A&P2 Chapters 28 & 29

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What is the penis?

The external organ

What are the Spermatocytes in reference to Meiosis?

These cells begin the process of meiosis

Define blastocysts.

a hollow ball of cells

Define implantation.

attachment and penetration of the blastocyst to the endometrium of the uterus

Define the spermatic cord.

connects the abdominal pelvic cavity with the test.

During the implantation process what is the role of the Syncytial Trophoblast?

erodes a path through the uterine epithelium by secreting hyaluronidase

What is the Corona Radiata?

granulosa cells immediately surrounding the secondary oocyte now drift free within the antrum and are then known as the corona radiata

What is the main role of LH during Ovarian Cycle?

induces ovulation

Meiosois I is suspended in _______until Puberty.

suspended in Prophase

What is the Hymen?

An elastic epithelial fold that partially or completely blocks the entrance to the vagina before the initial sexual intercourse

Understand egg production from fetal to birth in reference to quantity.


Do you understand the process of how a Primary Follicle becomes a Secondary Follicle then a Tertiary Follicle as well as Primary Oocyte bocoming a Secondary Oocyte?


Understand Prenatal and Postnatal Development.


What triggers Emission


The spermatozoa, however, cannot perform fertilization until it goes through ____________.


List 4 anatomical structures located with the Spermatic Cord.

Contains blood vessel, nerves, ducts, and lyphatic vessels.

What are the function of the Dartos and Cremaster Muscles?

Cremaster pulls the testes closer to the body. Dartos causes the characteristic wrinkling of the scrotal surfac

What is the anatomical function of the Septae?

Divids the testes into lobules

Define menstrual cycle and the average length of the uterine cycle in days.

28 days

What trimesters allows for:

2nd is when organs complete most of there development

Rapid fetal growth, major organ systems, and completion of organ systems?

3rd is when rapid fetal growth acures and the completion of organ systems

For each primary spermatocyte that enters meiosis, how many spermatids are produced.

4 spermatozoa are made

What is the end result of Spermiogenesis?

4 spermatozoa are made

Define clitoris.

A small, rounded tissue projection,Engorges with blood during sexual arousal

Define Spermiation?

A spermatozoon loses its attachment to the sustentacular cell cytoplasm and enters the lumen of the seminiferous tubule

Within the blastocyst, what is the outcome of the Inner cell mass.


Define Areola.

Dark, Reddish-brown skin surrounding each nipple

What occurs during menses?

Degeneration of the functional zone of the endometrium

What is the use of the Paraurethral and the Greater Vestibular Glands?

Discharge into the urethra near the external urethral opening

What is the relation between Progesterone, body temperature, and Menses?

During the follicular phase, body temperature measured on awakening in the morning, is about 0.3 degrees lower than it is during the luteal phase

What is the trajectory of the spermatozoa through the reproductive organs?

Epididymis Ductus deferens or vas deferens Ejaculatory duct Urethra

What hormone initiates the Follicular Phase?


Define amphimixis.

Female pronucleus and male pronucleus fuse

Within the Uterine Tube, understand fertilization location and time it takes the fertilized egg to reach the Uterus for inmplantation.

Fertilization typically occurs near the boundary between the ampulla and isthmus of the uterine tube in the upper 1/3 of the Fallopian Tube. Within 12 to 24 hours of the 2nd oocytes passage. 4 days to travel to the uterine cavity

What are the 3 segments that makes the Uterine tube?

Infundibulum, ampula, and isthmus

What hormone stimulates interstitial cells, and what do they secrete?

LH lutenizing hormone

Anatomically understand the location of the round ligament?

Lateral inferior portion of the uterus

Define Menarche, Dysmenorrhea, Menopause, primary and Secondary Amenorrhea.

Menarche- the 1st cycle. Dysmenorrhea-painful cucle. Menophase- last cycle. PrimaryAmenorrhea-failure to iniate Menses.Secondary Amenorrhea- the reproductive system gets "switched off." caused by stress.

List the 3 phases of the uterine cycle?

Menses,Prolifferation, and secretory Phase

List the 3 layers of the Uterus and which ones undergoes cyclical changes.

Myometrium, Endometrium, and Perimetrium. The endometrium undergoes cyclical changes

Define Cryptorchidism.

One or both of the testes have not descended into the scrotum by the time of birth

What are the functions of the human reproductive system, and what organs are part of it?

Produces Stores Nourishes Transports

What is the end result of Miosis II in the male?


List some of the functions of Testosterone.

Stimulating spermatogenesis Affecting the libido (sexual drive) and related behaviors. Protein synthesis and muscle growth.Secondary sex characteristics.Maintaining the accessory glands and organs of the male reproductive tract.

Meiosis II is suspended in _______unless fertilization occurs.

Suspended in Metaphase

How the Sperm gets inside the egg?

The acrosomal cap of the sperm digest a path through the zona pellucida which allows the sperm access to the oocyte

What is the function of LH and the ovarian cycle?

The completion of meiosis I by the primary Oocyte The rupture of the follicular wall

What occurs during secretory phase of the menstrual cycle?

The endometrial glands enlarge, accelerating their rates of secretion and the arteries that supply the uterine wall elongate and spiral through the tissues of the functional zone

What is a Primordial Follicle, just a Follicle and an Oocyte.

The first stage ovarian

List the 3 structures that makes the Spermatozoon.

The head, the middle piece, and the tail

Define cervix.

The inferior portion of the uterus projecting into the Vagina

Define Myometrium.

The muscular wall of the uterus

Anatomically what is the Raphe?

The partition between the two chambers of the scrotum

What is the function of the uterus?

The uterus provides mechanical protection, nutritional support, and waste removal for the developing embryo (weeks 1-8) and fetus (from week 9 to delivery)

Define cleavage .

The zygote becomes a pre-embryo, which develops into a multicellular complex known as a blastocyst. Between fertilization and implantation and before the 8 cell stage.

In reference to sperm development, what is the function of the spermatogonia?

They are stem cell that split into 2 daughter cells

What is the role of the Corpus Luteum and Alabicans?

Used to manufacture steroid hormones known as progesterone.

Define Vagina

an elastic, muscular tube extending between the cervix and the vestibule

Define broad ligament?

an extensive mesentery that encloses the ovaries, uterine tubes, and uterus like a blanket

List some Estrogen Functions.

bone and muscle growth, Maintaining female secondary sex characteristics, Affecting central nervous system (CNS) activity, repair and growth of the endometrium, and Maintaining functional accessory reproductive glands and organs

What is the function of the Ductus Defference in reference to sperm movement?

carries sperm from the epididymis to the Urethra

List the 3 parts of the Cervix.

cervical canal, internal os,and cervical os

Understand the anatomical location of the efferent ducts.

connect to the rete testis

What two muscles basically makes the Penis, one of them is the corpus spongiosum?

corpus spongiosium and corpus cavernosa

Define tunica Albugenia?

dense layer of connective tissue rich in collagen fibers that surround the testis

Do you know anatomically what the Theca and Granulosa Cells together produce?


What is polyspermy?

fertilization of the egg by more than one sperm

Do know anatomically where the Zona Pellucida is?

imediately surrounding the oocyte

What is role of DHT an DHEA?

male-pattern baldness acne play a role in the development or exacerbation of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) prostate cancer

What is the function of the Epididymis?

monitors and adjusts the composition of the fluid produced by the seminiferous tubules. Acts as a recycling center for spermatozoa

Fertilization typically occurs near the ___________.

near the junction between the ampulla and isthmus or the upper 1/3 of the fallopian tube

What epithelium lines the Vagina?

nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium

What is the glans penis?

of copulation

Anatomically define the Rete Testis?

originating at the seminiferous tubules form a maze of passageways connecting with the Efferent Ductules

Define ejaculation.

powerful, rhythmic contractions of the Ischiocavernosus and Bulbocavernosus muscles

What is the main hormone secreted by the Corpus Luteum during the Luteal or Secretory Phase?


The declines in _________ and ________ levels that accompany the degeneration of the corpus luteum result in menses.

progesterone and estrogen

List the 3 parts of the Male Urethra.

prostatic, membranous, and spongey

What is the job of the Seminal vesicles in reference to secretion?

secert fructose, prostiglandins fluid, and Fibrinogen

What is the job of the Prostate Gland in reference to secretion?

seminalplasim(antibiotic for UT), PSA(liquify semen)

Where does the sperm production occur?

seminiferous tubules

Anatomically where are the Bulbouretha glands and what do they Secrete?

situated at the base of the penis, covered by the fascia of the urogenital diaphragm.They secrete mucus which neutralize any urinary acids in the urethra and lubricates the glans, or tip of the penis

Lobules are structural composed of_________.

slender, tightly coiled seminiferous tubules

Define Capacitation?

sperm is mixed with seminal secretions and conditions in the female reproductive tract wich cause the sperm to be motile and capable of fertilizing an egg

What is the function of follicle stimulating hormone in reference to the ovarian cycle?

stimulates the production of follicle maturation

Understand the process of Synapsis and Crossing over during Meiosis.

the corresponding maternal and paternal chromosomes now come together

Define morula.

the pre-embryo is a solid ball of cells(after 3 days of clevage)

What is the function of the uterine tubes?

to transport a secondary oocyte for final maturation and fertilization

List the 3 Suspensory ligaments of the Uterus.

uterosacral ligament, round ligament, and lateral ligament

What secretes the follicular fluid, or liquor folliculi?

Granulosa cells

Define blastomeres.

Identical cells produced by the early cleavage divisions

Anatomically where are the Preputial glands and what do they Secrete?

In the skin of the neck and the inner surface of the prepuce secrete a waxy material known as smegma

What is the function of the interstitial cells specially in reference to its production?

Production of androgen, Testosterone is the most important

Define Labia Majora

Prominent folds of skin that encircle and partially conceal the labia minora and adjacent vestibular structures

What is an Inguinal Hernia?

Protrusions of a portion of the intestine into the inguinal canal

Name the 3 integrated processes of Spermatogenesis.

Mitosis, meosis, spermatogenisis

What four general processes happens during the First Trimenster?

1.Cleavage 2.Implantation 3.Placentation 4.Embryogenesis

List the function of the Ovaries.

1.Produce immature female gametes or oocytes 2.Secrete female sex hormones, including estrogens and progestins 3.Secrete inhibin

What are the function of the Sustentacular cells specially in reference to its secretion?

1.The Maintenance of the (BTB) Blood-Testis Barrier 2.Provides nutrients needed for Spermatogenisis 3.secretion of androgen binding Protiens 4.the support of Mitosis and Meiosis 5.Secretion of Inhibin 6.secretion of MIF

List the 3 periods of gestation.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester

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