1.03 The Expansion of Islam

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Islam on the March

-Before Muhammad, many tribes of Bedouin peoples competed for land, trade, and resources on the Arabian Peninsula. Muhammad changed everything. When he conquered the city of Mecca, he began to unite the many tribes of Arabia under Islam. However, in 632 CE, Muhammad died without leaving a clear plan for how newly united Arabia should be ruled. Disputes arose as to who had the right to succeed him, or serve as caliph. A caliph rules a caliphate as both a civil head of state and religious leader. -Followers of Islam split into two factions over the issue of succession: the Shi'a Muslims and the Sunni Muslims. -Over the next three decades following Muhammad's death, four different caliphs would rule. Often referred to as the "Four Rightly Guided Caliphs," they were close advisors to the first leader, chosen by members of the Muslim community. These rulers oversaw a swift and massive expansion of Arab and Islamic influence in the region. -Arab Muslims invaded the Persian Sassanid Empire and the Byzantine Roman Empire. They conquered the lands of Syria, Palestine, and Persia. They took the city of Jerusalem, and then marched on and conquered Byzantine and Egypt. Just three decades after the death of Muhammad, the Islamic empire stretched as far north as Armenia, as far west as Morocco, and as far east as Pakistan. -There were disputes among Muhammad's former companions. Some thought that there should be a unified state; others thought that each tribe should have its own leader. Ultimately, it was decided that the conquered lands should have a single ruler. To do this, the caliphs began to build a large governing bureaucracy. -During the rule of the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs, Muslims were in great conflict over succession. In 661 CE, the final of these caliphs, Ali, was assassinated and the Umayyad's took control. Once again, as humanity attempts to dominate lands and people, the consequences are difficult to contain, even for those in positions of leadership. Matthew 26:52 states, "For all who will take the sword will perish by the sword."

Origins of Islam

-Islam emerged on the Arabian Peninsula in the early seventh century CE. Muhammad had been preaching the revelations which he claimed were given him by the angel Gabriel in Mecca. His teachings emphasized the belief in and submission to a single god. This brand of monotheism angered pagan leaders in Mecca. In 622 CE, Muhammad was forced to flee with his followers from Mecca to Yathrib (later renamed Medina). -With the migration of Muhammad, Islam had begun a journey that would see its spread across the world. Accordingly, the Islamic calendar begins with this event, known as the Hijra of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib (later Medina) in 622 CE, which means "migration." Just a few years later in 624 CE, Muhammad and his followers won a victory over Meccan forces at Badr. By 630 CE, Muhammad had conquered Mecca itself. -For those who have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, true biblical submission will become a desire and a joy within the heart of a believer. Muhammad's jilted attempt at forcing submission in the name of religion is another example of human domination. This attempt was masked violently in the name of religion.

The Islamic World

-Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today with more than one billion followers? Although the largest numbers of Muslims live in Asia, Oceania, and Africa, followers of the Islamic faith make up sizable minority groups in Europe and in North America. In the United States today, the Detroit metro area has the largest Muslim population in the nation, followed by Washington, D.C. Muslims also have a notable presence in other parts of the world. -Since its beginnings, Islam has spread around the world.

The March of Islam

-Like a rapid fire, Islam did not sit still. In the centuries following Muhammad's return to Mecca, his teachings spread beyond the Arabian Peninsula into Africa, Europe, and Asia. -Religion, like most elements of culture, spreads through people. From the seventh through the 17th century, Islam spread by two primary means—conquest and trade. Their conquest, under the guise of jihad, typically meant that if you stood in the way of this growing religion, you would be killed. Beheadings were a common method used to destroy infidels and scare others from putting forth any resistance to Islam. -Muhammad's successors established a vast Arab Empire, but the Arab Empire was not alone. Arabia sat at a crossroads of civilizations, connecting Europe, Asia, and Africa. For this reason, wars with other peoples in the region for control of resources and trade routes were common. The Arab Empire expanded by conquering other peoples, and in time, new non-Arab groups came to power. However, many people in lands once subject to Arab rule decided to adopt Islam. -From the time of Muhammad, Arab merchants carried their religious beliefs with them and shared them with the people with whom they traded. Traders traveled even farther beyond the lands conquered by Muslim armies. Sometimes, missionaries joined trade caravans with the specific purpose of teaching distant peoples about Islam. Through land and sea trade, Islam reached into North, Sub-Saharan, and East Africa, as well as across Southwest and Central Asia.

Side by Side

-Over the last four decades, Europe has seen a huge rise in immigrants from primarily Muslim countries. Western countries have struggled to find ways to maintain their secular customs while being accepting of more outward displays of religious affiliation. This lesson explores the diffusion, or spread, of the Islamic faith from its beginnings in the seventh century to today. You will also learn about how the expansion of Islam into new regions impacted people living in them. -Muslims make up small and large minority groups in the nations of Europe. In several countries with larger Muslim populations, conflicts between Islamic traditions and majority ways of life have given rise to controversy.

Shi'a Muslims

-The Shi'a Muslims believed that leadership should pass through descendants of Muhammad or his blood relatives. -About 10% of today's Muslims are Shi'a.

Sunni Muslims

-The Sunni Muslims believed that leadership should pass to people accepted by the Muslim community, not necessarily a direct relative of Muhammad. -About 90% of today's Muslims are Sunni.

Gunpowder Empires:

1 of 3 empires - Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavid - that relied on new types of arms, including cannons and firearms, to defeat their opponent and build their empires

Interesting Fact

Because the Abbasid territory was so grand, they were unable to keep their political grip, and independent Muslim states began to form. By the 10th century, most of North Africa was Islamic, and a new group of rulers emerged. In 909 CE, Abdullah al-Mahdi Billah started the Fatimid dynasty in the area known as the Maghreb. This dynasty claims to be direct descendants of Muhammad's daughter Fatima. In 969 CE, the Fatimids conquered Egypt and made Cairo their new capital. The final blow to the Abbasids came in 1258 CE, when invading Mongols finally put an end to their rule.

Islamic Footprint of Belgium

Belgium soon may be the first European nation to outlaw the burqa and other Islamic garb that completely hide a woman's body and face. Neighboring France and the Netherlands may also outlaw attire that is viewed by many in western European societies as demeaning to women. It also is considered a gateway to radical Islam, a fear that is stoking rightwing sentiment across the continent.

1258-1683 CE

By the 13th century, Islam was well established in Southwest Asia and North Africa. In the coming centuries, several powerful empires arose. In what is now Turkey, the Ottomans conquered Constantinople and extended their empire into not only Arab and Persian lands but also north into Europe. To the east, a people known as the Mongols adopted Islam and gave rise to a new empire in India. By the 17th century, Islam had become the majority religion in the shaded lands and had spread farther through trade.

661-750 CE

In 661, the last Rightly Guided Caliph was murdered. This event not only resulted in a split within the Islamic world but also gave rise to the powerful Umayyad Caliphate. Umayyad armies ranged across North Africa into what is now Spain on the Iberian Peninsula as well as farther east into Central Asia, conquering northern India.

750-1258 CE

In 747, conquered people revolted against Umayyad rule, and a new family, the Abbasids, rose to power. One Umayyad ruler, however, escaped and established a new empire in Spain. Persian and Turkic rulers also adopted Islam even as they regained control over lands in Southwest Asia. Meanwhile, Islam touched outlying regions in Africa, China, and Southeast Asia through trade routes from the Arabian Peninsula and India. Though these areas did not become part of the various Muslim empires, they did become Islamic.

Islamic Footprint of France

In France (pop. 65 million), the government estimates 1,900 women cover their faces with "niqabs," a scarf that exposes only the eyes, or "sitars," a filmy veiled cloth thrown over the head to cover the entire face. France banned Muslim head scarves — as well as Jewish skullcaps and Christian crosses — from schools in 2004. President Nicolas Sarkozy says the burqa "is not welcome" in France, but the Council of State, France's highest administrative body, has served notice that an outright ban may be unconstitutional.

Islamic Footprint of Denmark

In January, Denmark's center-right government called the burqa and the niqab out of step with Danish values. It held off on a ban after finding that only two or three women in Denmark (pop. 5.5 million) wear burqas and perhaps 200 wear niqabs.

Islamic Footprint of the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, polls indicate that Geert Wilders' anti-Islam Freedom Party could nearly triple its presence in parliament and win 25 or so seats in June elections, up from nine today. Wilders and like-minded supporters on the far-right hold that Muslims threaten European values by wearing head scarves and more conservative dress that fully covers the body and head, such as the burqa, the chador and the niqab. They say that liberal Europe can no longer afford to tolerate the illiberalism of newcomers.

Four Social Classes

In the Umayyad Caliphate, there were four social classes. 1) Muslim Arabs: most privileged and paid less in taxes 2) Muslim Non-Arabs or Mawali: paid more in taxes than Muslim Arabs 3) Dhimmis: People of the Book, referring to Jews and Christians who based their faiths on the Bible; higher status than slaves but did not have equal rights to Muslims 4) Slaves: lower status The Umayyad policies fueled many revolts. A series of revolts ended their rule of the vast empire.

624 CE

Muhammad and his followers ambushed and defeated Meccan forces at Badr. This battle was influential in Muhammad's rise as a leader and prophet in the region.

622 CE

Muhammad fled Mecca because of the persecution from the city's leaders. His hijra led him to the desert oasis called Medina, or "City of the Prophet."

610 CE

Muhammad received his first revelation of Allah through the archangel Gabriel. He was persecuted by Meccan leaders who disagreed with his message.

630 CE

Muhammad returned to Mecca with an army of 10,000, took control of the city, destroyed all of the idols, preserved the Kaaba, and converted the population to Islam.

The Mughal Empire

Not only did Islam impact the Mediterranean area and the Middle East, its influence reached India and parts of Southeast Asia. Islam had first come to the Indian subcontinent with Arab merchants and conquerors in the 11th century. However, Islam did not really gain a foothold until the Mamluks gained power. The Mamluks overthrew the Abbasids in North Africa and Southwest Asia in the late 12th century. They then pushed north and east into Asia where they fought with the Mongols, who dominated much of Asia at the time. The Mamluks were the first Muslims to establish an Indian empire. But not all of India converted to Islam. At the time, most of the subcontinent already followed the Hindu religion, a belief system that encompassed most of Indian society. Tensions between the Muslims and the Hindus would lead to numerous conflicts in the coming centuries, and these differences continue to divide the Indian people today. In the 16th century, the Mongols to the north finally overwhelmed the Delhi Sultanate. In 1526, the Mongol Babur established a new Muslim Indian empire—the Mughal Empire. His successor, Akbar, proved a tolerant ruler. For a time, the Muslims and Hindus of India lived in peace. The empire, however, began to fall apart after Akbar's death. Later rulers not only enacted unpopular taxes and wasted money but also tried to force the conversion of the Hindu people. As a result, the Hindus revolted, and the empire fell apart. Although the Islamic empires in India did not last, the Islamic religion remains a powerful force among people in the region today. Also, it was from India that many Islamic merchants carried their beliefs into places such as Malaysia and Indonesia.

Islamic Footprint of Switzerland

Swiss voters recently voted to ban the construction of new minarets. In recent years, both mosque and minaret construction projects in many European countries, including Sweden, France, Italy, Austria, Greece, Germany and Slovenia have generated protests, some of them violent.

Capital City

The Abbasid dynasty moved the capital city by building Baghdad in present-day Iraq. Baghdad was a key location to build a capital city. The spot was at the crossroads to major trade routes between Europe and Asia. Rivers border the city, providing a source of water for residents. The Abbasids hired talented architects and other professionals to design and build an impressive capital inspired by the Islamic faith. The Persian influence on the city is evident in its circular design, with the hub for government and worship at the center. Its nickname was, appropriately, the "Round City."

Abbasid Dynasty

The Abbasid dynasty, supported in part by the Shi'a and the Persians, finally overthrew the Umayyads in 750 CE. They brutally took control from the Umayyads by murdering the remaining family members. One Umayyad prince, Abd al-Rahman, was able to escape and set up a Muslim caliphate in Spain. The Umayyads had retreated to the area of the empire called Al-Andalus, in what is today southern Spain and Portugal. The Muslims had considerable influence in the region until the last Muslim rulers were driven from Spain in 1491, just one year before Columbus landed in America.

Mughal Artillery:

The Mughal Empire was one of three "gunpowder empires," so named because of the role that Chinese gunpowder played in their powerful militaries. Backed by cannons and firearms, the Mughals "outgunned" their competition.


The Muslim Empire developed well-organized and efficient systems that allowed it to thrive and become prosperous. Trade extended from northern Africa to southern Europe and into parts of Asia. The help of a single currency, universal banking system, and common language—Arabic, contributed to unifying the empire both politically and economically. By the 10th century, the city of Córdoba in Spain was bustling. It had an impressive population of nearly 200,000 people and served as an impressive cultural center, much like we might view New York City today. At the same time Paris, France only had a population of a mere 38,000. Many cities in the Muslim empire became thriving places of culture, learning, and the arts. These cities include Damascus, Cairo, Baghdad, and, of course, Córdoba. These cultural centers kept scholarship alive during the Dark Ages of Europe and played a major role in sparking the European Renaissance. Can you think of any other cities that you might consider major cultural centers today aside from New York City? What impact might they have in transmitting knowledge to future generations?

Taj Mahal:

The Taj Mahal in Agra, India is not only an impressive example of Islamic architecture but also a reminder of the follies of late Mughal emperors. Built as a tomb for the wife of Shah Jahan in the mid-17th century, it represents the excess that led to the fall of the empire.


The Umayyads were distant relatives of Muhammad. They established a dynasty that lasted from 661-750 CE. Under the Umayyads, the size and population of the caliphate grew. They abandoned the simple life and surrounded themselves with wealth and extravagance, which led to a split in the Islamic community. They established a capital city at Damascus, in present-day Syria. They conquered territory and won many converts to Islam. Rulers in Europe, however, saw the expansion of Islam as a threat and sought to stop it. In 732 CE, the French, led by Charles Martel, successfully stopped them at Poitiers in France. In Anatolia, or modern Turkey, the Byzantines delivered a devastating blow to the Syrian army in 740 CE.

632-661 CE

The first four rulers to follow Muhammad were called the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs or rulers. Under their rule, Muslim armies defeated the Persians and the Byzantines. As a result, they took control of the Arabian Peninsula as well as Persia, Syria, and much of Egypt, building the foundations of an Arab Empire. Once again, as humanity attempts to dominate lands and people, the consequences are difficult to contain, even for those in positions of leadership. Matthew 26:52 states, "For all who will take the sword will perish by the sword."

612-632 CE

When Muhammad first began reciting his revelations in 612, authorities in Mecca were reluctant to accept his monotheistic ideas. Yet, by 632, Muhammad and his followers had come to control a large area of the Arabian Peninsula. Tribes that came under Muhammad's rule adopted Islam. Then, in 632, Muhammad died.


a follower of Hinduism, a religious system that originated on the Indian subcontinent that emphasizes a cycle of rebirth in human existence and the role of dharma, or one's duty according to basic universal principles and laws


a group of officials and other workers who take care of the daily business of government

Delhi Sultanate:

a state or country, generally Islamic, governed by a ruler known as a sultan


a subjective term describing someone whose religious beliefs do not conform to the dominant culture's understanding of religion; for early Christians, anyone who was not a Christian was a pagan.


an Arab ethnic group that largely lives a nomadic or semi-nomadic life in the deserts of Southwest Asia and North Africa and whose people are generally organized into tribes or clans


movement from one country or place to another


one who does not accept a certain religion


one who submits to the will of God


submission to the will of God


the city of the prophet


the journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib (later Medina) in 622 CE


the process of spreading phenomena, such as religion and other cultural elements, from one area or group of people to another through contract

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