AB psych Ch 1-4 cumulative

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​A continued criticism of the DSM-5 and its predecessors is that the ____.

DSM classification does not asses positive attributes or strengths of a client

what are contemporary psychodynamic theories

Erickson and Adler were upset with the focus on instinctual drives and said ego had adaptive abilities and could function independent from the id others say having social needs met are important in early development and identity formation

which statement about the burden of mental disorders is accurate

Mental health problems" that do not meet criteria for a mental disorder could be as equally debilitating as a diagnosable mental health disorders if treated inadequately.

according to rogers, which aspect of a therapeutic relationship is most important

a therapist's attitude

reaction formation

acting in a manner opposite to one's unconscious wishes or feelings

Often, when new drugs are developed, their effects are first tested on animals rather than on humans. The use of animals as substitutes for humans in research is often referred to as ____.

analogue research

which condition is most common in the united states


​A psychologist notes that a female client is wearing a heavy wool sweater and cap on a hot summer day. The client walks with a limp and mumbles to herself. The psychologist should ____.

assess the diagnostic significance of these observations with interview and other information

reality principle

awareness of environmental demands and need to adjust behavior to those demands and limitations

personality components (Freud)

behavior results from interaction between id, ego, superego: id is present at birth, operates on the pleasure principle ego is the realistic and rational part of the mind influenced by the reality principle (balance between id and superego) superego is the moralistic one, conscience that instills guilt and helps us prevent from engaging in immoral or unethical behavior

Dr. Johns researches mental disorders using labrotory methods. He stresses the importance of directly observable behaviors and the conditions or stimuli that evoke, reinforce, or extinguish them. Dr. Johns adheres to which early viewpoint of mental illness


A person who subscribes to the multipath model of mental illness would probably agree that

biological factors are only a part of the picture for explaining and treating mental disorders

trephining refers to the process of

boring a hole in the skull to let demons escape

Dr. Cummins publishes an article describing a man who abused alcohol for 25 years before becoming abstinent after having a religious conversion experience. This article illustrates a ____.

case study

Operational definitions are employed in order to

clarify what the researcher means by a particular variable


client undergoing psychoanalysis reenacts early conflicts by applying to the analyst feelings and attitudes that the person has toward significant others

free association

clients are asked to say whatever comes to mind for the purpose of revealing their unconscious thoughts (psychoanalytic)

​The co-occurrence of different disorders, whereby individuals who have one mental disorder also suffer from another, is identified by the DSM as ____.


behavioral models

concerned with role of learning in abnormal behavior

In an experiment, the _________ is as similar as possible to the experimental group except that it is not exposed to the independent variable

control group

Instead of manipulating variables, the researcher measures the extent to which changes in one variable are accompanied by changes in a second variable. What type of study is this?


Mel took out a gun and threatened a fellow student, stated he intended to kill him. Mel's statement illustrates



decrease or cessation of behavior dur to the gradual weakening of operantly or classically conditioned response

a major concern about projective tests is that they

demonstrate low reliability and validity


directing an emotion such as hostility or anxiety toward a substitution target


during psychoanalysis, a process in which the client unconsciously tries to impede analysis by preventing exposure of repressed material

teresa, normally an energetic mother of three small children, is suddenly unable to go shopping, prepare meals, or even dress her children. teresa's behavior illustrates the practical definition of abnormality called


defense mechanisms

ego protection strategy shelters people from anxiety, operates unconsciously, distorts reality (considered maladaptive when overused)

a common myth about behavioral approaches assumes that people are

empty organisms

​Dr. Castillo says, "I look at psychopathology in terms of human suffering and the alienation that individuals now feel in an increasingly impersonal world. We are responsible for our actions, and responsible to others as well." Dr. Castillo's remarks best illustrate which approach?


the best way to test cause and effect relationships is with an



explaining one's behavior by giving socially acceptable reasons unrelated to one's true motives

what does modern psychodynamic therapy look like

focuses more on social and interpersonal relationships because they view experiences with early attachment figures as having powerful effects on current interpersonal difficulties

A portion of a research report says, "Gifted children—those under 14 and with an IQ over 130—are more likely to be popular than less-gifted children. Furthermore, their popularity is related to stronger social skills, and this ability is evident with adults as well as with children." What portion of the statement illustrates an operational definition?

giften children under 14 score more than 130 on IQ tests

​Dr. Frederick is developing a new test for binge eating disorders. She finds that people who score high on the test engage in more binge eating and other forms of abnormal eating behaviors than people who score low on the test. These results indicate that the test has ____.

good content validity

psychological dimension

how emotions, conflicts in mind, learned behavior, cognitions, etc. affect mental disorders

Emily came to see her advisor about doing a research study for her Ph.D. dissertation. "What are you going to investigate?" he asked. "I believe that drinking orange juice before an IQ test will raise a person's score," she said. Emily's answer constitutes a(n) ____.


In a genetic linkage study, which piece of information would be important

identifying family members who have the same disorder as the proband

in what way is interviewing superior to observation alone

in interviewing, assessors can collect data on the client's life and history and personality

positive reinforcement

increase frequency of behavior by adding something to the equation

negative reinforcement

increasing the frequency of a behavior by removing something from the equation

observational learning theory

individaul can acquire new behaviors by watching others perform them


influence frequency/magnitute of the behavior

autonomic nervous system reactivity in humans appears to be


dream analysis

interpreting hidden meaning of dreams (psychoanalytic)

which statement about a prognosis is accuragte

it involves describing and drawing inferences about a person's psychological state


know something has happened, but you separate emotion from intellect so you can't feel it

a reasonable criticism of the multicultural model is that it

lacks empirical validation of its assumptions

vicarious conditioning/modeling

learning by observing models and later imitating them

operant conditioning

learning that holds that behaviors are controlled by consequences that follow

A study of childhood depression examines six-year-olds for symptoms of depression, then reassesses these individuals when they are eight and 12 years old. What kind of research is this?


Martin and Matthew are identical twins. Matthew has obsessive-compulsive disorder, but Martin does not. In a biological research study, who would be the proband?


At one time, Abraham Lincoln, William James, news anchor Mice Wallace, and author J.K. Rowling each suffered from a mental disorder. Consequentially, their examples contradict the myth that

mental illnesses makes a person useles

a researcher looks at many different research studies on a specific topic and analyzes the combined results of these different studies



moving back to earlier stage of development in response to something uncontrollable

which technique increases the frequency of a behavior because it removes or reduces an aversive (punishing) event

negative reinforcement

gathering information on brain structures focuses on which type of assessment

neurological tests

​A psychologist notices that a male client rarely makes eye contact and pulls at his ear when he seems nervous. What type of assessment is the psychologist performing?


​Dr. Ansorg believes that her clients can acquire appropriate social skills by watching her interact with other people in a social setting. Dr. Ansorg assumes which paradigm of learning?

observational learning

what happens at each of the psychosexual stages

oral- learns world is a safe place anal- self as able and independent phallic- resolve Oedipus/Electra complex, heterosexual orientation, girls and boys are different latency- development still happening, but on hold genital- form a heterosexual relationship

self-efficacy and what does it have to do with vicarious conditioning

people's belief in their ability to make changes to their environment. Not merely subjects of conditioning; we learn to perservere when we see others succeed through sustained effort

humanism is the

philosophical movement that emphasized human wellfare and individual uniqueness

A major contribution of the humanistic perspective is

positive view of the individaul

in treating the mentally disturbed, moral therapists were likely to make use of which of the following

prayer, work, kindness, and talking out problems


preventing forbidden or dangerous thoughts or desires from entering one's consciousness

​A clinician has collected data about a client based on observations, interview material, and psychological test results. As a first step in the treatment process, the clinician will evaluate this information and formulate a(n) ____.


erik erikson, carl jung, and alfred adler were all considered

psychodynamic theorists

the scientific field that studies the effects of drugs on the mind and behavior is called


the function of neural dendrites is to

receive signals from other neurons

criticisms of psychodynamic models

relied heavily on case studies and self analysis, hard to study

catharsis assumes that

reliving forgotten emotions reduces suffering

classical conditioning

responses to new stimuli learned through association: unconditioned stimulus: stimulus elicits unconditioned natural response unconditioned response: unlearned response made to unconditioned stimulus neutral stimulus: stimulus you are trying to get subject to respond to conditioned stimulus: previously neutral stimulus that has acquired properties of another stimulus with which it has been paired conditioned response: learned response to previously neutral stimulus

One way to assess dysfunction is in terms of the discrepancy between

role requirements and actual performance

throughout history, most popular ideas about abnormal behavior have been

rooted in the beliefs of a given time period and society

The advent of psychotropic drugs in the 1950s was considered a major revolution in the treatment of mental disorders because

says in mental hospitals were shortened and became more cost effective

​"I never accept the results of one study as conclusive. Findings must be replicated. I look carefully at the methods used to produce conclusions. Because of my skeptical attitude, you can assume that I am a ____."


During the middle ages, mental illness was

seen as a manifestation of gods will

psychosexual stages

sequence of stages (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital) through which personality develops. each stage brings a unique challange. If fixation occurs at one stage emotional development is haulted and people experience emotional disturbance from issues associated with that stage

according to Freud, the two most important instincts in people are

sex and aggression

a psychologists who supports the multicultural model would most likely say that

some cultures value family identity more than individaulity

a major criticism of classification systems is that they

stigmatize people by labeling them with a mental disorder


take unacceptable feeling and project it onto someone else


takes action to undo or fix the negative or unacceptable thing you did

A psychologist gives the same test to a client twice. The tests are separated by six days. If the test results are quite dissimilar, we could say that the test has weak ____.

test-retest reliability

each time the conditioned stimulus is paired with the unconditioned stimulus, what happens

the conditioned response gets stronger

pleasure principle

the impulsive, pleasure seeking aspect of being; doesn't worry about life constraints

neurological paradox

the overuse of mechanisms that help us function that lead to a disorder. So the overuse of psychic energy for defense mechanisms to keep unconscious from our unconscious mind

a psychologist wants to assess the construct validity of a new test. He can do so by showing

the test results for a group correlate with related measures of a phenomenon

A coherent group of principles and hypotheses that explain some aspect of an area of study is a



therapy whose goals are to uncover repressed material, to help clients achieve insight into inner motivations and desires, and to resolve childhood conflicts that affect current relationships; free up psychic energy

what does freud believe about consciousness, preconsciousness, and unconscious

there is a permeable boundary beween consciousness and preconsciousness. The preconsciousness is simply things that are in your awareness but you just weren't thinking about. There is a solid boundary between the preconsciousness and the unconscious mind to protect the mind from dangerous and threatening material

exposure/extinction therapy

treatment based on extinction principles that involves gradual (graduated exposure) or rapid (flooding) exposure to feared objects or situations

if a loud siren is sounded, any newborn infant will automatically scream. In classical conditioning, the siren is

unconditioned stimulus

psychodynamic model

unconscious conflicts between primitive desires and constraints lead to mental illness

operant behavior

voluntary or controllable behavior (walking or thinking) that operates on an individaul's environment

Freud's energy model

we are born with a finite amount of psychic energy that we don't lose, but it gets tied up in doing things. This energy is generated in the libido, and gets tied up in the eros (sexual or life drive) or thanatos (aggressive, death energy)

can phobias be classically conditioned

yes, little albert and the rat

the goal of projective tests is to

​allow people to "project" their attitudes and personality characteristics

an assumption of the multipath model of abnormality is that

​different individuals exposed to different factors may develop similar mental disorders

​Last year Mr. Plimpton, the high school principal, was fired from his job because it came to light that he had, at one time, been diagnosed with depression. This illustrates ____.

​that labels can cause people to treat individuals differently even when they are able to function normally

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