8th Grade English - Q2 Final

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Give an example of a "coordinate adjective". A "coordinate adjective" is where you CAN substitute the word for where the comma is placed in the sentence.

"I like my fast, red Atomic skis." The comma could be replaced with the word and "I like my fast and red Atomic skis".

What is "direct characterization"?

"The patient boy and the quiet girl were both well mannered". You are directly told what the personality of a character is.

Give an example of a "cumulative adjective". A "cumulative adjective" is where you CANNOT substitute the word for where the comma is placed in the sentence.

"There is a white diamond logo on my Atomic skis." White is the color adjective and diamond is the shape adjective but they work together to describe the atomic logo and shouldn't be separated with a comma.

What is the VERB and the HELPING VERB in the sentence "The turtle was running slower than the rabbit."

"was" is the helping verb. "running" is the main verb.

List types of EXTERNAL conflict?

1) Character vs. character 2) Character vs. nature 3) Character vs. society

List 4 types of sentences?

1) Declarative 2) Interrogative 3) Imperative 4) Exclamatory

What is the difference between 1) denotation and 2) connotation?

1) Denotation: Implied meaning 2) Connotation: Literal meaning

List 5 words that use the root "ex"?

1) Example 2) Exclusion 3) Explicit 4) Exponent 5) Exhausted

List 5 literary genres? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

1) Fantasy 2) Science fiction 3) Dystopia 4) Fiction 5) Nonfiction

List 2 characteristics for each of the genres below: 1) Fantasy 2) Science fiction 3) Dystopia 4) Fiction 5) Nonfiction

1) Fantasy - talking animals, magic 2) Science fiction - aliens, technology, future 3) Dystopia - not good place, undesirable, frightening 4) Fiction - created by the imagination, not real 5) Nonfiction - history, biography, real, factual

List 5 character types?

1) Protagonist 2) Antagonist 3) Dynamic Character 4) Round Character 5) Flat Character

What are 2 things every sentence must have?

1) Subject 2) Predicate

List 8 ways we use pronouns?

1) To ask a question (WHO is that?) 2) To show ownership (That's not YOURS; it's MINE) 3) To name specific people or things (YOU look like HIM) 4) To add emphasis (I MYSELF love pronouns) 5) To point to something (THIS dress is the dress I want.) 6) To show mutual action (Ryan and John were fighting and hurt EACH OTHER) 7) To refer back to the subject (Brian hurt HIMSELF) 8) To point to non-specific people or things (EVERYONE enjoyed the party but NOBODY remembered to thank the hostess)

Define the roots in the following words: 1) Amorous 2) Atypical 3) Percent 4) Credible 5) Deploy

1) amo - love 2) a - not 3) cent - hundred 4) cred - trust, believe 5) de - off, from

Define the roots in the following words: 1) Disarm 2) Inexorable 3) Facilitate 4) Geothermal

1) dis - apart, not 2) ex - out of, from 3) fac - to do or to make 4) geo - earth

Who is the "dynamic" character?

A character who CHANGES throughout the story, usually as a result of experiencing conflict.

Who is the "antagonist" character?

A character who keeps the protagonist from getting what he wants, can be evil/bad, but doesn't have to be.

Who is a "round" character?

A character with a complex personality, they struggle & experience conflict similar to real people in the real world.

What is a "sentence" vs what is a "fragment"?

A sentence is a group of words that express a complete thought. A COMPLETE thought. A group of words that do not express a complete thought. An INCOMPLETE thought.

What is a COMPOUND subject?

A sentence that has 2 or more subjects and is joined by the same (1) verb with the words such as "and" or "or".

What is a COMPOUND predicate?

A sentence that has 2 or more verbs and is joined by the same (1) subject with the words such as "and" or "or".

What is the "rising action"?

A series of event leading up to the climax

What is a pronoun?

A word that takes the place of one or more nouns. "They" both are your sisters (takes the place of saying "Danielle & Jordan").

Find the noun, adverb, verb, adjective, noun: Juan's little sister laughed hysterically.

Adjective: little (describes age of sister) Noun: sister (person, place, thing) Verb: laughed (what she is doing) Adverb: hysterically (describes how and to what degree)

What does ADVERSE mean and list 2 synonyms.

Adverse: unfavorable or antagonistic Synonyms are negative and unfriendly.

What is a "complete predicate"?

All the words that tell about the subject or what the subject is doing. It's the verb and everything else.

What is an "adjective"?

An adjective describes a noun or pronoun.

What is the COMPLETE PREDICATE in the sentence "The White Sox won the World Series in 2005."

Ask yourself what did the subject do? What did the White Sox (subject) do? They "won the World Series in 2005." So that is the COMPLETE PREDICATE.

What does AVERSE mean and list 2 synonyms.

Averse: Having a strong feeling of opposition towards something. Synonyms are afraid, reluctant

Why do you think "polite" pronouns are referred to as polite?

Because you are saying the other person's name first and then you own.

What is the biggest mistake student make with respect to connotation?

Breezing through and not considering multiple meanings of the word.

Parts of a story: What is the "turning point, most exciting part of the story, high interest" part of the story called?


What is the "complete subject" in this sentence and what is the "simple subject"? "The birds in our backyard build a nest from my old sweater"

Complete Subject: The birds in our backyard Simple Subject: The birds

In the sentence "The North Pole's ice cap is melting and breaking." is this a compound subject or compound verb?

Compound predicate (1 subjects which are "The North Pole's ice cap" and 2 verbs "melting and breaking"

In the sentence "The North and South Poles are melting." is this a compound subject or compound verb?

Compound subject (2 subjects which are "The North and South Poles" and 1 verb "melting"

What is the "resolution" or "denouement"?

Conclusion, happy or sad ending, cliff hanger

What is the "falling action"?

Conflicts begin to resolve, takes less time than the rising action

Why are connotation & denotation important to readers and writers?

Conveys concepts, brings variety of experiences & emotions to text, improves stylistic writing such as clarity, conciseness, variety, and specificity.

Define and use the following word correctly: All ready

Definition: Everyone in the group is ready or completely prepared. Example: The group is all ready and set to go to Jackson.

Define and use the following word correctly: Already

Definition: already is an adverb that means prior to right now Example: You already had a slice of pie.

What does the root word "geo" mean? Give some examples.

Definition: earth Examples: geode, geography, geology

What does the root word "fac" mean? Give some examples.

Definition: to do or to make, made or done Examples: factual, fact, manufacture, artifact

Parts of a story: What is the "introduction where setting and characters introduced" part of the story called?


What is an "exclamatory" sentence?

Expresses strong feelings and ends in an exclamation mark.

Parts of a story: What is the "conflicts begin to resolve, take less time than the rising action" part of the story called?

Falling Action

Is "you" appropriate for formal/academic writing? T/F


What is the main concept in "Case Against Good & Bad"?

Good and bad are vague words that don't give a person a clear understanding of whatever they are describing.

List some "proper nouns".

Hailey, Treasure Mountain Jr. High, Atomic skis, etc (they are nouns that are specific names of things and are capitalized).

The words "is, are, will was, were, be, been, has, have, had, may, might, can, do, shall" are examples of what type of verb?

Helping verbs

What does the root word HEMI mean and list 2 words using the root?

Hemi: Half Hemisphere, hemicycle

What does the root word HEXA mean and list 2 words using the root?

Hexa: Six Hexagon, hexalogy

List 15 pronouns?

I, me, my, mine, myself, we, us, our, you, your, youself, she, she, him, her, his, etc.

List some "pronouns".

I, she, they, him (they are words that are used in place of nouns).

What is the INTERRUPTED verb in the sentence "I didn't want to criticize the way you threw the ball?"

Interrupted verb is "didn't"

What is the "exposition"?

Introduction where the setting and characters are introduced

What is a "interrogative" sentence?

It asks a question and ends in a question mark.

List some "adverbs"

It describes a verb, adjective or another adverb. It tells how, when, where or to what degree. Examples: slowly, now, inside

What is the IMPLIED subject in the sentence "Go to your room!"

It is understood that I am saying "You go to your room". The "YOU" is the implied subject.

What is a "imperative" sentence?

It makes a request or gives a command. This type of sentence ends in a period or an exclamation mark.

What is a "declarative" sentence?

Makes a statement or expression an opinion and ends in a period.

What does commonly confused word "except" mean? Use it in a sentence.

Not including. Everyone went shopping except Julie.

Is "effect" a noun or a verb. Use it in a sentence.

Noun. I am waiting for the pill to take effect.

Find the noun, adverb, verb, adjective, noun: Juan's mother angrily called the obnoxious woman back.

Noun: mother (person, place or thing) Adverb: angrily (describes how and to what degree) Verb: called (describes the action of what she is doing) Adjective: obnoxious (describes the woman)

How many types of INTERNAL conflict?

Only 1 1) Character vs. self

What does "ex" mean?

Out of/From

What is "indirect evidence/quotations"?

Paraphrase of summaries that carry the meaning of a writer or speaker. Quotation marks are NOT used.

Use the rule for question marks/exclamation points & quotation marks in the following sentence: When will we be back? Ray asked. Hooray! said Debbi.

Place a question mark or an exclamation point inside the quotation marks when it is part of the quotation. "When will we be back?" Ray asked "Hooray!" said Debbi.

Use the rule for question marks/exclamation points & quotation marks in the following sentence: Did I hear Ray say, Okay? I can't believe he said, Okay!

Place a question mark or an exclamation point outside the quotation marks when it is no part of the quotation. Did I hear Ray say, "Okay"? I can't believe he said, "Okay"!

Parts of a story: What is "events in a story that relate to each other and create the structure of a story" part of the story called?


Find the proper noun, adverb, adverb, verb: Juan repeatedly and nervously asked her not to call anymore!

Proper Noun: Juan Adverb: repeatedly (describes how and to what degree Juan asked) Adverb: nervously (describes how and to what degree Juan asked) Verb: asked (describes the action that Juan is doing)

Find the proper noun, verb, adjective, noun and adverb: Susan dialed another phone number quickly.

Proper Noun: Susan Verb: dialed (what Susan is doing) Adjective: another (describes the phone number) Noun: phone number (it is a person, place or thing) Adverb: quickly (describes how fast and to what degree she is dialing the phone number)

Find the proper noun, verb and adverbs (hint two adverbs) Susan talked really fast.

Proper Noun: Susan Verb: talked (what Susan is doing) Adverb: really (desribes how fast) Adverb: fast (describes how she is talking)

Use the rule for commas & quotation marks in the following sentence: Peter and Esteban are joining us.

Quotation marks before and after a character's exact words. Period should be inside the quotation. "Peter and Esteban are joining us."

Parts of a story: What is the "conclusion, happy ending, sad ending or cliff-hanger" part of the story called?

Resolution or Denouement

Parts of a story: What is "a series of events leading up to the climax" part of the story called?

Rising Action

List some "verbs".

Run, jump, fly, am, are, was, were (they are action words that tell what a person is doing or what their state of being is).

What is "indirect characterization"?

Shows things that reveal the personality of a character through 5 ways (speech, thoughts, effect on others, actions, and looks) STEAL

What is the rule for paragraphs when you move from one speaker to another?

Start a new paragraph when you move from one speaker to another.

What is a "subject" vs. what is a "predicate"?

Subject - Person, place, thing or idea that the sentence is about. Predicate - Tells something about the subject. It's the verb and everything else.

How are sentences grouped? What can sentences do?

That are grouped by their purpose. Sentences can exclaim, ask a question, declare a fact, give a command.

What is a SIMPLE PREDICATE also known as?

The Verb

What kinds of questions can an adjective answer?

The answer questions like what kind, how many, which one

What is an antecedent?

The antecedent is the word that the pronoun is about.

What is "direct evidence/quotations"?

The direct work of someone else exactly as they were written or used. Quotation marks ARE used.

Who is the "protagonist" character?

The main character or hero of the story.

What is a verb phrase?

The main verb plus the helping verb.

What is the natural order of subjects and predicates in a sentence? What is an inverted order?

The natural order is subject first followed by the predicate. Inverted order is when the order is switched.

Who is a "flat" character?

The opposite of a round character. They are one-dimensional and predictable and have only one personality trait.

What is the "climax"?

The turning point, most exciting part of the story, highest interest.

Why is "you" inappropriate for formal writing? Example "You should be analytical if you want to be a scientist" versus "One should be analytical if he wants to pursue science".

The writer should really mean "you the reader" not someone, anyone, everyone.

What is the pronoun and the antecedent in the following sentence: "Snakes are dangerous if they bite"

They is the pronoun Snakes is the antecedent

What does commonly confused word "accept" (verb) mean? Use it in a sentence.

To accept what is offered. I accepted a present from my mom.

Use the rule for commas & quotation marks in the following sentences: Harry said Come on, Ray. It'll be fun. Let's go Hilda said.

Use a comma to set off the speaker's tag (he said) from the beginning of a quotation. Place the comma inside closing quotation marks when the speaker's tag follows the quotation. Harry said, "Come on, Ray. It'll be fun." "Let's go," Hilda said.

Use the rule for commas & quotation marks in the following sentence: I'm not sure said Ray that I feel like it.

Use quotation marks around each part of a divided quotation. Remember to set off the speaker's tag with commas. "I'm not sure," said Ray "that I feel like it."

Is "affect" a noun or a verb. Use it in a sentence.

Verb. The pill affects my mood.

What are INTERRUPTED verbs?

Verbs that are "interrupted" by negative words such as never, not, couldn't, shouldn't, etc.

What is the SIMPLE PREDICATE in the sentence "The White Sox won the World Series in 2005."

WON Won is a verb

Why do we need different types of sentences?

We need a way to express our feeling and show our thoughts through sentences.

What is an IMPLIED subject?

When it is understood that the subject is "YOU". For example in the sentence "Go to your room" it is understood that I am saying "You go to your room". The "YOU" is the implied subject.

What is the pronoun debate?

Whether we use "it's me" or "It's I" or "It's him" or "It's he"

Can a complete predicate and simple predicate be the same?

Yes Example: The computer froze. The computer is the subject. Froze is the complete & simple predicate.

Can a sentence have both a compound subject and a compound predicate?


Select the correct sentence? a) Did you find your dog? b) Did you find you're dog? c) Did you find yore dog?

a) Did you find your dog?

Identify 2 sentences that use capitalization correctly. a) I don't know where Mom is. b) I get scared when I have to go to the Dentist's office. c) Ask the veterinarian when Pugsley will be healthy enough to take home. d) I'm taking History right now and it's really boring.

a) I don't know where Mom is. c) Ask the veterinarian when Pugsley will be healthy enough to take home.

Select the correct sentence? a) I don't know whose shoes these are. b) I don't know who's shoes these are.

a) I don't know whose shoes these are

Which IS correct? a) I drive a Toyota Sequoia. b) She drives a subaru crosstrek. c) I love coca-cola. d) The moon, sun and stars are beautiful tonight. e) I can see Venus and the Moon from my deck.

a) I drive a Toyota Sequoia. d) The moon, sun and stars are beautiful tonight.

Which sentence(s) contain capitalization errors? a) I hear that the midwest is really rainy this time of year. b) The moon seemed almost as bright as the sun did today. c) Turn Left at the light, and then turn East at the stop sign. d) Go ask Dad if he will ready to go in five minutes.

a) I hear that the midwest is really rainy this time of year. c) Turn Left at the light, and then turn East at the stop sign.

Which IS correct? a) I was born in the Midwest, but I grew up in North. b) I was born in the midwest, but I grew up in the south. c) I live on the North side of the street. d) Turn Right at the light on the South side of the street.

a) I was born in the Midwest, but I grew up in North.

Which of the following book titles are capitalized correctly? a) Imagine the Places You'll Go b) Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone c) Imagine The Places You'll Go d) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

a) Imagine the Places You'll Go d) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Select the correct sentence? a) In days or yore children were seen not heard. b) in days of your children were seen not heard. c) In days of you're children were seen not heard.

a) In days or yore children were seen not heard.

Which of the following are correct? (This is the rule specifically dealing with historical, old fashioned or biblical terms.) a) Moses' tablets b) Jesus' parables c) Moses's tablets d) Jesus's parables

a) Moses' tablets b) Jesus' parables

What does the root words A and AMO mean? a) Not and love b) two and life c) hundred and to believe d) not and not

a) Not and love

Which IS correct? a) The core classes are math, science and English. b) I took history 101 in college. c) My favorite class was Science 202.

a) The core classes are math, science and English. c) My favorite class was Science 202.

Select the correct sentence? a) We think it's going to snow next week. b) We think its going to snow next week.

a) We think it's going to snow next week.

Select the correct sentence? a) Who's going to the movies with me on Friday? b) Whose going to the movies with me on Friday?

a) Who's going to the movies with me on Friday?

Words like am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been are examples of..... a) helping verbs b) verb phrases c) common nouns d) possessive nouns

a) helping verbs

Choose the correct word that works best {a) identity, b) individual, c) conform, d) nonconformist}: The fact of being who or what a thing is.

a) identity

Write the plural of each word.... a) moose b) wave c) nucleus d) crisis e) house f) mouse g) hero h) capful i) box j) ox k) knife l) woman m) glass n) play o) monkey p) party q) candy

a) moose b) waves c) nuclei d) crises d) houses f) mice g) heroes h) capfuls i) boxes j) oxen k) knives l) women m) glasses n) plays o) monkeys p) parties q) candies

In it Green origin, utopia means... a) no place b) over there c) not a good place d) the best place on earth

a) no place

Which of the following 2 categories do NOT require capitalization? a) seasons b ) geographic regions c) title before a person's name d) sun and moon

a) seasons d) sun and moon

Select the best definition for the CAPITALIZED word in the following sentence. Despite what others may think about the way he dresses, Barney uses his clothing to show that he is an INDIVIDUAL. a) single separate; for a particular person b) obey rules, standards, laws or to behave in socially acceptable ways c) the fact of being who or what a person is d) someone who does not follow the rules

a) single separate; for a particular person

Which is NOT correct? a) treasure mountain junior high b) University of Southern California

a) treasure mountain junior high

GENRE tells the reader... a) what to expect b) what to fear c) that things will be confusing d) all about the author

a) what to expect

What is the root word that means "love"

am (enamoured)

Which is NOT correct? a) His grandfather fought in the Civil War. b) At school we studied the renaissance period. c) It was a long war. d) We live in the computer age.

b) At school we studied the renaissance period.

Which 2 of the following sentences are correct? a) Brian's and Matthew's friendship is really uncertain right now. b) Brian and and Matthew's friendship is really uncertain right now. c) Emily and Sarah's ears were cold. d) Emily's and Sarah's hair is really long.

b) Brian and and Matthew's friendship is really uncertain right now. d) Emily's and Sarah's hair is really long.

Select the correct sentence? a) I don't know if your going to like this, but Dad ate all of you're birthday cake. b) I don't know if you're going to like this, but Dad ate all of your cake.

b) I don't know if you're going to like this, but Dad ate all of your cake.

Which is correct? a) I don't take advise from people I don't trust. b) I don't take advice from people I don't trust.

b) I don't take advice from people I don't trust.

Which IS correct? a) I would advice you to pick up your room right now. b) I would advise you to pick up your room right now.

b) I would advise you to pick up your room right now.

Which one is correct? a) Its raining outside b) It's raining outside

b) It's raining outside

Identify 2 sentences that contain an interrupted verb phrase. a) I would like to go and see the concert tomorrow. b) Many parents don't let their teenagers drive. c) I should never have tried staying up all night to study.

b) Many parents don't let their teenagers drive.

Which sentence is NOT correct? a) Mom, have you seen Dad's cake? b) No, I haven't seen your Dad's cake. c) Maybe Grandma or the cat ate it.

b) No, I haven't seen your Dad's cake.

What is a noun? a) Happiness b) Person, place, thing, idea or quality c) Person or place d) Person, place or thing

b) Person, place, thing, idea or quality

Which sentence is NOT correct? a) This is Doctor Smith, this is Aunt Anne, and that man over there is General Bradshaw. b) That Man is my Doctor, that woman is my aunt, and that Man is a General in the army. c) The man over there is a dentist, the woman next to him is my aunt, and I see the general as well.

b) That Man is my Doctor, that woman is my aunt, and that Man is a General in the army.

Which IS correct? a) The Ocean is deep. The Mountains are high. The river is dangerous. b) The ocean is deep. The mountains are high. The river is dangerous.

b) The ocean is deep. The mountains are high. The river is dangerous.

Select the correct sentence? a) The skunk loves it's hole in the tree. b) The skunk loves its hole in the tree.

b) The skunk loves its hole in the tree.

Select the correct sentence? a) We are wondering whose going to win the award. b) We are wondering who's doing to win the award.

b) We are wondering who's doing to win the award.

Select the correct sentence? a) Who's bike is in the driveway. b) Whose bike is in the driveway.

b) Whose bike is in the driveway

Which one is correct? a) Who's fault is it? b) Whose fault is it?

b) Whose fault is it?

Select the best definition for the CAPITALIZED word in the following sentence. Christopher was often accused of being a NONCONFORMIST because he always fought to do things his own way. a) obey rules, standards, or laws b) a person whose behavior or views do not conform to prevailing ideas or norms c) the fact of being oneself d) single or separate

b) a person whose behavior or views do not conform to prevailing ideas or norms

Choose the correct word that works best {a) identity, b) individual, c) conform, d) nonconformist}: Single or separate.

b) individual

Select the best definition for the CAPITALIZED word in the following sentence. Everyone has to CONFORM to a certain degree because otherwise we would all wind up in prison. a) the fact of being who or what a person is b) obey rules, standards, laws or to behave in socially acceptable ways c) a nonconformist d) single or separate

b) obey rules, standards, laws or to behave in socially acceptable ways

Select the best definition for the CAPITALIZED word in the following sentence. A person's IDENTITY can change many times throughout their lifetime. a) to obey rules, standards, or laws b) the fact of being who or what a person is c) single separate; for a particular person d) a person whose behavior or views do not conform

b) the fact of being who or what a person is

How would you show that one woman owns one dress? a) the women's dress b) the woman's dress

b) the woman's dress

What does the root words BI and BIO mean? a) Not and love b) two and life c) hundred and to believe d) not and not

b) two and life

Identify the complete predicate in the following sentence. My bicycle will be ready on Saturday even though it has a flat tire. a) even though it has a flat tire b) will be ready on Saturday even though it has a flat tire c) My bicycle d) ready on Saturday

b) will be ready on Saturday even though it has a flat tire

Use QUOTATION marks ______ and _______ a character's exact words.

before, after

What are 2 things every sentence needs to be a complete thought? a) It should be a fragment b) To have the capital letters in the right spots c) A subject and a predicate

c) A subject and a predicate

Choose the correct word that works best {a) identity, b) individual, c) conform, d) nonconformist}: Obey the rules or behave in a socially acceptable way.

c) Conform

What is the best definition of GENRE? a) dystopia b) favorite kinds of books c) categories of literature or music that share similar characteristics d) fiction

c) categories of literature or music that share similar characteristics

Identify the root word in the word INCREDIBLE a) edible b) in c) cred d) ble

c) cred

What does the root words CENT and CRED mean? a) Not and love b) two and life c) hundred and to believe d) not and not

c) hundred and to believe

Define the root word a a) with b) love c) not or without d) in addition to

c) not or without

Identify the characteristics of science fiction? a) murder and mystery b) love interests c) set in the future, has technology that we don't have yet, sometimes aliens d) talking animals, witches, or fairies

c) set in the future, has technology that we don't have yet, sometimes aliens

Identify the characteristics of fantasy a) seems true to life b) non fictional c) talking animals and magic d) technology that we don't have yet; often set in the future

c) talking animals and magic

Fragments should be avoided in writing because... a) they contain spelling errors b) they are complete thoughts c) they are incomplete thoughts d) they make writing shorter

c) they are incomplete thoughts

Use a __________ to set off the speaker's _____ (he said) from the beginning of the quotation.

comma, tag Example: He said, "Go to bed."

Which is NOT correct? a) He caught the German measles. b) I would like to learn Japanese. c) At church we studied the Bible. d) An atheist does not believe in god. e) In India they believe in a lot of gods and goddesses.

d) An atheist does not believe in god.

Identify the SUBJECT in the following sentence. George likes to run when he gets home from work. a) run b) home c) likes d) George

d) George

Select the sentence that uses capitalization CORRECTLY. a) I attend Treasure Mountain junior high b) My x-rays show no broken bones. c) I enjoy english more than French. d) I think it is illegal to make a U-turn at this intersection.

d) I think it is illegal to make a U-turn at this intersection.

What kinds of nouns should ALWAYS be capitalized? a) General nouns b) Common nouns c) People, places and things d) Proper nouns

d) Proper nouns

When do we use possessive nouns? a) We'd use them only when we have to. b) When we are naming something specific. c) We'd only use them at the beginning of a sentence. d) When we need to show that someone owns something or that something belongs to someone.

d) When we need to show that someone owns something or that something belongs to someone.

Identify the root word in the word ENAMORED a) mored b) en c) ed d) amo

d) amo

In the word PERCENT, the root word means... a) to believe b) love c) without or not d) hundred

d) hundred

Choose the correct word that works best {a) identity, b) individual, c) conform, d) nonconformist}: A person whose behavior does not conform to prevailing practices.

d) nonconformist

The BEST definition for dystopia is.... a) a fake place b) a true to life place c) a perfect place d) not a good place

d) not a good place

What does the root words DE and DIS mean? a) Not and love b) two and life c) hundred and to believe d) not and not

d) not and not

Which are NOT correct? a) North Dakota b) Weber River c) Great Salt Lake d) south Dakota e) pacific ocean f) Atlantic Ocean g) wasatch mountains h) boot hill drive

d) south Dakota e) pacific ocean g) wasatch mountains h) boot hill drive

The root word CRED means... a) two b) hundred c) life d) to believe

d) to believe

What is the root word that means "off/from"?

de (like depart)

What is the root word that means "apart/not"?

dis (disinvite)

List some "common nouns".

girls, school, skis (nouns are persons, places, things, etc.)

INTERNAL CONFLICT takes place _______ the body. It's a _________ within the character.

inside, struggle

EXTERNAL CONFLICT takes place _______ the body. It's between the __________ and an outside force.

outside, character

Use quotation marks around each _______ of a _________ quotation. Remember to _______ ________ the speaker's ______ with commas.

part, divided, set, off, tag Example: "The weather is beautiful" he said, "in sunny Hawaii."

List some "adjectives".

red, pretty, fast

CONFLICT is a __________ against _____ opposing ________.

struggle, two, forces

When sea turtles lay __________ eggs in the sand, seagulls try to eat the tine babies when they hatch. (they're, their, there)


My shoes are way over __________ next to the front door. (they're, their, there)


We aren't sure if ________ going to let Tony out of the hospital tomorrow. (their/they're/there)


I don't want __________ go to sleep at 9:00. (two/to/too)


Four hours of homework every night is just __________ much. (two/to/too)


I need to go back to the doctor's office in __________ weeks. (two/to/too)


Did you find ______ shoes? (your/you're/yore)


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