5- Heart/ heart layers
heart is located
in the mediastinum, not centered, more to the left, size of a fist
thick muscular middle layer of the heart. contraction of this muscle layer develops the pressure required to pump blood through the blood vessels
tip of the heart at the lower edge
outer layer of the heart, visceral pericardium
parietal pericardium
outer layer of the sac
a muscular pump made up of cardiac muscle fibers, has four chambers, beats 60-100 times a minute
each time cardiac muscle contracts
blood is ejected from the heart and pushed throughout the body w/in blood vessels
double-layerd pleural sac that encloses the heart
layers of the heart
endocardium, myocardium, epicardium
inner layer lining the heart chambers, smooth thin layer, reduces friction as the blood passes through the heart chambers
visceral pericardium
inner layer of the sac