Sociology of Families Test 4--Robert Montgomery (Ch 12 & 7)

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Examples of Child Abuse and Neglect

-direct physical harm -leaving children unattended -failure to take to doctor for medical attention -failure to take them to school -failure to keep them fed, clothed, and clean

Utilitarian Love aspects:

-pro con love -views relationship as work -maintained through time and energy -modern type of love

Ann Swidler's Two Cultures of Love

1. culture of romantic love 2. culture of utilitarian love

4 things to know about family violence and abuse:

1. involves secrecy and isolation 2. Many family members feel as if they are alone in their experience. 3. invisible to outsiders 4. not just an individual problem but a systematic one

4 Patterns of Abuse and Neglect of those who...

1. live with parents and have mental health problems, poor impulse control, and low self-esteem or a history of violence 2. households where domestic violence occurs between adults 3. poor families or poor neighborhoods 4. families with weak support networks

Ann Swidler's Four Qualities that Compromise the essence of this (unrealistic) ideal

1. love is unambiguous and clear 2. love is unique 3. individuals must prove or demonstrate love by overcoming obstacles in a type of love "quest" 4. love is permanent and eternal

When did rape laws start to be recognized?


Philip Cohen (author)

4 Reasons Scripts are Changing: 1. demise of dating system 2. increasing acceptance of living together 3. incorporation of divorced and older singles looking for a new relationship 4. continual adaption of communication technology, increasing the immediacy of interaction

Although interest in astrology is declining, many Americans still believe in astrology. According to research by OkCupid, reported in your textbook, what can we learn about dating compatibility from people's astrological signs?

Astrological signs have no bearing on dating compatibility

Why is the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church a good example for understanding how male domination contributes to sexual abuse?

It shows the institutional nature of sexual violence and how an institution reacts to protect itself instead of involving state and legal authorities.

What does research suggest about the lifetime experience of intimate partner violence for gay men and lesbians compared to heterosexuals?

Lesbian and heterosexual women are both more likely to experience intimate partner violence compared with both gay and straight men.

First major national dating data base was..., established in 1995

Elder Abuse

The physical, sexual, or emotional abuse of old people by someone with whom they share an intimate or caring relationship

The steep decline in the rate of family violence since the 1990s may be explained in part by which of the following?

Women's increased economic independence made it easier for them to leave abusers.

Which of the following is an example of the most common type of relationship a perpetrator has with his victim in the case of rape?

a boyfriend to whom the victim is engaged rape is more prevalent in families and relationships than on the streets

Hooking Up

a casual sex or romantic encounter without explicit commitment or exclusivity

Social Script

a commonly understood pattern of interaction that serves as a model of behavior in familiar situations


a deep affection and concern for another, with whom one feels a strong emotional bond

Care Relationship

a relationship in which one person is responsible for another's care


a type of relationship in which people love or at least know each other very well and interact in private

After sending a flirty message on a social media site to a person she was hoping to date, Claire worried why she didn't get an immediate response. This is an example of technology's role in __________.

accelerating dating interactions

How common are rape and sexual assault?

at least once: 18% of women 1% of men -rates in college are significantly higher (for women)

Sociologists use what to explain how individuals interact with one another?

concept of the (social) script

What is one key difference between contemporary dating and courtship customs of the past?

contemporary dating usually takes place in the market arena, often involving personal spending and commercial consumption

One major difference between dating and courtship:

dating involved multiple, overlapping relationships without the expectation of long-term commitment


decision to marry is a public decision but occurs in private setting; institutional arena of family

Ann Swidler

describes the process through which the modern individual elevates the idea of love to an impossible ideal

Two integral features of modern society that shape the ways in which we think about love and form intimate relationships

development of individuality and freedom of choice

The absence of social scripts can cause:

disorientation, discomfort, (often) overall confusion

Why is the US population growing older?

due to the aging baby boom generation and increasing life expectancy

Sexual assault prevention focuses on

educating people to avoid an attack in the first place. It aims to challenge false beliefs about gender roles, sex, entitlement and dating to create a cultural shift.

Finding social connections can be...

efficient and potentially rewarding; but also lying, misrepresentation and predatory actions

Aisha dated Robert for five years in her mid-20s. They discussed marriage, but Aisha's parents did not approve because Robert did not share the family's religion and culture. They broke up and Aisha ended up marrying a man with a similar cultural, religious, and economic background. This is an example of _________.


Why does intimate partner violence often not get reported?

fear of reprisal or getting the offender in trouble (38%)

________ individuals are finding partners through family connections and other traditional avenues



forced vaginal, anal, or oral penetration or attempted penetration of a person without his or her consent

The formation of couples, relationships, and families have grown increasingly diverse in...

form, structure, and development

Sexual Assault includes

grabbing, pinching, slapping, fondling, kissing, hugging, rubbing one's self against another, rape

Family Violence

harm caused by family members against other family members

Direct Violence

hitting, using weapons, etc

People of similar racial-ethnic backgrounds and social classes tend to have more contact with one another. These shared experiences may also lead them to pair up in romantic relationships. This is an example of the principle of _____.


Symbolic interactionists focus on

how people see themselves through the eyes of others

Risk reduction focuses on

interrupting an action in progress. It may make us feel safe but there is no information that will prevent a perpetrator from perpetrating

Two elements usually present in a relationship btwn victims of violence and the perpetrators of violence:

intimacy and care relationship

While the term domestic violence has been used the longest to refer to any violence in families, it is less commonly used now. In its data collection and related programs, the federal government uses the term ______.

intimate partner violence

Who is more likely to commit violence in relationships?


Dating was rapidly accepted by the:

middle class as early as the first half of the twentieth century

According to state and federal government data, in the majority of cases, the perpetrator of family violence is the victim's _______.


Romantic Relationships

mutually acknowledged, ongoing interactions featuring heightened affection and intensity

Compared to 50 years ago, the population of single people looking for relationships is _____.

older and more diverse


relationships much more individual choice and private decision; institutional arena of marketplace

The most popular information communicated to women and youth during Sex Ed class is

risk reduction


sex between close relatives

Angela, who identifies as heterosexual, has been encouraged to invite her boyfriend to family events and her parents were happy to pay for her prom dress. Niki, who identifies as lesbian, is unable to bring a possible romantic interest to a family dinner or to attend her high school prom with her girlfriend. Niki's experience is in part a result of what issue that makes it difficult for lesbians and gays to pursue romantic relationships?

social stigma

Intimate Partners include

spouses, cohabiting partners, former partners after a breakup

Child Abuse and Neglect

the act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in (or puts children at imminent risk for) physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation

Romantic Love

the passionate devotion and attraction one person feels for another

Utilitarian Love

the practical, rational dedication of one person to another based on shared understanding and emotional commitment


the principle by which similar people have more of a given kind of contact than dissimilar people; tendency of individuals to associate and bond with similar others

Mate Selection

the process by which people choose each other for sexual or romantic relationships

What has research shown regarding the rates of domestic violence for blacks and whites in similar social settings?

the rates are virtually the same Overall, there is a higher amount of reported intimate partner violence among Blacks compared with Whites. However, research also shows that, in similar social settings, the rates of domestic violence between these groups are virtually the same.

Which of the following is the most common reason why the crime of the intimate partner violence isn't reported to the police?

the victim fears reprisal or getting the offender in trouble

The most harmful and dangerous acts against children occur in...

their own home; usually by parents or other caregivers

Indirect Violence

threats of force or intimidation and neglect; living in fear of how you think and act

A large study of college students found that the majority reported hooking up how many times?

three or fewer

When did the dating system emerge?

twentieth century and replaced courtship; invention of car

The dating habits of a mid-1950s college woman who went on multiple dates each week and dated five different men in a month would be viewed as ______.

typical compared to her peers; following the norm

Sexual Assault

unwanted penetration or touch, by force or threat of force, without consent

Love that is practical and rational is called __________, whereas love that is spontaneous and passionate is considered ____________.

utilitarian; romantic

Intimate Partner Violence

violence between partners who are (or were) involved in a sexual or romantic relationship

After experiencing a decade of abuse committed by her husband, Jamie fatally shot him. Although her husband was asleep at the time of the shooting, Jamie said she has feared for her life and the lives of her children for years. She had tried to leave the relationship repeatedly, but her husband always found her. This situation illustrates which pattern of violence?

violent resistance

Why was forcible sex between a husband and wife not considered to be rape until very recently?

wives were presumed to have consented to sex for the rest of their lives at the moment they got married. law changed 1970s or later

Who is more likely to be killed or seriously injured in relationships?


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