1 quiz
How many visits to a museum are required for this course?
How many hours of ONLINE work should a student expect to put into this course on a weekly basis?
Unless otherwise informed, when you send a message to your instructor, you should expect an answer within:
24 - 72 hours after the email was sent
In order to pass the course, you must do a report on your visit to the museum.
Students can be respectful online by:
Not criticizing or publicly humiliating others Avoiding profanity Using appropriate salutations
Where do you find the assignment, exam, and quiz due dates?
Schedule of Assignments Calendar Syllabus
For the museum visitation, you must:
all of the above
Information on quizzes and exams may cover:
all of the above
What are some topics covered by this course?
all of the above
You may contact me:
all of the above
You should be familiar with which of the following to do well in this course:
all of the above
For this course, you are allowed to drop your lowest grade or miss a quiz or paper with no penalty.
If you miss a CONNECT EBOOK assignment, you can make it up during Make
You can use Blackboard "Course Messages" or the discussion boards to discuss test answers.
You should check into your course for an hour only once a week.
The syllabus says the recommended browser for Blackboard is:
Which of the following will help you study for your quizzes?
study guide made up by instructor for each quiz reading all the required websites carefully reading all the assigned chapters carefully
Any academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, may result in a failing grade for the assignment or the course, and submission of the case to the Virtual College.
Doing the assignments in the CONNECT EBOOK is a requirement for this course.
Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are standard for Virtual College courses.
Quizzes are timed:
To find out about the instructor's policies for a course, students should read the Syllabus.
When sending messages to your instructor always use Blackboard's internal 'Course Messages'. You should only use your instructor's MDC email if you are experiencing a technical difficulty and cannot access the course.
You will have a proctored Midterm for this course.