14:Human Development [Childbirth]

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The Stages of Labor

1) Labor 2) Delivery of baby 3) Delivery of Afterbirth

Which situation describes a premature birth?

A baby is delivered before the 37th week of pregnancy

If a couple chooses to have their baby at home, the delivery usually involves___.

A certain nurse-midwife

Low Birthweight

A newborn that weighs less than 5.5 pounds at birth is considered to have low birthweight. Some low-birthweight babies are also premature. Others are full-term, but just didn't grow enough before birth. Premature and low-birthweight babies face an increased risk of health problems as newborns, chronic lifelong health problems, and even death. Not all cases are preventable—however, the number of premature and low-birthweight babies could dramatically decrease if more women adopted healthy habits during pregnancy. For example, a woman reduces her risk of having a baby with low birthweight by about 40 percent by not smoking during pregnancy.

Identical Twins

A sperm fertilizes a single egg The single egg splits and forms two identical embryos Identical twins result

The Postpartum Period

After the birth, a period of adjustment for the parents and their newborn begins. During the first six weeks, called the postpartum period, many changes take place. Immediately after the birth, the newborn's lungs begin to function for the first time. The circulatory system and heart undergo changes that send more blood to the lungs, where the baby now gets oxygen from the air. The nervous system reacts to new sensations: light, air against the skin, a parent's touch, hunger, and pain. While its organs adjust to life outside the uterus, the newborn is learning to get what it needs by forming a strong bond with its mother and father. For the mother, changing hormone levels signal the breasts to produce milk and cause the uterus to gradually shrink back to its normal size. Hormonal changes and fatigue may cause the mother to feel overwhelmed, or even very sad, during the postpartum period. Usually, these "baby blues" pass within a few days. If, however, the sadness lasts longer or causes the mother to withdraw from the baby and other people, she should seek prompt medical attention. She may need to be treated for a serious condition called postpartum depression.

*Complications at Birth*

Although the birth process usually proceeds smoothly, problems can sometimes occur. Some complications result in a surgical delivery or premature birth. Low birthweight and the birth of more than one baby also may cause complications. In addition, very rarely, a pregnancy may end with a stillbirth. A stillbirth occurs when a fetus dies and is expelled from the body after the twentieth week of pregnancy.

*The Birth Process*

As the baby's due date approaches, the mother and father prepare. Most couples choose to have their baby in a hospital, where obstetricians, specially trained nurses, and medical equipment are available should something go wrong. If the pregnancy has gone well and the mother is in good health, a couple may choose to have the baby at home or at a home-like setting with the help of a certified nurse-midwife. A certified nurse-midwife is a nurse who is trained to deliver babies. Near the end of the ninth month of pregnancy, the head of the fetus moves lower in the uterus. The birth process begins when the muscular walls of the uterus begin a series of contractions that will push the fetus out of the mother. Birth takes place in three stages—labor, delivery of the baby, and delivery of the afterbirth.

Which term refers to the surgical removal of a baby from the uterus?

Cesarean section

Which occurs during labor?

Contractions of the uterus get stronger

During which stage does the doctor normally cuts the umbilical cord?

Delivery of the baby

Which event is part of afterbirth?

Delivery of the placenta

3. Delivery of Afterbirth

Even though the baby is born, the birth process is not complete. The third stage involves contractions of the uterus that push out the placenta, also called the afterbirth. This stage typically takes about 15 to 30 minutes.

Which is not a risk factor for having a baby with low birthweight?

Exercising during pregnancy

Which kind of twins always results when two different sperm fertilize two eggs?

Fraternal twins

Give two reasons why a doctor might need to perform a cesarean section?

If the fetus is out of position or the women's hips are too narrow, it is unlikely that the fetus can pass through the birth canal.

Which is the first stage of the birthing process?


What are the three stages of birth?

Labor, Delivery of the baby, And delivery of the afterbirth

Many changes take place in a mother and child during the first six weeks after birth. What is this period of adjustment called?

Postpartum period

Delivery of a live baby before the 37th week of pregnancy is called ___.

Premature birth

Premature Birth

Sometimes a baby is born before it has developed fully. Delivery of a live baby before the 37th week of pregnancy is called premature birth. The earlier the birth, the more problems the baby tends to have. The lungs of a premature baby are usually not fully developed, and in some cases, the baby cannot breathe by itself. The baby may also have additional problems if other organs aren't fully developed. A premature baby may receive care in an incubator, a chamber designed to protect the baby until it has developed more.

Surgical Delivery

Sometimes delivery through the cervix and vagina is not possible because of the position of the fetus in the uterus or the narrowness of the mother's hips. Other times, illness or other conditions may make labor and vaginal delivery dangerous for the mother or the fetus. In these circumstances, the obstetrician will perform a cesarean section. A cesarean section (suh ZEHRbee un) is a surgical method of birth. The operation takes about one hour to complete, and the mother may be awake or asleep during the procedure. First the doctor makes an incision in the lower abdomen into the uterus, then he or she removes the baby and placenta. About 25 percent of all babies born in the United States are delivered by cesarean section.

Fraternal Twins

Sometimes two eggs are released from the ovary and are fertilized by two sperm. When this happens, fraternal twins develop. Fraternal twins are no more alike than any other siblings, and they may or may not be the same sex.

2. Delivery of Baby

Stage two involves the actual birth, or delivery, of the baby. This stage can take from half an hour to more than two hours. Contractions of the uterus continue, and the baby is pushed out, usually head first, through the cervix and vagina. Once the baby is out, the doctor clamps and cuts the umbilical cord. There are no nerve endings in the cord, so this does not hurt the baby or the mother. The baby's nose and mouth are suctioned to remove mucus and make breathing easier. Eye drops are put in the baby's eyes to prevent infection, and an injection of vitamin K is given to prevent excessive bleeding from the cut umbilical cord. The doctor may also prick the baby's heel for a blood sample, which will be tested for abnormal protein levels. Abnormal test results may indicate a genetic disorder.

Which typically occurs first in the birthing process?

The baby is pushed out of the uterus

Which situation is most likely to require delivery by cesarean section?

The birth of triplets

*Multiple Births*

The delivery of more than one baby—for example, twins, triplets, or quadruplets—is called a multiple birth. These births carry greater risk to the mother and babies, and are closely monitored by doctors. Delivery by cesarean section is more likely for a multiple birth than for a single birth. What causes more than one fetus to develop?

Which occurs during the postpartum period?

The mother experiences hormonal changes

Which occurs during the afterbirth stage?

The placenta is pushed out of the uterus

1. Labor

The work performed by the mother's body to push the fetus out is called labor. Labor for a first child may last from about 2 to 24 hours or longer. During this stage, strong contractions of the muscles of the uterus cause the cervix to increase in width, or dilate. Each contraction typically lasts from 30 to 90 seconds. At first, the contractions may be minutes apart, but by the end of labor, they are usually only a few seconds apart. Near the end of this first stage, the amniotic sac breaks, and the cervix becomes softer and wide enough for the fetus to pass through.

Triplets or More

Triplets, quadruplets, and other multiple births are less common than twins. The number of births to three or more babies has increased dramatically in the last 25 years.

Identical Twins

Twins that develop from a single fertilized egg, or zygote, are called identical twins. Early in development, the embryo divides into two identical embryos. Because they develop from identical embryos, identical twins have the same inherited traits and are the same sex.

Fraternal Twins

Two different sperm fertilize two eggs Each of the fertilized eggs develops into an embryo Fraternal twins result

Which is a sign of postpartum depression?

Withdrawing from the baby

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