WVU PR 215 Exam 3

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That transcends the particular interests of any single organization. EX:

"With every product you purchase, TOMS will help a person in need"

News Conference (Press Conference)

- Two-way communication (vs. News release) - Quick, widespread dissemination at the same time - Save time - Online news conference also becoming popula r - Not only journalists but also bloggers are invited - Trade shows (e.g., Samsung Galaxy Note)

Investor Relations (IR)

-"A strategic management responsibility that integrates finance, communication, marketing and securities law compliance to enable the most effective two-way communication between a company [and] the financial community . . .which ultimately contributes to a company's securities achieving fair valuation" -The goal is to combine the disciplines of communication and finance to accurately portray a company's prospect. -Two major qualification: communication ability & knowledge in finances and regulations/policies

Strategic CSR

-"Strategic CSR has been defined as any ''responsible'' activity regardless of motive (i.e., to serve society at the cost of profits or to serve the bottom line) that potentially allows a firm to achieve a competitive advantage (McWilliams and Siegel 2011)." -AKA: If your CSR activities do not align with the values of your vision and mission, they are not strategic.

Direct Marketing (Traditional/Digital)

-Branding, awareness, immediate purchase -Reach limited -Customer level personalization -Expensive

Consumer Relations

-Confused with marketing -Goals of the program are to develop positive relationships with consumers rather than to sell a certain number of product -Positive relationships with consumers will result in higher sales

Owned media

-Corporate Content -also promoted brand content and brands that ask for shared

News Release

-Document that provides information to mass media -The most common PR tactic -50% of news in Wall Street Journal comes from news releases -75% of journalists use PR sources for stories

Employee Relations

-Employees have been called the organization's "ambassadors" -Primary source of information about the company -Consequently, the public relations and human resources departments concentrate on communicating with employees just as vigorously as it does on delivering the corporate story to the outside world. -Sexual Harassment, layoffs..

Sales Promotions (In store/Online)

-Encourages immediate action -Short term tactic, not sustainable longterm -Results easily measurable -Very expensive

Corporate Advertising

-Even if the messages presented are in the public interest, corporations have to purchase time or space for their ads. -Commercial announcements tend to promote marketplace transitions and PSAs promote social causes and behaviors

Agency PR

-Fast Paced -Variety: Working for several clients at a time, diverse colleagues, wide range of topics(develop expertise in industries. -involved in client acquisition -Great if you like to be constantly challenged

Distributing Media

-First class mail -Fax -Email -Electronic Wire service -Online newsroom


-Great for Brand building -Large reach -Targeting limited -Expensive

Public Relations

-Helps brand awareness, credibility -Large reach -Targeting limited -Free or inexpensive

Mass Media Disadvantages

-More expensive -Less specific audience -More nuances involved with mass media marketing

In-House/Corporate PR

-More focus on specific,long-term goals -On-site-Involved in all aspects/little support -More permanent job / planable working hours -Usually one product line at a time -Entry level jobs pays better than agency -Limited in influence by company hierarchy and corporate culture => Stability and long term consistency

Traditional Media Kit

-News releases -Fact sheet (A supplementary reference tool that summarizes key points about an event, product, or company for media) -Photos with captions -Basic Brochures (Bio of management)

Earned Media

-Organic -Press coverage -also sponsored customer and brands that ask for shared

Satellite Media Tours (SMT)

-Pre-booked, one-on-one interviews (via satellite) from a fixed location with journalists or talk show hosts. -Save time and money

PIC key factors:

-Primary Interest: Advocacy on behalf of the public -Organizational focus: tries to change societal and organizational structures -Goal: Social good -Objectives: Behavior change -Slogan: Do good!

Public Relations key factors:

-Primary interest: relationship with the public -Organizational focus: Communication on behalf of an organization -Goal: Relationship/ Reputation -Relationships are: Primary -Objectives: Awareness -Slogan: Do good and talk about it

Digital Media Kits

-Product, executive photos -Trademark information -Industry association links -Product brochures -Video clips

Civic Event

-Public activities that bring a community together in celebration and fun: Fairs - food and entertainment Festivals - organized around a theme such as ethnic heritage or music Carnivals and Circuses Parades on land and flotillas on water

Niche Media Advantages

-Reach a specific audience -Cost effective advertising -Your marketing is a lot easier

Mass Media Advantages

-Reaches a larger audience -Easier to grow brand awareness -You have more options

Planned Strategic Communications Campaigns EX:

-Rosa Parks: Montgomery Bus Boycott -Jo Ann Robinson- Professor at local black college and head of Women's political council. (led city bus boycott to gain attention and support from MLK)

Key parts of PIC definition

-Science Based -Planned strategic communication campaigns -Achieving significant positive behavioral change -Transcends particular interests of an organization

Niche Media disadvantages

-Smaller reach -Limited number of options -Harder to grow brand awareness

Mass Media

-Still major plat forms, 70% of U.S. adults follow local news, and newspapers -Individuals over age 40 years, spend more time on TV -Traditional mass media has the advantage of being perceived as trusted source of information -Although journalists from mass media often get breaking news tips from social networks, bloggers heavily relay on traditional media

Personal selling (face to face)

-Strong relationship built w customers -Reach limited -Precise targeting possible -Expensive

Media Relations

-The public's perception of business comes primarily from the mass media -Corporation must build a rapport with business editor and reporters by being accessible, open, and honest about company operations and policies

Sporting Event

-Tournaments -Marathons -Triathalons -Rodeos -Olympics: impact PR and public diplomacy

Paid media

-Traditional Ads -also sponsored customer and promoted brand content

Audio News Release (ANR)

-Written for the ear -More concise -More conversational -More expensive to produce

5 Elements of Cultural Competence

1. Acknowledge cultural differences 2. Understand your own culture 3. Engage in self assessment 4. Acquire cultural knowledge and skills 5. View behavior within a cultural context

3 Rules of Thump

1. Show respect, do your research well! 2. Never underestimate the cultural difference 3. Respect, research repeat.

Cost of 30 second SuperBowl ad

5 million or 3.5 million

What percent of adults follow local news and newspapers?


Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Advantages

A concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes ◦ the added value of a comprehensive plan◦ that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines and ◦ combines these disciplines to provide ◦ clarity, consistency and maximum communications impact.


A daily or weekly publication of current events.

Media Interviews

A great deal of media coverage is generated by reporters calling an organization's spokespersonor working through the PR department to arrange an interview with an executive expert


A practice in which companies promote their products as environmentally friendly when in truth the brand provides little ecological benefit.

Special Event

A staged activity that an organization develops or orchestrates to gain attention and acceptance of key publics

Corporate sponsorship is popular because:

A. It enhances reputation B. the product/brand gains visibility C. it generates publicity

Working Global- advantages and disadvantages

Advantages- Best job learning and financial opportunities, Best personal growth(freedom to reinvent yourself), immerse yourself in new cultures, Learn from the best everywhere Disadvantages- Even less comfort zone, Frequent global moves and rebuilding networks, distance from friends/family, taking advantage of global trends

Working National- Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages- Better job learning and financial opportunities, personal growth freedom to reinvent yourself Disadvantages- Less comfort zone, frequent moves and rebuilding networks, distance from friends and family, impacted by global trends.

Working Locally- Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages- Stay in comfort zone, support network, slow pace Disadvantages- Limited growth (never reach full potential), Limited Opportunities, Stuck with early image/opinions, At the mercy to national and global trends

Pareto Principle (80/20 rule)

An observation that for many events, roughly 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes.

Labor Unions

An organization formed by workers to strive for better wages and working conditions

Public Service Announcement (PSA)

An unpaid announcement that promotes the programs of government or voluntary agencies or that serves the public interest (Media outlets make decisions about whether to use the PSA or not)

Media Interviews Guideline

Be newsworthy •Invite all news outlet that might be interested •Choose convenient location •Set date/time with media schedules in mind •Issue invitation early •Prepare media kit and visual materials •Train spokesperson •Anticipate questions

Achieving significant and sustained positive behavioral change. EX:

Campaign of Occupy movement: an international socio political movement addressing social inequity


Campaign to promote Bing. Teamed up with Jay Z's book launch of Decoded. Game/Scavenger hunt to go through Jay Z's life and find pages of his book. Large scale innovative campaign using technology to make it interactive.

non-profit organization sector


Types of Special Events

Civic, Sporting, Contest, Holiday, Progress-Oriented, Historic Commemoration, Social, Artistic, Fundraising, Publicity

Environmental Relations

Corporate concern for the environment and sustainable resources

Public Interest Continuum

Degree to which various mass communication fields save the public interest

Method used in Tourism PR

Destination marketing; it assists travelers in everything from learning about a destination to booking a tour, a flight, a hotel, and even a restaurant at the destination.

Public Relations on continuum


KISS acronym

Keep it short and simple.

Investor Relations

Keeping communications with current or potential stockholders open, positive and legal.

Troy Library

Library threatened to shut down. Book burning party put online and brought huge attention to the library. Library was saved.

Familiarization Trip

Method widely used by travel writers for promotion

Marketing and Advertising on Continuum



Only nonprofit, civic and voluntary organizations are eligible to use ________

Advocacy Groups

Organizations that fight for social causes.

Josiah Wedgwood (1730-1795)

Pottery Business. Made and distributed a piece of pottery about anti slavery.

4 P's of Marketing

Product, Price, Place, Promotion

Integrated Marketing Communication Formula

Public Relations + Marketing Communication= Integrated Marketing Communication (total or full service)

Triple R Principle

Research, Respect, Repeat

United Breaks Guitars Case

Song written by Dave Carrol about United airlines breaking his guitar. After going viral it costed united airlines 180 million

Celebrity Culture

Todays entertainment news cycle is driven by the advent of ______

Ellen samsung publicity stunt

Used a Samsung galaxy to take a selfie with other famous people for money. Accidentally used her iphone to post it later on twitter.

Corporate Social Responsibility

a business's concern for society's welfare

National Image

a cognitive representation that a person holds of a given country, what a person believes to be true about a nation and its people

Chambers of Commerce

a local association to promote and protect the interests of the business community in a particular place.

Professional Associations

a nonprofit organization seeking to further a particular profession, the interests of individuals engaged in that profession and the public interest.

Corporate Philanthropy

all business donations to nonprofit groups, including money, products, and employee time

Trade Groups

consists of manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, distributors in the same field working together to promote an industry

IPO (initial public offering)

first sale of stock by a private company to the public

Health Organizations

hospitals and health agencies

Public interest communications & social marketing on continuum:


Membership Organizations

organizations composed of people who share common business or social interests. advocate for members

Social Service Organizations

philanthropic foundations, cultural organizations, religious organizations

Educational Organizations

programs that provide child care, instruction for primary and secondary students, colleges, universities, trade schools, and schools for special needs students.

unique selling proposition (USP)

refers to the unique benefit exhibited by a company, service, product or brand that enables it to stand out from competitors.

PIC (basic definition)

science based strategic communications to advance human condition.

Public Interest Communications (PIC)

the development and implementation of science based, planned, strategic communication campaigns, with the main goal of achieving significant and sustained positive behavioral change on a public interest issue that transcends the particular interests of any single organization


the name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one sellers product distinct from those of other sellers

Fundraising Event

● Activities in which nonprofit organizations interact with their key publics, especially individual donors, for the purpose of generating support can be important public relations opportunities. ● The ethics of both public relations and fundraising require honest and forthright disclosure of organizational information to donors and to the media. ● Dance Marathon

Publicity Checklist During the Event

● Assist media and help them find subjects to interview ● HUMANIZE ○ People are more interesting than statistics ● Hire an official event photographer ● Think visual when pitching to news and sound for radio ● For large events, create an area specifically for media ● Be creative, pay attention to detail and remember News-Value!

Progress Oriented Event

● Celebrated the growth and development of an organization or community ● Often marked by music, entertainment, fireworks and other celebratory activities ● Example: a school moves to a new building nearby→ marked by a procession from the old school to the next with students carrying symbols such as textbooks and globes ● A single project might lend itself to a series of progress-oriented special events

Social Event

● Ceremonial meals: luncheons & dinners; receptions with beverages and hors d'oeuvres ● Tributes that honor people or organizations and banquets that offer more sumptuous menus and entertainment→ roasts ● Many social events are aimed at employees and volunteers, and their purpose is to thank or recognize members of an important public→ enhance the camaraderie among people who work together, a potential boost to worker productivity. ● Often occur at elegant or unusual locations ● Be attentive to ethical considerations of social events.

Questions to ask when planning PR for events

● Is the event of legitimate interest to the identified key publics? ● Is the date appropriate for everyone? ● Does it conflict with other major happenings, such as sporting or social activities— not only local events but larger events? ● What is the appropriate length for the event? ● Is the theme appropriate? Will it offend or cause anyone to feel excluded? ● Is the site appropriate and accessible?/Is climate a factor? ● Are speakers and entertainers appropriate to the participants of the special event or meeting? ● Is planning assistance available through a convention center or visitors' bureau in the host city of the meeting?


● Some special events are based on popular and widespread observances ● Celebrations such as Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and Thanksgiving ● Some holiday activities are rooted in a particular cultural group → be careful not to give offense by trivializing an event that some of your publics consider sacred in nature ● Hybrids of popular religion and cultural celebrations, such as St. Patrick's Day

Publicity Event

● Tempered by the ethical restraint of needing to offer legitimate news while posturing for the media. ● Within such ethical bounds, there are many activities that could be developed to present the organization's message amid a creative and camera-friendly presentation that offers news to media ● Example: Snausages: brand of doggie treats made by Del Monte foods

Historic Commemoration

● The history of an organization or community provides the background for another kind of special event ● Founders' Days; companies mark the anniversary of their incorporation ● Sometimes observed by re-creating the sights and sounds of an earlier era ● Some historic commemorations include plays, dramatic reenactments of historic events and pageants or historical plays

Artistic Event

● deals with art and culture ● concerts or concert tours, recitals, plays, film festivals, arts shows, photo exhibits and related activities


●allow participants to display their knowledge and skills ● By nature, contests create winners, which leads to increased visibility because of the built-in news value. ○ Science Fairs, Spelling Bees, Game Show events, Reality Show events, Pageants, Sing-offs, Grand Openings with contests

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