WWI/ Russian Rev Test

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US declaration of war

April 6, 1917

who was the triple entente

Britain, France, Russia

central powers

Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire

who was the triple alliance

Germany, Austria, Italy

who launched the first modern battleship called the dreadnought in 1906

Great Britain

in a move to isolate France, Bismarck persuaded who to join Germany and Austria-Hungary in the Triple Alliance


when was the assassination of Ferdinand

June 28, 1914

when did the Lusitania sink

May 7, 1915

the US was enraged by Germany's attempt to ally with who



November 11, 1918

What was President Wilson's postwar plan

The 14 Points

how did central powers affect allied shipping


Countries that joined with France, Russia, and GB as allied powers

US, Italy, Japan

All of the following were present at the peace talks at Versailles EXCEPT A) USSR B) France C) Italy D) US


Because of heavy casualties in World War I and the incompetence of Nicholas II, A) a revolution occurred and a provisional government was established B) Nicholas II abdicated and Germany lost World War I C) Lenin seized the Russian government and Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated D) Stalin assassinated Lenin and executed Nicholas II


Disagreeing with Woodrow Wilson, France demanded that any peace settlement must include A) the payment of reparations. B) the guarantee of freedom of the seas. C) the guarantee of freedom of trade. D) the establishment of a "general assembly of nations."


In this cartoon, the flag and the shaded areas on the globe are all red. What does the color red symbolize? A) the spread of communism B) the spread of democracy C) the spread of a market economy D) the spread of capitalism


Looking at the cartoon above, how did Russia change in 1905, which later impacted the nation during the revolution of 1917? A) Russia lost power and influence B) Russia became a neutral power in world events C) Russia gained even more power and influence D) Russia allied itself with Japan to become a superpower during World War I


Payments made to the winners in a war to pay the expenses of a war are called what? A) reparations B) mandates C) militarism D) ententes


Russia wanted control of the Balkans to gain access to A) the Mediterranean Sea B) the Indian Ocean C) Africa D) Asia


The MAIN reason the Versailles Treaty did not create a just and lasting peace was A) the harshness of the terms affecting Germany. B) the creation of new nations from old empires. C) the United States' rejection of the League of Nations. D) the rights granted to France in the Saar region.


The realignment of borders and powers left Austria with a new enemy - A) Serbia B) Bulgaria C) Hungary D) Greece


This event allowed more German soldiers to come to the Western Front. A) Russia's withdrawal from World War I B) Italy's withdrawal from World War I C) the defeat of Austria Hungary D) the defeat of the Ottoman Empire


Under communism, what was the official name of the Soviet Union? A) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics B) United States of Soviet Republics C) United States of Socialist Parties D) Union of Soviet Bolshevik Republics


What did many of the countries at the peace conference want for Germany? A) revenge B) peace without victory C) to destroy Germany's economy D) to restore the balance of power


Which definition best describes an alliance? A) Close association of nations for a common goal. B) Temporary colony. C) A set of demands, which if not met, can lead to war. D) Compensation made by defeated nations for war damages


Which nation was not present at the peace talks at Versailles? A) USSR B) France C) Italy D) US


Who wanted "peace without victory"? A) Woodrow Wilson B) Kaiser Wilhelm II C) Archduke Franz Ferdinand D) Vladimir Lenin


Who was the leader of Germany in World War I? A) Kaiser Wilhelm II B) Archduke Franz Ferdinand C) Emperor Napoleon III D) Tsar Nicholas II


Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks? A) Vladimir Lenin B) Leon Trotsky C) Alexander Kerensky D) Joseph Stalin


Who was the tsar of Russia in 1917? A) Nicholas II B) Vladimir Lenin C) Joseph Stalin D) Wilhelm II


Whose assassination began the series of events which led to World War I? A) Archduke Ferdinand B) Kaiser Wilhelm II C) President Woodrow Wilson D) Prime Minister Chamberlain


Why did Russia leave World War I? A) forced to withdraw because of Bolshevik Revolution B) wanted to save money C) fighting in the Russo-Japanese War D) setting up Provisional Government


WWI was the first war to use what


After Lenin's death in 1924, who became his successor? A) Alexander Kerensky B) Joseph Stalin C) Czar Nicholas II D) Mikhail Gorbachev


All of the following were causes of World War I EXCEPT A) alliance system B) League of Nations C) diplomatic failures D) nationalistic feelings


All of the following were underlying causes of World War I EXCEPT A) imperialism. B) the hatred of the Ottoman Turks by the French. C) nationalism. D) widespread industrialization of the militaries of Europe.


Austria-Hungary's ultimatum to Serbia was triggered by A) Germany's invasion of Belgium. B) the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. C) the sinking of the Lusitania. D) the delivery of the Zimmerman telegram.


During World War I, the United States fought: A) on the side of the Central Powers or Germany. B) on the Allied side with Britain but only after staying neutral for three years. C) on neither side throughout the war. D) on both sides by sending troops to the Allied side and munitions to the Central Powers.


During the Russian Civil War, the Reds or Bolsheviks wanted a communist state while the Whites wanted A) to elect a president B) a czar back in power C) anarchy D) a German leader


Extreme nationalism was such a large problem in this area it was called the Powderkeg of Europe. A) Ottoman Empire B) Balkan peninsula C) Russian Empire D) Italian peninsula


Russia gained control of Bulgaria from the A) Treaty of Prague B) Treaty of San Stefano C) Treaty of Romania D) Treaty of Serbia


The Treaty of Versailles resulted in all of the following EXCEPT A) German repayment of reparations. B) Italy's loss of German-speaking areas in the Alps. C) the return of Alsace-Lorraine to France. D) Germany's loss of its overseas possessions.


The Triple Entente, or Allies, included all of the following EXCEPT A) Russia. B) Turkey. C) England. D) France.


The overthrow of the Provisional Government by Lenin and his followers was known as what? A) Russian Revolution B) Bolshevik Revolution C) Bloody Sunday D) Revolution of 1905


The people facing you in the above cartoon are Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau and David Lloyd George. What does the guillotine represent? A) the Russian Revolution B) the Treaty of Versailles C) U.S. Congress D) World War I


The sides of the first World War were basically A) France and her allies against England and her allies. B) Russia, France, and England against Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. C) Russia and Germany against all remaining powers of Europe. D) England and Italy against Germany and Russia.


The spark which ultimately started World War I was A) the sinking of the Lusitania. B) the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. C) Germany's invasion of Belgium. D) the delivery of the Zimmerman telegram.


This Soviet propaganda poster illustrates the fears of many western nations after the Russian Revolution. What did these nations fear? A) a population explosion in the Soviet Union B) the spread of communism around the world C) the growth of a new Soviet army D) a new Soviet empire stressing capitalism


What effect did the system of alliances between European nations ultimately have in 1914? A) It reduced the devastation of the eventual war. B) It forced all the nations to fight, even if just two of them quarreled. C) It prevented war from breaking out. D) It drew Italy and the US into the war.


What event was the greatest cause of the Russian revolutions of 1917? A) Death of Nicholas II B) World War I C) Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand D) Russo Japanese War


What treaty ended World War I? A) Germany B) Versailles C) France D) Westminster


What type of government did Russia have before World War I? A) constitutional monarchy B) absolute monarchy C) democracy D) dictatorship


What was NOT an outcome of World War I? A) The Russian Revolution occurred, overthrowing the czarist system. B) The world learned to develop atomic power, entering the atomic age. C) The end of many empires. D) Increased demand for independence from colonies.


What was the result of colonial participation in World War I? A) decreased the need for raw materials B) increased demands for independence C) increased demand for manufactured goods D) decreased the desire for colonies


Which group eventually became known as the Central Powers? A) Bolsheviks B) Triple Alliance C) Triple Entente D) Allied Powers


Which of the following was LEAST responsible for causing World War I? A) nationalism of ethnic groups B) American isolationism C) stockpiling military arms D) imperialist competition


Which of the following was a term of the Treaty of Versailles? A) France had to give up land. B) Germany had to pay 32 billion dollars to the Allies. C) The German Kaiser had to return to Germany. D) The German military had to expand.


Who led Russia before World War I? A) Wilhelm II B) Nicholas II C) Woodrow Wilson D) Vladimir Lenin


Who proposed the League of Nations? A) Kaiser Wilhelm II B) Woodrow Wilson C) Adolf Hitler D) Archduke Franz Ferdinand


Who vowed to make the world "safe for democracy"? A) Franz Ferdinand B) Woodrow Wilson C) Vladimir Lenin D) Kaiser Wilhelm II


Wilson's peace plan was called the A) League of Nations B) Fourteen Points C) American Expeditionary Forces D) United Nations


After the Bolshevik revolution, A) Stalin consolidated his power B) Lenin was exiled to Siberia C) Russia fought a civil war D) Germany invaded Russia to gain oil


All of the following were terms of the Treaty of Versailles EXCEPT A) Germany had to accept responsibility for starting World War I B) Germany must pay reparations to the Allies C) Germany was allowed to keep lands gained in the Treaty of Brest Litovsk D) Germany's army was limited to 100,000 men


All of the following were ways Germany was punished by the Treaty of Versailles EXCEPT A) Germany was forced to admit blame for the war. B) Germany had to accept demands for a greatly reduced military. C) Germany was forced to accept a communist form of government. D) Germany had to pay huge war reparations.


Archduke Ferdinand was the heir to the throne of what European nation? A) Germany B) Russia C) Austria-Hungary D) Great Britain


Before World War I, there were distinct differences between what 2 classes in Russia? A) peasants and bourgeoisie B) middle class and nobles C) nobility and peasants D) bourgeoisie and middle class


Before World War I, what divided Europe into competing groups of nations? A) League of Nations B) empire system C) alliance system D) Congress of Vienna


In 1917, Lenin A) tried to force Mexico into war with the United States. B) murdered Archduke Franz Ferdinand. C) led the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. D) organized Germany's submarine strategy to defeat England.


In Russia, which came first? A) Russian Revolution B) Bolshevik Revolution C) Russo Japanese War D) World War I


Lenin's plan to improve the economy in the Soviet Union which also included some aspects of capitalism was called what? A) Great Purge B) Five Year Plan C) New Economic Policy D) Bolshevik Revolution


Nationalism, militarism, imperialism and the alliance system are traditionally given as causes of which war? A) Franco-Prussian War B) Boxer Rebellion C) World War I D) World War II


The Bolsheviks believed in what political philosophy? A) capitalism B) monarchy C) communism D) democracy


The Bolsheviks were the followers of whom? A) Joseph Stalin B) Nicholas II C) Vladimir Lenin D) Wilhelm II


The Central Powers included all of the following countries EXCEPT A) Germany. B) Turkey. C) Italy. D) Austria-Hungary.


The reason for the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was A) hatred for his family. B) dislike of the Archduke. C) desire to be free of Austrian rule. D) terrorism.


The tsar was forced to abdicate and a provisional government under Alexander Kerensky was established. This was known as the A) Bolshevik Revolution B) Revolution of 1905 C) Russian Revolution D) Revolution of 1894


Vladimir Lenin is best remembered in Russian history for: A) leading the Soviet people to victory during World War II B) angering the US by dropping the first Russian atomic bomb C) leading the Bolsheviks in a communist revolution in Russia D) invading Eastern Europe


What event began World War I? A) bombing of Pearl Harbor B) invasion of Poland C) assassination of Archduke Ferdinand D) Treaty of Versailles


What nation's arrival in Europe convinced Germany they couldn't win the war? A) Russia B) Italy C) US D) Canada


What policy glorifies war and promotes the buildup of military power? A) nationalism B) imperialism C) militarism D) communism


What was Lenin's slogan? A) Democracy for all! B) Kill the tsar! C) Peace, Land, Bread! D) End the war today!


What were the dates of World War I? A) 1918-1920 B) 1914-1920 C) 1914-1918 D) 1910-1914


When was World War I fought? A) 1941-1945 B) 1925-1929 C) 1914-1918 D) 1870-1871


When was the Russian Revolution? A) immediately prior to World War II B) in between the World Wars in the 1930s C) during World War I D) during the Cold War


Which group eventually became known as the Allied Powers in World War I? A) Bolsheviks B) Triple Alliance C) Triple Entente D) Central Powers


Which is not a reason Russians were demoralized by war in 1917? A) a fourth of Russian troops had no weapons B) all supplies were going to the war C) they were winning D) there was no food


Which of Wilson's Fourteen Points was included in the Treaty of Versailles? A) Freedom of Seas B) No Secret Treaties C) League of Nations D) Self-determination


Which of these nations failed to approve the Treaty of Versailles? A) Germany B) England C) United States D) France


Which one of the "Big Four" proposed the Fourteen Points? A) Georges Clemenceau of France B) David Lloyd George of Britain C) Woodrow Wilson of the United States D) Benito Mussolini of Italy


Who was the member of the Black Hand who assassinated the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary? A) Franz Joseph B) Franz Ferdinand C) Gavrilo Princip D) Vladimir Lenin


World War I "cost" Europe all of the following EXCEPT A) lives B) property C) democratic parties D) social disruption


After Lenin died, who led the Soviet Union? A) Nicholas II B) Wilhelm II C) Alexander Kerensky D) Joseph Stalin


All of the following are reasons the Versailles Treaty did not create a just and lasting peace EXCEPT A) the harshness of the terms affecting Germany. B) the creation of new nations created instability. C) the needs of the USSR were ignored. D) the military rights granted to France.


All of the following caused the end of the absolute monarchy in Russia EXCEPT A) landless peasants B) incompetence of Nicholas II C) high casualties in World War I D) desire of nobility for economic power


All of the following caused the revolutions in 1917 in Russia EXCEPT A) military defeats in World War I B) landless peasants C) incompetence of Nicholas II D) desire of nobles for democracy


All of the following empires ended because of World War I EXCEPT A) Austria-Hungary B) Ottoman C) Russian D) Great Britain


All of the following empires ended because of World War I EXCEPT A) Ottoman B) Russian C) German D) British


All of the following were causes of World War I EXCEPT A) imperialism B) militarism C) nationalism D) communism


All of the following were causes of the Russian Revolution EXCEPT A) defeat in Russo-Japanese War B) incompetence of Nicholas II C) military defeats and high casualties in WWI D) greed of the powerful peasants


All of the following were problems the tsar could not seem to fix and which led to revolutions EXCEPT A) complaints of workers B) grievances of peasants C) supplies for soldiers D) more land for nobility


All of the following were results of World War I EXCEPT A) transformed life in Europe and America B) wrecked the economy of Europe C) set the stage for a second world war D) set up rules for unrestricted submarine warfare


All of the following were terms of the Treaty of Versailles EXCEPT A) Germany had to accept guilt for World War I B) Germany's army was limited to 100,000 men C) Germany lost their colonies and some lands in Europe D) Germany's navy could have unlimited numbers of submarines


Austria defied the Congress of Berlin by annexing A) Serbia B) Romania C) Bosnia and Bulgaria D) Bosnia and Herzegovina


Austria's loss in the Seven Weeks' War made it try to rebuild its empire in A) Central Asia B) Russia C) the Ukraine D) the Balkans


German authorities helped Lenin return to Russia because they A) shared his belief in revolutionary socialism B) supported the Reds in Russia's civil war C) hoped he could increase Russia's involvement in World War I D) hoped he could promote Russia's withdrawal from World War I


How did World War I end? A) Britain bombed Berlin B) the Germans conquered Paris C) Kaiser Wilhelm II was assassinated D) the Allies signed an armistice with Germany


In 1905, Russia's military showed its weakness when it was defeated by what Asian nation? A) China B) India C) Philippines D) Japan


The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, was especially harsh against which participant in the war? A) England B) France C) Russia D) Germany


The United States entered World War I for all of the following reasons EXCEPT A) unrestricted submarine warfare B) the sinking of the Lusitania C) Zimmerman telegram D) assassination of Franz Ferdinand


The most important treaty after World War I was the Treaty of Versailles with A) Poland B) Austria C) Russia D) Germany


The people facing you in the cartoon are Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau and David Lloyd George. What nation does the man with his back to you represent? A) America B) France C) Great Britain D) Germany


To lessen Russian influence, the Congress of Berlin reduced the size of A) Romania B) Serbia C) Moscow D) Bulgaria


Which of the following empires did not end as a result of World War I? A) Ottoman B) Austro-Hungarian C) Russian D) Mughal


Which of the following was not a major factor in the decision of the United States to enter the war? A) the sinking of the Lusitania B) Mexico's decision to support Germany C) British-American agitation in favor of the Allies D) Russia's Revolution, which pulled them out of the war


Who was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary who was assassinated? A) Woodrow Wilson B) Nicholas II C) Wilhelm II D) Archduke Ferdinand


Who were the "Big 4" at the peace talks at Versailles? A) Russia, Austria, Germany, Turkey B) France, Britain, US, Russia C) Spain, Italy, Portugal, Britain D) US, Britain, Italy, France


The Paris Peace conference angered some because it was

dominated by allies

what was one of Wilson's idea in the 14 Points

freedom of seas for all nations

Wilson worries that punishing any nation too harshly would lead to

future war

how did WWI differ from other wars

it was industrialized

glorification of armed strength was important to many European leaders and was one of the factors that fueled the movement toward war again


what was used to build patriotism


how was a war of attrition fought

trying to outlast each other

Germany was required to

turn over its arms

who went to work in the factories while men went to war


Wilson proposed a league of nations that kept what

world peace

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