14.4: World War 1 Ends

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What did Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles demand?

- Germany must accept accept full and sole responsibility for the war. - Germany must pay reparations (damages) to the allies (most of which were in raw & manufactured goods, not currency)

What were the additional main points fought for in the Treaty of Versailles?

- Germany must limit size of army and navy and serve as a defensive force only. - No tanks, armored vehicles, gas or submarines. - Germany lost its colonies. - Had to give land back to Poland, France, Denmark, Belgium and Czechoslovakia. - A union between Germany & Austria was forbidden.

In _____ the _____ joined the war while _____ withdrew from the war.

1917, US, Russia

When was the Treaty of Versailles enacted?


What was the goal of the League of Nation?

A League of Nations was created to attempt to resolve conflicts and problems among nations (precursor to the UN).

What effect did the war have on the Ottoman Empire?

Arabs were not given independence for their own states as promised for fighting against the Ottoman, but became mandates of Britain and France (land overseen by another).

What effect did the war have on Austria-Hungary?

Austria-Hungary ceased to exist. New nations were formed form the old empires of Poland, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

Study Note

Do not use shuffle; use it in the original order to understand time sequencing.

What is the date when Germany signed an armistice?

November 11, 1919

What event caused the resignation of Kaiser Wilhelm?

Second Battle of the Marne

What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

This was a peace decree calling for the immediate end to the war. It was signed in March 1918.

What nations were a part of the Paris Peace Conference?

US, Britain and France.

What role did the US have in the formation of the League of Nations?

While a large supporter of the organization, the US didn't elect to join.

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