08. Vehicle Code Enforcement

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B.A.C. Under 21

.02 legal BAC

Start to show signs of impairment

.03 BAC

4529 - Slow moving vehicle emblem

All implements of husbandry, special mobile equipment, and all animal drawn vehicles designed to operate at speeds of less than 25mph must have a slow moving vehicle emblem (orange triangle) displayed on the rear of the vehicle along with other required light. Unlawful to display the emblem on vehicles traveling at speeds in excess of 25mph. A slow moving vehicle emblem shall be displayed on the rear of a vehicle in tow unless one is clearly visible on the rear of the towing vehicle.


to withdraw temporarily by formal action of the Department of any license, registration or privilege issued or granted by the Department. Following a period of suspension, the Department shall restore the license, registration, or privilege. After the period of suspension, have to pay a fee in order to receive it.


two or more vehicles physically interconnected in tandem. TT-ST (Truck tractor-Semi Trailer) is an example.


to void or terminate by formal action of the dept. of any license, registration or privilege issued/granted by the dept. to which the individual is no longer entitled. Typically because PENNDOT finds fraud or information is wrong on the license or registration.


to withdraw by formal action of the department for an indefinite period the operating privilege of a person for reasons of incompetence.

1611 - Disqualification

License for a CDL will be disqualified if: DUI Accidents w/injuries Accidents w/damage to attended and unattended vehicles Felony. Etc.

1539 - Suspension for accumulation of points

License is suspended after accumulating 6 - points

1542 - Revocation of habitual offender's license

PENNDOT assigns this to someone. Has to have 3 or more violations within 5 years.

1543 - Driving while Operating Privilege is Suspended or Revoked

(A) - Any person who drives a motor vehicle on any highway or trafficway of this Commonwealth after the commencement of a suspension, revocation or cancellation of the operating privilege and before the operating privilege has been restored is guilty of a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $200. (B) - Deals with alcohol $1,000 fine and 990 days in jail. 2nd offense = $2,500 fine, 6 months in jail 3rd and subsequent offense = 2 years in jail, $5,000 fine. Suspension: You get no credit for your suspension until either the court or PENNDOT has your license. You get no credit for your suspension while you are in jail. If you commit 3 or more serious traffic offenses in a 5 year period, PENNDOT will take your license for an extra 5 years.

3313 - Restrictions on use of limited access highways

(A) - the department may regulate or prohibit the use of any limited access highway by any class or kind of traffic which is found to be incompatible with the normal and safe movement of traffic. (B) - traffic control devices shall be erected and placed at the entrances stating the restrictions. (C) - motorcycles may be operated on limited access highways except where prohibited. Subsection (d) - Vehicles shall be driven in the lane nearest the right hand edge of the roadway, except when overtaking another vehicle or for a distance of up to two miles in preparation for a left turn or as directed by official traffic control devices, police officers, or appropriately attired persons authorized to direct, control or regulate traffic.

1515 - Notice of change of name or address

A licensee is required to notify the Department within 15 days of a change of name or address. Penalty is $25 fine. Upon notice of an address change to an out of state address the Department shall not renew the license until the person reestablishes a Pennsylvania address.

3718 - Minor prohibited from operating with any alcohol in system

A minor shall not drive, operate or be in physical control of a motor vehicle while having any alcohol in his system. Under 21yo. Summary offense - $100 & 3 month suspension.

3742.1 - Accidents involving death or injury

A person whose operating privilege was disqualified, canceled, recalled, revoked or suspended and not restored or who does not hold a valid driver's license and applicable endorsements for the type and class of vehicle being operated commits an offense under this section if the person was the driver of any vehicle and; Caused an accident resulting in injury or death of a person; or Acting with negligence that contributed to causing the accident resulting in injury or death of a person (M2 or F3) The motor vehicle may be deemed contraband and forfeited.

1613 - Implied Consent

A police officer with reasonable grounds/reasonable suspicion may request a test of breath, blood or urine for any alcohol in their system.

Out of Service Order -

A temporary prohibition against driving a commercial motor vehicle.


Agreement between the states to honor each other's drivers licenses, license plates, inspections, registrations, etc.

4304 - Obstructed lights not required

All vehicles operated in combination during the time period lighting is required, the rear of the rear-most vehicle must display the same lights as the front vehicle (besides headlamps).

What is a pursuit

An active attempt by a police officer operating a motor vehicle to apprehend one or more occupants of a motor vehicle. When the driver of the vehicle is resisting the apprehension by maintaining or increasing his speed or ignoring the police officer's audible or visual signal to stop.

3733 - Fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer

Any driver of a motor vehicle who willfully fails or refuses to bring his vehicle to a stop, or who otherwise flees or attempts to elude a pursuing police officer, when given a visual and audio signal to bring the vehicle to a stop. (Misdemeanor of the 2nd degree) (F3) Defenses: Time and location. Type of vehicle used by police (marked or unmarked). Was the police officer uniformed in an unmarked car? Defendants conduct What were he/she like? Nice or disrespectful? Whether the defendant stopped at the nearest reasonably lighted or populated area. Any other factor considered by the court. **Police officers can "inspect" anything that moves on the road; people will lie and say my fuse blew, so pull them out of the vehicle and function and check their lights**

3719 - Passengers in open trucks

Any open-bed pickup truck or open flatbed truck may not be driven at a speed of more than 35mph if any person is occupying the bed of the truck. Such a truck may not be driven at any speed if a child less than 18yo is occupying the bed of the truck. Exceptions: A child of a farmer can be transported between parts of their farm for work. A child with a hunting license being transported between the hunting camp and the site during the season. A child in an officially sanctioned parade.

4581 - Restraint systems

Any person in a vehicle shall wear a seatbelt. Children between 4-7 must be buckled in a booster seat no matter where positioned in the vehicle.

3714 - Careless driving

Any person in careless disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of careless driving, a summary offense. If the person who violates this section unintentionally causes the death of another person as a result of the violation, the person shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $500. If the person who violates this section unintentionally causes the serious bodily injury of another person as a result of the violation, the person shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $250.

6303 - Rights and Liabilities of Minors:

Any person over 16 years of age charged with a violation of any summary provision of this title shall have all the rights of an adult and may be prosecuted in the same manner. Exception is that no person under 18 years of age may be sent to prison for a summary offense.

3736 - Reckless Driving

Any person who drives any vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving. Violation - pay a fine of $200.

3734 - Driving without lights to avoid identification or arrest.

Any person who drives without lights or turns off any or all the lights on a motor vehicle for the purpose of avoiding identification or arrest is guilty of a summary offense and shall, upon conviction be sentenced to pay a fine of $200.

1547 - Chemical Testing to Determine Amount of Alcohol or Controlled Substance (Implied Consent Law)

Any person who drives, operates or is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle shall be deemed to have given consent to one or more chemical tests. The only time a police officer can ask or give another test is when there is a defect in the instrument being used. Breath, Blood or Urine tests can be given if a police officer has reasonable grounds to believe the person was driving, operating, or was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle & while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. It shall be the duty of the police officer to inform the person that their license will be suspended upon refusal to submit to chemical testing. The test shall be admissible in court as evidence if it is given by qualified persons using approved equipment. ARD strictly deals with DUI in vehicle code.

1312 - Name and Address correct

Any person who moves from the address on the registration or changes their name must notify the department of the change within 15 days. Failure is $25 fine.

3732 - Homicide by vehicle

Any person who recklessly or with gross negligence causes the death of another person while engaged in the violation of any state or local law applying to the operation of a motor vehicle. Violation - Felony of 3rd degree. 3 year suspension of drivers license. **and can do involuntary manslaughter**

1540 - Surrender of License

Any police officer or designated employee of the Commonwealth shall be authorized to confiscate any license that has been revoked, suspended, canceled or disqualified. The confiscated license shall be returned to the department, unless it is necessary to keep the license as evidence of an offense. All persons shall be notified by the Department for their suspension, revocation, or disqualification.

Commercial Vehicle -

Any vehicle that has a gross weight rating of 26,001lbs or more. A vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver. A school bus, no matter the size. If the vehicle is transporting hazardous materials and is required to display a placard.

3105 - Drivers of emergency vehicles (SPECIAL PRIVILEGES)

Authorizes the driver on an emergency vehicle when responding to an emergency call or pursuing an actual or suspected violator of the law, to exercise special privileges.

4302 - Periods for requiring lighted lamps

Between sunset and sunrise. Anytime when, due to insufficient light or unfavorable atmosphere if conditions, including rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog, smoke or smog (cannot see for a distance of 1000ft ahead).

1554 - Probationary License

Can be given to: Habitual offenders Persons with suspensions or revocations wherein the cumulative term of suspension or revocation is five or more years. Department may issue a probationary license for the operation of only a Class C non-commercial motor vehicle.

3305 - Limitations on overtaking on the left

Cannot pass on the left unless the roadway is clearly visible and is free of oncoming traffic. The pass can be made without interfering with oncoming traffic or the vehicle being passed. Where permitted and the roadway is clear for 200 feet.

6312 - Liquor or malt or brewed beverages

Circumstantial evidence is enough to to prove that the substance is a Liquor or Malt or Brewed Beverage if open/closed container.

1504 - Classes of Licenses

Class A - 26,001lbs or more, tow in excess of 10,000lbs. Class B - 26,001lbs or more, tow not more than 10,000lbs. No Class C - not more than 26,001lbs. Class M - Motorcycle

Breath tests

Copy of the Pennsylvania bulletin, copy of calibration, the operator certification, log book, breath test ticket, rolling resume. -for court. Do not need manual.

DUI Enforcement

Crimes Code - Minor is anyone under 18 years of age. Vehicle Code - Minor is anyone under 21 years of age. DUI/Alcohol

1302 - Vehicles exempt from registration

Dealers/no residents Implement of husbandry (25 miles) Golf cart/any vehicle used for golf course or resort maintenance (1 mile) Construction equipment Foreign country plate used by a member of the armed forces (45 days) Lives in another state Human or animal power Mobile home or modular housing unit Farm vehicle Trailer or semi trailer used for construction Any military vehicle Oversized or overweight moved with a permit. Any motor vehicle being towed Trailer registered in another state Any multipurpose agricultural vehicle Any farm or garden vehicle under 20horsepower, used incidentally on the highway And EPAMD

3367 - Racing on Highways

Drag race - operation of two or more vehicles for a point side by side at accelerating speeds in a competitive attempt to outdistance each other, or the operation of one or more vehicles over a common selected course, from the same point to the same point, for the purpose of comparing the relative speeds or power of acceleration of the vehicle or vehicles within a certain distance or time limit. Race - the use of one or more vehicles in an attempt to outgain, outdistance, or prevent another vehicle from passing, to arrive at a given destination ahead of another vehicle or vehicles, or to test the physical stamina or endurance of drivers over long distance driving routes. No person shall drive a vehicle on a highway in any race, speed competition or contest, drag race or acceleration contest, test of physical endurance, exhibition of speed or acceleration, or for the purpose of making a speed record, and no person shall in any manner participate in any such race, competition, contest test or exhibition.

Carrying and exhibiting

Driver must Carry the card while driving or in control of a vehicle and upon demand from a police officer, shall exhibit the card. Failure to do either $25 fine

3326 - Duty of driver in construction and maintenance areas

Drivers shall yield the right of way to any authorized vehicle or person actually engaged in work upon a highway within any highway or utility construction or maintenance area indicated by official traffic control devices. Fines are doubled.

3323 - Stop signs and Yield signs

Duties of drivers at stop signs - Except when directed to proceed by a police officer or appropriately attired persons authorized to direct, control or regulate traffic, every driver of a vehicle approaching a stop sign shall stop at a clearly marked line, or if no stop line is present, before entering a crosswalk, if no crosswalk present, then stop sign at the sign. Proceed forward and stop again for visibility purposes if you cannot see where you initially stop. Duties at a yield sign - The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign shall slow down to a speed reasonable for the existing conditions and, if required for safety to stop. If you are involved an accident after going through a yield sign, it shall be prima facie evidence of failure to yield.

3307 - No passing zone

Establishment and marking - The department and local authorities may determine those portions of a highway under their respective jurisdictions where overtaking and passing would be especially hazardous and shall by appropriate signs or markings on the roadway, indicate the beginning and end of such zones and when the signs or markings are in place and clearly visible to an ordinarily observant person every driver of a vehicle shall obey the directions of the signs or markings. Signs shall be placed to indicate the beginning and end of each no-passing zone. Compliance by drivers - where signs and marking are in place to define a no passing zone: no driver shall at any time drive on the left side of the roadway within a no passing zone or on the left side of any pavement striping designed to mark a no passing zone throughout its length.

1514 - Expiration and renewal

Every driver's license shall expire on the day after the licensee's birthday not more than four years. Every license shall be renewable on or before its expiration upon: Application Payment of the required fee Satisfactory completion of any examination required or authorized by this chapter. The department may require persons applying for renewal of a driver's license to take and successfully pass a physical examination or a vision by a medical doctor. If the department feels the driver may be a traffic hazard, then the department may require the person to pass such additional tests to determine the applicant's qualification.

1511 - Carrying and Exhibiting Driver's License on Demand.

Every licensee shall carry their driver' license while driving and when requested by a police officer, shall exhibit their drivers license and if requested for identification purposes, shall sign their name in the presence of the police officer. Penalty is $25 Police officers typically wait 15 days for a person to produce a current/valid license before charging or convicting operators with this penalty. Discharge of the conviction is not applicable to person who refused to display/exhibit the license.

1786 - Required Financial Responsibility

Every motor vehicle of the type required to be registered under this title which is operated or currently registered shall be covered by financial responsibility. The Department shall require that each motor vehicle registrant certify that the registrant is financially responsible at the time of registration or renewal thereof. Upon registering a motor vehicle or renewing a motor vehicle registration, the owner of the motor vehicle shall be deemed to have given consent to produce proof, upon request, to the Department or a police officer that the vehicle registrant has the financial responsibility required by this chapter. (F) - operation of motor vehicle without required financial responsibility Any owner of a motor vehicle for which the existence of financial responsibility is a requirement for its legal operation shall not operate the motor vehicle or permit it to be operated upon a highway of this Commonwealth without the financial responsibility required by this chapter.

6301 - Prosecution Under Local Ordinance Superseded by Title:

Except for parking violations, when the same conduct is prescribed under this title and local ordinance, the charge shall be brought under this title. Title 75 supersedes local ordinances.

3362 - Maximum Speed limits

Except when a special hazard exists that requires lower speeds, the maximum speed limits are: 35mph in urban districts 65mph on the interstate 25mph in residential areas 55mph in other locations Any other maximum speed limit established under this subchapter. No maximum speed limit is effective unless posted on an official traffic control device at the beginning and end of each speed zone and at intervals not greater than one-half mile. No maximum speed limit for the interstate shall be effective unless posted on official traffic control devices at each interchange on the portion of the highway on which the speed limit is in effect and wherever else the department shall determine.

3114 - Flashing signals

Flashing red - shall have the same duty to stop as if they were at a stop sign. Flashing yellow - may proceed with caution.

4524 - Windshield obstructions and wipers

Front windshields - It is illegal for any person to drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster or other nontransparent material on the front windshield including ice or and snow which materially obstructs, obscures or impairs the driver's clear view. Unapproved stickers, except inspection and unauthorized stickers, are also illegal. Side and Rear windows - It is illegal for any person to drive with any sign, poster or other nontransparent material, including ice or snow, which materially obstructs, obscures or impairs drivers' clear view through the side and rear windows. Rear view mirror - other obstructions such as any object or material hung from the inside rear view mirror OR otherwise hung, placed or attached in such a position to materially obstruct obscure or impair the driver's vision through the front windshield or constitutes a safety hazard. Sunscreening and other materials prohibited - a sunscreening device or other device which does not permit a person to see into the vehicle through the windshield, side wing window or side windows is illegal. Exceptions - Does not apply to mobile video recording equipment installed in a vehicle exclusively used for official police purposes. Tinting installed by manufacturer or any emergency/government vehicle. Medical reasoning for tint (certificate must be carried)

1610 - Endorsements

H - Hazardous Materials L - Vehicles not equipped with air brakes N - Tank vehicles P - Carrying passengers S - School bus T - Double or triple trailers X - Combination of hazardous materials and tank vehicles.

3716 - Accidents involving overturned vehicles

If a CDL vehicle overturns in an accident because of: 3361 - unsafe speed 3362 - speeding 3714 - careless driving 3731 - DUI Then the fine is $2000 If a CDL vehicle overturns in an accident from: 4103 - Equipment standards 4502 - Braking systems Then the fine is $500 - $1500 If a CDL vehicle overturns in an accident from: 4903 - Securing loads 6103 - Rules and regulations set by the department Then the fine is $500 - $1500

6311 - Enforcement Authority

If a driver fails or refuses to comply with an officer's requirements pursuant to this title, the officer or qualified commonwealth employee shall have the power to take the vehicle into temporary custody for the purpose of inspecting, testing or weighing the vehicle, its documents or load. Any driver who fails or refuses to comply shall pay a fine for that refusal ($500.00)

1119 - Application for Certificate of Title by Agent

It is illegal to make an application for title for another person unless authorized and verified by oath or affirmation within 90 days of the application. Penalty is $100 fine

3717 - Trespass by motor vehicle

It is unlawful for a person to knowingly operate a motor vehicle on private real property other than a private road or driveway without consent of the owner or lessor of the real property. Private roads/driveway Except during emergency circumstances or when necessary turning around on the driveway safely where no means of the highway offer to do so. $100 fine Damage to real property by operation of motor vehicle It is unlawful for a person to knowingly or recklessly cause damage to any real or personal property by means of the operation of a motor vehicle on private real property. $500 fine Cultivated land prohibited It is unlawful for a person to knowingly operate a motor vehicle on cultivated agricultural land of another without the consent of the owner or lessor. $500 fine

7124 - Fraudulent use or removal of registration plate

It is unlawful for a person to remove a registration plate from a vehicle or affix a plate to a vehicle not authorized by law for use on the vehicle with the intent to conceal or misrepresent the identity of the vehicle or its owner. Penalty $100 - $500.

4701 - Duty to comply with inspection laws

It is unlawful to refuse to submit a vehicle to inspection authorized or required.

1553 - Occupational Limited License

Known as a bread and butter license. Issued to people who are suspended, revoked, so they can go to work. (To work and only work). You cannot be issued a OLL if: You have a DUI Or if your license is recalled or revoked.

1505 - Learners Permit

Learner must be accompanied by a person who: Is at least 21 years of age. If spouse, the spouse shall be at least 18 years. Penalty is $25 Is licensed to drive the class of vehicle being driven. Penalty is $25 Is actually occupying a seat alongside the learner (unless a motorcycle). Penalty is $25 Is not manifestly under the influence of alcohol or drug to be a danger. A person with a learners permit to drive a motorcycle may only operate on the highway between sunrise and sunset and may have no passenger, except for a properly licensed instructor licensed to instruct motorcycle operation. ($25 fine) Permit is valued for one year from date of issuance or 3 failures. A permit authorizes a person to take the test for a regular or junior driver's license including a class M license. A person under 18 years (a minor) must: Have held a permit for that class of vehicle for at least 6 months. Have held at least 65 hours of practical driving, including at least 10 night time driving and 5 hours of inclement weather driving certified by a parent, guardian or person in loco parent is. Filing a false certification ($6502). Penalty is $25.

3755.1 - Aggravated assault by vehicle while driving under the influence

Negligently causes serious bodily injury to another person while driving under the influence. (F2)

3314 - Prohibiting use of hearing impairment devices

No driver shall operate a vehicle while wearing or using one or more headphones or earphones. Exceptions - hearing aids/devices improving the hearing of the driver.

4703 - Operation of vehicle without official certificate of inspection

No motor vehicle required to bear current registration shall be driven on a highway without an official and current certificate of inspection. Exceptions - Special mobile equipment Motor vehicles being towed Implements of husbandry New vehicles only in process of manufacture or being delivered to dealer Military vehicles Motorized pedal cycles Vehicles which have been out of state for 30 consecutive day prior to the end of the last inspection period have 10 days from date of reentry to obtain a current inspection. Newly purchased vehicles have 10 days to get the vehicle inspected. Authority of police - may stop, require inspection or remove a sticker. Prosecution or "tagging" of the same vehicle can only be done within a period of 24hrs.

1575 - Permitting Violation of this Title

No person shall authorize or knowingly permit a motor vehicle owned or controlled by him to be driven in violation of any provisions of this title. Penalty - Same fine as driver.

1574 - Permitting Unauthorized Person to Drive

No person shall authorize or permit a motor vehicle owned by him or under his control to be driven upon any highway by and person who is not authorized under this chapter or who is not licensed for the type or class of vehicle to be driven. Any person violating the provisions of subsection (a) is guilty of a summary offense and shall be jointly and severally liable with the driver for any damages caused by the negligence of such driver in operating the vehicle. In more serious traffic offenses, the person violating this provision shall also be subject to a license suspension, revocation, or disqualification.

Prohibitions -

No person shall drive a CDL vehicle during any of the following: Their CDL privilege has been removed, including disqualification Operating privilege is suspended, revoked, cancelled or recalled. Has been placed out of service. Has more than one CDL license.

1606 - Requirement for CDL License

No person shall drive a CDL vehicle unless exempted. CDL License must be in their immediate possession. Persons must have the endorsement for that vehicle. Exemptions - Person has a CDL learner's permit with a licensed CDL driver in the vehicle. Members of the Armed Forces, Reserves and National Guard who are driving CDL vehicles owned by the Department of Defense. Volunteer or paid firefighter with a Class C License who has a certificate of authorization from the fire chief to drive fire department owned vehicles. Member of rescue emergency squad with a certificate of authorization. A farm vehicle with a Class C License and within 150 miles of the farm.

3365 - Special speed limitations

No person shall drive a vehicle at a greater speed posted for safety reasons at these locations: Bridges and elevated structures School zones Hazardous grades

3361 - Driving at safe speed

No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions having regard to the actual and potential hazards then existing, nor at a speed greater than will permit the driver to bring his vehicle to a stop which the assured clear distance ahead. In a school zone, Police officers can approximate the speed of a vehicle and charge that driver with that speed. Every person shall drive at a safe and appropriate speed when approaching and crossing an intersection or railroad grade crossing, when approaching: a hillcrest, upon any narrow or winding roadway, and when special hazards exist with respect to pedestrians, traffic and weather conditions.

1301 - Registration and certificate of title required (Registration Plate = License Plate)

No person shall drive a vehicle or motor carrier vehicle on a highway that does not have a registration (license) plate. You have 5 days to produce proof of registration. Exempt if non-resident. You must have a title to get a registered plate. Penalty $75 or after 60 days, double the plate fee, whichever is greater unless: Vehicle was currently registered in Pa within last 60 days ($25)

3711 - Unauthorized persons and devices hanging on vehicles.

No person shall hang onto or ride on the outside or rear end of any vehicle. Except fire trucks and garbage trucks.

1371 - Operation following Suspension of Registration

No person shall operate or permit operation of a vehicle with a suspended registration. Penalty $100 - $500 Fines doubled for motor vehicle carrier (other than a trailer)

1372 - Unauthorized Transfer or Use of Registration

No person shall: Allow a card or plate be misused on a vehicle for which it was not issued. Use a card or plate unless authorized. Display a card or plate on a vehicle for which it was not issued. Penalty $25

1501 - Drivers required to be licensed

No person, unless exempted, shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway or public per operate without a current and valid driver's license. "Public Property" means driveways, parking lots owned or leased by the Commonwealth or a political subdivision. Penalty $25 - $200.

3306 - Limitations on Driving on the left side of the roadway

No vehicle shall drive to the left side of the roadway under the following conditions: Approaching or upon the crest of a grade, a curve, or where the drivers view is obstructed. Within 100ft of an intersection. Where the view is obstructed within 100ft.

6305 - Arrest of Nonresident:

Once arrested, subject shall be take immediately before a magistrate to either have an immediate hearing or for posting bail for a hearing at a later date. If a defendant drops a payment in the mail in the officer's presence, he shall issue a receipt.


Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, streetcars and other conveyances, whether singly or together, using any highway for purposes of travel.

3364 - Minimum Speed regulation

Persons shall not drive at a slow speed as to impede the normal flow of traffic. The driver shall pull off to the right and permit others to pass.

3352 - Removal of vehicle by or at the direction of the police

Police officers may remove a vehicle from the roadside, or any location if: Vehicle is a safety hazard. Unattended vehicle, causing a safety hazard. Removal to a garage or place of safety for any vehicle: Stolen or taken without consent Owner physically unable to provide for custody or removal Owner was arrested In violation of section 3353 Abandoned vehicle

Field Sobriety Tests:

Recite the Alphabet: Recite the alphabet starting with the letter G and ending with the letter P. Finger Count Finger to Nose Walk and Turn: Put your left foot on the line, then place your right foot on the line ahead of your left, with the heel of your right against the toe of your left foot. Do not start until I tell you to do so. Do you understand? (Must receive affirmative response). When I tell you to begin, take 9 heel to toe steps one the line (demonstrate) and take 9 heel to toe steps back down the line. When you turn on the 9th step, keep your front foot on the line and turn taking several small steps with the other foot (demonstrate) and take 9 heel to toe steps back down the line. Ensure you look at your feet, count each step out loud, keep your arms at your side, ensure you touch heel to toe and do not stop until you have completed the test. Do you understand the instructions? You may begin. If the suspect does not understand some part of the instructions, only the part in which the suspect does not understand should be repeated. One Leg Stand: Stand with your feet together and your arms at your side (demonstrate). Maintain position until told otherwise. When I tell you, I want you to raise one leg, either one, approximately 6 inches off the ground, foot pointed out, both legs straight and look at the elevated foot. Count out loud in the following manner: 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004 and so on until told to stop. Do you understand the instructions? You may begin the test. Follow Officer's finger up/down, left/right (Horizontal/Vertical Gaze): Needs certification. Please remove your glasses (if worn). Put your feet together, hands at your side. Keep your head still and look at and follow this stimulus with your eyes only. Keep looking at the stimulus until told the test is over. Do not move your head. Do you understand the directions?

3345 - Meeting or overtaking school busses

Red flashing lights on: Drivers shall stop at least 10ft before reaching the bus and stay stopped until the red lights are turned off. Shall apply on both highways and trafficways. Violation - pay fine of $250 and suspension of license for 60 days. Police can enforce on highways or trafficways.

1332 - Display of Registration Plates

Registration plates shall be securely fastened to vehicles as per regulation. Failure is $25 fine. Motorcycle Registration Plate Plate issued for a motorcycle may be mounted on the motorcycle in a vertical manner if: The characteristics on the plate are displayed in a vertical alignment, and The mounting complies with all other provisions of this section. A registration plate that has its identifying characters displayed horizontally shall not be displayed and mounted vertically. Failure $25 fine.

1101 - Certificate of Title Required

Requires a title to be obtained on all vehicles unless exempted under 1102. Penalty is $25 fine

3331 - Required position and method of turning

Right Turn - the driver of the vehicle intending to turn right shall approach the turn and make the turn as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway. Left Turn - the driver of the vehicle intending to turn left shall approach the turn in the extreme left hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the direction of travel of the vehicle. Whenever practicable, the left turn shall be made to the left of center of the intersection and so as to leave the intersection or location in the extreme left hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the same direction. Compliance with traffic control devices The department and local authorities shall have the power to limit or direct left turns. No driver shall make a left turn where prohibited by a sign. Two way left turn lanes Where there are special lanes for making left turns, a vehicle cannot make a left turn from any other lane and the turn lane cannot be used to make a U-turn. Interference with pedalcycles No turn by a driver of a motor vehicle shall interfere with a pedalcycle proceeding straight while operating in accordance with Chapter 35.

1111 - Transfer of ownership of vehicle

Sale or transfer must be signed and sworn before a notary Exceptions: Dealers Wholesale auctions RESET program

3303 - Overtaking on the Left

Shall pass on the left of the other vehicle at a safe distance and stay to the left until they can safely return to the right lane. Except when passing on the right (where permitted) the vehicle being passed shall not increase their speed. Suitable signal, either the flashing of the headlights or horn.

4306 - Use of multiple-beam road lighting equipment

Shall turn off high beams when: Approaching an oncoming vehicle within 500ft. Approaching to the rear within 300ft. An emergency vehicle with flashing headlights need not turn them off. Motorists can flash their lights to warn of hazard.

4305 - Vehicular hazard signal lamps

Simultaneously flashing of two front and rear lights can be used when a vehicle is stopped or disabled and under a speed of 25mph, or during bad weather or road conditions.

6302 - Time Limitations:

Statute of Limitations for summary offenses under this title are 30 days from the date of the act, unless otherwise stated.

1572 - Cancellation of Driver's License

The Department may cancel any driver's license upon determining that one of the following applies: The licensee was not entitled to the issuance. The person failed to give the required or correct information or committed fraud in making the application or in obtaining the license. The license has been materially altered. The fee has not been paid. The licensee voluntarily surrenders his driving privilege. Upon cancellation, the licensee shall immediately surrender the canceled license to the department. Other States - The department shall cancel a driver's license issued to an individual who has applied for a Pennsylvania Driver's License after the commission of an offense in another state which later resulted in suspension, revocation or disqualification in the other state if the offense would have resulted in the suspension, revocation, or disqualification under this title or where the offense was substantially similar to offenses in which this State would have caused a suspension, revocation, or disqualification.

6304 - Authority to Arrest Without Warrant:

The PSP may arrest anyone who violates this title in their presence. Municipal police officers/city police officers may arrest any non-resident who violate this title in their presence.

1532 - Suspension of operating privilege

The department can suspend operators privileges for 6 months or 1-3 years. Different crimes result in different suspensions.

6308 - Investigation by Police Officers:

The operator of a vehicle has to exhibit these three things: License Registration Insurance Pedestrians have to exhibit: License/ID Driver of any vehicle or pedestrian who has violated this title shall stop upon request of a police officer and give ID. BOTH have to sign their name in the presence of the officer, if so required, to help establish ID.

3310 - Following too closely (aka. Tailgating)

The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the speed for vehicles and traffic upon the condition of the highway. Trucks shall leave enough room between the vehicle it is following for another vehicle to pass and overtake. Caravans and motorcycles - shall leave sufficient space between vehicles so as to enable any other vehicle to enter and occupy space without danger.

3112 - Traffic control signal

The driver of a vehicle or a pedestrian shall obey a traffic control signal. Red - Stop Yellow - Slow down and proceed with caution Green - Go

3742 - Accidents involving death or personal injury

The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in death or injury shall stop at the scene or as close as possible but shall then forthwith return to and in every event shall remain at the scene. (F3 or M1)

3743 - Accidents involving damage to attended vehicle or property

The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to a vehicle or other property which is driven or attended by any person shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident or as close thereto as possible but shall forthwith return to and in every event shall remain at the scene of the accident. Violating is M3, punishable by fine of $2500 or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.

3744 - Duty to give information and render aid

The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident shall stop and give all information to anyone involved in the accident and call 911, give first aid, or take the person injured to the hospital.

3745 - Accident with damage to unattended vehicle or property

The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident shall stop, give ID or leave ID at the scene.

Registered gross weight:

The maximum gross weight at which a vehicle or combination is registered in this commonwealth to operate upon a highway, which shall include the weight at which a vehicle or combination is registered for operation in this commonwealth under any system of proportional registration pursuant to Subchapter C of Chapter 61 (relating to reciprocity). For the purposes of Chapter 49 (relating to size, weight, and load) and the definition of "motor carrier vehicle," if there is no registered gross weight as defined in paragraph (1), then the term shall mean the maximum gross weight at which a vehicle or combination registered in another state is registered or otherwise authorized to operate by such state.

Uniformity of Interpretation

This title shall be so interpreted and construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law throughout this Commonwealth and all political subdivisions.

Is the pursuit justified?

Totality of the Circumstances. Is the crime that was committed a summary, misdemeanor, felony? When there is a lower crime, if you have the plate, find out information from the plate and "catch the person later." Example: Go to the person's house and wait for him.

3755 - Homicide by vehicle while driving under the influence

Unintentionally causes the death of another person while driving under the influence. 3 years in jail for each person you kill and a 3 year license suspension. **Can charge involuntary manslaughter because longer jail sentence**

Obscuring Plate

Unlawful to display plate which is: So dirty so as to prevent reading of the numbers at a reasonable distance. Failure $25 fine That is obscured in any manner which inhibits the proper operation of an automated red light enforcement system under 3116 in cities of 1st class or 3117 relating to automated red light enforcement. Failure $100 fine Is otherwise illegible at a reasonable distance or obscured in any manner. Failure $25 fine Is obscured or covered or obstructed in a manner which inhibits visibility of the issuing jurisdiction at a reasonable distance. Failure is $100 fine

1571 - Violations Concerning Driver's License

Unlawful to: Exhibit or cause or permit or have in possession any recalled, canceled, suspended, revoked, disqualified, fictitious or fraudulently altered license. Lend a license or permit another to use. Exhibit or represent as one's own any drivers license not issued to the person. Fail to surrender the license to the Department, upon lawful demand a recalled, canceled, suspended, revoked, disqualified, fictitious or fraudulently altered drivers license. Penalty is $100 fine.

3111- Obedience to traffic control devices

Unless directed by a uniform police officer or person authorized to direct traffic, the driver of the vehicle shall obey the traffic control device. Traffic control devices have to be placed legally in order to charge persons with violating them.

3334 - Turning movements and required signals

Upon a roadway, no person shall turn, move or change lanes unless it can be done safely and using the proper signal. Signals - 100ft (under 35mph) Signals - 300ft (over 35mph) Signals shall be turned off immediately after the movement.

1311 - Carrying owners card

Upon receiving the card or any duplicate the registrant shall sign his name in the space provided. Failure is a $25 fine.

3325 - Duty of driver on approach of emergency vehicle

Upon the immediate approach of an emergency vehicle making use of audible and visual signals, the driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right of way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to and as close as possible to the right hand side of the road and clear of any intersection unless otherwise directed by a police officer or appropriately attired persons and shall remained stopped until the emergency vehicle has passed.

4706 & 4707 - Emission inspection

Vehicle emission inspections shall be on a biennial basis. Department shall issue evidence of emission inspection through an official emission inspection station. It is unlawful to operate a subject vehicle without evidence of an emission inspection or certification from an authorized agent. No current emission sticker displayed $25 fine. Exception - if the person has an appointment with an official emission inspection station, they are encountering to that station and is within 10 days of the expiration of the displayed emission, he is exempt from the penalties of this section.

1102 - Vehicles not requiring Certificate of Title

Vehicle owned by the U.S. Federal Government Example Post Office Mail trucks A golf cart, a motor driven cycle, go-cart, etc. A new vehicle until sale Non-resident - not required under our law Vehicle registered in another state Interstate transportation Human or animal transportation Implement of husbandry

4107 - Unlawful activities

Violation of vehicle equipment standards It is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, lease, install or replace, either separately or as part of the equipment of a vehicle, any item of vehicle equipment affecting the operation of the vehicle which does not comply with this title or regulations promulgated thereunder, or which does not comply with an applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standard adopted by regulation by the department. Any person in violation of this title shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $100 for each violation.

Park or Parking:

When permitted, means the temporary storing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, off the roadway. When prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except momentarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading property or passengers.

Stop or Stopping:

When required, means complete cessation from movement. When prohibited, it means any halting, even momentarily, of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic-control sign or signal.

3720 - Snow and ice dislodged or falling from vehicle

When snow or ice is dislodged or falls from a moving vehicle and strikes another vehicle or pedestrian causing death or serious bodily injury, the operator of the vehicle from which the snow or ice is dislodged or falls shall be subject to a fine of not less than $200 nor more than $1000 for each offense.

The field sobriety tests are supposed to be simple

When you're sober

6308 - Authority of a Police Officer:

Whenever a police officer is engaged in a systematic program of checking vehicles or drivers or has reasonable grounds to suspect a violation of this title, the officer may: Stop the vehicle, upon request or signal, for the purpose of checking proof of insurance, the vehicle's registration, VIN number, or engine number, or drivers license, or to secure such other information as the officer may reasonably believe necessary to enforce the provisions of this title. Authority of police to inspect garages and dealer's premises for stolen cars and parts. The owner of the garage shall comply. Every salvor, miscellaneous motor vehicle business, salvage motor vehicle auction or pool operated, scrap metal processor and dealer shall keep accurate records of motor vehicle sales and dispositions. Records shall be available for inspection by police and shall be maintained and kept for a period of three years.

If someone is unable to perform a sobriety test safely

You end a field sobriety test whenever it becomes a danger to a person

3304 - Overtaking on the Right

You may overtake and pass on the right under the following conditions: A vehicle is making a left turn, and you don't drive off the berm or shoulder. On a roadway wide enough for traffic flow with two or more lanes in the same direction.

Through Highway:

a highway or portion of a highway on which vehicular traffic is a given preferential right-of-way, and at the entrances to which vehicular traffic from intersecting highways is required by law to yield the right-of-way to vehicles on the through highway in obedience to a stop sign, yield sign or other traffic control device when the signs or devices are erected as provided in this title. RT. 22 is an example.

Probationary License:

a license given to habitual offenders.

Occupational limited license:

a license issued under this title to a driver who is operating privileges may have been suspended, to permit the operation of the motor vehicle for specific conditions. Bread and butter license. Work, trade, or study.


a limited access highway to which only means of ingress or egress is by interchange ramps (toll plazas). Turnpike.

Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR):

a loaded weight of the combination.

Antique Motor Vehicles:

a motor vehicle that is not a reproduction, therefore, manufactured more than 25 years before the current year date and has been maintained and restored to the condition that is within manufacturers specifications. Occasional transportation (1 day a week).

Classic Motor Vehicle:

a motor vehicle, but not a reproduction thereof, manufactured at least 15 years prior to the current year which has been maintained


a natural person afoot.

Title Assigned in Blank

a person cannot possess title of another or permit the possession of a title in their name unless properly transferred. (I.e. Both parties have signed the rear of the title and it has been notarized). Penalty is $100 fine

Laned Roadway:

a roadway which is divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for traffic

Private road or driveway:

a way or place in private ownership and used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner, but not by other persons.

Engineering and traffic study:

an orderly examination or analysis of physical features of traffic conditions conducted in accordance with regulations of the dept. and by engineering standards into accordance with what is acceptable to leave without interception.


every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices used exclusively upon rails or tracks. The term does not include a self-propelled wheelchair or an electrical mobility device operated by and designed for the exclusive use of a person with a mobility related issue.


fine is $25 when not specified

Where do your hands go during the walk and turn test

hands go on your sides.

Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR):

loaded weight of a single vehicle

You don't stop the walk and turn test until they complete the entire test

not just the 9 steps one way.


surrender of a document into the temporary possession of a person for examining that document


that portion of a highway improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the sidewalk, berm or shoulder even though such sidewalk, berm or shoulder is used by pedal cycles. In the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways the term "roadways" refers to each roadway separately, but not to all such roadways collectively.


the entire width between property lines or other boundary lines of every way or place of which any part is open to the public for purposes of vehicular travel as a matter of right or custom.


the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of public for travel, this also includes roads that lead to public colleges or universities, or historical parks. RT 66 and RT 119 Highway or Roadway are basically one in the same.

Residence district:

the territory contiguous to and including a highway not comprising a business district when the property on the highway for a distance of 300ft or more is in the main improved with residences and businesses in use for business.

Business District:

the territory contiguous to and including a highway when within any 600 ft. Along the highway there was buildings in use for business or industrial purposes- including but not limited too, but hotels, banks, or office buildings, RR stations and public buildings. (300 ft. Collectively on both sides or 300 ft. On one side) 600ft along the highway- 300ft from other businesses

Urban District:

the territory contiguous to and including any street which is built up with structures devoted to business, industry or dwelling houses, situated at intervals of less than 100 feet for a distance of a quarter of a mile or more. Alleys are found here. Close quartered businesses and buildings. 100ft or less apart; for ¼ mile or more.


to terminate by formal action of the department any license, registration or privilege issued or granted by the department. Following a period of revocation, the license, registration or privilege may not be restored except upon submission and acceptance of a new application. Have to apply for a whole new license and take a new test.

Stand or Standing:

when prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except momentarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers.

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