A & P - Saladin Skeletal System Ch 8

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Match each cranial fossa with the brain structures that lies within it: 1. Anterior cranial fossa 2. Middle cranial fossa 3. Posterior cranial fossa

1. Frontal lobes 2. Temporal lobes 3. Cerebellum

What is the term used for the great toe


The greater and lesser _____ of the femur are two large, rough processes that provide attachments for the hip muscles


The condyle that articulates with the ulna is


The projection of the rib that attaches to the transverse costal facet of the vertebra is known as the


The ischial ______ of the ischium is the rough posterior process that supports the body when sitting.



tubular passage or tunnel in a bone

True Ribs

These ribs have independent costal cartilages that attach to the sternum

Floating Ribs

These ribs no not attach to the sternum


a narrow ridge


a pit or socket


a rounded knob that articulates with another bone


a shallow, broad, or elongated basin


a slit through a bone


a small pit


a small rounded process


a smooth, flat, articular surface

The lateral flattened end of the clavicle is the _____ end


The _____ is a plate like extension of the spine of the scapula that forms the apex of the shoulder


The part of the maxilla that will consist of raised portions of bone that lies between the roots of the teeth

alveolar process


an air-filled space in a bone


an extended region superior to a condyle

The four prominent fontanels

anterior, mastoid, sphenoid, posterior

Name the joint that occurs between the base of the skull and the top of the vertebral column


The ____ joint occurs between the base of the skull and the top of the vertebral column


The joint between the atlas and axis is called the _____ joint


The ridge that forms the boundary between the greater and lesser pelvis is called the pelvic


The ______ is the skullcap that forms the roof and walls of the skull


Name the vertebral curvatures

cervical, pelvic, thoracic, lumbar

The lateral walls of the nasal cavity give rise to scroll-like bones called the nasal


The medial and lateral _______ of the tibia articulate with the femur


Petrous part

contains the internal acoustic meatus and the middle and inner ear cavities

Tympanic part

contains the styloid process and a small ring of bone surrounding the external acoustic meatus

The _____ process of the scapula provides an attachment site for the tendons of the muscles of the arm


The anterior lip of the trochlear notch is formed by the _____ process


The _____ facets are a feature that is unique to the body of the thoracic vertebrae


The strips of hyaline cartilage that attach the ribs to the sternum are called the

costal cartilage

Most ribs articulate with two adjacent vertebral bodies by means of the superior and inferior

costal facet

On a rib, the _______ _______ marks the path of costal blood vessels and nerves along the inferior margin of the shaft

costal groove

The perforated part of the ethmoid bone that forms the roof of the nasal cavity is the _______ plate


The midline crest in the ethmoid bone that provides an attachment for the dura mater is called the

crista galli

Transverse arch

cuboid, cuneiform, and proximal heads of the metatarsals

The rough spot on the lateral shaft of the humerus that serves as an attachment for the shoulder muscle is the _______

deltoid tuberosity

The prominent process on the axis is the _____, also called the odontoid process


The styloid process is located at the _____ end of the ulna


Name the small processes on the humerus that are located proximal to the trochlea and capitulum


The lateral and medial ______ are small processes on the humerus, proximal to the trochlea and capitulum


The _____ is a slender leg bone that functions to stabilize the ankle but does not bear any weight of the body


Squamous part

flat and vertical part that also contains the zygomatic process

Name the spaces located between unfused cranial bones in the skull of infants


Which foramina are found in the sphenoid bone

foramen lacerum, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum, foramen rotundum, optic foramen

Mastoid part

found posterior to the tympanic part and is filled with small air sinuses that communicate with the middle-ear cavity

The _____ membrane joins the tibia and fibula along their shafts


The pubic symphysis contains a fibrocartilage structure called the ____ disc


the _____ _____ is an irregular opening for the jugular vein just medial to styloid process

jugular foramen

The vertebral arch is formed by the _____ and ______

laminae ; pedicles

Name the projection of the temporal bone that extends anteriorly to form part of the zygomatic arch:

zygomatic process

Name the scroll-like bones that project into the nasal cavity

nasal conchae

The narrowing of the rib distal to the head is the _____ of the rib


List the bones that are classified as cranial bones

occipital, ethmoid, temporal, sphenoid, parietal, frontal

When you rest your elbow on a table, the bony part of the ulna that is on the table is the:


Transverse costal facets on vertebrae T1 -T10 are loacted

on the transverse process

The lower margin of the lesser pelvis is called the pelvic


The _____ processes of the _____ bones form the anterior 2/3 of the hard palate

palatine ; maxilla

Within the nasal septum, the ________ plate is part of the ethmoid bone


The term _____ refers to the thumb


The _____ sacral foramina allow passage of nerves that serve the gluteal region and lower limbs


The ______ notch at the proximal end of the ulna accommodates the head of the radius


Name the carpal bones that are in the proximal row of the carpus

scaphoid, lunate, pisiform, triquetrum

The glenohumeral joint is the articulation between

scapula and humerus

The patella is an example of a ______ bone ; one that forms within a tendon due to stress



the prominent expanded end of a bone, sometimes rounded

Fovea Capitis

A ligament extends from the acetabulum of the os coxa to a small depression in the head of the femur


A slightly raised, elongated ridge

Olecranon fossa

Depression on the posterior humerus

Lateral longitudinal

Calcaneus, cuboid, and metatarsals IV and V

Medial longitudinal

Calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms, and metatarsals I to III

Identify the term for the lower border of the thoracic cage

Costal margin

Radial fossa

Depression located near the capitulum

Coronoid fossa

Depression located near the trochlea

List the common differences between male and female pelves

F: larger pelvic inlet and outlet F: wider and shallower M: more massive and rougher

Name the ridge that is located along the posterior margin of the femur

Linea aspera

Name the structure that articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone

Mandibular condyle

False Ribs

Ribs do no have independent cartilaginous connections to the sternum

List the 3 boarders of the scapula

Superior boarder, medial (vertabral) boarder, and lateral (axillary) boarder

Supraspinous Fossa

The Posterior indentation that lies superior to the spine of the scapula

Subscapular Fossa

The broad anterior concave surface of the scapula

Infraspinous Fossa

The broad surface that lies inferior to the spine of the scapula


The cavity is shallow socket of the scapula that articulates with the head of the humerous


The largest tarsal which forms the heel


The most superior tarsal: provides articulation with the leg


The slightly S-shaped bone that braces the shoulder

Name the weight bearing bone in the leg



a bony outgrowth or protruding part


a groove for a tendon, nerve, or blood vessel


a hole through a bone

The _____ _____ is a rough ridge on the femur that is the site of attachment of the gluteus maximus muscle

gluteal tuberosity

On a rib, the costal _____ marks the path of costal blood vessels and nerves along the inferior margin of the shaft


Name the carpal bones located in the distal row of the carpus

hamate, trapezoid, trapezium

The maxilla and palatine bones comprise the____

hard palate

The _______ of the femur articulates with the acetabulum of the os coxae


The knobby _____ of a rib articulates with the body of vertebrae,


The condition where the nucleus pulposus bulges through the anulus fibrosis is called a______

herniated disc

The hyoid bone consists of a body, and two horn like projections called the greater and lesser ______


The bone in the neck that does not articulate with any other bone is

hyoid bone

Name the bones that form the sacroiliac joint

ilium and sacrum

Name the auditory ossicles

incus, malleus, stapes

Only one of the pairs of nasal conchae is not part of the ethmoid bones. Which one is its own bone


The weight bearing part of the atlas are called the

lateral masses

The weight-bearing parts of the atlas are called

lateral masses

Of the three classes of vertebrae, the _____ vertebrae have a thick stout body, and blunt square spinous processes


The ____ foramen serves as the site of entry into the mandibular body for the nerves and blood vessels that supply the teeth


The mandibular condyle articulates with the ____ of the temporal bone

mandibular fossa

The bony bump that can be palpated behind the earlobe is the ______ process


Name the bones of the distal row of the tarsal bones

medial cuneiform, cuboid, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform

Distal to the tubercle, the fib flattens and widens into the


The paranasal ______ are chambers connected with the nasal cavity, lined by mucous membranes, and filled with air


Name is paranasal sinuses

sphenoid, frontal, ethmoid, maxillary

The bony ridge is called the _____ of the scapula


The _____ angle is the joint between the manubrium and the gladioius


The medial _____ end of the clavicle has a rounded hammerlike head


The joint between the sternum and the clavicle is the __________

sternoclavicular joint

Name the 3 angles of the scapula

superior, inferior, lateral

The ____ foramen is a hole that provides passage for a nerve, artery, and vein above the margin of the eye


The ____ process of the zygomatic bone forms part of the zygomatic arch


Name the feature that is unique to the cervical vertebrae

transverse foramen

Which ligament holds the dens of the axis in place against the anterior arch of the atlas

transverse ligament

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