2500 Kin Test 2

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__ articulates with the anterior of C1 (atlas) by the antoid process or dens project


___ small coccygeal vertebrae fuse to form the coccyx

spinous process

a ___ projects posteriorly from the junction of the laminae


a flat bone that forms the anterior midline of the thoracic cage/wall


a perpendicular plate is a feature of the ____ and ____ bones a) palatine; lacrimal b) ethmoid; sphenoid c) palatine; ethmoid d) nasal; lacrimal e) maxilla; zygomatic

hyoid bone

a slender, curved bone located inferior to the skull between the larynx and mandible -consist of two horn-like processes

thoracic cage

acts as a protection around the heart, lungs, trachea and esophagus


all of the following bones belong to the axial skeleton except a) frontal b) sacrum c) clavicle d) occipital

interverbretal foramen

allows spinal nerve to carry info to and from the spinal cord


another name for C1 is ______


another name for C2 is ___


articulates with occipital condyles and C2 -supports the head

intervertebral disc

found between bodies of vertebrae; form strong joints, permit movement of the vertebral column and absorb shock


how many bones make up the orbit of the eye? a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7 e) 8


how many vertebrae are there (during early development)?


how many vertebrae are there (in an adult)?


in bone tissue, which type of cell is the "bone building cell" (secretes extracellular matrix and initiates calcification): a) osteogenic cell B) osteoblast c) osteocyte d) osteoclast e) none of these are correct


in compact bone, the matrix rings that surround the central canal of each osteon are called a) canaliculi b) concentric lamellae c) circumferential lamellae d) perforating canals e) interstitial lamella


individual bones of the skull in the newborn are separated by connective tissue regions called: a) suture b) fontanel c) plate d) cartilage

transverse process

lateral projects on both sides of the vertebral arch are called ____


on a thoracic vertebra, which of the following is found posterior to the vertebral foramen?


osteocytes are the mature bone cells that develop directly from a) osteogenic cells b) osteoblasts c) osteoclasts d) white blood cells


ribs facets articulate with ____ a) vertebral demifacets b) rib tubercles (nonarticular part) c) rib tubercles (articular part) d) the manubrium


the ___ bone connects to all other cranial bones, thus giving it the nickname "keystone" a) sphenoid bone b) occipital bone c) parietal bone d) ethmoid bone


the ___ is the largest part of the sternum and forms its bulk


the ___ of the sacrum is a narrow, pointed portion of the bone that project inferiorly

occipital condlyes

the ____ are curved surfaces on either side of the foramen magnum that articulate with the atlas (C1)

xiphoid process

the ____ is the inferior tip of the body of the sternum -the function is for muscle attachment of abdomen


the _____ is the widest and most superior portion of the sternum


the anterior region of each vertebra is a rounded or cylindrical ___ which is the weight bearing structure of almost all vertebrae


the auditory ossicles and the ____ are the only freely moving bones in your skull a) maxilla b) mandible c) mastoid d) zygomatic


the base of the spine

sternal angle

the body of the sternum and the manubrium articulate at the _______


the body of the sternum articulates directly or indirectly with the ___ of the second through tenth ribs a) heads b) necks c) costal cartilages d) tubercles


the bones of the arms and legs are part of the ___ skeleton a) appendicular b) axial c) humeral d) free


the bones, muscles, and ____ form the muscoskeletal system a) joints b) tendons c) connective tissue d) cartilages


the cervical has ___ vertebrae


the cheekbone is comprised of two skull bones. they are the _____ and ______ a) temporal. mandibular bones b) parietal, frontal bones c) maxilla, palatine bones d) temporal, zygomatic bones


the coccyx has ____ vertebrae

sellia turcica

the depression in the sphenoid bone known as the ____ is the location of the pituitary gland


the ethmoid bone does not contain a) olfactory foramina b) crista galli c) cribiform plate d) inferior nasal conchae


the ethmoid bone forms which other cranial structure a) crista galli b) frontal sinus c) sphenoidal sinus d) inferior nasal concha


the facial bone most involved in the formation of the hard palate is the _____ a) maxilla b) mandible c) sphenoid d) vomer


the fracture of the distal end of the radius is a ____ fracture


the growth in thickness (diameter) of long bones is the result of: a) intramembranous growth b) appositional growth c) epiphyseal plate activity D) endochondral growth e) none of these choices

palantine maxillae

the hard palate is a bony partition formed by the ____ and the ____ bones

palatine bone

the horizontal plate that forms the posterior portion of the hard palate


the large opening in the base of the skull that allows the passage of the spinal cord is the ______ a) lacerum b) mastoid c) jugular d) magnum

tranverse process or sacral vertebrae

the lateral sacral crest is formed by the fusion of ____


the layer of fibrocartilage that forms a pad between vertebrae is called: a) intervertebral pad b) vertebral bursa c) vertebral meniscus d) intervertebral disc


the lumbar has ____ vertebrae


the manubrium, body, and xiphoid process form the: a) sternum b) coccyx c) sacrum d) hyoid

upper sacral vertebrae

the medial sacral crest is formed by the fusion of _____


the occipital condyles articulate with the ___ a) axis b) atlas c) dens d) vertebra prominens e) odontoid process

vertebral notches

the pedicles have indentions called the ____


the placement of hands directly on the body of the sternum is very important during CPR to avoid breaking the _____, located just inferior to the sternal body a) sternal angle b) calvicular notch c) manubrium d) xiphoid process


the roof of the orbit is comprised primarily of which cranial bone? a) ethmoid b) occipital c) zygomatic d) frontal


the sacrum has ___ vertebrae


the sacrum's bones broad surface forms the ____

suprasternal notch

the shallow indention between the two clavicular notches is the ____ (also called the jugular notch)


the spaces in bone tissue that contain osteocytes are called ____ a) canaliculi b) central canal c) lamellae d) lacuna e) haversian canal


the spinal cord passes through the ____ foramen in each vertebra a) spinous b) intervertebral c) transverse d) vertebral

thoracic cage/wall

the sternum is a flat bone that forms the anterior midline of the thoracic cage/wall


the structural difference that exist between males and females is called? a) sexual differentiation b) sexual morphism c) sexual dimorphism d) sexual ossification

sternum, ribs, costal vertebrae/cartilages

the thoracic cage consists of the ____, ____, and ___/______


the thoracic has ____ vertebrae

chest rib

the thoracic vertebrae is found in the ___ and articulates with the ___


the total bone count in the skull (cranium and face) is: a) 26 b) 14 c) 8 d) 22 e) 12

verterbral foramen

the vertebral arch and the body enclose a circular opening called the ____ which forms the vertebral canal when vertebrae are stacked on one another and contains the spinal cord

laminae pedicles

the vertebral arch is composed of ____ and ____ (form the base of arch)


the vertebral processes that are most easily palpated along the midline a) transverse b) inferior articular c) superior articular d) lamellar e) spinous


these are the main parts of the ___: -body, xiphoid, manubrium

parietal bones

these bones relate to the cranial cavity because they form the greater portion of the sides and roof of the cranial cavity


these two bones are commonly called cheekbones a) maxillae b) palatine bones c) lacrimal bones d) zygomatic bones

atlanto-axial joint

this joint allows you to shake your head no


transverse foramina are found in ___ vertebrae a) thoracic b) lumbar c) cervical d) sacral e) all


true or false: the lateral walls of the nasal cavity are formed by the ethmoid, maxillae, and inferior nasal conchae

clavicular notches

two ____ articulate the sternum with the left and right clavicles


what bones does the hyoid bone articulate with?


what does the area between neighboring osteons contain? a) interstitial lamella b) circumferential lamellae


what is one feature that you can find in ALL cervical vertebrae but not in thoracic or lumbar? a) transverse foramen b) bifid spinous process c) vertebral foramen d) transverse process


what structures pass through the hypoglossal canal? a) hypoglossal nerve (XII) b) trigeminal nerve (V) c) optic nerve (II) d) olfactory nerve (I)


what structures pass through the supraorbital foramen? a) supraorbital artery and nerve b) facial nerve c) stylomastoid artery d) trigeminal nerve


what vital structure is protected by the sella turcica portion of the sphenoid bone? a) the brain stem b) the pituitary gland C) the cerebellum d) the pineal gland


when bones forms by intramembranous ossification, the ossification centers are within a) hyaline cartilage b) compact bone c) mesenchyme d) elastic cartilage e) spongy bone


which bone is not paired? a) maxilla b) mandible c) lacrimal d) nasal e) zygomatic


which bone is part of the axial skeleton? a) skull b) humerus c) clavicle d) skull and clavicle


which division of the skeletal system consists of the bones that lie around and on top of the vertebrae?

anterior fontanel

which fontanel is the largest and is located at the midline between the parietal bones and frontal bones?


which is not a feature of the ethmoid bone? a) cribiform foramina b) perpendicular plate c) crista galli d) inferior nasal conchae e) orbital plate


which of the bones listed below form the thoracic cage? 1. clavicle 2. ribs 3. scapula 4. sternum 5. bodies of thoracic vertebrae


which of the bones listed below is part of the cranium? 1. ethmoid 2. nasal 3. occipital 4. palatine 5. parietal 6. temporal a) 1,2,3,5,6 b) 1,3,5,6 c) 2,3,5,6 d) 3,4,5 e) 4,5,6


which of the choices below are true statements about the hyoid bone? 1. attachment site for some tongue muscles 2. attachment sire for some muscles of the neck 3. attachment site for throat muscles 3. it articulates with both a cervical vertebra and the mandible 5. it does not articulate with any other bone


which of the following bones contained paranasal sinuses? 1. sphenoid bone 2. ethmoid bone 3. maxillary bone 4. frontal bone 5. palatine bone


which of the following bones is singular and not paired? a) zygomatic bone b) nasal bone c) lacrimal bone d) occipital bone


which of the following curvatures is characterized by a lateral bending of the vertebral column usually in the thoracic region? a) scoliosis b) kyphosis c) lordosis d) round shouldered


which of the following does not contribute to the nasal septum? a) vomer bone b) palatine bone c) hyaline cartilage d) ethmoid bone


which of the following facial bones is often referred to as the cheekbone? a) parietal b) maxilla c) zygomatic d) lacrimal


which of the following is FALSE regarding endochondral ossification? a) forms within hyaline cartilage b) most bones of the body develop by endochondral ossification c) forms directly within mesenchyme d) primary ossification inward from the external bone surface e) secondary ossification proceeds outward from the center of the epiphysis


which of the following is a function of the skeletal system? a) triglyceride storage b) blood cell production c) mineral storage and release d) protections e) all of these choices are functions of the skeletal system


which of the following is a route for nutrients and oxygen to reach osteocytes in the compact bone of a diaphysis? a) central canal, canalicul, perforating canal, periosteum b) trabecular, central canal, canaliculi c) perforating canal, periosteum, central canal, canaliculi d) periosteum, canaliculi, central canal, perforating canal e) periosteum, perforating canal, central canal, canaliculi


which of the following is not associated with the ethmoid bone? a) superior nasal concha b) middle nasal concha c) sella turcica d) crista galli

d (flat bone)

which of the following is not classified by shape as a long bone? a) phalanges b) humerus c) fibula d) sternum e) metacarpal


which of the following processes, from the vertebral arch, form joints with other vertebrae above or below? 1. spinous process 2. superior articular process 3. inferior articular process 4. transverse process 5. pedicle


which of the following statements are true about functions of the thoracic cage? 1. encloses and protects the lungs and heart 2. provides a point of attachment for the pectoral girdle 3. provides support for the upper limbs 4. protects the stomach and liver ( in superior abdominal cavity) 5. protects the ovaries of the female reproductive system


which one of the following is characterstic of spongy bone tissue, but NOT of compact bone tissue? a) trabeculae b) haversian system c) osteocytes in lacunae d) lamellae


which suture joins the two parietal bones and the occipital bone? a) lamboid b) sagittal c) coronal d) squamous e) occiparietal


which sutures joins the two parietal bones and the occipital bone?


which two skull bones contain alveolar processes? a) maxilla and mandible bones b) sphenoid and ethmoid bones c) vomer and nasal bones d) lacrimal and parietal

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