1. Early Renaissance Florence

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-expensive and most prestigious material


-immortality forever -wanting to be remembered -memen

"Dome of Florence Cathedral" (Duomo) -Brunelleschi -c. 1418 -cruciform plan -ribbed vaults (Gothic part to it) -invention of MACHINERY was real cleverness-scaffolding that was supportive. Wooden platform into structure of building -Dome: symbolises the togetherness of Florence a) ambition b) civic pride -the way Brunelleschi looked at this started to think a new way about churches -gothic structure: rib vaults and pointed arches ---------------------------------- "Church of San Lorenzo" -Brunelleschi -begun 1419 (finished early 16th century, one year after doumo of florence) -FIRST PLACE ROMAN STYLE WAS REBORN -FLAT CIELING AS OPPOSED TO VAILTED -VITRIUVIUS: 10 BOOKS ON ARCHITECTURE, IMPORTANT NAME -Brunelleschi one of 1st architects that picked up on and creates something alone his lines PLAN OF SAN LORENZO -Brunellesci, PROPORTION, from VIRTRUVIUS -if something is beautifully proportion, harmony to it -cruciform plan -proportions, symetry, harmony of parts - all from VIRTRUVIUS, architecture, eventually translates to painting -w/ Vitriusvuis, all about proportion and relation of size -EARLY RENAISSANCE CLASSICSM- VIRTUVIUS

BRUNELLESCHI: a) machinery, dome, gothic structure b) Vitruvius and his books on architecture, early renaissance classism-vitriuvius, proportion, harmony of parts

"St. George" -Donatello -c. 1415 -Donatello was most important sculpter of the early renaissance -brave, heroic man that fights a dragon -stance expresses CONFIDENCE -implied movement, slightly turning -gazing into distance -MOTIONS OF THE MIND - D interested in this -WHATS GOING ON IN HIS HEAD, THATS NEW, THATS RENAISSANCE, PYSCHOLOGICAL ASPECT TO IT, SORT OF REALIST, THATS WHAT A PERSON WOULD HAVE REALLY DONE, REALLY EXPRESSED -PSYCHOLOGICAL DEPTH -represents the guild of armour


Characteristics of Early Renaissance: FLORENCE, ITALY -c. early 15th century (early 1400's, 1420's etc)

EARLY RENAISSANCE, FLORENCE, ITALY -early 15th century (early 1400's) -major artists: -->1. Brunelleschi -->2. Donatello -->3. Fabriano -->4. Masaccio (Big daddy favors me) -sculpture becomes more realistic -fresco survive in Italy bc of dry climate -desire to make things 3D, seem more real, makes story seem more real (Trinity, Fresco, Masaccio) -FIGURE is most important in renaissance art (The Tribute Money, Masaccio); not like this towards end during reformation when emphasis on nature and storms etc) -memento mori; wanting to be remembered, kinda new thing -renaissance famous for SPACE, LINEAR PERSPECTIVE, TASTE, STYLE -ALBERTI ON PAINTING (LINEAR PERSPECTIVE); VITRIUVIUS EARLY RENAISSANCE CLASSISM (PROPORTION, ARCHITECTURE, HARMONY OF PARTS, EVENTUALLY TRANSLATES TO PAINTING)

"Adoration of the Magi" -Fabriano -1423 (TW0 YEARS BEFORE TRINITY) -Renaissance famous for space, linear perspective, taste, style -ALTER PIECE, 1423, two years before trinity -Patron: completely different than guy who commissioned the trinity -commisioned by STRAZZI: WEALTHIEST MAN IN EUROPE (MERCHANT BANKER) -showing off his wealth -USURY - dedicating all this money to the glory of God. The more you spend on rel. art, the greater goods you will receive -gold negates the space even though there is perspective. up then back. priority is to fill every space of it DETAIL -extreme detail; INTERNATIONAL GOTHIC: enormous detail over realism or naturalism; this is naturalism, if zoom in faces look like cartoons

FABRIANO A) strazzi, usury, international gothic

"Trinity fresco"*** -Masaccio -c. 1425 -Masaccio was good at LINEAR PERSPECTIVE (horizon, divide into parts, central point on horizon, mathematical, new idea, Alberti, On Painting, painters now expected to have mathematical knowledge, status of painter different now -VERY FAMOUS PAINTING -fresco painting, plaster, on wall -Christ on the cross -God the father -holy spirit - white -->these three things make up Trinity -illustionistic as a space -ARCHITECTURE: ROMAN, CLASSICAL HALF CIRCLE ON CAPITALS, BARREL VAULT; using classical shows power, authority -RENAISSANCE: DESIRE TO MAKE THINGS 3D, BELIEVABLE DESIRE TO MAKE THINGS SEEM AS REAL AS POSSIBLE SO STORY SEEMS MORE REAL -virgin and st. john, in red -DONORS are outside the painting- to endure their devotion, to be remembered, to express their faith, ppl who had money exp. to do this -bottom: SARCOPHOGUS: MEMENTO MORO- a reminder of death (skull of york in hamlet); life short and hard in 15th century; finery monument; reminder of their faith and encourages faith in others but also A REMINDER OF DEATH -PAINTED 10 YEARS BEFORE ALBERTI'S TREATY ON PAITING -NEW APPROACH DRIVEN BY TRYING TO MAKE THINGS LOOK REAL IN A SETTING-MAKES STORY LOOK MORE REAL ---------------------------------- "The Tribute Money"*** -Masaccio -c. 1425 -Masaccio's most famous painting next to Trinity -life of St. Peter -The Tribute money (pay a tribute to this cause, conTRIBUTE) -Christ asked for tax, says go get fish to st. peter, noney in fish- miracle) -even christ has to pay, moralistic tone to this, good for community -CONTINUOUS NARRATIVE- one pic but shoes different scenes in the story -ST. PETER (KEYS) ALWAYS SHOWN WITH A BEARD AND IN BLUE AND YELLOW, normally has a big key (keys of heaven) -great economy -FIGURE IS MOST IMPORTANT IN RENAISSANCE ART, everything else is decorative. Needs to be convincing in movement, modelling light, facial expression -"modeling and 3-dimensional", "use of light and shade" -draperies: good way of showing light and shade -perspective - tilted the ground, looking at this from below, high up -VANISHING POINT, somewhere around christ's head -DIMINUSION- when things get smaller as go off into distance, trees get smaller -shadows on ground DETAIL: -four saints of Nanni inspiration -have a kind of GRAVITAS

MASACCIO A) linear perspective, vanishing point B) continuous narrative, vanishing point, diminusion

naturalism vs. realism

naturalism: figures look real, Four crowned saints, but are idealised realism: if zoom in, beard stubble, veins in eyes, Eyck Picasso: not naturalism or realism, abstract if something is realistic its naturalistic, but if its naturalistic does not necessarily mean its realistic. Naturalistic is umbrella term that realistic falls under

during renaissance, sculpture becomes very


rhetorical statement from time to time in Florence

when threats from outside -standing together, four crowned saints

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