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What is the blood type of a red blood cell that contains surface antigens A and Rh (D)?


The heart, in response to high blood volume, releases


Which of the following is NOT a formed element in the blood?

Albumins Yes, albumins are one of the proteins found in the blood plasma. It is not a formed element.

The ring-shaped anastomosis formed by the internal carotid arteries and the basilar arteries is called the ________.

Cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis)

To what do the baroreceptor reflexes respond?

Changes in blood pressure

What is formed at the end of the common pathway of the coagulation phase of hemostasis?


What is the name of the muscles found on the anterior atrial wall and the inner surface of the auricle?

Pectinate muscles

Under heavy exercise, which of the following organs receives a massive increase in blood flow?

Skeletal muscles

Which of the following endocrine responses would occur if blood pressure and blood volume increase?

The heart would release atrial natriuretic peptide.

The white blood cell that releases histamine is the


The best description of the heart is that it is

four paired pumps.

When the adrenal medulla responds to low blood pressure the result is

increased cardiac output and peripheral vasoconstriction.

Autoregulation of cardiovascular activity is stimulated by release of

local vasodilators.

What is the fluid matrix of blood called?


Platelets trigger coagulation by

releasing clotting factors.

Cardiac output depends on

stroke volume and heart rate.

The base of the heart is the portion that is most


Under normal circumstances, most of the body's blood supply (more than 50 percent) is in the ________.

systemic veins About 64 percent of the body's total blood volume is in the systemic venous system.

Which of these features differentiate cardiac muscle from skeletal muscle?

the presence of intercalated discs Intercalated discs are specialized junctions found only between cardiac muscle cells that combine the functions of gap junctions and desmosomes. These junctions allow the rapid diffusion of ions between cells to spread depolarization (gap junction) and strengthen the connections between adjacent cells to help withstand the stress of years of constant regular contraction (desmosomes).

Increased inhalation during exercise pulls blood into the vena cava by a mechanism called

the respiratory pump.

Peripheral vasoconstriction is stimulated by

the vasomotor center.

Blood pressure in a peripheral venule is about ________ percent of the pressure of the ascending aorta


Why would administering an ACE inhibitor in the form of an inhaler make sense?

ACE is made and used in the lungs.

What heart valve prevents backflow of blood into the left atrium during ventricular contraction?

Bicuspid valve (left atrioventricular valve)

Which of the following is the term for the structures that connect cardiac muscle cells and creates a direct electrical connection between them?

Intercalated discs

During which phase of the cardiac cycle are both the AV and semilunar valves closed while the ventricles are contracting?

Ventricular systole, the period of isovolumetric contraction

The large vessels that transport blood away from the heart are


Pressure gradient adjustments can be generated by changing

cardiac output and/or peripheral resistance.

The indicator of peripheral blood flow is

cardiac output.

Which of the following represents an area expected to experience blood flow decrease during heavy exercise?


The hepatic portal vein delivers blood to which organ?


Which of the following will NOT decrease venous return?

skeletal muscle contraction

If the normal pacemaker of the heart fails, the job will be taken over by the

AV node

Which coronary blood vessel opens into the right atrium?

Coronary sinus

Which white blood cell is the most common and functions as a phagocyte that engulfs pathogens or debris or releases cytotoxic enzymes and chemicals?


Type A

RBC's with surface antigen A only plasma contains anti-B antibodies

Which of the following endocrine responses would occur if blood pressure and blood volume increase?

The heart would release atrial natriuretic peptide

What is systolic pressure?

The peak blood pressure in an artery measured during ventricular systole

What is the function of valves in the tunica intima of limb veins?

They permit blood flow in one direction and prevent the backflow of blood toward the capillaries.

All the vessels of the systemic arterial system originate from the


Cardiac muscle differs from skeletal muscle in that cardiac cells

are chemically and functionally connected into a single functional unit.

Blood flow in the coronary arteries originates

at the base of the ascending aorta.

The first "lubb" heart sound is associated with

atrioventricular valves closing.

To what do the baroreceptor reflexes respond?

changes in blood pressure

Sylvia is pregnant and experiencing anemia. As a result of her ________, her kidneys will attempt to re-establish homeostasis by releasing ________.

hypoxia; erythropoietin

Red blood cells travelling through veins

lack oxygen and are burgundy

The fibrous remnants of the fetal connection between the aorta and the pulmonary trunk is called the

ligamentum arteriosum.

Parasympathetic innervation travels to the heart via the

vagus nerve.

Surface antigens on the plasma membranes of red blood cells determine an individual's blood type. Two very important antigens are the A and B antigens. Ignoring the presence of antigens other than A and B on the surface of the red blood cells, which of the statements below concerning cross reactions between transfused blood and the recipient's blood is INCORRECT?

An individual with blood type A will not experience a transfusion reaction if they receive type AB blood. This is the incorrect statement. A person with type A blood will make an antibody response against type B antigens. Type AB blood has both A and B antigens on the surface of the red blood cells. Therefore, a type A person will make an antibody response against transfused AB blood.

What antibodies would an individual who is blood type O+ have in their blood plasma?

Anti-A and anti-B

Which of the following is a TRUE statement?

Anti-Rh antibodies are present only upon sensitization but anti-A and anti-B are present throughout a person's lifetime.

What structure of a capillary bed allows for a direct connection between an arteriole and a venule?

Ateriovenous anastomosis

Which of these statements concerning the coronary circulation is INCORRECT?

Blood in the coronary sinus flows directly into the left atrium of the heart. You have identified the incorrect statement! The coronary sinus empties into the RIGHT atrium.

What are the functions of the chordae tendineae and the papillary muscles?

During ventricular contraction, they prevent the AV valves from swinging up into the atria.

A recording of the electrical events in the heart is a(n)


Robin has Rh-negative blood. During her first pregnancy she carries an Rh-positive infant. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

If untreated, the pregnancy will sensitize Robin and future Rh-positive pregnancies will result in hemolytic disease of the newborn.

Blood pressure, the force with which the blood pushes against the vessel walls, varies throughout the cardiovascular system. Which of the following statements regarding blood pressure is INCORRECT?

In a blood vessel, blood flow is directly proportional to peripheral resistance. You found the incorrect statement! Blood flow in a vessel is inversely proportional to peripheral resistance. As resistance to flow increases, the volume of flow decreases.

Which of these statements regarding the innervation of the heart is INCORRECT?

Innervation of cardiac muscle is via somatic motor neurons; innervation of the conduction system is via autonomic neurons. Correct choice! Somatic motor neurons innervate only skeletal muscle. Innervation of the heart is entirely by autonomic neurons.

Which of the statements regarding various white blood cell types is INCORRECT?

Monocytes are small cells with multi-lobed nuclei that can become active phagocytes. Monocytes can, indeed turn into active phagocytes called macrophages. Their nuclei; however, are large and kidney bean-shaped and they are the largest of the white blood cell type. Neutrophils are the phagocytes with the lobed nuclei.

Which structure of the conducting system propagates action potentials through the ventricular myocardial cells?

Purkinje fibers

Which part of the ECG appears as the ventricles depolarize?

QRS complex

Which of these is the most abundantly-formed element in blood?

RBC Red blood cells are 99.9 percent of the formed elements in blood.

Type O

RBC's lacking both A and B surface antigens Plasma contains both anti-A and anti-B antibodies

Type B

RBC's with surface antigen B only plasma contains anti-A antibodies

Type AB

RBC's with surface antigens A and B plasma has neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a red blood cell?

Red blood cells have a nucleus and divide readily.

Where are hemocytoblasts (multipotent stem cells that form formed elements) found?

Red bone marrow

A single artery leading toward connective tissue becomes blocked. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Tissue damage is likely avoided by the presence of collateral arterioles.

Which layer of the artery or vein wall contains concentric sheets of smooth muscle?

Tunica media

Which of the following terms is the amount of venous blood delivered to the heart by the systemic circulation each minute?

Venous return

The structure that secretes hormones associated with fat metabolism and appetite regulation is the

adipose tissue

The plasma component that is the major contributor to osmotic pressure is called


Which of these statements concerning blood vessels is INCORRECT?

all arteries carry oxygenated blood *You have found the incorrect statement! All vessels carrying blood away from the heart are arteries. The pulmonary trunk and pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood away from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs.

Central regulation of cardiovascular action by neural and endocrine mechanisms occurs

at any time that autoregulation is ineffective.

The P wave of an ECG corresponds to

atrial systole.

When the cardiac cycle begins, the

atrioventricular valve is open and the semilunar valves are closed.

When heart rate increases, the greatest cardiac shortening occurs in

both diastoles.

What is the name of the blood vessels whose walls permit the exchange between the blood and the surrounding interstitial fluids?


Low pressure and slow flow rates are characteristics of favorable

capillary exchange.

The pressure needed to force blood through all the peripheral capillaries is

capillary hydrostatic pressure.

Sympathetic innervation travels to the heart via the

cardiac nerve.

Baroreceptors are located in

carotid arteries and the aorta.

Blood is a type of ________ tissue.


The lungs are involved in blood pressure regulation in that they

contain ACE.

The vessels that supply blood to the heart are called the

coronary arteries.

Reduction in circulatory supply is called

coronary ischemia

The vessels that drain the heart muscle are called the

coronary sinus.

Which of the following is NOT an effect of atrial natriuretic peptide?

decreased water volume of urine

The arteries of the pulmonary circuit carry

deoxygenated blood from the heart

The veins of the systemic circuit carry

deoxygenated blood to the heart

The process of white blood cells migrating out of capillaries to the surrounding tissues is called


The femoral artery is a continuation of the

external iliac

Erythropoietin is a hormone released into the plasma by body tissues, primarily the kidney in adulthood, in response to all EXCEPT which of the following?

high blood CO2 High blood CO2 does not stimulate the production of erythropoietin.

Cardiac output (CO) is the amount of blood pumped by the heart in one minute. It can be calculated by multiplying the heart rate (HR) by the volume of blood pumped by the heart with each beat (the stroke volume or SV). The body can adjust the cardiac output to meet its changing needs. Which of the following is NOT a factor that increases heart rate?

increased venous return to the heart You found the incorrect response. Increased venous return to the heart causes an increase in stroke volume. This is in accordance with Starling's Law of the Heart, "increased volume of blood in-increased volume of blood out." On average, it is important for venous return to match cardiac output because the cardiovascular system is a closed loop and blood cannot be allowed to back up anywhere in the system. Increased venous return does not; however, accelerate heart rate.

Baroreceptor stimulation is caused by blood pressure ________ and results in ________.

increasing; vasodilation

Julie's baroreceptors detect an increase in blood pressure. Which represents a normal homeostatic response?

inhibit sympathetic activity to the heart

The vessel that drains blood from the brain is the

internal jugular

Which of the following is NOT one of the factors that adapt red blood cells to their job of carrying oxygen to the tissues of the body?

large volume to surface area ratio Good choice! The biconcave structure of red blood cells gives them a large surface area-to-volume ratio which speeds the exchange of oxygen between the interior of the RBC and the exterior.

Which chamber of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the right and left pulmonary veins?

left atrium

Diastolic pressure is the ________ pressure during ventricular ________.

minimum; diastole

Hematopoiesis is the formation of blood cellular components in the bone marrow. Which of the following is an INCORRECT association?

myeloblast-monocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils This is the incorrect association! Myeloblasts produce neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. Monoblasts produce monocytes.

When the ventricles contract, the semilunar valves are ________ and the atrioventricular valves are ________.

open; closed

Which of the following will NOT increase heart rate?

parasympathetic stimulation

The fluid lubricating the opposing surfaces of membrane in the pericardial cavity is called

pericardial fluid.

Blood can be diverted from tissues (such as skin) by

precapillary sphincters.

The circuit that begins at the right ventricle and ends at the left atrium is the ________ circuit.


Which blood vessels of the pulmonary circuit delivers oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart?

pulmonary veins

The response of the kidneys to low blood pressure and volume is release of


This structure drains the blood it receives into the ________.

right atrium

Which of these arteries is not a direct branch of the aortic arch?

right common carotid artery The right common carotid is a branch of the brachiocephalic.

The intrinsic conduction system of the heart allows the heart to contract in a rhythmic way without input from the nervous or endocrine systems. Several groups of non-contractile cells are able to initiate and distribute depolarization across the walls of the heart leading to contraction. Which of the following is the correct sequence of excitation of these autorhythmic cardiac cells?

sinoatrial node → internodal pathway → atrioventricular node → AV bundle → bundle branches → Purkinje fibers

An intercalated disc is a

specialized cardiac muscle intercellular connection.

Abnormally high blood volume is recognized by

stretch receptors in the heart wall.

An accelerated heart rate above 100 beats per minute is called


Heart rate is stimulated by

the cardioacceleratory center.

The layer that stabilizes and anchors a blood vessel is the

tunica externa

A typical red blood cell lasts

two to three months

Megan has type O blood. What blood type would cause agglutination or cross reaction with her blood?

types A, B, and AB

Which of the following is NOT an important functional aspect of the biconcave design of red blood cells?

undergo cell division quickly and efficiently

Parasympathetic innervation travels to the heart via the

vagus nerve

The majority of the body's blood volume at one time is found within the


The amount of blood arriving at the right ventricle each minute is

venous return.

The T wave of an ECG corresponds to

ventricular diastole.

The phase of ventricular systole that creates enough pressure to open the semilunar valves is

ventricular ejection.

Blood circulates into the coronary arteries during

ventricular relaxation.

The outer layer of the heart wall is a serous membrane called the ______

visceral pericardium' The outer wall of the heart is formed by the visceral layer of the serous pericardium.

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