Which of the following statements accurately reflect an aspect of Gibbons v. Ogden?
1. The decision was a victory for the national government. 2. The Court's ruling directly impacted the interpretation of the commerce clause. 3. John Marshall wrote the decision of the Court. 4. The case was contested because it involved transportation between two states.
The president is able to appoint about ________ people to top positions in the administration.
Supremacy Clause
Article VI of the Constitution, which makes national law supreme over state law when the national government is acting within its constitutional limits
Fund public schools
Fund street and highway construction and maintenance
Implement health care policy
Set policy for public welfare
A candidate for which minor party in 1912 managed to earn more votes than one of his major party opponents?
Bull Moose
One example of an authoritarian regime is
Which agency has the primary responsibility for diplomacy?
Department of State
________ was the only Republican elected president from 1932 to 1964.
Dwight Eisenhower
When the US constitution was drafted in 1787, the founders put a right to vote provision in the Constitution.
Set policy for national defense
During the debates over the ratification of the Constitution, most people assumed that this person would be the first president:
George Washington
The Department of ________ was created in 2002.
Homeland Security
Which of the following states has relatively low turnout in elections?
________ is associated with the Era of Good Feeling.
James Monroe
Which of the following statements is true?
Keynes advocated government spending to counteract an economic downturn.
Freedom of choice concerning abortion
Libertarian position
Legalization of recreational drugs
Libertarian position
No use of taxes to make people more equal
Libertarian position
Government intervention on religious issues
Not a Libertarian position
Gun control
Not a Libertarian position
Equal access to funds to support candidates
Not a Principle of Democracy
Protection of majority rights over minority rights
Not a Principle of Democracy
________ is the ability of persons, groups, or institutions to influence political developments.
________ elections tend to draw the largest percentage of voters in the U.S.
Competing political parties
Principle of Democracy
Equal access of voters to selection process of officials
Principle of Democracy
Equal access to officials once elected
Principle of Democracy
Freedom of speech and association
Principle of Democracy
Implement elementary and secondary school education policies
________ does not have a competitive multiparty system.
The United States
________ has the highest child poverty rate among the Western democracies.
The United States
As per the information in the module, the general rule is anyone over the age of 18, who is a citizen and is a resident of the venue in which they wish to vote can vote as long as they are registered to vote.
As distinct from alienation, apathy is
a general lack of interest in politics.
unitary system
a governmental structure in which one central government has sovereignty, although it may create regional governments to which it delegates responsibilities
federal system
a governmental structure with two levels of government in which each level has sovereignty over different policy matters and geographic areas
a governmental system in which authority is divided between two sovereign levels of government: national and regional
a governmental system in which sovereignty is vested entirely in subnational (state) governments
unitary system
a governmental system in which the national government alone has sovereign (ultimate) authority
confederal system
a structure of government in which several independent sovereign governments agree to cooperate on specified governmental matters while retaining sovereignty over all other governmental matters within their jurisdictions
fiscal federalism
a term that refers to the expenditure of federal funds on programs run in part through states and localities
Party identification refers to
an emotional attachment to a political party.
Which of the following was NOT provided for by the Articles of Confederation?
an independent federal executive
An informal grouping of officials, lobbyists, and policy specialists who come together temporarily around a policy problem is
an issue network.
"necessary and proper" clause
authority granted Congress in Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution "to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper" for the implementation of its enumerated powers
Through the grants of power in the Constitution, the framers sought to
both empower government and limit it.
The most numerous economic groups are
business groups.
Most of the work on legislation in Congress is done
by committees and their respective subcommittees.
intergovernmental relations (IGR)
collaborative efforts of two or more levels of government working to serve the public
The first plan of government for the United States was a
public policies
decisions by government to pursue particular courses of action
Judicial review is the power of the American courts to
declare a law unconstitutional.
Women gained the right to vote
early in the twentieth century.
free-market system
economic system based on the idea that government should interfere with economic transactions as little as possible
A ruling by the Food and Drug Administration that a drug is dangerous to use and therefore cannot be marketed is an example of regulation for the purpose of
federal cash payments to states and localities for programs they administer
implied powers
federal government's constitutional authority (through the "necessary and proper" clause) to take action that is not expressly authorized by the Constitution but that supports actions that are so authorized
block grants
federal grants-in-aid that permit state and local officials to decide how the money will be spent within a general area, such as education or health
categorical grants
federal grants-in-aid to states and localities that can be used only for designated projects
The United States' economy operates primarily as a
free-market system.
The president's constitutional roles, such as chief executive and commander in chief,
have expanded in practice to be more powerful than the writers of the Constitution intended.
idea that people should take the initiative, be self-sufficient, and accumulate the material advantages necessary for their well-being
A conservative is opposed to government intervention
in the economic but not the social sphere.
Compared with U.S. citizens of higher incomes, those of lower incomes are
much less likely to vote in elections.
In order for the Constitution to go into effect, at least this number of states would need to ratify it
notion that individuals are equal in their moral worth and thereby entitled to equal treatment under the law
notion that wealthy and well-connected individuals exercise power over certain areas of public policy
Negative television campaign ads
now constitute the largest share of political ads.
Under the New Jersey Plan, each state would have ____ vote(s) in Congress.
passing down of authority from the national government to the state and local governments
The fact that farmers have more influence over agricultural price-supports than do other groups is an example of
The process by which individuals acquire their political opinions is called
political socialization.
The Watergate scandal illustrates the
power of the media to serve as watchdog to safeguard against abuses of power.
corporate market
power that corporations exercise in their effort to influence government and maintain control of the workplace
reserved powerd
powers granted to the states under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution
principle that individuals should be free to act and think as they choose, provided they do not infringe unreasonably on the freedom and well-being of others
principle that the people are the ultimate source and proper beneficiary of governing authority; in practice, a government based on majority rule
During what has become known as the Great Recession, the Fed began to purchase the assets of member banks. This new monetary control mechanism used by the Fed was known as
quantitative easing.
The "long tail" is a phenomenon related to the
rate of Internet news readership.
political thinking
reflective thinking focused on deciding what can reasonably be believed and then using this information to make political judgments
Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress had the power to
regulate commerce between states.
"Agency capture" occurs when
regulatory agencies side with the industries they are supposed to regulate rather than with the public.
enumerated powers
seventeen powers granted to the national government under Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution
cooperative system
situation in which the national, state, and local levels work together to solve problems
The term of office for a U.S. senator is ________ years, while that of a member of the U.S. House is ________ years.
six; two
supreme (or ultimate) authority to govern within a certain geographical area
political science
systematic study of government and politics
Europeans have a greater acceptance than Americans of
tax and social policies that redistribute wealth.
A purposive incentive is defined as
the opportunity to contribute to a worthy goal or purpose.
In midterm elections,
the president's party usually loses seats.
In a constitutional system,
there are lawful restrictions on a government's power.
To the framers, the great danger of democratic government was the risk of
tyranny of the majority.
What is the major barrier to political thinking?
unwillingness of citizens to make the effort
legal action
use of courts of law as a means by which individuals protect their rights and settle their conflicts
political culture
widely shared and deep-seated political beliefs of a particular people
Voter turnout is LOWEST in which age group?
young adults