World History Practice CCE

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Place these events in order from earliest to latest -Napoleonic Empire -Constitutional Monarchy -Democratic Despotism

-Constitutional Monarchy -Democratic Despotism -Napoleonic Empire

"Blood and iron" and realpolitik are associated with what?

-Otto Bismarck -German reunification

Which new country was created after WWI?


Which Industrial Revolution inventor greatly impacted the textile industry?

Eli Whitney

Italian unification was complete when Naples and Sicily were turned over to Victor Emmanuel by whom?

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Prior to World War I, which nation was Europe's dominant industrial power?

Great Britain

-significantly reduced the price of steel -improved the quality and manufacture of steel -improved steel quality for railroad bridges

Henry Bessemer

What is true regarding the role of women after the end of WWI?

Many women were forced from their factory jobs and were expected to go back into domestic life

Unlike Thomas Hobbes, who believed that people were basically bad, which enlightenment thinker believed people were basically good?


Why was the war on the Eastern Front decided more quickly than on the Western Front during World War I?

Russia's revolutionary leadership withdrew from conflict with Germany

What event led Great Britain to take control of India from the East India Company?

Sepoy Rebellion

Who led China's national party?

Sun Yat-Sen (or Sun Yixian)

What was the German strategy to quickly win World War I and avoid a two front war?

The Schlieffen Plan

What was one of the major arguments from the U.S. Senate for opposing the League of Nations?

The U.S. would be forced into foreign entanglements

What major event is credited with setting off major world alliances that ignited World War I?

The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Why did many U.S. Senators oppose America joining the League of Nations?

They believed it would obligate the U.S. to fight in a future war

Why did Simon Bolivar admire the American and French Revolutions?

They embodied the Enlightenment ideas of freedom and individual rights

How were the Boxer Rebellion and Sepoy Rebellion similar?

They were both anti-Western uprisings

Three Principles of the People as Defined by Sun Yat-sen -Principle of Nationalism -Principle of Democracy -Principle of livelihood What statement best explains the development of these principles?

This is an example of the growing influence by the West on China.

In !899, Emilio Aguinaldo led a rebellion against which country to promote Philippine Independence?

United States

What best describes Robert Owen's view on the social changes needed during the Industrial Revolution?


-workers' discontent -military defeats in WWI -incompetence of government leadership Which leader was most influenced by Marxist ideology?

Vladimir Lenin

Russia 1917-1918 -Czar Nicholas II abdicate Russian Imperial throne -? Bolsheviks seize power and become the communist party -Russia signs a peace treaty with the Central Powers Which event best replaces the ? above?

Vladimir Lenin returns to lead the Russian Revolution

What is an example of a Social Darwinist argument in favor of Western imperialism?

Western nations should have the right to rule over weaker populations

Primary Causes of __?__ -Alliances -Nationalism -Militarism What is the best answer to complete the heading?

World War I

What did the British declare their support for in the 1917 Balfour Declaration?

a Jewish homeland in Palestine

What was one major difference between the French Revolution and the American Revolution?

a lasting constitution

Economist Adam Smith supported______because government intervention is not necessary, instead the market will regulate itself through supply and demand.


Lenin's New Economic Policy allowed a moderate degree of what in order to strengthen the economy of the Soviet Union?


- freedom of religion -women "less equal than men" -gov't jobs to the most qualified -legitimate daughters allowed an equal share of family inheritance What are these characteristics of?

code of Napoleon

The economic system in which a government would seize a factory and convert it to public ownership is____?


Preserving peace through a balance of power, restoring monarchies, and promoting a policy of legitimacy were part of what important gathering after the defeat of Napoleon?

congress of Vienna

What describes the French government on the eve of the French Revolution?

corruption and incompetence

What were the members of the Third Estate attempting to do when they took the Tennis Court Oath?

draft a new constitution

"So enormous, so dreadful, so irremediable did the trade's wickedness appear that my own mind was completely made up for abolition." What was William Wilberforce referring to in the quote above?

ending the slave trade

What was the most important long-term goal for the British and the French at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference?

ensure impenetrable borders

In a Vindication of the Rights of Women, Mary Wollstonecraft calls for?

equal education for boys and girls

A consequence of the Reign of Terror of the French revolution was the?

execution of the king

Social Darwinists in the late 1800s and early 1900s used the philosophy of "survival of the fittest" to justify which national action?

expanding existing colonial empires

-ideas from the American Revolution spread - enslaved persons burned sugar fields and rebelled against French slave owners -Toussaint L'Ouverture organized rebels what describes the list above?

factors of the Haitian Revolution

"The deportation of and excesses against peaceful Armenians is increasing, and from harrowing reports of eyewitnesses it appears that a campaign of race extermination is in progress." which term describes the Ottoman treatment of Armenians in the above excerpt?


Textile Machinery- Inventors and Inventions of Early Industrial Revolution -James Hargreaves-spinning Jenny, 1764 -Richard Arkwright-water frame, 1764 -Eli Whitney-cotton gin, 1792 What feature of the Industrial Revolution is demonstrated by this list?

growth of technology

What historical trend was most responsible for the change in Birmingham, England's population?

industrial growth

The social criticism of Charles Dickens' novel Hard Times was a response to what conditions?


What most accurately identifies the theme of Rudyard Kipling's The White Man's Burden?

industrialization will civilize the non-western peoples

What description applies to the movement of Romanticism?

intense feelings and glorifying nature

What is true about the first battle of the Marne?

it ended Germany's hopes for a quick victory on the Western Front

How did trade contribute to early growth of an industrial economy in Great Britain in the mid-1770s?

it gave British entrepreneurs the capital needed to open new factories

How did the enclosure movement affect British farmers?

many farmers lost farms to wealthy landowners, forcing them to move to the cities

Characteristics of the Late 1800s Industrial Production -need for a large labor force -development of steam power -use of metal farm equipment -? What best completes this list?

migration from rural areas

1803-1815 the Napoleonic Wars threatened European political structure 1814-1815 congress of Vienna established the Concert of Europe to reverse political changes What concept was most directly influenced by these events in Europe?


What word identifies Serbia's reason for wanting to establish a Slavic state in the Balkans prior to the start of World War I?


-increase in wealth -growth of a middle class -rise in standard of living -increase in life span -increase in productivity The list above is associated with?

outcome of the Industrial Revolution

-increases in wealth -growth of a middle class -rise in standard of living -increase in the life span -increases in productivity The list above is associated with what?

outcomes of the Industrial Revolution

What was a major change in Europe as a result of WWI?

political boundaries

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government..." Which enlightenment principle is reflected?

popular sovereignty

-sinking of merchant ships -zimmerman Note -sinking of the Lusitania passenger ship The list above is for which event?

reasons for the United States entry into World War I

1917 Russian Revolution Political and economic failure of the provisional government in Russia during the early 1800s-------> ? What best completes the ?

rise of Bolshevik Party

The works of William Blake and William Wordsworth demonstrated the shift from Classicism to_____in Europe


What late 18th century European artistic movement arose as a reaction against Classicism's emphasis on reason?


If President Wilson's 14 Points was a response to the causes of World War I, then it is safe to infer that ___ played a role in the outbreak of the war in 1914?

secret treaties, stock pile of arms, and freedom of the seas

"Survival of the fittest" The quote above applies to which philosophy to justify imperialism?

social darwinism

The economic idea of____developed due to perceived abuses of the Industrial Revolution.


-originally used to pump water out of mines -powered industrial machinery in early factories -used to power trains Characteristics of what?

steam engines

What first demonstrated that popular protest would play a role in the French Revolution?

the Fall of Bastille

what influenced the English Bill of Rights, American Declaration of Independence, and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man?

the Magna Carta

Which event of the French Revolution were Robespierre and the Jacobins primarily responsible?

the Reign of Terror

-workers' discontent -military defeats in WWI -incompetence of government leadership What event is the result of the issues in the list above during the early 20th century?

the Russian Revolution

Which factor contributed the most to the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution of 1910?

the corrupt government of Porfirio Diaz

Which factor encouraged European powers to expand colonization efforts in South Africa during the late 1800s?

the discovery of rare minerals such as gold and diamonds

Stalemate in World War I -Trench warfare -New types of weapons -Failed military plans Which event changed the situation above?

the entry of the United States into the conflict

Which factor was the main cause of Germany's currency to lose its value after WWI?

the payment of forced repaired

What best describes militarism?

the policy of maintaining a large armed force for aggression

What was one factor that enabled Napoleon to seize control of France?

the weakness of the French government

What was the primary purpose of the Berlin Conference in 1884?

to determine rules and procedures for dividing Africa between European powers

"Why should we not form a secret society with but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole world under British rule...for making the Anglo Saxon race but one empire? Which motivation for imperialism is best reflected in the quote above?

to increase political power

What was the all-important goal of the architects of the Meiji Restoration?

to meet the threat posed by outside powers

"The great question of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood." Which of Otto von Bismarck's policies was most compatible with the statement above?

using military force to unite German states

In the 19th century, labor unions developed mostly in response to?

wages and working conditions

Which region did Germany relinquish as a condition of the Treaty of Versailles?


"Man is an animal that makes bargains; no other animal does this. No dogs exchanges bones with another." Whose economic philosophy is represented in the quote above?

Adam smith

The Berlin Conference was held to allow several European nations to claim lands in which place?


"Men being as has been said, by nature all free equal, and independent,no one can put out his estate and subjected to the political power of another without his consent." Which time period is the quote from?

Age of Enlightenment

Which event made the Industrial Revolution possible?

Agricultural Revolution

What is the best example of how population growth contributed to the Industrial Revolution?

Increased population led to new sources of labor to work in the factories

What statement best describes 19th century European colonialism in Africa?

Industrial nations competed for control of natural resources

How was the Ottoman Empire affected by the end of WWI?

It lost its territorial holdings and the Empire dissolved

What was the outcome of Louis Pasteur's research into germ theory during the 19th century?

It proved that cleanliness helps prevent diseases

Three Centuries of Autocracy Overthrown- Russia Breaks Shackles What was the impact of the headline on WWI?

It reduced the number of nations involved in the conflict

Which movement included Count Cavour, Garibaldi, and the Red Shirts?

Italian Unification

Ethiopia, under Menelik II's leadership, was able to fend off an invasion from which European country?


-Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer -Granted a patent for making major improvements to the steam engine -Granted a patent for the steam locomotive Who is the list above most likely referring to?

James Watt

"Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working men of all countries, unite!" Who is most likely to say this?

Karl Marx

Who was extracting vast resources from the Congo prompting the Berlin Conference in 1884-1885?

King Leopold II of Belgium

Which document laid the initial foundations for governmental procedures, focus on rights, installation of checks and balances, and the idea of due process?

Magna Carta

What is a result of the Industrial Revolution?

Manufacturing industries created a demand for urban laborers

Why were the Balkans known as the power kegs of Europe prior to World War I?

Nationalistic rivalries between major states resulted in conflict

World War I cut off European immigration and reduced the pool of available cheap labor to factories located primarily in the northern part of the United States. How did this most likely affect minorities in the United States?

Norther businesses looked to African Americans to fill the shortage in labor

What best describes the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution?

Reactionary purge of violence against suspected traitors

-entrepreneurship -abundance of labor capital to invest -natural resources What does the list above explain?

Reasons the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain

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