees their country for political reasons


poor people - literally means without fancy pants


pride in ones country

Louis XVI fires Necker

public upset because now they know that he is not planning on using Necker's ideas

How did the first and second estates view the enlightenment ideas?

radical ideas that threatened their status and power

The Flight to Varenne gives

radicals supremacy because it shows the king's lack of faith, shows that he does not care, and it was a stalemate until this

What three groups were the legislative assembly split into?

radicals, moderates, and conservative

What did the national assembly vow to do?

reform the french government for the people

Time when Robespierre executed as many as 40,000

reign of terror

What did the creation of the National Assembly begin?

representative government


restoring hereditary monarchs that were unseated

What did the fall of the Bastille come to symbolize for the French people?



right, conservatives

Small business owners that waned more changes

sans culottes

Rich nobles, owned 20% of land, 2% of the population, nearly tax exempt, and held government offices

second estate

Coup d'etat

seize of government power through force

Why was Marie unpopular?

she was a member of the Austrian royal family

Napoleon promoted based on...

skill rather than nobility - disliked nobles because he got made fun of as a child

In response to the tennis court oath and national assembly, what did Louis do/

stationed his mercenary army around Versailles


symbol of tyranny, (july 14th 1789), tore apart the social hierarchy

concert of europe

system in which countries met to discuss problems

Old Regime

system of Feudalism left over from the Middle Ages. Noblemen helped sweep away feudal privileges of First and Second Estate making commoners and peasants equal to nobles. They were motivated far more by fear than idealism.


system of government in which officials are chosen by people


takes time, what the Girondins/conservatives/right siders wanted

National assembly would not stop until they had a new constitution

tennis court oath


term for social class in france

Napoleon's captors did not just kill him because...

that would have made him a martyr


the 3 social classes in France before the French Revolution

American Revolution was influenced by

the Enlightenment Thinkers

We won the American Revolution because...

the French helped us win

Fraternity in the Jacobin Club Motto said that

the Jacobin club was a mens club and there were no women

What was the social and political system of France in the 1700's called?

the Old Regime

Example of Napoleon's huge Ego

the Pope traveled from Rome to crown Napoleon emperor and while the Pope is reaching for the crown, Napoleon takes the crown and crowns himself

What three groups made up the third estate?

the bourgeoisie, the workers, and the peasants

Why is there no Louis XVII?

the children of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette died of mysterious circumstances in prison and the next Louis took the title Louis XVIII out of respect

Who made up the first estate?

the clergy

What was the first deliberate act of revolution?

the creation of the national assembly

5 men executive body

the directory

Considered a Possible Cause of Napoleon's Death

the enemies of Napoleon could have told his cooks at St. Helena to gradually poison him with arsenic, eventually leading to his death

Which two estates had privileges?

the first and second

Words are dangerous

the kings and royal families of neighboring countries did not want their people hearing "liberty, equality, fraternity" and about the republic so they attacked

Who were the bourgeoisie? (describe what they did/ education/ enlightenment views/ taxes/ felt)

the middle class (bankers, factory owners, merchants, professionals, and skilled artisans), were well educated and believed strongly in the enlightenment ideals; paid high taxes; felt that their wealth entitle them to a greater degree of social status and political power

ancien regime

the name used for the old order of french society

What did the estates declare themselves?

the national assembly

Who made up the second estate?

the nobles

Ancien Regime

the old system

What was the largest group in the third estate?

the peasants

Reign of Terror

the period from mid-1793 to mid-1794, when Rospierre ruled France nearly as a dictator and thousands of political figures and ordinary citizens were executed.


the right to vote


the term waterloo now means final defeat

Staple Food

the thing that fills you up, throughout history it has been mostly grains and starch

What was the tennis court oath, and why was it called that?

the third estate delegates were locked out of their meeting room so they instead met on a tennis court, promising not to leave until they had created a new constitution

Why did the third estate want to change the rules of the estates-general?

the two privileged estates could always outvote the third estate

Criminal Law

the type of law that someone gets tried for if they break a law

Who was the poorest group in the third estate?

the urban workers

Scorched Earth Policy

burning grain fields and slaughtering livestock so as to leave nothing the enemy could eat.

left, right and center

left: radicals right: conservatives (emigres) center: moderates (sans-cullotes)


"right wing" Upheld the idea of a limited monarchy, wanted few changes in government.


legislative body made up of representatives of each of the three estates


"centrists" Wanted some change in government, but not as much as Radicals.


"left wing" opposed the King/Monarchy, wanted LOTS of change in government and proposed that common people have full power in a republic

What percent of the land did the first estate own?


Last Estates General Meeting

1614, the year after Henry was stabbed and his son (Louis XIV) came to power in 1613

The estates-general meeting was the first in how many years?


Revolutionary France

1791-1799, National Assembly during a constitutional monarchy, the National Assembly was trying to work with the king but the Bourbons did not want to work with Parliament, radicals - Jacobins - left, conservatives - Girondins - right, Brissots under Girondins, radicals wanted a republic

Napoleon made himself emperor in


The Louisiana Purchase took place in the year ______


Which group belonged to which estate/%

1st Estate is Clergy(high office, didn't pay taxes, made up of Roman Catholic Church) payed 2% of taxes, 2nd Estate is Nobility(high office, didn't pay taxes) payed no taxes, 3rd Estate is Peasants (3 Groups) payed 1/2 of income to Nobles

What percent of the population were the nobles?


Jacobin Club Motto

liberty, equality, fraternity


Agreement with Pope Pius VII the recognized the influence of the church but rejected church control.

Concert Of Europe

Alliances devised by Matternich to ensure other nations would help out if other revolutions would break out.


An assembly of representatives from all three estates. Hadn't been held in 175 years. Each Estate had one vote.

Louis XVI's attempted Escape

As the relationship between Church and State, Louis XVI pondered his faith as a monarch. Advisers warned him that he and his family were in danger. Many supporters of the Monarchy, left the country. Louis tried to escape to Austria, and was recognized by a postman. His family was escorted by guards back to Paris where he sealed his doom.


At the battle of Waterloo, Napoleon and his troops held the British until the Prussian army came, and they sent the French troops running. That ended his 100 days of rule.


Battle in Belgium where European allies were fighting against Napoleon, British and Prussian forces chased him from the field and had him sent to St. Helena but was exiled back to Elba where he died.

Why was Napoleon's delay of the retreat from Moscow such a great blunder?

Because he had decided to stay longer during the winter months, the weather was extremely harsh and he and his army were not prepared. Due to the scorched-earth policy, they also had no food to eat or drink. Napoleon lost many of his men to do harsh weather conditions, starvation, or desertion.

Why did Napoleon have trouble fighting the enemy forces in the Peninsular War?

Because his fleet was split into 2 and captured and he was forced to give up all of his plans to invade Great Britain and was unable to invade Great Britain.

Why did liberals and conservatives differ over who should have power?

Because if the liberals had the power, they would create new things and ideas but if the conservatives had power, they would want everything to go back to the way it used to be.

Why is Parliament called Parliament?

Because in French as in Italian a form of Parli or (parlare in Italian) means to speak or to be heard meaning that Parliament existed so the people would be heard

Why do you think some members of the First and Second Estates joined the National Assembly and worked to reform the government?

Because like the third estate, these people also wanted change in the government and to abolish the estates completely and have everyone be treated fair and equal.

Tennis Court Oath

Because of their want for radical reforms, the Third Estate was locked out of their meeting hall by the King so they reconvened at an indoor tennis court and made an oath not to disband until they got the change they wanted

How did the purpose of the meeting of the Estates-General in 1789 change?

Each representative from each estate had one vote so that one person was representing their entire group and they should have gotten more votes.

Latin for I


Napoleon left his troops in

Egypt and returned to France

Monarchists that fled France which wanted to restore monarchy


John Locke's Natural Laws

life, liberty, property

What did the colonists demand in 1789?

End of slavery

Who attacks France to end French Revolution?

England, Prussia, Austria-Hungary

In effort to isolate britain from europe, what did Napoleon do?

Established blockade system

What did the radicals want?

Extreme reforms

Why was Bonaparte an enigma?

Famous Frenchmen- not French but Italian, he saved the French Revolution and then became emperor

Battle of Trafalgar

Fighting the British navy and he split the French army and captured half their ships which made it impossible for him to invade Great Britain again.

Estates General

First Estate (1% of the population made up of the clergy-church), Second Estate (2% of the population, composed of nobility), Third Estate (97% of the population, everyone else)


Government-run public schools to train government officials

How did Great Britain combat Napoleon's naval blockade

Great Britain responded with their own set of blockades and still ignored Napoleon's blockade's and smuggled goods into France anyway.

Wars of Expansion were mainly with

Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Prussia, and Russia


Great powers affirmed the principle of legitimacy, they restored the leaders that had lost their thrones to Napoleon. The Congress of Vienna believed that restoring the original rulers would help promote peace and stability between the nations. The Congress was a political triumph—no one felt they had been cheated. For once, the political powers of an entire continent were in agreement. The European nations had temporarily assured a balance of power.

Ruling Family of Austria-Hungary


What factors led to Robespierre becoming a dictator?

He believed that all problems could be solved by chopping peoples heads off. He had many people guillotined including enemies of the revolution and supporters of the revolution who questioned him.

How was Napoleon able to control the countries neighboring the French Empire?

He fought them and in a series of brilliant battles, he crushed the opponent and forced the other countries to sign peace treaties.


He surrendered, and was sent to an island, Elba, off the coast of Italy, and found it hard to retire at age 45.

Peninsula War

His second mistake was invading Portugal because they weren't following the Continental System. Napoleon put his brother Joseph on the thrown enraging loyalists. The French attacked the church by outlawing the Spanish Inquisition. Guerilla attacks were common in Spain since people disagreed. During the Peninsula War, 300,000 men were killed which weekend the French. Other people conquered by the French were turning against the French.

Ruling Family of Prussia


Napoleon had no choice but to invade Russia. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

I do not agree with this statement at all. Napoleon decided to invade Russia because Russia refused to stop selling grain to Great Britain. Even though he wanted them to stop, there was nothing really that he could do about it but if he HAD to do something about it, then the only choice may have been to invade Russia. He "didn't want to" but because Russia refused to stop selling grain, but he didn't really have much of a choice but to if he wanted them to stop.

Do you think that Napoleon was a great leader?

I think he was an okay leader because he did good things such as put in government run public schools but he also did not so smart things such as allowing slavery again and using his three mistakes which in the end, ended up costing him everything.

Napoleon had to deal with forces both inside and outside the French Empire. In your judgment, which area was more important to control.

I think inside the French Empire because he is the ruler and he should keep his area safe and peaceful and going right instead of controlling forces outside of France even though that was also important.

What do you think is meant by the statement that the French Revolution let the "genie out of the bottle"?

I think it means that everything is fine until someone does something that leads to something bigger that can have both good and bad concequences. In the genie in the bottle case, I think everything is okay until someone lets the genie out. He gives you three wishes which you must be super precise about because you will not always get what you wish for so what happens may be good or bad, but there is always a trick or concequence. In the French Revolution, "the genie", is the idea of democracy where people should be allowed to overthrow their rulers.

Which of these events do you think had the greatest impact on Napoleon's rise to power.

I think the Napoleonic code because it was his set of laws and his laws are what he followed which eventually led to his rise to power and then to his defeat later on.

France in a state of bankruptcy because...

King Louis XVI (and wife Marie Antoinette) spent lavishly, Versailles, wars

Holy Alliance

Late in 1815, Czar Alexander, Emperor Francis I of Austria, and King Fredrick William III of Prussia entered a league or agreement that loosely bound them together.

What was the revolution's slogan (didn't apply to women)?

Liberty, equality, and fraternity

What did the conservatives want?

Limited monarchy

"I am the state" -_______________

Louis XIV

"After me the flood" -____________

Louis XV

Who were the king and queen of France?

Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

How did Louis XVI's weak leadership contribute to the growing crisis in France?

Louis XVI was a terrible ruler. One growing crisis in France was debt that was getting worse and worse and the lack of food. People had started fighting even for bread. He did nothing to help his people and did not listen to them or give a thought about them. Like his wife, he was also a main reason France was in debt. He spent a lot of money on expensive clothes and shoes.


Louis XVI's finance minister who was fired for suggesting less spending


Louis tried to make peace by yielding to the National Assembly and ordered everyone to follow their rules. French citizens formed a mob, attacked Bastille, and took the city. This was considered an act of freedom, and is considered the 4th of July of France.

Who created the legislative assembly?

Louis xiv

Who became king of france after Napoleon?

Louis xviii

What was Marie known as?

Madame Defecit

What did Robespierre & his supporters believed everything should be governed by logic, what did they do?

Made calendars without sundays and closed churches in france

"Let them eat cake" -_____________

Marie Antoinette meaning crumbs

The Improvements of Napoleon

Napoleon kept many of the changes from the revolution, and France had order and stability. Setting up a good economy was key, and Napoleon set up a new tax policy. He wanted to rid the government of corrupt officials, and he created lycees— government run public schools, all children were able to attend. A concordant was signed which showed church's influence, but gave them no power on national affairs. He had a Napoleonic code which had a uniform set of laws, eliminated injustices, limited liberty, and promoted order and authority over individual rights. Laws were restricted rather than expanded

Continental System

Napoleon ordered a blockade to stop all trade between Great Britain and other European Nations. He called this system the continental system since it was supposed to make Great Britain more self sufficient. Some people disregarded this rule and were able to get product from Britain to Europe. The British made their own blockade that taxed ships coming to Europe. This was an inconvenience to the U.S., thus starting the War of 1812. The Continental System hurt Napoleon more than his enemies.

Louisiana Purchase

Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States for $15 million, some say bad move but the truth is that Louisiana belonged to Spain but was given to France because Napoleon's brother was on Spain's throne, the money was for the war effort

Italian Campaign

Napoleon trained and led a peasant army to victory in Italy against Austria-Hungary, 30,000 troops, successfully trained peasants, he did it with them (slept where they slept, ate what they ate, marched with them, etc.) winning the respect and confidence of his men, he won all of Northern Italy with his trained peasant army and stopped the threat to France by stopping army

Why is the Battle of Waterloo ironic?

Napoleon was beaten partially by his own tactics

Exile to St. Helena

Napoleon was exiled to a barren island in the South Atlantic so he could not escape, he was miserable because he could not rule or fight, was depressed, wrote memoirs, died there, followed by an English officer at all times, his health was declining

Napoleon's Downfall

Napoleon's enemies were quick to take advantage of France's Weakness, all his major enemies were against him. Napoleon's personality proved to be the greatest danger for his future. His drive for power raised him, and his love for power led to his doom. Within a few months, he had constructed a new army that was inexperienced. His empire quickly crumbled, and when he wanted to fight, his generals refused. He surrendered, and was sent to an island, Elba, off the coast of Italy, and found it hard to retire at age 45. Almost immediately, there was opposition to the new ruler, citizens feared he would undo changes from the revolution. Napoleon escaped, and gathered an Army of loyalists, who then regained the throne in a matter of days. At the battle of Waterloo, Napoleon and his troops held the British until the Prussian army came, and they sent the French troops running. That ended his 100 days of rule. Then he was sent to a remote island, St. Helena, where he spent 6 years in exile. Napoleon was a military genius, but his success must be measured by the amount of lives lost.

Battle of Waterloo

Napoleon's last defeat causing his exile for good, 1815

Napoleonic Code

Napoleon's name for his set of laws


Napoleon's wife, later she was divorced

Which of Napoleon's mistakes was the most serious and why?

Out of the three mistakes he made, I think the worst was when he tried to take over Russia, because during that period of time, he lost over 10,000 of his men and he stayed in Russia for an extra month, so he himself was suffering from the weather and lack of food. This also cost him because it led to Waterloo where he was exiled to Elba and died.


Parisian wage-earners and small shop keepers who wanted to keep a voice in government.


Parisian workers and small shopkeepers who wanted the Revolution to bring even greater changes to France.

War betwen France and spanish, britain helped spanish

Peninsula war

What did the divisions in the Legislative Assembly say about the differences in French society?

People had mixed views about society. There were people who wanted new change, people who wanted things to go back to the way they were, and people in the middle.

Hundred Days

Period where he came back from Elba and tried to take over the rest of Europe and lost.

Louisiana Purchase

President Jefferson's administration agreed to purchase the land for 15 million. Napoleon was delighted. He would gain money to finance operations in France, and he would further punish his British enemies.

What 3 things did Prince Von Metternich (Prince of austria) want the congress of vienna to do?

Prevent france from gaining power, balance of power in europe, and restore monarchies

Louis XVI

Put off dealing with debt until France was almost broke. Imposed taxes on nobles, who called for meeting of Estates-General.

Left Side

Radicals - Jacobins - Caused the term leftist

What did the moderates want?


Invasion of Russia

Russia did not follow the Continental System, somewhere between 500,000 and 600,000 troops (mostly French but also a combination of troops from other countries) invaded Russia, Russians retreated and the French followed them to Moscow, the French were poorly supplied and the Russians used scorched earth tactics, winter came and Napoleon tried to go home, he returned to France with less than 100,000 troops, leaving about 5/6 of his troops dead, his enemies rise up and make him surrender

Scorched Earth Policy in Russia

Russia used this tactic by being one step ahead of the English and having the Russians take all they could with them and fleeing then burning the land because they knew that the French troops were poorly supplied and would not be able to survive the dreaded winters therefore leaving the French cold and hungry, the Russians retreated East

Who did napoleons army fight against that were jealous of frances' growth?

Russia, austria, and sweden

Who were the 5 great powers?

Russia, britain, france, prussia, and austria

Who had absolute monarchs?

Russia, prussia, and austria

Russians way to make sure France didnt find any supplies

Scorched earth policy

What spokesperson suggested the creation of a national assembly?


Marie Antoinette

She contributed to the French Revolution because she was the queen of France during that time. She was the wife of Louis XVI and was one of the main reasons France was in great debt. She spent over a million dollars on jewlery, gambling and hairdo's and did nothing to help her people.

Napoleon put his brother Giuseppe on the throne of...

Spain and put other family members on other thrones


Spanish peasant fighters that fought in small groups. Used ambush technique

National Assembly

The third estate were influenced by the enlightenment, and were eager to change the government. The King sided with the nobles and ordered the estates general to follow medieval rules. The third estate was gaining more power. The third estate people call themselves the National Assembly, and pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people. They voted to establish the national assembly, and on the 3rd day, they were locked out of their meeting room. They broke down the door and said they would not leave till there was a new constitution.

What major reforms did the National Assembly introduce?

They made a new constitution in 1791 and it took away a lot of the kings power and made the legislative assembly have more power. It made significant changes in France. They created three groups, radical, moderate and conservative.

How were the storming of the Bastille and the women's march on Versailles similar? How were they different?

They were both worried that they would be terrorized. During the storming of the Bastille, people were massacring guards. During the attack on Versailles, the people were mainly after the king and queen, however they killed anyone in their way.

National Assembly

Third Estate delegates came together to pass reforms and laws in the name of the French people

Balance Of Power

This was a new political situation where all the countries were equally strong, which allowed greater security throughout Europe.

Battle of Trafalgar

This was the only battle lost by Napoleon, and was the most important battle than any other. He lost his sharpshooter(Horatio). The destruction of the Navy had two major results; The British Navy had supremacy for the next 100 years, his extravagant efforts to crush Britain would lead to his own undoing.

What was the overall effect of Metternich's plan on France?

To surround France so they couldn't take over again and to make all the countries equally strong.

2 Major Battles of 1805

Trafalgar and Austerlitz

Where was the Estates-General meeting?


Women of Paris marched to

Versailles to convince the king to return


Vote of the people approved of Napoleons new constitution.

What were the three points of Metternich's plan for Europe?

Wanted to surround France so they couldn't take over again. Wanted all the countries to be equally strong. Wanted to put royal families back on the throne.

Peninsular War

War against Spain where he attacked Spain and replaced their king. People were afraid that he would attack their church so gurrellias got together in small groups and attacked French troops. Lasted 6 years.

Olympe de Gouges

What about women? Objected to the Declaration not applying to women, was executed later for it.

Napoleonic Code

a uniform set of laws, eliminated injustices, limited liberty, and promoted order and authority over individual rights.


a vote of the people, in order to choose a new constitution. It gave all real power to Napoleon.

What was the Great Fear?

a wave of senseless panic caused by rumors that the nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorize the peasants

How much did peasants pay in taxes?

about half of their income

What did the creation of the National Assembly end?

absolute monarchy


add a territory to an existing state or country

How much taxes did the nobles pay?

almost none


an Assembly of Representatives from all 3 of the Estates in France

What was the estates-general?

an assembly of representatives from all three estates

congress of vienna

assembly of european leaders that met after napoleon age

What was the National Assembly?

assembly that could pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people

Napoleon's schooling

attended military school in France, he was unpopular yet brilliant, made fun of in school for his accent, his upper middle class but not not a noble or aristocracy, short "Little Corporal"

What were some of the causes of great unrest in France?

bad harvests, high prices, high taxes, and disturbing questions raised by the enlightenment


balots when votes have a say


bands of peasant fighters struck at French armies in Spain. Napoleon could not defeat them in battle b/c they were ordinary people who attacked then fled into hiding.

Battle between France and britain, napoleon lost to British naval commander Horatio Nelson

battle of trafalgar

Battle of Austerlitz

battle that took place in the heart of Europe, Napoleon defeated a combined force of Russia, Prussia, and Austria-Hungary making him the master of Europe, Napoleon has Pratzen Heights - higher ground, Napoleon faked a retreat and so old military leaders on the other side said do not fall for it but Alexander wanted to get him so they attack and Napoleon troops defeat them and the leaders are forced to surrender

Civil Law

between people violating other's rights, suing

continental system

blockade designed by napoleon to hurt england by closing european parts

Time when Napoleon was born

born in Corsica during th time that France bought where he was living, his father was originally against this but he later decided to send Napoleon to French military school, Napoleon did not hear French until age 8

Rosetta Stone

found during Napoleon's control in Egypt, showed good in Napoleon's rule in Egypt, now in a museum in London, Jean-Francis Champolion translated it making hieroglyphs readable, had Hieroglyphs, Demotic, and Greek


french port city, troops marched to

How did the queen hurt Louis?

gave him poor advice and interfered in government matters

Grief can cause someone's hair to...

go from black to white overnight

Continental System

good idea in theory, Napoleon wanted to economically attack Britain after realizing he could not defeat their navy so he wanted to block trade from England and the rest of Europe during the Industrial Revolution, 1806 to 1814, embargo, it failed because it hurt Europe more than England

London newspapers are known for



government run public schools, all children were able to attend.

What prompted clergy & nobles to support ending feudalism in France?

great fear

Legislative Assembly

had power to create laws and approve or prevent any war declared on other nations

Josaphine cheated

he wrote a letter to her telling her how he felt betrayed but it was on a ship that the English took over so it was in all of the London newspapers causing Napoleon's embarrassment and eventually they divorced


head-cutter. Thousands were executed by it during the French Revolution.


immediate, what the left side/Jacobins/radicals wanted

Where was napoleon exiled to?

isolated island

Rights of Man

issued in August 1789

Elba was a bad place to exile Napoleon because...

it was right in between Corsica, his hometown, and Italy, which was ruled by his brother, and it was not far from France

Thomas Jefferson's Rights

life, liberty, pursuit of happiness

The Old System

things were bad for over 90% of French people, it was an absolute monarchy, nobility had wealth and land but no real power, small middle class composed of city dwellers (lawyers, doctors, and artists), France was in a state of bankruptcy, peasantry lived in extreme poverty

97% of population, had several levels

third estate

Who forced Marie and Louis from Versailles and how?

thousands of Parisian women rioting over bread stormed the palace and forced Louis and Marie to return with them to Paris

reign of terror

time period when people were arrested for not supporting the revolution and were later killed

What did Louis borrow money heavily for?

to help the American revolutionaries in their war against Great Britain

What was Louis solution to the growing debt?

to tax the nobility

How did Louis react to the nation's growing debt?

was indecisive and allowed matters to drift

Louis XVI

weak leader, became king in 1774, inherited debt from previous rulers, funding for American Wars took lots of money

deficit spending

when government spends more money than it takes in

St. Helena

windy, barren island of the coast of Africa


wine in French


working class who made french revolution more radical, (wore pants instead of knee length)

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