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After the sinking of the Lustianaia why did United States not join the war until two years later?

"it was europe's problem"

Fact Pyramid: Why did the United States enter World War 1 in 1917?

1. Hate towards Germany brcasue they killed innocent civilians 2. mexican allies becasue germeny tried to become allies with mexico and take over land 3. German lines about their use of submarines 4. Germany sunk the Lusitania

March 1916

After the Germans sink a French ferry, the Sessex, the United States threatens to break diplomatic relations with the Germans if they ever attacked a civilian ship again.

What is the meaning of the phrase "speres of influences" as used in the following sentence? It gave France and Great Britian the rights to se boundaries within their spheres of influence, "as they may think fit."

An area where a country had authority

November 11, 1918

An armistice ends the fighting in World War 1

June 8th, 1914

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria Assasinated

What is the most important reasy why the Sykes-Picot Agrement was a secret?

Becasue the treaty involved breaking a promise that had been made to the Arab countries.

Purpose of Wilson's Fourteen Points

Begin steps towards organized group of countries

The important clasues of the Versailles Treaty

C, D, E & F

What was the Schlieffen Plan?

Call war against France before turning toward Russia (to cross Belgium)

How did the assassination of the Archducke affect relations in the Balkans?

Caused everyone to gang up and turn on eachother

April 6, 1917

Congress declares war on Germany

What were some major problems caused by the Treaty of Versailles?

Economic Depression Lack of population Countries did not get what they felt like they diserved (land) Eropean countries did not get inpedence

Why are Belkans known as a "power keg"?

Ethically diverse

May 7, 1915

German U-Boats sink the Lustiania

Battle of Marne

Germans tried to cross Marne River and failed trench fighting began after this

January 31, 1917

Germany announces its intention to resume unrestricked use of submarine warefare

Why do you think the Germans resorted to sending the Zimmermann Telegram?

Germany anticipated the U.S would join the war

Claus D of Versailles Treaty

Germany could not have submarines or and air force

Claus E of Versailles Treaty

Germany could not manufacture weapons

How did the Zimmermann Telegram anger the American Government?

Germany would have a neiboring American nation allie

What countries were parts of the Central Powers?

Germany, Austria, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria

What countries were parts of the Allies?

Great Britian, France, Russia, Japan, Romania, Belgium, Greece, and United States

When was WW1

June 8th, 1914 - June 28th, 1919

What happened durring the Gallipoli Campaign?

Ottoman Empire joined war on centrial powers, allies could no longer ship supplies and weapons to russia so an invasion of the gallipoli penisula happened but failed

United Staes entering the war for political or economic reasons?

Political, they dont want the surrounding countries to have an effect on their governemnt.

How did the war ended?

Reps. from each side of the war met and signed an armistence

May 4, 1916

Sussex Pledge - Germany pledges to restrict its submarine warefare and not to attack merchant ships without warning

Claus F of Versailles Treaty

The "war guilt" clause that place sole respomsibility for the war on Germany

Claus C of Versailles Treaty

The limitation of Germnany's army to 100,000 men with no conscription, no tanks, no heay artillery, no poison-gas, no aircraft and no airships

Why didn't the U.S join the League of Nations?

The treaty came with more problems than solutions. League of Nations equaled another World War League of nations goes against the U.S constitution when declairing war Wilson was a Democrat and those who voted against this were Republican.

What was the Allied Powers' approach toward the region between the Mederterian Sea and the Persian Gulf?

They wer eager to have more authority in the Middle East. (imperiliams mindset)

June 28, 1919

Treaty of Versailles is signed, formally ending ww1

February 3, 1917

United States breaks diplomatic relations with Germany in response to January 31st announcement

December 13, 1918

Wilson arrives in France to help negotiate a treaty

Augest 1914

Wilson proclaims neutrality and offers to mediate the conflict

November 7, 1916

Woodroe Wilson elected to a second term as president on the campaign pledge, "He Kept Us Out of War"

April 2, 1917

Woodrow Wilson delivers message to Congress asking for Declaration of War against Germany

What did the German propse to the Mexicans?

allience, militarily and fiancially

How did U.S involvement change the tide of the war?

caused allies to be a powerhouse that could not be taken down

What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

ended war with germany and russia (russia sucessed)

What is unrestricted submarine warefare?

sink any ship without warning

Where did Germany propose allience, militarily and fiancially?

the Zimmermann Telegram

Why would Russia turn away from the allegiance with the Allies?

to focus on their own countries well-being. if mad an alliance with germany they still would be in war

How did United States join WW1?

to protect land mexico becasue they would steel it if joined the war with Germans

Woodrow Wilson reason for going into war

world must be safe for democracy, nelltraity is no longer feasible, American lives have been take which sparks actions within.

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