29.1 taking on segregation

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How did the Plessy v. Ferguson case legalize segregation?

the supreme court ruled that the 'Separate but equal' law did not violate the 14th Amendment

How did sit-ins advance the cause of the civil rights movement?

- Black people would sit at white lunch counters and wouldn't move until they were served. - This provoked the whites and created violence - New reporters caught scenes of whites beating, jeering, and pouring food on students, which helped spread the message across the nation

How did the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) influence SNCC?

- They started sit-ins

Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka

-8 year old Linda Brown was denied admission to a white school that was 5x closer to her house -The Supreme Court ended segregation in schools by declaring it unconstitutional and as a violation of the 14th amendment

What were the circumstances surrounding "the crisis in Little Rock"?

-Arkansas became the first southern state to admit AA's without a court order -Governor Faubus publicly showed support for segregation and ordered the National Guard to turn away the "Little Rock Nine" -Federal judge ordered to let them in. -Students were led to class with soldiers -AA's were harassed by the other students -School was eventually shut down.

Who inspired Martin Luther King, Jr.?

-Jesus: love one's enemy -Thoreau: civil disobedience -A. Philip Randolph: organize massive demonstrations -Gandhi: resist oppression without violence

What caused the Montgomery Bus Boycott and how did it end?

-Jo Ann Robinson wrote a letter to the mayor and asked for desegregation of buses, but he refused. -Rosa Parks was sitting in the colored section, but the bus was filling up and the driver ordered her to move so a white man could sit down. She refused and the police arrested her. -MLK led the group to a Bus Boycott (people would walk or carpool instead) -Lasted 381 days -1956 they outlawed bus segregation

Rosa Parks

-NAACP officer and a seamstress -Spurred the Bus Boycott -Constantly defying rules of segregation

What was SNCC?

-Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee -Ella Baker was in charge -National protest group. One of the most important student activist groups -Thought the pace of change was too slow

Thurgood Marshall

-dedicated his life to fighting racism -denied from school because of his race -JFK nominated him to the U.S. Court of Appeals -Director of NAACP Lawyers -Won the case for Brown vs. B of Edu

How did the Brown v. Board of Education affect the cause of civil rights?

Ended segregation in schools as a violation of the 14th amendment's equal protection clause

What issues did the NAACP use to challenge the Plessy decision?

Morgan v. Virginia, the supreme court declared unconstitutional those state laws mandating segregated seating on interstate buses Sweat v. Painter state law schools much admit black applicants, even if separate black schools exist

What world event inspired African Americans to fight for civil rights at home?

WWII- job opportunities and they fought in the war

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