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to flatter me (big time)

(大)拍我马屁 ((dà) pāi wǒ mǎ pì)

..., so sagen die Chinesen

, 中国人这样说 (..., zhōngguó rén zhèyàng shuō)

10 is 5 two times.

10是5的两倍 (10 shì 5 de liǎng bèi)


__ (__)

A und B sind gleich gut

a 和/跟 b 一样好 (a hé/gēn b yīyàng hǎo)

A cannot compare to B (B is better, x2)

a 比不上 b / a 和 b 没得比 (a bǐ bù shàng b / a hé b méi de bǐ)

X is very warm, oh envy

x 很 温暖,羡慕哦 (x hěn wēnnuǎn, xiànmù ó!)

a Sichuan person came over and asked

一个四川人去过来问 (yīgè sìchuān rén qù guòlái wèn)

one week, one text

一个星期一篇课文 (yīgè xīngqí yī piān kèwén)

one stranger thing

一件更奇怪的事 (yī jiàn gèng qíguài de shì)

better every day

一天比一天好 (yītiān bǐ yītiān hǎo)

one-off (offer); one-time; single-use; disposable (goods)

一次性 (yī cì xìng)

to be very clear about sth (idiom)

一清二楚 (yī qīng èr chǔ)

obvious at a glance (idiom)

一目了然 (yī mù liǎo rán)

Go straight until the traffic lights

一直走红路灯 (yīzhí zǒu hónglùdēng)

I don't understand a word (idiom); all Greek to me

一窍不通 (yī qiào bù tōng)

to unify; unified

一统 (yī tǒng)

unanimous; identical (views or opinions)

一致 (yí zhì)

Generally speaking

一般来说 (yībān lái shuō)

love at first sight

一见倾心 / 一见钟情 (yī jiàn qīng xīn / yī jiàn zhōng qíng)

one word and it's settled (idiom); It's a deal!; That's settled then.

一言为定 (yī yán wéi dìng)

to have a pleasant journey; Bon voyage!

一路平安 (yí lù píng ān)

gleichzeitig arbeiten und lernen

一边工作一边学习 (yībiān gōngzuò yībiān xuéxí)

lit. to reply "don't know" whatever the question (idiom); fig. absolutely no idea of what's going on; complete ignorance

一问三不知 (yī wèn sān bù zhī)

at sixes and sevens; perturbed state of mind; in a mess

七上八下 (qī shàng bā xià)

Good luck!

万事如意 (wànshì rúyì)

lit. If three walk together, one should be my teacher (idiom, from Confucian analects). You have sth to learn from everyone.; also translated as: If three of us walk together, at least one of the other two is good enough to be my teacher.

三人行,必有我师 (sān rén xíng bì yǒu wǒ shī)

Confucian moral injunctions for women, namely: obey in turn three men father, husband and son, plus the four virtues of morality 德, physical charm 容, propriety in speech 言 and efficiency in needlework 功

三从四德 (sān cóng sì dé)

in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly

三言两语 (sān yán liǎng yǔ)

unexpected misfortune; unexpected accident; sudden death

三长两短 (sān cháng liǎng duǎn)

on; on top; upon; first (of multiple parts); previous; last; upper; higher; above; to climb; to go into; to go up; to attend (class or university)

上 (shàng)

to rise; to go up; to ascend

上升 (shàng shēng)

taken in (by sb's deceit); to be fooled; to be duped

上当 (shàng dàng)

last time I borrowed your money

上次借你的钱 (cì jiè nǐ de qián)

Shanghai tab water comes from sea water

上海的来自水自来的海上 (shànghǎi de lái zì shuǐ zì lái dì hǎishàng)

Superior to inferior

上级对下级 (shàngjí duì xiàjí)

Das nächste Programm ist ein Dokumentarfilm

下一个节目 是 纪录片 (xià yīgè jiémù shì jìlùpiàn)

the next step takes a long time

下一步 搞 半天 (xià yībù gǎo bàntiān)

Next student!

下位同学! (xiàwèi tóngxué!)


下画线 (xià huà xiàn)

after class many students are in the hallway

下课以后很多同学在走廊 (xiàkè yǐhòu hěnduō tóngxué zài zǒuláng)

No comment!

不予评论 (bù yǔ píng lùn)

cannot be that the end of the world is coming

不会是世界末日快到了吧 (bù huì shì shìjiè mòrì kuài dàole ba)

gain without effort / at other people's toil

不劳而获 (bùláo'érhuò)

Sorry I kept you waiting

不好意思,让你久等了 (bù hǎoyìsi, ràng nǐ jiǔ děngle)

Cannot be ignored

不容忽视 (bùróng hūshì)

Keine Angst vor dem Alltäglichen, aber vor dem Aussergewöhnlichen

不怕一万, 就怕万一 (bùpàyīwàn, jiùpàwànyī)

Don't fear spicy, fear not spicy

不怕辣,就怕不辣 (bùpà là, jiù pà bù là)

not spare all cost, at any cost

不惜一切代价 (bùxī yīqiè dàijià)

no lack of topics

不愁没有话题 (bù chóu méiyǒu huàtí)

sich nicht um Kleinigkeiten/Bagatellen kümmern (idiom)

不拘小节 (bù jū xiǎo jié)

Not all German like the French

不是德国人都喜欢法国人 (bùshì déguó rén dōu xǐhuan fàguó rén)

It's not my fault, but his fault.

不是我的错,而是他的错。 (bùshì wǒ de cuò, ér shì tā de cuò)

Wirklich nicht

不是真的 (bùshì zhēn de)

it is not difficult to obtain/get

不是难以得到 (bùshì nányǐ dédào)

must not exceed 30%

不能超过 30% (bùnéng chāoguò 30%)

dont want to bother

不要麻烦你了 (bùyào máfan nǐle)

to not return without getting drunk

不醉不归 (bù zuì bù guī)

Not grow a memory

不长记性的 (bù cháng jìxìng de)

Nicht schwierig, oder?

不难, 吧? (bù nán, ba?)

to give; to help; to get along with; and; with

与 (yǔ)

to be cut off from the rest of the world (idiom)

与世隔绝 (yǔ shì gé jué)

to stand out from the masses (idiom)

与众不同 (yǔ zhòng bù tóng)

at the same time; meanwhile

与此同时 (yǔ cǐ tóng shí)

Professional design work

专业设计工作 (zhuānyè shèjì gōngzuò)

sophisticated; worldly-wise

世故 (shì gu)

spare time; amateur; extra-curricular

业余 (yè yú)

the slightest amount or degree; a bit

丝毫 (sī háo)

silk cloth; silk

丝绸 (sī chóu)

two to three

两三 (liǎng sān)

How are two days enough?

两天怎么够? (liǎng tiān zěnme gòu?)

I was there two years ago.

两年前去过 (liǎng nián qián qùguò)

a bitter lesson

严酷的教训 (yánkù de jiàoxun)

middle class

中产阶级 (zhōng chǎn jiē jí)

to act as intermediary; to link; intermediate; inter-; agency; agent

中介 (zhōng jiè)

Lunch is on me (count mine)

中午反算我的 (zhōngwǔfǎn suànwǒde)

China hat keine echten Sachen

中国就没有真货 (zhōngguó jiù méiyǒu zhēn huò)

Chinese governemnt policies

中国政府的政策 (zhōngguó zhèngfǔ de zhèngcè)

Wann ist das chin. Frühlingsfest?

中国春节 几号? (zhōngguó chūnjié jǐ hào?)

center; heart; core; CL:個|个[gè]

中心 (zhōng xīn)

middle third of a month

中旬 (zhōng xún)

In order to go to the Maldives, you quickly start saving money

为了去马尔代夫, 你就赶快开始攒钱把 (wèile qù mǎ'ěrdàifu, nǐ jiù gǎnkuài kāishǐ zǎn qián bǎ)

Responsible for others

为他人负责 (wèi tārén fùzé)

feel embarrassed or awkward; to make things difficult (for someone); to find things difficult (to do or manage)

为难 (wéi nán)

master; host; CL:個|个[gè]

主人 (zhǔ rén)

chairperson; premier; chairman; CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]

主席 (zhǔ xí)

to advocate; to stand for; view; position; stand; proposition; viewpoint; assertion; CL:個|个[gè]

主张 (zhǔ zhāng)

to take charge of; to manage or direct; to preside over; to uphold; to stand for (eg justice); to host (a TV or radio program etc)

主持 (zhǔ chí)

in charge; responsible for

主管 (zhǔ guǎn)

I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time (idiom)

久仰大名 (jiǔ yǎng dà míng)

duty; obligation; commitment; volunteer duty; CL:項|项[xiàng]; mandatory; voluntary

义务 (yì wù)

compulsory education

义务教育 (yì wù jiào yù)

spirit of loyalty and self-sacrifice; code of brotherhood

义气 (yì qì)


乐园 (lè yuán)

willing / happy to help

乐意帮忙 (lèyì bāngmáng)

optimistic view

乐观的看法 (lèguān de kànfǎ)

second of 10 heavenly stems 十天干; second in order; letter "B" or roman "II" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; second party (in legal contract, usually 乙方|乙方[yǐ fāng], as opposed to 甲方|甲方[jiǎ fāng]); ethyl; bent; winding; radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 5)

乙 (yǐ)

bookshelf; CL:個|个[gè]

书架 (shū jià)

calligraphy; handwriting; penmanship

书法 (shū fǎ)

written word

书面上的词 (shūmiàn shàng de cí)

buyer / seller

买主 / 卖主 (mǎi zhǔ / mài zhǔ)

etwas kaufen und mit zurückbringen

买回来 (mǎi huílái)

to make a mess; to mess with; to be wild; to sleep around; to jump into bed

乱搞 (to make a mess; to mess with; to be wild; to sleep around; to jump into bed)

to understand sth thoroughly (like the back of one's hand)

了如指掌 (liǎo rú zhǐ zhǎng)

to fight for; to strive for; to win over

争取 (zhēng qǔ)

to argue; to debate; to contend; argument; contention; controversy; debate; CL:次[cì],場|场[chǎng]

争论 (zhēng lùn)

in advance; before the event; beforehand; prior

事先 (shì xiān)

a fact; the fact that; CL:個|个[gè]

事实 (shì shí)

thing; object; CL:個|个[gè]

事物 (shì wù)

second hand stuff

二手的东西 (èrshǒu de dōngxi)

not saying anything further (idiom); not raising any objection; without demur

二话不说 (èr huà bù shuō)

five-starred red flag (PRC national flag)

五星红旗 (wǔ xīng hóng qí)

five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood 木, fire 火, earth 土, metal 金, water 水

五行 (wǔ xíng)

pay medical expenses

交医药费 (jiāo yīyào fèi)

to exchange; to swap; to switch (telecom); commutative (math); to commute

交换 (jiāo huàn)

communication; social intercourse

交际 (jiāo jì)

place producing wine

产葡萄酒的地方 (chǎn pútáojiǔ dì dìfāng)

enjoy free medical care

享受公费医疗 (xiǎngshòu gōngfèi yīliáo)

amiable; friendliness; gracious; hospitality; intimate; cordial; kind; close and dear; familiar

亲切 (qīn qiè)

to kiss (on the mouth)

亲嘴 (qīn zuǐ)

intimate; close (x2)

亲密 / 亲近 (qīn mì / qīn jìn)

Familie und Freunde kommen

亲戚朋友来 (qīnqi péngyǒu lái)

Dear or beloved (way of starting a letter)

亲爱 (qīn ài)


亲自 (qīn zì)

human affairs; ways of the world; consciousness of the world; what is humanly possible; personnel matters; sexual awareness; sexual passion; facts of life

人事 (rén shì)

people are increasingly dependent on computers

人们越来越依赖电脑 (rénmen yuè lái yuè yīlài diànnǎo)


人口 (rén kǒu)

staff; crew; personnel; CL:個|个[gè]

人员 (rén yuán)

person; figure; public figure

人士 (rén shì)


人山人海 (rénshānrénhǎi)

reason; human emotions; human interaction; social relationship; friendship; favor; a good turn

人情 (rén qíng)

no sign of human habitation (idiom); desolate

人烟稀少 (rén yān xī shǎo)

a person; a character (in a play, novel etc); a protagonist; CL:個|个[gè]

人物 (rén wù)

human life

人生 (rén shēng)

heaven on Earth; nickname for the city Suzhou

人间天堂 (rén jiān tiān táng)

He is always busy

什么时候都很忙。 (shénme shíhou dōu hěn máng)

Ich habe nichts gegessen

什么都没吃 (shénme dōu méi chī)

Today all day you moan and groan

今天一整天都唉声叹气的 (jīntiān yī zhěng tiān dū āishēngtànqì de)

Es regnet heute, kommst Du trotzdem mit dem Rad?

今天下雨, 你还是汽车来的吗? (jīntiān xià yǔ, nǐ háishì qìchē lái de ma?)

today is not as good as yesterday weather

今天不如昨天的天气 (jīntiān bùrú zuótiān de tiānqì)

This year again will soon finish

今年又快要结束了 (jīnnián yòu kuàiyào jiéshùle)

introduce the chairman of the meeting

介绍会议的主席 (jièshào huìyì de zhǔxí)

from last month to now, from today to later

从上个月到现在,从今天到以后 (cóng shàng gè yuè dào xiànzài, cóng jīntiān dào yǐhòu)

aus dem Ausland mitgebracht

从外国带来 (cóng wàiguó dài lái)

from head to foot

从头到脚 (cóng tóu dào jiǎo)

have never ...-ed

从来没 ... 过 (cónglái méi ... guò)

have never come across

从来都没有碰到过 (cónglái dōu méiyǒu pèng dàoguò)

ein aus Shenzhen kommendes Paket

从深圳来的包裹 (cóng shēnzhèn lái de bāoguǒ)

from English transliterated loanwords

从英语音译过来的外来词 (cóng yīngyǔ yīnyì guòlái de wàilái cí)

carefully analyse

仔细分析 (zǐxì fēnxī)

In his life the best years/time was wasted

他一生中最好的时光浪费了 (tā yīshēng zhōng zuì hǎo de shíguāng làngfèile)

He is not in school, he is (atm) eating.

他不在上课,他正在吃饭。 (tā bùzài shàngkè, tā zhèngzài chīfàn.)

He smiled at me kindly

他亲切地对我笑了笑 (tā qīnqiè dì duì wǒ xiàole xiào)

They do it in full swing

他们干的热火朝天 (tāmen gàn de rèhuǒcháotiān)

He wrote one book about China

他写了一本关于中国的书 (tā xiěle yī běn guānyú zhōngguó de shū)

Originally I went to Tibet on self-organized travel, later I saw the business opportunities.

他原来去西藏自助游,后来看那个商机不错。 (tā yuánlái qù xīzàng zìzhù yóu, hòulái kàn nàgè shāngjī bùcuò)

He waved hands to me, saying "Goodbye".

他向我摇摇手,说:"再见"。 (tā xiàng wǒ yáo yáoshǒu, shuō:"zàijiàn".)

he suffered horribly in enemy prison

他在敌人的监狱里吃尽了苦头 (tā zài dírén de jiānyù lǐ chī jǐnle kǔtóu)

How did he react to your proposal?

他对你的建议反应怎么样? (tā duì nǐ de jiànyì fǎnyìng zěnme yàng?)

He must really not make a fool of the audience

他应该不会愚弄观众吧 (tā yīnggāi bù huì yúnòng guānzhòng ba)

Er möchte ganz und gar nicht gehen

他怎么也不想去 (tā zěnme yě bùxiǎng qù)

He is slowly going home.

他慢慢走回家去。 (tā màn man zǒu huí jiā qù)

He made a complete mess out of the thing.

他把事情弄得一塌糊涂 (tā bǎ shìqíng nòng dé yītāhútu)

He plugs the plug into the outlet.

他把插头插进插座去。 (tā bǎ chātóu chā jìn chāzuò qù)

He took out a cellphone

他拿出来一个手机 = 他拿出一个手机来。 (tā ná chūlái yīgè shǒujī = tā ná chū yīgè shǒujī lái)

He is a talented young writer

他是一位才华的年轻作家 (tā shì yī wèi cáihuá de niánqīng zuòjiā)

Ist er Katholik?

他是天主教徒吗? (tā shì tiānzhǔjiào tú ma?)

This is our team's new blood.

他是我们球队的新鲜血液 (tā shì wǒmen qiú duì de xīnxiān xiěyè)

He comes to Beijing to attend a Chinese training.

他来北京参加汉语培训。 (tā lái běijīng cānjiā hànyǔ péixùn)

He is relatively selfish

他比较自私 (tā bǐjiào zìsī)

she trusts that the own chili peppers of course sell good

他相信自己的辣椒一定好卖 (tā xiāngxìn zìjǐ de làjiāo yīdìng hǎo mài)

He is really an idiot

他真是一个白痴啊 (tā zhēnshi yīgè báichī a)

He is wearing jeans.

他穿着一条牛仔裤。 (tā chuānzhuó yītiáo niúzǎikù)

His face is showing a confused look

他脸上显出迷茫的神情 (tā liǎn shàng xiǎn chū mímáng de shénqíng)

Although he was Italian, but he is not a fashion person.

他虽然意大利人,不过他不是时尚的人。 (tā suīrán yìdàlì rén, bùguò tā bùshì shíshàng de rén)

his speak is very funny / witty

他说话很有风趣 (tā shuōhuà hěn yǒu fēngqù)

He invites me to Dinner

他请我吃晚餐 (tā qǐng wǒ chī wǎncān)

The more he speaks, the more I dont understand

他越说,我越不懂 (tāyuè shuō, wǒyuè bùdǒng)

Er begrüsst Dich.

他跟你打招呼 (tā gēn nǐ dǎzhāohū)

his screen is black - what to do?

他黑屏了 - 怎么办? (tā hēipíngle - zěnme bàn?)

pay cash

付现金 (fù xiànjīn)

representative work (of an author or artist)

代表作 (dài biǎo zuò)

to cause sb (to do); to make one (feel sth); (used in constructing words for feelings such as anger, surprise, sympathy etc)

令人 (lìng rén)


以前的时候 (yǐqián de shíhou)

as well as; too; and

以及 (yǐ jí)

Für ein Mädchen trinkst Du ein bisschen schnell

以女生来说你喝得有一点快 (yǐ nǚshēng lái shuō nǐ hē de yǒu yīdiǎn kuài)

So früh, und Dein Mund ist schon so süß

以早,就嘴巴这么甜 (yǐ zǎo, jiù zuǐba zhème tián)

since (a previous event)

以来 (yǐ lái)


仪式 (yí shì)

value; worth; fig. values (ethical, cultural etc); CL:個|个[gè]

价值 (jià zhí)

excellent quality at low prices, bargain buy

价廉物美 (jià lián wùměi)


任何人 (rèn hé rén)

attempt; CL:種|种[zhǒng]

企图 (qǐ tú)

leisure; relaxation; not working; idle

休闲 (xiū xián)

preferential; favorable

优惠 (yōu huì)

Favorable policies attract investment

优惠政策吸引投资 (yōuhuì zhèngcè xīyǐn tóuzī)

graceful; fine; elegant (x2)

优美 / 高雅 (yōuměi / gāoyǎ)

Favorable conditions

优越条件 (yōuyuè tiáojiàn)

assistant; furniture; partner; classifier for a group of people

伙 (huǒ)

(business) partner; companion; comrade

伙伴 (huǒ bàn)

accountant; accountancy; accounting

会计 (kuài jì)

in the course of the meeting

会议期间 (huìyì qíjiān)

to carry on one's ancestral line

传宗接代 (chuán zōng jiē dài)

pain (from wound); sorrow

伤痛 (shāng tòng)

bridesmaid; maid of honor; matron of honor

伴娘 (bàn niáng)

to stretch; to extend

伸 (shēn)

apparently; to seem; to appear; as if; seemingly

似乎 (sì hū)

déjà vu (the experience of seeing exactly the same situation a second time); seemingly familiar; apparently already acquainted

似曾相识 (sì céng xiāng shí)

seems as if; rather like;

似的 (shì de)

but he didnt dare to knock the door

但是他没敢敲门 (dànshì tā méi gǎn qiāo mén)

low price / half price

低价 / 半价 (dī jià / bàn jià)

low pitch; quiet (voice); subdued; low-key; low-profile

低调 (dīdiào)

lodge in standard room

住宿 在 标准间 (zhùsù zài biāozhǔn jiān)

gymnastic; gymnastics

体操 (tǐ cāo)

to embody; to reflect; to incarnate

体现 (tǐ xiàn)

volume; bulk; CL:個|个[gè]

体积 (tǐ jī)

one's conduct; deed; activity; accomplishment; achievement; to act as; as (in the capacity of); qua; to view as; to look upon (sth as); to take sth to be

作为 (zuò wéi)

work (of art); opus; CL:部[bù],篇[piān]

作品 (zuò pǐn)

to write an essay; composition (student essay); CL:篇[piān]

作文 (zuò wén)

Was treibst Du? (x2)

你 搞 / 干 什么? (nǐ gǎo/ gàn shénme?)

you must not let me lose face

你不能 给/让 我丢人 (nǐ bùnéng gěi/ràng wǒ diūrén)

Du brauchst keine Angst zu haben

你不要害怕 (nǐ bùyào hàipà)

Dont go the long way

你不走远路 (nǐ bù zǒu yuǎn lù)

You are engaged in what industry?

你从事什么行业? (nǐ cóngshì shénme hángyè?)

Sie sind beides Kollegen (im gleichen Gewerbe)

你们 两位 是 同行 的 (nǐmen liǎngwèi shì tónghang de)

When do you close?

你们什么时候关门? (nǐmen shénme shíhou guānmén?)

You need to protect yourself, look after yourself

你们要保护自己 / 照顾好自己! (nǐmen yào bǎohù zìjǐ/ zhàogù hǎo zìjǐ!)

Do you deliver?

你们送货吗? (nǐmen sòng huò ma?)

Is your homework completed?

你作业做完了吗? (nǐ zuòyè zuò wánliǎo ma?)

Which religion do you believe in?

你信什么教? (nǐ xìn shénme jiào?)

Wann fängt/endet Deine Arbeit?

你几点上/下班? (nǐ jǐ diǎn shàng/xiàbān?)

Du gehst aus dem Haus und hast zu essen

你出家门就有饭吃 (nǐ chū jiāmén jiù yǒu fàn chī)

Du bist gerade aus Chongqing zurückgekehrt

你刚从重庆会 (nǐ gāng cóng chóngqìng huì)

Don't accuse me

你别冤枉我 (nǐ bié yuānwang wǒ)

Don't get excited

你别激动 (nǐ bié jīdòng)

Du musst auf jeden Fall kommen

你千万要来 (nǐ qiānwàn yào lái)

Teilst Du diese Meinung?

你同意这个看法吗? (nǐ tóngyì zhège kànfǎ ma?)

You understand what I said?

你听不懂我说了吗? (nǐ tīngbùdǒng wǒ shuōle ma?)

you are too modest

你太谦虚了 (nǐ tài qiānxūle)

you are special

你很特别 (nǐ hěn tèbié)

Du musst länger als 3 Tage wohnen.

你必须住三天以上 (nǐ bìxū zhù sān tiān yǐshàng)

How are you?

你怎么样? (nǐ zěnme yàng?)

You are my only / my everything

你是我的唯一 / 一切 (nǐ shì wǒ de wéiyī / yīqiè)

You paid the last time, I pay

你是最后一次付的,我付钱 (nǐ shì zuìhòu yīcì fù de, wǒ fù qián)

Hast Du Angelegenheiten?

你有事吗? (nǐ yǒushì ma?)

What thing you havent figured out?

你有什么事儿想不通? (nǐ yǒu shé me shì er xiǎng bùtōng)

If you have a problem, you don't have to escape.

你有问题的话,你不要逃避。 (nǐ yǒu wèntí dehuà, nǐ bùyào táobì.)

You did not say

你没有说过 (nǐ méiyǒu shuōguò)

Are you blind? You did not grow eyes?

你没长眼睛吗? (nǐ méi zhǎng yǎnjīng ma?)

did you wash the dishes?

你洗过碗吗? (nǐ xǐguò wǎn ma?)

Your tears flow out

你的眼泪流出来 (nǐ de yǎnlèi liú chūlái)

What is your occupation?

你的职业是什么? (nǐ de zhíyè shì shénme?)

Dein Ausdruck wird immer besser

你的表达 越来越 清楚了 (nǐ de biǎodá yuè lái yuè qīngchule)

your suggestion is not bad

你的这一个建议不错 (nǐ de zhè yīgè jiànyì bùcuò)

you will really not regret

你真不会后悔 (nǐ zhēn bù huì hòuhuǐ)

You're really old fashioned

你真是一个老古董 (nǐ zhēnshi yīgè lǎogǔdǒng)

Have you experienced an earthquake?

你经历过地震吗? (nǐ jīnglìguò dìzhèn ma?)

You often go here?

你经常去那里吗? (nǐ jīngcháng qù nàlǐ ma?)

Are you sure?

你肯定吗? (nǐ kěndìng ma?)

Can you teach how to swim?

你能教游泳吗? (nǐ néng jiào yóuyǒng ma?)

Can you explain this quickly?

你能解释一下吗·? (nǐ néng jiěshì yīxià)

You want to learn a foreign language, you need to put in a lot of energy

你要学好一门外语就要舍得下功夫 (nǐ yào xuéhǎo yī mén wàiyǔ jiù yào shěde xià gōngfu)

Do you need to transfer?

你要换车吗 (nǐ yào huàn chē ma?)

if you're going talk nonsense/rubbish, I won't listen

你要是胡说八道,我就不停 (nǐ yàoshi húshuō bādào, wǒ jiù bù tíng)

if you believe that kind of talk, you're really naive

你要相信这样的话,那就太天真了 (nǐ yào xiāngxìn zhèyàng dehuà, nà jiù tài tiānzhēnle)

Do you remember? I remember everything.

你记住了吗?我都记住了! (nǐ jì zhùle ma? wǒ dū jì zhùle)

Was sagst Du?

你说呢? (nǐ shuō ne?)

You think I should directly ...?

你说我该不该马上 ... ? (nǐ shuō wǒ gāi bù gāi mǎshàng... ?)

You endorse this viewpoint?

你赞同这个观点吗? (nǐ zàntóng zhège guāndiǎn ma?)

you're getting more and more terrified

你越说越恐怖了 (nǐ yuè shuō yuè kǒngbùle)

You must have had troubles. - You too.

你辛苦啦。 - 彼此。 (nǐ xīnkǔ la. - bǐcǐ.)

You're this time too rushed.

你这次太赶了 (nǐ zhè cì tài gǎnle)

You accompany me to ZhongShanLu talking a walk, good idea?

你陪我去中山路转转,号码? (nǐ péi wǒ qù zhōngshān lù zhuǎn zhuǎn, hàomǎ?)

to exert all one's strength

使劲儿 (shǐ jìn r5)

still; as before

依然 (yī rán)

detective; to do detective work

侦探 (zhēn tàn)

to take good care of (or conserve) one's health; to keep in good repair; to maintain; maintenance

保养 (bǎo yǎng)

in einem Ordner speichern

保存在文件夹里面 (bǎocún zài wénjiàn jiā lǐmiàn)

der Wächter (Security) steht Wache

保安 站岗 (bǎo'ān zhàngǎng)

to keep sth confidential; to maintain secrecy

保密 (bǎo mì)

a safe; strongbox

保险柜 (bǎo xiǎn guì)


信号 (xìn hào)

to revise

修订 (xiū dìng)


修辞 (xiū cí)


倍数 (bèi shù)

sehr viel Pech

倒霉极了 / 真倒霉 (dǎoméi jíle / zhēn dǎoméi)

to owe

借债 / 借债人 (jiè zhài / jiè zhài rén)

to use as an excuse; on the pretext

借口 (jiè kǒu)


假如 (jiǎ rú)


偏见 (piān jiàn)

remote; far from civilization

偏远 (piān yuǎn)

to feel guilty as a thief (idiom); to have sth on one's conscience

做贼心虚 (zuò zéi xīn xū)

healthy diet

健康饮食 (jiànkāng yǐnshí)

occasionally one or two times through the nite, no problem

偶尔一两次熬夜,没问题。 (ǒu'ěr yī liǎng cì áoyè, méi wèntí)

incidentally; occasional; occasionally; by chance; randomly

偶然 (ǒu rán)

to happen upon; to see incidentally; occasional; accidental

偶见 (ǒu jiàn)

a chance encounter; to meet accidentally

偶遇 (ǒu yù)


傻 (shǎ)

idiot; fool

傻瓜 (shǎ guā)

stupid **** (vulgar)

傻逼 (shǎ bī)

(look) like; similar (to); appearance; to appear; to seem; image; portrait; resemble; seem

像 (xiàng)


儿童 (ér tóng)

Children's Day

儿童节 (ér tóng jié)

New Year's Day

元旦 (yuán dàn)

older and younger brother; brothers; brotherly; fraternal; CL:個|个[gè]

兄弟 (xiōng dì)

to recharge (money onto a phone card)

充值 (chōng zhí)

to allay one's hunger

充饥 (chōng jī)

the full light of day (idiom); fig. peace and prosperity; in broad daylight

光天化日 (guāng tiān huà rì)

to be able to; to subdue; to restrain; to overcome; gram

克 (kè)


免疫力 (miǎn yì lì)

hare; rabbit; CL:隻|只[zhī]

兔子 (tù zi)

income does not cover expenditure; unable to make ends meet

入不敷出 (rù bù fū chū)

global warming

全球气候变暖 (quán qiú qì hòu biàn nuǎn)

all-around; comprehensive; total; overall

全面 (quán miàn)

vor 8 Uhr

八点以前 (bā diǎn yǐqián)


公众 (gōng zhòng)

public relations (x2)

公共关系 / 公关 (gōng gòng guān xì / gōng guān)

Did the company this year offer a year-end-bonus?

公司今年发不发年终奖金吗? (gōngsī jīnnián fǎ bù fā niánzhōng jiǎngjīn ma?)

Communist Party

共产党 (gòng chǎn dǎng)

common ground

共同点 (gòng tóng diǎn)

Regarding minimum wage, many small companies do not comply

关于最低工资,好多小公司不遵守 (guānyú zuìdī gōngzī, hǎoduō xiǎo gōngsī bù zūnshǒu)

daraus / davon ein Wort

其中的一个词 (qízhōng de yīgè cí)

the rest; the others; remaining; remainder; apart from them

其余 (qí yú)

the other people

其余的人 (qíyú de rén)

other good place, elsewhere

其它地方好 (qítā dìfāng hǎo)

to support one's family (idiom); to have difficulty feeding a family

养家糊口 (yǎng jiā hú kǒu)

intrinsic; innate

内在 (nèi zài)

medicine; "internal" medicine, i.e. treatment by administering drugs, as opposed to surgical intervention 外科[wài kē]; medical department

内科 (nèi kē)

over and over again; again and again

再三 (zài sān)

Noch ein bisschen billiger

再便宜点儿 (zài piányi diǎn er)

military affairs; military matters; military

军事 (jūn shì)

serviceman; soldier; military personnel

军人 (jūn rén)

agriculture; farming

农业 (nóng yè)

migrant workers

农民工 / 移民工 (nóng mín gōng / yí mín gōng)

lit. enemies on a narrow road (idiom); fig. an inevitable clash between opposing factions

冤家路窄 (yuān jiā lù zhǎi)

lit. to be muddled in the brain (idiom); fig. excited and unable to act rationally; to go to one's head

冲昏头脑 (chōng hūn tóu nǎo)

finals (of a competition)

决赛 (jué sài)

cold and detached towards sb; lack of regard; indifference; neglect

冷漠 (lěng mò)

Vorbereitet? Ready?

准备好了吗? (zhǔnbèi hǎole ma?)

to alleviate a burden on sb

减负 (jiǎn fù)

to lean against; to rely on; on the basis of; no matter (how, what etc); proof

凭 (píng)

beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected

出乎预料 (chū hū yù liào)

To work abroad

出国工作 (chūguó gōngzuò)

to get out of a predicament; to stick out; to take the initiative; remaining odd fraction after a division

出头 (chū tóu)

to produce documents

出示证件 (chūshì zhèngjiàn)

to reach perfection (idiom); a superb artistic achievement

出神入化 (chū shén rù huà)


分泌 (fēn mì)

to cut; to slice; tangent (math)

切 (qiē)

train (railway term)

列车 (liè chē)

conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or clause; standard; norm; rule; to imitate; to follow; then; principle; classifier for written items (such as an official statement)

则 (zé)

when I first came I did not know anyone

刚来的时候谁都不认识 (gāng lái de shíhou shuí dōu bù rènshi)

innovation (x2); to bring forth new ideas; to blaze new trails

创新 / 革新 (chuàng xīn / gé xīn)

to establish; to set up; to found

创立 (chuàng lì)

to delete; to cancel

删除 (shān chú)

interest (on a loan); CL:筆|笔[bǐ]

利息 (lì xī)

exploit; make use of; to use; to take advantage of; to utilize

利用 (lì yòng)

villa; CL:幢[zhuàng],座[zuò]

别墅 (bié shù)

Don't forget

别忘了 (bié wàngle)

Do not Disturb

别打扰 / 请勿打扰 (bié dǎrǎo / qǐng wù dǎrǎo)

say no more; don't bring it up; drop the subject

别提了 (bié tí le)

andere Prioritäten

别的优先的事情 (bié de yōuxiān de shìqíng)

Not just even me havent seen this word / havent gone to Spain

别说你 就连我也 没见过这个词 / 去过西班牙 (bié shuō nǐ jiù lián wǒ yě méi jiànguò zhège cí/ qùguò xībānyá)

Bart rasieren

刮胡子 (guā húzi)

Go to a new place, have to abide by the local customs and habits

到新的地方,就要遵守那儿的风俗习惯。 (dào xīn dì dìfāng, jiù yào zūnshǒu nà'er de fēngsú xíguàn)

system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc); institution; CL:個|个[gè]

制度 (zhì dù)

stiff; inflexible; mechanical; stubborn; to cut blocks for printing

刻板 (kè bǎn)


前男友 / 以前的男朋友 (qián nányǒu / yǐqián de nán péngyǒu)

prospects; future outlook; journey

前途 (qián tú)

leftover woman (successful career woman who has remained single)

剩女 (shèng nǚ)

left-over food

剩饭 (shèng fàn)


副总统 (fù zǒng tǒng)

work hard for a bigger harvest

力争更大的丰收 (lìzhēng gèng dà de fēngshōu)

to put effort into (work, farming, writing etc); a masterpiece

力作 (lì zuò)


力气 (lì qi)

to advise; to urge; to try to persuade; exhort

劝 (quàn)

to advise; to urge; to exhort; exhortation; advice; CL:席[xí]

劝告 (quàn gào)

accomplish / impossible; can't be done; no can do; unable to accomplish

办到 / 办不到 (bàndào / bànbudào)

to handle; to transact; to conduct

办理 (bàn lǐ)


功效 (gōng xiào)

to increase (e.g. one's effort)

加大 (jiā dà)

work; toil; physical labor; CL:次[cì]

劳动 (láo dòng)

courage; valor

勇气 (yǒng qì)

hardworking; diligent

勤奋 / 勤劳 (qínfèn / qínláo)

scoop; ladle; CL:把[bǎ]

勺子 (sháo zi)

box (in a theater or concert hall or restaurant)

包厢 (bāo xiāng)

Including me?

包括我吗? (bāokuò wǒ ma?)

Ist das BJ Hotel weit von hier?

北京宾馆离这儿远吗? (běijīng bīnguǎn lí zhè'er yuǎn ma?)

ordinary person; classifier for horses, mules etc; classifier for cloth: bolt

匹 (pǐ)

Unterschied gross?

区别大不大 (qūbié dà bù dà)

interval (math.)

区间 (qū jiān)

clinic (x2)

医务室 / 诊所 (yī wù shì / zhěn suǒ)

first of October; PRC National day; same as 国庆[guó qìng]

十・一 (shí yī)

complete and beautiful; to be perfect(idiom)

十全十美 (shí quán shí měi)

10+ people chasing a ball

十几 个人 追着 一个球 (shí jǐ gèrén zhuīzhe yīgè qiú)

repeatedly urging; imploring over and over again

千叮万嘱 (qiān dīng wàn zhǔ)

to raise; to hoist; to promote; metric liter (also written 公升); measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗

升 (shēng)

(adj) half true and half false

半真半假 (bàn zhēn bàn jiǎ)

half the sky; women of the new society; women folk

半边天 (bàn biān tiān)

an association; a society; CL:个[gè],家[jiā]

协会 (xié huì)

to coordinate; to harmonize; negotiation

协调 (xié tiáo)

single parent family

单亲家庭 (dān qìng jiātíng)

simple sentence (grammar)

单句 (dān jù)

à la carte

单点 (dān diǎn)

the Nanjing massacre of December 1937

南京大屠杀 (nán jīng dà tú shā)

a regional accent

南腔北调 (nán qiāng běi diào)

busy (telephone)

占线 (zhàn xiàn)

truck; CL:輛|辆[liàng]

卡车 (kǎ chē)

bedroom; CL:間|间[jiān]

卧室 (wò shì)

toilet paper

卫生用纸 (wèi shēng yòng zhǐ)

to roll up

卷 (juǎn)

factory; factory owners

厂家 (chǎng jiā)


厘米 (lí mǐ)

sticking unmoving to the original (idiom); not an iota changed; untouched

原封不动 (yuán fēng bù dòng)

raw material; CL:個|个[gè]

原料 (yuán liào)

Ach so. So ist das!

原来如此 / 原来是这样啊 (yuánlái rúcǐ/ yuánlái shì zhèyàng a)

Zum Hotel sind 50 Euro

去 宾馆 要 50 欧元 (qù bīnguǎn yào 50 ōuyuán)

to pass away; to die

去世 (qù shì)

county, PRC administrative division below prefecture 地區|地区[dì qù]; CL:個|个[gè]

县 (xiàn)

to pass a test

及格 (jí gé)

bilateral; both sides; both parties involved

双方 (shuāng fāng)

to fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition

反对 (fǎn duì)

to be disgusted with; to dislike; bad reaction; antipathy

反感 (fǎn gǎn)

conversely; in reverse order; in an opposite direction

反过来 (fǎn guo lái)

Traffic accidents (x2)happen

发生 交通 事故 / 车祸 (fāshēng jiāotōng shìgù / chē huò)

send text message

发短信 (fā duǎnxìn)

the right of speech

发言权 (fā yán quán)

to vow; to pledge; to swear

发誓 (fā shì)

to get wildly drunk

发酒疯 (fā jiǔ fēng)

to cancel; cancellation

取消 (qǔ xiāo)

Verletzung, to sustain injuries; wounded (in an accident etc); harmed

受伤 (shòu shāng)

to receive; to suffer; obtained; given

受到 (shòu dào)

person who suffers damage, injury etc; a casualty; a victim; those injured and wounded

受害者 (shòu hài zhě)

to accept a (legal) case; to deal with; to handle

受理 (shòu lǐ)


变数 (biàn shù)

to relate (a story or information); to tell or talk about; to recount; narration; telling; narrative; account

叙述 (xù shù)

a person's preferences; tastes (in food); flavor

口味 (kǒu wèi)

in ancient Chinese

古代汉语里面 (gǔdài hànyǔ lǐmiàn)

eccentric; grotesque; oddly; queer

古怪 (gǔ guài)

offbeat; alternative; avant-garde; unconventional; weird

另类 (lìng lèi)

only have some vague impressions

只有些模糊的印象 (zhǐ yǒuxiē móhú de yìnxiàng)

to convene (a conference or meeting); to convoke; to call together

召开 (zhào kāi)

Can you say ...?

可不可以说。。。? (kěbù kěyǐ shuō...?)

Can you please write it down?

可以请你写下来吗? (kěyǐ qǐng nǐ xiě xiàlái ma?)

funny; ridiculous

可笑 (kě xiào)

it can clearly be seen (that this is the case); it is (thus) clear; clear; visible

可见 (kě jiàn)

it can be clearly seen that the charme of ... is very strong

可见。。。的魅力很多大 (kějiàn. . . de mèilì hěnduō dà)

flight of steps (leading up to a house); step (over obstacle); bench; fig. way out of an embarrassing situation

台阶 (tái jiē)

an epic; poetic saga

史诗 (shǐ shī)

Did you enjoy your meal?

吃得还好吗? (chī de hái hǎo ma?)

Tablette oder Spritze

吃药还是打针 (chīyào háishì dǎzhēn)

having nothing better to do; see 吃饱撑着

吃饱了饭撑的 (chī bǎo le fàn chēng de)

Each has his likes and dislikes (idiom).

各有所好 (gè yǒu suǒ hào)

simultaneous interpretation

同声传译 (tóng shēng chuán yì)

Die Bedeutung von Mitgefühl und Sympathie ist nicht gleich

同情和同感的意思不同 (tóngqíng hé tónggǎn de yìsi bùtóng)

at the same time; simultaneously

同时 (tóng shí)

fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company

同病相怜 (tóng bìng xiāng lián)

lit. name is not in vain (idiom); a fully justified reputation; enjoys a well-deserved reputation

名不虚传 (míngbùxūchuán)


名声 (míng shēng)

(business) card

名片 (míng piàn)

famous brand

名牌 (míng pái)

historical sites and scenic spots

名胜古迹 (míng shèng gǔ jì)

fixed number of people; quota

名额 (míng é)

too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event.

后悔莫及 (hòu huǐ mò jí)

to vomit; to throw up

吐 (tù)

upward; up; to advance; to try to improve oneself; to make progress

向上 (xiàng shàng)

to frighten; to scare; to intimidate; to threaten

吓 (xià)

nobleman; person of noble character

君子 (jūn zǐ)

Grand Hyatt / Hyatt(hotel brands)

君悦 / 凯悦 (jūn yuè / kǎi yuè)

tuna (loanword)

吞拿鱼 / 金枪鱼 (tūn ná yú / jīn qiāng yú)

heard a gost story, everyone felt very scared

听了一个鬼故事,大家都感到很害怕。 (tīngle yīgè guǐ gùshì, dàjiā dōu gǎndào hěn hàipà)

to submit to the will of heaven; to resign oneself to fate; to trust to luck

听天由命 (tīng tiān yóu mìng)

hear the teacher read one more time

听老师再读一次 (tīng lǎoshī zài dú yīcì)

kleine brave Schwester

听话的妹妹 (tīnghuà de mèimei)

sounds not bad

听起来 不错 (tīngqilai bùcuò)

to enlighten; to explain and arouse interest; to inspire; inspiration; heuristic (attributively); to teach; CL:個|个[gè]

启发 (qǐ fā)

to absorb; to assimilate; to ingest

吸收 (xī shōu)

Drug use / hunting is illegal

吸毒 / 捕杀 是违法的 (xīdú / bǔshā shì wéifǎ de)

kiss; mouth

吻 (wěn)

to kiss goodbye

吻别 (wěn bié)

tell you good news

告诉你一个好消息。 (gàosu nǐ yīgè hǎo xiāoxi)

thoughtful; considerate; attentive; thorough

周到 (zhōu dao)

Japanese miso soup; miso-shiru

味噌湯 (wèi cēng tāng)

breathe fresh air

呼吸到新鲜的空气 (hūxī dào xīnxiān de kōngqì)

order; command; CL:道[dào],個|个[gè]

命令 (mìng lìng)

he quarreled with the mister

和先生吵架了 (hé xiānshēng chǎojiàle)

harmonious society; a term used by PRC leadership from 2004

和谐社会 (héxié shèhuì)

to consult; to seek advice; consultation; (sales) inquiry (formal)

咨询 (zī xún)

to bite; to nip

咬 (yǎo)

Our life is inevitably linked to them

咱们的生活还真离不开它们呢 (zánmen de shēnghuó hái zhēn lì bù kāi tāmen ne)

to sample; to taste; to appreciate; one's taste (i.e. in music, literature, fashion, food and drink etc); good taste

品味 (pǐn wèi)

breed; variety; CL:個|个[gè]

品种 (pǐn zhǒng)

to taste tea; to sip tea

品茗 (pǐn míng)

to make a sound; to sound; to ring; loud; classifier for noises

响 (xiǎng)

onomat. crash; clank; clatter

哐哐啷啷 (kuāng kuāng lāng lāng)

even; even if; even though; no matter how

哪怕 (nǎ pà)

philosophy; CL:個|个[gè]

哲学 (zhé xué)

sighing voice, wailing breath (idiom); to heave deep sighs; to sigh in despair

唉声叹气 (āi shēng tàn qì)

to prattle; to chatter; talkative; garrulous; to nag

唠叨 (láo dao)

only; sole

唯一 (wéi yī)

business; trade; commerce

商业 (shāng yè)

to commercialize

商业化 (shāng yè huà)

good; commodity; merchandise; CL:個|个[gè]

商品 (shāng pǐn)

Ah, I cannot remember

啊, 想不起来了 (a, xiǎng bù qǐláile)

be good at; be adept in

善于 (shàn yú)

good and honest; kind-hearted

善良 (shàn liáng)

Do you like?

喜不喜欢...? (xǐ bù xǐhuan...)

happy; joyous

喜悦 (xǐ yuè)

to drink up; to finish (a drink)

喝光 (hē guāng)

throat; voice; CL:把[bǎ]

嗓子 (sǎng zi)

oh alas; hey!; hi! (loanword)

嗨 (hāi)

to tell; to exhort; injunction

嘱咐 (zhǔ fù)

blurt out; to shout

嚷 (rǎng)

to return to one's home country

回国 (huí guó)

to reply; to recover; to return (to a previous condition); Re: in reply to (email)

回复 (huí fù)

to recall; recollection

回忆 (huí yì)

to recycle; to reclaim; to retrieve; to recover

回收 (huí shōu)

Because I have no experience

因为我没有经验 (yīnwèi wǒ méiyǒu jīngyàn)

therefore; as a result; thus; and as a result, ...

因而 (yīn ér)

regiment; round; circular; group; society

团 (tuán)

result of a team's hard work

团队努力的结果 (tuánduì nǔlì de jiéguǒ)

tired; weary

困倦 (kùn juàn)

to revolve around; to center on (an issue)

围绕 (wéi rào)

national essence; quintessence of national culture

国粹 (guó cuì)

smooth and evasive; slick and sly

圆滑 (yuán huá)

circle; ring; loop; classifier for loops, orbits, laps of race etc; CL:個|个[gè]

圈 (quān)

home-grown; indigenous; native born and bred

土生土长 (tǔ shēng tǔ zhǎng)

Between 4 floors are 3 stairs

在4楼 中间 有 3楼梯 (zài 4 lóu zhōngjiān yǒu 3 lóutī)

in the not far future

在不远的将来 (zài bù yuǎn de jiānglái)

in the middle of (two houses)

在两个房子中间 (zài (liǎng gè fángzi) zhōngjiān)

in the internet era/age

在互联网时代 (zài hùliánwǎng shídài)

in big cities really the expenditure exceeds the earnings

在大城市这点钱肯定入不敷出 (zài dà chéngshì zhè diǎn qián kěndìng rùbùfūchū)

an einem weit entfernten Ort

在很远很远的地方 (zài hěnyuǎn hěnyuǎn dì dìfāng)

In my opinion

在我看来 / 我看 (zài wǒ kàn lái / wǒ kàn)

In den USA ist passiert das Gleiche

在美国也有这样的事(发生) (zài měiguó yěyǒu zhèyàng de shì (fāshēng))

In the field of trade

在贸易方面 (zài màoyì fāngmiàn)

Have here or take out?

在这里用还是外带? (zài zhèlǐ yòng háishì wài dài?)

Mediterranean sea

地中海 (dì zhōng hǎi)


地名 (dì míng)

hell; infernal; underworld

地狱 (dì yù)

typischer Beijinger

地道的北京人 (dìdào de běijīng rén)

on the field the score is 3 to 2

场上比分是3比2。 (chǎng shàng bǐfēn shì 3 bǐ 2)

even; well-distributed; homogeneous

均匀 (jūn yún)

firm; resolute; determined

坚决 (jiān jué)

staunch; strong

坚强 (jiān qiáng)

sepulcher; tomb

坟墓 (fén mù)

frank (discussion); blunt; open

坦率 (tǎn shuài)

to ambush; to lie in wait for; to lie low; ambush

埋伏 (mái fú)

to bury oneself in work (idiom); to be engrossed in work; to make an all-out effort; up to the neck in work

埋头苦干 (máitóu kǔ gàn)

base (of operations); industrial or military base; al-Qaeda

基地 (jī dì)

basic; fundamental; main; elementary

基本 (jī běn)

pagoda; tower; minaret; stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo); CL:座[zuò]

塔 (tǎ)

in the corner there was a trash bin

墙角放着一个垃圾箱 (qiángjiǎo fàngzhe yīgè lajixiāng)

to increase; to expand; to add

增 (zēng)

soldier; CL:個|个[gè]

士兵 (shì bīng)

tone; note; a tone (on a Chinese syllable); CL:個|个[gè]

声调 (shēng diào)

one / two (banker's anti-fraud numerals)

壹 / 贰 (yī / èr)

replica; reproduction

复制品 (fù zhì pǐn)

Fudan University, Shanghai

复旦 (fù dàn)

summer is both hot and humid

夏天即热又潮湿 (xiàtiān jí rè yòu cháoshī)

sunset; the setting sun

夕阳 (xī yáng)

diplomacy; diplomatic; foreign affairs; CL:個|个[gè]

外交 (wài jiāo)

foreign enterprise; company established in mainland China with direct investment from foreign entities

外企 (wài qǐ)

surgery; "external" medicine, i.e. surgical intervention

外科 (wài kē)

overseas Chinese; persons of Chinese origin having foreign citizenship

外籍华人 (wài jí huá rén)

profile; appearance

外貌 (wài mào)

thanks to your help

多亏你的帮助 (duōkuī nǐ de bāngzhù)

work more and get more

多劳多得 (duō láo duō dé)

the more the better

多多益善 (duōduōyìshàn)

Wie einfach!

多容易呀! (duō róngyì ya!)

character having several reading

多音字 (duō yīn zì)


夜 (yè)

big man was arrested

大个子被抓起来了 (dà gèzi bèi zhuā qǐláile)

just and fair

大公无私 (dà gōng wú sī)

to shout and scream (idiom); to kick up a fuss; to make a scene

大吵大闹 (dà chǎo dà nào)

large and small, of all sizes

大大小小 (dà dà xiǎo xiǎo)

much fuss about nothing

大惊小怪 (dà jīng xiǎo guài)

probably a lot of people want what you (so) think

大概很多人都像你这么想吧 (dàgài hěnduō rén dōu xiàng nǐ zhème xiǎng ba)

atmosphere; heavy breathing; magnanimity

大气 (dà qì)

to just escape from calamity

大难不死 (dà nàn bù sǐ)

talent; gift; genius; talented; gifted

天才 (tiān cái)

Heaven never bars one's way (idiom); don't despair and you will find a way through.; Never give up hope.; Never say die.

天无绝人之路 (tiān wú jué rén zhī lù)

naive; innocent; artless

天真 (tiān zhēn)


天空 (tiān kōng)

shadowboxing or Taiji, T'aichi or T'aichichuan; traditional form of physical exercise or relaxation; a martial art

太极拳 (tài jí quán)

too dark, I lost the way

太黑,我迷路了 (tài hēi, wǒ mílùle)

(suffer from) insomnia

失眠 (shī mián)

skull; cranium

头盖骨 (tóu gài gǔ)

to boast; to exaggerate; to praise

夸 (kuā)

exaggerated language (... to the point of untruthfulness)

夸张 / 夸大 的语言 (kuāzhāng / kuādà de yǔyán)

clip; clamp; tongs; folder; wallet

夹子 (jiā zi)

miracle; miraculous; wonder; marvel

奇迹 (qí jì)

a wonder has happened

奇迹发生了 (qíjī fāshēngle)

cover; sheath; to encase; a case; to overlap; to interleave; bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names); harness; classifier for sets, collections; tau (Greek letter Ττ)

套 (tào)

Obama is democratic or republican party?

奥巴马是民主党还是共和党? (ào bā mǎ shì mínzhǔdǎng háishì gònghédǎng?)

lady; madam; CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]

女士 (nuu3 shì)

young woman; maiden; girl

女郎 (nǚ láng)

She has feelings for my friend

她对我的朋友一点意思 (tā duì wǒ de péngyǒu yīdiǎn yìsi)

What she says is self-contradictory

她的话自相矛盾 (tā dehuà zì xiāng máodùn)

her endless (idiom) nagging / chattering, really makes people annoyed

她这么没完没了的唠叨,真是烦死人了 (tā zhème méiwán méiliǎo de láo dāo, zhēnshi fán sǐrénle)

very difficult; after all the trouble

好不容易 (hǎo bù róng yì)

good relationship

好共事儿 (hǎo gòngshì er)

all good things need to come to an end

好景不长 (hǎojǐng bù cháng)

laughable; funny; ridiculous

好笑 (hǎo xiào)

Hollywood star

好莱坞明星 (hǎoláiwù míngxīng)

nowadays; now

如今 (rú jīn)

how; what way; what

如何 (rú hé)

Mama brought home some apples.

妈妈从市场买回来一些苹果 = 买回一些苹果来。 (māmā cóng shìchǎng mǎi huílái yīxiē píngguǒ = mǎi huí yīxiē píngguǒ lái.)

demons and ghosts; ghouls and bogies

妖魔鬼怪 (yāo mó guǐ guài)

from beginning to end; all along

始终 (shǐ zhōng)

to entrust; to trust; to commission

委托 (wěi tuō)

Yao Ming (Chinese NBA star player)

姚明 (yáo míng)

(informal) mother's mother; maternal grandmother

姥姥 (lǎo lao)

posture; position

姿势 (zī shì)

might; power and influence

威势 (wēi shì)

to threaten; to menace

威胁 (wēi xié)

pampered and spoiled since childhood

娇生惯养 (jiāo shēng guàn yǎng)

take a wife; to marry (a woman)

娶 (qǔ)

matrimony; wedding; marriage; CL:次[cì]

婚姻 (hūn yīn)

(of a woman) to marry; to marry off a daughter; to shift (blame etc)

嫁 (jià)

tender; soft; delicate; light (color); inexperienced; unskilled

嫩 (nèn)

caption; subtitle

字幕 (zì mù)

to deposit (e.g. in a bank account)

存入 (cún rù)

save in order to survive

存款为了生存 (cúnkuǎn wèile shēngcún)

stock; inventory (of material)

存货 (cún huò)

educational background; academic qualifications

学历 (xué lì)

term; semester; CL:個|个[gè]

学期 (xué qī)

learning; science; academic; CL:個|个[gè]

学术 (xué shù)

preferably; one would prefer to...(or not to...); would rather; (would) be better to; (to pick) the lesser of two evils

宁可 (nìng kě)

tranquil; tranquility; serenity

宁静 (níng jìng)


守门员 (shǒu mén yuán)

installing this machine really strenous

安装这台机器真费劲 (ānzhuāng zhè tái jīqì zhēn fèijìng)

easy and comfortable; easy

安逸 (ān yì)

perfect; to make perfect; to improve

完善 (wán shàn)

to get the job done requires great willpower

完成这项工作需要坚强的毅力 (wánchéng zhè xiàng gōngzuò xūyào jiānqiáng de yìlì)

complete; intact

完整 (wán zhěng)

darling; baby

宝宝 (bǎo bǎo)

to practice; field work

实习 (shí xí)

to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about

实现 (shí xiàn)

to implement; to carry out; to put into practice

实行 (shí xíng)


实话 (shí huà)

to practice; to put into practice; to fulfill

实践 (shí jiàn)

to experiment; experiments; CL:個|个[gè],次[cì]

实验 (shí yàn)

drawing room (room for arriving guests); living room; CL:間|间[jiān]

客厅 (kè tīng)

Hakka people

客家人 (kè jiā rén)

to disseminate; to give publicity to; propaganda; CL:個|个[gè]

宣传 (xuān chuán)

to declare; to announce; to proclaim

宣布 (xuān bù)

outdoor activity, indoor temperature

室外活动,室内温度 (shìwài huódòng, shìnèi wēndù)

banquet; feast; dinner party; CL:席[xí],個|个[gè]

宴会 (yàn huì)

hometown; native place; CL:個|个[gè]

家乡 (jiā xiāng)

household duties; housework

家务 (jiā wù)

family; household; CL:戶|户[hù],個|个[gè]

家庭 (jiā tíng)

dormitory; dorm room; living quarters; hostel; CL:間|间[jiān]

宿舍 (sù shè)

lonely; lonesome

寂寞 (jì mò)

Pay close attention to

密切关注 (mìqiè guānzhù)

rich and powerful

富强 (fù qiáng)

regarding ... very confident

对 ... 非常有信心 (duì ... fēicháng yǒu xìnxīn)

rhyming couplet; pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway; CL:幅[fú]

对联 (duì lián)

temple; monastery; shrine

寺庙 (sì miào)

to seek; to look for

寻找 (xún zhǎo)

to seek; to look for

寻求 (xún qiú)

missile defense system

导弹防御系统 (dǎodàn fángyù xìtǒng)

life span; life expectancy

寿命 (shòu mìng)

to shoot; to fire (a gun)

射击 (shè jī)

auxiliary verb introducing future action: may (be able to); will (cause); should (enable); going to

将会 (jiāng huì)

respect; to revere

尊敬 (zūn jìng)

lad; young fellow; youngster; CL:個|个[gè]

小伙子 (xiǎo huǒ zi)


小偷 (xiǎo tōu)

snack; refreshments; CL:家[jiā]

小吃 (xiǎo chī)

Be a bit careful, dont fall down

小心点儿,别掉下去。 (xiǎoxīn diǎn er, bié diào xiàqù)

vendor's stall

小摊 (xiǎo tān)


小路 (xiǎo lù)

wheat; CL:粒[lì]

小麦 (xiǎo mài)

No more nonsense (x2)

少废话! / 少费口舌! (shǎo fèihuà! / shǎo fèi kǒushé!)

put a little less oil \ salt \ sugar

少放一点儿 油 \ 盐 \ 糖 (shǎo fàng yīdiǎn er yóu\ yán\ táng)

sharp; intense; penetrating; pointed; acute (illness)

尖锐 (jiān ruì)

Even if it's the 21st century

就是21世纪 (jiùshì 21 shìjì)

das heisst

就是说 (jiùshì shuō)


尼日利亚 (ní rì lì yà)

to strive one's hardest; to spare no effort

尽力 (jìn lì)

as early as possible

尽早 (jǐn zǎo)

despite; although; even though; in spite of; unhesitatingly; do not hesitate (to ask, complain etc); (go ahead and do it) without hesitating

尽管 (jǐn guǎn)

Maximize the use of advanced technology

尽量采用先进技术 (jǐnliàng cǎiyòng xiānjìn jìshù)


尾巴 (wěi ba)

to arrive at (place or time); period; to become due; classifier for events, meetings, elections, sporting fixtures etc

届 (jiè)

house; room; CL:間|间[jiān]

屋子 (wū zi)

in the room a lot of electrical lights were hanging

屋子里挂着很多电灯 (wūzi lǐ guàzhe hěnduō diàndēng)

to unfold; to carry out; to be in full swing; to launch

展开 (zhǎn kāi)

to put on display; to exhibit; exhibition; show; CL:個|个[gè],次[cì]

展览 (zhǎn lǎn)

classified as; to belong to; to be part of

属于 (shǔ yú)

on the mountain stands a man

山上站着一个人。 (shānshàng zhànzhe yīgè rén)

(mountain) peak

山峰 (shān fēng)

wife's mother, mother-in-law

岳母 (yuè mǔ)

to revere everything foreign and pander to overseas powers (idiom); blind worship of foreign goods and ideas

崇洋媚外 (chóng yáng mèi wài)

work very earnest, sehr gewissenhaft / fleissig arbeiten

工作得很认真 (gōngzuò de hěn rènzhēn)

viel Erfolg bei der Arbeit

工作顺利 (gōngzuò shùnlì)

palm; hand

巴掌 (bā zhǎng)

lane; alley

巷 (xiàng)

teacher-training; pedagogical; normal (school, e.g. Beijing Normal University)

师范 (shī fàn)

Hope that the country can strengthen the crackdown against smuggling

希望国家能加强对走私的打击力度 (xīwàng guójiā néng jiāqiáng duì zǒusī de dǎjí lìdù)

expected pay

希望新愁 (xīwàng xīn chóu)

energetic; exciting; of interest

带劲 (dài jìn)

to guide; to lead

带领 (dài lǐng)

Clean or dirty?

干净 还是 脏? (gānjìng háishì zàng?)

interfere with your children's love life

干涉你孩子的恋爱 (gānshè nǐ háizi de liàn'ài)

flat; level; equal; to tie (make the same score); to draw (score); calm; peaceful; see also 平聲|平声[píng shēng]

平 (píng)

weite Ebene / hohe Berge

平原 / 高山 (píng yuán / gāo shān)


平均 (píng jūn)

ordinary; common; usually; ordinarily

平常 (píng cháng)

square (as in square foot, square mile, square root)

平方 (píng fāng)

equal; equality

平等 (píng děng)

tranquil; undisturbed; serene

平静 (píng jìng)


年级 (nián jí)

age; CL:把[bǎ],個|个[gè]

年纪 (nián jì)

fortunately; luckily

幸亏 (xìng kuī)


幸存者 (xìng cún zhě)


庆祝 (qìng zhù)

to deal with; to cope

应付 (yìng fu)

deal with complicated situations

应付复杂局面 (yìngfù fùzá júmiàn)

to use; to apply; application; applicable

应用 (yìng yòng)

to accept a job offer; to apply for an advertised position

应聘 (yìng pìn)

There should be no problem

应该 没有 问题 (yīnggāi méiyǒu wèntí)

to underline; base line (in sports); fig. the legal limits; a spy (in enemy territory)

底线 (dǐ xiàn)

production rejects; seconds; scrap; discarded material

废品 (fèi pǐn)

rubbish; waste material; useless person

废物 (fèi wù)

filthy; vulgar; debased

庸俗 (yōng sú)

to prolong; to extend; to delay

延长 (yán cháng)

extend class

延长课程 (yáncháng kèchéng)

building; to construct; Taiwan pr. jiàn zhú; CL:個|个[gè]

建筑 (jiàn zhù)

to propose; to suggest; to recommend; proposal; suggestion; recommendation; CL:個|个[gè],點|点[diǎn]

建议 (jiàn yì)

to build; to construct; construction; constructive

建设 (jiàn shè)

I was joking, why take it / no need to be so seriously

开个玩笑啊,何必当真呢? (kāi gè wánxiào a, hébì dàngzhēn ne?)

school opening; the start of a new term

开学 (kāi xué)

opening ceremony

开幕式 (kāi mù shì)

to leave for; heading for

开往 (kāi wǎng)

to feel happy; to rejoice; to have a great time; to make fun of sb

开心 (kāi xīn)

to lift (a ban or restriction); to open to the outside world (politics); to open for public use; to come into bloom (of flowers)

开放 (kāi fàng)

foreign country; alien land

异域 (yì yù)

to crane one's neck; to await eagerly; to lead; to show the way

引领 (yǐn lǐng)

Erst Mund öffnen, dann sprechen

张口就说 (zhāngkǒu jiù shuō)

bend; bent; CL:道[dào]

弯 (wān)

weak; feeble; young; inferior; (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than

弱 (ruò)

small and weak; puny; a child

弱小 (ruò xiǎo)

intense; (violently) strong

强烈 (qiáng liè)

to emphasize (a statement); to stress

强调 (qiáng diào)

persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair)

当事人 (dāng shì rén)

as representative, he's fully qualified

当代表,他满够格 (dāng dàibiǎo, tā mǎn gòugé)

current; today's; modern; present; to be facing (us)

当前 (dāng qián)

top priority job; matter of vital importance

当务之急 (dāng wù zhī jí)

to manage the household; to be the one in charge of the family; to be in charge

当家 (dāng jiā)

to be in charge in one's own house (idiom); to be the master of one's own affairs

当家作主 (dāng jiā zuò zhǔ)

to take care; to look out

当心 (dāng xīn)

to consider as; take to be

当成 (dàng chéng)

be a hero

当英雄 (dāng yīngxióng)

to recruit; to enroll

录取 (lù qǔ)

to record (sound); sound-recording; CL:個|个[gè]

录音 (lù yīn)

circumstances; situation; terrain; CL:個|个[gè]

形势 (xíng shì)

to describe; description; appearance; look

形容 (xíng róng)


形容词 (xíng róng cí)

form; shape; situation; circumstance; CL:個|个[gè]

形式 (xíng shì)

to form; to take shape

形成 (xíng chéng)

form; shape; CL:個|个[gè]

形状 (xíng zhuàng)

image; form; figure; CL:個|个[gè]; visualization; vivid

形象 (xíng xiàng)

shadow; reflection; CL:個|个[gè]

影子 (yǐng zi)

trace; sign

影踪 (yǐng zōng)

complete / utter failure

彻底失败 (chèdǐ shībài)

to go back and forth; to go to and fro

往返 (wǎng fǎn)

to solicit; to seek; to request (opinions, feedback etc); to petition

征求 (zhēng qiú)

expropriate; commandeer

征用 (zhēng yòng)

a very professional piece

很专业的一片 (hěn zhuānyè de yīpiàn)

very popular song

很受欢迎的歌 (hěn shòu huānyíng de gē)

the idol of many kids

很多孩子的偶像 (hěnduō háizi de ǒuxiàng)

many setbacks

很多的挫折 (hěnduō de cuòzhé)

very lonesome (x3)

很孤独, 寂寞,一个人 (hěn gūdú, jìmò, yīgè rén)

Sorry, sold out

很抱歉, 卖完了 (hěn bàoqiàn, mài wánliǎo)

likely, kann sehr gut sein

很有可能 (hěn yǒu kěnéng)

get the right to work

得到工作的权利 (dédào gōngzuò de quánlì)

get leatership approval

得到领导认可 (dédào lǐngdǎo rènkě)

Depends on who

得看是谁 (dei kàn shì sheí)

to have one's wishes come true; wish you the best!

心想事成 (xīn xiǎng shì chéng)

mental; psychological

心理 (xīn lǐ)

mentality; mental attitude; viewpoint

心目 (xīn mù)

heart; intention; one's inclination; state of mind; to have the heart for sth; mood

心肠 (xīn cháng)

heart; CL:顆|颗[kē],個|个[gè]

心脏 (xīn zàng)

to feel sad

心酸 (xīn suān)

think of the unpleasant past and happy present

忆苦思甜 (yì kǔ sī tián)

cannot help; unable to bear

忍不住 (rěn bu zhù)

cannot help laughing; unable to restrain a smile

忍俊不禁 (rěn jùn bù jīn)

volunteer, volunteer worker (x2)

志愿者 / 义工 (zhì yuàn zhě / yì gōng)

to forget

忘掉 (wàng diào)

Call me back when not busy

忙完给我回电 (máng wán gěi wǒ huídiàn)

to be loyal to

忠于 (zhōng yú)

loyal and devoted (idiom); faithful and true

忠心耿耿 (zhōng xīn gěng gěng)


快点儿 (kuài diǎn er)

Hurry up, otherwise we come late

快点走,否则要迟到了 (kuài diǎn zǒu, fǒuzé yào chídàole)

almost; nearly; almost all

快要 (kuài yào)

to read; to study (a degree course); to read aloud; to miss (sb); idea; remembrance; twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿, 20)

念 (niàn)

suddenly; all of a sudden

忽然 (hū rán)

Wie kriegt man den Elefanten in den Kühlschrank?

怎么把大象放进冰箱里? (zěnme bǎ dà xiàng fàng jìn bīngxiāng lǐ?)

how are you suddenly so foolish?

怎么突然傻了 (zěnme túrán shǎle)

how so impulsive ahh

怎么那么冲动啊 (zěnme nàme chōngdòng a)

to reflect on one's past errors

思过 (sī guò)

hastily, hurriedly rushed

急忙 / 匆匆忙忙 / 急急忙忙 (jí máng / cōngcōng máng mang/ jí ji máng mang)

sex appeal; eroticism; sexuality; sexy

性感 (xìng gǎn)

open and cheeful character

性格开朗 (xìnggé kāilǎng)

nature; characteristic; CL:個|个[gè]

性质 (xìng zhì)

lit. you can't blame it!; no wonder!; so that's why!

怪不得 (guài bu de)

in a word; in short; in brief

总之 (zǒng zhī)

altogether; in sum; in all; in total

总共 (zǒng gòng)

premier; prime minister; CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]

总理 (zǒng lǐ)

to sum up; in summary; in short

总的来说 (zǒng de lái shuō)

at long last; finally; on the whole

总算 (zǒng suàn)

president (of a country); CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng],屆|届[jiè]

总统 (zǒng tǒng)

chairman; director-general (of a company etc)

总裁 (zǒng cái)

(romantic) love; in love; to have an affair; CL:個|个[gè]

恋爱 (liàn ài)

terrible; frightful; frightening; terror; terrorist

恐怖 (kǒng bù)

to reinstate; to resume; to restore; to recover; to regain; to rehabilitate

恢复 (huī fù)

Gratulations on your son's birth / you win the swimming competition.

恭喜你生了儿子。 恭喜你赢了游泳的比赛。 (gōngxǐ nǐ shēng liǎo er zi. gōngxǐ nǐ yíngle yóuyǒng de bǐsài)

Reichtum wünschen

恭喜发财 (红包哪来?) / 恭喜恭喜 (gōngxǐ fācái (hóngbāo nǎ lái?) / gōngxǐgōngxǐ)

bad habit; vice

恶习 (è xí)

demon; fiend

恶魔 (è mó)

quietly; secretly; stealthily

悄悄 (qiāo qiāo)

established; long

悠久 (yōu jiǔ)

Are you open all night?

您们通夜开业吗? (nínmen tōngyè kāiyè ma?)

Where are you from?

您来自哪里? (nín lái zì nǎlǐ?)

Ihr werter Name ist?

您的贵姓是什么? (nín de guìxìng shì shénme?)

You go well / you go slow (2x Verabschiedung)

您走好 / 慢走 (nín zǒu hǎo / mànzǒu )

On valentine's day, what present do Americans often send?

情人节,美国人常常送什么礼物? (qíngrén jié, měiguó rén chángcháng sòng shénme lǐwù?)

scene; sight; circumstances; CL:個|个[gè]

情景 (qíng jǐng)

situation; circumstances

情状 (qíng zhuàng)

plot; circumstances

情节 (qíng jié)

alarm; alert; disturb

惊动 (jīng dòng)

surprised facial expression

惊讶的表情 (jīngyà de biǎoqíng)

to feel sorry for a person over sth that should have happened

惋惜 (wǎn xī)

mal nachdenken

想一想 (xiǎng yī xiǎng)

miss; remember with longing; long to see again

想念 (xiǎng niàn)

uns Grüsse ausrichten

想我们问好 (xiǎng wǒmen wènhǎo)

to imagine; to fancy; CL:個|个[gè]

想象 (xiǎng xiàng)

stirring up trouble; to invite disaster

惹祸 (rě huò)

meaning; significance; CL:個|个[gè]

意义 (yì yì)

unexpected; accident; mishap; CL:個|个[gè]

意外 (yì wài)

to make a fool out of; to fool; to dupe (x2)

愚弄 / 糊弄 (yú nòng / hù nong)

Caught a cold, need to drink more water.

感冒了,要多喝点儿水。 (gǎnmàole, yào duō hē diǎn er shuǐ)

to move (sb); to touch (sb emotionally); moving

感动 / 动人 (gǎn dòng / dòngrén)


感恩 (gǎn ēn)

to come to realize; to appreciate (feelings)

感悟 (gǎn wù)

angry youth; positive term used to describe young Chinese with extreme nationalistic tendencies; see also 糞青[fèn qīng]

愤青 (fèn qīng)

desire; wish; CL:個|个[gè]

愿望 (yuàn wàng)

Langsam trinken, Tee ist sehr heiss

慢慢喝, 茶很烫 (màn man hē, chá hěn tàng)

slowly get to know you

慢慢的认识你们 (màn man de rènshi nǐmen)

sensible; thoughtful; intelligent

懂事 (dǒng shì)

drama; play; theater

戏剧 (xì jù)

China-Experte geworden

成中国通了 (chéng zhōngguó tōngle)

to complete a contract; to reach a deal

成交 (chéng jiāo)

growing pains/annoyances

成长的烦恼 (chéngzhǎng de fánnǎo)

I will confirm the work schedule with the manager

我 和 经理 确认 工作表 (wǒ hé jīnglǐ quèrèn gōngzuòbiǎo)

After work I learn Chinese

我上班的以后学习中文 (wǒ shàngbān de yǐhòu xuéxí zhōngwén)

I accompany her next week to look at Xiamen

我下周末陪她在厦门看一看 (wǒ xià zhōumò péi tā zài xiàmén kàn yī kàn)

I dont understand your accent

我不懂你话 (wǒ bù dǒng nǐ huà)

I'm not here to eat

我不是来吃饭的 (wǒ bùshì lái chīfàn de)

I dont have to share my boyfriend with football

我不用 和足球 分享 我的男朋友了 (wǒ bùyòng hé zúqiú fēnxiǎng wǒ de nán péngyǒule)

I don't believe you waited for 20 mins

我不相信你等了20分钟 (wǒ bù xiāngxìn nǐ děngle 20 fēnzhōng)

I dont worry about this thing

我不管这件事儿 (wǒ bùguǎn zhè jiàn shì er)

I need to see a doctor

我不能不看医生 (wǒ bùnéng bù kàn yīshēng)

Ich glaube nicht, dass etwas falsch ist

我不觉得有什么不对 (wǒ bù juéde yǒu shénme bùduì)

I hold a welcome dinner for them

我为他们接风 (wǒ wèi tāmen jiēfēng)

Das habe ich auch gemacht

我也是这样做的 (wǒ yě shì zhèyàng zuò de)

I feel the same

我也有同感 (wǒ yěyǒu tónggǎn)

I got used to brushing teeth after breakfast again.

我习惯吃完早饭再刷牙。 (wǒ xíguàn chī wán zǎofàn zài shuāyá)

Ich habe endlich bekommen / gekauft.

我买到了 (wǒ mǎi dàole)

I never say bad words

我从来不说脏话。 (wǒ cónglái bu shuō zānghuà)

Ich dachte Du wärst Ami

我以为了你是美国人 (wǒ yǐwéi nǐ shì měiguó rén)

Wir sind nicht verwandt

我们不是亲人 (wǒmen bùshì qīnrén)

ein Geheimnis zwischen uns

我们之间的秘密 (wǒmen zhījiān de mìmì)

Wir schränken dich niemals ein

我们从来不限制你 (wǒmen cónglái bu xiànzhì nǐ)

we almost come the same time to China

我们几乎是同时到中国的 (wǒmen jīhū shì tóngshí dào zhōngguó de)

We work very well together

我们合作的很好 (wǒmen hézuò de hěn hǎo)

we get along very well

我们在一起谈得来得很好 (wǒmen zài yīqǐ tán dé láide hěn hǎo)

We succeeded / he failed

我们成功了 / 他失败了 (wǒmen chénggōngle/ tā shībàile)

Where do we assemble tomorrow?

我们明天在哪儿集合? (wǒmen míngtiān zài nǎ'er jíhé)

We see us Wednesday

我们星期三见 (wǒmen xīngqí sān jiàn)

we kill time

我们杀时间 / 消磨时间 (wǒmen shā shíjiān/ xiāomó shíjiān)

In our class appeared a new face.

我们班出现了一个新鲜面孔。 (wǒmen bān chūxiànle yīgè xīnxiān miànkǒng)

Our equipment is very complete

我们的设备很齐全 (wǒmen de shèbèi hěn qíquán)

We talk about the one thing of interest / profit loss

我们谈一件事的利害 (wǒmen tán yī jiàn shì de lìhài)

I believe in Buddhism

我信佛教 (wǒ xìn fójiào)

I went on a Beijing trip

我去了一趟北京。 (wǒ qùle yī tàng běijīng)

I have become a fatty

我变成胖子了 (wǒ biàn chéng pàngzile)

Can I camp here?

我可以在这儿露营吗? (wǒ kěyǐ zài zhè'er lùyíng ma?)

I was having dinner, reading a book.

我吃着饭,看着书。 (wǒ chīzhe fàn, kànzhe shū.)

I did not go anywhere

我哪儿也没去 (wǒ nǎ'er yě méi qù)

Ich mag ein ungebundenes Leben.

我喜欢没有拘束的生活 (wǒ xǐhuan méiyǒu jūshù de shēnghuó)

I'm drunk

我喝醉了 (wǒ hēzuìle)

Die E-Mail von vor 2 Stunden

我在两个小时以前写了的电子邮件 (wǒ zài liǎng gè xiǎoshí yǐqián xiěle de diànzǐ yóujiàn)

I lost my everything

我失去了我所有的一切 (wǒ shīqùle wǒ suǒyǒu de yīqiè)

I am learning Chinese for 3 months now

我学汉语学了三个月了 (wǒ xué hànyǔ xuéle sān gè yuèle)

Meine Wohnung hat nur 2 Zimmer

我家只有两个房间 (wǒjiā zhǐyǒu liǎng gè fángjiān)

My house faces the Bund

我家面对外滩 (wǒjiā miànduì wàitān)

I have no interest in politics

我对政治没有兴趣 (wǒ duì zhèngzhì méiyǒu xìngqù)

I'm allergic to seafood

我对海鲜过敏 (wǒ duì hǎixiān guòmǐn)

Welche Linie muss ich nehmen?

我应该坐几路地铁? (wǒ yīnggāi zuò jǐ lù dìtiě)

Ich respektiere Euch sehr

我很 尊敬 你们 (wǒ hěn zūnjìng nǐmen)

Ich lese den Text laut, ihr hört zu.

我念课文, 你们听 (wǒ niàn kèwén, nǐmen tīng)

How do I get in touch with you?

我怎么跟你联系呢? (wǒ zěnme gēn nǐ liánxì ne?)

I am afraid of vampires + haunted houses

我怕 吸血鬼 + 鬼屋 (wǒpà xīxuèguǐ + guǐwū)

Ich fürchte ich habe nicht komplett verstanden

我怕 我没有 完全 明白 (wǒpàwǒméiyǒu wánquán míngbái)

I always feel awkward

我总觉得别扭 (wǒ zǒng juéde bièniu)

I would like to travel everywhere

我想 到处 去旅游 (wǒ xiǎng dàochù qù lǚyóu)

I want to go there thats why I go there

我想去哪儿就我去哪儿 (wǒ xiǎng qù nǎ'er jiù wǒ qù nǎ'er)

I want to know, ... or ... is how much more expensive?

我想知道, ... 比 ... 贵多少? (wǒ xiǎng zhīdào, . . . bǐ. . . guì duōshǎo?)

Ich erinnere mich (beginning to remember)

我想起来了 (wǒ xiǎng qǐláile)

I cannot imagine

我意想不到 (wǒ yì xiǎngbùdào)

I vouch for

我敢打包票 (wǒ gǎn dǎbāo piào)

I slept early yesterday

我昨天睡觉睡的早 (wǒ zuótiān shuìjiào shuì de zǎo)

I fainted

我晕了 (wǒ yūnle)

I ask for you

我替你问问好了 (wǒ tì nǐ wèn wènhǎole)

I am much afraid discussing philosophers questions

我最怕讨论哲学家的问题了 (wǒ zuì pà tǎolùn zhéxué jiā de wèntíle)

I have recently gained 10 kg

我最近胖了十公斤 (wǒ zuìjìn pàngle shí gōngjīn)

I'm a bit older than you

我比你大一点的 (wǒ bǐ nǐ dà yīdiǎn de)

Ich bin älter als Du

我比你岁数大_ (wǒ bǐ nǐ suìshu dà)

Ich bin nicht satt

我没吃饱 (wǒ méi chī bǎo)

I have not received the office notice.

我没有受到办公室的通知。 (wǒ méiyǒu shòudào bàngōngshì de tōngzhī)

Ich liebe Barbecue

我爱吃烤肉 (wǒ ài chī kǎoròu)

My appartment has 3 buildings

我的公寓有三座大楼 (wǒ de gōngyù yǒusān zuò dàlóu)

Meine Entscheidung ist

我的决定是 (wǒ de juédìng shì)

You agree with my opinion?

我的意见你同意吗? (wǒ de yìjiàn nǐ tóngyì ma?)

My chinese is not good, in class I dont dare to say a word.

我的汉语不好,在班上一句话也不敢说。 (wǒ de hànyǔ bù hǎo, zài bān shàng yījù huà yě bù gǎn shuō)

I think/ suggest, you should listen to the news

我看你呀,还是听新闻吧。 (wǒ kàn nǐ ya, háishì tīng xīnwén ba)

I think you should study every day

我看你还是天天复习吧 (wǒ kàn nǐ háishì tiāntiān fùxí ba)

i really cannot make out what use military training has

我真搞不懂军训有什么用 (wǒ zhēn gǎo bù dǒng jūnxùn yǒu shé me yòng)

Ich spreche mit Dir

我祝你说 (wǒ zhù nǐ shuō)

I rent an apartment

我租一条公寓 (wǒ zū yītiáo gōngyù)

to continue in one's own way (idiom); to ignore advice; to persist whatever others say

我行我素 (wǒ xíng wǒ sù)

I was cheated by him (rang/jiao in spoken chinese)

我被他骗了 (wǒ bèi tā piànle)

I was hit by a car

我被汽车撞了 (wǒ bèi qìchē zhuàngle)

I was fired

我被解雇了 / 裁员了 (wǒ bèi jiěgùle / cáiyuánle)

I want to reinstall the system

我要重新安装系统 (wǒ yào chóngxīn ānzhuāng xìtǒng)

I think no

我觉得不是 / 我觉得没有 (wǒ jué dé bùshì / wǒ juéde méiyǒu)

Ich kenne einige Leute

我认识一些人 (wǒ rèn shí yīxiē rén)

I tried to be patient with you

我试图对你耐心些 (wǒ shìtú duì nǐ nàixīn xiē)

What I say might be superfluous / nonsense

我说的可能是废话 (wǒ shuō de kěnéng shì fèihuà)

I won / I lost

我赢了 / 我输了 (wǒ yíngle / wǒ shūle)

Ich muss noch lesen/hören.

我还要看看/听听 (wǒ hái yào kàn kàn/tīng tīng)

I'm a person who lacks imagination

我这个人缺乏想象力 (wǒ zhège rén quēfá xiǎngxiàng lì)

I need a mechanic

我需要一个修车师傅 (wǒ xūyào yīgè xiū chē shīfu)

I need to find a housekeeper

我需要找一个阿姨 (wǒ xūyào zhǎo yīgè āyí)

I rely on parents to study in China

我靠父母在中国留学 (wǒ kào fùmǔ zài zhōngguó liúxué)

more or less

或多或少 (huò duō huò shǎo)

war; conflict; CL:場|场[cháng],次[cì]

战争 (zhàn zhēng)

military campaign

战役 (zhàn yì)

strategic thinking

战略思想 (zhànlüè sīxiǎng)

PRC system of compulsory registration

户口制度 (hù kǒu zhì dù)

room is not big not small

房间不大不小。 (fángjiān bù dà bù xiǎo)

actually; place; classifier for houses, small buildings, institutions etc; that which; particle introducing a relative clause or passive; CL:個|个[gè]

所 (suǒ)

Alle haben ein Teufel in ihrem Herzen

所有的人心里都有一个魔鬼 (suǒyǒu de rén xīnlǐ dōu yǒu yīgè móguǐ)

Solved all problems

所有的问题都解决了 (suǒyǒu de wèntí dōu jiějuéle)

so-called; what is called

所谓 (suǒ wèi)

glove; mitten; CL:雙|双[shuāng],隻|只[zhī]

手套 (shǒu tào)

finger; CL:個|个[gè],隻|只[zhī]

手指 (shǒu zhǐ)

surgical operation; operation; surgery; CL:個|个[gè]

手术 (shǒu shù)

method; means (of doing sth); strategy; trick; CL:个[gè]

手段 (shǒu duàn)

formalities; procedures; CL:道[dào],個|个[gè]

手续 (shǒu xù)

hand and foot; movement of limbs; action; trick

手脚 (shǒu jiǎo)

talented girl

才女 (cái nǚ)

to snore

打呼噜 (dǎ hū lū)

to type

打字 (dǎ zì)

to tease a woman by pretending to be displeased with her; to flirt with a member of the opposite sex; to banter flirtatiously

打情骂俏 (dǎ qíng mà qiào)

to fight; to scuffle; to come to blows

打架 (dǎ jià)

to beat back; to repel; to repulse

打退 (dǎ tuì)

to throw down; to drop (bomb)

扔下 (rēng xià)

to deduct marks (when grading school work); to have marks deducted; penalty points; to lose points for a penalty or error

扣分 (kòu fēn)

implement; carry out; to execute; to run

执行 (zhí xíng)

Method of looking for an apartment

找房子的方法 (zhǎo fángzi de fāngfǎ)

Denk Dir eine Frage / ein Problem aus

把一个问题想出来吧 (bǎ yīgè wèntí xiǎng chūlái ba)

Give the coat to the slave

把大衣 给 奴隶 (bǎ dàyī gěi núlì)

wasting time at home is a pity

把时间都浪费在家里太可惜了 (bǎ shíjiān dōu làngfèi zài jiālǐ tài kěxíle)

put headset on

把耳机戴上 (bǎ ěrjī dài shàng)

Put the dirty clothes into the washing machine.

把脏衣服放进洗衣机去。 (bǎ zàng yīfú fàng jìn xǐyījī qù)

(saying) to buy and sell on speculation

投机倒把 (tóu jī dǎo bǎ)


抗议 (kàng yì)

fight over; to rush; to scramble; to grab; to rob; to snatch

抢 (qiǎng)

die Pass-Kontrolle

护照检查处 (hùzhào jiǎnchá chǔ)

retribution; judgment

报应 (bào yìng)

reward; remuneration

报酬 (bào chóu)

to drape over one's shoulders; to open; to unroll; to split open; to spread out

披 (pī)

to pull; to injure by straining

拉伤 (lā shāng)

lesbian (net slang)

拉拉 (lā lā)

to pat; to clap; to slap; fly-swatter; racket; to take (a photograph)

拍 (pāi)

to take a picture

拍照 (pāi zhào)

to attract

招引 (zhāo yǐn)

to receive (guests); to entertain; reception

招待 (zhāo dài)

bye-bye; bye bye

拜拜 (bài bài)

meet friends

拜访朋友 (bàifǎng péngyǒu)

to crowd

拥挤 (yōng jǐ)

cut off; hinder

拦 (lán)

expert in; good at

拿手 (ná shǒu)

to take away

拿走 (ná zǒu)

to conduct; to command; to direct; conductor (of an orchestra); CL:個|个[gè]

指挥 (zhǐ huī)


指甲 (zhǐ jia)

according to our customs

按我们的风俗 (àn wǒmende fēngsú)

according to the plan, the building should be handed over by the end of the year

按照计划, 这座楼房应于年底交工 (ànzhào jìhuà, zhè zuò lóufáng yīng yú niándǐ jiāogōng)


挑战 (tiǎo zhàn)

to pick the (actor cast)cast

挑选演员(表) (tiāoxuǎn yǎnyuán (biǎo))

to make money (x2)

挣钱 / 赚钱 (zhèng qián / zhuàn qián)

to squander money; extravagant; prodigal; free and easy; agile

挥霍 (huī huò)


振动 (zhèn dòng)

to speak forcefully and with justice (idiom); to argue with the courage of one's convictions

振振有词 (zhèn zhèn yǒu cí)

very interesting

挺意思的 (tǐng yìsi de)

to contribute; to donate; contribution; tax; to abandon

捐 (juān)

loss; damage; CL:個|个[gè]; to lose; to damage

损失 (sǔn shī)

to pick up; to collect; to gather

捡 (jiǎn)

to change train (plane, bus etc); transfer between modes of transport

换乘 (huàn chéng)

it is said that; reportedly

据说 (jù shuō)

applause; CL:阵[zhèn]

掌声 (zhǎng shēng)

to grasp (often fig.); to master; to know well; to understand sth well and know how to use it; fluency; to control; to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny)

掌握 (zhǎng wò)

volleyball; CL:個|个[gè]

排球 (pái qiú)

Pathfinder, NASA spacecraft sent to Mars in 1977

探路者 (tàn lù zhě)

to receive (a visitor); to admit (allow sb to enter)

接待 (jiē dài)


接班人 (jiē bān rén)

near; close to (not distance, more logically)

接近 (jiē jìn)

(of time) to elapse or pass; (of a situation) to develop or evolve

推移 (tuī yí)

to recommend; recommendation

推荐 (tuī jiàn)

to decline (an appointment, invitation etc)

推辞 (tuī cí)

lit. to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell; to deceive oneself; to bury one's head in the sand (idiom)

掩耳盗铃 (yǎn ěr dào líng)

to describe; to depict; to portray; description

描写 (miáo xiě)

to describe; description

描述 (miáo shù)

to carry; to lift; to raise

提 (tí)

Provide a place to live

提供住的地方 (tígōng zhù de dìfāng)

to promote; to advocate

提倡 (tí chàng)

book a ticket in advance / 1 month in advance

提前订机票 / 提前一个月 (tíqián dìng jīpiào / tíqián yīgè yuè)

the key point; outline

提纲 (tí gāng)

to question; to quiz; to grill

提问 (tí wèn)

foster good relations between Han and minorities

搞好汉族和少数民族的关系 (gǎo hǎo hànzú hé shǎoshù mínzú de guānxì)

to carry (on one's person); to support (old)

携带 (xié dài)

shake; to rock

摇 (yáo)


摇篮 (yáo lán)

to throw down; to fall; to drop and break

摔 (shuāi)

to take; to borrow; to pick (flowers, fruit etc); to pluck; to select; to remove; to take off (glasses, hat etc)

摘 (zhāi)

motorbike; motorcycle; CL:輛|辆[liàng],部[bù]

摩托车 (mó tuō chē)

to feel with the hand; to touch; to stroke; to grope; to feel (one's pulse)

摸 (mō)

to draw lots; raffle; lottery

摸彩 (mō cǎi)

act like a spoiled child; throw a tantrum; act coquettishly

撒娇 (sā jiāo)

to tear

撕 (sī)

**** your mother (vulgar)

操你妈 (cào nǐ mā)

to support; to sustain; to erect; to raise; branch; division; to draw money; surname Zhi; classifier for rods such as pens and guns, for army divisions and for songs or compositions; watt, classifier for power of light bulbs

支 (zhī)

pay water and electricity

支付水电 (zhīfù shuǐdiàn)

receipt; CL:張|张[zhāng]

收据 (shōu jù)

Vorschläge / Wünsche / Ideen sammeln

收集 建议 / 愿望 / 想法 (shōují jiànyì / yuànwàng / xiǎngfǎ)

to drop a bad habit

改掉 (gǎi diào)

Reschedule to tomorrow

改期到明天 (gǎiqí dào míngtiān)

(saying) to give up evil and return to good

改邪归正 (gǎi xié guī zhèng)

to reform and open to the outside world; refers to Deng Xiaoping's policies from around 1980

改革开放 (gǎi gé kāi fàng)

to attack; to accuse; to charge; an attack (terrorist or military)

攻击 (gōng jī)

government; CL:個|个[gè]

政府 (zhèng fǔ)

politics; political

政治 (zhèng zhì)

policy; CL:個|个[gè]

政策 (zhèng cè)

story is not finished

故事还没完 (gùshì hái méiwán)

deliberately mystifying; to make sth unnecessarily complicated

故弄玄虚 (gù nòng xuán xū)

effect (scientific phenomenon)

效应 (xiào yìng)


效率 (xiào luu4)

to save; to assist; to rescue

救 (jiù)

ambulance; CL:輛|辆[liàng]

救护车 (jiù hù chē)

teaching material; CL:本[běn]

教材 (jiào cái)

instructor; sports coach; trainer; CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]

教练 (jiào liàn)

respect and love

敬爱 (jìng ài)

to show respect from a distance (idiom); to remain at a respectful distance

敬而远之 (jìng ér yuǎn zhī)

data; numbers; digital; also written 數據|数据

数据 (shù jù)

document; file; CL:份[fèn]

文件 (wén jiàn)

stationery; item of stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener etc)

文具 (wén jù)

culture and tradition reasons

文化传统的缘故 (wénhuà chuántǒng de yuángù)

inclined; slanting; oblique; tilting

斜 (xié)

newly bought

新买的 (xīn mǎi de)

modern; fashionable

新潮 (xīn cháo)

new is the opposite of old, rich is the opposite of poor

新的反义词是旧 / 富的相反是穷 (xīn de fǎnyìcí shì jiù / fù de xiāngfǎn shì qióng)

New Zealand

新西兰 (xīn xī lán)


方舟 (fāng zhōu)

Travel and learn Chinese at the same time

旅游的同时学习汉语 (lǚyóu de tóngshí xuéxí hànyǔ)

eine gute Reise

旅途愉快 / 一路平安 (lǚtú yúkuài / yīlù píng'ān)

without choice; for lack of better option; grudgingly; willy-nilly; nolens volens; abbr. for 無可奈何|无可奈何[wú kě nài hé]

无奈 (wú nài)

no complaints; to have no regrets

无怨无悔 (wú yuàn wú huǐ)

to make trouble without reason (idiom); deliberately awkward; pointless provocation; willful trouble maker

无理取闹 (wú lǐ qǔ nào)

ignorant; ignorance

无知 (wú zhī)

a person who lost all shame / shameless

无耻之徒 (wúchǐ zhī tú)

calendar; CL:張|张[zhāng],本[běn]

日历 (rì lì)

daily; everyday

日常 (rì cháng)

daily renewal, monthly change (idiom); every day sees new developments; rapid progress

日新月异 (rì xīn yuè yì)

date; CL:個|个[gè]

日期 (rì qī)

articles for daily use; CL:件[jiàn],個|个[gè]

日用品 (rì yòng pǐn)

schedule; itinerary; CL:個|个[gè]

日程 (rì chéng)

Get well soon!; to recover health quickly

早日康复 (zǎo rì kāng fù)

early or late sleep and getup?

早睡早起 还是 晚睡晚起? (zǎo shuì zǎoqǐ háishì wǎn shuì wǎn qǐ?)

ten days; ten years; full period / middle third of a month

旬 / 中旬 (xún / zhōng xún)

age; era; epoch; period; CL:個|个[gè]

时代 (shí dài)

moment; CL:個|个[gè]; constantly; always

时刻 (shí kè)

a period in time or history; period; time (interval); phase; CL:個|个[gè]

时期 (shí qī)

Zeit vergeht sehr schnell

时间过得很快 (shíjiānguò de hěn kuài)

in vogue; fashionable

时髦 (shí máo)


明信片 (míng xìn piàn)

star; celebrity

明星 (míng xīng)

clear; distinct; obvious

明显 (míng xiǎn)

A wise decision

明智的决定 (míngzhì de juédìng)

easy as a hand's turn (idiom); very easy; no effort at all

易如反掌 (yì rú fǎn zhǎng)

Gestern ist Geschichte (x2)

昨天是历史 / 昨天是过去的 (zuótiān shì lìshǐ / zuótiān shì guòqù de)

Has all pirated sofware viruses?

是不是所有的盗版软件都有病毒? (shì bùshì suǒyǒu de dàobǎn ruǎnjiàn dōu yǒu bìngdú)

Isn't it a bit superstitious?

是不是有点迷信阿? (shì bùshì yǒudiǎn míxìn ā?)

is a young man

是个年轻的男人 (shìgè niánqīng de nánrén)

whether (or not); if; is or isn't

是否 (shì fǒu)

it's very pleasant

是挺惬意的 (shì tǐng qièyì de)

to seem; to look; to appear

显得 (xiǎn de)

clear; evident; obvious(ly)

显然 (xiǎn rán)

conspicuous; eye-catching; glamorous

显眼 (xiǎn yǎn)

to show; to illustrate; to display; to demonstrate

显示 (xiǎn shì)

to dry in the sun; to sunbathe; to share files (loan from "share")

晒 (shài)

confused; dizzy; giddy; faint; swoon; lose consciousness; pass out

晕 (yūn)

In the evening the child is alone at home. It is afraid, mother is concerned.

晚上孩子一个人在家: 他很害怕, 妈妈很担心。 (wǎnshàng háizi yīgè rén zàijiā: tā hěn hàipà, māmā hěn dānxīn)

Later I will call you

晚点 要打电话 你 (wǎndiǎn yào dǎ diànhuà nǐ)

scenery; scene; landscape; view

景色 (jǐng sè)

for now; for the time being; temporarily

暂且 (zàn qiě)

newly rich; parvenu; upstart

暴发户 (bào fā hù)

to correct; to make a correction (x3)

更正 / 纠正 / 改正 (gēng zhèng / jiūzhèng / gǎizhèng )

first; primary; initial

最初 (zuì chū)

Recently heart is feeling very chaotic

最近心里乱七八糟的。 (zuìjìn xīnlǐ luànqībāzāo de)

Recently there is often traffic jam, we need to go earlier to not come too late.

最近经常堵车,我们早点儿去吧,别迟到了。 (zuìjìn jīngcháng dǔchē, wǒmen zǎodiǎn er qù ba, bié chídàole)

etwas müde

有一点儿累。 (yǒu yīdiǎn er lèi)

What (service) can I help you with?

有什么是为你服务的吗? (yǒu shénme shì wèi nǐ fúwù de ma?)

Gibt es etwas hinzuzufügen?

有什么都补充的吗? (yǒu shénmedōu bǔchōng de ma?)

have both determination, have confidence

有决心,有信心 (yǒu juéxīn, yǒu xìnxīn)

advantageous; to have advantages; favorable

有利 (yǒu lì)

have a complicated origin

有复杂的渊源 (yǒu fùzá de yuānyuán)

there are many ways

有很多方式啊 (yǒu hěnduō fāngshì a)


有机 (yǒu jī)

Has it expired? (as in expiration date)

有没有过期? (yǒu méiyǒu guòqí?)

a bit strange (negative)

有点儿 奇怪 (yǒudiǎnr qíguài)

has some reason / truth

有点道理 (yǒudiǎn dàolǐ)

eine besonders kritische/wichtige Sache

有特别要紧的事 (yǒu tèbié yàojǐn de shì)

Some things are delicious, others not

有的东西好吃, 有的东西不好吃 (yǒudedōngxi hàochī, yǒudedōngxi bù hàochī)

Some people know, others don't

有的人知道, 有的人不知道 (yǒuderén zhīdào, yǒuderén bù zhīdào)

sometimes; at times

有的时候 (yǒu de shí hòu)

when there is free time

有空的时候 (yǒu kòng de shíhou)

destined to meet but not fated to be together (idiom)

有缘无分 (yǒu yuán wú fèn)

interesting; fascinating; amusing

有趣 (yǒu qù)

Waiter served the wrong food

服务员上错菜了 (fúwùyuán shàng cuò càile)

to be convinced; to accept

服气 (fú qì)

to look forward to; to await; expectation

期待 (qī dài)

slow-witted; blockhead; log (of wood, timber etc); CL:塊|块[kuài],根[gēn]

木头 (mù tou)


木材 (mù cái)

not necessarily; maybe not

未必 (wèi bì)

future; tomorrow; approaching; coming; pending; CL:個|个[gè]

未来 (wèi lái)

plain and simple; unadorned; simple living; not frivolous

朴素 (pǔ sù)


机械工 (jī xiè gōng)

to kill; to murder; to fight; to weaken or reduce; to smart (topolect); to counteract; (used after a verb) extremely

杀 (shā)

acrobatics; CL:场[chǎng]

杂技 (zá jì)

hybrid; mixed breed; bastard; son-of-a-bitch

杂种 (zá zhǒng)

grocery store; emporium

杂货店 (zá huò diàn)

power; right; privilege

权利 (quán lì)

Li Lianjie or Jet Li (1963-), martial arts sportsman

李连杰 (lǐ lián jié)

all roads lead to Rome; use different means to obtain the same result (idiom)

条条大路通罗马 (tiáo tiáo dà lù tōng luó mǎ)

to approach; to come closer

来临 (lái lín)

Enough time / too late

来得及/来不及 (láidejí/láibují)

to come and see; to see a topic from a certain point of view

来看 (lái kàn)

to come from (a place); From: (in email header)

来自 (lái zì)


枕头 (zhěn tou)

gun; firearm; rifle; spear; CL:支[zhī],把[bǎ]

枪 (qiāng)

some; a certain; sb or sth indefinite; such-and-such

某 (mǒu)

im eWörterbuch nachschlagen

查 电子词典 (chá diànzǐ cídiǎn)

firewood; lean (of meat); thin (of a person)

柴 (chái)

Standard escape strategy

标准的逃避策略 (biāozhǔn dì táobì cèlüè)


树木 (shù mù)

schoolmate; alumnus; alumna

校友 (xiào yǒu)

type; style

样式 (yàng shì)


桃 (táo)

On the table there is one book / vase of flowers arranged.

桌子上面放一本书 / 摆花瓶。 (zhuōzi shàngmiàn fàng yī běn shū/ bǎi huāpíng)

tangerine; CL:個|个[gè],瓣[bàn]

桔子 (jú zi)

pear; CL:個|个[gè]

梨 (lí)

comb; CL:把[bǎ]

梳子 (shū zi)


棉花 (mián hua)

palm tree

棕树 (zōng shù)

arboretum; botanical gardens

植物园 (zhí wù yuán)

to imitate; to copy; to emulate; to mimic; model

模仿 (mó fǎng)

vague; indistinct; fuzzy

模糊 (mó hu)

lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight on (idiom); to push through shoving and bumping; to barge; to charge around violently

横冲直撞 (héng chōng zhí zhuàng)

rubber; an eraser; CL:塊|块[kuài]

橡皮 (xiàng pí)

deficient; owe; to lack; yawn

欠 (qiàn)

to be unable to stop even though one wants to; to feel compelled to continue

欲罷不能 (yù bà bù néng)

to rest

歇 (xiē)

upright; centrally located; (of time or figure) exactly; correct; (of taste) pure

正 (zhèng)

certified goods; quality product; normal product; A-class goods

正品 (zhèng pǐn)

lit. 300 silver taels not hidden here (idiom); fig. to reveal what one intends to hide

此地无银三百两 (cǐ dì wú yín sān bǎi liǎng)

weapon; arms; CL:種|种[zhǒng]

武器 (wǔ qì)

military skill or technique (in former times); all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development); self-defense; tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage); also called kungfu 功夫; CL:種|种[zhǒng]

武术 (wǔ shù)

askew; at a crooked angle; devious; noxious

歪 (wāi)

devil; You devil! (as joke or insult); the departed

死鬼 (sǐ guǐ)

Mother is worried the child carries a virus home

母亲担心儿子回来带病毒 (mǔqīn dān xin er zǐ huílái dài bìngdú)

Mother let me take classes in China

母亲让我在中国好好儿学习班。 (mǔqīn ràng wǒ zài zhōngguó hǎohǎo er xuéxí bān)

drugs; narcotics; poison

毒品 (dú pǐn)

poison / poisonous

毒药 / 有毒 (dú yào / yǒu dú)

metaphor; analogy; figure of speech; figuratively (x2)

比喻 / 隐喻 (bǐ yù / yǐn yù)

hair; feather; down

毛 (máo)

absolutely horrified (idiom)

毛骨悚然 (máo gǔ sǒng rán)

workers (esp. on public project)

民工 (mín gōng)

Ich habe richtig Ärger

气得我肝疼 (qì de wǒ gān téng)

breath; smell; odor; flavor

气息 (qì xī)

reservoir; CL:座[zuò]

水库 (shuǐ kù)

deep water and scorching fire; abyss of suffering (idiom)

水深火热 (shuǐ shēn huǒ rè)

remain forever young

永葆青春 (yǒng bǎo qīngchūn)

exchange rate

汇率 (huì luu4)

rivers and mountains are easy to change, man's character much harder

江山易改本性难移 (jiāng shān yì gǎi běn xìng nán yí)


污垢 (wū gòu)


污水 (wū shuǐ)

gas; gasoline; CL:升[shēng]

汽油 (qì yóu)

to settle; to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution)

沉淀 (chén diàn)


沙丁鱼 (shā dīng yú)

sand bar; beach; CL:片[piàn]

沙滩 (shā tān)

there's nothing remarkable / amazing

没什么了不起 (méishénme liǎobùqǐ)

No need to be so polite (x2)

没必要那么客气 / 别客气 (méi bìyào nàme kèqì / bié kèqì)

no logic

没有 逻辑 (méiyǒu luóji)

There is no one that doesn't know her

没有人不认识他 (méiyǒu rén bù rènshi tā)

Have no other choice/option

没有别的选择 (méiyǒu bié de xuǎnzé)

Habe nicht verstanden, kannst Du wiederholen?

没有听清楚, 能不能再说一遍 (méiyǒu tīng qīngchu, néng bùnéng zàishuō yībiàn)

did not sleep well, feel sleepy now

没有睡好,现在感到困倦 (méiyǒu shuì hǎo, xiànzài gǎndào kùnjuàn)

There is no American who doesn't speak English

没有美国人不会说英语。 (méiyǒu měiguó rén bù huì shuō yīngyǔ)

no patience (x2)

没有耐性 / 不耐烦 (méiyǒu nàixìng / bù nàifán)

without rules, nothing can be done (idiom); one must follow some rules

没有规矩,不成方圆 (méi yǒu guī ju bù chéng fāng yuán)

to deep fry

油炸 (yóu zhá)

grease; greasy food; oily; rich (of food); fatty; greasy and dirty; a slippery character

油腻 (yóu nì)

to treat the symptoms but not the root cause

治标不治本 (zhì biāo bù zhì běn)

to treat; to cure; medical treatment; cure

治疗 (zhì liáo)

to spend time in a bar (alcohol, internet etc); to go clubbing

泡吧 (pào bā)

pickled cabbage

泡菜 (pào cài)

earth; soil; mud; clay

泥土 (ní tǔ)

to register; to enroll

注册 (zhù cè)

to dampen one's enthusiasm; (lit.) to pour cold water on

泼冷水 (pō lěng shuǐ)

to sprinkle; to spray; to spill; to shed

洒 (sǎ)

die Karten mischen / spielen

洗牌纸牌 / 打牌 (xǐpái zhǐpái / dǎpái)

active; vigorous

活跃 (huó yuè)

clique; school; group; faction; to dispatch; to send; to assign; to appoint; pi (Greek letter Ππ); the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926

派 (pài)

to spread; to circulate; to hand down

流传 (liú chuán)

course; stream; sequence of processes; work flow in manufacturing

流程 (liú chéng)

shallow, not deep; superficial

浅 (qiǎn)

to pour liquid; to irrigate (using waterwheel); to water; to cast (molten metal); to mold

浇 (jiāo)

to skim over; to browse

浏览 (liú lǎn)

concentrated; dense

浓 (nóng)

Hainan weather attracted me

海南的天气吸引我 (hǎinán de tiānqì xīyǐn wǒ)


海啸 (hǎi xiào)

digest; digestion; digestive

消化 (xiāo huà)

to disappear; to fade away

消失 (xiāo shī)

negative; passive; inactive

消极 (xiāo jí)

to disinfect; to sterilize

消毒 (xiāo dú)

to put an end to; to annihilate; to cause to perish; to perish; annihilation (in quantum field theory)

消灭 (xiāo miè)

to wear down; to sap; to whittle away; to while away; to idle away

消磨 (xiāo mó)

to consume; CL:個|个[gè]

消费 (xiāo fèi)

to involve; to touch upon (a topic)

涉及 (shè jí)

to spill; to overflow (of water, crowds); to crowd (into a space)

涌进 (yǒng jìn)

to rise (of prices, rivers)

涨 (zhǎng)


液体 (yè tǐ)

to get soaked

淋湿 (lín shī)

naughty; bad

淘气 (táo qì)

panning (for precious metals)

淘金 (táo jīn)

profound; deep; deep-going (x2)

深刻 / 深深 (shēn kè / shēn shēn)

to confuse one thing with another (idiom); to muddle

混为一谈 (hùn wéi yī tán)

confusion; chaos; disorder

混乱 (hùn luàn)

scoundrel; bastard; hoodlum; wretch

混蛋 (hún dàn)

light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavored); insipid; slack (sales)

清淡 (qīng dàn)

Spam-E-Mail aufräumen

清理拉圾邮件 (qīnglǐ lājī yóujiàn)

origin; source; relationship

渊源 (yuān yuán)

mild; gentle; moderate

温和 (wēn hé)


温暖 (wēn nuǎn)

gentle and soft; tender

温柔 (wēn róu)

to go on a scenic tour (idiom)

游山玩水 (yóu shān wán shuǐ)

to go sight-seeing; to tour; to visit; CL:次[cì]

游览 (yóu lǎn)

die Touristenattraktion

游览胜地 (yóulǎn shèngdì)

to stroll; to go for a walk

溜达 (liū da)

taste; flavor; feeling

滋味 (zī wèi)

full; closely packed

满满 (mǎn mǎn)

to satisfy; to meet (the needs of)

满足 (mǎn zú)

covered all over

满身 (mǎn shēn)

to abuse

滥用 (làn yòng)

abuse of power

滥用权力 (làn yòng quán lì)

to leak; to divulge; to leave out by mistake; waterclock or hourglass (old)

漏 (lòu)

lecture; to make a speech

演讲 (yǎn jiǎng)

potential; hidden capability

潜能 (qián néng)

to excite; to agitate; exciting

激动 (jī dòng)

to encourage; to urge; motivation; incentive

激励 (jī lì)

to arouse; to excite

激发 (jī fā)

intense; acute; fierce

激烈 (jī liè)

match (for lighting fire); CL:根[gēn],盒[hé]

火柴 (huǒ chái)

a popular craze; explosive popularity

火爆 (huǒ bào)

spark; sparkle

火花 (huǒ huā)

ash; dust; lime; gray; discouraged; dejected

灰 (huī)


灰尘 / 尘埃 (huī chén / chén āi)

lose heart; be discouraged

灰心 (huī xīn)

flexible; nimble; agile

灵活 (líng huó)

disastrous damage; scourge; CL:個|个[gè]

灾害 (zāi hài)

one disaster follows the other

灾难一个接一个 (zāinàn yīgè jiē yīgè)

to hype; to promote (in the media)

炒作 (chǎo zuò)

to appoint a general (in theater); fig. to appoint sb for a task

点将 (diǎn jiàng)

soft; mushy; well-cooked and soft; to rot; to decompose; rotten; worn out; chaotic; messy; utterly; thoroughly

烂 (làn)

roast duck

烤鸭 (kǎo yā)

to annoy; annoying; irritating; troublesome

烦人 (fán rén)

agonize; agony; annoyance; upset; vexation; worries

烦恼 (fán nǎo)

to scald; to burn; to iron; hot

烫 (tàng)

tropical paradise

热带天堂 (rèdài tiāntáng)

enthusiasm; zeal; zealous; zest; enthusiastic; ardent; warmhearted

热心 (rè xīn)

warm (welcome etc)

热烈 (rè liè)

to love ardently; to adore

热爱 (rè ài)

popular (academic) subject

热门学科 (rèmén xuékē)

and then play

然后去玩 (ránhòu qù wán)

to pan fry; to sauté

煎 (jiān)


煤炭 (méi tàn)

(business etc) as usual

照常 (zhào cháng)

normally he should be here now

照理他现在该来了 (zhàolǐ tā xiànzài gāi láile)

to cook; to boil

煮 (zhǔ)

to be familiar with; to know well

熟悉 (shú xī)

practiced; proficient; skilled; skillful

熟练 (shú liàn)

Übung macht den Meister

熟能生巧 (shúnéng shēngqiǎo)

thin piece; flake; a slice; film; TV play; to slice; to carve thin; partial; incomplete; one-sided; classifier for slices, tablets, tract of land, area of water; classifier for CDs, movies, DVDs etc; used with numeral 一[yī]: classifier for scenario, scene, feeling, atmosphere, sound etc

片 (piàn)

unilateral; one-sided

片面 (piàn miàn)


牛仔 (niú zǎi)

jeans; CL:條|条[tiáo]; also written 牛崽褲|牛崽裤

牛仔裤 (niú zǎi kù)

awesome; capable (vulgar); arrogant; cocky; bastard (vulgar)

牛逼 / 牛b (niú bī)

distribution (business); logistics

物流 (wù liú)

physics; physical

物理 (wù lǐ)

matter; substance; material; materialistic; CL:個|个[gè]

物质 (wù zhì)

to pull (an animal on a tether); to lead along; to hold hands

牵 (qiān)

secret service; special service; secret service agent; special agent

特工 (tè gōng)

characteristic; diagnostic property; distinctive feature; trait

特征 (tè zhēng)

specially; intentionally

特意 (tè yì)

to hesitate

犹豫 (yóu yù)

crafty; cunning; sly

狡猾 (jiǎo huá)

unique and unmatched (idiom); unrivalled; nothing compares with it

独一无二 (dú yī wú èr)

a unique style / a distinctive style

独特 / 特异的风格 (dútè/ tèyì de fēnggé)

stage monologue; soliloquy

独白 (dú bái)

think independently

独立思考 (dúlì sīkǎo)

wolf; CL:匹[pǐ],隻|只[zhī],條|条[tiáo]

狼 (láng)

in a difficult situation; to cut a sorry figure; scoundrel! (derogatory)

狼狈 (láng bèi)


猎豹 (liè bào)

to guess; to conjecture; to surmise

猜测 (cāi cè)

corn; maize; CL:粒[lì]

玉米 (yù mǐ)

plaything; toy

玩具 (wán jù)

roundabout (traffic island); around an island (trip etc)

环岛 (huán dǎo)

What time is it?

现在几点了? (xiànzài jǐ diǎnle?)

Now please close all programs

现在请关闭所有的程序 (xiànzài qǐng guānbì suǒyǒu de chéngxù)

reality; actuality; real; actual; CL:個|个[gè]

现实 (xiàn shí)

The reality is cruel

现实是残酷的 (xiànshí shì cánkù de)

appearance; phenomenon

现象 (xiàn xiàng)


现金 (xiàn jīn)

treasure; value; cherish; Taiwan pr. zhēn xí

珍惜 (zhēn xī)

soccer fan; crazy about ball sports; CL:個|个[gè]

球迷 (qiú mí)

dont try to be rational

理智点儿 (lǐzhì diǎn er)

reason; grounds; justification; CL:個|个[gè]

理由 (lǐ yóu)

theory; CL:個|个[gè]

理论 (lǐ lùn)

theoretically speaking

理论来说 (lǐlùn lái shuō)

turn a problem over in one's mind

琢磨问题 (zhuómó wèntí)

sweet words and honeyed phrases (idiom); elegant but insincere words; cheating wheedling; dishonest rhetoric

甜言密语 (tián yán mì yǔ)

childbirth; parturition; to produce; manufacture

生产 (shēng chǎn)

vivid; lively

生动 (shēng dòng)

Leben in stetiger Bewegung

生命在与运动 (shēngmìng zài yǔ yùndòng)

living conditions

生存状态 (shēngcún zhuàngtài)

knack of doing business; business sense

生意经 (shēng yi jīng)

So many words, do you remember them?

生词这么多,你记得住吗? (shēngcí zhème duō, nǐ jìde zhù ma?)

appliance; utensil

用具 (yòng jù)

to exhaust; to use up completely

用尽 (yòng jìn)

Handwash or washing machine?

用手洗 还是 洗衣机? (yòng shǒuxǐ háishì xǐyījī?)

Use a mop to mop the floor

用拖把拖地板 (yòng tuōbǎ tuō dìbǎn)

use violence to solve problems

用暴力解决问题 (yòng bàolì jiějué wèntí)

Haar mit dem Kamm kämmen

用梳子梳头发 (yòng shūzi shū tóufǎ)


用法 (yòng fǎ)

use of words is very elegant

用词很文雅 (yòng cí hěn wényǎ)

use; application

用途 (yòng tú)

to throw; to fling; to swing; to leave behind; to throw off

甩 (shuǎi)

to throw off; to abandon; to cast off; to get rid of; to dump

甩掉 (shuǎi diào)

field; open land; CL:片[piàn]

田野 (tián yě)

first of the ten heavenly stems 十天干|十天干[shí tiān gān]; (used for an unspecified person or thing); first (in a list, as a party to a contract etc); armor plating; shell or carapace; (of the fingers or toes) nail; bladed leather or metal armor (old); ranking system used in the Imperial examinations (old); civil administration unit (old)

甲 (jiǎ)

apply for a visa

申请 签证 (shēnqǐng qiānzhèng)

Regisseur gewinnt Oscar-Preis

电影导演 赢得 奥斯卡奖 (diànyǐng dǎoyǎn yíng dé àosīkǎ jiǎng)

electric blanket

电热毯 (diàn rè tǎn)

men at the age of 40 are blossoms, woman at the age of 40 are toufu dregs

男人四十枝花,女人四十豆腐渣 (nánrén sìshí zhī huā, nǚrén sìshí dòufu zhā)


画廊 (huà láng)

draw legs on a snake, ruin the effect by adding smth. superfluous

画蛇添足 (huàshétiānzú)

to fear

畏 (wèi)

a doubtful point

疑点 (yí diǎn)

a question; sth not understood; to query; interrogative (gramm.); CL:個|个[gè]

疑问 (yí wèn)

fatigue; wearily; weariness; weary

疲劳 (pí láo)

to love dearly

疼爱 (téng ài)

harmful bacteria; pathogenic bacteria; germs

病菌 (bìng jūn)

to itch; to tickle

痒 (yǎng)

overjoyed; delighted; happily; heartily; enjoying; also pr. tòng kuai

痛快 (tòng kuài)

pain; suffering; painful; CL:個|个[gè]

痛苦 (tòng kǔ)


癌症 (ái zhèng)

to stand tall and see far (idiom); taking the long and broad view; acute foresight

登高望远 (dēng gāo wàng yuǎn)

(to live together until the) white hairs of old age (idiom); to live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss; until death do us part

白头偕老 (bái tóu xié lǎo)

run an errand for nothing

白跑一趟 (bái pǎo yī tàng)


白金 (bái jīn)

encyclopedia / wikipedia

百科全书 / 维基百科 (bǎi kē quán shū / wéi jī bǎi kē)

indeed it is so

的确是这样 (díquè shì zhèyàng)

Die Farbe des Kaisers ist Lila

皇帝的颜色是紫色 (huángdì de yánsè shì zǐsè)

basin; flower pot; unit of volume equal to 12 斗 and 8 升, approx 128 liters; CL:個|个[gè]

盆 (pén)

too much for the eye to take in (idiom)

目不暇接 (mù bù xiá jiē)

to see with one's own eyes; to witness

目击 (mù jī)

at the present time; currently

目前 (mù qián)

target; goal; objective; CL:個|个[gè]

目标 (mù biāo)

to watch sb closely; to breathe down sb's neck; to mark (sports)

盯住 (dīng zhù)

straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters

直 (zhí)

to resemble; similar; like; resemblance; similarity

相似 (xiāng sì)

interrelated; correlation; dependence; relevance; mutuality

相关 (xiāng guān)

relatively; opposite; to resist; to oppose; relative; vis-a-vis

相对 (xiāng duì)

equivalent to; appropriate; considerably; to a certain extent; fairly

相当 (xiāng dāng)

to link; to join; link; connection

相连 (xiāng lián)

to hope for; look forward to

盼望 (pàn wàng)

to live frugally; to economize on food and clothing; to scrimp and save

省吃俭用 (shěng chī jiǎn yòng)

to leave out; an omission

省略 (shěng luuè)

eyebrow; CL:根[gēn] / thick eye brow

眉毛 / 浓眉 (méi mao / nóngméi)

to look upon; to regard

看待 (kàn dài)

to enjoy watching a bustling scene; to go where the crowds are

看热闹 (kàn rè nao)

not pleasing to the eye

看着不顺眼 (kànzhe bù shùnyǎn)

You seem to know a lot about antiques

看起来你对古董很了解 (kàn qǐlái nǐ duì gǔdǒng hěn liǎojiě)

Schau, du bist an der Reihe / your move!

看, 该你了 / 该你下了! (kàn, gāi nǐle / gāi nǐ xiàle!)

true; real

真实 (zhēn shí)

really a one time unforgettable experience

真是一次难忘的经历 (zhēnshi yīcì nánwàng de jīnglì)

I really didn't expect to meet you here

真没想到在这儿看见你。 (zhēn méi xiǎngdào zài zhè'er kànjiàn nǐ.)

truth; CL:個|个[gè]

真理 (zhēn lǐ)

Ist das wahr?

真的假的 (zhēn de jiǎ de)

tears; crying; CL:滴[dī]

眼泪 (yǎn lèi)

catch cold

着凉 (zháo liáng)

6 Complements of result

着,到,完,上,下,错 (zhao, dào, wán, shàng, xià, cuò)

to open (eye)

睁 (zhēng)


睾丸 (gāo wán)

blind; groundlessly; foolishly; to no purpose

瞎 (xiā)

look at

瞧 (qiáo)

contradictory; contradiction; CL:個|个[gè]

矛盾 (máo dùn)

to know; to be aware of

知道 (zhī dào)

stone; CL:塊|块[kuài]

石头 (shí tou)

mineral spring water; CL:瓶[píng],杯[bēi]

矿泉水 (kuàng quán shuǐ)

to chop; to cut down; to throw sth at sb

砍 (kǎn)

to go bankrupt; to become impoverished; bankruptcy

破产 (pò chǎn)

destruction; damage; to wreck; to break; to destroy

破坏 (pò huài)

Silicon Valley

硅谷 (guī gǔ)

a coin; CL:枚[méi]

硬币 (yìng bì)

bite the bullet, do s.th. against one's will

硬着头皮 (yìngzhe tóupí)

definite; certain; fixed; to fix (on sth); to determine; to be sure; to ensure; to make certain; to ascertain; to clinch; to recognize; to confirm; OK (on computer dialog box)

确定 (què dìng)

indeed; really; reliable; real; true

确实 (què shí)

to break down; to break into pieces; fragmentary

碎 (suì)

to run into; to meet (unexpectedly); to bump into

碰见 (pèng jiàn)

scale; platform balance

磅秤 (bàng chèng)

to be very slow; to dawdle

磨唧 (mó jī)

lit. proper behaviour is based on reciprocity (idiom); fig. to return politeness for politeness

礼尚往来 (lǐ shàng wǎng lái)

ancestor; forebears

祖先 (zǔ xiān)

ancestral land CL:個|个[gè]; homeland; used for PRC

祖国 (zǔ guó)

for generations; from generation to generation

祖祖辈辈 (zǔ zǔ bèi bèi)

Wish you all the best

祝您一切顺利 (zhù nín yīqiè shùnlì)

blessings; wish well

祝福 (zhù fú)

Wünsche allen ein frohes neues Jahr

祝贺大家新年好 (zhùhè dàjiā xīnnián hǎo)

top secret; hush-hush

神不知鬼不觉 (shén bù zhī guǐ bù jué)

magical; mystical; miraculous

神奇 (shén qí)

mysterious; mystery

神秘 (shén mì)


神经 (shén jīng)

fairy tale; mythology; myth

神话 (shén huà)

box office

票房 (piào fáng)

to divorce; divorced from (one's spouse)

离婚 (lí hūn)

Divorce certificate is not red

离婚证不是红色的 (líhūn zhèng bùshì hóngsè de)

resign / leave from a study group

离职学习 (lízhí xuéxí)

private (citizen); private

私人 (sī rén)

private house

私房 (sī fáng)

seed; CL:颗[kē],粒[lì]

种子 (zhǒng zi)

second (of time); unit of angle or arc equivalent to one sixtieth of a degree

秒 (miǎo)


秘书 (mì shū)

secret; CL:個|个[gè]

秘密 (mì mì)

order (orderly); order (sequence); social order; the state (of society); CL:個|个[gè]

秩序 (zhì xù)

to move; movement; migration; mobile; portable

移动 (yí dòng)

Program can predict content

程序会预测内容 (chéngxù huì yùcè nèiróng)

taxes; duties

税 (shuì)

after all (when all is said and done); actually; outcome; result

究竟 (jiū jìng)

idle; free time; leisure

空闲 (kòng xián)

space; CL:個|个[gè]

空间 (kōng jiān)

prominent; outstanding; to give prominence to; to protrude; to project

突出 (tū chū)

plötzlicher Regen

突然下雨了 (túrán xià yǔle)

eavesdrop; wiretap

窃听 (qiè tīng)

forthwith; immediate; prompt; promptly; straightway; thereupon; at once

立刻 (lì kè)


立即 (lì jí)


立方 (lì fāng)

competition is a strong stimulus to industry

竞争给产业以有利的刺激 (jìngzhēng gěi chǎnyè yǐ yǒulì de cìjī)


竞争者 (jìng zhēng zhě)

bamboo; CL:棵[kē],支[zhī],根[gēn]

竹子 (zhú zi)

to laugh one's head off; ridiculous; jaw-dropping

笑掉大牙 (xiào diào dà yá)

erster Eindruck

第一个印象 (dì yīgè yìnxiàng)

The first and second longest river respectively are?

第一大河和第二大河分别是什么? (dìyīdàhé hé dìèrdàhé fēnbié shì shénme?)

waited a long time, he still hasn't come

等了半天,他仍然没有到 (děngle bàntiān, tā réngrán méiyǒu dào)

to plan and prepare

筹划 (chóu huà)

to sign (a signature)

签字 (qiān zì)

simplification; simplify

简单化 (jiǎn dān huà)

to put it simply; simply put

简单地说 (jiǎn dān de shuō)

Curriculum Vitae (CV); résumé (resume); biographical notes

简历 (jiǎn lì)

simply cool!

简直酷毙了! (jiǎnzhí kù bìle!)


管道 (guǎn dào)

arrowhead; arrow symbol

箭头 (jiàn tóu)

kind; type; class; category; similar; like; to resemble

类 (lèi)

powder; cosmetic face powder; food prepared from starch; noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour; whitewash; white; pink

粉 (fěn)

grain; granule; classifier for small round things (peas, bullets, peanuts, pills, grains etc)

粒 (lì)

crude; coarse; rough

粗鲁 (cū lǔ)

to stick; to affix; to adhere; to paste (as in cut, copy and paste)

粘贴 (zhān tiē)

foodstuff; cereals; CL:種|种[zhǒng]

粮食 (liáng shi)


精力 (jīng lì)

a mental scar, a traumatic experience

精神上的创伤 (jīngshén shàng de chuāngshāng)

too bad; how terrible; what bad luck; terrible; bad

糟糕 (zāo gāo)

to connect; to relate to; to tie up; to bind; to be (literary)

系 (xì)

system; CL:個|个[gè]

系统 (xì tǒng)

The system is relatively stable

系统就比较稳定 (xìtǒng jiù bǐjiào wěndìng)

tie one's necktie

系领带 (jì lǐng dài)

tight; strict; close at hand; near; urgent; tense; hard up; short of money; to tighten

紧 (jǐn)

urgent; emergency

紧急 (jǐn jí)

to keep a close eye on sb (idiom)

紧迫盯人 (jǐn pò dīng rén)

purple; violet; amethyst; Lithospermum erythrorhizon (flowering plant whose root provides red purple dye); Japanese: murasaki

紫 (zǐ)

tired; weary; to strain; to wear out; to work hard

累 (lèi)


纪录 (jì lù)

to commemorate; to remember; CL:個|个[gè]

纪念 (jì niàn)

tatto is an art, a marker of the triad

纹身是一门艺术, 黑社会的标记 (wénshēn shì yī mén yìshù, hēishèhuì de biāojì)

to assemble; combination; combinatorial

组合 (zǔ hé)

tiny; minute; fine; subtle; sensitive (instruments)

细微 (xì wēi)

careful; attentive

细心 (xì xīn)

in the end; after all is said and done

终究 (zhōng jiū)

the classics; scriptures; classical

经典 (jīng diǎn)

economic benefit

经济效益 (jīng jì xiào yì)

to engage in (business etc); to run; to operate

经营 (jīng yíng)

to combine; to join; unite; alliance (x2)

结合 / 联合 (jiéhé/ liánhé)

rugged; sturdy

结实 (jiē shi)

structure; composition; makeup; architecture; CL:座[zuò],個|个[gè]

结构 (jié gòu)

conclusion; verdict; CL:個|个[gè]; to conclude; to reach a verdict

结论 (jié lùn)

to pay the bill; to settle accounts

结账 / 结算 (jiézhàng / jiésuàn)

to wind; to coil (thread); to rotate around; to spiral; to move around; to go round (an obstacle); to by-pass; to make a detour; to confuse; to perplex

绕 (rào)

give him a very big problem

给 他 很大的 问题 (gěi tā hěndàde wèntí)

für alle vorstellen

给大家介绍 (gěi dàjiā jièshào)

absolute; unconditional

绝对 (jué duì)

absolutely not

绝对不行 (juéduì bùxíng)

to rule (a country); to govern; rule; regime

统治 (tǒng zhì)

cord; string; rope; CL:條|条[tiáo]

绳子 (shéng zi)

to defend; to safeguard; to protect; to uphold; to maintain

维护 (wéi hù)

comprehensive; composite; synthesized; to sum up; to integrate; to synthesize

综合 (zōng hé)


绿洲 (lǜ zhōu)

Green light go, red light stop

绿灯行红灯停 (lǜdēng xíng hóng dēng tíng)

the task of the anti smuggling soldiers is getting more and more hard

缉私战士们的任务也越来越重 (jīsī zhànshìmen de rènwù yě yuè lái yuè zhòng)

fate or chance that brings people together; predestined affinity or relationship; (Budd.) destiny

缘分 (yuán fèn)

reason; cause

缘故 (yuán gù)

reduce; decrease

缩小 (suō xiǎo)

to curtail; to cut down

缩短 (suō duǎn)

shortage; be lacking; to be short of; to lack; scarcity

缺乏 (quē fá)

rare; rarely seen

罕见 (hǎn jiàn)


罗姆酒 (luō mǔ jiǔ)


罪犯 (zuì fàn)

crime; offense

罪行 (zuì xíng)

(idiom) a small problem in what is othewise perfect

美中不足 (měi zhōng bù zú)

beauty salon; lady's hair parlor

美容院 (měi róng yuàn)

skin whitening

美白 (měi bái)

culinary delicacy; fine food; gourmet food

美食 (měi shí)

outstanding; to raise

翘 (qiáo)

sky and the earth turning upside down (idiom); fig. complete confusion; everything turned on its head

翻天覆地 (fān tiān fù dì)

An old man walked into the classroom, the students stood up.

老人走进教室,同学们都站起来。 (lǎorén zǒu jìn jiàoshì, tóngxuémen dōu zhàn qǐlái)

to age (of person or object); becoming old

老化 (lǎo huà)

honest; sincere; open and guileless; naive

老实 (lǎo shi)

on the teachers arm there's a wristwatch

老师的手上带着一块手表 (lǎoshī de shǒu shàng dàizhe yīkuài shǒubiǎo)

Der Lehrer informiert die teiln. Studenten sich am Nachmittag zu treffen

老师通知参加的同学下午开会 (lǎoshī tōngzhī cānjiā de tóngxué xiàwǔ kāihuì)

Teacher, which page? Which question?

老师,在哪一页? 哪一题? (lǎoshī, zài nǎ yī yè? nǎ yī tí?)

boss; keeper

老板 (lǎo bǎn)

old, well-known brand; old style; old school; an old hand; experienced veteran

老牌 (lǎo pái)

slot machine

老虎机 (lǎo hǔ jī)

old age

老龄 (lǎo líng)

pass BeiDa entry examination

考上 北大 (kǎo shàng běidà)


考古学 (kǎo gǔ xué)

He did not pass the test, it's not he's not clever, but doesn't work hard.

考试没通过,不是他不聪明,而是他没努力。 (kǎoshì méi tōngguò, bùshì tā bù cōngmíng, ér shì tā méi nǔlì)

And did not get a penny of salary

而且一分钱薪水也没拿到 (érqiě yī fēn qián xīnshuǐ yě méi ná dào)

to play with lips (idiom); to talk glibly; to boast; to pay lip service

耍嘴皮子 (shuǎ zuǐ pí zi)

party; gathering; to meet; to get together

聚会 (jù huì)

physical body

肉体 (ròu tǐ)

overly romantic; sappy; corny to the extent of being disgusting or sickening; fulsome (of praise)

肉麻 (ròu má)

skin deep; superficial; shallow

肤浅 (fū qiǎn)


肩膀 (jiān bǎng)

certainly hurts like hell

肯定疼死了 (kěndìng téng sǐle)

stomach; CL:個|个[gè]

胃 (wèi)

courage; boldness; guts

胆量 (dǎn liàng)

victory; CL:個|个[gè]

胜利 (shèng lì)


胶水 (jiāo shuǐ)

chest; bosom; heart; mind; thorax

胸 (xiōng)

capable; competent

能干 (néng gàn)

energy; power source; CL:個|个[gè]

能源 (néng yuán)

Are credit cards accepted?

能用信用卡付账吗? (néng yòng xìnyòngkǎ fùzhàng ma?)


脏 (zāng)

head; skull; brains; mental capability; CL:顆|颗[kē],個|个[gè]

脑袋 (nǎo dài)


腔调 (qiāng diào)

waist; lower back; pocket; middle; loins

腰 (yāo)

overestimate yourself

自不量力 (zì bù liànglì)

since (a time); ever since

自从 (zì cóng)

confidence; self-confidence

自信 (zì xìn)

confident but not arrogant

自信但不骄傲 (zìxìn dàn bù jiāo'ào)

automatic; voluntarily

自动 (zì dòng)


自愿 (zì yuàn)


自我防卫 (zì wǒ fáng wèi)

freedom; free; liberty; CL:個|个[gè]

自由 (zì yóu)

selfish; selfishness

自私 (zì sī)

self-sufficiency; autarchy

自给自足 (zì jǐ zì zú)

as for; as to; to go so far as to

至于 (zhì yú)

until now

至今 (zhì jīn)

expression of gratitude; to give thanks; a thank-you note; acknowledgement

致谢 (zhì xiè)

mother's brother, maternal uncle / father's father; paternal grandfather

舅舅 / 爷爷 (jiù jiu / yé ye)

public opinion

舆论 (yú lùn)

tongue; CL:個|个[gè]; enemy soldier captured for the purpose of extracting information

舌头 (shé tou)

to hate to do sth; to hate to part with; to begrudge

舍不得 (shě bu de)

to be willing to part with sth

舍得 (shě de)

cozy; snug

舒适 (shū shì)

sailor; crew member

船员 (chuán yuán)

good; favorable; well; fine

良好 (liáng hǎo)

Gewissen ist vom Hund gegessen

良心被狗吃了 (liángxīn bèi gǒu chīle)

the good and bad are intermingled

良莠不齐 (liángyǒubùqí)

arduous; terrible (task); very difficult; formidable

艰巨 (jiān jù)

difficult; hard; arduous

艰苦 (jiān kǔ)

sex maniac

色鬼 (sè guǐ)

festival; holiday; node; joint; section; segment; part; to economize; to save; to abridge; moral integrity; classifier for segments, e.g. lessons, train wagons, biblical verses; CL:個|个[gè]

节 (jié)

Fanta hat Orangen-Aroma

芬达有橘子味 (fēn dá yǒu júzi wèi)

fickle (in love affairs); dissipated; unfaithful

花心 (huā xīn)

to take up time; to spend time

花时间 (huā shí jiān)

a playboy; Playboy (magazine)

花花公子 (huā huā gōng zǐ)

slim, slender, graceful

苗条 (miáo tiáo)

a luckless / bitter / ill-fated person

苦命人 (kǔmìng rén)

sour expression on one's face

苦瓜脸 (kǔ guā liǎn)

painful embarrassment; predicament; difficulties

苦衷 (kǔ zhōng)


英俊 (yīng jùn)

hero; CL:個|个[gè]

英雄 (yīng xióng)

honor; credit; glory; (honorable) reputation

荣誉 / 光荣 (róngyù / guāngróng)

fluorescence; fluorescent light

荧光 (yíng guāng)


荷花 (hé huā)

salsa (dance)

莎莎舞 (shā shā wǔ)

(saying) strangers coming together by chance

萍水相逢 (píng shuǐ xiāng féng)

to do business; to trade

营业 (yíng yè)

to settle; to set up home

落户 (luò hù)

board member

董事 (dǒng shì)

chairman of the board; chairman

董事长 (dǒng shì zhǎng)

kept hoodwinked inside a drum (idiom); completely in the dark

蒙在鼓里 (méng zài gǔ lǐ)

to hoodwink; to deceive; to dupe sb

蒙骗 (mēng piàn)

vegetables; produce; CL:種|种[zhǒng]

蔬菜 (shū cài)

Sorten von Gemüse

蔬菜的品种 / 青菜 (shūcài de pǐnzhǒng / qīngcài)

mushroom; to pester; to dawdle

蘑菇 (mó gu)


虚心 (xū xīn)

Although Chinese is difficult, I'm very interested

虽然汉语很难, 但是我很感兴趣 (suīrán hànyǔ hěn nán, dànshì wǒ hěn gǎn xìngqù)

Although he did not eat lunch, yet he wasn't hungry.

虽然没吃午饭,他却不饿。 (suīrán méi chī wǔfàn, tā què bù è.)

snake; serpent; CL:條|条[tiáo]

蛇 (shé)

bee; honeybee; CL:隻|只[zhī],群[qún]

蜜蜂 (mì fēng)

candle; CL:根[gēn],支[zhī]

蜡烛 (là zhú)

to master the subject via a comprehensive study of surrounding areas

融会贯通 (róng huì guàn tōng)

to blend into; to integrate; to assimilate; to merge

融入 (róng rù)

to melt; to thaw; to dissolve; to blend into; to combine; to fuse

融化 (róng huà)

blood type and personality

血型与性格 (xiěxíng yǔ xìnggé)

won't work; will get (you) nowhere

行不通 (xíng bu tōng)

action; conduct; behavior; activity

行为 (xíng wéi)

pedestrian; traveler on foot; passer-by; official responsible for arranging audiences with the emperor

行人 (xíng rén)

operation; action; to move; mobile; CL:個|个[gè]

行动 (xíng dòng)

administration; administrative; executive

行政 (xíng zhèng)

Farbzusammenstellung der Kleidung

衣服颜色的搭配 (yīfú yánsè de dāpèi)


补丁 (bǔ dīng)

to make up missed lesson; to reschedule a class

补课 (bǔ kè)

praise employee

表扬员工 (biǎoyáng yuángōng)

Express condolences / sympathy

表示 哀悼 / 同情 (biǎoshì āidào/ tóngqíng)

express a turn of events

表示转折 (biǎoshì zhuǎnzhé)


被告 (bèi gào)

badly beaten

被打得厉害, 鼻青脸肿 (bèi dǎ de lìhài, bíqīngliǎnzhǒng)

fired by the boss

被老板开除了 (bèi lǎobǎn kāi chúle)

Von der Tür eingeklemmt

被门夹了 (bèi mén jiāle)

adornment; to adorn; dress; clothing; costume (of an actor in a play); to play a role; to pretend; to install; to fix; to wrap (sth in a bag); to load; to pack

装 (zhuāng)


西伯利亚 (xī bó lì yà)

otherwise; or; or else; how about...? (one choice or the other); either this, or else...

要不 (yào bù)

If he does NOT help, I cannot finish this task.

要不是 他来帮助,我一定完不成这个任务。 (yào bùshì tā lái bāngzhù, wǒ yīdìng wán bùchéng zhège rènwù)


要是 (yào shi)

if you worry about this every day, you need to see a psychatrist

要是你天天担心这个,真得去看看心理医生 (yàoshi nǐ tiāntiān dānxīn zhège, zhēnde qù kàn kàn xīnlǐ yīshēng)

If it's okay with you, ...

要是你没事的话,。。。 (yàoshi nǐ méishì dehuà,. . .)

want democracy, want freedom

要民族,要自由 (yào mínzú, yào zìyóu)

curse it!; to hell with it!

见鬼 (jiàn guǐ)

field of view; horizon

视野 (shì yě)

persona; character in a novel

角色 (jué sè)

to liberate; to emancipate; liberation; refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949; CL:次[cì]

解放 (jiě fàng)


解说员 (jiě shuō yuán)

Conflict with the law

触犯法律 (chùfàn fǎlǜ)

to get an electric shock; to be electrocuted; electric shock

触电 (chù diàn)

to count; to calculate; to compute; CL:個|个[gè]

计算 (jì suàn)

identify; approve; acknowledge

认同 (rèn tóng)

haggle over price

讨价还价 (tǎo jià huán jià)

make people blush

让人 脸红 (ràng rén liǎnhóng)

let him finish (speak)

让他说完 (ràng tā shuō wán)

to get out of the way; to step aside

让开 (ràng kāi)

Let us imagine quickly:

让我们来想象一下 (ràng wǒmen lái xiǎngxiàng yīxià)

Let me repeat quickly

让我重复一下 (ràng wǒ chóngfù yīxià)

to train; to drill; training; CL:個|个[gè]

训练 (xùn liàn)

to comment; to talk about; to discuss; discussion; CL:個|个[gè]

议论 (yì lùn)

record; CL:個|个[gè]

记录 (jì lù)

memories; remember; memory; CL:個|个[gè]

记忆 (jì yì)

don't understand

讲不听 (jiǎng bù tīng)

speaker, lecturer

讲师 (jiǎng shī)

a course of lectures; CL:個|个[gè]

讲座 (jiǎng zuò)

to pay particular attention to; exquisite; aesthetic

讲究 (jiǎng jiu)

paper; treatise; thesis; CL:篇[piān]; to discuss a paper or thesis (old)

论文 (lùn wén)


论题 (lùn tí)

equipment; facilities; installations; CL:個|个[gè]

设备 (shè bèi)

to set up; to install

设置 (shè zhì)

plan; design; to design; to plan; CL:個|个[gè]

设计 (shè jì)

paperwork; credentials

证件 (zhèng jiàn)

evidence; proof; testimony

证据 (zhèng jù)

to evaluate; to assess

评价 (píng jià)

diagnosis; to diagnose

诊断 (zhěn duàn)

increase number of vocabulary

词汇大量加 (cíhuì dàliàng jiā)

word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases); term (e.g. technical term); expression

词语 (cí yǔ)

examination paper; test paper )x2); CL:份[fèn],張|张[zhāng]

试卷 (juànzi / shìjuàn)

poem; CL: 首[shǒu]; poetry; verse; abbr. for Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[shī jīng]

诗 (shī)

to have hidden meaning; implication; more than just the apparent meaning; something hinted

话里有话 (huà lǐ yǒu huà)

must be heart-warming

该是温暖人心的 (gāi shì wēnnuǎn rénxīn de)

need to get up, need to learn

该起床了,该学习了 (gāi qǐchuángle, gāi xuéxíle)

tone; manner of speaking; mood; CL:個|个[gè]

语气 (yǔ qì)

can't say for sure; maybe

说不定 (shuō bu dìng)

Whatever you say, I still have to ... (negativ)

说什么,我也得 (shuō shénme, wǒ yě dei)

To tell the truth

说实在的 (shuō shízài de)

The words say that, but ...

说是怎么说,也 .... (shuō shì zěnme shuō, yě...)

speaking very refined, very polite, hence very attentive, can look after people

说话斯文,很有礼貌,而且很细心,会照顾人 (shuōhuà sīwén, hěn yǒu lǐmào, érqiě hěn xìxīn, huì zhàogù rén)

to do as promised; to be as good as one's word; to honor one's word; to mean what one says

说话算话 / 说话算数 (shuō huà suàn huà / shù)

Please do not hang up

请不要挂断 (qǐng bùyào guà duàn)

Please go for me

请你 替我 去 (qǐng nǐ tìwǒ qù)

Please help to me iron the clothes

请你帮我烫衣服 (qǐng nǐ bāng wǒ tàng yīfú)

Please dont worry, I will not waste

请你放心我不浪费 (qǐng nǐ fàngxīn wǒ bù làngfèi)

Lets keep in touch.

请保持联系。 (qǐng bǎochí liánxì)

Sei bitte pünktlich.

请准时谢 (qǐng zhǔnshí xiè)

Please show your passport

请出示一下您的护照 (qǐng chūshì yīxià nín de hùzhào)

Bitte volltanken

请加满油 (qǐng jiā mǎn yóu)

Please quickly fill out the form.

请填 一下 表格 (qǐng tián yīxià biǎogé)

Bitte langsamer

请慢点儿开 (qǐng màn diǎn er kāi)

Please switch Coke to Coffee

请把可乐换成咖啡 (qǐng bǎ kělè huàn chéng kāfēi)

Please turn on the heating.

请把暖气打开一下 (qǐng bǎ nuǎnqì dǎkāi yīxià)

Please turn off the water

请把水关掉 (qǐng bǎ shuǐ guān diào)

Call the police

请报警 (qǐng bàojǐng)

Please switch to another

请换一个 (qǐng huàn yīgè)

Please bring a portion French Fries

请来一份薯条 (qǐng lái yī fèn shǔ tiáo)

request; CL:個|个[gè]

请求 (qǐng qiú)

Excuse me! (Let me through)

请让一下 (qǐng ràng yīxià)

Please come with me

请跟我来 (qǐng gēn wǒ lái)

Is secretary Li in? - Yes I am, please speak.

请问李秘书在吗? 我是,请说! (qǐngwèn li mìshū zài ma? wǒ shì, qǐng shuō!)

course; class; CL:堂[táng],节|節[jié],門|门[mén]

课程 (kè chéng)

to turn through 180 degrees; a U-turn; to turn around

调头 (diào tóu)

investigation; inquiry; to investigate; to survey; survey; (opinion) poll; CL:项[xiàng]

调查 (diào chá)

naughty; mischievous; unruly

调皮 (tiáo pí)

out of the question

谈不上 (tán bù shàng)

to negotiate; negotiation; talks; conference; CL:個|个[gè]

谈判 (tán pàn)

riddle; conundrum / solve a riddle

谜语 / 低迷 (mí yǔ / dīmí )

Thank Heaven. Thank Earth.

谢天谢地 (xiètiānxièdì)

modest; self-effacing; to make modest remarks

谦虚 (qiān xū)

cautious; prudent

谨慎 (jǐn shèn)

bean; pea; CL:颗[kē]

豆子 (dòu zi)

emblem; symbol; token; badge; to symbolize; to signify; to stand for

象征 (xiàng zhēng)

Chinese chess; CL:副[fù]

象棋 (xiàng qí)

outspoken and straightforward; forthright; expansive

豪爽 (háo shuǎng)

to argue needlessly; waste time explaining

費口舌 (fèi kǒu shé)

burden; to bear a burden

负担 (fù dān)

profits pouring in from all sides (idiom); raking in money; bonanza

财源滚滚 (cái yuán gǔn gǔn)

to blame; to criticize sb

责备 (zé bèi)

a bank account

账户 (zhàng hù)

quality problem

质量上的问题 (zhìliàng shàng de wèntí)

disparity between rich and poor

贫富差距 (pín fù chā jù)

derogatory sense; negative connotation

贬义 (biǎn yì)

hard to understand; unintelligible; incomprehensible

费解 (fèi jiě)

thief; traitor; wily; deceitful; evil; extremely

贼 (zéi)

natural resource (such as water or minerals); resource (such as manpower or tourism)

资源 (zī yuán)

funds; funding; capital (x3)

资金 / 本钱 / 资本 (zī jīn / běn qián / zīběn)


赎金 (shú jīn)

run business at a loss

赔本生意 (péiběn shēngyì)

to approve of; to endorse; (vote) in favor

赞同 (zàn tóng)

admire; applause; praise; to eulogize

赞美 (zàn měi)

to enter

走进 (zǒu jìn)

skim the surface, get superficial understanding

走马观花 (zǒumǎ guān huā)

to drive away

赶出 (gǎn chū)

excessive consumption; overspending on luxuries

超前消费 (chāo qián xiāo fèi)

trend; tendency

趋势 (qū shì)

quantifier for the number of trips or runs made

趟 (tàng)

enough; sufficient

足够 (zú gòu)

racing bicycle; sporting bicycle; sports car; logging truck; on the job (of a train conductor)

跑车 (pǎo chē)

to digress; to stray from the topic

跑题 (pǎo tí)

Es geht um ...

跟...有关 (gēn ... yǒuguān)

itinerary; route; political line (e.g. right revisionist road); CL:条[tiáo]

路线 (lù xiàn)

identity; status; capacity; dignity; position; rank

身份 (shēn fèn)

stature; build (height and weight); figure

身材 (shēn cái)

slave to car / card / appartment

车奴,卡奴,房奴 (chē nú, kǎ nú, fáng nú)

change; transform; CL:個|个[gè]

转变 (zhuǎn biàn)

to change direction; fig. to change one's stance

转向 (zhuǎn xiàng)

to pass on; to communicate; to transmit

转告 (zhuǎn gào)

to turn; to go around a corner (x2)

转弯 / 拐弯 (zhuǎn wān / guǎiwān)

to alternate; to take turns

轮流 (lún liú)

a ferry

轮渡 (lún dù)

(computer) software

软件 (ruǎn jiàn)

contempt; contemptuous; to despise; to scorn; scornful

轻视 (qīng shì)

enclosed carriage for carrying passengers; motor carriage; car or bus; limousine; CL:部[bù],辆[liàng]

轿车 (jiào chē)

serious; in earnest

较真儿 (jiào zhēn r)

to import; to input

输入 (shū rù)

hot pepper; chili

辣椒 (là jiāo)

Dharma, the teaching of Buddha; Bodhidharma

达摩 (dá mó)

rapid; speedy; fast

迅速 (xùn sù)

past / future tense

过去式 / 未来式 (guò qu shì / wèi lái shì)

to feel very apologetic

过意不去 (guò yì bù qù)

to fight; to exchange blows

过招 (guò zhāo)

live life

过日子 (guòrìzi)

live one's life; make a living

过活 (guò huó)

to meet; to welcome; to greet

迎接 (yíng jiē)

horoscope; one's fortune

运势 (yùn shì)

luck (good or bad)

运气 (yùn qi)

to use; to put to use

运用 (yùn yòng)

modern times

近代 (jìn dài)

not knowing

还不自知 (hái bù zì zhī)

Noch fehlt viel

还差得远了 (hái chà de yuǎnle)

havent decided

还没决定 (hái méi juédìng)

... noch nicht gekommen

还没有来 (... hái méiyǒu lái)

still alive

还活着 (hái huózhe)

That isn't good?

这不挺好吗? (zhè bù tǐng hǎo ma?)

This place simply has no work

这个地方简直没有什么都工作 (zhège dìfāng jiǎnzhí méiyǒu shénme dōu gōngzuò)

This file does not open

这个文件打不开 (zhège wénjiàn dǎ bù kāi)

this San Francisco angle is too beautiful

这个旧金山的角度最美 (zhège jiùjīnshān de jiǎodù zuìměi)

Dieses Hanzi hat welche Bedeutung / welchen Sound?

这个汉字 什么 意思 /声音? (zhège hànzì shénme yìsi / shēngyīn?)

this movie is very attractive

这个电影挺吸引人的。 (zhège diànyǐng tǐng xīyǐn rén de)

so bildschön, so bezaubernd

这么优美 (zhème yōuměi)

So teuer, kannst Du Rabatt geben?

这么贵, 能不能 优惠一点儿? (zhème guì, néng bùnéng yōuhuì yīdiǎn er?)

These people go over the bridge.

这些人走过桥去。 (zhèxiē rén zǒuguò qiáo qù)

These characters, I have never studied.

这些汉字我从来没学习了 (zhèxiē hànzì wǒ cónglái méi xuéxíle)

this matter is basically already settled

这件事基本上已经说定了 (zhè jiàn shì jīběn shàng yǐjīng shuō dìngle)

this matter, you don't have to worry

这件事,你不必操心了 (zhè jiàn shì, nǐ bùbì cāoxīnle)

How can this be? (x4)

这哪儿行 / 这哪儿可以 / 这怎么行 / 这怎么可以 (zhè nǎ'er xíng/ zhè nǎ'er kěyǐ/ zhè zěnme xíng/ zhè zěnme kěyǐ)

this is very common in China

这在中国挺平常的 (zhè zài zhōngguó tǐng píngcháng de)

dieses Hilton Hotel ist 4-Stern

这家 希尔顿 酒店 是四星级的 (yījiā yī'ěrdùn jiǔdiàn shì sì xīngjí de)

This room is small, yet it's not cheap / yet it's not comfortable.

这房间很小,却一点儿不便宜 \ 不舒服。 (zhè fángjiān hěn xiǎo, què yīdiǎn er bù piányi\ bú shūfú)

Das ist der Schlüssel für Zimmer 603

这是603号码房间的钥匙 (zhè shì 603 hàomǎ fángjiān de yàoshi)

This is a secret, this is my privat matter.

这是秘密,这是我的隐私 (zhè shì mìmì, zhè shì wǒ de yǐnsī)

What's wrong with that? What's wrong with me?

这有什么不好?我怎么了? (zhè yǒu shé me bù hǎo? wǒ zěnmeliǎo?)

This book is about what?

这本书是关于什么的? (zhè běn shū shì guānyú shénme de?)

diese Strasse ist sehr breit / schmal

这条街很 宽 / 窄 (zhè tiáo jiē hěn kuān/ zhǎi)

Diese ungleiche Strasse

这条路 凹凸 不平 (zhètiáolù āotú bùpíng)

Is this road going to...?

这条路是不是去...? (zhè tiáo lù shì bùshì qù...?)

That has not to do with work

这跟工作没关系 (zhè gēn gōngzuò méiguānxì)

This is an outrage!

这还了得 (zhè hái liǎo dé)

this work is dull and tedious

这项工作枯燥乏味 (zhè xiàng gōngzuò kūzào fáwèi)

to import; imported

进口 (jìn kǒu)

progress; improvement; to improve; to progress; CL:個|个[gè]

进步 (jìn bù)

to violate (a law)

违反 (wéi fǎn)

contrary to his promise

违背他的诺言 (wéibèi tā de nuòyán)

promptly; at once

连忙 (lián máng)

serialized drama; dramatic series; show in parts

连续剧 (lián xù jù)

urgent; pressing

迫切 (pò qiè)

to fascinate; to strongly attract; to obsess; to infatuate; to captivate; to enchant

迷住 (mí zhu)


迷信 (mí xìn)

to lose the way; lost; labyrinth; labyrinthus vestibularis (of the inner ear)

迷路 (mí lù)

to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly; to seek after; to woo

追求 (zhuī qiú)

retreat; to decline; to move back; to withdraw

退 (tuì)

retirement (from work)

退休 (tuì xiū)

retirement pay; pension

退休金 / 养老金 (tuì xiū jīn / yǎng lǎo jīn)

degenerate; regress

退步 (tuì bù)

to see someone off; to throw someone a send-off party

送行 (sòng xíng)

get used to local customs and habits

适应那里的风俗习惯 (shìyìng nàlǐ de fēngsú xíguàn)

suitable; appropriate

适当 / 适宜 (shì dàng / shì yí)

to escape; to run away; to flee

逃 (táo)

to escape; to evade; to avoid; to shirk

逃避 / 逃走 (táo bì / táo zǒu)

to run away from trouble; to flee from calamity; to be a refugee

逃难 (táo nàn)

optional course (in school)

选修课 (xuǎn xiū kè)

to penetrate; to pass through; thoroughly; completely; transparent; to appear; to show

透 (tòu)

transparent; open (non-secretive)

透明 (tòu míng)

transparency; (policy of) openness

透明度 (tòu míng dù)

to leak out (information); to reveal / to expose; to reveal; to lay bare (naked)

透露 / 暴露 (tòu lù / bào lù)

progressively; step by step

逐步 (zhú bù)

communications; a news story (e.g. dispatched over the wire); CL:個|个[gè]

通讯 (tōng xùn)

to bring about; to create; to cause

造成 (zào chéng)

misfortune turns to blessing (idiom); to turn an inauspicious start to good account

逢凶化吉 (féng xiōng huà jí)

logic (loanword)

逻辑 (luó ji)

encounter unforeseen problems

遇到意外的问题 (yù dào yìwài de wèntí)

encounter turbulences

遇到气流 (yùdào qìliú)

victim; fatality

遇难者 (yù nàn zhě)

regret; pity; sorry

遗憾 (yí hàn)

Obey the traffic rules \ comply with school rules

遵守交通规则 \ 遵守学校规定。 (zūnshǒu jiāotōng guīzé\ zūnshǒu xuéxiào guīdìng)

Deng Xiaoping theory; the foundation of PRC economic development after the cultural revolution, building the capitalist economy within Chinese communist party control

邓小平理论 (dèng xiǎo píng lǐ lùn)

this class is very normal

那个学校挺 一般\标准 的。 (nàgè xuéxiào tǐng yībān\biāozhǔn de)

that is an exception / every thing has exceptions

那是例外 / 什么事都有例外 (nà shì lìwài/ shénme shì dōu yǒu lìwài)

For that I really thank you

那真是太谢谢你了 (nà zhēnshi tài xièxiè nǐle)

evil / wicket thoughts

邪恶的念头 (xié'è de niàntou)

post office; CL:家[jiā],個|个[gè]

邮局 (yóu jú)

person in next seat; adjacent seat; neighbor

邻座 (lín zuò)

suburban district; outskirts; suburbs; CL:個|个[gè]

郊区 (jiāo qū)

Already 8 o'clock, we will be late

都八点了,我们要迟到了。 (dōu bā diǎnle, wǒmen yào chídàole)

We are so close friends

都这么熟的朋友了 (dōu zhème shú de péngyǒule)

to despise; to disdain; to look down upon

鄙视 (bǐ shì)

matching; fitting in with; compatible with; to correspond; to fit; to conform to; rapport; to coordinate with; to act in concert with; to cooperate; to become man and wife; to combine parts of machine

配合 (pèi hé)

bar; pub; saloon; CL:家[jiā]

酒吧 (jiǔ bā)

soy sauce

酱油 (jiàng yóu)


醉 (zuì)

drunk driving (very high blood alcohol concentration)

醉酒驾车 (zuì jiǔ jià chē)

inside and out

里里外外 (lǐ lǐ wài wài)

heavy; serious

重 (zhòng)

take this matter seriously

重视这件事 (zhòngshì zhè jiàn shì)

weight; CL:個|个[gè]

重量 (zhòng liàng)

blond; blonde; fair-haired

金发 (jīn fà)


金字塔 (jīn zì tǎ)

metal; CL:種|种[zhǒng]

金属 (jīn shǔ)

gold mine; gold ore

金矿 (jīn kuàng)

clock; o'clock; time as measured in hours and minutes; bell; CL:架[jià],座[zuò]

钟 (zhōng)

to fall in love; to love sb or sth dearly (lover, or art)

钟情 (zhōng qíng)

lit. to hone a bull's horn (idiom); fig. to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem; to bash one's head against a brick wall; a wild goose chase; a blind alley; to split hairs

钻牛角尖 (zuān niú jiǎo jiān)

(small) bell; CL:隻|只[zhī]

铃 (líng)

copper (chemistry); see also 紅銅|红铜[hóng tóng]; CL:塊|块[kuài]

铜 (tóng)

silver; silver-colored; relating to money or currency

银 (yín)

Milky Way; our galaxy

银河 (yín hé)

the bank granted a loan to them

银行给他们带了款 (yínháng gěi tāmen dàile kuǎn)

to sell; market; sales

销售 (xiāo shòu)

sale; market; state of the market; sales event

销路 (xiāo lù)

to lock up; to lock; CL:把[bǎ]

锁 (suǒ)

sharp (e.g. knife blade)

锋利 (fēng lì)

in disorder; deranged (mentally)

错乱 (cuò luàn)


键盘 (jiàn pán)

long vacation; refers to one week national holiday in PRC starting 1st May and 1st Oct

长假 (cháng jià)

long and difficult trek

长途跋涉 (cháng tú bá shè)

ticket (for theater, cinema etc)

门票 (mén piào)

to give one's respects; to send a greeting

问候 (wèn hòu)

alarm clock

闹钟 (nào zhōng)

to hear; news; well-known; famous; reputation; fame; to smell; to sniff at; surname Wen

闻 (wén)

ranks; troops

队伍 (duì wǔ)

balcony; porch

阳台 (yáng tái)

disposition of troops; wave; spate; burst; spell; short period of time; classifier for events or states of short duration

阵 (zhèn)

stage; section; phase; period; CL:個|个[gè]

阶段 (jiē duàn)

dry land (as opposed to the sea)

陆地 (lù dì)

in turn; successively; one after the other; bit by bit

陆续 (lù xù)

strange; unfamiliar

陌生 (mò shēng)

price reduction

降价 (jiàng jià)

to descend; to land

降落 (jiàng luò)

ohne Sturztrinken

随便 干杯 (suíbiàn gānbēi)

as one wishes; according to one's wishes; at will; voluntary; conscious

随意 (suí yì)

conveniently; without extra trouble; while doing it; in passing

随手 (suí shǒu)

to be too embarrassed to mention sth (idiom); to find it hard to speak about sth

难以启齿 (nán yǐ qǐ chǐ)

(it's) no wonder (that...); (it's) not surprising (that)

难怪 (nán guài)

ugly; unsightly

难看 (nán kàn)

what ails one is hard to discuss (idiom); sth too embarrassing to mention; an embarrassing illness; to have a secret; to refuse to talk about sth; reluctant to broach a topic

难言之隐 (nán yán zhī yǐn)

difficult problem

难题 (nán tí)

grand; imposing; magnificent; majestic

雄伟 (xióng wěi)

to concentrate; to centralize; to focus; centralized; concentrated; to put together

集中 (jí zhōng)

collective; social; team; CL:個|个[gè]

集体 (jí tǐ)

container ship

集装箱船 (jí zhuāng xiāng chuán)

part; component / spare part

零件 / 零部件 (líng jiàn / líng bù jiàn)

change (of money); small change / pocket money

零钱 / 零用钱 (líng qián / líng yòng qián)

pocket money / spending money

零钱 / 零花钱 (líng qián / línghuā qián)

between-meal nibbles; snacks

零食 / 零嘴 (líng shí / líng zuǐ)

thunder; (internet slang) terrifying; terrific

雷 (léi)

fog; mist; CL:場|场[cháng],陣|阵[zhèn]

雾 (wù)

dew; syrup; nectar; outdoors (not under cover); to show; to reveal; to betray; to expose

露 (lù)

to show off one's abilities; to exhibit one's skills

露一手 (lòu yī shǒu)

nature's color; green or blue; greenish black; youth; young (of people); abbr. for Qinghai province 青海

青 (qīng)

red-blue or black-white (idiom); the rights and wrongs of a case; not distinguishing right from wrong

青红皂白 (qīng hóng zào bái)

pretty girl

靓女 (liàng nǚ)

very common usage

非常的常用 (fēicháng de chángyòng)

Illegal entry, illegal residence

非法入境, 非法居留 (fēifǎ rùjìng, fēifǎ jūliú)

to want absolutely; to insist on (doing something)

非要 (fēi yào)

keep to the left

靠左边 (kào zuǒbiān)

to face sth; to be confronted with

面临 (miàn lín)

to confront; to face

面对 (miàn duì)

shoes and socks

鞋袜 (xié wà)

phonetic symbol

音标 (yīn biāo)

top quality components

顶级的配置 (dǐngjí de pèizhì)

item; project; sports event; CL:個|个[gè]

项目 (xiàng mù)


项链 (xiàng liàn)

to let nature take its course (idiom)

顺其自然 (shùn qí zì rán)

take the opportunity to visit, on the way pay a visit

顺道拜访 / 访问 (shùndào bàifǎng / fǎngwèn)

lit. tail wind; Bon voyage!

顺风 (shùn fēng)

(saying) take the big picture into consideration

顾全大局 (gù quán dà jú)

background / preparatory knowledge

预备知识 (yù bèi zhī shi)


预报 (yù bào)

forecasted delay

预计晚点 (yùjì wǎndiǎn)

to place an order; to book ahead

预订 (yù dìng)

frequently; often

频繁 (pín fán)

frequency; (television) channel

频道 (pín dào)

classifier for small spheres, pearls, corn grains, teeth, hearts, satellites etc

颗 (kē)

subject; title; topic; CL:個|个[gè]

题目 (tí mù)


额头 (é tóu)

local conditions and customs (idiom)

风土人情 (fēng tǔ rén qíng)

information about wind force, direction etc; elegant demeanor; interest and charm; amorous feelings; flirtatious expressions; local conditions and customs

风情 (fēng qíng)

to float

飘 (piāo)

Ears hurt when flying plane

飞飞机的时候 耳朵痛 (fēi fēijī de shíhou ěrduo tòng)

food and drink

食品 饮料 (shípǐn yǐnliào)

tableware; dinner service

餐具 (cān jù)

steamed roll; steamed bun; steamed bread; CL:個|个[gè]

馒头 (mán tou)

premiere (of a play or film); opening night; first run; to premiere (a film)

首映 (shǒu yìng)

to pilot (ship, airplane etc); to drive

驾驶 (jià shǐ)

to scold; abuse; CL:通[tòng],頓|顿[dùn]

骂 (mà)

Ride a donkey, look for a horse

骑驴找马 (qí lǘ zhǎo mǎ)

broken bones; fracture

骨折 (gǔ zhé)

a high point; the peak period; the rush hour

高峰期 (gāo fēng qī)

college entrance exam; abbr. for 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试

高考 (gāo kǎo)

foreigner (Cantonese); westerner

鬼佬 (guǐ lǎo)

super Figur (Kompliment)

魔鬼身材 (móguǐ shēncái)

bright-colored; gaily-colored

鲜艳 (xiān yàn)

chicken leg / chicken wing

鸡腿 / 鸡翅 (jī tuǐ / jīchì)

microphone (loanword)

麦克风 (mài kè fēng)

hot and numbing

麻辣 (má là)

anesthesia; fig. to poison (sb's mind)

麻醉 (má zuì)

obscure and unknown (idiom); an outsider without any reputation; a nobody; an unknown quantity

默默无闻 (mò mò wú wén)

mouse (computing)

鼠标 (shǔ biāo)


鼠目寸光 (shǔ mù cùn guāng)

dragon; CL:條|条[tiáo]; imperial

龙 (lóng)

Who goes is very important

"谁去"很重要 (shuí qùhěn zhòngyào)

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