You are a newly trained first aid provider responding at work to a report of someone who has collapsed. Which of the following best describes your role in a medical emergency?

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Because you cannot clearly see injuries inside the body, internal bleeding can be difficult to detect which of the following would make you suspect the possibility of internal bleeding?

A person who received a forceful blow to the chest or abdomen

You're treating someone who is sustained a significant blow to the head. He is awake but clearly confused and unable to understand you. A bloody fluid is blowing from one of his years. What should you do?

Activate EMS immediately and manually stabilize the head with your hands

You responded as a first a provider to a coworker who is actually cut himself on his forearm. He is responsive and safe to approach has his hand clampdown on the world, but there's a pool of blood on the floor and the blood is still dripping from Bonita's hands. What approach we take to control the bleeding?

Apply pressure with a clean pad directly to the bleeding site I until it stops

You are caring for a person who has difficulty breathing. A bystander tells you she has asthma but does not have her medication with her. Her breathing is fast, week, and taking significant effort. Her lips look bluish purple and she appears exhausted. Which do you prepare for i?

Breathing failure

A coworker think she may have accidentally swallowed something poisonous. She is responsive and looks worried but does not look or feel sick. What should you do?

Call the poison helpline

It is safe for you to help someone who's been injured by cutting machine. She is responsive, so you introduce yourself and ask if you can help. She agrees and USS she has no difficulty breathing. A quick scan for bleeding reveals a heavily bleed on

Control the bleeding for the injury on her leg

You are the first a provider on the scene for a responsible person who Shortsleeve caught fire while he was welding. The scene is safe and you have removed his burning shirt. Has a burn on his forearm about the size of your palm that has damage skin. What will be your initial treatment for the barn?

Cool a burn was cool or cold water as soon as possible

What is not considered a part of the communitywide emergency medical service system?

Emergency action plan for a workplace

What tool can help you to reduce the time it takes to get a person with a suspected stroke treated at the hospital?

FAST assesment

You approach an Ill employee who works near the furnace is in the glassblowing shop. She is responsive but confused. Her skin is dry and very warm, almost hot to that your touch. What care should you provide to her?

Get her to a cooler place and begin cooling immediately

You have been called to assess a person who accidentally struck his head on a low hanging steel beam. When is this tell you he was initially stunned and slow to respond, but seems much better now. He seems normal to you, but is still a bit confused about what happened. What should you do?

Have him Sica valuation by a healthcare provider or EMS personnel as soon as possible

A coworker of yours is complaining of not feeling well. He says he has severe pressure and discomfort in his chest. His skin is pale, and he is sweating. He asked you not to make a fuss over him, but you know he has a problem with his heart. What should you do?

Have someone activate EMS and get an AED, if one of is available

You are caring for a person who is falling onto a concrete floor for the highlighter. He is responsive and has a small bruise on his four head. What should you do?

Have someone activate EMS while you manually stabilize his head

You are eating lunch in the cafeteria at work when another employee at a nearby table stands up suddenly and grasps his hands around his throat. You go to help and ask him if he's choking how can you tell if the obstructionist of your enterprise your help?

He cannot speak or make any sounds

You are sitting outside with a coworker when he was stung by a bee. He becomes very anxious and tells you he's allergic to bee stings. Within minutes, his face and lips are swollen and his effort to bring becomes more difficult. What should you do?

How to find his prescribed epinephrine autoinjector and assist him and self administering it

You are caring for a person who is falling and injured her forearm, which is lying and unnatural angle. You cut away her short sleeve to reveal an open wound was exposed bone and minor bleeding. What should you do?

Immobilize the limb as found using padding to fill the gaps around and under the arm

Why is angling the body and face towards the ground important when placing a person in the recovery position?

It helps keep fluids and the tongue clear from the airway

You are caring for a person his tooth has been accidentally knocked out. She has no other issues you're concerned about. Proper care for the knocked out tooth includes

Keep in the tooth moist, in saliva

You have responded to an employee fall in the manufacturing plant where you work your assessment makes you suspect the responsible employee may have an injured back. He's fallen into an aisle way that sometimes has a fork lift traffic. How should you address that?

Leave him or you found him and have other stop any forklift traffic

Smoke is coming out of a utility room where you know a coworker has been working. What should you do?

Pause and assess for hazards before entering the room

You are caring for a coworker with a nosebleed. What should you do to provide care?

Pinch the soft portion of the nose and have him tell his head forward, chin down

You responded to a report of a coworker collapsing in the lunch room. When you arrive she is lying on the floor not moving. Other employees are looking to you to take charge. You find her to be unresponsive so you direct others to activate EMS and get the emergency AED. During your breathing assessment, you determine she's breathing normally. What is your next step?

Place her in the recovery position to protect her airway

You are waiting for EMS to arrive while caring for a person with an altered mental status. If the person's level of responsiveness become severely diminished, what should you do?

Place him in a recovery position to maintain and protect the airway

What is the general underlying cause of shock?

Poor blood flow creates a shortage of oxygen to the body

You are talking with a group of coworkers when one of them suddenly collapsed on the ground. Her whole body is jerking and convulsing. What is your immediate care?

Protect her from further injury by moving away any objects that might bump into her

You have been called to have a visitor to your workplace he was interacting normally but suddenly became confused, shaky, and pale. The person he is with tells you he is diabetic and a medical alert bracelet confirms that. The man is able to follow simple commands and can swallow without trouble. How should your spot?

Provided glucose tablets or something that contains dietary sugars

Your coworker who has been standing in place for a long time on monitoring a production line tells you that he suddenly feels lightheaded and warm. How should you respond?

Quickly lay him flat on his back, and elevate his feet 6 to 12 inches

You are a trained first aid provider and you encounter a motor vehicle accident scene while driving to work. Two cars are involved, and it looks like people are injured. You think about stopping but you hesitate because it all seems so overwhelming to handle. What should you do?

Stop and help to the best of your ability. EMS should arrive shortly and take over.

You are finishing up a job in the shop area at work when you hear a series of loud thumps and then someone yelling out. You cautiously move around a corner to take a better look and see a coworker sprawled on the ground at the bottom of the flight of stairs. She is groaning and appears to be in pain. Some blood is visible on her forehead. What leads you to believe she might be seriously injured?

The suspected mechanism of injury

What is the basic purpose of good Samaritan laws?

To encourage bystanders to help those in need by protecting anyone who volunteers assistance

You are attempting to control bleeding on a coworker who has cut himself while using a handle on a job site. How should you best describe the possibility of being exposed to an infectious blood borne disease?

Where protective barriers such as gloves, regardless of your relationship with the person you're helping

On a bitterly cold day, you are caring for a fellow logger him you suspect of having frostbite on his fingers. Auroral EMS services on the way to your locking site. What general care should you provide?

Wrap the affected fingers in a clean towel or pad, keeping them still and protected

You are a newly trained first aid provider responding at work to a report of someone who has collapsed. Which of the following best describes your role in a medical emergency?

You are trained to recognize, assess, and prioritize the need for first aid care.

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