ABA 602 Final Exam

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Stimulus Delta (S delta)

A child is reading a book about animal with her father. She learns that every time her father says, "Touch dog," she gets an extra hug if she touches dog. If the child touches the horse when her father asks for the dog, her father does not hug her. The stimulus response condition specifically where she touched the hose would be considered a (n):

The subject does not respond for a period of time following reinforcement

A post reinforcement pause is when

Hallway time-out

A procedure that involves obstruction of the view of the individual in time-out.

Planned Ignoring

A removal of all social reinforcers

Fixed time schedule

A schedule for the delivery of non-contingent stimuli in which a time interval remains the same from one delivery to the next.


A schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement is provided at the end of a predetermined interval contingent on the number of responses emitted during the interval being greater than a gradually increasing criterion based on the individual's performance in previous intervals.

Negative Reinforcement

A teacher wanted to motivate her students to do their work quietly so she set up a contingency where she would take away one page of homework that was due for the following day if everyone stayed quiet during work time. This is an example of (Talking about the students NOT the teacher).

A decrease in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, object or event.

An abative (evadir/Decrease) effect refers to:

An increase in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, object, or event.

An evocative (Increase) effect refers to:

Partition time-out

An exclusion procedure for implementing time-out in which, contingent on the occurrence of the target behavior, the person remains within the time-in setting, but stays behind a wall, shield, or barrier that restricts the view.

Increased aggression

An unwanted side effect that can occur with the use of punishment.


True/False Establishing Operations are relatively consistent and do not tend to change over time.


True/False In order for reinforcement to work, the individual must be aware that reinforcement has occurred.


True/False The behavior that occurs temporally closest to the presentation of a renforcer will be strenghthened its presentation

False, is NOT Necessary

True/False: An EO is necessary in positive punishment procedures.


True/False: An appropriate punishment procedure decreases the future probability of a behavior occurring.


True/False: FR (Fixed Ratio) and VR (Variable Ratio) schedules typically produce a post-reinforcement pause.


True/False: FR (Fixed Ratio) has a high rate response. VI (Variable Interval) has a response that is more constant and stable.


True/False: If a student can demonstrate symmetry with different stimuli, the student has shown that he/she has established stimulus equivalence.


True/False: Joey forgot to clean his room before leaving for school. When he returned from school in the afternoon, he quickly cleaned his room before his mother came home to avoid a reprimand from her. A reprimand, in this case, can be considered an UNCONDITIONED NEGATIVE REINFORCER.


True/False: Ratio strain can result from abrupt decreases in ratio requirements when moving from denser to thinner reinforcement schedules.


True/False: Removing a student from the instructional setting contingent on emission of a target behavior is an example of nonexclusion time-out. (is exclusion).


True/False: The concept of knowing that if you drink a can of Dr. Pepper, it will most likely have the same reinforcing value as drinking a bottle of Dr. Pepper, is considered stimulus generalization.


True/False: The greater the reinforcing value of the time-in setting, the more effective time-out will be.


True/False: Wearing the time-out ribbon signals that the individual is in time-out.

Stimuli, such as food and water that are inherently reinforcing for individuals.

Unconditioned reinforcers are:

Stimulus Discrimination

Understanding that you can "go," at a green light, but not at a red light involves which concept?

Verbal Analog Conditioning Ex: Antecedent- MO Behavior - (Verbal Operant) MAND Consequence - A child comes into the kitchen where his mother is, and says: "I want Milk". The mother opens the fridge and gives the child a glass of milk.

Verbal pairing procedure whereby previously neutral stimuli can become conditioned punishers or reinforcers for humans without direct pairing.

They are less susceptible to satiation because they can be exchanged for a wide variety of other reinforcers.

What is the advantage of using generalized conditioned reinforcers?

Negative Reinforcement (- Increase bx)

When Tony sees a big puddle, he's likely to walk around the puddle in order to avoid stepping in it. The behavior of walking around the puddle is an example of _____________________.

Both Decrease a behavior -- Ex: Putting in extinction a ball in a box that makes such a loud noise--parents take the BALL OUT OF THE BOX.

When implementing behavioral procedures, there may be two different response patterns. Response effects may be similar to extinction or similar to punishment. Describe the differences between the two response effects and how you know which of the two effects are taking place.

Group time-out

When the behavior of any individual results in time-out for all.

Positive Punishment

Whenever Mary has long nails, she ends up feeling pain each time they break off from paying basketball. For Mary, playing basketball with long nails is an example of ____________________.

Applied Behavioral Analytic Technological Conceptually Systematic Effective Genarality

Which are the 7 Dimensions of ABA


Which of the following DO NOT impact stimulus control in a negative way?

Fidgeting with your pencil due to boredom. Singing or humming, rocking, nail biting, etc... are nervous habits

Which of the following are examples of automatic reinforcement?

Money and Tokens

Which of the following are is/are conditioned reinforcers?

Tim asked the manager to decrease the volume of the movie in the theater because it was too loud. The manager complied.

Which of the following illustrates socially-mediated negative reinforcement: (The presence of another person).

A. Providing hand over hand prompting to trace a letter (physical) B. Demonstrating how to write a letter by doing it yourself in front of the student. C. Saying, "Don't for get to do the i," as the student is writing the letter "i." D. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which of the following is a RESPONSE PROMPT? All of the above

Telling a child to eat his vegetables, then he can have dessert.

Which of the following represents an example of the Premack Principle?

A. Knowing a tulip and a rose are flowers

Which of the following represents the discrimination of items within a feature stimulus class:

Punishment for the alternative behaviors

Which of the following statements are not a part of the factors that influence the effectiveness of punishment?

Use the highest intensity of punishment that is effective

Which statement is not include in the procedural guidelines for the use of punishment?

EO: Not eating all day (deprive of food) SD: Seeing McDonalds Response: Buying Double Whopper Negative reinforcer (SR-): Not feeling hungry

Write a four term contingency using negative reinforcement.

Discriminated avoidance

You are participating in a conference and you want to leave before the last presenter begins. The doors to leave are guarded and the only way to leave before the final presenter begins would be during the short 5 minute intermission when the lights come on and the guards move away from the door. As soon as the lights go on, you get up from your seat and leave, thus avoiding the final presenter. If you attempt to leave any other time of the conference, you will be told to return to your seat by the guards. This situation would be similar to which of the following?

Buying a hamburger is the BEHAVIOR EO = Eating 4 hours ago SD = Driving home Rs = Buying a hamburger (action) Sr = No longer feeling hungry (feelings)

You haven't eaten in 4 hours. You are driving home and see a McDonalds. You stop at the McDonalds and buy a hambrger. You are no longer hungry. What is the Behavior, according to the 4-term contingency?

Seeing you coat in the presence of cold weather

You look outside and see that the weather is cold. You decide to grab your coat so that you are warmer when you leave. After you leave the house, you realize you are warmer because you have your jacket. In the scenario, what is the Discriminative Stimulus (SD) according to the 4-term Contingency

EO = Not getting enough sleep SD = Seeing car R = Sleeping in your car SR = No longer feeling tired

You only got 3 hours of sleep the night before. During your lunch break, you take a nap in your car. Based on the information above, what is the EO?

AO (Less likely)

Your friend invites you to dinner but you just ate and are no longer hungry. Therefore, you are less likely to go to dinner with your friend. The circumstances of no longer feeling hungry in this condition is an example of a(n) ______________.

Fixed Interval

Your mailman arrives at your house at 12pm every day. If you check the mail after 12pm each day, you get reinforced. This is an example of _______________.


__________: reinforcement of every response within the limits of an operant class


intending to understand the nature of something

Ben's aggression has been positively reinforced by the children returning the toy to him.

Assume you have a student in class, who becomes severely aggressive whenever another student takes his toys away from him. When Ben hits them, the other children tend to return the toys they took away from him. What can be said about this situation?

Bonus Response Cost

Added reinforcers that can be lost during a response cost procedure

Each occurrence of behavior

Continuous reinforcement provides a reinforcement for

Negative Reinforcement (- Increases behavior)

Mary is supposed to clean her room every Friday, which she strongly dislikes doing. Mary's mom told her that she only had to clean half of it this Friday, if she behaved appropriately during her doctor's appointment that morning. Mary's mom is using what strategy on her daughter? (Taking away something she don't want)

Negative Reinforcement

Mary trimmed her nails because they kept painfully breaking off while playing basketball. Trimming her nails is an example of ____________________.


Jake pet an unfamiliar dog and was bitten. He is now less likely to attempt to pet any unfamiliar dogs in the future. In this scenario, being bitten was the _______________.

Spaced Responding DRL

Jerry drinks too many sodas a day. He usually drinks one every 45 minutes. His mom said that if he can wait at least 60 minutes between the times he drinks each soda during a 24 hour period, he will get an extra dollar in his allowance for the day. This is an example of ______________________________.


Joey received a noisemaker as a gift. It's a box with a special ball inside that makes alien sounds when the box is shaken. Joey began using the box so excessively that one day his parents removed the special ball, so that every time Joey shook the box, there was no longer a sound. The type of procedure Joey's parents implemented is known as ________________________.

Negative Punishment (- Decrease bx)

Linnet's daughter threw her toy car across the room so Linnet took her daughter's toy away. The removal of the toy is an example of what procedure?

Contingent observation

Losing access to positive reinforcement and watching others earn rewards

Positive Practice

Luisa came into her room and slammed the door shut. Her mom made her enter the room and shut the door appropriately 3 times in a row, in order to reduce the likelihood of Luisa slamming doors in the future. The punishment procedure that Luisa's mom is using is called:

Bonus Response Cost

Making additional reinforcers available noncontingently that are available for removal during a response cost procedure is known as?

Positively Punished (+ Decrease bx)

Bobby ate his burger in the car and got ketchup on his shirt. The behavior of eating his burger in the car was _____________________. (Adding something you don't want to decrease behavior)

Negative Punishment

Bobby had to pay 50 dollars because he didn't call to cancel his doctor's appointment in advance. The loss of 50 dollars to his bank account is an example of ______________________. (Taking away something you want)


Bobby is shown a picture of a horse and given three choice pictures containing a bike, car, and a horse. If Bobby selects the picture of the horse, he has demonstrated ___________.

Negatively Reinforced (- Increase bx)

Bobby spilled ketchup on his shirt so he rinsed his shirt with water in order to remove the ketchup stain. The behavior of rinsing his shirt was __________________. (Taking away what they don't want)

The individual remaining in the setting but losing participation privileges for a period of time.

Contingent Observation involves:

Type I Punishment (Positive Punishment)

Danette is a fourth grade teacher. She has a rule that anyone caught speaking without permission (Decrease bx) during a classroom assignment has to complete an additional worksheet (Adding something they don't want). This is an example of

Fixed Ratio

Derek receives a token after every 3 appropriate responses to basic classroom instructions. This is an example of what type of schedule of reinforcement?

Includes frequency, magnitude, & latency

Dimensions of value altering effects are:

Interval DRL

During long car rides, Sara asks her mom, "Are we there yet?" an average of 20 times per hour. Her mom decided that if she is driving for an hour, she will give her daughter gummy bears if she asks her mom that question 4 or less times per 15 minute period of time. This is an example of

Behavior Contrast

Elena's parents are divorced. They both used to let her have chocolate whenever she wanted. However, her mom started a special diet so Elena is not allowed to have chocolate when she visits her mom's home. When she is around her father, she can still have as much chocolate as she wants. Elena used to only eat one or two pieces of chocolate at her father's house but it quickly increased to three or four pieces when she would visit him. This increase in eating chocolate most resembles what principle?

Naturalistic Free Operant Observation

Elsa conducted a preference assessment for Jordan, a 5 year old boy with autism with whom she works. She brought 10 items with her, however, she only presented one stimuli at a time to Jordan. Once it was presented, she recorded his reaction to it. Shortly afterwards, she would remove the first item and present the next item. She would then record Jordan's reaction to that new stimulus. What for of preference assessment is this?

B). Presenting a positive stimulus contingent upon a behavior. C). Positive Reinforcement

Every time Terry gets a good behavior report from her teacher, she is allowed to play on the computer for 30 extra minutes at home. This is an example of _____________________.

Positive Reinforced

George's house was very cold so he put on a jacket, which made him feel warm. George's behavior of putting on a jacket was _________________.

The behavior of all determines the consequence of all: Classroom works quietly during group work - teacher takes off extra homework assignment (2 less worksheets) for entire class.

Give an example of a response cost (Negative Punishment) with a group contingency.

C). Generalized conditioned punishment D). Positive Punishment (+ Decrease) *C and D

In general, the phrase, "No. That's wrong!" can be considered _______________________.

Presence of the jacket

In the previous question with George, what is the discriminative stimulus (SD)?

Restitutional overcorrection

Mrs. Mody decided that because Johnny dumped the contents of his glue container on the floor, he would not only have to clean up his work space, but clean the entire classroom floor. The punishment procedure that Mrs. Mody is using is called:

Removing an aversive stimulus contingent upon a behavior

Negative reinforcement involves:

The parents have positively reinforced crying

New parents put a child to bed. The child begins to cry, so the parents comfort the child and allow the child to sleep in bed with them. Thus, when they put the child to bed in the future, she is more likely to cry. What has occurred in this situation?

A). By evaluating the direction of the relation (e.g., Sally's off-task behavior is due to her attention deficit disorder vs. Sally's attention deficit disorder causes her off-task behavior). B). By evaluating whether the two components of the argument can be separated and whether one can be manipulated to determine the effect on the other. Both A and B

One can identify whether an argument is circular reasoning:

Ferris wheel

Paul went to the amusement park for the first time. When he went on the Ferris Wheel, he became nauseated and almost threw up. He is not likely to ride a Ferris Wheel again in the future. In this example, what would be the SDp in the 4 term contingency?

They both produce an increase in responding. They both involve a stimulus change following a target behavior. They can either be conditioned or unconditioned

Positive and Negative Reinforcement are similar in that:

Delivery of a stimulus after a behavior that decreases the occurrence of the behavior.

Positive punishment (+ Decrease behavior) can best be defined as:

Conceptually Systematic

Procedures are linked to, and described in terms of, the basic principles of behavior.

B. Negative Punishment C. Type 11 Punishment B and C only

Punishment by contigent removal of a stimulus is also known as:

Type 1 Punishment

Punishment by contingent presentation of a stimulus

Type 11 Punishment

Punishment by contingent removal of a stimulus

Concept Formation

Requires both stimulus discrimination among (across) different classes and stimulus generalization within a class. (Concept = Idea and Formation = Creating)

Do not share similar stimulus features.

Stimuli in an arbitrary stimulus class:

Spaced Responding DRH

Taylor often gets distracted when completing her chores. It usually takes her an average of 10 minutes between completing the first chore and beginning the second chore. Taylor's parents told her that if she is able to move from one chore to the next chore within 9 minutes, she can watch an extra 15 minutes of TV that day. This is an example of ____________________.

Increasing low probability behaviors.

The Premack Principle is useful for:

A. Emotional outburst B. Lost instructional time. C. Negative public perception. D. The student may require physical escorts to the room E. All of the above

The disadvantages of using a time-out room can include

Physically intervene immediately when Tommy moves toward the slight switch in order to prevent him from accessing it.

Tommy excessively turns on and off the light switch in his room. How would you use response blocking to reduce this behavior?

Full Session DRH

Tommy has one writing class per day fo 50 minutes. He usually only write 4 sentences during the writing class. His teacher told him that if he was able to write at least 5 sentences during his 50 minute class period, she would let him skip his homework assignment for that day. This is an example of ________________________.

Positive Punishment (+Decrease)

Tony started jumping in puddles and slipped, causing him to scrape his knees and arms. The behavior of jumping is puddles is now likely to decrease. This is an example of _______________________.

Negatively Reinforced

Tony touched the hot stove and immediately pulled his finger away to avoid burning himself. The behavior of pulling his finger away was likely ________________.

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