World History Study Guide - Age of Exploration-

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Using the arrows, move the letters in the left column up or down to place them in the correct order from top to bottom. Put the following European explorations in chronological order.

1-The first voyage of Columbus arrives in America. 2-John Cabot arrives in Canada. 3-Jacques Cartier explores Canada for France.

About how many slaves were transported across the Atlantic Ocean from Africa to the Americas?

12 million

Which group was responsible for initially capturing the slaves?

African kings

Match each name with the correct description.-Chief Powhatan

Algonquian tribe leader who helped the Jamestown settlers

Which of the following statements is not true about Korea's written language?

Almost all of Korea's culture is borrowed from either China or Japan

Who was the first European explorer to realize that the Americas were not attached to Asia?

Amerigo Vespucci

Why did Portugal receive Brazil?

Brazil was awarded to Portugal as part of the Treaty of Tordesillas.

Which four European nations sent explorers to the American continents to search for land, gold, and spices?

Britain, Portugal, Spain, and France

Match the following periods of Japanese history with their correct description. -Nara period

During this period, the Fujiwara clan became dominant, and roads were built to connect the national capital to the provincial capitals.

Match the following periods of Japanese history with their correct description. -Asuka period

During this period, the name of the country was changed from Wa to Nippon. Also, the Yamato state established itself as the ruling group on the Japanese islands.

Which organization pushed Spain, England, France, and Portugal out of Indonesia because of its control over European trade in Asia?

Dutch East India Company

Which of the following states was not part of the British colonies?


Foot-binding was a practice of the ancient Chinese. In one paragraph, using your own words, describe the process of foot-binding and its social importance.

Foot-Binding was first used in the Tang Dynasty. Girls would do this as a way to restrict foot growth and make their feet as small as possible. It was considered an attractive quality, yet it was painful and permanent. It was usually used to distinguish upper class. Foot-binding would help lower classes improve their social prospects.

Which of the following European countries did not lead campaigns to charter unknown waters and colonize unknown lands during the 15th to 17th centuries?


Henry "The Navigator" is well known for opening up exploration into Africa, which allowed _____ to claim various lands and access to trade.


While its control did not last long, which European empire was the first to gain access to Asia for trade routes and goods?


Under what leader did Japan heavily embrace Buddhism, Confucianism, and other influences from Chinese culture?

Prince Shotoku

Why did the French settlers have better relationships with the Native Americans than their British counterparts?

Rather than forcing the Native Americans off the land, the French settlers established friendly trading relationships with them.

Which of the following was not an effect of European colonization on Latin America?

The native population of Latin America increased dramatically.

Which of the following statements about a samurai's armor and weaponry is true?

The samurai used a long, curved sword

In colonial Brazil, what happened to the natives if they refused to convert to Christianity?

They were enslaved.

Match the following periods of Japanese history with their correct description. -Heian period

This period saw the introduction of the writing system known as kana and an increase in the creation of Japanese literature The end of this period saw Japan enter its medieval period

Which of the following statements is true about Genghis Khan's military conquests?

While conquering many territories, other tribes willingly surrendered to Genghis Khan's army.

What event soon led to the end of the Ottoman Empire?

World War I

Who was the last shogun?

Yoshinobu Tokugawa

The economic system in which most businesses are privately owned is called _____.


Match each Ottoman leader with their achievement. - Mehmed II

captured the ancient city of Constantinople

Match each European explorer with his correct description.- Hernán Cortés

conquered much of Central America, Mexico, and Cuba for Spain

Match each European explorer with his correct description.- Francisco Pizarro

conquered the Inca Empire for Spain

Which two reasons prevented the British from settling in major parts of Africa during the Age of Exploration?

disease and native power

Phillip II's views on the emperor's power was based on which of the following concepts?

divine right

Which of the following areas was not under Ottoman control?

eastern Asia

According to the theory of mercantilism, what was the best way to increase trade and profit?

exporting more than you import

Match each Ottoman leader with their achievement.- Osman I

founded the Ottoman Empire

Indentured servants

granted freedom after working for a certain number of years

As part of the Columbian Exchange, goods were transported between the Americas, Europe, and Africa. Match the following continents with the goods that they received as part of the Columbian Exchange-Africa

guns, textiles, and wine

Match each European explorer with his correct description. -Pedro Álvares Cabral

led the Brazilian exploration for Portugal

Match each Ottoman leader with their achievement. -Suleiman the Magnificent

led the empire to enjoy its greatest power, stability, and wealth

Although the Spanish army was often outnumbered when entering a new territory, which technological advancement gave them the upper hand and kept them from defeat?

metal armor

Who was considered Louis XIV's biggest enemy during his reign?


Which of the following areas did Genghis Khan not conquer?

northern Africa

Match each name with the correct description. -Santa Cruz

one of the many cities claimed by Spain along the West Coast of North America


owned by a master and could not earn their freedom.

Which of the following was not something the early European explorers were looking for?

people to enslave

Which of the following statements is true regarding the Song dynasty?

period of great advancement in farming, the economy, and infrastructure

Match each Ottoman leader with their achievement. -Selim I

placed Syria, Arabia, Palestine, and Egypt under Ottoman control

Which of the following is an effect of the expansion of European empires through exploration? Select all that apply.

political conflicts, more wealth, economic conflicts

Match each name with the correct description. -Cartier

sailed up the Saint Lawrence River and claimed Quebec and Montreal for France

Match each name with the correct description. -Sir Walter Raleigh

sent the first group of settlers to the island of Roanoke

As part of the Columbian Exchange, goods were transported between the Americas, Europe, and Africa. Match the following continents with the goods that they received as part of the Columbian Exchange. -the Americas


As part of the Columbian Exchange, goods were transported between the Americas, Europe, and Africa. Match the following continents with the goods that they received as part of the Columbian Exchange -Europe

sugar and coffee

Which of the following are considered positive, lasting effects of the exploration and conquest of the American continents? Select all that apply.

the Columbian Exchange

The collapse of which Chinese dynasty led to a divided China for almost 400 years?

the Han

Which event turned Korea into an isolationist country?

the Japanese invasion of the late 16th century

Under which dynasty did Korea prosper and the arts blossom?

the Silla dynasty

Why do countries practice isolationism? Select all that apply.

to preserve their own technology

Most slaves came from what part of Africa?


Religion has played an important role in Korean history. In a one-paragraph essay, describe how Buddhism and Confucianism have influenced Korea.

Buddhism and Confucianism influenced Korea and its culture greatly. Confucian teachings were growing popular. Writings and temples of buddhist began to thrive. Korea's culture is unique from the cultural diffusion that occured with the different religious aspects.

Samurai lived by a very strict code called Bushido. In a one-paragraph essay, describe the code that samurai lived by. Your paragraph should be at least four complete sentences long and written in your own words. Make sure to use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Bushido was a strict code samurais lived by. This code provided guidelines for all aspects of life. The code told of the importance of loyalty to the ruler. It also stressed the importance of honor, justice, and courage.

The network known as Triangular Trade connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas. What goods were exported from Europe, and where did they go?

Cash, guns, and cloth went to Africa.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the Tang dynasty?

Chinese culture and art flourished

During the classical periods, Japan was heavily influenced by outside cultures. Which of the following outside influences was not introduced during the classical periods?

Christianity was introduced

During the Asuka period, the ritsuryō system was introduced. This system was based on the doctrines of what religious or philosophical thought?


Match each Arab explorer or cartographer with their correct achievement. -Sulaiman al-h-Mahiri

He mapped a route from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

What did Columbus achieve with the voyages to the new world?

He opened the Americas to European exploration and colonization.

Match each Arab explorer or cartographer with their correct achievement.-Ibn Battuta

He traveled throughout the Islamic world for about thirty years and documented everything he saw.

Which explorer conquered the city of Tenochtitlán and captured the last Aztec leader?

Hernan Cortes

Match each Arab explorer or cartographer with their correct achievement. -Al-Idrisi

His work included over seventy maps.

In 16th century France, the Catholics battled which group?


What was the Capitulación de Toledo, and who was it given to?

It was an official document given to Francisco Pizarro.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the Middle Passage?

It was common for slaves to die on the journey across the ocean

What was the encomienda system?

It was the Spanish system of forced indigenous labor.

What was the name of the first permanent British colony, and where was it located?

Jamestown, Virginia

Who is the mythological founder of the kingdom of Choson?

King Tangun

Which Mongol leader failed to conquer Japan?

Kublai Khan

Who was the first leader of the Tang dynasty?

Li Yuan

Christopher Columbus first encountered native people on the islands of the Bahamas. The largest native population, the Taino, lived on several islands in the region. Which of the following is not one of those islands?


The girl is wearing the traditional attire of the group that conquered the Ming dynasty and Korea by the middle of the 17th century. To which group of people would this dress belong?


Which of the following statements is true regarding the Ottoman Empire?

Many western Europeans perceived the Ottoman Empire to be a threat.

Why do the citizens of Europe's former colonies usually speak the language, or a similar dialect, of their past imperial leaders?

Most colonists were forced to assimilate to the culture and language of their imperial leaders.

What happened to the Vikings?

Most of them converted to Christianity and remained in Scandinavia.

Which of the following places did Zheng He not visit on his voyages of exploration?

North America

The death of _____ probably kept Europe safe from Mongol invasion.

Ogodei Khan

Which of the following was not a reason that the Ottoman Empire started its decline in the 1600s?

Ottoman leadership started to become more abusive of non-Muslims.

In one paragraph, explain the evolution of the slave trade from its start to its expansion to other continents. Be sure to use examples.

Slavery was an existing African industry that made its way to other continents. Portuguese explorers took slaves as new plantations developed. European nations thought exporting crops would bring up the economy and needed labors to help with the agriculture. Europe took slaves from Africa and traded them to Americas for goods. The trade route from Europe to Africa to America was called the triangular trade route.

What was the outcome of China's Age of Exploration?

The Chinese decided that exploration was not worth the money and resources and stopped their voyages of exploration.

The Columbian Exchange is considered to be one of the biggest contributors to the expansion of trade. Using your own words, explain why that is. What made the Columbian Exchange different from previous trade routes? Name at least two positive and two negative impacts of this international connection. Write your response in complete sentences, using correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

The Columbian Exchange was the spread of livestock and agriculture. This trading helped unique nations with culture diversity. There were many positive prospects of the Columbian Exchange but there were also negative ones. One negative prospect of the Columbian Exchange was the carrying of new diseases to foreign lands. These diseases caused much destruction and death.

What made the conquest of the Philippines easy for the Spanish?

The Filipinos were in conflict with one another.

What made Africa desirable to the French during the Age of Exploration?

The French wanted to colonize African lands after losing territory during the Napoleonic and Seven Years Wars.

The Mongol defeat of China and the establishment of the Yuan dynasty was an important event for both cultures and for the world. In a one-paragraph essay, describe how this event affected China, the Mongols, and the world.

The Mongol defeat of China and the establishment of the Yuan dynasty had many impacts on China. One way China was affected was from the various trade routes made. This enabled them to trade more efficiently and boost their economy. The corruption in government led to uprising that brought the new Ming dynasty.

What is a fair assessment of the state of the Spanish monarchy when Charles V inherited his father's territories and became ruler of Spain?

The Spanish Empire was in constant conflict.

What was the world's first novel?

The Tale of Genji

Which of the following statements is false regarding the Vikings?

The Vikings' only source of income was raiding other countries.

Which of the following statements about the end of the Heian period is not true?

The emperor became more powerful at the end of the Heian period

During the Japanese feudal period, the shogun held real power, while the emperor was a puppet. Which of the following is not a reason the emperor remained even though his power was minimal?

The military was still loyal to the emperor

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