128 questions American Citizen

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How many voting member are in the house of representatives?

435(. 24) (ha nghi vien co bao nhieu dan bieu)

What does the president cabinet do?

Advises the president. 47.

What group of people was taken and sold as slaves?

Africans. 75

How are change made to the US constitution?

Amendment. (5) (nhung thay doi trong hien phap hoa ki duoc thuc hien bang cach nao ). (TU CHINH AN)

What war did the americans fight to win independence from britain?

American revolution. 76.

Name two important ideas from the declaration of independence and the US constitution?

Equality and liberty. (10) ( hay ke ra 2 y tuong quan trong tu ban tuyen ngon va hien phap) BINH DANG - TU DO)

Who was the United states main rival during the cold war?

Russia. (108)

What are two cabinet level position?

Secretary of education and Labor. 48

How long is a term for a US senator?

Six year. 22.

What is independence day?

The country's birthday. (125)

The US constitution starts with the words " we the people". What does "we the people" mean?

Self government. (4) (hien phap hoa ki bat dau bang nhung tu nay, vay nhung tu nay co y nghia gi) (CHE DO TU TRI)

What is the highest court in the united states?

Supreme court. 52.

What major event happened on september 11, 2001 in the United states?

Terrorists attacked the United states. (115)

How many supreme court jutices are usually needed to decide a case?

5. 54

Where is the statue of Liberty ?

Newyork. (120)

The president of the united states in elect for how many year?

4 year. 36.

Who is one of your states US senator now?


Name your US representative?


What is the capital of your state?

Austin 62

What is the "rule of law"?

Everyone must follow the law (. 13)

Why is the declaration of independence important?

It says america is free from brirtish control. (8) (tai sao ban tuyen ngon doc lap la quan trong) (VI NO THE HIEN HOA KI DUOC TU DO KHOI SU KIEM SOAT CUA ANH QUOC)

When did the great Depression start?

Stock market crash of 1929. (104)

What is one part of the judicial branch?

Supreme court. 50

Who wrote the declaration of independence?

Thomas jefferson. 78

Name one power of the US congress?

Write laws. ( 20) (hay ke ra 1 quyen cua quoc hoi HK). (VIET LUAT)

Name one thing the US constitution does?

Form the government. (Hay ke ra 1 dieu hien phap thuc thi ) (3) (THANH LAP CHINH PHU)

Martin Luther King , lr. Is famous for many things. Name one?

Fought for Civil rights. (113)

What did the Civil rights movement do?

Fought to end racial discrimination. (112)

James madison is famous for many things.name one?

Fourth president of the united states. 88

Who was president during the great Depression and world war 2?

Franklin Roosevelt. (105)

Abraham Lincoln is famous for many things. Name one ?

Freed the slaves. 94

What did the Emancipation proclamation do?

Freed the slaves. 95

The colonists came to america for many reasons. Name one?

Freedom 73

What are three rights of everyone living in the united states?

Freedom of speech. , religion. , assembly. 65

Name one power that is only for the states?

Give a driver,s license. 59.

Name one reason why the americans declared independence from britain?

High taxes. 77

What is the purpose of the 10th amendment?

Powers not given to the federal government belong to the states or to the people. 60

Name one power that is only for the federal government?

Print paper money. 58

What is the form of the Government of the United State?

Republic ( hinh thuc cua chinh phu hoa ki la gi ). (1). ( CONG HOA)

What does the bill of right protect?

Right of americans (6). (Luat dan quyen bao ve dieu gi). (NHUNG QUYEN CO BAN CUA DAN MY)

Why does each state have two senators?

Equal representation(. 28.)(tai sao moi tieu bang co 2 TNS) (DE CO SU DAI DIEN = GIUA CAC BANG)

The president of the united states is in charge of which branch of government?

Executive branch(. 17.) ( vi tong thong HK phu trach nganh nao trong CP) (HANH PHAP)

What does the judicial branch do?

Explains laws. 51

George washington is famous for many things. Name one?

First president of the united states. 86

How long do supreme court justices serve?

For life. 55

How many US senator are there?

100. (21)

What amendment gives citizenship to all persons born in the United states?

14th Amendment. 97

When did all women get the right to vote?

1920. (102)

How many amendment does the US constitution have?

27. (7)

Dwight Eisenhower is Famous for many things. Name one?

34th President of the United states. (107)

What is Veterans day?

A holiday to honor people in the military. (128)

What is memorial day?

A holiday to honor soldiers who died in military service. (127)

When did all men get the right to vote?

After the Civil war. 98

Name one example of an American innovation?

Airplanne. (118)

There are four amendment to the US constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them?

Any citizen can vote 63

Why did the united states enter world war 1 ?

Because germany attacked US ships. 101

Some states have more representatives than other states. Why?

Because some states have more people(. 35.)(1 vai tb co nh dan bieu hon cac bang #. Tai sao)

Why does the flag have 50 stars?

Because there are 50 states (122)

Why does the flag have 13 stripes ?

Because there were 13 original colonies (121)

Why did the United states enter world war 2?

Bombing of pearl Harbor. (106)

What is the economic systems of the united states?

Capitalism. (12) (he thong kte cua hk la gi). (CHU NGHIA TU BAN)

There are three branches of government . Why?

Checks and balances. ( 15) (co 3 nhanh \nganh trong CP , tai sao) (KIEM SOAT LAN NHAU)

Who elects member of the house of representatives?

Citizens in their district. ( 34)( ai bau cac thanh vien cua ha nghi vien)

Who does a member of the house of representative represent?

Citizens in their district. (33.)( thanh vien cua ha nghi vien dai dien cho ai)(CD tr QUAN cua ho)

Who does a US senators represent?

Citizens of their states. (31.)(thuong nghi si dai dien cho ai) (CONG DAN TRG BANG CUA HO)

Who elect US senators?

Citizens of their states. (32) ( ai bau chon thuong nghi si)

Why is it important to pay federal taxes?

Civic duty. 71

It is important for all men age 18 through 25 to register for the selective service. Name one reason why?

Civic duty. 72

Name one war fought by the united states in the 1800s?

Civil war. 91

During the cold war, what was one main concern of the United states?

Communism. (109)

Name the three branches of government?

Congress, president, and the courts. ( 16) (hay ke ra 3 nghanh cua CP)

What part of the federal government write laws?

Congress. ( 18.) ( bo phan nao cua CP lien bang ban hanh luat phap)

What is the supreme law of the land?

Constitution. ( 2)

What founding document was written in 1787?

Constitution. 82

Many document influenced the US constitution . Name one?

Declaration of independence (. 14) (nhieu tai lieu anh huong den hphap HK la gi , ke ra)

The words life, liberty and the pursuit of hapiness are in what founding document ?

Declaration of independence. (11)

What founding document said the american colonies were free from britain?

Declaration of independence. (9) (van kien thanh lap nao cho biet cac thuoc dia cua mi da thoat khoi Anh) (BAN TUYEN NGON DOC LAP)

The american revolution had many important events. Name one?

Declaration of independence. 80

Name one American Indian tribe in the United states?

Huron. (117)

Why is the electoral college important?

It decides who is elected president. 49

The federalist papers supported the passage of the US constitution. Name one of the writers?

John jay. 83

Who is the chief justice of the united states now?

John robert. 57

When was the declaration of independence adopted?

July 4, 1776. 79

The Civil war had many important events. Name one

Lincoln was assassinated. 93

What was the great Depression?

Longest economic recession in modern history. (103)

What territory did the united states buy from france in 1803?

Louisiana. 90

Name one leader of the women's right movement in the 1800s?

Lucy stone. 99

Alexander Hamilton is famous for many things. Name one?

Member of the continental congress. 89

What is the name of the vice president of the united states now?

Mike pence. 39

What is the name of the speaker of the house of representative now?

Nancy Pelosi. 30.

Who live in america before the europeans arrived?

Native americans. 74

How can people become united states citizens?

Naturalize. 68

There were 13 original states.name fine ?

New york, new jersey, new hamshire, north carolina, south carolina. 81

Name three national US holidays?

Newyear's day— Chirstmas day— Labor day. (126)

How many seats are on the supreme court?

Nine. 53.

Name two promises that new citizens make in the oath of allegiance?

Obey the law and be loyal to the united states 67

Name one US war between the North and the South?

The Civil war. 92

What US war ended slavery?

The Civil war. 96

Who is the commander in chief of the US military?

The president. 42

Who sign bills to become law?

The president. 43

Who vetoes bills?

The president. 44

Who appoints federal judges?

The president. 45

The executive branch has many parts.name one?

The president. 46

What are the two parts of the US congress?

The senate and house of representatives(. 19)

What is the name of the national anthem ?

The star spangled Banner (123)

What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?

The united states. 66

If the president can no longer serve, who become president?

The vice president. 40

Why were the federalist papers important?

They helped people understand the constitution. 84

Thomas jefferson is famous for many things. Name one?

Third President of the united states. 87

Supreme court justices serve for life. Why?

To be independent of politics. 56

Why did the United states enter the persian gulf war?

To force the Iraqi military from Kuwait. (114)

The president of the united states can serve only two terms. Why?

To keep the president from becoming too powerfull. 37

Why do US representatives serve shorter terms than US senator?

To more closely follow public opinion. ( 26) (tai sao nhiem ki cua dan bieu ngan hon nk cua thuong nghi si)(VI DE THEO SAT Y \K CUA DAN)

Why did the United states enter the Korean war?

To stop the spread of communism. (110)

Why did the United States enter the Vietnam war?

To stop the spread of communism. (111)

What is the name of the president of the united states now?

Trump. 36

How long is a term for a member of the house of representative?

Two year. (25) (1 nhiem ki cua thanh vien ha vien bao lau)

How many senators does each states have?

Two. ( 27.) ( moi lien bang co bao nhieu TNS)

Who can vote in federal elections, run for federal office, and serve on a jury in the united states?

US citizens. 64.

Benjamin franklin is famous for many things ,name one?

US diplomart. 85

Name one power of the president?

Vetoes bills. 41

Name one war fought by the United states in the1900s ?

Vietnam War. 100

What are two examples of civic participation in the united states?

Vote and run for the office. 69

What is one way americans can serve their country?

Vote. 70

Name one US military conflict after the september 11, 2001 attacks ?

War in Iraq. (116)

what is the Capital of the United states?

Washington, DC (119)

The nation's first motto was "E pluribus Unum"?. What does that mean.

We all become one (124)

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