403: Unit 3

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the number of millimeters of information reconstructed and displayed in the final image


the display device used in CT is the ___ ____ __ or ___ ___

cathode ray tube (CRT) or television monitor

the solutions to the mathematical problems require ___ ___ or ___ ___ in order to reconstruct the image in CT

computer programs; reconstruction algorithms

___ improves the image quality by the removal of blur


___ is a digital imaging processing technique that modifies images using filter function- a general purpose algorithm


____ is the process of applying a filter to the data


_____ removes blur thus improving image quality


filtered back projection is also referred to as the ____ method


the process of applying a filter function to an attenuation profile


in the reconstruction filter, a predesigned ____ ___ (spatial filter) is used to acquire data to modify depiction of detail

function curve

what are some graphic aids

girds, arrows, annotation, histograms

EX: fourier transform, which uses filtering in the frequency domain

global operations

the entire input image is used to compute the value of the pixel in the output image; can provide edge enhancement, image sharpening, image restoration

global operations

___ ___ as part of the software program for image manipulation in CT. example is ROI

graphic aid

the brightness value of each samples pixel is assigned an integer based on the strength of the signal called

gray level

when generating the digital image, we assign a __ __ to each pixel, which allow us to differentiate structures on the image.

gray scale

the ___ ___ ___ can then be displayed on the image console and recorded on film or other media

gray scale image

when referring to the final step in image formation, the digital image is not displayed for viewing, it must be converted to a ____ scale or ____ ____.

gray; brightness image

the stronger the signal, the __ the numerical value of the integer


the CT window should always be displayed on the ___ ___

hard copy

as mAs levels increase, so does the amount of ___ being produced


____ pass filtering emphasizes high spatial frequencies

high (sharp filter)

small filaments cannot withstand what

high mA

two types of filters used in filtered back projection

high pass filter (sharp) low pass filter (smooth)

a graph of the pixels plotted as a function of the gray level. they indicate the overall brightness and contrast on an image


primary component capable of performing several functions ex: reading and writing data, archiving storage on tape or disk, transmit images

host computer

is reconstructed data the convolved data that has been back-projected into the image matrix to create the CT image you see on a monitor

image data

converting an analog image into numerical data for processing by the computer. what are the 3 steps

image digitization scanning, sampling, quantization

___ ___ is the third and final process of data processing in CT

image display

how or where the image is displayed (computer monitors, tv monitor

image display

the 3rd and final step in the CT process

image display, manipulation, storage, recording, and communication

____ ____ ____ are used by several modalities in the radiology department

image processing techniques

processor responsible for high speed processing of the input digital data

image processor

what is the disadvantage of multiplanar reconstruction

image quality

The mathematical problems in CT are solved by computer programs resulting in ___ ___, thus called reconstruction algorithms

image reconstruction

the ___ ___ process is controlled by algorithms, the fourier transform, convolution and interpolation

image reconstruction

another name for multiplanar reconstruction

image reformatting or image reformation

the digitized image is held in storage/memory for further processing

image storage

a small window ____ image contrast because a specific difference in CT number is represented by a greater difference on the gray scale


as WW decreases, contrast ____


increasing mA ___ the number of electrons that produces the xray photons


prospective reconstruction is the ____ ____ process that results in an image

initial reconstruction

an _____ (CT number) is assigned to each amplified signal (positive or negative whole number)the value of the ____ is determined by the strength of the signal emanating from the patients body (pixels)


____ is used in spiral with filtered back projection


a mathematical technique used to determine the value of a function from known values on either side of it.what is the simplest method

interpolation; linear interpolation

____ ____ undergoes pre-processing, it undergoes correction and some reformatting must be completed before the 2nd step of image reconstruction can be done

raw data

convolution kernels can only be applied to ___ ___

raw data

image reconstruction is creating an image from ___ ___

raw data

DFOV determines the size of the image seen on the ___ and reproduced on ___ ___

monitor; hard copy

retrospective use ___ ___ to create additional images after the initial exam is completed

raw data

the result of preprocessed scan data

raw data

in CT the _____ are sampled when x-ray pass through them


short scan times diminish __ ___ and the effects of ___ ___ in the heart, bowel, etc.

motion artifacts; intrinsic motion

kVp defines the ____ or average image of the xray beam


kvp or average energy


measures content of trabecular bone in osteoporosis (bone mineral density) BMD

quantitative CT

most sensitive of all x-ray techniques

quantitative CT

mA defines the ___ of the xray beam and scan time is added to this.


the analog signal is also _____ and changes into a digital array for input into the computer


when WL moves towards higher CT numbers (generally ______) more numbers with lower values (generally ____) are displayed

white; black

___ windows (44-2000 HU) should be used to encompass tissues of greatly different attenuation within the image


the ____ is the range of numbers which produce the full shades of gray from black to white


___ ___ represents the medium gray scale

window level

is the CT number in the middle of the WW, is ____ referred to as a _____ _____ because it represents water

window level; 0; reference point

___ ___ determines the maximal number of shades of gray that can be displayed on CT monitor

window width

the picture contrast can be changed with 2 control mechanisms

window width and window level

__ __ is the absorption measurement range expressed in _____

window width; HU

a method by which the gray scale can be manipulated using the CT number of the image which can be adjusted by who

windowing; viewer

air is _____ and is a reference point also


What is the process of events after signals leave detectors:

-CT detectors -preprocessing -reformed raw data -convolution with filter -image reconstruction algorithm -reconstructed images of CT #'s -image storage, display, recording, archiving

There are two steps of the filtered back projection process which are:

-applying a filter to raw data -back projection

the smaller matrices do what

-reduce the memory requirements -allow faster reconstruction -improve spatial resolution

water is the reference material used for assignment of CT numbers. It is assigned the value of ___


early CT scanner produced scans made up an __x__ matrix


what are the basic steps of the reconstruction process:

1. an object is scanned and measurement or scan data is acquired. It must be preprocessed before image reconstruction. It is preprocessed to correct for beam hardening, bad detector readings, errors in measuring the data, or scatter. 2. We then have raw data, which is what we get from the preprocessed scan data. This represents images in the spatial domain. Data from a minimum rotation of 180 degrees is required for adequate reconstruction to occur. Raw data is subject to the image reconstruction algorithms 3. Changing these images from the spatial domain to the frequency domain requires the use of an algorithm. 4. Images in this domain is useless to us and anyone, except physicists, so we need to convert them to useful clinical data which is the CT or MR image 4. The image reconstruction algorithm used by current CT scanners is filter back projection algorithm. It includes both filtering and back projection. 5. Image data or reconstructed date is convoluted date that has been filtered back projected into an image matrix to create CT images that are displayed on a CT monitor. -various digital filters are available to suppress noise and improve image detail

what is the three step process of CT

1. data acquisition 2. image reconstruction 3. image display

what are the steps of QCT:

1. prescan localization image is obtained. This is the scout or pilot scan, or topogram 2. slices are selected from the scout and the midvertebral planes are examined 3. transverse axial images are obtained at the time, a reference phantom is positioned and scanned with the patient. The phantom contains water and bone equivalent parts 4. An automatic contour tracing of cortical and trabecular regions of interest are obtained 5. computer calculates the mean values of the ROI 6. image graphic output is obtained, it shows the BMD values plotted as function of age. The BM content is determined and compared to normal values

steps of filtered back-projection

1.) all projection profiles are obtained2.) logarithmic values for the data are obtained3.) logarithmic values are multiplied by a digital filter or convolution filter to generate a set of filtered profiles4.) these filtered profiles are back-projected5.) filtered projection are added, resulting in the cancellation of positive and negative components, producing a blur free CT image

what are the 4 steps in CT data processing

1.) measurement of scan data that arises from the detectors undergoes preprocessing2.) scan data are converted into digital image characterized by CT numbers3.) reconstruction techniques or algorithms accomplish the task of converting the transmitted data into a CT image4.) image storage is the final step in CT data processing.

most systems have __ filaments


changes in mAs of less than ____ may not make a visible difference on the image


the range is +1000 to - 1000 for a total of what

2000 numbers

the human eye can differentiate __-__ shades of gray


small detectors= medium detectors= large detectors= x-large detectors=

25cm; 35cm; 48cm; 50cm

small filament for less than ____ mA


with MDCT, scan time is the time it takes for the xray tube to make a ___ degree rotation (0.5-2 seconds)


special software gathers information from transaxial scan data to display 3D on a 2D tv screen

3D rendering

the standard matrix sizes are either ___x___ or ____x____

512x512 or 1024x1024

kvp ranges


major components of basic image processing system

ADC; image storage; image display; image processor; host computer; DAC

structures are not superimposed, can discriminate subtle tissue differences, data can be manipulated (reformatted), low contrast resolution is possible, all CT slices have a defined thickness of 0.5-10mm, and the high sensitivity to very small xray attenuation differences, includes all information about structures within a given slice, conventional tomos, blurs surrounding structures, displays very well slight attenuation differences, and reduces scatter radiation which reduces scatter (darkening) on the image are all advantages of what


algorithms, which are reconstruction techniques accomplish the task of converting the transmitted data into ___ ___

CT images

the raw data is reconstructed by the computer to create an image in which each pixel is assigned a numberical value known as

CT number

a ___ ___ is assigned to represent attenuation properties of the tissues in each pixel. These numbers are related to the linear attenuation coefficients of the tissue that comprise the slcie

CT numbers

the ___ ____ is an image contrast control

CT window

fourier transform is also known as ____ ____

fourier transformation

pixel size can be computed from the ___ and the ___ ___

FOV; matrix size

CT numbers are expressed in ___ ___

Hounsfield Units

___ ___ is a practical alogirthm used in some scanners an example is analogy for hearing

fourier transform

scan time= the time it takes for the x-ray tube to make a full 360 degree rotation even though many slices can be produced.usually takes how long?

MDCT; 0.5-2 seconds

what are the 3 caterogies of 3D rendering


when referring to the most common algorithms, the fourier transform is used in ____


___ algorithm has edge enhancement, provides greater detail, has more noise, lower mAs, and a short scale of contrast


SCAN TIME= the time the x-ray beam is on for the collection of data for each slice. usually 360 degreescan be overscan or partial


scan field of view is important for minimizing ___ and it is the reconstruction circle, which is a circular region from where the transmission measurements are recorded during scanning


What are the two types of reconstruction filters:

Sharp and smooth

when referring to back projection, since we only have a few projections, the image will not be an exact replica of the original image with things such as:

blurry images and grainy appearance

retrospective is not the same as reconstruction because those images are created from originally _____ ____

acquired data

____ is an operating system for the CT computer


when reconstructing an image, reconstruction techniques or ____ accomplish the task of converting the transmitted data into CT images, which is held in the ___ ____

algorithms; K space

minimum number required to create image free of the sampling artifact


what is the advantages of multiplanar reconstruction

allows visualization of specific structures such as optic nerve or lesions in relation to surrounding structures and helps localize lesions, foreign bodies, intraarticular bone fragments. to determine true extent of fractures or lesions

in interpolation, numerical representation is converted to ____ to get the image


analog signal is converted into a digital form by the digitizer

analog to digital converter

a specific shade of gray is assigned to each pixel and is based on the ___ profiles of the xray beam from tissue located at each point in the slice


filtered back projection is used from the recon of images when the ___ ___ is acquired through multiple projections

attenuation information

levels should be centered near the ____ ____ of the tissues of interest

average attenuation

with ___ projection, the attenuation profiles are added together


___ ___ is not the same as filtered back projection

back projection

a __ __ is a technique that adds together the attenuation information that is collected from all projections

back projection

the process of converting the raw data from the attenuation profile to a matrix. a technique that adds together all attenuation information from all projections

back projection summation method

____ ____ is the process of converting the raw data, from the attenuation profile, to a matrix. Its a technique that adds together the attenuation information from all projections. And the calculation is used for ___ or the final CT images from raw data

back projection; recon

analytic reconstruction algorithms are developed to overcome limitations of ___-___ and ____ ____

back-projection; iterative algorithms

correct errors in measurement data from things such as what

beam hardening, bad detector readings, scatter radiation

image areas having CT numbers less than the lower window settings are displayed as ____ and those with values greater are displayed as _____

black; white

when referring to convolved data, first, raw data must be filtered using a mathematical filter or kernel. this process is known as the ___ ___

convolution technique

when referring to the most common algorithms, the filtered-back projection is ____ and is most common in _____

convolution; conventional

image reconstruction algorithm is filtered back projection, which includes both filtering and back projection

convolved data

as WW increases, contrast ___


decreasing kvp, holding mas constant

decreases dose

decreasing mas, holding kvp constant

decreases dose

___ is slice thickness


___ algorithm has slightly less edge enhancement than bone algorithm, has greater detail, and less noise than bone algorithm


sampling is done by ____


in image reconstruction, scan data is converted into __ __ which is characterized by CT numbers relative to the ___ ____ ___

digital form; linear attenuation coefficient

when reconstructing an image, first the raw data is processed and the scan is converted to ___ ___ ___ ___

digital image CT numbers

digital image held in memory can be displayed on a TV monitor which work with analog signals

digital to analog converter

the ___ ____ is converted to a gray scale image for interpretation by the radiologist and for viewing

digital value

global operations can provide what

edge enhancement, image sharpening, and image restoration

if selecting both a scanned field of view and a displayed field of view, the displayed field of view must be ___ __ or ___ ___ than the scan field of view, never ___

equal to or less than; larger

examples of hard copy

film-laser printer, optical disk, CD

the purpose of the ___ is the enhance the important parts of the image before back projection is performed


applying a ___/___ that enhances certain characteristics in the raw data, before back projection, helps make a more perfect image


When referring to the basic steps or the reconstruction process, the raw date must be filtered with a ___ or ____. this process is known as the ____ technique

filter; kernel; convolution

___ ___ projection can depict the original object in the final CT image, if a sufficient number of projections are present and the proper recon filter is applied

filtered back

Most CT systems today use a reconstruction method called ____ ____ ____ for reconstructing a CT image from the raw data

filtered back projection

when referring to reconstruction algorithms, analytic methods include what

filtered back projection or Fourier reconstruction

____ is accomplished by convolution which removes the blurring which normally arises from back projection convolution


in order to produce a clincally useful image, the numerical representation of the image must be converted back into analog form by a DAC to facilitate the ___ ____ in the ___ ___

final steps in the CT process

if the CT number is not within the CT window setting what happens?

it will not be displayed the image

___ reconstruction is a resurfaced concept from the early development of CT


is an effort to overcome image noise and streak artifact of the filtered back projection algorithm creates simulated projections that are true representation of the scanned object starts with an assumption and compares this assumption with measured values, makes corrections to bring the two into agreement, and then repeats this process over and over until the assumed and measured values are the same or within acceptable limits

iterative algorithms

___ is the intensity or force which water flows through a hose


the convolution filter is called a


the filter used is a convolution filter which is a digital processing technique general purpose algorithm called a ___


____ or _____ matrices refer to the number of pixels within

larger or smaller

DFOV is important in optimizing the detection of ___


no depths due to superimposition, cannot manipulate data so there is no quantitative analysis, cannot appreciate density differences between subtle tissue densities so there is not really any ability to discriminate contrast refers to what

limitations of radiogrpahy

EX: spatial frequency filtering performed during convolution with a convolution kernel

local operations

the output image pixel value is determined from a small area of pixels around the corresponding input pixel; area processes or group processes

local operations

___ pass filtering emphasizes low spatial frequencies

low (smooth filter)

the current of electrons that flow from the filament to the anode is measured in ___


the signal to noise ratio may be improved by increasing what

mA, kv or scan time

In ct the total x-ray beam exposure is determined by a combination of what? we tend to vary what more than what?

mA, scan time, and KVp vary mA more than KVP

the product of mA and scan time

mAs (tube current)

CT ___ is a complex


when generating the digital image, we divide the slice we select into a grid composed of rows and columns called a ____. Each tiny region (box) on the grid is known as a ___. And the volume of the tissue is the ___

matrix; pixel; voxel

scan data that arises from the detector data is subject to preprocessing to correct the measurement data before the image can recon. algorithm is applied

measurement data

____ or ___ ___ that arises from the detectors undergoes pre-processing

measurement or scan data

contrast is optimized with _____ ____ settings

medium WW

algorithms are used in ___ CT scanners


a computer that creates coronal, sagittal, and paraxial images from a stack of contigouous transaxial scansirregular,oblique and other views can be generated

multiplanar reconstruction

when generating the digital image, the total number of pixels in the matrix=

multiply the # of pixels in a row by the # of pixels in a column

___ windows (50-350) should be used to display soft tissues within the structures that contain different tissues of similar densities


materials with a density less than that of water are assigned ___ values


when referring to image data, various filters are available to suppress ___ and improve ___ such as smoothing algorithms and edge enhancement algorithms (sharp)

noise; detail

thin slice images are sometimes ___ to compensate increase tube output (mA and scan time) moderately


windowing is a ____ technique that can be modified by different algorithms


algorithm is an ___ __ for the CT computer

operating system

examples of storage/archive

optical disk, CD, pacs

when referring to back projection, at the location where the attenuation profiles add up, the image there is the ____ image


reconstruction is different because it comes from ___ ___

original data

retrospective uses a series of __ __ usually from another plane

original slices

if too small- body tissue will be located outside and the accuracy of the attenuation numbers will be diminished, resulting in shading artifacts along the periphery may be produced called what

out-of-field artifacts

examples of electronic transmission

pacs, electronic networking, dicom standard

the ____ plane cuts through the coronal and sagittal planes in a longitudinal direction


using a smaller filament size concentrates the focal spot size which will reduce what


in filtered-back projection, an array processor calculates values for every ___


__ __= display filled of view/matrix size

pixel size

In spiral scanning, a calculation must be done to divide the information into ___ ___

planar samples

Every system works on a ____ or ___ ___

platform or operating system

windowing or gray level mapping is done by what operations


The least complicated and most frequently used image processing technique is the:value of the input image pixel is mapped to corresponding output image pixels

point operations

image processing techniques 3 types

point operations; local operations; global operations

materials with a density more than that of water are assigned ___ values


In CT, both conventional and spiral, we measure attenuation information by multiple ___, which becomes the ___ ___

projections; raw data

___ ___ is done when an area of interest is known at the beginning of the exam and occurs automatically during the exam

prospective reconstruction

the values of x-ray detector response from all views and rays within a scanthese data are then convolved with the convolution filter function and back-projection to produce a CT image

raw data

A filter is applied to raw data during image reconstruction and it is called ___, ___, or ___. This purpose is to enhance the important characteristics of the image before the back projection is performed

recon; filter; kernel

We ____ every image, but we do not always ____ the image

reconstruct; reformat

another named for DFOV

reconstructed field of view

Raw data must undergo a ___ process to form the final images


We use ____ algorithms in CT


back projection is a ____ algorithm


___ ___ cannot be changed by us, they are part of your system. You can apply different windows

reconstruction algorithms

mathematical filter wherein the process of multiplication of overlapping portion of the filter function are and the detector response curve are used selectively produce a third function used for image reconstruction

reconstruction filter

_____ changes the orientation of the image such as coronal or sagittal


the process of recreating images in various body planes

retrospective/prospective reconstruction

the slice of the patient is divided into voxels because the dimension of depth is added to the pixel this is accomplished by what?

rotational scanning of the patient

x is what plane Y is what plane Z is what plane

sagittal; coronal; axial

measures the brightness of each pixel


when referring to raw data, it is the preprocessed ___ ___, which is subjected to image recon ___ and can be ___ and ____ when needed

scan data; algorithms; stored; retrieved

__ __ is the time it actually takes to image a slice <1-10 secs

scan time

the size of the field within the gantry opening, the number of millimeters of anatomy over which the projection data is collected, selected by the technologist, image data for reconstruction is fathered here, and the detectors are told which data to use and which data to ignore

scanned field of view

preset windows are available on _____


first step in digitizing an image is the division of the image into small regions this is called


filtered-back projection is not used for ___ or ____ images since its a single projection

scout or localizer

restrospective is known as what

secondary recon

SFOC, DFOV, window settings, matrix size, slice thickness, scan time and rational arc, radiographic tube output, focal spot and tube geometry are all examples of ____ ___ ___

selectable scan factors

each integer corresponds to a ___ __ ___ on the image

shade of gray

when reducing scatter, it is accomplished by filtering of the transmitted beam at the detector assembly by:

shape, nature, and spaces between each detector

____ filters are used for high contrast areas like the musculosketal. It improves definition of edges of structures, does not minimize grainy looks in the image


higher mA settings allow for __ scan times, which reduces patient ___

shorter; motion

___ ___ affects perceived detail because of the effect of volume averaging for structures with complex shapes

slice thickness

the ___ the pixel, the greater the detail, but the perception of detail may be reduced


___ algorithm has little to no edge enhancement, maximum smoothing, low noise level, higher mAs required, and longer scale of contrast


____ filtering distinguishes contrast between tissues better. It minimizes the grainy appearance of noise in the image. Low contrast regions. Does not improve upon edge definition


____ algorithm has less edge enhancement than detail algorithm, longer scale of contrast (smoothing), and less noise than none, detail, or standard algorithms


it is required to reconstruct a ___ CT image


____ algorithm has medium edge enhancement, scale of contrast, and noise level


convolution method requires that the projection profile (data) be filtered or convolved using mathematical filters to remove the typical ___ ___ blurring which occurred when the simple back projection was in use

star like

when referring to back projection, a typical ____ pattern artifact is seen on the image as streaks. This is minimized by a process of ___, which is called ____ or ___

star; filtering; convolution or filtering

DFOV plus the matrix size determines what

the limitations of perceived data

the ___ and ___ the part the, the more mAs is required

thicker and denser

___ ____ (not spiral) deliver more radiation per area than thicker ones; should be used for their value in areas with complex anatomy and high subject contrast, the larynx, parathyroid glands, biliary system

thin slices

reducing scatter is accomplished by the xray being collimated ___:

twice; near the source and beyond the patient

what is interpolation used in?

used in image reconstruction and used in spiral/helical scanning to determine slices

quantitative measurements

volume, distance, diameter

the specific value of each number is determined by the physical density of the tissue in the corresponding


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