2 unit: SHOPS

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making you feel you want to do something An _________ teacher. He was an _________ leader. One of the most _________ speeches I have ever heard.


normal situation and has all the same features as it usually does. People sometimes say "_______!" to mean that they were expecting something bad to happen It's _______! The service is always bad here. It was a _______ English summer, with rain every week. _______! I got there a minute early but the bus left two minutes early.


not bright because they are closer to black than they are to white I look better in ____ colours. The walls were painted ____ grey. She has long ____ hair and green eyes. The paint will look ____er after it dries.


not decorated or complicated; simple It's a bit _____. Do you have anything prettier? I put on a _____ white shirt. The furniture was all very _____. A piece of _____ paper (with no lines on it).


not fitting closely to the body, not firmly fixed in place I put on a _____ shirt and a pair of jeans. _____ clothing will keep you comfortable. He wore a _____ pair of trousers. The top button on my shirt is _____. The handle on my suitcase has come _____. I've got to see a dentist about a _____ tooth. I put on a _____ shirt and a pair of jeans.


not thin; to be made of heavy material and will keep you warm I bought this nice _____ coat for the winter. A pair of _____ socks. A _____ woolly jumper. A _____ book. The walls are very _____. She's got lovely _____ hair.


physical harm caused to something which makes it less attractive, useful or valuable The storm caused a lot of ______ to houses in the village. If you break it, you'll have to pay for the ______.


that can be trusted to do something well Their delivery service was very ________. Go to World PC. They're very ________. It's an old car, so it's not very ________. She's a very ________ babysitter.


to fall or to allow something to fall The delivery man ____ped it. Be careful you don't ____ that plate. I ____ped the letter into the rubbish bin. She ____ped her gloves on the floor.


to feel relaxed and happy because your body is in a good position Our new sofa's really ___________. Are you ___________ sitting there? The bed was old and I couldn't get ___________ in it.


to fill something such as a cupboard or shelves with food or goods The shop was not very well _____ed (did not have many goods). We _____ more than forty different kinds of cheese.


to harm or spoil something Be careful - you'll ______ it!. Smoking can ______ your health. Smoking is likely to ______ your health permanently.


two things that are the same and that are used together A ____ of leather shoes. I bought a ____ of jeans. A new ____ of trainers. I always have a spare ____ of glasses with me. She was wearing a ____ of gold earrings.


unexpectedly or in a way that is unusual The meal was ____________ good. She looked ____________ well.


at a fairly high temperature in a way that is pleasant, rather than being hot or cold I bought a thick coat to keep me ____ in the cold weather. We were lovely and ____ by the fire. I had a nice ____ bath. The weather was quite ____. A lovely ____ day.


being the only one of its kind She only made one ring like this, so it's ______. The band had a ______ style of music. I met a lot of interesting and ______ people.


broken in some way, harmed or spoiled When I took it out of the box, I saw that it was _______. I took it back to the shop because it was _______. Some buildings were badly _______ in the storm.


clean, neat and looking new and attractive I had to buy some _____ trousers for work. You should wear something _____. I wore _____ clothes to the concert. You look very _____ today.


covered with paper or other material a beautifully ______ Christmas gift individually ______ chocolates


feeling or showing surprise because something has happened that you did not expect I was quite _________ when she said she was leaving. He looked _________ when I told him the result. I was _________ at how quickly she agreed.


feeling slightly angry or impatient Martin was trying hard not to sound _______. She had an _______ expression on her face.


frightened, afraid I thought I heard someone downstairs and got really ______. She was ______ that she'd fall into the water.


he standard of something when it is compared to other things like it; how good or bad something is They're really good _______ and they'll last for years. Their shoes are excellent _______. They sell top _______ fruit and vegetables (the best _______). You can feel the _______ of this wool.


if you ___ or ___ down, your body is flat and your head is on the same level as your feet, for example when you are in bed Collocates: ___ down, ___ on something The sofa's nice and big, so you can ___ on it too. I like to ___ on the beach. I'm really tired; I'm just going to ___ down for a few minutes.


involving the possibility of something bad happening It's too _____ to swim across the river; we'll have to use the bridge. t's _____ to buy a car without some good advice. Life as an aid worker can be a _____ business (= dangerous).


is a group of things that you can choose from Collocates: a good/wide ___________, a ___________ of something They had a really wide ___________ of armchairs Your body needs a wide ___________ of foods to stay healthy. Try the shop down the road. They always have a good ___________.


is the amount of money you have to pay for a particular service Collocates: pay a ___, charge a ___ There's no delivery ___ on orders over £20. Customers pay an annual ___ for the service. Users can block ads for a small monthly ___.


less than before or less than usual It was only £50, _______ from £99. The hotel offered us a _______ price of £65 a night instead of £80.


light and strong, not dark Have you got any paint that's a bit ______er? She wears a lot of ______ colours. A ______ green jacket. She's got ______ blue eyes.


(usually of a colour or style of clothes) to make someone look more attractive Yellow doesn't usually ____ me. That jacket doesn't ____ him. Your new hairstyle really ____s you. Short skirts don't ____ me.


Collocates: on someone's ______________ We booked the Bristol Hotel on my brother's ______________ (because he recommended it). Can you give us any ______________s for a restaurant in the city centre?


a public performance in which people play music My wife took me to a _______ for my 40th birthday. A lot of people are travelling to Wembley for the big _______. I'm going to a _______ on Saturday. The band are giving a _______ in London later this year. A rock _______.


a circle of metal or other hard stuff that someone wears on their finger as jewellery I love your ____. Where did you get it? A gold ____. A wedding ____ (that is first worn at a wedding ceremony). A diamond ____.


a person who makes, repairs or sells jewellery and watches I learned about gold from my father, who was a ________.


A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is built or made The ______ of the phone is very simple. The ______ stage took over a year before we were happy with it. Your shirt is a really nice ______.


a container with hard sides and a top that is used to keep things in When I took it out of the ___, I saw that it was damaged. A cardboard ___. Keep the ___, in case you need to take it back to the shop. A jewellery ___. A tool ___.


a detailed description of how to do something, for example, how to use a machine such as a dishwasher Collocates: follow ____________ The ____________ are very difficult to follow. The ____________ were in 12 different languages, but not English! The ____________ were very complicated.


a line of people who are waiting for something Collocates: stand/wait in a _____ I was in a hurry and there was a long _____. There was an enormous _____ outside the cinema. We waited in the _____ for hours. I was at the front of the _____. Is this the end of the _____?


a mistake, especially something for which you are to blame Collocates: be at _____ It was my own _____ - I didn't check the delivery fee. Do we know whose _____ it was? It was an unfortunate accident, but the school was not at _____.


a person or group that offers to pay an amount of money to buy something The painting went to the highest ______ (= the person who offered the most money). The company will be sold to the highest ______.


a person who imagines how something could be made and draws plans for it A famous dress ________. She's a highly original young ________. Mary Quant was the first fashion ________ to raise hemlines. She set herself up as an interior ________.


a piece of information which is true Some of these ____s were really interesting. The article was full of ____s about Walt Disney. The ____ is that he's been in prison for the last year. I had to learn 10 ____s about the Second World War for homework.


a piece of paper from a shop or an email from an online shop that shows where and when you bought something, and proves that you have paid Have you got a _______ and the box? You need to keep your _______. Can I have a _______, please? I forgot to get a _______ so I can't take it back. An old-fashioned shop where they write the _______s with a pen.


a place where something is or where something happens. On the Internet, is a collection of pages where information is available Collocates: a web ____ Do you have any favourite ____s for shopping? He made a lot of money when he sold a social networking ____ to Yahoo! We need to get the ____ back online quickly or we'll lose a lot of customers. Thousands of web ____s offer health information. A building ____ (where building work is going on). The power station sits on a 24 hectare ____.


a situation that could be dangerous or have a bad result Collocates: take a ____ Young drivers often take ____s. He refused to join in, saying the ____ was too big.


a small round thing on clothes The top ______ on my shirt has come loose. A smart shirt with small white ______s. One of the ______s has come off my coat. I can't do the ______ up (fasten it). Can you help me undo the ______s (unfasten them)? I was late because I had to sew a ______ back on my skirt.


a time when something happens When did you last buy a present, and what was the ________? I met him on several ________s. I only wear this dress on special ________s. I remember one ________ when we swam in the sea in November.


across the whole world ________, we now buy 22% of everything we need online. Nike is a ________ recognised brand. The disease kills a million people a year ________. We need to help our local companies trade ________.


an act of making something less or smaller; the state of being made less or smaller Collocates: a __________ in something, a __________ of something Going part-time meant a __________ in my weekly pay. A __________ of 50% compared to last year.


an offer by a person or a company to pay a particular amount of money for something I raised my ___ to £200. The winning ___ was £35. At the auction (= a public sale where things are sold to the person who offers the most), the highest ___ for the picture was £200.


fitting closely to your body and sometimes uncomfortable The coat is a bit _____ round my shoulders. These jeans are too _____. I borrowed Anna's boots and they were a very _____ fit.


frightening A _____ film. It was a really _____ moment. I've always found him a bit _____.


main purpose or the job that something is meant to do It's a really good camera with a lot of different ________s. The main ________ of the department is to find new employees. His ________ as mayor stopped after the became a member of parliament.


making somebody a little bit angry It was really ________ to get shoes I couldn't wear. He had an ________ habit of starting every sentence with the word "so". The website has too many ________ ads on it. Her little brother was a very ________ child.


mean that you really like something because it is very modern or fashionable My new laptop is so ____. What a ____ bike. She gave me a really ____ pair of trainers. We went to the new club in Digbeth last night. It was ____. The new maths teacher is really ____.


not new and belonged to someone else before you bought it Do you ever buy ___________ shoes? I bought a ___________ car. They sell ___________ clothes at the market. ___________ shop (that sells ___________ goods). A ___________ book seller. All my jewellery is ___________.


not weigh very much, and not heavy My new laptop is really _____ and easy to carry around. Your bag is much _____er than mine. I need a _____er saucepan, I can hardly lift this one.


pleasant to use or wear, giving comfort He sat back ___________ in her chair. All the rooms were ___________ furnished.


right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation. This smaller one might be more ________. The film isn't ________ for young children. It's going to be cold, so make sure to bring ________ clothes. It's not really ________ for a family car.

get back

someone returns something to you after they have had it for a while We had to give them £200 to hire the car, but we'll ___ it ____ so long as we don't damage it. I ___ my money ____ from the shop. I lent her my skateboard and never ___ it ____.


something on sale at a lower price than its true value I got it for £5 - it was a _______. Our shop is full of _______s. You'll find some real _______s at the market. It was good quality, but at a _______ price.


something that is complicated is difficult to understand or use because it has a lot of different parts It's really ____________ to use and the instructions aren't very helpful. The situation is quite ____________.


something you give to someone, for example when it is their birthday or at Christmas I need to buy a _______ for my dad's birthday. It was a very generous _______. The Christmas _______s were all beautifully wrapped. They brought us a box of chocolates as a _______. He got a new briefcase as a leaving _______ (a _______ given to him when he left his job).


the act of protecting somebody/something Collocates: __________ against/from something A healthy diet could offer __________ against cancer. You need to wear a seat belt for your own __________.


the act of taking things such as goods or letters to a place Their ________ service was very reliable. My job was to prepare all the orders for ________. We make daily ________ies. Send it by express ________ (very quick). A supermarket ________ van. Do you charge for ________?


the amount of goods it has that are available and ready to be sold or sent out to customers Collocates: in _____ | out of _____ the camera I wanted was out of _____ (there were no more available to buy). Everything on the list is in _____ and is immediately available. This offer is only open while _____s last (until everything has been sold).


the cloth such as wool or cotton that is used for making clothes, curtains, etc. I bought some ________ for a new dress. What ________ are those curtains made out of? Scientists have developed a new ________ they can use instead of plastic.


the period of time during which you are alive. If something will last a ________, it will last a very long time They're very well made and they'll last you a ________. She spent a ________ studying and writing about Renaissance art. The Internet is the greatest invention in my ________. Several of the paintings in this exhibition hadn't been seen in his ________.


the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale The increasing _____________ of world trade. The _____________ of industry.


the quality of being able to be trusted to do what somebody wants or needs These machines were known for their poor ___________. We need to increase the ___________ of our delivery system.


the state of being physically relaxed and free from pain I like to travel in _______. The hotel offers a high standard of _______ and service. They had enough money to live in _______ in their old age.


the two parts of your body that start at the bottom of your neck and go out on either side The coat is a bit tight round my ________. He put his arm around her ________. I hurt my ________ when I fell off the bike. His hair went down to his ________s.


things like rings, earrings, and necklaces, often made from metal, that people wear because they look nice My friend makes silver _________. Burglars stole £20,000 worth of _________. He likes to wear gold _________. A jewellery box (for keeping jewellery in). Police found a bag full of stolen _________ and watches.


to ask for something to be sent to you or made ready for you I _____ed a new washing machine last week. I'd like to _____ a taxi to the station. We don't have any in the shop, but we can _____ one for you. If you _____ it today, we can deliver it to you before the weekend.


to be not expect something That was a very __________ fact. He ate a __________ amount of chocolate. It was rather __________ to get a letter from her after 15 years. The article came to a __________ conclusion.


to be the right shape and size for somebody/something My gloves look nice, but they don't actually ___. I didn't find anything that ___ted me in the shop. I love these shoes, but they don't ___ me properly. Those jeans ___ you perfectly. Try it on to see if it ___s.


to come or go after or behind somebody/something The instructions are very difficult to ______. I decided to ______ her advice. We were only ______ing orders. If you'd ______ed my directions you wouldn't have got lost.


to continue for a particular period of time I had a pair of shoes that ____ed six years. The film ____s over three hours. Their relationship didn't ____ very long. My language course only ____ed three weeks.


to find, catch, or attack someone when they are not expecting it It wouldn't ________ me if they got married soon. Would it ________ you to know that I'm thinking of leaving? The news ________d everyone.

grow into

to grow big enough to fit into a piece of clothing that used to be too big It's a bit too big now, but you'll soon ____ ____ it. By the time he was 13, he'd ____n ____ his father's old coat.


to have the idea for it and decide what it will look like and how it should be made My friend ______ed this ring. Jonathan Ive ______ed the original iPhone. All our products are ______ed and made in the UK. The dress was ______ed by Zandra Rhodes. Who ______ed your website?


to keep someone or something safe and prevent them from being hurt or damaged Collocates: _______ someone from/against something Parents need to _______ their children more because there are more risks. We should do more to _______ animals like whales. This should _______ you from catching the disease. How can we help _______ the environment?


to let somebody/something do something Collocates: _____ someone to do something You should _____ children to take some risks. My dad won't _____ me to stay out later than 10. We're not _____ed to take phones into class. Your behaviour was unacceptable, and I won't _____ it any longer.


to make or become smaller or less The government has promised to ______ unemployment. An effort to ______ pollution. The plane ______d speed as it approached the airport. My weight ______s when I stop eating sugar.


to make someone afraid because they think something bad is going to happen They make a special noise to _____ the mother alligator. Don't shout like that. It really _____s me. We dressed up like ghosts to try and _____ my little sister.


to make someone angry Tina really _____ed me in the meeting this morning. I'm sorry - is my cough _____ing you? It really _____s me when people expect me to tip as well as pay a service charge in a restaurant.


to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it My English teacher really _______d me. His strength and skill _______d millions around the world. Her passion _______s both students and other teachers. This _______d me to live a better life.


to put it in a situation where it might be damaged, destroyed, or lost Collocates: ____ something to do something, ____ doing something If you ____ nothing, then you ____ everything. They ____ed their own lives to help him. I can't ____ letting him see me here. He has ____ed everything he owns.


to put paper around it to protect it, or because you want to give it as a present Choose the paper and I'll _____ it for you. What was the last present you bought? Did you ____ it?

take back

to return something because you are not satisfied with it When was the last time you ____ something ____ to a shop? You need to take the receipt if you're ____ing it ____. Every time I buy him some clothes, he ____s them ____.


to say how much you are willing to pay for something, and you succeed in buying it if no one else ___s a higher price I ___ £20 for it on eBay and won. How much did you ___ for it? I spent all afternoon at the sale, but I didn't ___. I nearly got it, but someone ___ more than me at the last minute.


to take something back or send it back to the shop where you bought it because you are not satisfied with it Women ______ more than 20% of the clothes they buy online. You cannot ______ items more than 30 days after you bought them. If it was already broken when you took it out of the box, you should ______ it.


to take something somewhere We _______ vegetables to all the restaurants in the town. Can you _______ at weekends? We can _______ direct to your door. The postman _______ed three letters and a parcel.


to tell someone that something is good and that they should get one or do it A friend of mine _________ed a new online shop. I can strongly _________ swimming in the sea. He _________ed that I should change my car for a more efficient one. I can _________ the sausages here. They're delicious.


to wait in a line of people, vehicles, etc. in order to do something, get something or go somewhere Collocates: _____ for something, _____ to do something We _____d for two hours to get tickets. They were all _____ing for tickets for the One Direction concert. Are you _____ing to get into the museum?

top of the range

used to describe the most expensive of a group of similar products Our equipment is ______________. our ______________ model a ______________ smartphone


useful and easy to use Have you got something more _________ that will fit in the car? You can fold it and put it away, so it's quite _________. It's a cheap and _________ family car.


using or consisting of facts I like watching _______ TV shows rather than cartoons. The essay contains a number of _______ errors.

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