2- dimensional motion
if the height above the ground from which the ball is thrown were increased, the *time of flight* of the ball would
if the initial speed of the ball were increased, the horizontal distance traveled by the ball would
A ball of mass m is thrown horizontally with speed v from a height h above level ground - If the height above the ground from which the ball is thrown were INCREASEd, the *initial vertical velocity* of the ball would
remain the same
if the ball were replaced with a ball of mass 2m, the horizontal distance/ vertical acceleration traveled by the ball would
remain the same
if the initial speed of the ball were increased, the time of flight of the ball would
remain the same
if the initial speed of the ball were increased, the vertical acceleration of the ball would
remain the same
as time elapses before the ball strikes the ground, the horizontal velocity of the ball
remains the same