330 final exam
using BDI to determine market potential
% of total brand sales in utah / % of total US population in Utah multiplied by 100 ex; 2%/ 1% x 100= 20
cognitive response categories -product/message thoughts-
*counterarguments *support arguments
cognitive response categories -source-oriented thoughts
*source derogation *source bolstering
cognitive response categories -ad execution thoughts
*thoughts about the ad itself *affect attitude toward the ad
animation forms of encoding
-action/motion -pace/speed -shape/form
musical forms of encoding
-arrangement -instruments -voices
graphic sources of encoding
-pictures -drawings -charts
social based-appealing to personal states or feelings
-recognition -status -respect -involvement -embarassment -affiliation -rejection -acceptance -approval
verbal sources of encoding
-spoken word -written word -song lyric
Ad Execution Techniques
-straight sell or factual message -scientific/technical evidence -demonstration -comparison -testimonial -slice of life -animation -personality symbol -imagery -dramatization -humor -combinations
source attributes and receiver processing modes
1,Credibility>> Internalization 2 Attractiveness>.>Identification 3 Power>> Compliance
using CDI to determine market potential
Message Development
Content Structure Design
Nonpersonal channels of communication
Mass-media communication channels, such as television, newspapers, radio, direct mail, and the Internet. since the message they contain is directed to more then one person and is often sent to many individuals at one time.
source; power
Perceived concern, scrutiny, control can lead to compliance
Target Market Identification
Primary research and/or secondary sources help determine which specific groups to target.
successful communication
Select an appropriate source Develop a properly encoded message Select appropriate channel for target audience Receive feedback
viral marketing
act of propagating marketing relevant messages through the help and cooperation of individual consumers. facebook ,google plus, twitter,pinterest ,instagram, and youtube.
behavioral stage
action, purchase, adoption
affection for the source resulting from physical appearance,behavior, or personal traits
information/rational appeals -news
announcement about the product
anything that interferes with, distorts, or slows down the transmission of information
aspect of viral marketing, which involves identifying and choosing the initial group of consumers who will be used to start the diffusion or spreading of a message.
cognitive stage
attention, awareness, knowledge, awareness, presentation, attention, comprehension
message; recall and order of presentation
beginning, middle and end -makes a dip -recall goes up
personal channels of communication
direct communication between two or more persons and can occur through interpersonal contact (face-to-face) or via other methods such as e-mail or through social media. salespeople serve ass personal channels of communication when they deliver...
information/rational appeals
feature, competitive, price, news, popularity
information/rational appeals -feature
focus on dominant product traits
index number
good indicator of the potential of a market
Word of mouth
influence that involves informal communication among consumers about products and services and is very powerful source of information
affective stage
interest, desire, liking, preference, conviction, interest,evaluation,yielding,retention
involves putting thoughts,ideas, or information into a symbolic form.the senders goal is to ____ the message in such a way that will be understood by the receiver.
is the process of transforming the sender's message back into thought.
transformational ads; "it makes the product use experience"
it makes the product use experience; richer,more exciting,warmer,more enjoyable
attractiveness; familiarity
knowledge of the source through repeated or prolonged exposure
reasons why a receiver may think a source is credible
knowledgeable, skillful, experienced, ethical,trustworthy,believable,unbiased,honest
significant barrier
information/rational appeals -competitive
makes comparisons to other brands
information/rational appeals -price
makes price offer the dominant point
marketers are very interested in_____, that part of the receiver's response that is communicated back to the sender. closes the loop in communication flow
success depends on the
nature of the message, audience's interpretation, environment in which it is received
buzz marketing
new name for word of mouth.
of a communication is a person or organization that has information to share with another person or group of people. -indiv. salesperson, such as a celebrity, who appears in company's advertisement
passing of information or exchange of ideas -process of establishing a commonness of thought between a sender and a receiver
index equals what
percentage of users in a demographic segment/ percentage of population in the same segment ----all multi[lied by 100
communication channels
personal and nonpersonal channels
nonpersonal channels
print media, broadcast media
attractiveness; similarity
resemblance between the source and recipient
personal-appealing to personal states or feelings
safety,security, fear, love, affection, happiness, joy,nostalgia, sentiment, excitement, sorrow,grief
companies that utilize viral marketing must develop a _______ _____ which involves determining how many initial consumers for "seeds" are needed and selecting the right consumers to start the viral process.
seeding strategy
different worlds
sender experience, receiver experience far apart
moderate commonality
sender experience, receiver experience partially overlapping
high commonality
sender experience, receiver experience close together
source: attractiveness
similarity, familiarity, likeability
information/rational appeals -popularity
stresses the brands popularity
transformational ads"the ad creates"
the ad creates: feelings, meanings, images, and beliefs
the encoding process leads to development of this, that contains the information or meaning the source hopes to convey. verbal, nonverbal, oral or written, or symbolic.
the method by which the communication travels from the source or sender to the receiver. at a broad level there are two levels; personal and nonpersonal.
the receiver's set of reactions after seeing, hearing, or reading the message is known as this
field of experience
this process is heavily influenced by the receiver's frame of reference , or _______ which refers to experience, perceptions, attitudes, and values he or she brings to the communication situation.
Forms of Encoding
verbal, graphic, musical, animation
whom the message is sent, whom decode, generally, these people are the consumers in the target market or audience who read,hear,and/or see the marketers message and decode it.
personal channels
word of mouth and personal selling