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4 social issues that are discussed by sports media

- money - MORAL ISSUES: athletes breaking laws, behavior drugs, getting caught, gambling -racism: more about blacks than whites -SENSATIONALIZE when they do something wrong -

5 benefits of interscholastic sport

-better grades GPA -less inclined to drink, do drugs -lower drop out rate -**better academic development: success, leadership skills, team skills, social skills, work ethics, healthy attitude, behavior -higher graduation rates

socialist theorist w/a functionalist pt of view would see college football bowl champ series system as?

-brings ppl/fans together -brings in $ for the college -makes the college well known -opp for scholarships

5 negative effects of interscholastic sport

-cliques form = disunity -athletes exclude others = bad vibes -jocks= get into trouble = mistrust -binge drinking -school fees--> some families can't afford it so eliminates kid's ability to play a school sport -

5 examples that illustrate the degree to which sport pervades north american society

-creates better health/fitness principles -college sports, league -media coverage 24/7 -income for athletes -jobs for athletes -teach ppl new skills -athletes are role models

major objections to legalizing gambling @ the college level?

-decreases performance integrity by the athlete or referee - money is being used to sway the games -links to negative actions like profiting organized crime, drugs and alcohol , prostitution -gamblings is illegal in all but 3 states -higher rate of college athletes who gamble compared to nonathletes -we want to protect well-being from serious addictions -**corrupts youth, involves crime, decreases integrity of athletes to throw off games = LOSE LEGITIMACY = lose fan base!!**

5 negative effects of coaches on players

-decreases self esteem -bad form -verbal abuse -being taught unsportsmanlike conduct, how to cheat -over worked/ burn out

u feminist theory. what issues would u focus on as needing to be changed?

-equal pay to women -more media coverage- lack of TV exposure -more women coaching -more women at the top @ corporations -follow title IX

3 benefits of interactionalist pt of view when studying sport

-focused on ATHLETES not business -bottom up view of society -focus on kids in youth sport than adults -use PSYCHOLOGY to see how athletes think and feel about their participation -sports psy is growing = helps performance

4 major challenges for sport programs for athletes with disabilities/older adults

-funding -transportation -modified equipment -specialized coaches - older ppl are high risk of injury -mainstreaming support -programs to include them

10 factors that are sig in selection of a sport for participation by ppl of any age

-gender -age -physical capability -fun -w/ friends, peers -environment -accessibility -social/eco class -interest -greater well being -improved quality of life

3 sig conflicts between high performance sports and recreational participation sports

-greater media on high performance sports -better facilities for high performance -compete for fundings -high performance = compete for money more competitive vs recreational = modified rules, more relaxed, fun, player friendly

6 examples of how sports rules have been modified under pressure from TV to make presentation more attractive to spectators

-half time shows -3 pt shot -shot clock -longer time outs for the ads -INSTANT REPLAY -OVER TIME RULE

5 positive effects of coaches on players

-mora development -increases self esteem -optimism, unique skill sets -leadership -participation, teamwork -*mentor -discipline

3 reasons why soccer is worlds most popular sport

-most publicized, world cup -easy to play, only need a ball -easy to understand and follow the basic rules -games are year round and broadcasted on TV

describe 4 specific characteristics that define sport

-must be physical -must be competitive -run by outside institutions that enforces rules -needs special equipment & facilities like gym, pool, track

popularity of US football only grown internationally in spectator interest of super bowl. why hasn't it flourished as a sport in other countries?

-not everyone can play: females -complex rules, hard to understand -lost of equipment needed -expensive

how does sport fit into world economic system?

-selecting a site for olympics games - city attractiveness -corporations sponsor their products thru ads on TV -lots of money in ads & SPONSORSHIP, sporting world depends on economic model to survive as a business

***discuss effects of social class on the odds of athletic success***

-social class effects what sports u play watch and if you succeed. -divided into the upper, middle and lower class. upper class has the most time and money for sports and has the HIGHEST sports participation of individual sports. middle class watching polo, tennis, football and would participate in community team sports instead of individual. lower class participates in team sports and would watch boxing b/c lower class makes link sport to masculinity and aggressiveness. -high performance sport comes with a cost, with private lessons, special equip/facilities, sport psychologists, nutritionists, memberships, summer camps. majority cannot afford this, which limits many due to their social class and hinders their ability to participate. -there is social mobility, where 1 from the lower class can move up the social class by hard athletic and educational work --> go to pro's to escape POVERTY. ex) serena and venus williams, came from compton

% of females employe in both electronic and media is less than 20%. discuss reasons for this inequality

-still seen as sexual objects -locker room issue - harassed -STIGMA THAT WOMEN DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SPORTS: sometimes seem dumb -unequal pay

barriers have fallen, but name 3 that remain in achieving equality for women in the sport world

-women still not paid equally to men -barely covered in media, lack of them in those positions -small % of women leaders (coaches)

3 ways that gov uses sports internationally

1. boycotting events - unfair to athletes b/s this is their dream/career 2. nations sponsor int. teams to show national pride @ olympics 3. olympics is used to show one nations system of government by HOSTING - showing off superiority

3 changes in sport that the gov has accomplished in the US

1. title IX 2. paralympics sponsored by olympics 3. disabilities act 4. outlaw cruel sports like bull fighting 5. highly regulate dangerous sports like skydiving 6. promote physical fitness thru programs and tests

3 other reasons of using religion in sport

1. turn to prayer to relieve stress, uncertainty, pressure. to relax more, are put in "gods hands", guidance, cope with anxiety, provide meaning 2. enhance bond between teammates 3. guide moral decisions

most rapid increase in sports participation by youth is what sport?

600% increase in extreme sports

discuss globalization of modern sport

NATIONALSIM creates competition between countries (olympics) who want to promote national spirit

program designed to improve sporting behavior?

YMCA- educate about sportsmanship. camps have lots of team activities. recognize good athletes. respect themselves and others

benefit of sport in north american culture?

affect health and welfare. -improved heath, well being -decrease disease, diabetes, blood pressure, stress

current status of sports sociology?

as pop of sport is on the rise, sociology is increasing b/c more universities are offering classes. MEDIA plays a role b/c it uses research articles of sport & athletes to portray their actions and issues

double jeopardy of african america females in sports

face twice the discrimination b/c of gender and ethnicity. 35% white females play HS sports vs 5% blacks. much more slim in college. limited to bball or track

u are a scholar with a figurational theory viewpoint. how would u likely view the state of performance training in sports today?

figurational theorists look @ history of how ppl change and global development. COMMUNICATION and connections between ppl and nations can strengthen performance and the ability to train and compete world wide. -improving, & sharing info thru media

activity type with greatest statistical grown in participation over past decade:

fitness activities

THEORY that defends status quo?

functionalist theory. b/c it promotes common values thru how it traditionally exists. defends fxn of society. fails to recognize social/gender issues

good sporting behavior?

humble, respectful in wining and loosing situations, participate in fair contest, doesn't take advantage, ethical

special athlete olympic oath?

let me win. but if i cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt

@ local level, communities have responsibility to do what for athletes w/disabilities?

mainstream them into regular sport, ensure equal opportunity and no one is turned down from a sport because of a disability. w/trained coaches

americans consider themselves fans of what sport more than any other?

mens pro football b/s its avail on TV/internet and accessible by cheaper tix of seating

native american nicknames is a form of discrimination

nicknames were hostile and abusive towards them. called savage and this isn't how they want to be represented. they are people just like us-dont treat us any different. history: europeans settled and took over. it DEHUMANIZES them and stereotypes them as different. get made fun of, get left out. some do honor the nicknames for the heroes

oath of title IX?

no individual will be excluded from participating, denied benefits from, discriminated due to sex, by any federally funded program. -gave women equal opp to play sports.

what is status of that tradition where @ large events that are public, prayer was used?

not any more at public events can schools organize school prayer. SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STAE. they can pray by themselves, or hold things before school games

compare status of youth sports organized by adults and those that are unorganized, pick up games

organized (increasing): - scheduled -parents involved -get them ready to continue sport to HS -get them to be more social -they learn skill sets, rules, proper positions, following instructions -criticism: overemphasize winning, burnout, more pressure, longer training hours, specialized in 1 sport pick up games (decreasing): -less stress/pressure, more fun, freedom -*lets kids debate and have disputes to solve own problems!!! -flexible rules -gets kid outta house to try diversity of sports -but declining b/c parents hesitant to let them roam and be unsupervised/ technology keeps them inside -prone to more injury when playing a sport u don't know much about

define sport

physical, competitive, institutionalized with rules, and special equipment

describe specific sport sciences that make up sociocultural domain

sociology, history, philosophy

conflict theorist would be sympathetic to needs of?

sports participants. b/c to promote sport at local level to benefit everyone not just elite. resist being dominated by the elite few who just want to gain power and money

who holds key to improving sporting behavior: parents, coaches, officials, admin?

starts early where PARENTS first teach them how to take turns/follow rules. parents have influence to how they will act. (ex want them to act aggressive so they will) grow older and join teams w/COACHES, they reinforce rules and should illustrate positive behavior and team cooperation. their role is to give them praise, optimism, and help them learn from mistakes, *control their emotions in times of high stress

upper middle class backgrounds are likely to participate in what sports:

tennis, polo, gold, sailing, gymnastics

what can u draw that the gov has exempted pro sports leagues from antitrust laws?

the elite have control/influence over governments decisions. have influence over tick prices, revenues, TV rights. NBA, MLB have monopoly over their sport. gov doesn't want sole power to be in the hands of the few big industries, they want it to be more spread out. but these institutions have great power over their sport

research conducted by josephson institute use data collected by 4k high school students discover?

they aren't learning sportsmanship. are being taught how to cheat. 2/3 of HS athletes wanted to win. don't have sense of honorable competition

controversy over illegal drug use cast a dark shadow over olympics. what can be done to reverse this unfortunate trend?

to reverse PEDs - provide education programs to youth, HS, colleges about getting involved in PEDs and health risks -stricter punishments if caught -unannounced random tests even during off season -parents can teach their kids

stacking? & ex

unusual distribution of whites and black in sport positions not explained by random distribution. white = quarter back, pitcher and blacks= receivers, out fielders. comes down to that white have more superior cognitive functions and blacks are more physical. coaches decide positions based on this. = form of racism/segregation

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