world history china vocabulary

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Book Of Songs

early book of chinese history


ferile yellow soil from the river


form of government in which the central government was weak and the local lords had most of the power and influence


increasing the amount of territory of an empire

Han Dynasty

led by Liu Bang this dynasty established a Golden Age for China in which Confucianism was promoted especially in government positions

Qin Dynasty

led by Shi Huangdi this dynasty put an end to feudalism in China and also did not allow dissent of any kind; the Great Wall was built during this dynasty

war lord

local military rulers

Yangtze River

located to the south of the Huang He this river was a major tributary in early China

first books

made it out of bamboo, then they hammered it to make it like paper

Zhou Dynasty

"the earliest dynasty to use the Mandate of Heaven; this dynasty developed a feudal government"

Shang Di

chief god of the Chinese people during the Shang Dynasty


complete control of a product


a Chinese philosophy that proposed the nature of man is evil; his goodness is acquired; greed was the motive for most actions and the cause of most conflicts

Emperor Wudi

a Han ruler who created a monopoly in China that allowed the government to have complete control over iron and salt

Great Wall

a defensive structure built primarily during the Qin dynasty to defend the Chinese against nomads to the North


a group of families who claim a common ancestory


a philosopher who attempted to work within the government to effect change

Silk road

a trade route linking China to the Fertile Crescent

Yellow River

also known as Huang He and China's Sorrow this river was the location of china's earliest civilization

oracle bones

an object used by priests to ask godss questions


art of fine handwriting


most accurate


opposite of confucius


philosopher who taught that man's basic nature was evil and his goodness was acquired


philosophy that taught harmony resulted when people accepted their place in society and had respect for their elders


philosophy that taught to follow the way and avoid the unnatural ways of society


religion that originated in India and found its way to China around 100 A.D.

filial piety

respect of parents

Mandate Of Heaven

rise and fall of chinese dynasties

dynastic cycle

rise and fall of dynasties


siklworms, produced cacoons


system of ideas

Huang He River

the Yellow River; China's earliest civilizations occurred along this river

Shang Dynasty

the first true Dynasty of China that operated like the independent city-states of Sumer instead of a united empire


the insertion of needles under the skin at specific points to relieve pain or treat various illnesses

Liu Bang

the leader of the Han Dynasty who defeated the Qin and used the philosophy of Confucianism in the Government

Shi Huangdi

the leader of the Qin Dynasty who put down dissentused the philosophy of Legalism, banned books, and built the Great Wal

civil service

the permanent professional branches of a government administration

Yin and Yang

two opposite forces that needed to be balanced for the well being of the Universe

The Way Of Virtue

work written by Laozi having to do with the teachings of Daoism


work written by the followers of Confucius that contains his teachings


written symbols representing words or ideas

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