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O.J Simpson Trial

A famous criminal trial held by the Los Angeles County Superior Court versus famous football player and actor O.J Simpson who was being convicted of the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman which occurred in June 1994.The case is known for as being one of the most publicized trials in history due to racial prejudice and celebrity status.

Beanie Babies

A major fad that was known in the 90's was a line of stuffed animals made by Ty.Warner Inc. Each toy was unique and different with colors or patterns and filled with plastic pellets rather than mainstream stuffing giving it a different feel than other stuffed animals.Half of the decade the beanie babies became a necessity when it came to childhood toys for entertainment.

Rodney King and the Los Angeles Riots

An African-American man known as Rodney King was brutally beaten for resisting arrest by police and the incident was recorded, but the police were freed from charges. This action by a jury led to a breakout of riots, causing up to a $1 billion worth of damages.


Culture has always been important in our society, from movies to the different types of religions. Movies have been around for a while now, and they're a big part of culture. During the 1990s a various amount of good movies came out, but the top 3 that were legendary and the public loved were, Silence of the Lamb, Titanic,and Forrest Gump. At this point in time full length movies were finally being made for big screens and small screens, independent cinema rose, and the Disney Renaissance reached its peak. Another big part of our culture is music. Music has been around for years, in the 90s different music genres merged and edgy music was created. The genres that were mostly in at the time were grunge and rap. Some of the big hit songs from this time were Smells Like Teen Spirit, Baby Got Back, and I Will Always Love You. Religion is the part of culture that has been around for the longest. The 1990s were not distinguished by a certain type of religion, but church attendance did drop nationwide and there were significant decreases in religious practices.

Music grunge

In the 1990's the popularity of grunge music boosted a lot in this generations because it had spread out all over california . The most thing that made grunge famous was Rock during the 1990's and it influences modern rock music, and their lyrics brought socially conscious issues into pop culture. Even though the grunge bands had disbanded or faded from view by 1990's

Operation desert storm

Operation desert storm or the first Gulf war was the first major crisis of the United States. This was after the cold war which represented itself in August 1990. Saddam Hussein (Dictator of Iraq) ordered his army to patrol the border of Kuwait, his army was well equipped. Kuwait's liberation in 1991 led to a new Era of military technology. Leading up to the war Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait Hussein was making threats against them for some time during August 2, 1990. Although people didn't think he was actually going to invade so the invasion did take the people by surprise.

National Health Care Reform

President Bill CLINTON set out to devise a universal health care play and handed it over to his wife, first lady, hillary Clinton to be the head of the plan. The main element about the whole idea of this plan was to give insurance to their employees. The plan was not so fancied by many people or groups such as conservatives, librarians, etc. Because of this Clinton was politically weakened and laid the foundation for the Republican Revolution of 1994

Welfare Reform

President Clinton signed into the law "The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996," shorter known as the welfare reform plan. This plan was to dramatically change the nation's welfare system into one that requires work in exchange for time-limited assistance. The reform provided welfare delivery and structure to form a Federal government to state, and local governments. This gave the states their own opinion on what way to model their welfare and allowed states to decide their requirements.

Ross Perot

Ross Perot, to this day, is the best know from his independence candidate for the U.S presidency in 1992 in which he won 19 percent of the popular vote against Bush and Clinton. He established a legitimate third party which was a clear threat to two party systems monopolized by the Republicans and Democrats. People remember him as the "man who brought a practical business savvy manner to the 'game of politics.'" People thought he was a candor the could not ignore and might have changed the way the government did business. The biggest impact that was made was that people had this hopes for been someone who could have been destined to make the real change but in 1992, he withdrew from the race with no explanation and to this day there haven't been any clarifications.

The Branch Davidians

The Branch Davidians are a religious group that originated in 1955. Since the beginning, the movement believed that they were living in a time when Bible prophecies of a final divine judgment were coming to pass a prelude to Christ's Second Coming. The leader of the Branch Davidians was David Koresh. In 1993 federal agents raided the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. The agents were attempting to arrest David Koresh on the account that the religious sect was stockpiling weapons. A gun battle broke out in which four agents and six cult members were killed. On April 19 a second raid occurred where a fire broke out killing 76 people including David Koresh, who shot himself. The members who survived were arrested.

Repeal of Glass-Steagall Act

The Glass-Steagall Act was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1933 as part of the Banking Act. The purpose of the Glass-Steagall Act was to prevent banks from using depositors funds for investments that were risky. An example of a risky investment would be investing in the stock market. Glass-Steagall separated investment banking from retail banking. In 1999 most of the act was repealed by the Gramm Leach Bliley Act, it was repealed to prevent and avoid another depression. President Bill Clinton was responsible for the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act and the passing of 1 the Gramm Leach Bliley Act.

The Simpsons

The Simpsons became to be one of the longest running tv shows after released in 1989 and planted their flag since the public had not seen an animated sitcom since The Flintstones in the 60s. The show established a number of catchphrases into the modern culture vernacular. They also established a well-known number of hallmarks and the writers specially chose Springfield as a gag in order to conceal the city's location and giving misleading clues about their home state. The Simpsons was basically a cultural phenomenon. In 1992, President Bush stirred things up by declaring in an address after the name of National Religious Broadcasters that "This nation needs to be closer to the Waltons than the Simpsons." That is when the creator shot back and replied, "Hey, the Simpsons are just like Waltons. Both families are praying for an end of the Depression." The Simpsons was an essential document at its time from a political debate to religious fervor to middle-class complacency.

Technological Revolution

The era of technology, of course, is the 20th century. This era was when video cameras and touch phones were created and it just keeps know advancing. Which is why the 2oth century will be remembered as "The Technological Revolution." The industrial Revolution was seen as the birth in 19yh century England it spread all over western Europe and America, it has reached its economical and sociological death. We are living today in the historical and embryological development of it, and it will create a new social order.

North American free trade agreement (NAFTA)

The north American free trade agreement helps a lot of immigrants from Canada and Mexico and supported about three million with American jobs. Then since NAFTA's implementation, the united states stated that Illinois, Ohio, Michigan , and many others have seen the surge in exports across the north American borders. For over 30 0ut of the 50 states, Canada and Mexico were rank as the highest export market. Many of the American small business exporters first customers are from Canada or Mexico and under NAFTA, united states have traded with them. Canada and Mexico have supported over 140,000 small and medium - sized businesses.

Collapse Of Communism

This collapse was led into different events from between 1989 to 1991 that caused the fall of communist regimes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.With massive opposition against president Mikhail Gorbachev to send soviet troops to the rescue, communists governments lost power which convinced them to have free elections into power candidates.A desire for reform came into action which spread to East Germany and to the fall of the Berlin Wall.


Throughout the 1990's, the U.S. only had two presidents. The first president of the 1990's was president George H.W. Bush, he won the 1988 against Michael Dukakis, George H.W. Bush was part of the republican party and was president from 1989-1993. The second U.S. president during the 90's was democrat, Bill Clinton, he won the 1992 election against prior president, George H.W. Bush. Bill Clinton served as president from 1993-2001. The 1990's were quite crucial years for the U.S. foreign policy. President George H.W. Bush had difficulty articulating what the role of the U.S. should be in the post-Cold War world. It wasn't until Bill Clinton's presidency that things started looking better for the U.S. Bill Clinton allowed the U.S. to adapt its leadership to the new realities.

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