A Wrinkle in Time: Act I Scene IV- Uriel
"When shall we three meet again/ In thunder, lightning, or in rain."
But where is there? -Meg
I am so very glad every time we return here. Smell the breeze! -Mrs. Whatsit
I change, too? Oh, these clothes, so fun. Now, transform?
I hope it won't upset the children too much. -Mrs. Whatsit
"Finxerunt animi, raro et perpauca loquentis." Horace. "To action little less to words inclined."
If you ladies have had your fun I think you should tell Meg and Calvin a little more about this all. You scared Meg half out of her wits, whisking her off this way without any warning. -Charles
"La experiencia es la madre de la ciencia." Spanish, my dears, Cervantes. "Experience is the mother of knowledge."
Like in math. Take your skirt and show them. -Mrs. Whatsit
Uriel, third planet of star Malak in spiral nebula Messier 101.
Where are we now? -Charles
"She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudness climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies."
Wwwatchhhh. -Mrs. Which