World History Test

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List one example of Britain's superior technology.

*British engineers had built a 383-mile-long railway across the desert to transport troops and supplies *steam-powered gunboats

BOX 4: Infrastructure

Colonizers worked hard to to improve their colonies infrastructure. Infrastructure is a large-scale transportation, communication, and other systems that support economic activity. Infrastructure supported their key economic goal, expansion of a colony's export. Europeans built many railroads to transport goods from plantations and mines to the nearest port. There the Europeans constructed warehouses to hold the goods and harbor facilities to serve the cargo ships that carried goods. They stopped short of encouraging their colonies to industrialize. Colonized lands continued to serve solely as sources of raw materials and a few consumer goods well into the twentieth century.

Why did European countries seek to abolish slavery in their colonies?

It went against their ideals of liberty and equality

sphere of influence

an area within which the political and economic interests of one nation are more important than those of other nations

Feelings of superiority also had a cultural aspect. Europeans saw themselves as a __________ to civilize more "backward" peoples.

culturally advanced people with a mission, or duty,

Informal imperialism is when a dominant country

exerts pressure or influence without physical conquest.

They depended on industrializing nations, especially Britain, to buy those goods. Argentina, for example, based its economy on the __________ of meat, hides, and grain into the early 1900s.


Western powers dominated countries and territories by occupying them and ruling them directly. Scholars refer to this as __________.

formal imperialism

The Spanish-American War in 1898 resulted in the United States

gaining control of islands in the South Pacific and the Caribbean Sea

Independence revolutions and the ending of the slave trade severely eroded the imperial system. By the early 1800s, the extent of Western empires __________.

had decreased considerably.

By 1830, __________ of Latin America had gained its political independence.

nearly all

In the late 1800s, Western peoples knew that they had far outstripped others in creating new technology. That led them to believe that they were __________ superior to the races of peoples in Africa and Asia that they dominated.

not only culturally but also biologically

The Roosevelt Corollary allowed the United States to

police unstable Latin American debtor nations

What factors in Latin American states opened the region to imperialism?

political turmoil and economic dependence

One way Britain was able to exercise control over Latin America was by

providing loans to Latin American countries for capital expansion.

Territory that a foreign state claims to control in another country is called a/an

sphere of influence

an area within which the political and economic interests of one nation are more important than those of other nations

sphere of influence

Western imperialist powers used their advanced military technologies, such as __________, to conquer new territories.

steam-powered gunboats and machine guns

Often, with demand being low for Europeans' products, they paid in silver—a __________ arrangement. By around 1800, this mercantile economic system had faded away. Later, a new system evolved. Europeans still took control of foreign lands. But the resulting colonies served not only as sources of raw materials and food but also as markets for machine-made products.


Britain favored the removal of all barriers to trade. As applied to Latin America, scholars call this

"free-trade imperialism."

List one example of Britain's superior weaponry.

*machine-guns that could fire a barrage of bullets a distance of 1,500 yards *steam-powered gunboats

KOREA: Korea AFTER the Japanese victory at Asan, In 1894.

1. A few years later, Japan declared war on Russia, defeated the Russian navy, and took back Manchuria. (First victory of an Asian nation over a European nation.) 2. Japan became an imperialist power 3. China recognized Korea's independence and ceded Taiwan and part of Manchuria to Japan.But Russia, Germany, and France forced Japan to give up Liaodong Peninsula in Manchuria.

INDIA: After the Great Rebellion of 1857

1. Britain continued to manage the Indian economy and introduced industrial technology 2. British stopped trying to turn Indians into Europeans and no longer allowed Indians to be in policy-making positions. 3. British crushed Indian Rebellion and then placed India under direct control of the English Parliament. (This era is known as the British Raj.)

Much of Western imperialism in Latin America was informal, but not all. In spite of the Monroe Doctrine, Britain and France continued to practice imperialism in the region. Britain established or formalized its control of _____1_____ in 1831, _____2_____ in 1833, _____3_____ in 1859, and _____4_____ in 1866.

1. British Guiana 2. the Falkland Islands 3. British Honduras 4. Jamaica

SOUTH AFRICA: BEFORE diamonds were discovered in 1867 near the Vaal River and changed the history of South Africa forever.

1. But the Dutch created a colony in South Africa known as Cape Colony; it had a large number of white settlers. 2. Most European outposts along African coasts were for trading of slaves and gold and used as stopovers when sailing to Asia. 3. British took control of Cape Colony in 1814 and had complete control of South Africa After the Boer war.

VIETNAM: BEFORE Than Tai, became emperor of Vietnam from 1889 until 1907.

1. China lost much of its traditional influence over Southeast Asia. 2. Britain and France divided much of the region between them. 3. French sent troops to secure this area as a colony. 4. French missionaries and traders had been active in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia

EGYPT: BEFORE the Suez Canal was completed.

1. Egypt fell into debt in the 1870s, in part because of the expense of building the Suez Canal, which linked the Mediterranean and Red seas. 2. Protests by Egyptian nationalists led to an uprising in 1882. 3. By 1880, France and Britain had taken financial control of Egypt

EGYPT: AFTER the Suez Canal was completed.

1. European powers met at the Berlin West Africa Conference in 1884-1885 to partition Africa and show who "owned" which slice of the continent. 2. A scramble for Africa occurred with France,Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy asserting rights to various territories. 3. Native Africans fiercely resisted but European weaponry prevailed.

SOUTH AFRICA: AFTER diamonds were discovered in 1867 near the Vaal River and changed the history of South Africa forever.

1. Later, South Africans struck gold which brought commercial mining companies and new machinery to South Africa and increased the economy. 2. Railway construction, trade, and employment boomed. 3. Diamond fields attracted prospectors and immigrants from Europe and the United States.

KOREA: Korea BEFORE the Japanese victory at Asan, In 1894.

1. Meiji restoration in Japan modernized and industrialized the country. 2. Britain, France, Germany, and Russia carved out spheres of influence over key ports and land 3. Japan wanted resources from China and Korea 4. China was slow to industrialize and had a weak military; Europeans wanted to sell goods in China

INDIA: Before the Great Rebellion of 1857 British stopped trying to turn Indians into Europeans and no longer allowed Indians to be in policy-making positions.

1. Over the years, British dominated the political and economic lives of Indians. 2. British East India Company administered colonial India until 1858. 3. The British use of ammunition greased with animal fat (offensive to Muslim and Hindu Indians) triggered a rebellion.

VIETNAM: AFTER Than Tai, became emperor of Vietnam from 1889 until 1907.

1. The United States and other nations competed for control of South Pacific islands for their own economic and military benefit. 2. French governor oversaw the colony and some French troops stayed in Vietnam. 3. Conquest of Indochina brought France a lot of prestige but only a limited amount of trade.

In that volatile atmosphere, even resource-rich nations in Latin America _____1_____. They remained largely dependent on Britain, _____2_____, and other Western countries for _____3_____ goods. Political turmoil and _____4_____ opened these Latin American states to _____5_____, both _____6_____ and informal.

1. failed to industrialize 2. France 3. manufactured 4. economic dependence 5. imperialism 6. formal

European countries introduced their culture into Asia and Africa —including:

1. ideals of liberty 2. Christianity 3. education 4. Language 5. ideals of equality

Starting around 1500, European states practiced _____1_____by establishing coastal outposts and colonies in Africa, the Americas, and _____2_____. Their purpose was to support _____3_____. Independence revolutions and the ending of the _____4_____ severely eroded the imperial system. By the early 1800s, the extent of Western empires had decreased considerably. However, later in the century, a new form of imperialism appeared. A different set of imperialist powers once again sought to expand by exerting control over _____5_____ beyond their borders.

1. imperialism 2. Asia 3. overseas trade 4. slave trade 5. lands, resources, and peoples

Industrialization was a key factor in bringing about the New Imperialism. From the list below choose examples that summarize the role of INDUSTRIALIZATION.

1. industries needed larger markets for their manufactured goods 2. steam-powered warships 3. increased nations' wealth and power 4. advances in military technology 5. increasing supply of natural reindustries needed larger markets for their manufactured goods. sources The ability to dominate other lands enhanced a country's status and prestige

Imperialism also gave political leaders an edge at home by helping them unify public opinion. Social and economic issues—poverty, _____1_____, business downturns—multiplied as countries industrialized. That led to political fragmentation as various interest groups arose to push for _____2_____. The ability to dominate other lands enhanced a country's _____3_____, giving its citizens a sense of _____4_____ that encouraged unity. Thus the popularity of an imperialist foreign policy helped politicians _____5_____ and gain support for their domestic policies.

1. labor strikes 2. reforms 3. status and prestige 4. national superiority 5. overcome political differences

The early settlers of Cape Colony were known as


How did the United States become an imperialist power?

After winning the Spanish-American War, the United States gained colonies in the South Pacific and in the Caribbean Sea.

How did Great Britain alter foreign policy after the Great Rebellion?

British rule grew more authoritarian and put the colony under direct control of the Parliament

In the 1650s, Dutch farmers established the first settlement in Africa called

Cape Colony

Use the map above to answer the question Name the only two independent nations in Africa in 1914.

Ethiopia and Liberia.

The Roosevelt Corollary implied that

Europe had no reason to interfere in Latin America because the United States was powerful enough to police the entire region.

BOX 2: Humanism

European societies thought that slavery was morally wrong. European societies said that it went against their ideas of liberty and equality. All western nations abolished slavery in 1888. European societies/ western nations used their wealth and superior military to try to root out this evil not only in their colonies, but everywhere.

The colonized lands themselves _________ during the imperialist period. possessed advanced military and industrial technology

Failed to industrialize

Use the map above to answer the question Which European countries owned the largest number of colonies in Africa?

Great Britain and France

An army of Mahdists opposed the mixed British and Egyptian force. The Mahdists, Sudanese followers of the Muslim religious leader al-Mahdi, greatly out numbered their opponents. What were two factors that helped the British defeat the Mahdists in Sudan despite being out-numbered?

Great Britain had greater technical skill and firepower.

Which of these BEST describes the scramble for Africa?

Imperialist powers sliced Africa amongst themselves by drawing borders on a map.

BOX 3: Westernization

Imperialists imposed their own legal systems, taxes, and political administration. Imperialists introduced Western education, medicine, technology, languages, and dress. They also worked hard to convert natives peoples to Christianity.

Why do you think a few nations came to control so much of the globe during this time period?


How did improving infrastructure in colonies help imperialist powers?

It helped expand the colonies' exports.

Britain and a handful of other industrialized European nations would control most of Earth's surface—both land and sea. With what two other countries did they comprised the world's main imperialist powers?

Japan and the United States

The Russo-Japanese War resulted in

Japan gaining control over Korea and hegemony over Manchuria.

A U.S. foreign policy focused on keeping European powers from controlling any Latin American nation

Monroe Doctrine

Industrialization helped trigger the new imperialism, through which capitalistic Western powers sought __________ for their machine-made goods.


divide a region into separate political units


Use the information from this reading, Section 6, to fill in the chart summarizing the impact of New Imperialism: BOX 1: Death

People died in Africa due to European armies using force, often brutal, to secure and hold onto territory. The rebellion by the Herero and Nama people in German South West Africa is a great example. The rebels killed about a hundred traders and farmers, in 1904. German response was to try and exterminate the two African groups. A quarter of the original population of 100,000 Herero and Nama survived the slaughter that followed.

based on prejudices related to racial differences


an extension of the Monroe Doctrine declaring that the United States would police unstable Latin American debtor nations; also known as the Big Stick Policy

Roosevelt Corollary

Racist attitudes supported Europeans' notion that they were culturally and even biologically superior to the Asian and African peoples that they dominated.

Social Darwinism

Which of these best describes the involvement of the United States in Latin American nations?

The United States intervened in Latin American affairs both politically and economically.

How did native people in Africa react to imperialist expansion?

They resisted imperialist powers, but could not overcome the superior firearms of Europeans.

Which of these BEST explains why European powers competed intensely for China?

They wanted to market products to China's large population.

One way colonizers improved their colonies' infrastructure was by

building railroads that transported goods.

the tools, machines, and buildings used to produce goods and services


Which of these is an example of Westernization?

converting native peoples to Christianity

Which two resources attracted prospectors to South Africa?

diamonds and gold

At the Berlin West Africa Conference, Europeans

divided Africa among competing imperial powers.

indirect social, political, or economic influence exerted by a dominant state


The British parliament took direct control over India after

hostile Indian soldiers rebelled against the British

a policy in which a state takes political and economic control of areas beyond its borders


Why did the United States help Panama break away from Colombia?

in order for the United States to acquire the right to build the Panama Canal


indirect social, political, or economic influence exerted by a dominant state

Western powers often asserted control over Latin America through

informal imperialism

large-scale transportation, communication, and other systems that support economic activity


This racist viewpoint helped them __________ their imperialism and the way they treated people in their colonies.


A negative consequence of imperialism was that

many people died

By around 1800, this mercantile economic system had faded away. Later, a new system evolved. Europeans still took control of foreign lands. But the resulting colonies served not only as sources of raw materials and food but also as __________.

markets for machine-made products.

Industrialization helped trigger the new imperialism, through which capitalistic Western powers sought __________ for their factories.

raw materials

Britain viewed the Latin American revolutions as a way to strengthen its commercial ties with the region. The economies of the new Latin American countries produced mainly __________.

raw materials.

The new imperialism varied from the old style. Typically, under the old imperialism, a European merchant ship would sail to a colonial port, where it picked up a load of __________. Often, with demand being low for Europeans' products, they paid in silver—a "cash-and-carry" arrangement. By around 1800, this mercantile economic system had faded away. Later, a new system evolved. Europeans still took control of foreign lands. But the resulting colonies served not only as sources of raw materials and food but also as markets for machine-made products.

slaves or spices or other goods.

What did the British deem to be a threat to their control of India?

the expansion of Russia

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