A&P CH. 4

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One location of dense irregular connective tissue is



thin, flat, and somewhat irregular in shape.

_____ cells support and nourish neurons


Most abundant tissue in the body

connective tissue

Mulitcellular exocrine glands

2 structural classes: simple & compound


Accumulate products until the cell ruptures. Destroys the cell and must be replaced by cell division. EX: sebaceous glands of the skin

Elastic connective tissue

Allows recoil of tissue following stretching; springy


Attach the basal surface to the basement membrane

Basal surface

Attached surface which anchors the cells to adjacent tissues

____ muscle tissue is involuntary, posses a single nucleus, branched fibers, striations, and intercalated discs


_____ cells produce cartilage


____ or modification of the cell membrane in many epithelial tissues, are common called "brush border" cells


Mucous membrane

Composes of epithelial tissues. Line body cavities that are open to the exterior environment such as the digestive tract, respiratory tract, and the urogenital tract. "Wet" or moist membranes due to the secretion of mucous.Facilitates absorption or secretion activities


Concentric rings made up of groups of hollow tubes of bone matrix

Nervous tissue

Conducts electrical impulses; detects, interprets, and responds to stimuli

Serous membrane

Consists of a mesothelium supported by areolar tissue. Never exposed or connected to the exterior. Secrete transudate, or serous fluid. 3 serous membranes that line the ventral body cavity. - Pleura, Pericardium, Peritoneum

Muscle tissues

Contracts to produce active movements

Endocrine Glands

Ductless glands that empty their hormonal products directly into the blood

cardiac muscle

Involuntary muscle tissue found only in the heart.

2 types of glands found in the human body

Endocrine and Exocrine

Connective tissues

Fills internal spaces; provides structural support, and stores energy


Gives rise to the components of the skeletal, muscular, and circulatory systems


Gives rise to the epidermis of skin and all of the components of the nervous system


Hairlike canals that connect lacunae to each other and the central canal. Form a branching network for the exchange

_____ muscular tissue is comprised of elongated cells (called fibers) containing myofilaments (actin and myosin) proteins

Highly vascularized

The scientific name for a white blood cell is a


Synovial Membrane

Lines mobile joint cavities but do not cover the opposing joint surfaces. Secretes synovial fluid.


Lines the chest cavity and surrounds the lungs


Lines the pericardial cavity and surrounds the heart


Lines the peritoneal cavity and lines the surfaces of the visceral organs

Adhesion belt

Locks together the terminal webs of neighboring cells, strengthening the apical region and preventing distortion and leakage at the occluding junctions. It forms a continuous band that encircles cells and binds them together.

Osteocytes exist in a tiny void called a ____


Cutaneous Membrane

Made of stratified squamous and areolar tissue reinforced by dense irregular connective tissue. Dry, relatively thick, and waterproof

Hyaline cartilage

Most common type of cartilage; it is found on the ends of long bones, ribs, and nose. has an amorphous matrix with few visible fibers. provides stiff but somewhat flexible support and reduces friction between bony surfaces

Areolar tissue

Most common form of connective tissue proper in adults. General packing material in the body. Attaches skin to underlying body parts and is sometimes called the superficial fascia.

Gap junctions

Permits chemical communication that coordinates the activities of adjacent cells. At a gap junction, two cells are held together by interlocking junctional proteins called connexons which serve as channels that form narrow passageway to let small molecules and ions to pass from cell to cell


Platelets; cell fragments that are involved in the clotting response that seals broken blood vessels

3 serous membranes that line the ventral body cavity

Pleura, Pericardium, Peritoneum

Characteristics of epithelial tissue

Polarity, Supported by a basal lamina, Cellularity, Avascular, Highly innervated, Regenerate rapidly


Products accumulate within the cells then the apex of the cell pinches off packets that contain the secretion. EX: mammary gland of the breast


Provides firm attachment between neighboring cells by interlocking their cytoskeletons. At a desmosome, the opposing plasma membranes are very strong and resist stretching and twisting.


Secrete products from secretory vesicles by exocytosis. Most common type. ex: salivary glands of the oral cavity

Exocrine Glands

Secretes non-hormonal substances (milk,wax, enzymes, oils acids, etc) onto external surfaces or internal passageways (ducts) that connect to the exterior


Sheets or layers of cells that line the body tubes, cavities, or coverings of the body surfaces

The tissue that makes up the air sacs of the lungs is ideal for gas exchange. This tissue type is ____ epithelium

Simple squamous

Characteristics of connective tissues

Specialized cells Solid extracellular protein fibers Fluid extracellular ground substance


Taller than they are wide; resemble rectangles with the elongated nuclei tend to crowd into a narrow band close to the basal lamina

Stratified squamous epithelium

Thick layers of flattened cells, often keratinized layer and a mitotic layer. protects underlying tissues in areas subject to abrasion. non-keratinized type lines the mouth and vagina. keratinized type forms the epidermis of skin

Occluding junctions

Tight junctions - form a barrier that isolates the basolateral surfaces and deeper tissues from the contents of the lumen. At an occluding junction, the attachment is so tight that it prevents the passage of water and solutes between the cells


a dense layer of vascular connective tissue enveloping the bones except at the surfaces of the joints.

multicellular simple exocrine gland

a single duct that does not branch on its way to the secretory cells. EX: gastric glands, sebaceous glands

The insulating connective tissue observed in the hypodermis is ____

adipose tissue

dense regular

all collagen fibers are oriented parallel to each other providing strength along the axis of the collagen fibers. Found in cords (such as tendons) or sheets (ligaments).

The surface of any epithelial cell that is facing the lumen is called the _____ surface



are about as wide as they are tall; resemble hexagonal boxes with spherical nucleus located in the center of each cell

All epithelial tissues rest upon a _____

basal lamina

Basement membrane aka

basal lamina

Exocrine glands secret their substance either on the ____ or within ____.

body surfaces or ducts

Osteocytes produce


Central canal of bone

contains blood vessels and nerves


cell adhesion molecules; present in the adhesion belt and desmosomes; trans-membrane proteins that bind to each other and to extracellular materials

There are only about 200 different ___

cell types

Each osteon possesses a hallow ______ through which blood vessels and nerves pass through the bone

central canal

Underlying connective tissue is composed of

clear layer and dense layer

The main fiber type associated with dense connective tissue is ____


dense irregular

collagen fibers are non-parallel forming an interwoven network. These tissues provide strength in many directions and are particularly important in areas subjected to stress from many directions such as the dermis of the skin

____ and ____ are fibers associated with areolar tissue

collagn and elastic

Spongy bone

composed of small needlelike pieces of bone and lots of open space

Epithelial tissues

covers exposed surfaces; lines internal passageways; and produces glandular secretions

_____ processes of the neuron always transmit impulses towards the cell body


multicellular compound exocrine gland

duct divides one or more times on its way to the secretory cells. EX: duodenal glands, mammary glands and salivary glands

3 types of embryonic tissues

ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm

3 primary fibers are produced in connective tissues

elastic, collage, reticular


epithelial cells are extensively interconnected so theat they create an effective barrier that behaves as if it were a single cell


epithelial cells that are organized to produce and secrete substances

Highly innervated

epithelial tissues are supplied with many nerve endings

4 principle tissue types

epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous

The function of a ____ is to transport oxygen to body cells via blood vessels


Functions of connective tissues

establish a structural framework for the body, transport fluids and dissolved materials, protect delicate organs, support surround and interconnect other types of tissues, store energy reserves esp in the form of triglycerides, defend the body from invading microorganisms


false layer - looks like more than one layer but in fact its only one layer thick

Dense connective tissue

fibers are densely packed together

Loose connective tissue

fibers created a loose, open framework


flows within the lymphatic system / forms as interstitial fluid enters a lymphatic vessel / lymph passes through lymph nodes where it is cleaned and filtered


flows withing the cardiovascular system / posses a watery matrix called plasma

Compact bone

forms the cortex, or hard outer shell of most bones in the body. composed of numerous functional units called osteons

Adipose tissue

found deep to the skin, especially at the flanks, buttocks, and breast. Also forms a layer that provides padding within the orbit of the eyes, in the abdominopelivic cavity, and around the kidneys. Large number of adipocytes

Elastic cartilage

found in the ear and epiglottis. flexible

Reticular tissue

found in the liver, kidney, spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow, where it forms a tough, flexible network that provides support and resists distortion.

Apical surface

free edge which faces the exterior of the body or the lumen of an internal space


gives rise to the functional linings of the digestive and respiratory tracts as well as to the associated accessory glands and organs. ex: liver, stomach, pancreas, etc

The mucus producing cells found in many types of epithelial tissue are called ____

goblet cell

Unicellular exocrine gland

goblet cells that produce mucin which mixes with water to form mucus

Fluid connective tissue

have distinctive populations of cells suspended in a watery matrix that contains dissolved proteins

Connective tissue proper

includes connective tissues with many types of cells and extracellular fibers in a gel-like ground substance

smooth muscle

involuntary muscle found in internal organs

The concentric rings observed in a typical cross-section through bones are called __


One location of reticular tissue in the body is _____


Along each lamella are small open spaces in which the osteocystes reside. These open spaces are called ___


Visceral Organs

lungs, heart, intestines, and kidneys

Ground substance

material that fills the space between cells and surrounds the extracellular fibers.

Ground substance and extracellular fibers make up the ___ of connective tissues


One location of fibrocartilage within the body is the


Glands that release their secretions by exocytosis are called ____ exocrine glands


The salivary glands are a good example of a ____ gland


All connective tissues arises from one stem cell called _____


All muscles, bones, and circulatory blood vessels originate from one type of germ tissue called


All types of connective tissue originate from the



more than one layer thick

Tissue membranes

mucous, serous, cutaneous, synovial

Glandular Epithelia

specialized epithelial tissues that have excretory functions


only one layer thick

Dense layer

or lamina densa contains bundles of coarse protein fibers and give basal lamina strength and acts as filter that restricts diffusion between the adjacent tissues and the epithelium

Clear layer

or lamina lucida, contains glycoproteins and network of fine protein filaments

Smooth muscle is the muscle of


The scientific name for bone tissue is _____

osseous tissue

Nervous tissue mediates ___ and ___

perception and response

Basal Lamina

thin extracellular layer that lies underneath epithelial cells and separates them from other tissue

The liquid matrix of blood is called


Hemocytoblast cells

produce blood


produce bone


produce cartilage

Fibroblast cells

produce connective tissue proper

Supporting connective tissue

protect soft tissues and support the weight of part or all of the body

Functions of epithelial tissue

provide physical protection, control permeability, provide sensation, produce specialized secretions

The epithelial tissue found lining the trachea is called _______

pseudostratified ciliated columnar

Stratified cuboidal epithelium

rare in the human body. most common along the ducts of sweat glands, mammary glands, and other exocrine glands

Stratified columnar epithelium

rare in the human body. most often found lining ducts such as those of the salivary glands and pancreas

Regenerate rapidly

rate varies from one type of epithelia to another, most regenerate withing days


red blood cells; transport oxygen and to a lesser degree, carbon dioxide

Transitional epithelium

resembles both stratified squamous and stratified cuboidal. Basal cells are cuboidal or columnar, surface cells are dome shaped. stretches readily and permits distension. lines uterus, urinary bladder, and urethra

The intestines are lined with ____ epithelium which is ideal for absorption of nutrients

simple columnar

The kidney tubules are composed of _____ epithelium for absorption and secretion

simple cuboidal

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

single layer of cells of differing heights so that nuclei are differing levels, may contain goblet cells and bear cilia. secretion, propulsion by ciliary action. non-ciliated type lines male reproductive ducts, ciliated type lines much of respiratory tract

simple cuboidal epithelium

single layer of cube like cells with large spherical centrally located nuclei. secretion and absorption. kidney tubules, ducts and secretory portions of glands, ovary surface

Simple squamous epithelium

single layer of flattened cells with a disc shaped central nuclei and sparse cytoplasm. allows passage of materials by diffusion and filtration in sites where protection is not important. secretes lubricant. kidney glomeruli, air sacs of lungs, capillaries, lining of heart and lymphatic system

Simple columnar epithelium

single layer of tall cells with round to oval nuclei; some cells bear cilia; may contain goblet cells that produce mucus; may contain microvilli. absorption, secretion of mucus and enzymes, cilia proper substances. non-ciliated type lines digestive tract, gallbladder, and ducts from glands, ciliated type lines small bronchi, uterine tubes, and uterus

Three types of muscular tissue

skeletal, cardiac, smooth

Elastic fibers

slender, straight, and very stretchy. Recoil to their original length after stretching or distortion.


small spaces between the lamellae which contain osteocytes

____ muscle is involuntary and lacks striations



solid, crystalline matrix containing osteocytes.


solid, rubbery matrix containing chondrocytes. surrounded by a membrane of connective tissue called the perichondrium


stem cells that give rise to all the formed elements of the blood

Skeletal muscle

striated and voluntary

Reticular fibers

strong fibers that form a branching network or scaffolding

Dense connective tissue is located in ____ which attach muscles to bones


Connective tissue is never exposed to

the outside environment

Collagen fibers

thick, straight or wavy, and often forms bundles. They are very strong and resist stretching

Two locations of hyaline cartilage in the body is ___ and _____

trachea and articular surface of long bones

Exocrine glands are ____ or ____

unicellular or multicellular

One site of transitional tissue in the body is the

urinary bladder

fibrous cartilage

very tough form of cartilage found in the intervertebral disks of the spine and at the junctions where tendons attach to bone. meniscus of knee and pubic symphysis.


white blood cells; help defend the body from infection and disease


without blood vessels

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