Module 2 Quiz
The most important difference between integer and floating-point numbers lies in the fact that:
They are stored differently in the computer memory
The 0x prefix means that the number after it is denoted as:
a hexadecimal
A value returned by the input() function is:
a string
A keyword is a word that:
cannot be used as a variable name
The escape character owes its name to the fact that it:
changes the meaning of the character next to it
Right-sided binding means that the following expression: 1 ** 2 ** 3 will be evaluated:
from right to left
The result of the following addition: 123 + 0.0
is equal to: 123.0
Only one of the following statements is TRUE - which one?
multiplication precedes addition
The // operator:
performs integer division
The meaning of the positional parameter is determined by its: