23.3 Respiratory

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At the alveoli, the layers through which oxygen and carbon dioxide must diffuse are, as a group, called the ______. respiratory membrane pulmonary zone capillary zone glomerular membrane


Blood flowing via the aorta to the tissues of the body is ______; blood returning to the heart via the vena cavae is ______. oxygenated, deoxygenated deoxygenated, oxygenated


Blood going from the right ventricle to the lungs is ______ while blood flowing from the alveoli to the left atrium is ______. deoxygenated, oxygenated oxygenated, deoxygenated


How is sound produced? By air moving over vocal folds By air moving over vestibular folds


How many primary bronchi serve the left lung? One Two Three The number varies by individual


Identify the structure that conducts air from the larynx to the main (primary) bronchi. Trachea Bronchioles Pharynx


The anterior portion of the nasal septum is composed of ______, while the posterior part is composed of ______. cartilage, bone epithelium, cartilage bone, cartilage cartilage, dense connective tissue


The human left lung has _____ lobes with _____ fissures(s) between the lobes. 2, 1 2, 2 3, 2 3, 1


The indentation on the medial surface of the left lung that accommodates the heart is the ______. cardiac notch carina cardiac segment hilum


The indentation on the medial surface of the left lung that accommodates the heart is the ______. cardiac notch hilum cardiac segment carina


The larynx is located between the _____ and the _____. laryngopharynx, trachea trachea, lungs pharynx, nasal cavity


The nasal cavity is separated from the oral cavity by the ______. hard palate nasal septum nasal conchae epiglottis


The potential space between the visceral and parietal pleura is the ______. pleural cavity pericardial cavity meningeal cavity


The space enclosed by the rib cage, sternum and diaphragm is the ______. thoracic cavity intercostal cavity pleural cavity


The visible part of the nose is the _____ nose. external upper bridge anterior


What are the immediate divisions of the primary bronchi called? Lobar (secondary) Terminal Segmental (tertiary)


What component of airway walls allows the dilation or constriction of airway? Smooth muscle Hyaline cartilage Pseudostratified columnar epithelium


What two areas does the hard palate separate? Oral cavity and nasal cavity Right nasal cavity and left nasal cavity Oral cavity and oropharynx Nasal cavity and nasopharynx


What type of epithelium is found in alveoli? Simple squamous Pseudostratified columnar Simple cuboidal Stratified squamous


When the paranasal sinuses become inflamed, the condition is called _______. sinusitis pharyngitis rhinitis


Indicate the components of the respiratory membrane. Select all that apply. Alveolar cell layer Interstitial space between alveolar layer and capillary layer Capillary endothelial layer Hyaline cartilage rings/plates Visceral and parietal pleura and intervening pleural space


Identify components of the nasal septum. Select all that apply. Ethmoid bone Cartilage Nasal bone Vomer bone


Indicate the functions of the nose and nasal cavities. Select all that apply. Warm and humidify air Influences voice Regulation of volume of air intake Gas exchange Location of olfactory receptors


The tissue that lines the lumen of the trachea is _______ columnar epithelium. pseudostratified stratified squamous simple columnar simple squamous

A Reason: Stratified squamous epithelium lines the oropharynx and laryngopharynx, not the trachea Reason: Recall that simple columnar epithelium lines the majority of the digestive tract, not the respiratory tract. Reason: Simple squamous epithelium lines the alveoli, not the trachea.

Relaxation of the inspiratory muscles during expiration causes a(n) ______ in the volume of the thoracic cavity. decrease increase

A Reason: To cause expiration, the muscles of expiration have to make the lung volume smaller. Decreasing the volume increases the air pressure within the lungs, thus driving the air out of the lungs.

A breakdown of alveoli and diminishing surface area available for gas exchange describes the degenerative lung disease known as ______. bronchitis emphysema pneumonia


Contraction of the muscles of ______ causes a decrease in the volume of the thoracic cavity. inspiration expiration


Extending from the lateral walls of the nasal cavity are ridges called ______. septal cartilages nasal conchae nasal septa vestibular folds


How many main bronchi come off the trachea? One Two Four Three


Identify the function of the alveoli. They allow for the ______. transport of oxygen to the systemic capillaries exchange of gas between the air and the blood exchange of gas between the blood and cells


Identify the structure that conducts air from the larynx to the main (primary) bronchi. Pharynx Trachea Bronchioles


In order to allow adequate gas exchange, the respiratory membrane needs to be ______. thick thin


The anatomical term for the external opening to the nasal cavity is the _____. conchae nares choanae pharynx


The area between the lungs that contains the trachea, esophagus, heart, and associated structures is the ______. pleural cavity mediastinum cardiac notch peritoneum


The cartilage of the larynx that forms the anterior wall of the larynx and the largest of the laryngeal cartilages is the _____ cartilage. cricoid thyroid epiglottis


The functions of the segment of the respiratory system called the ______ include cleaning, warming, and humidifying air as it enters the airways. It also contains the olfactory epithelium. oral cavity nasal cavity pharynx


The most inferior ridge of tracheal cartilage is the _____. epiglottis carina thyroid cartilage hyoid


The nares are also referred to as ______. tonsils nostrils external nose conchae


The nasal bone forms part of which structure? Soft palate Bridge of the nose Hard palate Nasal septum


The pleurae are the serous membranes associated with the ______. larynx lungs heart trachea


The right lung has _____ lobes and _____ fissure(s). 2, 1 3, 2 3, 3 2, 3


The role of smooth muscle found within airway walls is to ______. aid in removal of dust and debris from airways allow dilation and constriction of airways prevent collapse of airways as thoracic pressure changes


The visible part of the nose is primarily composed of _______. bone hyaline cartilage dense connective tissue elastic cartilage


Identify structures located within the mediastinum. Select all that apply. Lungs Trachea Esophagus Heart


Which features are associated with the tracheal epithelium? Select all that apply. Stratified squamous tissue Cilia Goblet cells Mucous Keratin Pseudostratified columnar cells


Select all that apply Identify three structures that enter each lung at the hilum. Diaphragm Lymphatic vessels Bronchioles Nerves Blood vessels

B D E Reason: The main or primary bronchi enter the lungs via the hilum, not the bronchioles.

Which of the following best describes the supportive structures of the trachea? Plates of osseous tissue C-shaped rings composed of hyaline cartilage Overlapping plates of hyaline cartilage C-shaped rings composed of fibrocartilage

B Reason: Osseous tissue does not provide the flexibility needed for ventilation. Reason: Overlapping plates of cartilage support the secondary and tertiary bronchi but not the trachea.

Identify the names of the lobes of the human left lung. Superior, lateral, and inferior Superior and inferior Superior, medial, and inferior Anterior, posterior

B Reason: The lobes of the right lung are the superior, medial, and inferior.

A condition that involves progressively enlarging alveoli as the alveolar walls are destroyed is _____. bronchitis lung cancer emphysema pneumonia


Divisions of a bronchopulmonary segments are called ______. lobes lamellae lobules


Most of the alveolar surface is formed from _____ pneumocytes. type II cuboidal type I


Pulmonary arteries carry _____ blood, while pulmonary veins carry ______ blood. deoxygenated, deoxygenated oxygenated, oxygenated deoxygenated, oxygenated oxygenated, deoxygenated


Respiratory bronchioles have ______ alveoli attached to them. many no a few


The alveolar cell layer, the capillary endothelial layer and the interstitial space between the alveolar layer and the capillary layer form a unit referred to as the ______. endothelium respiratory epithelium respiratory membrane


The inferior portion of the pharynx which extends from the epiglottis to the esophagus is the ______. oropharynx nasopharynx laryngopharynx


The inferior-most cartilage of the larynx is the ______ cartilage. thyroid epiglottis cricoid


The lobes of the lungs are divided into ______; there are 9 in the left lung and 10 in the right lung. thoracic lobes bronchopulmonary lobules bronchopulmonary segments thoracic segments


The pleural cavity is the potential space between the ______. parietal pleura and thoracic cavity lungs and visceral pleural visceral and parietal pleura


The respiratory membrane is ______. the mucosal lining of the nose in the region which contains the olfactory receptors the lining of the airways from the primary bronchi down through the terminal bronchioles layers through which gases diffuse between alveolar air and capillary blood


The serous membrane associated with the lungs is called ______. peritoneum pericardium pleura


What is the function of the coarse hairs present in the nasal vestibule? To allow exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and the air To warm the inspired air To trap dust, microbes and other debris that may be present in air that is inspired To separate the nasal cavity into right and left halves


What is the opening between the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx is called? Naris Glottis Choana


Indicate the bones found contributing to the bridge of the nose. Select all that apply. Temporal bones Sphenoid bones Frontal bone Maxillary bones Nasal bones

C D E Reason: The sphenoid bones are posterior to the bridge of the nose.

How many main (primary) bronchi serve the right lung? Four Three One Five Two

C Reason: Each lung has one main or primary bronchus. Reason: The right lung has three lobar or secondary bronchi; however, each lung only has one main or PRIMARY bronchi.

Expansion and recoil of the lung tissue during inhalation (expansion) and exhalation (recoil) can occur because the alveolar walls contain ______. serous fluid hyaline cartilage blood capillaries elastic fibers


The ______ is the main structure located between the laryngopharynx and the trachea. bronchi tongue pharynx larynx


Which component associated with the alveoli allows their expansion and recoil? Smooth muscle Simple squamous epithelium Hyaline cartilage Elastic fibers


The oropharynx extends from the _____ to the _____. conchae, soft palate conchae, esophagus epiglottis, esophagus soft palate, epiglottis

D Reason: The laryngopharynx extends from the epiglottis to the esophagus

The right lung has ______ fissure(s). 3 4 1 2

D Reason: The right lung has three lobes, not three fissures.

Gas exchange between the air and the blood occurs in which of the following? Trachea Terminal bronchiole Secondary bronchiole Tertiary bronchi Alveoli


True or false: The respiratory membrane is very thin so that oxygen and carbon dioxide can easily diffuse across it.


The nasal vestibule is located in the Blank 1 of 1 portion of the nasal cavity.


The divisions of the lobes of the lungs are called Blank 1 of 2 Blank 2 of 2; there are 9 in the left lung and 10 in the right lung.

bronchopulmonary segments

The ridge formed by the most inferior tracheal cartilage which separates the openings of the primary bronchi is the Blank 1 of 1.


The opening between the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx is called the Blank 1 of 1.


In the nasal cavity, the bony ridges extending from the lateral walls are called _____


The inferior portion of the larynx is formed by the Blank 1 of 1 cartilage.


The leaf-shaped structure which functions to seal off the glottis during swallowing is the Blank 1 of 1.


The concave surface of the lungs where blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves and the primary bronchi enter and leave contains a slit. This slit is called the Blank 1 of 1.


The C-shaped rings that support the trachea are composed of Blank 1 of 1 cartilage tissue.


The inferior portion of the pharynx which begins at the level of the hyoid bone and opens into the esophagus and the larynx is the Blank 1 of 1.


The cardiac notch is the indentation located on the medial surface of the Blank 1 of 1 lung that accommodates the heart.


The primary (main) bronchi divide into _____ bronchi.

lobar or secondary

Each bronchopulmonary segment is divided into Blank 1 of 1.


The portion of the pharynx that extends from the soft palate to the epiglottis is the _____


The segment of the respiratory system that extends from the choanae to the larynx and functions as a passageway for air, food, and drink, but is also important in sound production, is called the Blank 1 of 1.


The structure that serves as an opening for both the respiratory and the digestive systems and extends from the nasal cavity to the larynx is the Blank 1 of 1.


The trachea divides into two Blank 1 of 1 bronchi.


As air moves down through the tracheobronchial tree, the FIRST segment that will contain alveoli will be the Blank 1 of 2 Blank 2 of 2.

respiratory bronchioles

The walls of alveoli are formed primarily of Blank 1 of 2 Blank 2 of 2 epithelium.

simple squamous

The inflammation of one or more of the paranasal sinuses is called Blank 1 of 1.


The space enclosed by the thoracic wall (rib cage, costal cartilages, sternum) and the diaphragm is the Blank 1 of 1 cavity.


Air is conducted from the larynx to the main (primary) bronchi by the _____


Sound is produced as air moves past the Blank 1 of 1 folds.


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