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Degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization


Degree to which decision making is distributed to lower-level employees


Degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized

Locus of Control

Degree to which people believe they are in control

Continuous Reinforcement

Desired behaviour is reinforced each and everytime its demonstrated

Intermittent Reinforcement

Desired behaviour is reinforced often enough to make the behaviour worth repeating, but not every time it's demonstrated

Cross-Functional Team

Different departments coming together to work

Multi-team system

Different teams need to coordinate their effects to produce a desired outcome

Type B

Doesn't suffer from sense of time urgency - relaxed. They are careful to detail and are senior executives

Directions of Communication

Downward, Upward, Lateral

Conflict Management Strategies

Dual Concern Theory


Each randomly tells others

Productivity includes

Effectiveness and Efficiency

Affective Commitment

Emotional attachment to the organization

Employee Stock Ownership Plan

Employees acquire stocks as part of their benefits. If employees do good, the stock rises


Employees are given more responsibilities


Employees do work at home on a computer

Encounter Stage

Employees see what the organization is really like and learns of the expectations

Self-Managed Team

Employees who take on responsibilities of their former managers

Profit-Sharing Plan

Employer shares profits with employees based on a predetermined forumula


Enthusiastic about the request

Status quo

Equilibrium state

Affective Events Theory (AET)

Events that affect employees at work have an impact on their job satisfaction and performance 1. Emotional Episode (caused by an event) 2. Job satisfaction is affected 3. Moods change and affects performance 4. Emotions are high 5. Emotions tend to be incompatible with behaviours required to do a job, they can have a negative influence on job performance

Systematic Study

Examination of behaviour to draw conclusions and uses Evidence-based management("gut feeling")

Bicultural audit

Examination of the differences between two potential merger partners prior to determine if the two cultures are able to work together


Existence, Relatedness, Growth You can work on more than one need at a time

of Exit, Neglect, Voice, and Loyalty, which are Destructive, Constructive, Active, and Passive?

Exit - Active Destructive Voice - Active Constructive Neglect - Passive Destructive Loyalty - Passive Constructive

Role Underload

Expecting too little of someone

Role Overload

Expecting too much of someone

The Big Five Personality Model

Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, Openness to experience


Feeling obliged to stay with the organization


Feeling that is less intense than emotion without a contextual background

Appreciative Inquiry

Finding out what is good about the company and building upon it

Piece-Rate Wage

Fixed + Commision

Positive Reinforcement

Following a response with something pleasant

Negative Reinforcement

Following a response with something unpleasant

The Five-Stage Model

Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning

Cultural Differences such as

Francophone vs Anglophone values

Group-Based Incentives

Gain-Sharing: Improvements in group productivity determines the total amount of money to be shared. Can receive award even if company is not profitable. FOCUSES ON PRODUCTIVITY

Major Workforce Diversity Categories

Gender, Origin, Age, Religion, Domestic Partners

Halo Effect

General impression of a person based on 1 characteristic

The main factors that lead to a potential clash of values in the Canadian Workplace...

Generational and Cultural Differences

Job Enrichment

Giving people more control over their work and more independance. They do a "complete" activity

Job Enlargement

Giving people more jobs ... giving them more things to do


Goes along


Group composed of members from different department


Group well-being and social harmony

Job Sharing

Having 2 or more people split a 40-hour-a-week job

Nonverbal communication

Messages conveyed through body movements, facial expressions, and the physical distance between the sender and receiver


Mini-cultures within an organization usually defined by department designations and geographical seperation

Internal Agents

More thoughtful and cautious because they have to live with the consequences

The Grapevine

Most common informal networks

Organizational Level

Most complex level

Pressure and Ingratiation

Most likely used by managing downwards

Rational persuasion

Most likely used by managing upward

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Most widely used personality assessment instrument in the world. It has 100 questions

McClellands Theory of Needs

Need for Achievement, Need for Power, Need for Affiliation

Distributive bargaining

Negotiation that seeks to divide up a fixed amount of resources... a win-lose situation

Outside Agents

Objective perspective and more likely to implement a lot of change

Cognitive Evaluation Theory

Offering extrinsic awards for work effort that was rewarding intrinsically will tend to decrease the overall level of a person's motivation

Single Strand

One person tells another


One tells all


Opposed to the request

Motivation-Hygiene Theory

Opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction. Removing dissatisfying characteristics does not make the job satisfying. Individuals attitude towards work determines his success/failure Motivators: factors that lead to job satisfaction (growth, responsibility) Hygiene Factors: factors that lead to job dissatisfaction (work condition, pay, etc).

Knowledge Management

Organizing and distributing an organizations collective wisdom so that the right information goes to the right person

Contrast Effect

Our reaction to one person is influenced by other people we recently encountered


Outcomes or consequences that emphasizes the greater good for the greatest number

Organizational Justice

Overall Perception of what is fair in the workplace

Organizational culture

Pattern of shared values, beliefs, and assumptions considered to be the appropriate way to think and act within an organization

Equity Theory

People compare job and outcomes with other people

Idea Champions

People who actively and enthusiastically promote an idea, build support for it, etc.

Change Agents

People who change an organization

Quality Circle

People who meet to discuss their quality problems and recommend solutions

Selective Perception

People will use shortcuts to perceive ambiguous situations

Group Level

People's behaviour in groups are different from when they are alone

Things that affect perception

Perceiver, Target, Situation


Period of learning and socializing before a new employee joins the organization

Role Ambiguity

Person is unclear about his role

Stages of moral development

Person's capacity to judge what is morally right


Personal Characteristics that affect perception and if we perceive someone as something, we tend to ignore their actual traits


Personality traits built into genetic code

The Punctuated-Equilibrium Model

Phase 1 - Forming Norming Transition - Storming Phase 2 - Performing Adjourning

Individual-Based Incentives

Piece-rate, Bonuses, Merits, and Skill-based


Positive or negative feelings about objects, people, etc. This is a response to situations, therefore not the same as values

Coercive Power

Power that is based on fear

3 stages of socialization

Prearrival, Encounter, Metamorphosis

How to individuals minimize conflict?

Problem Solving, Developing overarching goals, Smoothing (playing down differences), Compromising, Avoidance

Types of teams

Problem-Solving Teams, Self-Managed Teams, Cross-Functional Teams, Virtual Teams

Procedural Justice

Process used to distribute rewards

Organizational-Based Incentives

Profit-Sharing Plan, Stock Options and Employee Stock Ownership Plan

Types of Cultural Intelligence

Provincial, Analyst, Natural, Ambassador, Mimic, Chameleon

Includes several other disciplines such as:

Psychology, Sociology, Social Psychology, Antrhopology, Political Science

Self-fulfilling prophecy also known as the

Pygmalion effect ... people will behave in ways consistent with how he is perceived by others


The study of body motions


The study of physical space in interpersonal relationships. If someone is standing too close to you, you might perceive it as they are being sexual with you!


The targets characteristics affect what is perceived. A loud person stands out more than a quiet person.

Winners Curse

Think of auctioning. We pay too much for an item won


Third party who provides informal communication link between two conflicting parties


This person has data or knowledge that you need


This person has experience and knowledge and you defer to his or her judgement in some matters

Legitimate Power

This person has the right and expects you to comply

Reward Power

This person is able to give special benefits or rewards to people and it is advantageous to trade favours with him or her

Email bankruptcy

Too much e-mail ... can't handle it all!

Information Overload

Too much information so sometimes they ignore or passover some information

Needs Theory:

Types of needs that must be met to motivate people

Fundamental Attribution Error

Underestimate influence of Ext. factors and overestimate influence of Int. factors when judging others' behaviour.

Lewin's Three-Step Change Model

Unfreezing --> Moving --> Refreezing

Anchoring Bias

Unwilling to change your stance on something when new information is present


Used to acknowledge superior performance

Formal networks

Vertical, follow the AUTHORITY CHAIN

Management Reward Follies

We hope for ... teamwork and collaboration But we reward ... the best team members

Selective Perception

We see what we want to see

Target Point

What the person wants to buy/sell it for


When one party perceives that another party has or is about to negatively affect something the first party cares about


When people feel threatened, they reduce their ability to achieve mutual understanding

Attribution Theory

When we see not normal behaviour by someone, we try to make sense of it.

The Message

When we speak, our speech is the message When we write, our words are the message

Personal Variables

When you meet someone you immediately dislike

The Situation

Where the location is affects the perception (night club vs school)


Work a core amount of hours and form their total workday from a flexible set of hours outside the core

Virtual Teams

Work thats knowledge-based and allows people from different time zones to work together

Metamorphosis Stage

Working out any problems and stuff. Changing beliefs, values, and norms. Metamorphosis Stage is complete when the employee has become comfortable with the organization


You like the person and enjoy doing things for him or her

3 types of Organizational Commitments

1. Affective 2. Normative 3. Continuance

Ways to increase Organizational Commitment

1. Proud of company's aspirations, accomplishments, etc 2. Know what is expected to be done 3. In control (Locus of Control) 4. Recognized for quality of performance

Cultural Intelligence

Ability to understand ones unfamiliar and ambiguous gestures in the same way as would people from his culture


Acceptable standards of behaviour within a group


Achievement of goals

Employee Deviance

Actions that slow down the organization(working slow on purpose, etc)

Political behaviour

Activities that influence or attempt to influence the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization... Instead of using Legitimate power and Coercive power to impose a salary decrease, a boss may explain sympathetically to his employees why it is needed


Adjusting ones behaviour to align with the norms of the group


Allowing the two organizations to be seperate and keep their individual cultures

Self- Efficacy Theory

Also known as the Social Learning/Cognitive Theory Increase self-efficacy in 4 ways: 1. Enactive Mastery 2. Vicarious Modeling 3. Veral Persuasion 4. Arousal

Type A

Always moving, walking, eating rapidly. They are less creative because of their lack of detail and quality. Makes a salesperson

Distributive Justice

Amount and allocation of rewards among individuals

Channel richness

Amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode

Felt Emotions

An employees actual emotion

Employee Engagement

An individuals involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the work he or she does. How ENGAGED she is. (Highly engaged employees reduce risk of getting into injuries)

learning Organization

An organization that is continually changing


Aspects of an organization's culture that you see, hear, feel


Assignment of authority to another person to carry out specific duties, allowing the employee to make some of the decisions

3 ways of merging two organizations

Assimilation, Seperation, Integration

Theory X

Assumes that employees dislike work and will avoid it. Favours EXTRINSIC MOTIVATORS (we need to get paid to work!)

Theory Y

Assumes that employees enjoy work and focuses on INTRINSIC MOTIVATORS (we do it because we are interested)

Different Examples of political behaviour

Attacking or blaming others, Building support for ideas, Praising others, Creating obligations, etc

Self-Serving bias

Attribute success to intrinsic factors and putting blame on extrinsic factors.


Attributing my own characteristics to other people. People perceive others according to what htey themselves are like

5 types of Conflict Management Strategies

Avoiding, Yielding, Compromising, Forcing, Problem Solving

For complicated messages use ...

rich channels

Product Departmentalization

Banking, Investments, Insurance

Organizational Citizenship behaviour

Behaviour that is not part of an employee's formal job requirements but promotes effectiveness in an organization

Pygmalion Effect

Believing something to be true can make it true


Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement

Bargaining zone

Between sellers resistance point and buyers resistance point (sometimes there might not be one!)

Creating an Effective Team Requires

CCWP Context Composition Work Design Process


Causing unpleasant condition to eliminate undesirable behaviour

3 types of chains

Chain, Wheel, All-Channel

First-order change

Change that is gradual and slow

Second-order change

Change that is multi-dimensional, multi-level

Functional Departmentalization

City of Vancouver (Engineers, Accountants, etc)

Problem-Solving Teams

Come together to solve a problem

How do people respond to power?

Commitment, Compliance, Resistance

Lateral (Horizontal)

Communication among members of the same workgroup

Informal networks

Communications that flow along social and relational lines

Role Conflict

Complying with one role makes it harder to comply with another


Concepts/beliefs that guide how we make decisions about and evaluations of behaviours

Dysfunctional Conflict

Conflict that hinders group performance (destructive)

Functional Conflict

Conflict that improves performance (constructive)

Affective Conflict

Conflict that is emotional and directed towards a person rather than an issue

Cognitive conflict

Conflict that is related to perception and judgement

Continuous Improvement Processes

Continually improving


Converting a message to symbolic form

Dominant Culture

Core values of the organization

Single-looping learning

Correcting errors using past routines and present policies

Integrative bargaining

Creating a win-win solution


Cross-Functional teams that develop new products or work on complex problems. It is good when SPEED is an important factor


"Good is enough"

Hindsight bias

"looking back, i wouldn't done x"

Expectancy Theory

(Expectancy)Effort --> Performance (0-1) (Instrumental)Performance --> Rewards (-1 ~ 1) with 0 having no relationship between performance and reward (Valence)Rewards --> Personal Goals (-1 ~ 1) how desirable the reward is.

Motivating Potential Score

(Skill Variety + Task Identity + Task Significance)/3 * Autonomy *Feedback

How Employees Can Express Dissatisfaction

1.Exit(ACTIVELY attemping to leave an organization), 2.Voice(ACTIVELY attempting to improve conditions, 3.Loyalty(PASSIVELY but optimistically waiting for conditions to improve), 4.Neglect(PASSIVELY letting conditions worsen by being late, reducing effort)

When did OB emerge as a distinct field?


Dual Concern Theory

2 dimensions: Cooperativeness and Assertiveness

Alternative Dispute Resolution

3rd party that helps both sides find a solution outside court

Compressed Workweek

4 10-hour days Allows more leisure time and time with family

Geert Hofstede found

5 value dimensions of national culture 1. Power Distance 2. Individualism vs Collectivism 3. Masculinity vs Femininity 4. Uncertainty Avoidance 5. Long-term vs Short-term orientation

Global Leadership and Organizational Behaviour EFfectiveness

9 dimensions in which cultures differ.

Flexible Benefits

A benefits plan that allows each employee to put together a benefit package tailored to his or her own needs

Strong Culture

A culture in which the core values are intensely held and widely shared

Positive Organizational Culture

A culture that emphasizes building on employee strengths, rewards, and emphasizes growth

What is organizational behaviour?

A field of study that looks at the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behaviour within organizations.


A group pressures for conformity prevents the group from critically thinking. The group dominates the individual

Job Characteristic Model (JCM) and the 5 dimensions

A model that identifies 5 core job dimensions and their relationships to personal and work outcomes. Skill Variety Task Identity Task Significance Autonomy Feedback

Kotter's Eight-Step plan for Implementing Change

A more detailed approach than the Three-Step Model

Emotional Intelligence

A person's ability to (1) be self-aware (recognize your own emotion) (2) detect emotions in others, and (3) manage emotional cues and information

Variable-Pay Programs

A portion of an employee's pay is based on performance

Double-loop learning

A process of correcting errors by modifying the organization's objectives, policies, and standard routines

Operant Conditioning

A type of conditioning in which desired voluntary behaviour leads to a reward or prevents a punishment

Relationship among Team Cohesiveness, Performance Norms and Productivity

High Performance High Cohesiveness - High Productivity High Performance Low Cohesiveness - Moderate Productivity Low Performance High Cohesiveness - Low Productivity Low Performance Low Cohesiveness - Moderate/Low Productivity

Galatea Effect

High performance expectations are communicated to an employee

Mechanistic Model

High specialization, clear chain of command, etc.


How hard someone tries in reaching his/her goal

Communication Networks

How information slows

Positive Organizational Scholarship(Positive Organizational Behaviour)

How organizations develop human strengths, foster vitality and resilience, and unlock potential.

Role Expectations

How others believe a person should act in a given situation

Interactional Justice

How someone is treated

Job Design

How tasks are assigned to form a job ... how the job works

Core Self-Evaluation

How the person see themselves. How much they like/dislike themselves and how capable they think they are

Process Theory

How to motivate people


How we interpret and give meaning to things

Proactive personality

Identifies opportunities, shows initiatives and takes action

Action Research

Implementing change based on the data recieved

How to increase motivation using Expectancy Theory?

Improve Expectancy, Instrumentality, Valence

Emotional Dissonance

Inconsistency between how you feel and what you show

Escalation of Commitment

Increased commitment to a previous decision despite negative information

3 different types of Organizations

Individual Level, Group Level, Organization Systems Level

Three-component model of creativity

Individual creativity requires expertise, creative-thinking skills, and intrinsic task motivation

Nominal Group Technique

Individual members meet face to face to pool their judgments in a systematic but independent fashion

Bounded Rationality

Individuals are limited on a person's ability to interpret, process, and act on information

Social Loafing

Individuals spend less time working together than they do individually


Individuals who report unethical practices by their employer to outsiders


Initial positions of individual group members become exaggerated because of interactions of the group Risk takers become riskier Conserative people become more conservative


Intense feelings that are directed at someone or something


Interpreting a message

Feedback loop

It is important to get feedback! Example: If a prof was giving a lecture but there was no feedback, then there is only one way communication


It is in the organizations based interest to stay(to get money, scared of unemployment elsewhere)

Empowerment is determined by

Job Content and Job Context

Availability Bias

Judge on information that is readily available (thinking plane crashes happen more often than car crashes)


Judging someone based on one's perception fo the group to which that peron belongs

Goal-Setting Theory: Management by Objectives

Locke's Model of Goal Setting 1. Direct attention 2. Regulate Effort 3. Increase persistence 4. Encourage development of strategies and action plans Effective Goals are SMART Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented, Time-bound

Confirmation Bias

Looking for things to reconfirm rather than looking for errors

Organic Model

Low formalization


Managers to employees ... assign goals, provide instructions


Manipulating information so that the receiver will view it more favourably


Merging an entire organization into another one


Merging parts of the organizations


Ratio of effective work output to the input required to produce the work

Intrinsic Rewards

Recognition! Recognition! ... Recognizing an employee's superior performance often costs little or no money. It may reduce turnover in organizations

High-context culture

Rely heavily on nonverbal and subtle situational cues when communicating with others (China, Vietnam). There is more trust in high-context cultures

Low-context culture

Rely on words to convey meanings. Values directness. (Europe, USA, Canada)

Displayed Emotions

Required by employees for a specific job


Reward give at a fixed time period

Fixed Ratio

Reward given at fixed output

Variable Ratio

Reward given at variable output

Variable- Interval

Reward given at variable time periods

Contingency Approach

Says that Organizational Behaviours depend upon the situation. Something that is appealing to one person might not be appealing to the other.

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

Self-Actualization --> Esteem --> Social --> Safety --> Psychology. No need is ever fully met

4 types of comparisons an employee uses

Self-Inside: Compare to another job inside her organization Self-outside: Compare to another job outside her organization Other-inside: Compare to another person inside the organization Other-outside: Compare to another person outside the organization

Cultural Barriers are caused by ...

Semantics (some words do not translate btwn cultures) Word Connotations (words imply different things in different languages) Tone differences Differences among perceptions (people perceive things differently)

Job Rotation

Shifting an epmloyee from one task to another

Types of Grapevine patterns

Single Strand, Gossip, Probability, Cluster


Some tell selected others (most typical)


Stable patterns of behaviour and consistent internal states that determines how an individual reacts and interacts with others

Process Re-engineering

Start over, rethink and redesign processes


Study of moral values of principles that guide us to make a decision of "right or wrong"


Study of moral values or principles that guide our behaviour of what is right/wrong


Suggestion boxes, surveys, etc.

Task Force

Temporary cross-functional team

Communication Apprehensions

Tension and anxiety about oral communication, written communication, or both

Individual Levels

That influences behaviour such as job satisfaction, motivation, etc.

4 Generational Differences

The Elders (playing by the rules), Baby Boomers (spoiled), Generation X, The Ne(x)t Generation(most high performing). Baby Boomers currently dominate the workplace

Randomness error

The ability for people to predict the outcome of random events

Political Skill

The ability to influence others to enhance your own objectives


The basis on which jobs are grouped together


The capacity that A has to influence the behaviour of B


The degree to which a person's reasons for pursuing a goal is consistent with the person's interests and core values


The degree to which someone can maintain emotional distance


The degree to which someone finds self-importance and have a sense of entitlement


The degree to which you can adjust your behaviour to the situation they are in

Emotional Labour

The employees ability to express desired emotions while at work

The Channel

The medium through which a message travels

Workforce diversity

The mix of people in organizations in terms of gender, race, etc.

Resistance Point

The most/least a person is willing to go

Span of control

The number of employees who report to a manager

Impression management

The process by which individuals try to make others view them a certain way

Rokeach Value Survey

divided values into 2 sets. 1.Terminal (lifetime achievement) 2.Instrumental (means for achieving terminal values)

Process Departmentalization

insepcting, packing, shipping

An organization...

is a coordinated social unit composed of a group of people that are set to achieve a common goal or set of goals

For routine messages use ...

low richness

Organizational Commitment

state in which employee IDENTIFIES with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.


unfounded dislike of a person due to their belonging to a particular group


words mean different things to different people

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