9. Air Law

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Q: If intercepted by an aircraft, you shall

A: Follow the instructions of the intercepting aircraft

Q: EASA Headquarters are in:

A: Germany

Q: Who has the right of way?

A: Glider has to give right of way to a balloon

Q: Taxiway centerline lights are

A: Green

Q: Airplanes, helicopters, motor gliders:

A: Have to be equipped for VFR with at least one VHF receiver

Q: What should the glider pilot do, if on head-on collision course with the two-engined Cessna?

A: He should deviate to the right.

Q: What word is used to describe the vertical position of an aircraft measured above an airfield datum level, when QFE is set on the altimeter subscale?

A: Height

Q: There are three conditions that a holder of an EASA PPL (A) must fulfill before he/she may act as pilot in command, or as a co-pilot. Which of the following is not a requirement?

A: Holds an Instrument Rating.

Q: Distress phase is announced

A: If the fuel supplies in the aircraft are considered depleted or not enough for safe end of flight

Q: Distress phase is announced:

A: If the fuel supplies in the aircraft are considered depleted or not enough for safe end of flight

Q: Flying hours to be credited for a licence or rating must have been flown:

A: In the same type or category of aircraft as that for which the licence or rating is being sought.

Q: Which of the following ratings on an EASA PPL (A) precludes the requirement for a separate Night Rating to be held by a private pilot who wishes to fly as PIC at night?

A: Instrument Rating.

Q: AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication) :

A: Is published by The state

Q: How long is an EASA PPL (A) issued for?

A: It is valid for lifetime (does not expire).

Q: Under Chicago convention, territory of a country consists of:

A: Land and territorial waters

Q: PIC of an aircraft is required to

A: Land in the direction of white T and to the right of it

Q: PIC shall not commence a flight until he is satisfied that

A: Mass and Balance is within limits for the intended flight

Q: When may you fly over any congested area of a city,town or settlement at a height from which it would not be possible to land safely in the event of an emergency arising?

A: Only when necessary for take-off and landing.

Q: Under Chicago convetion, which of the following documents have to be on board an international flight, amongst others:

A: Passenger manifest with boarding place and destination, and cargo manifest

Q: What is the subject of ICAO Annex 1?

A: Personnel Licensing

Q: Who is responsible for the adequate safe separation between VFR flights in the air?

A: Pilots themselves exclusivelly.

Q: When descending from a Flight Level to an altitude above mean sea level, the pilot has to set the altimeter to:


Q: What action should be taken if a pilot receives a clearance that will cause a deviation from a rule?

A: Refuse the clearance as stated and request that it be amended.

Q: Pilot must hold:

A: Relevant class or rating for the airplane pilot wishes to fly and a medical certificate

Q: Which rules of the air apply to an aircraft registered in the Republic of Croatia while flying outside the native aerospace?

A: Rules of the air of the state being overflown.

Q: You are flying in a 9A registered aeroplane in Russian airspace. Which rules of the air shall you observe?

A: Russian

Q: An ATC clearance provides

A: authorization to proceed under specified traffic conditions in controlled airspace.

Q: If a pilot wishes to have priority due to low remaining fuel on board, he shall do so by informing the ATC:

A: by declaring emergency using the phrase Mayday

Q: The controlled airspace, extending from the surface to the specified altitude, is the

A: control zone.

Q: An engine failure, or damage limited just to the engine or the propeller is:

A: is not defined as an accident

Q: Multi-engine piston aircraft class rating

A: may be added to SEP class rating and it basically encompasses all multi-engine piston aeroplanes with MTOM below 5700 kg

Q: The responsibility for ensuring that maintenance personnel make the appropriate entries in the aircraft maintenance records indicating the aircraft has been approved for return to service lies with the

A: owner or operator.

Q: Which best describes the flight conditions under which pilots are specifically required to keep their safety harness fastened?

A: Safety belts during take off and landing and while en route; shoulder harnesses during takeoff and landing.

Q: Aircraft registration marks are established / determined by:

A: State of registry

Q: National registration marks are issued by the:

A: State of registry

Q: The Flight Time a pilot loggs is the total time from the moment

A: Than an aircraft first moves under its own or external power for the purpose of taking off until the moment it comes to rest at the end of the flight.

Q: What was the outcome of the Chicago Convention

A: The Convention on International Civil Aviation.

Q: Which aircraft must give way when two airplanes are converging at the same altitude?

A: The airplane which has another airplane at his right side.

Q: The departure and arrival time entered by a PPL holder in his flying log book is taken as follows:

A: The time the aircraft begins to move under its own power and the time it comes to rest

Q: Pilot that is in control of an aircraft, is required after take-off

A: To climb with maximum angle

Q: In Class E Airspace

A: VFR, IFR and SVFR flights are allowed. IFR and SVFR are subject to ATC clearance and control

Q: Marking on an apron, for pilots are

A: Yellow colour

Q: During a cross-country flight you find yourself in the vicinity of an unknown airport. A military aircraft approaches, turns around your aircraft, rocks the wings and finally lowers the landing gear. What does this mean?

A: You have been intercepted, land at the airport below you!

Q: Above the transition altitude, aeroplanes fly:

A: at Flight Levels

Q: A crew member shall not consume alcohol at least

A: 8 hours before flight

Q: The holder of an EASA PPL(A) who wishes to carry passengers must have made a minimum of 3 take-offs and landings within the preceding:

A: 90 days.

Q: ICAO is:

A: A Special entity under the UN

Q: A PPL pilot who is flying in accordance with SVFR must have the following minima:

A: A minimum visibility of 1.5 kms or more and remain clear of cloud and in sight of the surface.

Q: What may be a substitute for the training flight at least 1 hour with a flight instructor, which is beside others conditions requested for revalidation of a single pilot single engine class rating?

A: A proficiency check or skill test for a class rating within 12 months preceding the expiry of the rating.

Q: Which of the following normally defines 'runway in use' on an uncontrolled airfield?

A: A runway into wind.

Q: What does "AAL" mean?

A: Above aerodrome level.

Q: PIC will not start with a VFR flight until he has made sure that

A: Actual weather forecast and report for the planned route indicate VFR condistions

Q: A pilot intending to land at a civil aerodrome should initiate his descent to below transition level with the altimeter subscale set to:

A: Aerodrome QNH.

Q: What of the following is printed on a Certificate of Airworthiness?

A: Aircraft Category

Q: With the respect to the certification of airmen, which is a category of aircraft?

A: Airplane, rotorcraft, glider, lighter-than-air.

Q: Who is required to pass language proficiency testing and have a language proficiency endorsed on the license?

A: All aeroplane, helicopter, powered-lift and airship pilots who are required to use radio telephone

Q: Aircraft Incident is defined as Select one: a. An event that influences or could influence aircraft safety b. All answers are correct c. An event in connection with aircraft operations d. An event that is not an accident

A: All answers are correct

Q: Differences training on all single-engine piston aeroplanes must be completed each time the pilot transitions from simpler, lighter aeroplanes with fixed pitch propeller to Select one: a. Aircraft with turbo-charger and pressurised cabin b. Aircraft with variable pitch propeller c. All answers are correct d. Aircraft with retractable landing gear

A: All answers are correct

Q: Approach control gives the following service(s)

A: All answers correct

Q: Approach control gives the following service(s):

A: All answers correct

Q: At the request of aviaiton inspectors, a pilot must prove:

A: All answers correct

Q: Incident is defined as: Select one: a. An event that influences or could influence aircraft safety b. All answers are correct c. An event in connection with aircraft operations d. An event that is not an accident

A: All answers correct

Q: In B class airspace?

A: All flights are subject to ATC Spearation

Q: Which of the aircraft listed has always the right-of-way over all other participants in air traffic?

A: An aircraft in distress.

Q: Nationality of an airplane is defined in ICAO DOC 7300:

A: Article 17

Q: TORA is

A: Available length of a runway declared as available and suitable for the acceleration of an aircraft during take-off

Q: PPL holder can:

A: Be a PIC or copilot in non commercial operations

Q: How shall aircraft in the air avoid each other on a head-on collision course?

A: Both aircraft shall alter their headings to the right.

Q: A PPL holder is not permitted to:

A: Carry fare paying passengers.

Q: What Medical Certificate is required for a holder of a Private Pilot Licence?

A: Class 1 or Class 2 Medical Certificate.

Q: What Medical Certificate is required for a student pilot?

A: Class 1 or Class 2 Medical Certificate.

Q: Uncontrolled airspace is classified as

A: Class F and G

Q: AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication)

A: Contains information of long lasting character important for flights.

Q: A PIC may not commence a flight until he has ascertained that

A: Current weather reports and forecasts for the indented route of flight indicate that the weather will be above applicable minima on the whole intended route

Q: Which of the following represents an accident:

A: Death of a person or serious injury

Q: European commision:

A: Decides on regulation in civil air transport based on EASA opinions

Q: Pilot must

A: During approach and after takeoff, in the traffic pattern, make all turns to the left unless otherwise noted

Q: When two aircraft are approaching each other head-on and there is a danger of collision, which way should each aircraft turn?

A: Each aircraft should turn to the right.

Q: Which of the following flight levels would be suitable for an aircraft flying in accordance with the quadrantal rule and maintaining a magnetic track of 146 degrees?

A: FL75.

Q: Flight time during which the flight instructor will only observe the student acting as pilot-in-command and shall not influence or control the flight of the aircraft is

A: Flight time as student pilot-in-command (SPIC).

Q: How long is a Level 5 language proficiency valid for?

A: 6 years

Q: In case of radio communication failure, you will set transponder to

A: 7600

Q: ICAO members may introduce stricter regulations than recommended.

A: 'True'

Q: In Croatia, the national regulation specifies that in aviation a person is under influence of alcohol if the following limit is reached or exceeded:

A: 0.2 g/kg

Q: An aircraft flying above the sea between 4,500 feet MSL and 9,000 feet MSL outside controlled airspace under VFR, must remain at least:

A: 1,500 m horizontally, 1,000 feet vertically from clouds; 5 km visibility.

Q: As a substitute for the proficiency check with an examiner, what minimum flight time and what number of takeoffs and landing is required for the revalidation of a single pilot single engine airplane class rating?

A: 12 hours of flight time within 12 months preceding the expiry of the rating, including 6 hours of pilot-in-command time, and 12 takeoffs and 12 landings and a training flight with an FI (flight instructor) of at least 1 hour

Q: How long is an Instrument Rating valid for?

A: 12 months.

Q: How long are single pilot single engine class ratings valid?

A: 2 years

Q: When flying an aircraft without a night rating inside the terithory of the Republic of Croatia, which is the latest time for landing if the sunset is at 20:15?

A: 20:45

Q: A night flying inside the territory of Republic Croatia is defined by the state regulations as a flying between

A: 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise.

Q: What is the minimum safe altitude required to operate an aircraft over settlements or over open-air assembly of people?

A: 300 m (1,000 ft) above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 600 m of the aircraft.

Q: How long is a Level 4 language proficiency valid for?

A: 4 years

Q: The basic VFR weather minimums for operating an aircraft within Class D airspace are

A: 450-meter ceiling and 5.0-km visibility.

Q: Visual flying of aircraft in class G airspace at altitudes above 900 m (3,000 ft) MSL or 300 m (1,000 ft) from ground, whichever is higher, up to 3,050 m (10,000 ft), is permitted if the horizontal visibility is at least

A: 5 km

Q: How many hours of total flying hours, required for the practical skill test for an issue of a Private Pilot Licence, may be completed on a Flight & Navigation Procedures Trainer or Simulator?

A: 5.

Q: How can you extend the validity of your SEP(land) Single-Engine-Piston (land) Rating?

A: pass a proficiency check with an examiner within 3 months of the expirty date of the rating, or have logged 12 hours of flight time,thereof: 6 hours as PIC and 12 take-offs and 12 landings and a training flight with an FI of at least 1 hour

Q: The person directly responsible for the prelaunch briefing of passengers for a flight is

A: pilot in command.

Q: When a runway is permanently close, it is marked by

A: white X at both runway ends

Q: After an aircraft has been intercepted in flight, the intercepted aircraft is rocking its wings. This means:

A: will comply

Q: You wish to take your friend for a night flight with you. You need to make sure that

A: you have completed at least 3 take-off, approaches and landings total in the same type or class of aircraft in the preceding 90 days, and, you hold a night rating and have completed at least 1 take-off, approach and landing at night or you hold an instrument rating

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