Zoology Acoelomate, Molusca, Annelida quiz

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The outer body covering of a nematode is a relatively thick, noncellular cuticle, which is constructed primarily of a protein known as collagen.


The paired appendages used for locomotion in polychaetes are called parapodia


The pseudocoel is derived from the embryonic blastocoel


The pulmonate snails lack gills, and their mantle cavity functions in an analogous fashion to a lung


The repeated reproductive units of tapeworms are known as proglottids


The tongue-like, rasping organ in the head of most molluscs is the radula.


The traditionally accepted class Turbellaria is paraphyletic because some ectolecithal turbellarians should be allied with tematodes, monogeneans, and cestodes in a sister group.


Torsion in gastropods caused the mantle cavity and the organs it contained to lie above the head


Trematodes have a body covering known as a tegument


Turbellarians have light-sensitive organs called ocelli


Turbellarians have rod-shaped rhabdites in the epidermis which produce mucous.


When earthworms mate, the clitellum secretes mucus to hold them together.


With respect to obtaining food, most clams and related organisms can be described as suspension feeders


A pseudocoelom allows for which of the following? A. Greater freedom of movement B. Space for development and differentiation of digestive, excretory and reproductive systems C. A simple means of circulation D. A storage place for waste products to be discharged to the outside E. All of the above are true.

E (all of the above are true)

Rotifers have a unique ciliated crown known as the corona


Since flatworms lack a coelom or a pseudocoel, they are termed acoelomate animals.


The Onychophora and Tardigrada share some arthropod-like characteristics.


The acoelomates are the simplest animals with three germ layers, bilateral symmetry, and an organ-system level of organization


The annelids, molluscs, and arthropods are considered members of Protostomia.


The cephalopods are the marine active predators.


The circulatory system of cephalopods is more efficient than other molluscs because it is closed and has accessory hearts at the base of each gill.


The class Gastropoda is the most diverse and ecologically the most successful mollusc group


The edible clams, oysters, and scallops belong to the class Bivalvia


The entire forepart of the body of a loriciferan can be withdrawn into the lorica


The free-swimming, ciliated stage that hatches from a digenetic trematode egg is the miracidium


The holdfast of a tapeworm is its scolex


The infective stage of Ascaris is the egg which is resistant to adverse conditions.


The largest invertebrate known, the giant squid, belongs to the class Cephalopoda


The leeches are unique in that they have both an anterior and a posterior sucker


The main body of the cestode is the strobila, or chain of proglottids


The nematodes are the most diverse of the pseudocoelomates and include many important human parasites.


The onychophorans have varied reproductive strategies; some are viviparous, some are oviparous and others are ovoviviparous


The organs of excretion in the earthworm are nephridia


Structures found in tapeworms but not in other flatworms are A. proglottids. B. scolex. C. strobila. D. all of these

D (all of these)

The typical nervous system of annelids consists of A. a brain and a ventral nerve cord. B. a ladder-like pattern. C. a nerve net. D. a brain, a ventral nerve cord, and a dorsal nerve cord.

A (a brain and ventral nerve cord)

Locomotion in most of the Bivalvia is accomplished by A. a muscular foot. B. ciliary action. C. jet propulsion. D. all of these

A (a muscular foot)

Some typical leech characteristics are as follows A. anterior and posterior suckers, a clitellum, no setae. B. setae, clitellum, and separate sexes. C. parapodia, no setae, and hermaphroditism. D. anterior and posterior suckers, separate sexes, and setae.

A (anterior and posterior suckers, a clitellum, no setae)

The monogenetic flukes A. are mostly ectoparasites of fish. B. are usually found in rabbits. C. require an intermediate and a definitive host. D. all of these

A (are mostly ectoparasites of fish)

Some characteristics of flatworms are A. bilateral symmetry, triploblastic, acoelomate. B. acoelomate, diploblastic, bilateral symmetry. C. radial symmetry, triploblastic, acoelomate. D. diploblastic, radial symmetry, acoelomate.

A (bilateral symmetry, tripoblastic, acoelomate)

The cocoon in the earthworm is produced by the A. clitellum. B. prostomium. C. calciferous glands. D. chloragogen cells.

A (clitellum)

Humans become infected with liver flukes by A. eating infected raw fish. B. eating infected snails. C. drinking water contaminated with eggs. D. swimming in infected waters.

A (eating infected raw fish)

In flame cells A. flagella drive fluid through tubules. B. digestion of proteins takes place. C. excretion of proteins is one important function. D. the heat is intense.

A (flagella drive fluid through tubules)

Leeches A. have a fixed number of somites. B. respire through gills. C. lack excretory organs. D. have a permanent clitellum.

A (have a fixed number of somites)

Acanthocephalans A. parasitize fish, birds, and mammals. B. are monoecious. C. have a well-developed digestive tract. D. are found in the host's liver.

A (parasitize fish, birds, and mammals)

Onychophorans A. share some characteristics with annelids and some with arthropods. B. are called water bears. C. are marine. D. feed on fish.

A (share some characteristics with annelids and some with arthropods)

Juvenile trichina worms live in the A. skeletal muscle. B. intestine. C. lungs. D. liver.

A (skeletal muscle)

Concerning reproduction in Bivalvia, A. they tend to be hermaphroditic. B. fertilization is usually external. C. development is direct (no larva). D. the adult stage is called a glochidium.

A (they tend to be hermaphroditic)

The clam worm gets food by A. using its eversible pharynx. B. muco-ciliary filter-feeding. C. ingesting food-laden sand. D. all of these

A (using its eversible pharynx)

Rotifers A. are primarily marine. B. are dioecious. C. lack an excretory system. D. lack a digestive tract.

B (are dioecious)

Nematomorphs A. are called spiny-headed worms. B. are free-living as adults and parasitic as juveniles. C. are rare. D. are found in the host's liver.

B (are free-living as adults and parasitic as juveniles)

The circulatory system of cephalopods is more efficient than that of other molluscs because A. it has blood. B. it is closed. C. cephalopods breathe air. D. all of these

B (it is closed)

The water current in the body of a cephalopod mollusc provides A. oxygen for respiration. B. jet power for rapid locomotion. C. a means of carrying wastes and gametes out of the body. D. all of these

B (jet power for rapid locomotion)

Current medical uses of annelids involve A. flatworms. B. leeches. C. polychaetes. D. freshwater oligochaetes.

B (leeches)

Elephantiasis is caused by filarial worms that live in the A. muscles. B. lymphatic system. C. intestine. D. lungs.

B (lymphatic system)

The characteristics that generally typify molluscs are A. foot, mantle, protonephridia, shell. B. radula, open circulation, mantle, shell. C. coelom, mantle, closed circulation, radula. D. no anus, pseudocoel, mantle, shell.

B (radula, open circulation, mantle, shell)

The following characteristics are typical of annelids: A. segmentation, open circulation, and nephridia. B. segmentation, closed circulation, and nephridia. C. no anus, nephridia, and coelom. D. nephridia, coelom, and open circulation.

B (segmentation, closed circulation, and nephridia)

"Ectolecithal" describes a situation in which A. there is no yolk. B. yolk is contained in separate cells outside the zygote. C. yolk is concentrated at one end of the zygote. D. yolk is found around the perimeter of the zygote.

B (yolk is contained in separate cells outside the zygote)

The larva of polychaetes is A. lacking. B. a pilidium. C. a trochophore. D. a nauplius.

C (a trochophore)

Nematodes A. possess flame cells. B. possess an incomplete digestive tract. C. are dioecious. D. have external cilia.

C (are dioecious)

Humans become infected with Taenia saginatus when they A. eat poorly cooked fish. B. eat poorly cooked pork. C. eat poorly cooked beef. D. all of these

C (eat poorly cooked beef)

The flatworms are more derived (or advanced) than the cnidarians because of their A. circulatory and digestive systems. B. circulatory and respiratory systems. C. excretory and nervous systems. D. respiratory and digestive systems.

C (excretory and nervous systems)

Tardigrades A. are mostly marine. B. have jointed legs. C. have a cuticle. D. appear to be closely related to kinorhynchs.

C (have a cuticle)

Movement in annelids involves A. longitudinal muscles only. B. circular muscles only. C. longitudinal and circular muscles. D. the hydrostatic skeleton only.

C (longitudinal and circular muscles)

The intermediate host of the blood fluke Schistosoma is a A. fish B. human C. snail D. dog

C (snail)

The circulatory system in the earthworm A. is absent. B. is an open type. C. uses the dorsal vessel as the main pumping organ. D. has no pumping structure and depends on the action of body muscles to move the blood.

C (uses the dorsal vessel as the main pumping organ)

The nervous system in planaria is A. absent. B. a nerve net. C. a single ventral cord. D. a ladder type.

D (a ladder type)

Annelids are thought to be related to molluscs because A. they have a similar nervous system. B. a shared metameric body plan though the mechanism of segmentation may be different. C. they both have a similar trochophore larva. D. all of these

D (all of these)

Free-living flatworms have A. ocelli. B. tactile cells. C. chemoreceptors. D. all of these

D (all of these)

In coelomate animals, the coelom A. develops as a secondary cavity within the mesoderm. B. is filled with fluid. C. can serve as a hydrostatic skeleton. D. all of these

D (all of these)

Leeches A. are found mainly in fresh water. B. may be ectoparasites or micropredators. C. are hermaphroditic. D. all of these

D (all of these)

A nematomorph worm is responsible for causing river blindness in many tropical areas


All pseudocoelomate organisms have a complete digestive tract


Annelids grow by producing new segments at the anterior end.


Annelids transport food, wastes, and respiratory gases via their circulatory system and the tracheal system.


Earthworms possess paired fleshy appendages called parapodia.


Flame cells are the primary excretory structures in rotifers


Humans become infected with Taenia solium by eating insufficiently cooked beef


Most molluscs are found in fresh water, but a few live in the ocean or on land.


Nematodes have circular muscles, but no longitudinal muscles in their body wall.


Radial symmetry and cephalization evolved together in the acoelomate animals


The Acanthocephala are nonparasitic, freshwater worms.


The main ill effects in schistosomiasis result from damage done by the adult worms


The mantle cavity in a mollusc houses the gills, foot, and head.


The most diverse class of annelids is the earthworms.


The pseudocoelomates include the cnidarians, the rotifers and the gnathostomulids


The terrestrial tardigrades cannot withstand harsh environmental conditions.


A number of Digenea are parasites of domestic animals and humans.


A state in which metabolism is extremely low, and in which the water content of the body is reduced to a few percent, is called cryptobiosis


Adult Ascaris worms are found in the host's small intestine


Adult tapeworms live in the digestive tract of vertebrates


An organism with three distinct germ layers is termed triploblastic


Annelids may be characterized as protostomes, with spiral cleavage and mosaic development.


Asexually reproducing stages of digeneans in their snail hosts are the sporocyst and redia


Because of their body shape and metabolic requirements, early flatworms must have been well predisposed toward parasitism


Caterpillar-like animals found in humid, mostly tropical habitats belong to the phylum Onychophora


Digenetic trematodes typically have a vertebrate as the definitive host and a mollusc as the intermediate host.


Eggs of rotifers that are unfertilized and develop parthenogenetically only into females are described as amictic, while those that undergo meiosis and are haploid are mictic.


Except in the leeches, the annelid coelom is filled with fluid and serves as a hydrostatic skeleton.


Female pinworms migrate out the anus to lay their eggs.


Filarial worms (Wuchereria and Brugia) are transmitted by mosquitoes


Flatworms have three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm


Humans are infected with Trichinella spiralis by eating insufficiently cooked pork


Humans can get Ascaris parasites by ingestion of contaminated vegetables.


In contrast to other flatworms, tapeworms lack a digestive tract


In the annelids, each internal compartment is lined with peritoneum or mesodermal epithelium


Leeches are found predominantly in freshwater habitats, but some are marine and a few are terrestrial.


Leeches secrete both an anesthetic and an anticoagulant in their saliva.


Leeches typically lack both setae and septa


Long and chronic infection with Wuchereria can result in elephantiasis


Many freshwater clams have specialized, parasitic glochidia or veliger larvae.


Many rotifers can reproduce parthenogenetically


Mesodermal cells, known as parenchyma cells, fill the space between muscles and visceral organs in flatworms.


Minute, mostly terrestrial animals living in the water film that surrounds mosses and lichens belong to the phylum Tardigrada


Molluscs are important to humans because of their important ecological niches, because a variety of them are eaten, and because some kinds produce pearls.


Most annelids possess tiny bristles called setae


Most cephalopod molluscs can change colors because of special pigment cells that are called chromatophores


Most individual turbellarians contain organs of both sexes and are thus termed monoecious or hermaphroditic


Most male nematodes bear a pair of copulatory spicules at their posterior end to aid in insemination of the female.


Most monogeneans are external parasites of fish


Most nematode worms are under 5 cm long, but some are over a meter in length


Most turbellarian flatworms are free-living, but the flukes and tapeworms are all parasitic


Nematodes have a fluid-filled pseudocoel that serves as a hydrostatic skeleton.


Nematodes have no circular muscles in the body wall; therefore, the cuticle serves as the antagonist to the longitudinal muscles.


Nematodes only have longitudinal muscles, which results in their characteristic thrashing movement.


People become infected with Schisitosoma when cercariae penetrate the skin.


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