8th Grade History C5 S3 - Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay

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Italy, Germany, Spain

many new immigrants arrived in Argentina from these countries and their influences have dominated the region


many people in Uruguay speak this due to the country's location near Brazil


means completely surrounded by land with no direct access to the ocean

Buenos Aires

more of Argentina's people live here than any where else, country's capital, second largest urban area in South America


more than 1/3 of Uruguay's population lives near

Paraguay Farmers

most grow just enough food to feed themselves and their families, crops such as corn, cotton, soybeans and sugarcane


much of Argentina's ? is located in and around Buenos Aires


official language of Paraguay


official language of Uruguay


organization that promotes trade and economic cooperation among the southern and eastern countries of South America


originally home to groups of Indians but has few native peoples remaining today and its culture has been mostly influenced by Europeans

"Dirty War"

time period in the 1970s in Argentina when many political leaders abused human rights torturing and killing many accused of disagreeing with the government


took over Uruguay in the 1770s

elected government

in the 1980s Argentina gained this

Argentina means

land of silver or silvery one

Roman Catholicism

main religion of Uruguay


make up 3% of the Argentina population

European descent

they are the majority of Uruguay's population


in the 1500s, first Europeans to arrive in Argentina in search of silver and gold

mestizo, Indian, African

12% of Uruguay's population

Spanish, Italian, European Settlers

40 million people in Argentina are descended from

urban areas

90% of Uruguay's population lives in


95% of Paraguayans are

hunted wild game

Argentina Indians living in the Pampas

built irrigation system for farming

Argentina Indians living in the north

economic crisis

Argentina's heavy debt and government spending caused this in the late 1900s/2000s, causing the government to change hands four times, by 2003 the economy had stabilized, but many had lost their professional careers and had to join an informal economy


Argentina's most developed agricultural region, with large ranches and farms employing 11% if the population and produce beef, wheat and corn for export


Argentine cowboys who herded cattle and horses on open grasslands, very few live as these today

economic development

Buenos Aires location on the coast and near the Pampas has contributed to its


Indian language


Paraguay was claimed by these settlers in the mid 1930s and remained in their control until 1811 when it won independence

economic opportunities

Uruguay's country has a high literacy rate, good jobs, people can afford consumer goods and travel but many young people are leaving for better ?

Brazil & Argentina

Uruguay's economy is tied to these two countries, more than 1/2 of its foreign trade is with these two countries with beef being a major export

informal economy

based on odd jobs that people perform without government regulation through taxes


between Argentina and Brazil, capital Montevideo, influenced by its larger neighbors

hydroelectric dams

built on the Parana River to provide power for Paraguay


capital and largest city of Paraguay, located along the Paraguay River near the border with Argentina


claimed Uruguay during the colonial era

Paraguay Wealth

controlled by a few rich families and companies who have tremendous influence over the country's government


in the 1800s fought for independence from Spain, violence and instability followed with many Indians being killed or driven away


declared independence from Spain in 1825, military governments have ruled this country off and on, but today it is a democracy

Paraguay River

divides the country into two regions, with the eastern side being farmland and the western being rancher with livestock


important part of the Paraguay economy with 1/2 of the country's workers being employed in this field

hydroelectric power

important source of energy in Uruguay

Spanish monarch

granted land to the colonists who built settlements and were given the right to force Indians living there to work for them

Beef Exports

have made Argentina a rich country


helped build railroad across Argentina to transport agricultural products for export to Europe


hydroelectric dams provide more power than the country needs so they can sell surplus to Brazil and Argentina


important agricultural region


popular Argentine beef dish which includes grilled sausage and steak

Eva Peron

popular Argentinean who helped improve the living conditions, especially for the poor, was the wife of the President, established hospitals and schools, and helped women gain the right to vote

Roman Catholic

religion of Paraguay

Roman Catholic

religion of most Argentinians


ruled off and on by dictators until 1989, today it has elected leaders and a democratic government


shares borders with Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina, it is a landlocked country

Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay

southern countries of Atlantic South America

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