World Politics Midterm

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Which of the following are the reasons why we see capitalist peace? a. countries with higher levels of trade/capital openness are less likely to bluff in fear of losing investment. b. trade increases the cost of war. c. trade makes the values from war more attractive than the gains from trade. d. capitalism makes countries independent from each other. e. countries with higher levels of trade/capital openness are inherently peace-loving

a and b

Choose all the conditions that make war less likely? a. increasing the cost of going to war b. concealing states top secrets about military power and military strategies c. establishing outside enforcement of commitment, including international organizations d. increasing the number of actors involved in a conflict

a and c

Choose all actions that can improve the credibility among alliance partners. a. Joint military planning b. Joint military exercises c. Station troops on one another's soil d. Public ratification e. Maintaining strategic ambiguity

a, b, c, and d

Which of the following are the reasons why some scholars are skeptical about democratic peace theory? a. Democratic states may not have had any chance to fight with each other in the 19th century because there were few democracies at that time. b. democratic states in the 20th century may not have fought with each other because they were allied against more powerful nondemocratic enemy. c. the cost of war is lower for democratic leaders than autocratic leaders d. capitalism may cause both democracy and peace at the same time.

a, b, d

Which are correct? a. the rally-around-the-flag effect describes citizens' tendency to unite to support their country when a dramatic international event occurs. b. the rally-around-the-flag incentive is created by a leader's temptation to spark an international crisis in order to rally public support at home. c. diversionary incentive is less common than once thought because the war is costly. d. the less secure the leader, the greater the diversionary incentives.

a, c, d

Which of the following is correct about alliance and collective security organizations? a. Alliances form when two or more states have a common interest in the outcome of bargaining with an adversary. b. In collective security organizations, membership is restricted to a small number of states with common interests. c. Collective security organization form under the presumption that all states have common interest in preventing war and aggression, regardless of who the perpetrator and victim are. d. The primary purpose of alliance is not to alter bargaining outcomes in favor of one state or another, but rather to ensure that changes to the SQ, if they occur, happen peacefully. e. Both alliance and collective security organization are institutions.

a, c, e

Which of the following is correct about alliance dilemma? a. The weaker side of alliance concerns the risk of abandonment. b. The stronger side of alliance concerns the risk of entrapment. c. The alliance dilemma arises due to a trade-off between the credibility of alliances and effort to control alliance partner. d. To resolve alliance dilemma, most states forge ironclad agreements that they must fulfill.

a,b, and c

Which is cooperation? a. A used to get 45, B used to get 25. Now A gets 35 and B gets 35. b. A used to get 30, B used to get 20. Now A gets 40, B gets 20. c. A used to get 25, B used to get 55. Now A gets 55 and B gets 25.


Which are correct? a. state is the sole actor in international politics b. cooperation always creates additional value. The sum of welfare of both parties will increase than it would otherwise be. c. bargaining and cooperation can happen at the same time d. cooperation will always happen if two parties know they can both better off as a result of cooperation

b and c

Choose all correct statements about bargaining. a. bargaining is an interaction in which no one loses b. bargaining is an interaction in which actors try to resolve disputes over the allocation of a good c. because war is costly, bargaining range generally exists d. bargaining range is a set of deals that both parties prefer to a war.

b, c, d

Choose all correct about war. a. all large scale rioting where more than 1,000 people can be considered as war b. only the military conflicts between state can be considered as war c. states may reach a mutually-preferable negotiation through a bargaining and avoid war if war is sufficiently costly. d. regardless of the cost of war, a settlement that all side prefer to war always exists.


Choose all the conditions that make states more likely to go to war. a. problems arising from complete information b. problems arising from conflicts over goods that are easily split between two states. c. problems arsing from the difficulty of committing to honor a deal. d. problems arising from states having changing amount of power e. problems arising from the first strike advantage

c, d, e

What is preemptive war? 1) a war initiated by a state because it anticipates an imminent attack from an adversary 2) a war initiated by a state because it anticipates its adversary will become stronger in the future. 3) a war initiated by a state because another state has refused to honor its treat commitments 4) a defensive war fought by a state after it has suffered a surprise attack 5) a war fought over the restriction of trade during a crisis between two states

1) a war initiated by a state because it anticipates an imminent attack from an adversary

______ is a concept that describes a world of self-help Unlike domestic politics, international politics is a world of _____ ______does not always lead to chaos. _____ permits order or chaos. 1) anarchy 2) sovereignty 3) strategic interaction 4) anomy

1) anarchy

Once the soviet union and the united states acquired large supplies of nuclear weapons, the chances of a direct military conflict between the two decreased. This is an example of which way we can reduce the likelihood of war? 1) increasing the costs of going to war 2) increasing transparency 3) outside enforcement of commitments 4) increasing the number of actors involved 5) dividing apparently indivisible goods

1) increasing the costs of going to war

Once the International Atomic Energy Agency conducts inspections of members' nuclear energy programs and determined whether nuclear fuel has been diverted to produce weapons, the chances of a military disputes between member states have dramatically decreased. This is an example of which way to reduce war? 1) increasing transparency 2) diving indivisible goods 3) reducing the first strike advantage 4) shrinking he bargaining range 5) facilitating power shifts between countries possessing nuclear weapons and countries lacking nuclear weapons

1) increasing transparency

Choose the concept that the following statement is describing. "This is a situation that a state's commitment to an alliance is so strong that its ally leads it into a war the country did not want." 1) Ironclad alliance 2) Entrapment 3) Abandonment 4) Strategic ambiguity 5) Collective security organization

2) Entrapment

What does it mean when actors are strategic? 1) actors behave with the intent of producing a desired result. 2) actors adopt strategies based on what they believe to be he interests and likely actions of others 3) actors achieve what they attempted to achieve through whatever means they have 4) actors solve the problem on their own without the help or intervention of governments. 5) actors value future and stop pursing short-term interests over long-term benefits

2) actors adopt strategies based on what they believe to be he interests and likely actions of others

Which is the concept described? "This is an institution that helps states cooperate militarily to achieve their common security goals" 1) collective security institutions 2) alliance 3) internal balancing 4) arming 5) balance of power

2) alliance

__________ is a situation in which the military capabilities of two states are roughly equal. When __________ exits, no state has a clear military advantage over the other. 1) symmetric alliances 2) balance of power 3) Bandwagoning 4) defensive alliance 5) collective security

2) balance of power

How do democratic institutions help reduce informational problems? 1) democratic governments conceal information public, so allies and enemies do not know their capabilities 2) policy decisions are usually debated in public, so foreign governments can obtain more information about the country's willingness to fight 3) citizens can easily ascertain how well a conflict is handled and can vote a leader out of office at the next election 4) international organizations with no suppression of information can freely monitor states to make sure they are not cheating on their agreements 5) interest groups in democratic countries can provide valuable expert advice on how to deal with possible conflicts.

2) policy decisions are usually debated in public, so foreign governments can obtain more information about the country's willingness to fight

Which of the following is NOT the problems with the balance of power theory? 1) states sometimes ally with other states, not just to gain strength but because they share the same religion 2) states sometimes ally with former enemies in order to fight a stronger state 3) states sometimes ally with a stronger state instead of allying with others against that state 4) states sometimes ally with whom they share an ideology, not because the allies offer the best military advantage. 5) states do not always consider stronger states to be threatening and therefore do not balance against them

2) states sometimes ally with former enemies in order to fight a stronger state

Which of the following is NOT correct about the UN? 1) Collective security organizations, such as the UN, have been most effective only when there has been relatively strong agreement among the powerful states. 2) The UN plays an important role by organizing peacekeeping missions to help countries reconstruct in the wake of conflict. 3) UN is a type of alliance. 4) All member states in UN are assumed to have common interest in preventing war and aggression. 5) Only five UN members have veto power in the security council

3) UN is a type of alliance

Which described bargaining range? 1) the type of demands a state makes in a crisis 2) a possible outcome to which no states involved in a dispute is worsen off than they would otherwise be. 3) a possible outcome to which states can agree without going to war over a dispute 4) the number of demands a state makes in a crisis 5) the range of interaction where states can create additional values

3) a possible outcome to which states can agree without going to war over a dispute

Why is bargaining over future power (shift of power) especially difficult in international relations? 1) states do not have reasonable explanations about the future power distribution 2) states have secret sources of power that cannot observed 3) a state cannot make a credible commitment to not use increased power to make further demands 4) a state will make up the power loss by forming new alliances and engaging in other risky decisions instead. 5) rising states have incentives to initiate war after they have become strong enough to steal stuff from the declining states

3) a state cannot make a credible commitment to not use increased power to make further demands

While the United States has pledged to defend South Korea, there is little expectation that South Korea would be in a position to return the favor if the U.S homeland were attacked. This is an example of..? 1) balance of power 2) offensive alliance 3) asymmetric alliance 4) collective security 5) prisoners dilemma

3) asymmetric alliance

While the Klingons and Romulans have long been enemies, the Klingons recognize how powerful the Romulans are and so they join them in declaring war on the relatively weak Vulcans so that they can share in the spoils. This is an example of what concept? 1) prisoners dilemma 2) asymmetric alliance 3) bandwagoning 4) balance of power 5) collective security

3) bandwagoning

Why did the U.S. maintain strategic ambiguity in managing the relationship between the U.S., Taiwan, and China? 1) because the U.S. wanted to encourage to declare a war against China. 2) because the U.S. wanted to make China believe that the U.S. will side with China. 3) because the U.S. did not want to be entrapped in a war Taiwan recklessly evoked in a belief that U.S. will assist. 4) because the U.S. wanted to make the alliance ironclad. 5) because Taiwan wanted to avoid the risk of entrapment

3) because the U.S. did not want to be entrapped in a war Taiwan recklessly evoked in a belief that U.S. will assist.

Why do power shifts lead to war? 1) rising states starts war after they have become strong enough to steal stuff from the declining states. 2) power shifts only cause problems when the rising state surpasses he declining sate in strength 3) declining states choose to fight because they prefer a costly war today to an efficient but disadvantageous peace tomorrow 4) the power shift increases the first strike advantage of the rising state 5) the power shift makes state anticipates an imminent attack from adversary

3) declining states choose to fight because they prefer a costly war today to an efficient but disadvantageous peace tomorrow

What does the following statement describe? "This is an assumption that states are coherent actors with a set of interests that belong to the state" 1) object is infinitely divisible 2) no first strike advantage 3) unitary actor assumption 4) bargaining range 5) coordination zone

3) unitary actor assumption

What are collective security organizations? 1) Small groups of actors who band together to go to war with another state. 2) Organizations that help states accumulate the weapons they need to increase their security. 3) Organizations that help collect dues to support states' combined armed forces. 4) Institutions that provide group responses to acts of aggression.

4) Institutions that provide group responses to acts of aggression.

Why would states risk being dragged into another war by joining an alliance? 1) Allies can control what the alliance does, and the alliance will not be dragged into a war without the whole alliance's approval. 2) Since they are in an alliance together, states can trust their allies not to risk a war. 3) A state can easily leave an alliance if its partners needlessly go to war. 4) States can clearly signal whether they will support their allies if a war begins and will be able to deter enemies from attacking. 5) Alliances make war more likely and states can often gain from a successful military intervention.

4) States can clearly signal whether they will support their allies if a war begins and will be able to deter enemies from attacking.

Which of the following is NOT correct about alliances? 1) alliance is an external balancing institution 2) alliances are not permanent 3) alliance and arming can happen at the same time 4) alliance forms only when members agree to have similar responsibilities and contribute in roughly equal amounts 5) offensive alliance is an agreement by which states pledge to join one another in attacking a third state.

4) alliance forms only when members agree to have similar responsibilities and contribute in roughly equal amounts

Which of the following is most likely to lose office after leading their country into war? 1) an autocratic leader whose country wins a war 2) an autocratic leader whose country loses a war 3) an democratic leader whose country wins a war 4) an democratic leader whose country loses a war 5) leaders almost never lose office after winning a war

4) an democratic leader whose country loses a war

Historical evidence attests that some leaders continue fighting a war even after they realized that the war is going poorly. Which describes the leaders rationale behind this? 1) fighting a war brings better outcome than negotiation. 2) negotiation starts after the war brings unfavorable outcomes than before. 3) declining states choose to fight because they prefer a costly war today to a efficient but disadvantageous peace tomorrow. 4) initiating a negotiation in the middle of a war reveals the information to the public that their countries are losing. Leaders do not want that revealed. 5) Most leaders are not afraid of losing office even after they are initiating a losing war.

4) initiating a negotiation in the middle of a war reveals the information to the public that their countries are losing. Leaders do not want that revealed.

____________ is a war caused by powershift ____________is a war begun by a state to prevent an adversary from being a stringer threat in the future In __________, states choose to fight because they prefer a costly war today to an efficient but disadvantageous peace tomorrow. 1) preemptive war 2) bargaining failure 3) cooperative failure war 4) preventive war 5) first-strike advantage

4) preventive war

What is one reason why there would be a democratic peace? 1) people who want to be leaders of democracies are more peaceful than leaders of autocracies 2) citizens of democracies are able to use a domestic institution system to resolve their differences 3) autocratic leaders are less likely to go to war because heir position are more tenuous than democratic leaders 4) the citizens who bear the cost of war restrain leaders who beginning international conflict 5) democracies are more peace-loving are war-prone than non democracies by nature

4) the citizens who bear the cost of war restrain leaders who beginning international conflict

Which of the following best summarizes the democratic peace theory? 1) countries with democratic governments are less likely to experience civil unrest than countries with non-democratic governments. 2) leaders in democratic governments are less likely to initiate war in a fear of losing offices. 3) autocratic countries avoid going to war with democratic countries. 4) democratic countries are less likely than autocratic countries to go to war with any country 5) countries with democratic government are less likely to go to war with other democracies

5) countries with democratic government are less likely to go to war with other democracies

Successful cooperation depends on all EXCEPT 1) the number of actors 2) the number of time actors interact 3) how much the actors interact 4) the accuracy of the information they possess 5) how much outside option you have.

5) how much outside option you have.

T/F: "Commitment problems lead to war primarily because they are no settlements that both would prefer to conflict"


T/F: "Due to the diversionary incentive, most political leaders who are politically insecure are likely to initiate war"


T/F: "Political cost of backing down is lower in democracies than non-democracies"


T/F: "The costlier a war is for a country, the more likely war happens"


"Although the UN matters less than one might hope, it still makes a difference because UN's blessing can be a valuable resource." (T/F)


Collective security organizations have been most effective only when there has been relatively strong agreement among the powerful states, and they have been crippled when those states are in conflict. (T/F)


T/F: "Defensive alliances are more common than offensive alliances"


T/F: "Democratic leaders who lead their countries to a winning war are more likely to lose their offices than nondemocratic leaders who lad their countries to a winning war.


T/F: "Lets supposed a country overestimates its probability of winning when the opponent country knows the actual likelihood. Even if the opponent country tells the country a reality, war may still occur because the country has incentives to not believe it."


T/F: The first strike advantage itself does not cause war.


States are particularly important actors in international politics they exercise _____. _____ indicates that states have the monopoly on the legitimate use of force within their territories. When UN criticizes North Korea's violation of human rights, North Korea regards it as an interference in its ________ 1) prisoners dilemma 2) anarchy 3) sovereignty 4) strategic interaction 5) dominant strategy

3) sovereignty

Through what mechanism does capitalism/free-trade/free-market contribute to world peace? a. by increasing the cost of war b. by resolving the informational problem c. by making countries value the rule of law d. by making goods more indivisible than before

a, b, c

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